BigBubowski ago

Up vote for up votes.. I just need 10 so I can post... coming from reddit trying to help rebuild.. WWG1WGA

Momerath ago

Doing much more harm than goon at this point.

Vladimir_Komarov ago

@neonrevolt Sorry man, I know you feel then ends justify the means, but this type of stuff is absolutely not cool here.

dooob ago

Neon, dont take the b8, never listen to lurkers on voat, they always lie.

They are trying to start fights. Not gonna work.

Major_Kong ago

Neon, come collect your sheep. It appears to be lost.

dooob ago

looks at account age and votes

Oh yeah, forgot about fresh accounts, everyone knows only jews and shills make fresh accounts to attack someone.

Major_Kong ago

Oh man you got me! Seriously though, this a new and my only account. I never participated in the fuckery of reddit, the chans, or even this place. Seeing a cuck post like yours only justifies my fresh fagdom here. Let Neon answer for himself, if he chooses to do so.

dooob ago

lol, you really think you are fooling anyone by using cuck and fag? Where did you migrate from, chans or reddit, pick one lmao

Major_Kong ago

OP made a claim and he went straight to the source for answers. You decided to try and stifle it. Let the open discussion take place. You just seemed unfamiliar with how open debate works and I was telling your handler to retrieve you.

dooob ago

Strange accounts push strange things

Not on my watch, reveal yourself from the shadows :)

GreyAlien ago

hey im out from the shadows, whats my account obvious of exactly? that im an ayyylien?

Major_Kong ago

Let me know if you ever want to have a "strange" discussion on why it's ok to question the motives of a new board appearing on voat. Especially, when an already existing board has been here dealing with the same content? Wouldn't the best plan be to combine think tanks? I thought the idea of Q was to unify informed people?

And to answer your question I came from Geocities : 3

dooob ago

Let me know if you ever want to have a "strange" discussion on why it's ok to question the motives

Playing outraged and telling me it is not ok to question things? Bye shill.

Major_Kong ago

Outraged? LOL You r not on reddit anymore Dorothy. You might want to fix your dress your pussy is showing.

dooob ago

16hour old account

glowing intensifies

Major_Kong ago

So many opportunities to put a decent idea forth and this is your best? Your blind. Go find your flock. Thanks for becoming the thing this "awakening moment" is trying to collapse.. ie. Animal Farm. I will say good day and end this conversation since your bye is that of a cucks, who finds themselves coming back for more like a good little slut. When you do respond keep that mouth open so I know where to unload. 17 hours and counting.... FULL GLOW MODE [activated]