I told everyone on Reddit--That the hurricane is man-made by HAARP--and that the good guys control it now---and that it will NEVER hit land----and look now---downgraded to a 3----and NOW IT WAS JUST DOWNGRADED TO A 2!!!---Q said watch the water---a couple weeks ago---this is nothing more than a warning to the deep state that live in the carolinas and virginia--there are a lot of them there.
After the shutdown (banning) I lurked in some of the other sub reddits and all the members were laughing and cheering the demise of the crazy
loony tune Q conspiracy people (me). Fukem, am glad I'm here , thanks for the welcome and a place to hang my hat.
so Great Awakening has moved here because of Reddit banning them. Ok. I'm old but found my way here thanks to the Anons. What about MeWe or Gab any good to go to?
Wonder if taking the Rommel Option will get so popular that the DIY Channel will do a show about creative ways to self DP and still get a hero's funeral?
People around me think I'm nuts talking about No Name's departure. Can't wait for something solid to occur that they will have no way to doubt any longer.
Well that's because normies have a hard time believing in anything if they are being told stuff. They seem more open when things are presented as questions. They're forced to analyse the possibilities. Teach them how to think - not what to think.
Things are happening. Like everything else in DC and with government - it's slow, we don't get to watch every aspect of it and it may not be exactly what we want - but it's happening.
Wait for FISA and other docs to be declassified. That's when the BIG tub of popcorn comes out and we sit back and enjoy the show. We ain't seen nuttin yet!!
DARPA's LifeLog Facebook, Google, and Twitter need to get slammed in trading again tomorrow. Hoping POTUS unleashes a healthy dose of wrath along with with Stealth Jeff.
I was thinking about the DARPA link to FB and Google etc.... if DARPA Funded the development and growth of those behemoths, wouldn’t that ultimately mean that the US Govt own them or a sizeable chunk of them? Could POTUS basically fire the board or cause major disruption at board level to force change??? I mean darpa $ comes from the treasury in theory (even if it was sourced via black budgets of missing trillions)...
'Narcissists' are renowned for using 'psychological projection' to blame other people, even when it is entirely apparent that they are the ones in the wrong.
Yep, they call use "Fascists" while engaging in the most fascist forms of censoring they can think of. They went after every single Q related sub they could find and banned them. But they weren't just attacking subreddits. They were tracking and attacking us directly. Patriots. People who pay taxes and have jobs. Good people. And just like that, they drove us off their very platform.
Where was the hate speech on BiblicalQ?...i find it an attack on all that is bringing truth to the masses...whether it be through Q or related scripture...it just goes to show how far off the chain it will get, if we don't turn out to VOTE RED in Nov!
they drove away the good people contributing interesting, fresh content and engagement. we hate the platform and want it to die- so this is good news. welcome to stage 2 - you are not just aware of the problem with such institutions, but now you are actively contributing to building up the alternatives.
Q is saying the 'panic in DC' posts by Q, numbers 2153 thru 2159, triggered the Reddit board shutdown and plethora of subsequent damage control 'clean-up' (mop-up) articles to justify the action - inciting of violence (there was no inciting of violence).
Exactly!!! That nbcnews.com article says it was banned after months of violent threats. There were NO violent threats on GA. Thankful for Q posting about it, and linking all those ridiculous articles - which show they sure are doing all they can to disparage this “LARP”. Hah! Q will have the last laugh!
I personally feel that, if she was found guilty of treason in a court of law or military tribunal, then she should suffer the appropriate punishment. If that is hanging by the neck until dead or firing squad, then so be it. If it is prison, then so be it.
How do you demonstrate 'reasonable cause' to regulate and/or break up BIG TECH?
What is the common theme/tactic of the LEFT?
Define 'Fascism'.
Forcible suppression of opposition?
Define 'Censorship'.
The institution, system, or practice of censoring?
Define 'Narrative'.
A way of presenting or understanding a situation or series of events that reflects and promotes a particular point of view or set of values?
Define 'Projection'.
The attribution of one's own ideas, feelings, or attitudes to other people or to objects; especially : the externalization of blame, guilt, or responsibility as a defense against anxiety?
The forming of a plan : scheming?
Define 'Psychological Projection'.
A theory in psychology in which the human ego defends itself against unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive and negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others?
Define 'Narcissist'.
A person who has an excessive interest in or admiration of themselves: narcissists who think the world revolves around them | narcissists preening themselves in front of the mirror?
Define 'Dogma'.
A point of view or tenet put forth as authoritative without adequate grounds?
Define 'Aggression'.
Forceful and sometimes overly assertive pursuit of one's aims and interests?
Define 'Suppression'.
The action of suppressing something such as an activity or publication?
[Bonus Round]
'Narcissists' are renowned for using 'psychological projection' to blame other people, even when it is entirely apparent that they are the ones in the wrong.
Define 'Realism'.
The quality or fact of representing a person, thing, or situation accurately or in a way that is true to life?
Actions of [ANTIFA]:
-Aggression (Projection)
-Suppression (Fascism)
-Censorship (Narrative-Dogma)
Actions of [FAKE NEWS]:
-Aggression (Projection)
-Suppression (Fascism)
-Censorship (Narrative-Dogma)
Actions of [TWITTER, FB, GOOG, YT, REDDIT, etc..]:
The bans force us to find alternatives. How will the monopolies ever fall if we do not lift up other companies that respect free speech. The big social platforms have had no major competition for far too long. Time for them to experience major user exits.
That breaking911 twitter feed was pretty encouraging. Seemed like the Streisand Effect was in play with a few moderates too...anyway, I’m here straight from arguing with the Top Minds Of Reddit (a bunch of fags) and I’m glad to be in good company again. I deleted my reddit account even though I still like the_donald (even if they don’t like us). I came here after pizzagate subs were kicked off of Reddit too. I’m glad to be back. I won’t make the mistake of leaving again. WWG1WGA
the_donald is us. The users interested in discussing difficult issues were the ones who came to surround Q, but they also got banned en mass from the_donald around the time that Alex Jones of Mossad started trying to undermine Q.
Thinking out loud here... in his last drop, Q mentioned that he's "12 moves ahead." That stood out to me, as the number he chose (12) was no accident. Then I thought back to his post 2103, where he's talking about AJ, Infowars, and Free Speech Systems LLC. At the end of that message, there's the brackets (or kill box) that had 12 spaces in it. Anyone else think there's a connection between his message tonight and 2103?
maybe 12 fake news outlets are going down for hiring the traitors and publishing their leaks all while undermining our Constitution? I think AJ fits into this.
I noticed that twelve moves ahead too. Definitely jumped out. Numbers always matter. Not 3 moves. Not 5 moves. 12 moves. I thought it was 11 spaces in the free speech post. But I could be wrong. I'm don't knew what the connection is but I'm guessing there is one.
The projection is real from these fucking pieces of shit. My only fear is that when the truth comes out, the response will still be "hur dur drumph collusion."
You're absolutely right. I think that's why Q Team is slow rolling this. I still have a couple super lib friends that I think can be red pilled. But they'll never accept The Storm. They'll say it's just Trump being a fascist, arresting opponents to cover things up... No matter the evidence. No matter the emails, texts, even video confessions. Some people will never accept the red pill. But I don't think those people are as prevalent as They make them seem. The overwhelming majority of people will/are seeing this. The Media will play up the psycho libs. But they're the MINORITY.
I hate to say this, but our constitution protects freedom of speech. Reverse censorship can be abused and then used against those doing it. Better to allow free speech and open dialogue. The truth will always win out if truly not suppressed. People can use logic when they hear the whole story
Free Speech is not unlimited. You can't incite imminent violence, for example. Making threats is a crime. Seditious speech is, technically, illegal - though our corrupt government has not been enforcing it.
Freedom of speech is one of the corner stones of this country. The idea is that if a minority is speaking out against democracy, so be it. The majority will just ignore it and eventually, that minority who is against democracy will either shut up about it or become violent, at which point the judicary system will work it's magic.
I don't agree with Marxism or Facism to any extent but I believe they have the right to voice their opinion.
I personally think that when you ban or oppress a natural movement, you only lend them validation and strength.
We can't make their same mistake of censorship. Free speech is a wonderful merit and we will maintain it.
On the other hand, actually enacting policies that undermine our country and its constitution should be dealt with swiftly. Treason. Capital punishment in certain cases.
I agree. Nuance is important. Having legitimate literature or similar about it is one thing, but allowing it to be taught to children and allowing propaganda for it to be pushed in every form imaginable...NOPE.
1 - the post-WW2 analogue of "evil" that was ground into your head via school and propaganda
2 - the actual historical political system and cultural movement
find a definition of fascism. it's a notoriously fuzzy thing, because the real definition is highly suppressed. what is fascism, really? it's simply the natural response to an attempted communist insurrection of an open democratic society. you'll find that fascist policies always arise in reaction to something, but that something is always quietly left out of the discussion. once you understand what they are reacting to you can then evaluate whether the response was appropriate or not.
I think it's also important to note that the very symbol for fascism is a bundle of sticksPNG. This is a visual representation of the very cornerstone of fascism - a single stick is weak and easily broken, while a bundle of sticks is strong almost unbreakable. Now think about the insane push for individualism and how demonized "collectives" are...on the right only.
in what context is it necessary for all to bind themselves closely together? when the opposite has occurred and the predictable consequences are setting in.
This is where President Trump's RAISE Act - merit based immigration reforms will help enormously because it's a good form of fascism by which Muslims will simply be told to fuck off because they are intolerably disgusting.
I would say the white goyim is their bio weapon. Their in charge of shitbag agencies like Clowns in America. Then those clowns use the sand nigs whatever way they see fit to appease their masters. It’s a compartmentalized fuckfest of douchebaggery.
White liberals are the agency through which the muslim invasion is hoped to be achieved. It's a terrible plan because should it actually succeed the zionists will eventually get the Gaddafi treatment and it would be well-deserved. How about they all fuck off back to isreal and we call it a day?
I've been looking at minds.com. It's a social media platform built on block chain technology. I believe this is the future. A media platform that's not controlled by a government or commercial organization. https://www.minds.com/minds
I hope those guys have backed up their archives on an easily restorable format. Neon revolt has the right idea. I hope PM and Wd have their backups handled.
PrayingMedic is uploading all his videos to Vimeo, according to his Twitter Feed, and WarDrummer has a webpage where he's asking his followers to sign upon his mailing list to keep comms open. thewardrummer.com. WWG1WGA!
I think the last standing source for info will be 8chan and the emergency broadcast system. Expect everything else to be eliminated. Near term people will continue to use existing platforms until they are yanked.
YT has been scrubbing all year and is rapidly approaching total uselessness. I bet their engagement numbers are trending severely down. When was the last time something on YT felt exciting?
Yep. And expect they are lying about their numbers. Lies about users/activity will be the end of them since they are publicly traded. Securities fraud. Done.
Spotify and others have already been called out for rigging user engagement numbers. NYT and Wapo and CNN all had massive traffic from China in summer 2016 for some weird reason. Notice how every crappy pop song gets 45 million views on YT in a week or two? Same as all of the Twitter and IG followers for celebs and politicians etc. If people expect to see a big number to believe something is popular, someone else will be happy to sell the ability to get that big number, and others will be happy to buy it. This kind of perverse incentive was inevitable - the only way to guard against it is to release data publicly.
Hoping for Friday, too, but I doubt they'll be released before Kavanaugh is confirmed, especially while the hurricanes are coming through the east coast.
I think you're correct re Kavanaugh confirmation. IF the FISA drop happens before confirmation, how many would leave or be taken out from House and Senate? How many Dems V Repubs left for voting purposes?
I’m thinking the Hurricane and Vote push back has stalled the game until after at least the Hurricane. They want the FISA to dominate the news and if it came out now it would be hard pressed to compete.
Those bastards could blow up the hurricane if they wanted to. Assume DJT doesn't have a handle on any of the weather warfare and won't for quite some time unfortunately.
I expect they'll see how the hurricanes plays out and let the news cycle die down a bit. This way they are not competing for media coverage during humanitarian crisis.
Canbritanon ago
Silicon valley played their hand and it'll fail.
cmcgee14 ago
That's what Q said. He said 12 go forward. I wonder if that has anything to do with a military tribunal.
DustinFromVancouver ago
I told everyone on Reddit--That the hurricane is man-made by HAARP--and that the good guys control it now---and that it will NEVER hit land----and look now---downgraded to a 3----and NOW IT WAS JUST DOWNGRADED TO A 2!!!---Q said watch the water---a couple weeks ago---this is nothing more than a warning to the deep state that live in the carolinas and virginia--there are a lot of them there.
SandyPiner ago
Interesting comment.
AlternateSelection ago
Holy shit! I hope you're right. It's gonna be a tropical storm by the time it hits us in NC. What a wild time to be alive!
DustinFromVancouver ago
Keep up to date with Q-Drops--With this website :)
Curious_1_Q ago
I dont believe the site is functioning anymore. Mine only goes to post 2095. Its been like this a couple days now.
My-Name-is-Mud ago
They are going to stage suicides to make it look like 'we' killed them
Trump is right: More than Facebook & Twitter, Google threatens democracy, online freedom | TheDonald
DeplorableMaximus ago
I doubt it. A few may turn up as roadkill stew from Clinton's Carpet Cleaning and Body Removal Service.
Liedtwo ago
After the shutdown (banning) I lurked in some of the other sub reddits and all the members were laughing and cheering the demise of the crazy loony tune Q conspiracy people (me). Fukem, am glad I'm here , thanks for the welcome and a place to hang my hat.
liberal_cat93 ago
They ran us from our home, but now we are going to grow to bigger numbers here and punish them later.
Patriot72 ago
I was looking at TopMindsofReddit and they are all Hail Soros and asking for their checks for shilling our group. It's pretty disgusting.
Liedtwo ago
Yeah this place seems better, Just keep your jat of KY handy.
CapitalPurifier ago
what happened
Bellacasabay ago
I am so glad that this site has continued “The Great Awakening”! I will follow Q anywhere. It gives me so much hope! Thank you Voat!
rfun6 ago
so Great Awakening has moved here because of Reddit banning them. Ok. I'm old but found my way here thanks to the Anons. What about MeWe or Gab any good to go to?
AreWeThereYet ago
Wonder if taking the Rommel Option will get so popular that the DIY Channel will do a show about creative ways to self DP and still get a hero's funeral?
AlternateSelection ago
People around me think I'm nuts talking about No Name's departure. Can't wait for something solid to occur that they will have no way to doubt any longer.
AreWeThereYet ago
Well that's because normies have a hard time believing in anything if they are being told stuff. They seem more open when things are presented as questions. They're forced to analyse the possibilities. Teach them how to think - not what to think.
Things are happening. Like everything else in DC and with government - it's slow, we don't get to watch every aspect of it and it may not be exactly what we want - but it's happening.
ChronoShaman ago
Dex69 ago
Popcorn with lots of butter waiting for the big show
Curious_1_Q ago
Are you sharing that popcorn, slide over... want a Diet Coke... I'm ready for this show... the preview looks great...
cmcgee14 ago
I brought the chocolate covered peanuts, i'm in!
Curious_1_Q ago
Most excellent! Enjoy the show!
PS: I really dont like crunching. KEK!
ResearchingTheTruth ago
Wait for FISA and other docs to be declassified. That's when the BIG tub of popcorn comes out and we sit back and enjoy the show. We ain't seen nuttin yet!!
Qdini ago
I can't wait!
GoodGodKirk ago
After the panic comes the suicides.
Xyz4u ago
They shut down great awakening but we amass here in even larger numbers. I can see the suicides sprouting... for soon shall be suicide weekend!
GoodGodKirk ago
I wonder if any of them are looking for help? kek.
Sir_Zorch ago
LifeLogFacebook, Google, and Twitter need to get slammed in trading again tomorrow. Hoping POTUS unleashes a healthy dose of wrath along with with Stealth Jeff.Spec1al1interest ago
I was thinking about the DARPA link to FB and Google etc.... if DARPA Funded the development and growth of those behemoths, wouldn’t that ultimately mean that the US Govt own them or a sizeable chunk of them? Could POTUS basically fire the board or cause major disruption at board level to force change??? I mean darpa $ comes from the treasury in theory (even if it was sourced via black budgets of missing trillions)...
M1st3r_Luna ago
Oh how fucking stupid these people are!
ROGUE7474 ago
"It is better to have the ABUSE of Free Speech, than to DENY Free Speech"
Qdini ago
DarkMcthornbody ago
So it seems we have touched a nerve. We have shown them that a massive crowd sourced investigative team will destroy MSM everytime.
"The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists."
-J. Edgar Hoover
Qdini ago
Well said
Foxfire1028 ago
I'm wondering...does Q mention at one point that the SS is in place DUE TO suicide watch?
truthseeker3313 ago
Interesting... 12 steps ahead means more than meets the eye, too.
17flagwaiver ago
I cannot wait to see it all unfold! WWG1WGA!
TonyVilla89 ago
Yep, they call use "Fascists" while engaging in the most fascist forms of censoring they can think of. They went after every single Q related sub they could find and banned them. But they weren't just attacking subreddits. They were tracking and attacking us directly. Patriots. People who pay taxes and have jobs. Good people. And just like that, they drove us off their very platform.
Podingo7 ago
Where was the hate speech on BiblicalQ?...i find it an attack on all that is bringing truth to the masses...whether it be through Q or related scripture...it just goes to show how far off the chain it will get, if we don't turn out to VOTE RED in Nov!
Empire_of_the_mind ago
they drove away the good people contributing interesting, fresh content and engagement. we hate the platform and want it to die- so this is good news. welcome to stage 2 - you are not just aware of the problem with such institutions, but now you are actively contributing to building up the alternatives.
Qdini ago
They will not win! Stay strong Patriot!
bopper ago
Q is saying the 'panic in DC' posts by Q, numbers 2153 thru 2159, triggered the Reddit board shutdown and plethora of subsequent damage control 'clean-up' (mop-up) articles to justify the action - inciting of violence (there was no inciting of violence).
StormSurfer1776 ago
Right on!
QanonGal ago
Exactly!!! That nbcnews.com article says it was banned after months of violent threats. There were NO violent threats on GA. Thankful for Q posting about it, and linking all those ridiculous articles - which show they sure are doing all they can to disparage this “LARP”. Hah! Q will have the last laugh!
WhiteDragonMage ago
didn't it say that someone threatened to kill HRC? thats laughable!! idk anyone who isn't on board with her spending the rest of her life in Gitmo.
QanonGal ago
Ridiculous saying there were threats. She belongs in jail. That’s the truth, and if they can’t handle it then oh well.
WhiteDragonMage ago
yeah funny how now that we have free speech here there is still no one is saying that. disinformation
ThisNameAlreadyTaken ago
I personally feel that, if she was found guilty of treason in a court of law or military tribunal, then she should suffer the appropriate punishment. If that is hanging by the neck until dead or firing squad, then so be it. If it is prison, then so be it.
WhiteDragonMage ago
Good point. I really dont care either but no one was straight up threatening to do that to her.
Curious_1_Q ago
Qdini ago
blocksof ago
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 09/13/18 (Thu) 01:44:35 No.233
How do you demonstrate 'reasonable cause' to regulate and/or break up BIG TECH?
What is the common theme/tactic of the LEFT?
Define 'Fascism'.
Forcible suppression of opposition?
Define 'Censorship'.
The institution, system, or practice of censoring?
Define 'Narrative'.
A way of presenting or understanding a situation or series of events that reflects and promotes a particular point of view or set of values?
Define 'Projection'.
The attribution of one's own ideas, feelings, or attitudes to other people or to objects; especially : the externalization of blame, guilt, or responsibility as a defense against anxiety?
The forming of a plan : scheming?
Define 'Psychological Projection'.
A theory in psychology in which the human ego defends itself against unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive and negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others?
Define 'Narcissist'.
A person who has an excessive interest in or admiration of themselves: narcissists who think the world revolves around them | narcissists preening themselves in front of the mirror?
Define 'Dogma'.
A point of view or tenet put forth as authoritative without adequate grounds?
Define 'Aggression'.
Forceful and sometimes overly assertive pursuit of one's aims and interests?
Define 'Suppression'.
The action of suppressing something such as an activity or publication?
[Bonus Round]
'Narcissists' are renowned for using 'psychological projection' to blame other people, even when it is entirely apparent that they are the ones in the wrong.
Define 'Realism'.
The quality or fact of representing a person, thing, or situation accurately or in a way that is true to life?
Actions of [ANTIFA]:
-Aggression (Projection)
-Suppression (Fascism)
-Censorship (Narrative-Dogma)
Actions of [FAKE NEWS]:
-Aggression (Projection)
-Suppression (Fascism)
-Censorship (Narrative-Dogma)
Actions of [TWITTER, FB, GOOG, YT, REDDIT, etc..]:
-Aggression (Projection)
-Suppression (Fascism)
-Censorship (Narrative-Dogma)
TigerOfTheValley ago
Define Havelock Ellis @captainzoomer @Qdini @MrFliz
TigerOfTheValley ago
Here, I will do it for you @captainzoomer @Qdini @MrFliz
SeekNuShallFind ago
The bans force us to find alternatives. How will the monopolies ever fall if we do not lift up other companies that respect free speech. The big social platforms have had no major competition for far too long. Time for them to experience major user exits.
Qty ago
Well said.
Chempergrill ago
I normally hate Q stuff, but this is a good post.
MrFliz ago
That breaking911 twitter feed was pretty encouraging. Seemed like the Streisand Effect was in play with a few moderates too...anyway, I’m here straight from arguing with the Top Minds Of Reddit (a bunch of fags) and I’m glad to be in good company again. I deleted my reddit account even though I still like the_donald (even if they don’t like us). I came here after pizzagate subs were kicked off of Reddit too. I’m glad to be back. I won’t make the mistake of leaving again. WWG1WGA
SandyPiner ago
I, too, deactivated my reddit account and gave them the finger in the comments section.
byperheam ago
Those dudes at TMOR are fuckin fags. I just found out about this today glad to be reading some Q related stuff again.
Xyz4u ago
Same fellow patriot!
Politiskep ago
the_donald is us. The users interested in discussing difficult issues were the ones who came to surround Q, but they also got banned en mass from the_donald around the time that Alex Jones of Mossad started trying to undermine Q.
Qdini ago
Thank you!
Captainzoomer ago
This will have a Streissand Effect. These people are stupid.
Reddit1984 ago
They just validated ALL of our greatest suspicions. They are oppressive fascists. Now the true 'resistance' will rise from the ashes of censorship.
truthseeker3313 ago
Thinking out loud here... in his last drop, Q mentioned that he's "12 moves ahead." That stood out to me, as the number he chose (12) was no accident. Then I thought back to his post 2103, where he's talking about AJ, Infowars, and Free Speech Systems LLC. At the end of that message, there's the brackets (or kill box) that had 12 spaces in it. Anyone else think there's a connection between his message tonight and 2103?
DamnLiquor ago
maybe 12 fake news outlets are going down for hiring the traitors and publishing their leaks all while undermining our Constitution? I think AJ fits into this.
cmcgee14 ago
I saw that also. What came to my mind was 12 members of a military tribunal? He said suicide watch.
B-Phase ago
I noticed that twelve moves ahead too. Definitely jumped out. Numbers always matter. Not 3 moves. Not 5 moves. 12 moves. I thought it was 11 spaces in the free speech post. But I could be wrong. I'm don't knew what the connection is but I'm guessing there is one.
Hillarysvaginalbelch ago
The projection is real from these fucking pieces of shit. My only fear is that when the truth comes out, the response will still be "hur dur drumph collusion."
B-Phase ago
You're absolutely right. I think that's why Q Team is slow rolling this. I still have a couple super lib friends that I think can be red pilled. But they'll never accept The Storm. They'll say it's just Trump being a fascist, arresting opponents to cover things up... No matter the evidence. No matter the emails, texts, even video confessions. Some people will never accept the red pill. But I don't think those people are as prevalent as They make them seem. The overwhelming majority of people will/are seeing this. The Media will play up the psycho libs. But they're the MINORITY.
fujison ago
Media will be in the storm too. Think Moonves, Fager and Weinstein. They will all go down one way or another.
Qsentmehere ago
They are like frogs being boiled alive.
7Younglivelyforever7 ago
Hysterical moniker
bloodykisses84 ago
Hurt Dee derr Hilary's vagina collusion. Imagine a congressional committee on that.
DamnLiquor ago
She thought that vagina would get her votes.... nope
Bottle of hotsauce in her purse didn't help either.
Hang the hag.
SandHog ago
That Webb Hubble testimony though...
Shizy ago
Your user name is disgusting and hilarious at the same time!
turgeonev ago
That is now etched on my corneas for life lol
new4now ago
would it be called a quaff or a big queef?
Shizy ago
Eewwwww! Both are gross! But even grosser would be the smell! Ok, gotta barf now!
new4now ago
well you know what they say about her smell lol
Shizy ago
Like rot and death! Some say it's because she's a demon, but maybe we just figured out the source of that smell 😂
Blacksmith21 ago
I've heard rumors from detailed SS that she smells like a combo of alcohol and urine. Not joking.
Shizy ago
I can believe that one! She looks like those would both be problems for her.
Blacksmith21 ago
At least it wasn't HRCsQueef
new4now ago
lol said the same
I think Hillary's would be more of a quaff
" The Smell"
think I just made myself ill
Shizy ago
Thoth2017 ago
I think I just threw up a little....lol.
TigerOfTheValley ago
What if Hillary and Trump were marionettes controlled by the same puppet masters? https://imgoat.com/uploads/5e00132373/145541.jpgJPG
Shizy ago
Seems like a normal reaction to the thought of Hillary's crotch!!
fuckingmockies ago
Nothing wrong with Fascism. Fascism is not synonymous with "evil."
Would you consider it bad to forbid and censor socialist and Marxist doctrine that strives to destroy the American system?
Should a nation tolerate ideas that seek to destroy it?
Redditrefuge1 ago
I hate to say this, but our constitution protects freedom of speech. Reverse censorship can be abused and then used against those doing it. Better to allow free speech and open dialogue. The truth will always win out if truly not suppressed. People can use logic when they hear the whole story
fuckingmockies ago
Free Speech is not unlimited. You can't incite imminent violence, for example. Making threats is a crime. Seditious speech is, technically, illegal - though our corrupt government has not been enforcing it.
Redditrefuge1 ago
We need to be careful about limiting the 1st amendment or history will be bound to repeat itself.
The constitution is a beautiful document and the reason why we are having this movement. We are trying to reinstate it and protect real freedom
Qsentmehere ago
The free nation i believe in tolerates it, and also strikes it down with excellent rebuttal. A nation like the China does not tolerate it.
Qsentmehere ago
The free nation i believe in tolerates it, and also strikes it down with excellent rebuttal. A nation like the China does not tolerate it.
ZapCarry ago
Freedom of speech is one of the corner stones of this country. The idea is that if a minority is speaking out against democracy, so be it. The majority will just ignore it and eventually, that minority who is against democracy will either shut up about it or become violent, at which point the judicary system will work it's magic.
I don't agree with Marxism or Facism to any extent but I believe they have the right to voice their opinion.
fuckingmockies ago
Fine. Make it illegal to implement any of their views as that's fundamentally changing what this country was founded on.
Spec1al1interest ago
This. X 100000
Reddit1984 ago
I personally think that when you ban or oppress a natural movement, you only lend them validation and strength.
We can't make their same mistake of censorship. Free speech is a wonderful merit and we will maintain it.
On the other hand, actually enacting policies that undermine our country and its constitution should be dealt with swiftly. Treason. Capital punishment in certain cases.
Cid ago
I agree. Nuance is important. Having legitimate literature or similar about it is one thing, but allowing it to be taught to children and allowing propaganda for it to be pushed in every form imaginable...NOPE.
Empire_of_the_mind ago
there are two "fascisms"
1 - the post-WW2 analogue of "evil" that was ground into your head via school and propaganda 2 - the actual historical political system and cultural movement
they have little to do with each other.
7Younglivelyforever7 ago
We need the intellects like you. Welcome aboard.
Empire_of_the_mind ago
we've been on Voat this entire time
Blacksmith21 ago
Interesting notion. I would love to hear more.
Empire_of_the_mind ago
find a definition of fascism. it's a notoriously fuzzy thing, because the real definition is highly suppressed. what is fascism, really? it's simply the natural response to an attempted communist insurrection of an open democratic society. you'll find that fascist policies always arise in reaction to something, but that something is always quietly left out of the discussion. once you understand what they are reacting to you can then evaluate whether the response was appropriate or not.
Cid ago
I think it's also important to note that the very symbol for fascism is a bundle of sticksPNG. This is a visual representation of the very cornerstone of fascism - a single stick is weak and easily broken, while a bundle of sticks is strong almost unbreakable. Now think about the insane push for individualism and how demonized "collectives" are...on the right only.
Empire_of_the_mind ago
in what context is it necessary for all to bind themselves closely together? when the opposite has occurred and the predictable consequences are setting in.
Cid ago
avgwhtguy1 ago
Fascism- the state is always right
Tzitzimitl ago
say, would you be interested in a helicopter tour? its free btw.
ObamasPinkSock ago
I agree because I think there is no place for the pedophile worshiping Islamic terrorist ideology of Christian genocide in America.JPG
This is where President Trump's RAISE Act - merit based immigration reforms will help enormously because it's a good form of fascism by which Muslims will simply be told to fuck off because they are intolerably disgusting.
fuckingmockies ago
It's white Genocide, not Christian genocide. If every single ethnic European converted to Islam, you think it would stop the genocide? Not likely.
And it's Judaism that's the great enemy, not Islam.
lvbuckeye27 ago
They don't practice Judaism. They don't follow the Torah, otherwise they'd know who the Messiah is.
They are Baal worshippers. They follow the talmud and kaballah.
But yeah, they're the enemy. Their 666 flag is the first clue.
ObamasPinkSock ago
Agreed: Muslims are the biological weapon of the Jews.
danjo_kandui ago
I would say the white goyim is their bio weapon. Their in charge of shitbag agencies like Clowns in America. Then those clowns use the sand nigs whatever way they see fit to appease their masters. It’s a compartmentalized fuckfest of douchebaggery.
SandHog ago
White liberals are the agency through which the muslim invasion is hoped to be achieved. It's a terrible plan because should it actually succeed the zionists will eventually get the Gaddafi treatment and it would be well-deserved. How about they all fuck off back to isreal and we call it a day?
ObamasPinkSock ago
I doubt the CIA is in charge of anything beyond simply being the Jew's American branch of their New World Order operation.
TigerOfTheValley ago
What about simulation theory? You don't think God controls the politicians? https://imgoat.com/uploads/5e00132373/145541.jpgJPG
@fuckingmockies @mos_did_911 @empire_of_the_mind @skeeterdo
Skeeterdo ago
I believe in Jesus. So I find the simulation theory to be another cop-out of the real deal.
Even then its begs the question, if we are in simulation who made it and for what purpose?
HelloItsMeGod ago
Check it out https://imgoat.com/uploads/5e00132373/145552.pngPNG
HelloItsMeGod ago
toutedesuite ago
Holy evil genius twins Batman! That’s some batshit craaaaazy right there.
HelloItsMeGod ago
Notice how my Pinkie is missing? It's just an avatar, that's why. https://cdn1.imggmi.com/uploads/2018/9/9/7fe25c644124d35f08100b2e38ce93b5-full.pngPNG
HelloItsMeGod ago
Tzitzimitl ago
damn those gerudos are ugly
HelloItsMeGod ago
I'm not ugly. I'm God. https://imgoat.com/uploads/5e00132373/145552.pngPNG
HelloItsMeGod ago
Hello. Nice to meet you.
I am God. https://imgoat.com/uploads/5e00132373/145546.jpgJPG
TigerOfTheValley ago
It's my simulation. https://imgoat.com/uploads/5e00132373/145547.pngPNG
Shizy ago
Look who this is
Skeeterdo ago
I've gone over this in my head quite bit.
I came to the conclusion that surely and ideology whose intent is to undermine its host nation and destroy the family should not be allowed.
DamnLiquor ago
Are you saying jews should be removed? weuu! That's exactly what they are doing
Skeeterdo ago
I was pointing more towards communism but it could be argued they're both one in the same.
My qualm isn't with individual jews as a lot probably don't know or don't care. Their talmud is what bothers me the most.
Mos_Did_911 ago
Then it’s time we do something about it
tech_rick ago
"Like a dang ol' feenicks. I'll tell you what...." - Jeff Boomhauer
myvoicefromhell ago
His first name is Jeff? heh
DamnLiquor ago
I always just thought his name was just "Boomhaur" ...."dang ole, don't be doxing a guy out man"
QanonHairSalon ago
I hope the reaction will be swift, sessions now has an excuse to go after the big tech.
truthseeker3313 ago
Where's Jim Jones when you need him? Somebody needs to pass out the Koolaid to these fuckers.
bopper ago
We should ask the CIA.
Neskuaxa ago
He's still kicking around -
GranimalSnake ago
They sure seem thirsty.
Stuntmanmike52 ago
Major shutdowns today. I wouldn't doubt a YT scrub approaching soon.
fujison ago
I've been looking at minds.com. It's a social media platform built on block chain technology. I believe this is the future. A media platform that's not controlled by a government or commercial organization. https://www.minds.com/minds
jpg6990 ago
praying medic moved all his videos to vimeo today during the censorship. ^reason to be concerned
logjam ago
It's going to be interesting if it goes to YT. Are they going to ban War Drummer or Praying Medic? Where will it end?
ThebeanofbeansQ ago
PM is here, not sure about war Drummer. PM is smart enough to backup his stuff
SilverAlaskanWolf55 ago
Riva ago
I hope those guys have backed up their archives on an easily restorable format. Neon revolt has the right idea. I hope PM and Wd have their backups handled.
MsBellaDonna01 ago
PrayingMedic is uploading all his videos to Vimeo, according to his Twitter Feed, and WarDrummer has a webpage where he's asking his followers to sign upon his mailing list to keep comms open. thewardrummer.com. WWG1WGA!
Qdini ago
I think the last standing source for info will be 8chan and the emergency broadcast system. Expect everything else to be eliminated. Near term people will continue to use existing platforms until they are yanked.
Empire_of_the_mind ago
YT has been scrubbing all year and is rapidly approaching total uselessness. I bet their engagement numbers are trending severely down. When was the last time something on YT felt exciting?
Qdini ago
Yep. And expect they are lying about their numbers. Lies about users/activity will be the end of them since they are publicly traded. Securities fraud. Done.
Empire_of_the_mind ago
Spotify and others have already been called out for rigging user engagement numbers. NYT and Wapo and CNN all had massive traffic from China in summer 2016 for some weird reason. Notice how every crappy pop song gets 45 million views on YT in a week or two? Same as all of the Twitter and IG followers for celebs and politicians etc. If people expect to see a big number to believe something is popular, someone else will be happy to sell the ability to get that big number, and others will be happy to buy it. This kind of perverse incentive was inevitable - the only way to guard against it is to release data publicly.
Qdini ago
That day of reckoning is coming!
tech_rick ago
That's what I'm worried might happen too.
blocksof ago
187 weekend is when the FISA drops, hoping Friday.....
DamnLiquor ago
187 is murder, not suicide
Unless you mean more Secret Service killed protecting POTUS or killed for getting too close to Alice?
truthseeker3313 ago
Hoping for Friday, too, but I doubt they'll be released before Kavanaugh is confirmed, especially while the hurricanes are coming through the east coast.
Tmb17q ago
Agreed, we will have to wait till the 20th,from what I read about hearing confirmation
Davelon495 ago
I think you're correct re Kavanaugh confirmation. IF the FISA drop happens before confirmation, how many would leave or be taken out from House and Senate? How many Dems V Repubs left for voting purposes?
Orien_Blue ago
I’m thinking the Hurricane and Vote push back has stalled the game until after at least the Hurricane. They want the FISA to dominate the news and if it came out now it would be hard pressed to compete.
17flagwaiver ago
Those bastards could blow up the hurricane if they wanted to. Assume DJT doesn't have a handle on any of the weather warfare and won't for quite some time unfortunately.
NoisyCricket ago
I expect they'll see how the hurricanes plays out and let the news cycle die down a bit. This way they are not competing for media coverage during humanitarian crisis.
QanonGal ago
Hannity just said while the FISA needs released, it’s not a good time to do it before the hurricane hits. Maybe next week we will see it.
hang_em_high ago
Don't you think they will fill the news will some bullshit about how Trump is doing nothing to help, like they did for Puerto Rico?
ignorantoptimist ago
They already are my friend.
Empire_of_the_mind ago
only a small minority of dedicated retards believes that idea about PR. everyone else can see it for what it was.
NoisyCricket ago
I think it all depends. The dam is going to break. It's leaking like a sieve now. Tick tock...tick tock...
bopper ago