Armpit_and_Ass ago

Oh, hey, thanks for the shout out!

Native ago

It’s a hilarious story

lilomeunq ago

You just made Comment of the Week Winner something I WILL look forward to. :D

Native ago

thanks! I'll look forward to seeing you back

Diggernicks ago

Too gay;didn't read

Native ago

I'm going to bitch slap you Digger

Crensch ago

Thanks for the shoutout.

NeoGoat ago


Native ago

This week Arm pit wins because he added humour to the dark under belly of honk honk society. @Crensch would have won, but his sources are so deep that I can't watch WW2 movie or documentary evar again.

Crensch ago

Sorry to ruin that for you. Reality is both awesome and soul-crushing.

Native ago

I needed it man. And I appreciate you. You're a power user (and a shit poster), we should though work together because I would love for you to add these comment of the week winners to v/VoatHistory it needs to be done. I'll try and remember to tag you each week. I'm not very good at being regular with the posts, however, I figure if I keep this up eventually the movement will grow. Here are my other comment of the weeks

Crensch ago

feel free to post them there. I don't think there are any restrictions on submitting.

I'd recommend making a submission for "Comment of the week" winners for 3 month increments, and adding them to the submission as you go. That way it won't clutter the subverse too much, and people can go to one convenient place to see them.

Native ago

Clever. Great suggestion