reject_kikery ago

Good think goy. You get three more followers and 4 updoot points. Here's a free subscriptoin to porn. Forget this ever happened.


all it takes is one question

NosebergShekelman ago

oy vey we must commit a false flag against that sub and make it look like TheDonald did it

meowmix56 ago

This is precisely why I felt the anti Q backlash was misguided. Sure they are annoying faggots but it is a first step. I foot in the door toward asking further questions. If it led them this far in questioning the holohoax it has to be for the best.

the_art_collector ago

There has been a JQ thread on the 8chan qresearch board for like 2 years now. This thread says more about how unaware goats are about the Q crowd than anything.

lksdfjlkaslfkasdf ago

all shit alts

Lulzurfat ago

Wonder how many of the likes are real?

FireSauce ago

It was only a matter of time but the job isnt done of course

Wazhappenin1 ago

They know once we know there is no going back. Never. Is it a race against time? To kill us before a critical mass is reached and demands are made for hearings. By then all the key players will be dead.

petevoat ago

You don't have a monopoly on truth bud

NiggerVirus ago

Q is a 400lb beast who lives in his mommy's basement

GapingAnus ago

Not to point out the obvious or anything but any time you see a new meme or some great epiphany make its way through a movement, take a long, hard look around and see if you spot any big noses.

fellowwhiteperson ago

Good joke. If the meme doesn't stand on its own, no one gives a shit.

7e62ce85 ago

Can't be on uncensored Voat for too long without seeing the truth.

Phantom42 ago

Same with pol.

@srayzie, you're never going back.

srayzie ago

I’ve been waking up for over 2 years and I can’t even look at a movie the same

Ocelot ago

I simply can't even look at a movie.

srayzie ago

You can’t look at the world the same

SandHog ago

I've been laughing my ass off at the Lord Steven Christ Concave Earth vs Lord RayEl Flat Earth battle for ultimate supremacy that's been raging in QRV. Kudos to whoever came up with that idea. It's been highly entertaining.


alalzia ago

I would like to say that the superior culture always assimilate the non retards of the inferior one but most of the posters in that thread are here for over a year. When did the Q crew created an establishment in our island , 6 months ?

baphometsrage ago

I suppose you'd have to look at their comment history to get a better picture. Since the months before the FPH banning people had been making accounts here prior to really using them or migrating, just as a backup for when it finally happened to their sub. Some of the shit they tried to pull was laughable, though, so I imagine those are the ones chiming in there and not the retards that came stomping in with that "we're gonna take over your site" mentality

Phantom42 ago

They came around about the time I slipped on in.

markrod420 ago

They have been waking up for a while. Ive been enjoying watching as slowly bus surely most of the people arguing against obvious facts are quieting down. The all caps kike is of course still at it. But he wont stop until his feet are dangling.

Doglegwarrior ago

The idiocy of a country fighting for its surval on two fronts to take the time energy and man power to kill a bunch of jews while the entire country was basicaly starving is retarded in general at this point i almost wish it did happen at least the germans would be getting punished for something they actualy did.

MarauderShields ago


MrDarkWater ago

And he is getting more downvotes now than upvotes

markrod420 ago

This post? Its still heavily upvoated from what i can see.

FuggBenis ago

Took 'em long enough.

892734jhfs2 ago

shut down SHIT ALTS @puttitout

Tallest_Skil ago

member for 6 days

whines about alts

Uh huh.

RockmanRaiden ago

Tallest! I've been looking for you. Why you all the way down here? Lurking?

Tallest_Skil ago

Just suffering from a fugue state. There’s no point to anything we say here, so where and to whom it’s said is equally irrelevant. Such things are painful to think about.

RockmanRaiden ago

The blackpill always hits hard. You'll swing back to your old self.

fasdfsfasdfasdf ago

i dont think you know who you are dealing with

i dont, but i know you are a shill

so i will suggest to that back and the fuck up

dont take me lightly you fucking light weight

and this a fucking warning @puttitout

Tallest_Skil ago

replies to a reply to his alt (who was whining about alts)

with another alt

Uh huh. Do us a favor and post the names of all your alts right here so that we can ban you all at once.

NotHereForPizza ago

This is pretty obvious...

srayzie ago

Hahaha. I’m a proud Q Tard!

Mylon ago

At least you keep a good sense of humor about it.

srayzie ago

Of course. I have a lot of friends here that don’t follow Q. It’s ok to have differences :)

MrDarkWater ago

Me too. And is never considered your views on the Holohoax. I just settled into voat real easy and forgot how many Qtards (with all due respect) aren't totally redpilled.

Congrats though. Be careful getting drunk in public now: some people don't like being real-life Nazis.

ninjajunkie ago

Yeah, threatening to staple a person's eyelids to their forehead if they don't look at the picture of Ebba wasn't the best idea. Still, the don't spout their libtard bullshit at me anymore, so there's that.

Lulzurfat ago


LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

The whole "how many drinks before you bring up the JQ" is a real thing.

GoogleStoleMyBike ago

Just wait until you don't even have to be drunk.

Sh-shh-shaaa ago

It's horrible. My social and family life starts to be affected.

Neskuaxa ago

This is kind of a low effort post. I've seen lots of The qmmmunity question the JQ the past few weeks. To say they're just waking up is nonsense.

reject_kikery ago

That's their mod.

Neskuaxa ago

Oh I was referring to QRV not GA board.

Fahrvergnaked ago

A PATRIQT must never question the hall of cost, got. Shut it down!!

olltre ago

good goy!

samuraichococat ago

I can't belive this vile antisemitism.

yeah, its great! brings a tear to my eye. XD

chirogonemd ago

It's the Tay principle. Just give it long enough. Every sufficiently intelligent being exposed long enough to free speech gets there.