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Dragon40 ago

Utter bullshit.

Blacksmith21 ago

I love how these self-professed "historians" call all media propaganda now (which it largely is), yet don't consider the fact that most of this BS was propaganda then.

Crensch ago

Are you referring to the newspaper articles about 6 million before the war even happened?

Blacksmith21 ago

I'm referring to crap like this:

It's Great Depression-era Daily Stormer crap. They had propaganda back then, just as they do now. Look at the history of this paper.

The Holocaust happened. Way too many first-person accounts to be a FF, statistically speaking.

It is the motives which are now in question.

We all know that the enemy we fight today is the 4th Reich. The Holocaust was a criminal act of persecution against the Jews for Deep State purposes perpetrated by the 3rd Reich.

History repeats itself. I

Crensch ago

Notice which of these your comment is missing?

Blacksmith21 ago

Notice what your response reeks of?

Crensch ago

Notice how none of that has any bearing on the argument, or who is arguing in good faith? Notice how none of that has any bearing on who has sources to support their position?

I noticed.

Blacksmith21 ago

Read some of D'Souza's works.

Crensch ago

Read some of D'Souza's works.

Read some of Hitler's, George Lincoln Rockwell's, and crack open a book on how to argue.

Blacksmith21 ago

You're glowing a bit, Crensch.

Crensch ago

You're really, really bad at this.

Blacksmith21 ago

No, you're really, really bad at're nothing but a professional shitposter, at best:

Crensch ago

Do you remember when I wrecked you so hard you deleted your own post?

I don't even shitpost all that much. Just because I don't really care to find the proper subverse for my posts doesn't make them shitposts, but I guess that's the best argument you can come up with.

You have always sounded more than a little like a Jew.

Blacksmith21 ago

Your life is so small that you actually tally "wrecking" someone online? Pretty pitiful.

Crensch ago

Your life is so small that you actually tally "wrecking" someone online? Pretty pitiful.

It's something you could never do. Meaning you're bad at this, and I am not.

And no, I don't remember it...that's how unimportant you are to me.

Everyone else does, and I bet you're lying about that.

Blacksmith21 ago

You sound like you are 14. And you have aligned yourself with the David Duke and Ilhan Omars of the world. You wrecked yourself, stud. You should get out in the sun a bit more.

Crensch ago

Imagine having someone you consider to be 14 wreck you so bad you self-delete your own post.

Blacksmith21 ago

Enjoy staying up until 0400 tomorrow pretending to be something you aren't online.

I bet you can't talk about a single man activity - motorcycles, guns, knives, cooking, shooting, construction, building shit, bourbon, etc. You're a little supple, pussy mouthed bitch who only has one mode - muh joos in muh basement.

Crensch ago

Enjoy staying up until 0400 tomorrow pretending to be something you aren't online.


What, exactly, am I pretending to be? Sounds like you really don't like the fact that you fail so hard here, while I do not. In fact, that's really the only metric anyone can use to compare the two of us, no?

I bet you can't talk about a single man activity - motorcycles, guns, knives, cooking, shooting, construction, building shit, bourbon, etc. You're a little supple, pussy mouthed bitch who only has one mode - muh joos in muh basement.

I bet you can't formulate an argument with even an ounce of logos, and I bet you're a lard barge IRL.

Did I do it right?

Blacksmith21 ago

@srayzie can vouch for the fact that I'm about as far from a "lard barge IRL" as they come. In fact, I'm the type of man most women prefer - father, husband, MMA practitioner, prior military, combat experienced, badass vehicles and toys, and lots of discretionary income. Plus I'm still a handsome motherfucker. I'm confident you don't bring much to the table in the manliness department.

Looks like I was right - you stayed up until about 0400 shitposting. It's a sad life you lead @crensch. No IRL friends, nor IRL activities. While you are busy sleeping all morning, I'm modding another gun and prepping something from my motorcycle collection to go thrash on the back roads.

It's a gorgeous day outside. Peel yourself away from your Playstation and go get some vitamin D.

Crensch ago

"I'm losing in this battle of wits, because I was born without any. Please look at these manly things that make me better than you. I win now."

I would lose sleep over having written sonething so pathetic. You basically admit that you know your mind is limited when you "argue" (kek) like this. It's no better than, "my dad can beat up your dad". It's worse, really, since you're obviously an adult, so there is no chance you will ever rise above the intllect level of "my irl is better than yours, so you lose this verbal argument."

Since you're too stupid to put the two together, what you're engaging in is a fallacy called ad hominem. You ignore my arguments and instead attack me personally.

Your mind is weak.

Blacksmith21 ago

"You ignore my arguments and instead attack me personally."

You avoided the initial point of debate, my friend, not I.

Crensch ago

You avoided the initial point of debate, my friend, not I.

I would never be the friend of someone that is so ill-equipped at thinking.

Also, maybe you should review this nest before accusing me of something so patently absurd. Every comment of mine up to your first ad hominem was directly about your words. You couldn't help but attempt to sound smarter by telling me to go read something.

How does it feel to fail so hard, and on so many different levels?

While we are on the subject, why don't you point me towards some of your original contributions to v/GA and v/PG?

More attacking me directly? I'm sure that helps your position that the Holocaust really happened. Well, it helps in your mind.

You have got to be one of the most hilariously stupid people on this website.

Even when I point out directly what the problems with your arguments are, you press on with your failure as if you're a winner; hell, you can't even reference your own comments without failing.

Blacksmith21 ago

Thanks for the laugh, LOL. You haven't contributed jack shit to v/GA or v/PG in the 2.4 years I've been here. When you produce some relevant research to either sub, something based upon your keen intellect and the sharp mind you claim to possess, then I'll entertain a discussion. Until then, you're nothing but a shitposter/stirrer.

Lastly you shot down my suggestion to read D'Souza, and countered with reading Hitler and Rockwell. It's obvious you espouse Nazi ideology. All of the contemporary actors we work to expose are Nazis in both actions, deeds, tactics, methodology, etc. The only difference is your present-day Nazi party is now watered down with jungle bunnies, spics, sand niggers, gooks, and Jews. Turn on CNN - Deep State shills aka Nazi party propaganda arm. Which lands you square in the middle of what many of us fight here - The Deep State aka the 4th Reich.

IQ and intellect are meaningless without experience.

Protip: Proofread your writings out loud. You come across as a spoiled child.

Vindicator ago

It's obvious you espouse Nazi ideology. All of the contemporary actors we work to expose are Nazis in both actions, deeds, tactics, methodology, etc.

Here is what I think about this topic: I think both of you are right.

As I understand it, @Crensch believes Jews are bent on subverting and ultimately eliminating white folks, using an insane campaign of lies and sneaky behind-the-scenes manipulation and control, the keystone of which is the Holocaust. He believes Hitler and the German people were made patsy's for the elite globalist Jewish cabal's crimes, when Hitler attempted to "make Germany great again." History's understanding of Hitler/Germany is shrouded in lies.

Crensch's conclusions are based at least on some unassailable facts, not on the disinfo that gets pushed here frequently by shills to muddy the waters about those facts. I knew very little about "the JQ" before coming to Voat, and my first exposure to it was trolls and/or shills hazing pizzagaters with the most extreme sketchy material, so I wasn't inclined to take it too seriously. It was, in fact, Crensch's particular type of honor and integrity, and his willingness to explain his views logically that made me seriously reconsider what I thought I knew.

Crensch, you should give Blacksmith those examples, rather than merely attacking him for doubting.

Blacksmith sees the ruling elite of the US and Europe as bearing marked similarities with the totalitarian, propaganda-pushing, eugenics-loving fascists of the Nazi era. As a result of this and mainstream history, he can't fathom how anyone could could embrace Hitler.

But where does the truth lie? How do we tease it out from all the BS disinfo that gets pushed surrounding this topic?

Back in November 2017, QAnon gave some hints about what the truth might actually be. One of these days, I mean to do a thread on it.

He hinted that both of you are correct to a degree. That elite globalists, particularly the Jewish banking house of Rothschild, were the ones behind World War I and II, not so much Hitler. He implied Hitler was a patsy to some extent, and that Merkel is related to him. Those drops need further research and discussion.

However, having contemplated this now for over a year and read much of Voat's talk on the JQ and Hitler, I would venture to say that you BOTH need to be prepared for shocking revelations. Blacksmith may discover that most of history is not what we thought it was. Crensch may be confirmed in his conclusions about the Jews, but find out Hitler was a puppet akin to Obama. (This is assuming Q (who either IS Trump or is working directly for him) was not pushing disinfo in those Merkel drops to force her to step down.)

Most importantly, Q has said that the truth about those who inflicted the World Wars on the citizens and honorable soldiers of the United States, Britain, Germany and every other white country is so foul the revelation of it "would put 90% of people in the hospital." That's how far off from reality our traditional understanding of history is.

I've spent the last year contemplating just what that must entail. I am now convinced that a lot of the Holocaust was an insane psyop. I don't know how much, or exactly which parts, but when you run the math on the 6 million gassed in death camps, it definitely doesn't hold up. I am also convinced they have used vaccines, drugs, crap in the water and food supply and maybe even electromagnetic radiation to cause disease, infertility, depression, and premature death for millions since World War I. They have done this to weaken the population for easier control, as well as to avoid overpopulation. I think they have targeted the white family in particular, and white men, who are the biggest threat to their ability to dominate. I think they regularly murder those who get traction against them, like Andrew Breitbart.

Now...I consider both of you major assets in the fight against these sick fuckers that goes on here in different ways every day on Voat. Seems kinda dumb for you to be fighting each other!

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srayzie ago

but find out Hitler was a puppet akin to Obama.

I think you’re probably right from what I know so far.