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RetiredRogue ago

My father was stationed Erlangen Germany after basic training in early 1945. As a 6th Class sergeant was put in charge of classifications and started sending troops home. While he and others where stationed there they went to the Nuernberg trials. When he and other walked in they were given a 6 page brochure on the 21 defendences on trial. I have that brochure and have made copies and given them to friends. What I think that's interesting is (I live just outside of KC) the Truman Library in Independence Mo. has talked to me me about wanting it for the Truman Library, because they don't HAVE one. Trials were I believe Nov 19th 1945. Reason I believe my father got one was because most troops were going home he didn't and was there at the end of the war. I believe the Holocaust is real because of two things. This story and I've been to Dachua 15 miles outside of Munich Germany by train back in 1995 the 50th anniversary of liberation of the death camp.

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Shekelstein6M ago

Dachau was inspected by US troops and found to not be a death camp. In fact, every single camp inspected by US troops was found to not be a death camp. The only camps found to be "death camps" were in Soviet occupied territory and they refused entrance to US investigators.

Lauraingalls ago

It's SAD so many people on VOAT are Holocaust Deniers. It's actually frightening they can deny that HORROR and attack you because YOU know the TRUTH, RetiredRogue.