PrepareForWar ago

I got an idea lets turn this place into reddit. That would be cool. You're all a bunch of pussy faggots that want another echo chamber. Do everyone a favor and walk into your laundry room grab the bottle that says bleach and drink up you cunts.

Roughpatch ago

I quit following pizzagate a long time ago when ( people) thought others had to dot every I and made up new rules to delete or ban others. The whole purpose was about kids in the beginning. Now some (people) are so full of themselves the true meaning is lost because of the infighting about who's better than who. Don't include me in this, don't ping me again about anything to do with this. You have made it into a joke and turned others away because of ego.

Vindicator ago

Don't include me in this, don't ping me again about anything to do with this. You have made it into a joke and turned others away because of ego.

Seriously? Who pinged you?

You've only been on Voat for three months. You've never made a single submission to this subverse. You've only commented seventeen times.

Are you someone's alt?

Roughpatch ago

Yeah who did it? You. And try to think beyond this account. Like maybe I was here when pizzagate started. Don't assume you know anything about me because you would be wrong. Try not to be a such an ass.

Vindicator ago

I didn't ping you. I didn't even recognize your username.

But you admit to hiding behind an alt...and I'm the ass? Come on.

Roughpatch ago

It's not an alt dumbass, I've had 4 different accounts, all seperate and at different times. Lost passwords and deleting because of shit like this. Prove to the rest of voat just how stooopid you are. Call me a lier!


someone who makes trouble for other people, especially by making known facts that they would prefer to keep secret:

backhanded, but true. I don't like secrets.


[emphasis is mine]

As I said elsewhere, I don't think we should flair users. I don't want to give the impression that mods decide who is a 'good' user, and who is a 'bad' user.

People like Donkey are hated by almost anybody here anyway, and most people have figured out that DeathToMasonsASAP is a troll, who has been attacking the sub from the beginning.

And other users are highly respected anyway, with or without 'gold stars'.

I don't want to see the sub turning into a 'who-gets-the-prize-for-best-essay' site, and I don't want users here being afraid that they might be labelled 'shill', only for disagreeing with mods or other users.

People here are more sensitive than on other Voat subs. Many who come here, or read as lurkers, are survivors. I would like to see them feeling as comfortable as possible, and the constant fear of getting labelled would lead to them being afraid to speak their minds imo.

Also, I don't want to see the - perceived - gap between mods and users who are not modding getting deeper.

We should continue with our ban policy as usual. Bans are given only for violating the rules, not for comments (except for spam, doxxing or posting incriminating material). Imo this should stay this way

TrustTheTruth ago

The moderators purposely killed Voat and Pizzagate, and you have joined them in turning your back on Jesus Christ and The Truth.

When you make this choice, your Soul will die and be forever irredeemable.

This is not a game.

This is not a LARP.

The Agenda is real, and so is The Mark of the Beast. Racine, Wisconsin is The ROOT and Model.

You have mocked and betrayed Jesus Christ and The Truth, and grovel to Satan’s Army in your sick Community Policing Agenda.

You don’t want to be banned, but you want The Truth to be banned.

Did you support Satan worshipping and blood drinking Argosciv or SoberSecondThought’s series?

Did you support Srayzie and Shizy and the alts they and others created to manipulate the forum?

Do you know what happened to Jenny Moore (@Jem777) and @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt?

We know.

Do you care about the murder of other Voat members who found The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?

Do you support QAnon and conflating QAnon’s lies with the real definition of Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption?

What did SenateAnon say about Racine before Q was created?

We received threats including death threats from the moderators directly. Why?

Why didn’t the moderators enforce the rules when SoberSecondThought posted a 12-part series full of lies that resulted in death threats against @Wisconsin_is_Corrupt that were carried out in real life?

Where is Hillary Clinton’s global model for Community Policing?

Where was The Deal Trump made to create the global model for 5G+8K AI, Smart Cities, Resilient Communities and Community Policing?

What did Jesus Christ warn and promise to The World?

We dare you to find any two comments that are the same.

Every comment is unique, original and with specific purpose and relevance.

The Truth is not spam.

The Truth is here for a reason.

We are the reason why Voat is being closed.

We were also the reason why Reddit Pizzagate was closed. Check the comments in the last post.

We were also the reason why 8chan was targeted and why Q stopped posting on public boards after the MAP was found.

We know more than Everyone here combined, not through research, but through direct Knowledge and Experience.

The Truth has been Shared since The Beginning.

This is The Parousia.

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

Roughpatch ago

Why am I receiving this?

Civil_Warrior ago

Thanks rabbi. Shalom.

Rotteuxx ago

Not to mention going through the user agreement like jewish lawyers to desperately try and support their gatekeeping methods on here as being pro free speech.

Rotteuxx ago

I've been saying he migrated here to be a gatekeeper.

Rotteuxx ago

A Kikexican on top of it !

A very fat one too...

Rotteuxx ago

I laugh every time I 'member @Crensch saying that its internet reputation was too important to troll a guy accusing us of being the same person..


CheeseboogerHimself ago

Jews have taken over Voat

Crensch ago

It would have to have impacted me and/or been accurate for me to have to "recover" from it.

Nice bluff. I see how your lackeys fall all over themselves to protect your supposed 'good name'.

Spoken like a reddit mod.

Better than a PV lackey.

My only regret is not seeing you for what you are sooner.

Oh man, the feeling is mutual.

Crensch ago

HoHO! The downvote here is so SALTY. 13m in. We all know who gave it.

God it feels good.

Crensch ago

Oh, man. It's even more beautiful. FIVE votes called in by THE @kevdude.

Running a little low on support lately, are we?

Rotteuxx ago

The 6th is me...

So let me ask you, who supports your gatekeeping outside of your PG/GA mod group ? Outside of your PG/GA subs ?

Crensch ago

Outside of your PG/GA subs ?

You've almost got it. Just a little further.

I'll take people that matter for $1,000.

Rotteuxx ago

So you're saying that unless users believe in Q they don't matter ?

Crensch ago

That's not what I'm saying. Try again.

Rotteuxx ago

Since you refuse to answer a straight question and want to play games, I'll take it that people outside your subs don't matter in your eyes and that you don't give a shit about freedom of expression unless it serves your interests.

Crensch ago

Since you refuse to answer a straight question

I did answer.

Question: "So you're saying X?"

Answer: "That's not what I'm saying."

Literally the definition of answering your question.

I'll take it that people outside your subs don't matter in your eyes

You got it!

and that you don't give a shit about freedom of expression

You don't give a shit about freedom of association, and you also seem to forget that communists lose their rights in the eyes of US law. If memory serves, there's much more to it than that.

Here's where you find yourself: "Everyone should have to watch my gay pride parade because I have freedom of speech."

unless it serves your interests.

You mean the interests detailed in the sidebar of the sub?

Man, you guys are really just not that good at this.

Rotteuxx ago

You don't give a shit about freedom of association, and you also seem to forget that communists lose their rights in the eyes of US law. If memory serves, there's much more to it than that.

You say that but fail to back it up with anything to make it sound like an intelligent thought.

Here's where you find yourself: "Everyone should have to watch my gay pride parade because I have freedom of speech."

You talk a lot about gays and communists, not surprising coming from a Zionist though.

TrustTheTruth ago

We are the reason why Voat is changing the ‘rules’ to censor and ban.

We are the reason for the Tarmac meeting and why Paul Ryan and many others suddenly resigned.

We are the reason why the False Prophet Q was created.

SenateAnon was the Anon before Q.

One of the last things SenateAnon said before they went dark was:

“Keep digging into Racine”

Jenny Moore (@Jem777) and @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt were original members here since The Beginning who were threatened and targeted, leading to death threats acted up on real life with assassins sent to murder them in real life after the meeting in Racine.

George Webb Sweigert claimed to have met Jesus Christ in Racine, and deleted the end of his video from 11/1/18 where he said he never wanted any help from Jesus Christ or Jenny Moore. Who did George say ‘had the drop on him’? Why is George afraid of The Truth? How did Jenny find The Truth and figure out what really happened to @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt?

Just yesterday George was talking again about Mitt Romney and the FLDS Mormon Mafia that he first spoke of in Racine as well. Racine was also where George began speaking about the Emanuels. We know why. We know much, much more. We know why George suddenly moved out of the hotel. We know why he partnered with JK. We know more than everyone here combined.

Jeff Epstein and Seth Rich were Knights of Pythias with direct connections to Racine. What is the story of Pythias?

Why did the mods lie about and slander Jenny Moore after she was killed?

How were they exposed, and why did they ban anyone who knew what really happened?

You want a Straight Answer?

We are The Straightest Answer.

The Truth is Simple, Honest and Easy for All to Know and Recognize.

That is why it is being Banned and Censored.

Racine, Wisconsin is the Root of All Evil and the Model for the real Agenda of Eternal Enslavement beyond UN Agenda 21 and 2030 forged through the Great Deception of Sustainability (Satan’s Ability) with the Mark of the Beast enforced by 5G+ AI, Smart Cities, Resilient Communities and Community Policing.

Racine is the model for each of these programs. No one can deny it or dispute it.

This is why Jenny Moore and others were murdered.

This is The Parousia.

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

Crensch ago

Crensch ago

Cling to that distorted narrative faggot.

This one? that was so well sourced and backed up that none of you had any way of recovering from it?

Lots of people fought to keep this site open.

... for the trolls.

If I really had access to all the "support" you claim why haven't you been impacted?


Why are you wasting your time on me?

Demoralization tactic? Kek.

Shouldn't you be banning users who disagree with you?

It's a beautiful garden, without the weeds.

Vindicator ago

Unlike you, Kev, I've never been a Redditor.

Crensch ago

IIRC it was crowdsourced from the users.

Aww, puddin'. Have you not seen the sticky that shows that ES, at the very least, gamed those submissions? No wonder they were only active when you had a go at it - you facilitated all of it when I threw up my hands at the lack of fucks given by legitimate users.

I support the right of anyone to say their piece in the comments.

Except shizy; you jump all over her when she dishes back at a guy threatening her kids for a month. Or srayzie, where she did nothing at all deserving of being harassed and doxxed off the site, but you supported those doing it, and provided info to help.

Glad to see that you get to define the appropriate use of speech. Fuck off to reddit. You belong there.

Says the guy that had a friend from a secret subreddit come here and manipulate Voat to change the narratives here.


ESOTERICshade ago

Aww, puddin'. Have you not seen the sticky that shows that ES, at the very least, gamed those submissions?

All I did was use your own tactics against you, and I SOLIDLY kicked your ass so bad that I have had my own tribute sticky for what now? about two years? Thats some serious butthurt right there. roflmao...

If I said I was amused by your obvious butthurt it would be an understatement.

REB_Militia ago

Shouldn't this place be for researching Pizza/Pedogate, and not banning each other over stupid shit?

Vindicator ago

No one removed any Comments, for speech content or any other reason. Or proposed removing Comments. Nice try, though.

So...first you invent a big ruleset for the sub on Voat dedicated to documenting elite corruption, then you support disinfo pushers who use the Comment section to get around those rules, and try to undermine efforts to prevent that by making up lies about it.

@Crensch is so right about you.

And fuck you for what you're helping to do to this site.

You mean the DDoS this sub brought the site under? I'd say I was sorry about that...except I'm not. Free speech is pointless unless you actually use it to change things for the better.


@vindicator your new post is Disinfo. It wasn't an AOC supporter

This was a LaRouchePAC Stunt.

I'm literally doing your job for you, I'm an asshole and an asset.

darkknight111 ago

While this is true upon further digging, that incident has already bore fruit in our favor. Think “Long Game”.

By defending this person and doing NOTHING to publically condemn or admonish talk of using cannibalism that happened right in front of her, she exposed herself. Said clip going viral on the internet.

AOC likely agrees with this woman’s “eat the babies statement” and is a possible pedovore.

Talk of the left and elites endorsing cannibalism is trending thanks to this.. This incident is a VERY bad event for the pedo elites. This also torpedoes the “muh climate change” narrative as insane delusions.


Long Game Propoganda.

Staged events ought to be noted as such if we are "journalists" putting together "unbiased" content.

Crensch ago

Are you going to ignore her this time like you did with others?

@Vindicator @shizie @madworld @sandhog @argosciv

think- ago

I'm putting this here now, for better visibility.

As I have pointed out in this comment, Donkey was rightly banned for impersonating another user imo.

We had a precedent two years ago, when someone created an imposter account of @EricKaliberhall's Voat account. So this wasn't the first time someone was banned for this.

I also think that TTT got rightly banned for comment spam.The comment spam rule has existed for ages. He has been copypasting the same content over and over again.

Apart from these cases, and comments with incriminating content or doxx content, comments should be left alone imo.

Mods might want to tell a user who wants to have a lenghty discussion about moderation to do a post on v/pizzagatemods. They might want to choose to not reply to this user's comments anymore, unless they do a post, since meta discussions should go to v/pizzagatewhatever.

[])(vindicator) @darkknight111

TrustTheTruth ago

Nothing was ever copied and pasted.

We challenge you and all others to find any two comments that are the same.

We received threats including death threats from many here including the moderator who issued the ban for a reason.

We Know more than everyone here combined not through research, but through direct knowledge and experience.

The Truth cannot be disputed or disproved, and no one can Answer the Questions posed and posited.

Do you support censorship and death threats against those who Know more than you could ever comprehend?

Every comment was unique and original.

Themes are repeated.

Phrases are repeated for relevance and significance.

No one can dare dispute or disprove anything Shared.

The Truth has been shared since The Beginning.

The Rules changed to censor and ban The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know.

The blood of Jenny Moore (@Jem777) and @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt are on the hands of the moderators here, and on @PuttItOut.

They do not want anyone to know what really happened.

None of them ever enforced the rules when SoberSecondThought and others targeted @Wisconsin_is_Corrupt with lies, threats and false claim after false claim in a 12-part series that culminated in death threats acted out in real life.

They also partnered with Argosciv who admitted to Satan worship and blood drinking, after he created a long series to obfuscate The Truth and the Root of Evil and Corruption in Racine, Wisconsin.

The moderators turned their back on @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt, @Jem777 and others who Knew The Truth.

Now they are lying about what happened, and using ‘spam’ as a cowardly excuse to censor The Truth.

Jeff Epstein and Seth Rich were both members of the Knights of Pythias connected to Racine, Wisconsin.

What is the story of Pythias?

We are the reason for the Tarmac meeting.

We are the reason why Paul Ryan and so many others suddenly resigned.

We are the reason why the false prophet Q was created.

We are the reason why Reddit Pizzagate was shut down.

We are the reason why Q stopped posting on public 8chan and why 8chan was targeted.

We are the reason why Voat became a closed forum.

We are the reason why Voat is censoring The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know.

Racine, Wisconsin is the Root of All Evil, and Model for the real Agenda beyond 21 and 2030 of Eternal Enslavement forged through the Great Deception of Sustainability (Satan’s Ability) with the Mark of the Beast enforced by 5G+ AI, Smart Cities, Resilient Communities and Community Policing.

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

This is The Parousia.

Vindicator ago

Thanks for chiming in :-)

darkknight111 ago

Decided to finally open my mouth since I’m getting tired of the drama, especially after what should have been a big victory for us. Gonna make my stance clear here and now.

The Rule Itself: I believe this rule should be a “Threshold Rule”. By that I mean, a rule of absolute last resort reserved for the most disruptive of assholes, psychopaths, and shills. The kind of people who only get emboldened by the lack of rules and know just far to push it without getting the axe.

Under this threshold, subhuman pig beasts like Donkey would most certainly qualify.

To prevent abuse, this is exactly the kind of rule that needs a “nuclear keys” safe guard. In this case, a majority vote by the non mod users is required before usage.

Regarding the situation with NOMO: Reinstate him. He does good research. I’d take this scenario as just flying off the handle for an understandable reason.

The incident that led to the above: In hindsight, I should have made my logic more clear in terms of my arguments. The reason I posted the relevant hits on v/pizzagate regarding Ed Buck was because I believed it could be logically inferred that posting about the arrest would qualify as a situation update to previous leads.

Vindicator ago

Thanks for chiming in, DK.

TrustTheTruth ago

You and the corrupt mods you grovel to have all Sold Your Souls and turned your backs on Jesus Christ and The Truth for a seat at the table with Satan, argosciv, Srayzie, Crensch, Vindicator, MolochHunter and the rest of his Army of Evil.

What role does @letsdothis3 play? What role did SoberSecondThought play? What members of Voat were murdered and what role did the moderators play in silencing The Truth?

Your Souls will die and forever be irredeemable.

We are the reason for Voat effectively closing down, just as Reddit, 8chan and Q before.

We are the reason for the Tarmac meeting.

Trump made The Deal in Racine to implement the Model and Agenda for Eternal Enslavement with the Mark of the Beast.

You have effectively endorsed it.

Watch what happens, Witness The Miracle, and Know that Your Souls will never be redeemed.

This is The Parousia.

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.


I appreciate you and your research. Sorry for the repeated pings. I understand the time it takes for a complete response.

To prevent abuse, this is exactly the kind of rule that needs a “nuclear keys” safe guard. In this case, a majority vote by the non mod users is required before usage.

I don't like rule 5, but if it must be implemented, this seems the only reasonable solution.

Distribution of the executive power

Reinstate him. He does good research. I’d take this scenario as just flying off the handle for an understandable reason.

<3333333 thank you kind sir.

The reason I posted the relevant hits on v/pizzagate regarding Ed Buck was because I believed it could be logically inferred that posting about the arrest would qualify as a situation update to previous leads.

I was also under this impression. It wasn't me trying to "trap" anyone.

darkknight111 ago

Remember, I also work graveyard. That shit saps the strength outta people.


my apologies for draining you. Wasn't my intention. And sorry, I wasn't aware.


Shall the good news about Donkey getting purged be made public yet (like in a sticky post)?

I've tried to keep the focus on research and drama to a minimum. This sticky is obnoxious enough, IMO. Do you see an upside?

@shewhomustbeobeyed @heygeorge @kevdude More publically referenced examples of Secret Moderation w/out general-user input/discussion

I just found this.... I was banned for a "Rule 1: relevancy" violation for my comment in @darkknight111 's post.

A few days earlier, darkknight was talking with Mods about a user being "purged"

Darkknight has still not commented on my ban.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I saw those comments shortly after they were made, nomo. What's the problem? Donqi was banned for using an alt that imitated a PG researcher. It wasn't hidden that I'm aware of.

dk111 has always hated donqi. Common knowledge.

I wish you weren't banned, things could be so much better if you could get back to researching. But now you're just being an ass.


I saw those comments shortly after they were made, nomo

The comments are from 19 days ago. The Ban was 2 months ago. When was it announced publically?

It shows a pattern of Mods taking action, and justifying it after the fact. Rather than presenting a case to the community first.

Donqi was banned for using an alt that imitated a PG researcher. It wasn't hidden that I'm aware of.

"User Agreement" violation.... I wasn't fooled by the alt. I read Ender's Game. It's kiddy level hacking...

But once again, Mods have to protect users from using their own discernment.

Sadly, the longer I'm banned, the more I doubt the moderator intentions.

I've been banned for 2 weeks, and have desperately been trying to get it reversed. /ass

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

The comments are from 19 days ago. The Ban was 2 months ago. When was it announced publically?

As far as I know there has never been a policy to announce bans.

I understood dk111s comment to mean that he wanted to make a submission alerting everyone to his victory over donqi. Then have @Vindicator sticky it.

Did I mention that @darkknight111 REALLY HATES @Don-Keyhote.

I wasn't fooled by the alt. I read Ender's Game. It's kiddy level hacking...

No one is fooled by Donqi's alts. Although, we did have a cancer mod here who loved making alts that abused donqi, and other PG users. She's supposedly gone now.


@heygeorge - in case you're bored.

darkknight111 ago

The reason I hate Donkey...easy.

He’s an evil sub human sand nigger pedo psychopath who advocates rape, believes sex with 12 year olds is a okay, regularly sends death threats to voaters (worded in such a way as to evade the prerequistes for a crack down).

Overall disgrace to men everywhere.

If you don’t stomp down on people like that, they just get bolder (donkey is proof in point) as they believe they can do whatever they want.


hate + stomp down

I don't disagree. But you ought to "stomp" by responding or downvoting

....not by suppressing everyone's speech by adding a new comment standard....

Free Speech prioritizes rights over feelings.

Stomp down with your own free speech, not rule changes.

darkknight111 ago

Just put in my formal stance on this mess.

When I refer to “nuclear keys”, its a reference to a submarines policy on how the nukes get fired.

Both keys have to be active for the mechanism to work. Both keys are carried by different people. The orders have to come directly from the president.


thanks for clarifying, I replied to your main comment

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I'm already lost. something-something-nuclearkeys (yes i know sub policy)

It's all anti free speech to me. VeryUnAmerican.

I'm gonna be busy til after 9pm. Ping me if there is something you'd like me to read tonight.

Please try not to be a complete idiot today. You men and your pissing contests are making the backyard stink to high heavens.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Hi dk111, all this time I thought you had blocked me, since this is the first you've responded to me.

I wish I knew that sooner, I've seen some things that I could have pinged your attention to.


You don't have to explain why you hate donqi. I don't blame you or anyone else for hating him. I'm just trying to explain to @NOMOCHOMO that you guys have been fighting for longer than he's been around.

I would prefer that you explain it to him, instead.

Would you please do that?


thanks for the tag


his victory over donqi

letsdothisl: Rule Violation: User Agreement; Description: Failure to Respect other Users

So Darkknight convinced Vindicator to go beyond Voat's definition of "respect" in the UA

Respect other users

You may not purposefully negate any user's actions to delete or edit their content on Voat. This is intended to respect the privacy of Voat users who delete or edit their content, and is not intended to abridge the fair use or the expressive rights shared by us all.

I fucking hate donkey. But "respect" appears to only cover not reposting another users edited/deleted submissions.

We all post each others comments/archives trying to catch each other in fuckery..... that appears to violate UA...crensch makes entire stickied posts about an edit.

I kinda think the banning of obvious trolls TTT and Donkey is facilitating more legit users to get banned in the future.

think- ago

So Darkknight convinced Vindicator to go beyond Voat's definition of "respect" in the UA

@darkknight111 didn't convince @Vindicator of anything. Funny how you assume that @darkknight111 had anything to do with the ban. That's your usual game, isn't it. Sad.

We had a precedent for banning a user for impersonating another user, that was about two years ago when someone created an account that looked similar to @EricKaliberhalls's.

And TTT was banned for comment spam. That is in fact a rule that has existed for years on Voat.

But "respect" appears to only cover not reposting another users edited/deleted submissions.



Edit: I stand to be corrected after reading the TOS again - it really seems to pertain to other users' edited and deleted submissions.

Thanks for correcting :)


Respect Trumps Free Speech

think- ago

brilliant argument "think-"

Interesting that you ninja edited your comment after I had already edited my comment, and explained that I stand to be corrected. Final proof that you are only here to stir up shit.

@shewhomustbeobeyed called it "his victory over donqi"...not me

You wrote:

Funny how you assume that @darkknight111 had anything to do with the ban.

That's why I wrote

@darkknight111 didn't convince @Vindicator of anything. Funny how you assume that @darkknight111 had anything to do with the ban. That's your usual game, isn't it. Sad.

as everybody is able to read can see. You are intentionally twisting what I wrote.

I'm just putting this here for the other users, don't intend to have a convo with you. I just chimed in to defend @darkknight111 against your allegations.


My "Ninja Edit" was adding

(Respect Trump's Free Speech?)

You wrote:

Funny how you assume that @darkknight111 had anything to do with the ban.

I didn''re quoting yourself.


HOLY SHIT...DID YOU JUST REVEAL YOURSELF TO BE OPERATING ALTS...while accusing me of a "ninja edit"?

@heygeorge @shewhomustbeobeyed @kevdude

think- ago

I am repeatedly being falsely accused of "stirring up shit" and "twisting"

That's exactly what you do. You are randomly attacking users like @darkknight111 or me, accusing us of stuff we never did.


I don't operate alts -.just for the record.

while accusing me of a "ninja edit"?

Adding content after someone has replied is ninja editing. Fyi.



You just accused me of adding content to disparage you and "twist" words which I havent.

Adding content after someone has replied is ninja editing. Fyi.

You could stand to be corrected on this as well.

A Ninja edit is an edit b4 anyone responds, usually w/in minutes

alele-opathic ago

I know this is old, but just thought I'd leave you a helpful note: Voat doesn't support ninja editing. All edits, even in a private sub that you own, are recorded, even if you make them seconds later.

I have been accused of ninja editing by a number of people I suspect are bots/shills (and one I believe I satisfactorily proved), including a guy who Putt later deleted for manipulation. They just reuse the same bots from Reddit which reveals their ignorance of the platform differences.


I appreciate the note!

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

So Darkknight convinced Vindicator to go beyond Voat's definition of "respect" in the UA

I did not see any evidence of that.

But "respect" appears to only cover not reposting another users edited/deleted submissions.

I suck at interpretation, I always take words literally.

We all post each others comments/archives trying to catch each other in fuckery..... that appears to violate UA...crensch makes entire stickied posts about an edit.


I fucking hate donkey.

Now, now. I won't talk to you anymore if you keep picking on muh Boo. He's jealous of you, said I flirted wit you. ;)


@shewhomustbeobeyed (pinged to note edit)

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Yes the mods can abuse us at their whimsy. And yes, there isn't a thing we can do about it.

Vindicator ago

This is retarded, Nomo. The entire conversation was public. But keep up the smear campaigning.


hidden in the archives of a 205 comment chain

"made public yet?"

You're blatantly full of shit.

Vindicator ago

No, you are full of shit. It's always been public.

Why are you attempting to mischaracterize @Darkknight111's obvious meaning -- "Are we going to celebrate the Donkey being put out to pasture?"

Darkknight is a good guy who is a great contributor. He has shown commitment to not just research, but to protecting this board for years. He was invited to mod more than once, but turned it down due to wanting to focus on research rather than dealing with people like you, Nomo.

Your opinion of the researchers here, the moderation here, the ruleset here is plain shitty, so why are you here, exactly? It's not like you're getting any eyeballs here, since Voat is subscriber only and closed to new subscribers.


My criticism is directed at Mods, when they unfairly and inconsistently implement rules.

Yet. I'm still here because it is a consistent source of pizzagate research. I think the researchers here are excellent.

I don't think you're a bad Mod, but I think my ban was unjust, the rule change is unnecessary, and you occasionally make a bad call.

sorry for ego check.

Voat is subscriber only and closed to new subscribers.

Then why are you banning? You're pruning a walled garden. Do you want Pizzagate to stay open/free/discovering new tendrils ourselves? ....or act like a Qult waiting for prophetic "drops"?

WeirdlyEerie ago

And...the shattered community's broken pieces are broken into even smaller shards.

Once upon a time, v/pizzagate was a place where people of all perspectives brought their information ore to be weighed. The atmosphere was of respect because all users were presumed competent to winnow the wheat from the chaff by themselves. Even donkeys sometimes carry useful nuggets, and shills reveal their masters.

It was anonymous, and anyone could lurk and learn without logging in. I liked that, as you can probably tell by my sparse contributions. But this is not about me.

Nor you.

It's about the children. They need our unified voice to stop their systemic abuse and global enslavement by elites.

We need to do better than banning one another and fueling endless in-group/out-group melodrama.

I suppose the only courtesy I would like to see is that people refrain from commenting on or contacting other users at all. We're not here to research each other, and this is not a social club. I think everyone should be unbanned, even ones I dislike, because my dislike is irrelevant.

Civil_Warrior ago

Immediately stop listening when you are urged to to do it for the children.

kazza64 ago

i wouldnt be a mod for quids do whatever you think is best for the integrity of the group

Vindicator ago

Thank you for your trust, Kazza64. I take don't take that responsibility lightly.

kestrel9 ago

I believe the rule reflecting the Voat User Agreement should stay, but I'm going to consider alternatives for the name and/or the definition. 'Abusive comments' seems so broad that it could encompass just about anything. That title can cause more contention than the rule is supposed to help circumvent.

But having a rule to reflect what it's intended to accomplish is important, as current situation does demonstrate (no I am not planning on spending hours to forensically dissect the arguments over the @darkknight111 post where @Nomochomo decided to protest issues belonging somewhere else. I believe he stated that he used @darkknight111 post as a venue for his own agenda and initially didn't put effort into the research at hand to bring the original post into compliance with the rules about what constitutes a PG relevant post. The initial two links he provided as "research" did not accomplish the effort warranted in that situation, and clearly he didn't want to put in the time then to make it clear the links did accomplish that, and as it so happened, they didn't imo. Should I have to spend an hour or more combing through long involved links to tease out and apply a litmus test to the tiny bit of info that may or not hold up under the scrutiny of the case in hand because one user presenting it to a mod says it holds up? No. Are the mods supposed to do that for the user? No.

Did I have to spend way more time then I ever wanted to just make that last statement? Yes. Or I wouldn't have said it. Is this how a research board is supposed to operate? Not in my opinion no. Did it disrupt time spent on my own research? Yes, but since it became such an issue on the board, it seemed necessary to comment about it here.

Does the silence on behalf of researchers to comment in on the thread demonstrate a support of one side or the other over mod practices? No. In my case it only meant that I hoped there would be a return to the research, without the disruptions arguing the finer points of what constitutes a disruption (yet AGAIN, for the bizillionth time on voat research subs). In fact if a user hasn't been around long enough to make such distinctions perhaps they should be required to read the VOLUMES of arguing over it as opposed to presuming that every other user is supposed to litigate their disagreements for them. I've backed down when I've been in disagreement over interpreting research because it seemed at the time to benefit the board members (to refrain from further argument) in an area that became subjective, not empirically conclusive.

The goal is to be able to maintain the integrity of board in respect to the purpose of posting research that fits the criterion and discussing that. That takes an amount of 'in good faith' motivation, meaning that as individuals with a common purpose, we try to recognize the difference in our own motives with just as fine a tooth comb, as we are willing to subject others to our interpretation over their motives.

And within PG I presume one situation the 'No comment abuse' rule is supposed to circumvent is when posts are used to further personal agendas against other users, under the guise of "oh I'm just trying to research" when it's clear to the average researcher that the research is no longer the issue within the controversy a given dispute. PG researchers have gone through time and again dealing with the disruptions of personal agendas (@Esotericshade sticky stands as monument to that).

I will put time into considering a better title and/or definition of rule 5, 'No comment abuse', but my vote is to keep the rule for the time being.

Crensch ago

Fucking well said. Far more time and effort put into that than NOMO deserves, and look how he shit all over it as if you hadn't presented any information or content whatsoever. Just another platform for him to spit his narrative over and over again.

@vindicator this is the first actual researcher that has publicly responded here.

I think it's very clear that @NOMOCHOMO has no intention of being honest about any of this. Not only does he seemed to think he has done nothing wrong, but he also pretends to not see the content presented to him. Nobody else's opinions, thoughts, explanations, or ideas are valid to him.

I stand by my original judgement of this user and the timing of his showing up: he is, and has been, part of the esoteric group.

argosciv ago

@vindicator this is the first actual researcher that has publicly responded here.

Oi. I may not post my work to v/pizzagate anymore, but definitely still a researcher :P

Crensch ago

Meant no offense there.

I consider you a researcher for sure, sorry bud.

argosciv ago

Too bad. I'm offended as can be and you should be banned!

Just fuckin' wit' ya. A lame attempt to bring some humor into the mix :P


@ArgosCiv has been banned by @Crensch

Rule 1: Relevancy: Snark is not allowed. Please keep comments relevant to the subject at hand. This is a meta-forum for pizzagate discussion

Snark will be taken as a repudiation.


Nobody else's opinions, thoughts, explanations, or ideas are valid to him.

says the man doing the banning.

kestrel9 ago

Not quite true @shewhomustbeobeyed also thought your assumption was off base from start regarding the @darkknight111 post meeting the existing PG rules for posts (not saying she's a fan of @crensch or supports his moderation style).

After 8 days, you still have ignored the need to provide the info to justify the two links you originally provided as evidence before you completely made yourself the center of attention, claiming to be a victim. Those links you put up as if they made a point that you never spelled out, and you became indignant when questioned. I don't think you ever bothered to read the links, seems a fair minimum of commitment PG users could reasonably expect from someone who hangs his hat on ignoring others unless they demonstrate to you that they read 'all the evidence' about your ban for being belligerent and unhelpful and not providing evidence that supports what you claim it did.

[–] shewhomustbeobeyed 3 points (+3|-0) 8 days ago

I am not here to tell you how to feel, nomo. I know that fags are molested as children. If you want to know my opinion on AOC, it's 16. For my children it's 21 and married.

I still think this belongs in PGWE.

But by all means, please make your case.

[–] NOMOCHOMO -1 points (+1|-2) 8 days ago

2 prior posts on Buck in Pizzagate

How should the info on Ed Buck within these links have changed the status of the "24 hour" flair that was given 8 days ago?

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/pizzagatemods comment by @Crensch.

Posted automatically (#67689) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@kestrel9: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @Crensch)


I would have made my case, if asked, instead I was banned.

But thanks for asking....seriously....Mods banned me for not providing more info (besides the previous submissions.)

I actually think Buck is obviously relevant to pgate, which is why I provided those links:

first link: Savile->Process church (satanic church disguised as an animal rights org)->Ed Buck

Pedo Jim was a member of a fake animal charity that is a cover for Satanism, Ed Buck supports the same "charity"

2nd link includes this comment:

Which I provided as 3rd link that I also commented on Darkknight's post:

"Clinton supporter Ed Bunt embroiled in another suspicious death of a young male prostitute at his home"

TLDR: Many previous submitters have already established Buck as relevant....Including a post that was misspelled so it's harder to locate.

Providing those articles allows @Darkknight111 to edit in the relevant portions.


no I am not planning on spending hours to forensically dissect the arguments

then why repeat the accusation without looking at the evidence?

@Nomochomo decided to protest issues belonging somewhere else.

What comment was a "protest"? I asked why a flair was changed. link me?

I believe he stated that he used @darkknight111 post as a venue for his own agenda and initially didn't put effort into the research at hand to bring the original post into compliance with the rules about what constitutes a PG relevant post

"I believe"...But you can't link proof because you didn't examine the evidence? Link this comment^

I believe the rule reflecting the Voat User Agreement should stay, but I'm going to consider alternatives for the name and/or the definition. 'Abusive comments' seems so broad that it could encompass just about anything. That title can cause more contention than the rule is supposed to help circumvent.


I will put time into considering a better title and/or definition of rule 5, 'No comment abuse', but my vote is to keep the rule for the time being.

You want it redefined and you don't want it.....Do you believe in the 2A but not assault rifles?

kestrel9 ago

I requesting the rule stay as it was changed to, "No Comment Abuse"


I'm fine with you accepting the rule. So you dont want it edited or renamed? cool dude.

Please don't accuse me of "disruption" if you aren't willing to verify the posts/comments in which the "disruption" occurred

kestrel9 ago

If you had not been disruptive we wouldn't be having this conversation and you would have provided reasoning behind your choice of links here to show that the @darkknight111 about Ed Buck adheres to rule #1

1: Relevance

Posts must be directly relevant to investigation of Pizzagate: the sexual/physical abuse and/or murder of children...


If you had not been disruptive we wouldn't be having this conversation

We wouldn't be having this convo if I hadn't been banned.

  1. jimmy savile (pedo) -> process church/best friends society-> Ed Buck

  2. Link establishes Ed Buck's relevance in the comments. A user asks how Buck is relevant: To which the poster provides additional Ed Buck relevance:

kestrel9 ago

I had started a response to your deleted comment:

I also think Ed Buck is (perhaps) relevant, but at the time of the post, the case had not been made. (I still have to read what @darkknight111 posted about the Standard Hotel connection).

you posted:

first link: Savile->Process church (satanic church disguised as an animal rights org)->Ed Buck

The title from the link is: " Jimmy Savile > the Process Church of the Final Judgement > the House of Rothschild > Alefantis and David Brock's ex boyfriend William Grey > Ed Buck

Did you just cite a partial title as proof that you read the thread?

Did you read the links within the threads?

He's associated with Social Compassion in Legislation which supports various animal rights groups

He was at a council meeting regarding puppy mills and pet stores

Others stepped up to address the Council and dispute the notion that responsible pet store owners, do in fact exist, including Elizabeth Oreck, Best Friends Animal Society and Ed Buck, Social Compassion in Legislation.

Being at the same place at the same time on behalf of an animal rights issue is not proof that he's either closely associated or associated at all with the Best Friends Animal Society, neither does it tell us anything about him being a pedophile or associating with pedophiles.

Pedo Jim was a member of a fake animal charity that is a cover for Satanism, Ed Buck supports the same "charity"

The degree to which (if any) Ed Buck is linked to the charity beyond showing up at animal rights related events has not been established that I've seen. (haven't done a deep dive on the subject).

more reading on Process Church

Many previous submitters have already established Buck as relevant....Including a post that was misspelled so it's harder to locate.

This is it (@vindicator you may find it interesting due to some of the users there too)

I found the topic of Cuba/CIA area intriguing, have to look into that more. To which @cantsleepawink provides additional Ed Buck relevance:

Those links don't include info that Ed Buck is a pedophile. You must not have read the info. @cantsleepawink suspected that an author may have been alluding to that point, but that was a suspicion on the user's part. Not reflected in the info cited and the response to the user asking is misleading because it changes that 'suspicion' to declare it as though it's a fact by citing the original 'suspicion' quote!

That being said, I'm not saying that Ed Buck posts shouldn't be allowed, just that you gave yourself way too much credit without reading what you posted so when @crensch said "and?" in response you got pissed off instead of going back and reading the links. He wasn't off base to ask why those links were relevant and you didn't answer why they should be considered relevant, it would seem that you just read the title of the first one.

You had feedback from @shewhomustbeobeyed disagreeing with you on where the post belonged. From those two links, she was correct and so was @crensch. @Vindicator told you about the flair mix up, and that wasn't good enough to calm your righteous indignant ass down. Then in your deleted response to me you said if it wasn't for you @darkknight111 wouldn't have a post or something to that effect (since you deleted it I can't quote exactly). Is it your perspective that we should all just thank our lucky stars that you're here on top of things? /s


I had started a response to your deleted comment:

Liar. I didn't delete any comments

Did you just cite a partial title as proof that you read the thread?

you want me to copy-paste the whole thread retard? Buck founded/directed SCIL:

So his fake charity raised money for the Best Friends/Process Church

If @letsdothis3 research is "relevant", that is reason alone for Buck's later arrest to be posted as an update.

when @crensch said "and?" in response you got pissed off

I only got "pissed off" after I was banned. Link a comment where I'm pissy. You can't, I was exceedingly polite in darkknight's post.

He wasn't off base to ask why those links were relevant

I answered why they were relevant. ( 2 years of prior relevant posts on Ed Buck legitimized an update on his arrest.

otherwise the old posts are also breaking "rule 1"....either our rules have changed and old posts are now "irrelevant" or they are deemed still relevant via old mod standards.

@Vindicator told you about the flair mix up, and that wasn't good enough to calm your self righteous indignant ass down.

After I had been unfairly banned, he clarified. Despite admitting it was their mistake, he didn't reverse the ban.

Then in your deleted response to me you said if it wasn't for you @darkknight111 wouldn't have a post or something to that effect (since you deleted it I can't quote exactly).


kestrel9 ago

This is what I saw in my response box

I've added a new rule to reflect the Voat User Agreement. Please share your thoughts.

[–] [deleted] 12 hours ago



It came right after your answers and I lost track of the first one, but I see it now. A bit of a mix up. my bad. You didn't delete, but there were two similar responses.


A mistake isn't lying, and to say quit lying implies I lied before that mix up.

So his fake charity raised money for the Best Friends/Process Church


Animal PAC/Social Compassion in Legislation for Animals (Ed Buck is the group’s largest contributor.)

Amount Recv’d: $95,629.06 Amount Returned: $0 Statement Made: No

Show us the donation amount to Best Friends. No reference to Best Friends getting donation from Ed Buck.

We have proof he's a gay serial killer of black gay men in their twenties. Does not indicate that Ed Buck is a pedophile, or a victim of pedophiles.

I addressed your other proof (the two initial links) and why they were a bust. I don't think you are able to discern what constitutes proof vs. conjecture and correlation (he donates to democrats, he supports sex ed in schools). I believe you are so jacked up over your own ego, you've brought the ban upon yourself. The closest thing to supporting you that I can think of is that I agree the cabal takedown flair probably should be shelved. I've yet to see concrete proof that the original Ed Buck post should have stayed in PG as opposed to belonging in PGWE. @shewhomustbeobeyed And within all this, I suspect the standards of proof will suffer because of you, which makes @crensch correct when he tried to get you show proof and you never have (not that you haven't tried).


shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Hi kestrel9, I understand the other pings you sent me, but I'm not sure if this is an fyi, or an accusation?

Is there something that you want from me?

kestrel9 ago

Sorry, no it's neither. I got in the habit of just using @ when mentioning someone's name. (bad habit when their name comes up a lot :/

My apologies.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Okay, well I do not understand what it is that you tried to say. It's confusing me.

kestrel9 ago

I just did an edit to be more clear on why I put your name in and I removed the @

Edit: (shewhomustbeobeyed didn't think it belonged in PG.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Thanks for explaining it. The context wasn't clear to me.

kestrel9 ago

np anytime. (hopefully no need for it, I'll watch out for using @ when I don't need to :)

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

If I'm being discussed, don't mind being pinged. Thank you for editing the comment.



I was mistaken regarding Buck fundraising for Best Friends/Process Church. He Co-Sponsored/Advocated Legislation with them.

@Letsdothis3 research is still a valid connection to establish Ed Buck as pizzagate player. He lobbied alongside a Satanic Pedo Cult.

Buck's advocacy of Sex Ed in schools is a valid pizzagate connection. It is Elite Organized sexual indoctrination of the youth. We have a long history of LGBTQ gay "activist" pedos. Buck admits his interest in Molding Child Sexuality

Being a TOP DONOR for HOLLYWOOD DEMS (Liddle Adam Schiff-pizzagate) and Hillary Clinton is different than "donates to democrats". @cantsleepawink post was deemed relevant.

which makes @crensch correct when he tried to get you show proof

he made my membership conditional on proving another members post. Not only did I do that, but he hasn't reversed the ban.

I suspect the standards of proof will suffer

How? we're examining standards with a microscope?

You're arguing that previous posts are irrelevant...and simultaneously, stricter standards of proof will "suffer"

Why should a user be banned for somebody else's post? Relevancy was a submission standard. I was banned for relevancy for a comment....but the comment wasn't banned, nor the submission.

it's a farce

kestrel9 ago

All things considered I support having your ban revisited (due to the flair issue and what appeared to be evidence that turned out otherwise).

@crensch @vindicator


dude thank you thank you thank you

kestrel9 ago

you're welcome :)


sorry I was snappy, I've kind of been in fight or flight re: getting unbanned

kestrel9 ago

I understand np, this is how the process goes sometimes.


also regarding liddle'

Trump is literally getting people to search "liddle"

So here's their website:

Here she is praising Tina Allen's book, founder of LiddleKidz:

I talk about this group in my earlier post here.

Partners: Anna Hallgren is social worker, sex educator, supervisor and lecturer. She has many years experience in sex education for children and youth with different disabilites.

Relevant to Pizzagate as pedophiles are finding new and inventive covers for molesting children.

@vindicator @shewhomustbeobeyed

somebody ought to do a post on this in v/pizzagate

kestrel9 ago

Curious comment you have. Why is a Trump hit piece regarding Greta Thunberg (a snarky anti Q article, that is protecting Adam Schiff), something to post on PG? Curious that you are reposting a link from a user which was the same user you reposted 10 mos ago (without crediting them until an edit) and got in a dust up over it with @Vindicator

Maybe you're kind of an unlucky person? /s Or one who likes to push their luck?

There are plenty of people here who don't like Trump and don't like GA. If they find something PG related in that article beyond the old post of you cited they may post it. I didn't see anything that would accomplish furthering the case against Adam Schiff, and nothing about Ed Buck. If there's a connection you want to make between the baby massage and sex education pushed in schools start in PGWE to see if it flies (babies aren't in school tho)

I did find an old link with intriguing info relating to Little Echoes. It's not something I can research at the moment. (Not involving Ed Buck)

Trump is literally giving us an opportunity to signal boost Schiff->Buck->SexEd-Pedos

You didn't provide proof that Buck is a pedo. Again I suggest learning how to research to make solid connections, or remain someone who appears to be a trollish snark right after I decided to support revisiting the fact that you were banned. Your decision. Good luck.

@crensch @vindicator @think-


Why is a Trump hit piece regarding Greta Thunberg...

keep reading. The second tweet it cites:

To show you how dishonest the LameStream Media is, I used the word Liddle’, not Liddle, in discribing Corrupt Congressman Liddle’ Adam Schiff. Low ratings @CNN purposely took the hyphen out and said I spelled the word little wrong. A small but never ending situation with CNN!

read the article in it's entirety b4 you comment bro. You just read the first paragraph

If there's a connection you want to make between the baby massage and sex education pushed in schools start in PGWE to see if it flies (babies aren't in school tho)

"Liddle" has already been established as a Pizzagate Research subject as Trump tweeted it so many times. I used @shadow322 research because I look only at the info. not the user. Even disinfo bots spread 20% truth to legitimize the fakery.

I've been accused of being an alt/brigade since I joined and w/ 7 piece submission series "The Vampires of Ahepa"

You didn't provide proof that Buck is a pedo.

he doesn't have to be a pedo to be relevant to pizzagate. He is an elite advocating sexualizing children, who is a top donor to pizzagate players Adam Schiff and Hillary Clinton, and affiliated with a pedo-satanic church.

a trollish snark


interesting word choice. There was literally no snark in my reply. Trump is signal boosting "liddle" of which there are many pizzagate posts. How is that snark?


shewhomustbeobeyed ago

What am I supposed to be looking at? Search was down for me, haven't bothered to check it lately. Are you looking for posts with that word in them?


look who uses that word over and over

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Lol. I use that word all the time. Mostly cuz i am snarky, and have children.

It's a cool word, btw.


I agree! you use "snarky". It is a great word.

It seems like only 1 person regularly accuses others of snark as an insult

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Stop it.


lol. k.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago




kestrel9 ago

Interesting word choice. There was literally no snark in my reply. Trump is signal boosting "liddle" of which there are many pizzagate posts. How is that snark?

Since this last comment of your claimed:

Trump is literally giving us an opportunity to signal boost Schiff->Buck->SexEd-Pedos

When it does nothing of the sort and you didn't prove that Ed Buck arrest post belongs in PG, the word snark came to mind.

More interesting is omitting relevant info when countering something

interesting word choice. There was literally no snark in my reply. Trump is signal boosting "liddle" of which there are many pizzagate posts. How is that snark?

Trump is literally giving us an opportunity to signal boost Schiff->Buck->SexEd-Pedos

Post about it one of the Q related sites where you aren't banned (if you want to)

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Well, you've been banned from PG and I don't contribute content. Maybe @kestrel9 will do it.

Good luck.



kestrel9 ago

I'm not going to argue with you on your disruptive contentions with mods. Okay, keep the rule as is. @vindicator @crensch


disruptive contentions

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances

disruptive contentions = grievances

Rule 4: Posts about the subverse itself go to /v/pizzagatemods.

Don't bitch about me replying to tagged accusations in the appropriate sub

kestrel9 ago

Go fuck yourself, lying deceitful POS.


please link my "lies"

Shizie ago

Hahahahahaha! You sound mad homo!

twistedmac11 ago

I'm sorry I'm late to the party. This is fucking hilarious.

The [O] of the sub can insult users in rants but regular users will get banned for less.

Fucking lol. Such hypocrisy. It's no wonder v/pizzagate is dead. I can't figure out, though, if you're being deliberately obtuse or if you're a willing accomplice.

Civil_Warrior ago

Jewpocrisy methinks!!

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/pizzagate comment by @Crensch.

Posted automatically (#66950) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@twistedmac11: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @Crensch)

REB_Militia ago

Since /vpizzagate is dead, where is the center of Pizzagate research now?

twistedmac11 ago

As far as I know, there isn't one. I would love to be wrong about that, though.


deliberately obtuse or if you're a willing accomplice.

aren't they the same thing?

twistedmac11 ago

Yeah, I messed my wording up a bit on that one. What I meant was is he ignorant, or is he aware of the hypocrisy and just trying to play it off?

I agree that a few "disruptors" (whether they're shills or just trolls) messed things up and that mods have to be on guard. However they have to realize that bringing the hammer down as hard as they have doesn't do v/pizzagate any favors either. It runs people off. If the goal is to spread knowledge/wake people up, what good does it do to push people away? This sub has lost a lot of traffic. I'm sure partially because putt has closed voat off, but even prior to that it had slowed down a lot, and I'm pretty sure behavior of the mods has contributed to that. I know I lost some interest in coming here when I first saw crensch ranting at another pizzagate user and saying this sub wouldn't be here without him, etc.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/pizzagate comment by @Crensch.

Posted automatically (#66949) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@twistedmac11: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @Crensch)


aware of the hypocrisy and just trying to play it off?


Crensch ago

Where in the user agreement does it say you can remove comments for speech content?

Where does it say you can't?

You have that delete button for spam.

Seems to work for other reasons just fine.

Piscina ago

23088 subscribers

~15 user(s) here now

Yes, 15 out of a possible 23,088. Why only 15? Because mods have managed to push investigators away.

ESOTERICshade ago

Yes, 15 out of a possible 23,088. Why only 15? Because mods have managed to push investigators away.

That is exactly correct. I used to be a main contributor to v/pizzagate until I got tired of the bullshit that the mods throw out.

Vindicator ago

Fake news as usual Piscina. We've been below 30 people on the board ever since Putt closed Voat to non-subscribers. We went from between 90 and 300 people depending on time of day, down to between 11 and 30. That's been ever since LDT3's post about Junkermann got us DDoS a couple of months ago.

Keep trying, though. Maybe one of these days you'll get some traction.

ESOTERICshade ago

Fake news as usual @Piscina. We've been below 30 people on the board ever since Putt closed Voat to non-subscribers. We went from between 90 and 300 people depending on time of day, down to between 11 and 30. That's been ever since LDT3's post about Junkermann got us DDoS a couple of months ago.

Keep trying, though. Maybe one of these days you'll get some traction.

Everybody in this thread is giving you constructive criticism. But nooooo, they are not "regular contributors" in your eyes. Maybe they would contribute more if it were not for you assholes?

Piscina ago

I copied and pasted.


I thank you so much for speaking out on my behalf.

People fear becoming a target and getting banned themeselves. Thus many downvoat but haven't commented

I encourage ya'll to exercise your right to free expression.

Public pushback prevents Mod Over-Reach

Piscina ago

Orwellian thought police. People are too frightened to state the bleeding obvious: that the emperor has no clothes.


downvoat brigade waited a couple days before negging you.

Piscina ago

yes, I know that's why people don't comment: they fear they are the next ones on the list to be targeted by Crunsch.

YogSoggoth ago

I will tell you when I have problems Vin! On a side note, could you send this to Sunangeon or whatever it is. Accuse me of being a bot! I still don't know what a bot is, dang it. Where the trouble started was with Darknight's hard work that I admire, respect, and hope to aspire to. Tales of the Unexpected - Skin ep 011 - YouTube

Search domain


I suspect an attempt at trickle in upvoats will occur to try counter the -16 votes received in the first 2 days.

Currently @ 5 upvoats.


20 down, 8 up


21 down, 10 up

still not a single comment in support of the new rule.


22 down 12 up


22 down 13 up

3 users have commented in favor of the rule


22 down 15 clockwork


10 days later 27 down 18 up

*as long as we are login only, it is worthwhile to track vote counts as they display to individual users

Vindicator ago

Interestingly, almost everyone who has bothered to comment on this post is either not a pizzagate contributor or has a past history of undermining the community. The downvotes are not surprising. As of now, it's not looking like our active users are against this rule.

I've learned a lot about you from making this sticky.

"I suspect" an "attempt" at "trickle in upvoats" will occur <<< You want to paint all users who notice it and support going forward as somehow illegitimate or nefarious. More disrespect for your fellow pizzagate researchers, eh? Can't say I'm sad that you are too arrogant and self-righteous to get yourself unbanned.

You also don't realize that unlike on Reddit, where "Karma" is king, submission points don't matter for squat here. They literally count for nothing. They get you more eyeballs on v/all. That's it. As this is an internal matter to this subverse, having this in the negatives is a good thing.

If pizzagaters think this is a bad idea, they will comment and let me know. And they know I will listen to them.

ESOTERICshade ago

Interestingly, almost everyone who has bothered to comment on this post is either not a pizzagate contributor or has a past history of undermining the community.

Well no shit sherlock. Your fearless leader @crensch, and you and your Qanon bullshit, ran off most of our regular contributors.

a past history of undermining the community.

Some of us simply refuse to take bullshit from power mods. How does that suit you?


active users

you have 6 upvoats. Who has commented in support of it? I see no vocal support

....or are "multiple users" PMing you?......

Piscina ago

They change the goalposts as they see fit. There is neither rhyme nor reason to their 'rules'. They are drunk on what little power in life they have. Notice that you're responding to someone who labels anyone who doesn't agree with him as 'undermining the community', which is laughable.

Piscina ago

Do you mean abuse like this:

[–] Crensch -1 points (+1|-2) 6 months ago

@Piscina, did you ever figure it out, you stupid cunt?

link context reply ...

Or this:

[–] srayzie 1 point (+4|-3) 8 months ago (edited 8 months ago)

@Piscina loves cunt cakesJPEG

link context reply ...

Or maybe this:

[–] Crensch 1 point (+4|-3) 8 months ago


I guess you realized you were wrong. Typical of a Jewish cunt to not admit it.

By your own standards, both of these mods should be banned. Here's another one:

[–] srayzie 2 points (+3|-1) 8 months ago

@Auralsects and @Piscina are the biggest cock suckers on Voat.

link context reply ...

CheeseboogerHimself ago

oy vey its different when (((they))) do it. Rules are for the goys.

Vindicator ago

Well, the UA simultaneously, in the same clause, states "Respect Other Users" and this "is not intended to abridge the fair use or the expressive rights shared by us all."

One could argue that colorful language and insults fall under "expressive rights" and usually don't rise to the level of abusing the Comment section to derail submissions. I would say it's a matter of degree. If someone stalks you and shits up all or a majority of posts you make so that you can't submit research in this subverse, then they should face consequences. Likewise if they subvert Voat's inbuilt safeguard against this -- downvotes -- by using multiple alt accounts to derail submissions.

Under a Comment Abuse rule, I would warn and then ban any account who could be shown to be doing that.

Rotteuxx ago

Holy fuck, you are a kike !

Vindicator ago

Please explain what part of what I just said is kikery.

In my view, it's kikery to subvert the voting system by running a bunch of alts. It's kikery to demand politically correct language. It's kikery to dodge a sub's submission rules by taking over the Comment section instead.

ESOTERICshade ago

I would say it's a matter of degree.

You the Voat degree master?

If someone stalks you and shits up all or a majority of posts you make so that you can't submit research in this subverse, then they should face consequences.

Vindicator you shitted up v/pizzagate for months with your Qanon fantasies. You don't have any room to talk about "shitting up places."

Piscina ago

That's hilarious because we all know that you would use your self-made 'respect others users' rule to ban anyone who called Crayzie or Crunsch a 'cunt'. Hypocrisy is transparent.

Vindicator ago

What evidence do you have to that leads you to believe this? I've never done any such thing.

NoBS ago

As soon as we link proof you have the ability to delete another post. Why make it easier for you to get your freak on? Your arrogance has moved into ODC if not malicious intent.

Vindicator ago

I've always had the ability to delete posts, and I have never abused it. Your comment makes no sense.

NoBS ago

I've never done any such thing.

Really? Controlling the narrative with abuse of power requires destruction of evidence and disposable trust.

I've always had the ability to delete posts

Narcissist much?

Abuse of power requires zero self control. Which is why the lack of impulse control makes ones reaction predictable.

I have never abused it

Did you steal that quote with guilt or contempt? Because you sure shit have not earned it from the massive deletions and intimidation (AKA God_Mod complex) infringed upon pizzagate.

Do the mods really believe that your censorship did not destroy the pizzagate community?

You folks are still on a power trip with at a drama queen level that can make Reddit green with envy. Sure, the mods here pretend to be shocked that some called you out before giving up.

Well, I hope got folks got at least 30 pieces of silver each for destroying the information flow. Because you earned it.

Yet the denial at this level has moved beyond absurdity and into calculated malicious intent. It's like you don;t even pretend to hide it.

Vindicator ago

Did you steal that quote with guilt or contempt? Because you sure shit have not earned it from the massive deletions and intimidation

Show me my "massive deletions" and "intimidation". I think you have me confused with someone else.


Show me my "massive deletions" and "intimidation"

It would help if you fixed your ban log link.

It's still:

we aren't managers, big guy

plebian link:

Vindicator ago

No massive deletions or intimidation? Fake narrative.


Oops, my mistake....

why don't you correct the link?

Vindicator ago

Done. Not so easy when out and about and modding by phone, Nomo. Besides, you've been harping on it, and it's in the sidebar.

Got anything else you want to make nefarious innuendos about?

Lemme see...Voat was down this morning...must be an attempt to prevent people from voicing their discontent because I'm cahoots with Putt's angel investor, amirite?


six days of replies.

Vindicator ago

And only 229 views, for a subverse of 23,092 subscribers. You seem eager for me to take this down. Don't you want people to have a chance to comment?


You seem eager for me to take this down. Don't you want people to have a chance to comment?

I wanted you to fix the broken link in your post.

If I had a broken link in a post, you think ya'll would let it slide?

NoBS ago

My faith in Pedo-Mods is not confusion or even contempt. Helping you delete evidence is the last thing I would do.

That would be like asking a victim to help the pedophile destroy evidence of an ass rape.

You sick fucks really are cheeky.

Get off your high horse and destroy your own bloody evidence. Then virtue signal your superiority to a clueless child who still has innocence to exploit.

Vindicator ago

Are you on drugs? Your statements make no sense.

NoBS ago

Make it personal. Attack the messenger. Mockery with innuendo. Oh, you're good.

Vindicator ago

No, I genuinely don't understand your comments. They don't make sense.

Don-Keyhote ago

LOL! You know full well alts can't be used to downvote-briagade as the site recognizes IPs and even the physical devices being used. Why do you tell such obvious lies, you sociopath?

For that matter, how would "shitting up a post" in the comments prevent research in the OP from being read?

Why do you want to encourage in a research board a hivemind environment whereby "votes" that you JUST CLAIMED CAN BE MANIPULATED dictate the post's value?

Because you are a Jew, a liar, and a shill.

@letsdothis3 do you think I tried to execute a crafty scheme to impersonate you to discredit your research? The only alternative is that Vindickeater is a fantasist, a kikeshill, and a homosexual

Vindicator ago

Of course they can. ES admitted to doing it.

Why do you want to encourage in a research board a hivemind environment whereby "votes" that you JUST CLAIMED CAN BE MANIPULATED dictate the post's value?

Because that is the purpose of voting -- Voat's whole raison d'etre. I'm not at all surprised you want to nullify it.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

This is silly. All this over a mistake. Are you going to drop this rule?

Do you remember when I shitted up that post that neonrevolting tried to hijack? That was resubmitted without the drama. Neon stayed away, and I stayed away.

There are already ways submitters can censor the comments in their own posts without mods censoring users free speech.

Vindicator ago

This is silly. All this over a mistake. Are you going to drop this rule?

Sure. If the majority of regular contributors don't want it. I disagree that it's silly or that it's "all over a mistake". This has been an issue for a very, very long time, one that the physical platform previously offered no mechanism to address. With the addition of the User Agreement to the ban and removal interfaces, it now becomes possible and should be discussed.

Do you remember when I shitted up that post that neonrevolting tried to hijack? That was resubmitted without the drama. Neon stayed away, and I stayed away.

I do indeed. @Darkknight111's work was completely trashed, his meme campaign momentum was lost, and several of us had to deal with an inbox blizzard. He was ultimately forced to delete his post and resubmit it -- losing any relevant comments and all the original momentum. This would prevent exactly that kind of shitstorm from overtaking people's hard work in the future.

Also, Neon did not "stay away". He was downvoted into the negatives by an organized vote brigade, which permanently disabled his account when DK self-deleted.

There are already ways submitters can censor the comments in their own posts without mods censoring users free speech.

This is an interesting observation. Unfortunately, the only way a submitter can censor comments is to self delete the entire submission (a huge, demoralizing act of self-censorship of real, evidence based content), and even that doesn't work if they have been marked for targeting, as @argosciv was by ES and his sock puppet brigade.

Perhaps, as someone who does not contribute content and only participates by commenting in other people's submissions, this seems like a fair sacrifice to you. Try looking at it from the OP's point of view.

Why can't users who want free speech just make their own submission?

argosciv ago

I preface the following by acknowledging that I'm no longer a regular v/pizzagate contributor and that my opinion on the matters discussed ahead should not have much, if any, bearing on any associated outcomes.


On the subject at hand; "Comment Abuse Rule":

This is going to contrast slightly, in some places, with Points of Amusement at the bottom – but here's my take...

I'll start with one of the points of contention (because it's easier to get from there to the end), the changing of v/pizzagate's rule 5.

The old Rule 5 was about making sure you self-flair your content if it is NSFW, with the "NSFW" flair:

  • Very rarely is this invoked as a rule that results in removal of content or user punishment, as it is very rare that someone maliciously posts un-flaired NSFW content.
  • Moreover, the rule is a tad archaic now that submission authors and Owners/Moderators (inc. Janitors?) have the ability to toggle NSFW on/off.

In terms of shuffling the NSFW flair clause out of its own rule and into another: I say go for it, but I would say that it would be more appropriate to instead append it to Rule 3 (and Rule 6 for good measure).


The new Rule 5:

5: Comment Abuse

Do not derail topical discussion of a submission. Use v/pizzagatemods for disputes with moderators.

Totally acceptable in its concept though I would caution against regular use of it unless clear intent to derail is displayed. I think there is some merit to concern if the rule is not further refined before its first (next?) citation.

I would encourage steering the definition and utilization away from punishing people just for having a shitty attitude, as this would be tone policing(?). It should be practical in terms of stamping out blatant disruption but it also shouldn't be something which can be invoked because someone said something coarse to someone sensitive. More on this ahead.

Incidentally: If you think about it, Rule 5 as it stands now was actually 50% covered by Rule 4 (which applies to all and seemingly has not changed for 1.3+ years) already long before the other point of contention;


The banning of Nomochomo:

InB4 "Ping me you coward!": See bottom of comment.

It's no secret that I'm not in any rush to defend Nomo, but looking at things chronologically speaking for a moment and given a pre-existing understanding that 'best conduct' is to only ban for violations of rules that were already defined before the incident in question:

  • It's true, Nomo was banned from v/pizzagate before the explicit creation of the "Comment Abuse" rule there.
  • I think I read that the ban was originally for the "Relevance" clause in comments – this isn't a ban I can rightly stand behind if it's truly the case, as comments are supposed to be largely off limits. That said, no comments were deleted so that's something. The point being is (and this applies to other users too) it's not Nomo's responsibility to prove the submission's relevance; he's not obliged to do the author's job, his assistance to the author is voluntary and as such he should not be banned on the grounds of the Relevance clause (note also that the Relevance clause does not apply to comments).
  • It's also true (iirc) that the Voat User Agreement has had its "Respect Other Users" clause for a while now if not since I've been here. However;
  • Yourself (or @Crensch?) citing the Voat UA "Respect Other Users" clause (VUA ROU) as a bridging reason for the ban in lieu of the presence of the "Comment Abuse" rule, is just barely sufficient – allow me to elaborate:

The VUA ROU is barely efficient in that, although it forms a basis for the creation of the "Comment Abuse" rule and the title of the VUA ROU is something you'd like to think we can all abide by at least in v/pizzagate on the surface, the wording of the clause is not properly suited the situation in full. There's a misstep in translating it to a contextually appropriate, beneficial extension of the VUA ROU for inclusion in the v/pizzagate rules, but I think we can nail it.

For example's sake: I would add a note to Rule 5's definition stating that it is based on the VUA ROU, with a reminder that the VUA ROU is in effect. I would also, whether included in the written definition or not, consider interference with the 24h grace/edit/deletion process by "comment abuse" in the form of meta-themed disruption (Rule 4) instead of assisting by either presenting sufficient supporting material for the author to add to their submission or creating their own better submission in the case of an uncooperative author, an affront to this rule; a violation of Rules 4 and 5.


Which leads me to my final points on the banning of Nomochomo and the subsequent new Rule 5:

  • Nomochomo should not be banned for Rule 1 "Relevance" clause.
  • Rule 4 has, for at least 1.3 years, applied to comments.
  • Nomochomo did break Rule 4 – it isn't the first time, if I recall – and he could be banned for that, but by that measure so can many others... I'm not going to push in any direction there.
  • Rule 5 (as "Comments Abuse") should be tailored in a way to promote positive input when a submission is in dispute (24h Grace flaired).


And now it's time for...


Points of Amusement:

This: link

  • All of the "REE!" with zero acknowledgement of, or remorse for, running a sockpuppet-driven campaign of intimidation, defamation/disinformation and manipulation against me. Simple response:

Oh and what is this?

Amazing how hard you tried to make everyone think that you're not [LA]RP[ing], ES...

This one really aged well when contrasted with the above 2, didn't it?:

Hey, ES, remember that time you threatened me via private message using your RP account? You're so very lucky I deleted the message. It gives you the perfect opportunity to deny doing it, but, you're surely not a liar, are you?

Doesn't matter, though, you went to the effort of stalking me in public comments too:


Also this: link

  • Because, in conjunction with above, lol.


Also because of both above points of amusement:

Continued attempts to capitalize on my providing material on a discussion suppression/manipulation tactic which is known to be regularly used against myself, Crensch, yourself (the latter 2 of which most noticeably of late) and many others who have found themselves at odds with users who have a particular association with ES.


In comments here:

RE: "Ping me you coward!": You say that as if you aren't checking in regularly anyway and as if we don't (or shouldn't) all have each other on block. Ultimately I'm in no rush to see or be notified of your replies – we're not going to be nice to one another, so frankly I don't care (I'm surprised if you do, to either) – I'll read them eventually and maybe (probably not) respond though.

PS: Downvote away, trickle or otherwise; this comment is a child of a Vindicator comment you're already downvoting near to the point of not being visible, which is itself a child of a comment which isn't exactly near the top when sorting by top first.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Argos, I have always considered you a PG community member. I think you're wrong about things half the time because you are only capable of seeing things from your own perspective. To me you seem myopic.

Just so you know, I do very much think that the thot is a full fledged, cauldron stirring, cackling cunt of a witch. I also believe that ES and her are in it together. I've seen no evidence of him ever causing her any trouble. And she never called him out or answered as to why shy wouldn't. Both of them are destructive narcissists, peas in a pod.

The downvotes are nothing i can do anything about, except prove that they aren't coming from me.

I am not the user who posted the info on the silly games y'all play, you did that.

How am i not supposed to believe that you are all pulling that shit here, when i suspected it to begin with? Trickle votes, ffs.

@ESOTERICshade and @NOMOCHOMO are two very different individuals, and you cannot prove that they are anything else, or you would have done so by now.

I'm curious, argos. What should the PG researchers who are not on the mods 'Approved List' of submitters do with their work?

I'd like them to stay on Voat and post their work to a system sub instead of just abandoning this site because PG got fouled for them. Kinda like you did with your submissions to PGWE. Do you think I'm wrong to recommend this, I don't know what else to tell them.

ESOTERICshade ago

Argos, I have always considered you a PG community member.

First of all, I am not argo. I am @esotericshade.

I think you're wrong about things half the time because you are only capable of seeing things from your own perspective.

That is putting it much too kindly. Argo is out of his fucking mind. Although, I will admit, he has improved lately. He just needs to stop smoking those mushrooms. I don't really have anything against smoking mushrooms, but damn it....ya know?

I also believe that ES and her are in it together.

I can absolutely guarantee you that you are incorrect on that one. I would never have known that srayzie sent her titties to everybody if @kevdude had not alerted me. That bitch did whatever she did all on her own.

I've seen no evidence of him ever causing her any trouble.

I don't cause trouble but I absolutely will call BULLSHIT when I see bullshit. Qanon was pure bullshit. @vindicator believed the Qanon bullshit was real. I get it. I understand. I think vindicator had good intentions, BUT, he was mistaken. I don't fault vindicator for being mistaken, BUT I DO fault him for acting like a little bitch about it.

ESOTERICshade and @NOMOCHOMO are two very different individuals, and you cannot prove that they are anything else, or you would have done so by now.

Yes we are not the same people. We are not the same person. Vindicator just needs to change his diapers.

I'm curious, argos. What should the PG researchers who are not on the mods 'Approved List' of submitters do with their work?

You need to ask argo that question. You are talking to ESOTERICshade. But according to @vindicator new rules that probably won't last long because I will get banned.

I also believe that ES and her are in it together.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Shut the fuck up and learn to read, you were pinged because i was discussing you, imbecile.

ESOTERICshade ago

Shut the fuck up and learn to read, you were pinged because i was discussing you, imbecile.

If I was married to you, I would kill myself. I am damn glad we aint married. Arent you? :)

(im laughing as i say that, it was a joke)

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

If you ever come near me, you'll be dead before you hit the ground. I do not tolerate abusers.

ESOTERICshade ago

The above is not the posting history of an abuser. I'm probably one of the most gentle people you ever met. I can be rough, mean, but my first aspect is gentle and kind.

The below is most certainly the comment history of a loser, an abuser, and nothing anything needs in their life.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You know what, ES. I've changed my mind.

Let's get married.

ESOTERICshade ago

ou know what, ES. I've changed my mind.

Let's get married.

Let me think about it.

  1. Buy a new suit for the wedding day.
  2. Kill myself a day later because I am married to you.

Nope. You can't get rid of me that easy :)

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

This is my love -

You are most assuredly incapable of being this, to any woman.

ESOTERICshade ago

You are most assuredly incapable of being this, to any woman.

I agree with you, but, sometimes I have my sweet moments :)

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Geez, ES. Looks like someone has got a serious hard-on for you. I wonder if it's the dragon, whatcha think? I know i ticked off miss pissy.

ESOTERICshade ago

Looks like someone has got a serious hard-on for you.

Qtards that bought the T Shirt and the hat become increasingly bitter as they SLOWLY and painfully realize they worship the Qing Of The Jews. Maybe we should should have gotten in the Q T Shirt business a couple of years ago and taken their money. If they would apply their efforts to something worthy such as repealing The Patriot Act we might actually get some worth out of the stupid morons.

I know i ticked off miss pissy.

Which one srayzie, @vindicator, or @crensch? They all seem to share the same hive mind.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Miss pissy = Piss-cina

ESOTERICshade ago

I do not tolerate abusers.

Thats pretty strong language. I guess you been listening to crensch too long. Who did I abuse?

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/pizzagate comment by @Crensch.

Posted automatically (#66944) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@ESOTERICshade: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @Crensch)

Crensch ago

"Hi, my name is ESOTERIC, and I'm a half ass shade tree Talmud scholar. This is part 1 of my introduction. You are now reading part 2:"

"I realize I made a HUGE mistake letting you guys know my weak points, but I'll try my best to make it seem like I really don't care about you bringing up my METH problems again and again."

"While we're at it, I claim to have gotten FUCKED IN THE ASS AS A LITTLE KID, and TORTURED for 7 YEARS with MICROWAVES by the deep state! You believe me, don't you? #believe"

"I like to repeat my manipulation tactic of trying to make my real life sound better than yours by telling you to get a job and mentioning "boots" and "coffee table" like a cringe-worthy little faggot. Do you feel shame yet, goyim? Oh yeah, YOU ARE A METH HEAD."

"My comments often seem completely retarded, and don't actually seem to be responding to the parent comment or subverse, like this one. In it, I once again affirm that METH is a huge part of my life, and a very deep, personal thing for me."

"If I could ban Crensch, I would; I also think he's the butthole of Voat. I think people care about my opinion, because I claim I was targeted by a witch coven."

"Did I mention METH was a huge part of my JEWISH life? I like presenting snark and projecting onto others how my friend's meth addiction is a case for the books, and how I need to get help to deal with it."

"I like to ping putt and ask him to KILL users I don't like. I once saw a kid get hacked up for his 1.5 MILLION DOLLAR organs, and then he was tossed into a pile with other dead kids, which reminds me: Is anyone else going Trick or Mething with their family for Halloween?"

"Occasionally I'll say something like "I'm leaving" or "I'm done here" or "I don't care" or "I don't need all this", but I stick around anyway and continue to respond, proving myself a liar over and over again. It's the meth talking. I'm sure of it."

"Did you know I SAVED /v/pizzagate with my vote manipulation and harassment of legitimate users? I saved it by harassing them until they left. Look at the active user list - aren't you proud of me? No, I still can't get my daddy's approval, and the rest of my family is still addicted to meth. Do I get pity points for that? Did you see how I totally made Q look legitimate by hating on Q?"

"Look at how pathetically beta I am, trying to suck up to a female that hates my guts. This is how I start grooming women online - lots of compliments and smiley faces and feel-good bullshit. They never know that I'll poison their minds into thinking I'm a good guy and the mods are evil when the opposite is true. I also won't tell them about being a TALMUDIC SCHOLAR JEW or that I have a meth addiction."

"On my alts, I admit to manipulating votes and threatening other users with my doing so, while on my main username, I act like I'm completely unfazed by all of my bullshit being put on display. I'm really just a low IQ Jew that thinks doubling down is always the best move - along with snorting meth; definitely the best move on that last one."

Crensch ago

"Hi, my name is ESOTERIC, and I got my meth-addled mind demolished by a user I think is 19 years old. I write comments telling this user to "grow up" using nigger slang, and tell him to find his own voice while creating alts and manipulating votes and consensus to amplify my own. I groom women on this site by attacking them with my alts, and downvoting them to make them feel like shit; then I swoop in and save the day as ESOTERICshade, and create my own Hegelian dialectic scenario in doing so."

"Notice how I try to use snark here to try and make this 19 year old sound absurd, but it only confirms to him, and others, that I REALLY slipped up in bringing up meth heads in the first place; I'm an overemotional Jew that can't help but make mistakes and show my weaknesses when the goyim makes me feel inferior. Here I am intimidating a woman I previously threatened and harassed by confronting her when she very obviously wants nothing to do with me."

"Here I am, pretending I don't think about a user much after threatening him to "be careful before you shoot your mouth off", basically proving that I am capable of the harassment mentioned above, but incapable of sticking with one narrative or manipulation tactic. Like this one where I weave a story where I allude to Voat being a CIA honeypot out to get me because of the TRUTH my meth-addled mind speaks!"

"Just like above, I like to tell users exercising their FREE SPEECH things like this:"

Easy now....Saying shit like that is the best way I know to get into some serious shit. I don't mean the law knocking on your door, or that could happen too. I mean them making your life miserable in ways that you never knew where it came from. You could get pulled over on the side of the road, drugs planted in your car, and end up jail or alllll sorts of shit. Those people do not play. You need to be careful. There is thousands of ways they can cause you grief. Be careful. Don't be careless. You might be on their radar simply by being the owner of these subs. Don't say anything they can use against you because they will use it.

"But it's totally NOT a credible threat from me, goyim! TOTALLY USE YOUR FREE SPEECH just nothing offensive, cuz someone will get you, K? I have my meth heads and water heaters to deal with, so I, myself, am too busy to be a threat to you! See? I'll even tell you myself that I'm no threat to you, which makes it believable, right?"

"This comment employs tactics such as LYING about not understanding what comment another user is referencing, despite an archive being provided, the brown-nosing of ONE mod while attempting to gaslight another, and the 'u mad bro?' coupled with my telling the user to "take a break" in order to cool off, because they are TOTALLY mad, just because I said so!"

"I like to LARP as grampa ESOTERIC and warn you of things any sane person would already be aware of, but I'm TOTALLY doing it for your own good because you totally mean well, but you're also totally a meth head that SNORTS meth and needs to go to rehab!"

"I will spit-wad my accusations and talk about "how long it took" for him to write out the above comment and how I'm TOTALLY not going to read it. I want desperately to find out what sticks, but my mind doesn't work well enough to do so because I snort meth; sadly, my friends and family also snort meth, so they cannot help me beat this guy, either."

"Hey guise, I totally did a thing that was totally good for PG and you NEED me because reasons and it TOTALLY excuses my use of alts to brigade and manufacture consensus and groom users, all of which I have never apologized for because I am not sorry."

"I'm not going to read your comment - too busy snorting meth. I love meth. Meth should be legalized. Meth heads are awesome. But somehow I'm worried about CRENSCH'S state of mind."

"I like to blow smoke up users' asses, like this, where I say nice things about Crensch, but 8 months ago and even 1 hour ago I show that that I think Crensch is a fuckwit."

"When I, ESOTERIC, get caught in a lie, I claim it was a 'weak moment'. I somehow KNOW other 'users' will show up... oh, sorry, 'WELL KNOWN USERS' that mostly happened to be my alts. Did I mention I'm a Jew that loves meth heads?"

"As a meth-addled Jew, it's very difficult for me to see patterns that goyim can easily see, therefore, my words often don't make any sense; I'm also lazy, and like to pretend I have a real life, despite meth being a huge part of that life."

"As a Jew, I make lots of mistakes when I'm emotionally compromised; also, as a a meth head, I use my JewJitsu to try and lie my way out of my mistakes. It used to work long ago, but the goyim are waking up!"

"Ignore all of those times I mocked you while brown-nosing others, and all those times I've flip-flopped back and forth - YOU, kevdude, are the one cool guy in the room! ... for now.."

"I LOVE accusing others of things I, myself have done. Like gaslighting, and botting, and running off good users of PG, and including myself by saying "we left" when I never actually left... I say that multiple times because I am insecure, and need to repeat myself to calm my meth-addled nerves."

"(((We're on the same side, GOYIM!))) Also, I have NO TIME for this because of a trailer and a truck, because my IRL is better than yours - also I TOTALLY don't get shekels for being here. You believe me, right?"

"Forget three paragraphs above where I was brown-nosing kevdude and disparaging you, Vindicator, because you totally do a good job and I have no problem with what you do. No, wait, it's think- I like now! Please don't make me withhold my approval from you for disagreeing with me, think-!"

"I was TOTALLY out of my mind 7 paragraphs ago where I said nice things about Crensch, he needs to be gone yesterday because I can't see anything but words that hurt my feelings."

"I have ONE goal in life, and that is to claim I don't care and won't read your comments because it's been proven that I not only do not care to save children, but that I want them to suffer and be raped and murdered."

"As a meth head Jew, I will mock you for believing in Trump, and I will WRITE IN ALL CAPS AND TELL YOU TO KEEP Q OUT OF THIS FUCKING SUB. I put on my smugface when I do this because I totally convinced you goyim to do what I wanted you to do!"

"Guize, I finally found MY OWN COMMENT that you've been linking to and referencing, but I somehow just COULD NOT FIND despite the links being RIGHT THERE for me to click on. I TOTALLY was not THREATENING you when I wrote:"

I sent screen shots of it to people you know very well. Be careful before you shoot your mouth off.

"Nope. Not a threat."

ESOTERICshade ago

Its funny as hell that you spend dozens of hours compiling and formatting this shit, and nobody cares, and 99.9% of the people won't bother to wade through it. Living in your head rent free, crensch, causing you to waste probably a couple of hundred hours, and hurting your butt this badly, is my greatest Voat achievement. ROFLMAO

Crensch ago

"Hi, my name is ESOTERIC, and I'm a half ass shade tree Talmud scholar. This is part 1 of my introduction. This is part 2. Please keep in mind that my heart aches when I think about meth, so try not to bring it up around me."

"This place, Voat, is TOTALLY fucked, and I did EVERYTHING I could do to make voice heard above the rest with sock puppet accounts. I pulled out all the morality-based stops that HUMANS would have, because I'm a meth head Jew. You'll see, without JEWS, this place will dissolve!"

"I like talking myself up with my alt, @ridleychozo, and pretending as if he knows @DeathToMasosASAP isn't me. I try to mock legitimate users by claiming all they say is "nigger faggot kike shill", but it's obviously a joke because everyone laughs at me when I do it; I know this, but I continue to try to make that one stick, because I'm a JEW. Jews just don't have the capacity to understand why our lies don't work, so we just keep doubling down on the same tired cliches."

"Smart people will jump ship, and THIS is TOTALLY my LAST COMMENT... until it isn't! I'm going to blame @migratorypatterns' leaving on Q, because obviously the goyim leaving had NOTHING to do with me and my antics. Also, I'm TOTALLY 'moving to greener pastures' where I can sock puppet and not get caught like a Scooby-Doo villain."

"I came back... AGAIN on my main meth head username to respond to my alt, @PrepareForWar that I used to threaten the mods with. (see username - I am SO clever!)"

"Hey guize, my half ass shade tree Talmud scholar thing was TOTALLY a Sun Tzu ploy, (I am SO clever - this meth really does wonders for my head.) For this comment, my mod of choice is @Vindicator; for this comment I think he MEANS well, but is a sheep being led to the slaughter."

"My favorite fallacies are "tone fallacy" and "relative privation". I also like LARPing as being the nephew of a senator since it makes me sound important."

"I also like psychologically projecting my own faults onto others; like not getting enough sleep and doing meth. Did you all notice that direct accusations of meth use don't seem to work anymore? I wonder why that is."

"I often pretend that I am unperturbed by mentions of my loved one's meth addiction. I make up fanfiction for my enemies and attempt to make my narratives stick. It's t funny how I LARP as a senator's nephew, but CONSTANTLY attack Q for LARPing?"

"@think- now YOU are the smart one!. Also, I totally try to explain away my "shade tree" meaning "half ass" even though it would suggest that I called myself a "half ass half ass Talmud scholar". I finish this comment with other horseshit nobody cares about. Do you love me yet, meth-addled daddy?"

"I also think Orange Man Bad and I add Plato's allegory in to make myself looks smart. @think- you are now crazy, not smart. No longer my favorite mod! I randomly bash all goats and other users here, too, by saying they'll "Jew it up" when I, myself, am Jewish."

"Listen to old grampa ESOTERIC and I will show you the way, (of the Jew!) See, I can even attack people without links supporting my accusations, and pretending to hate Jews when my earliest comments were telling goats NOT to attack races like the Jews!"

"I don't care anymore, and I barely log in here anymore, but now you, @Blacksmith21, are my favorite Voat user! Watch me randomly mention winter and tell you like a good grampa ESOTERIC to get a coat. Totally not gay of me, though!"

"Here I am, thirteen days ago trying to act out my "Grampa PizzaGate" persona to @darkknight111. Listen to me, goy! I know what's best for you!"

"I like talking about putting muddy boots on my coffee table, because it makes me feel more like a human, you know, like those Zuckerberg memes! Also, my sister is sadly back in rehab with her meth addiction. It's SO sad, but I'll keep acting like CRENSCH has the meth problem because it makes me think that people won't believe I have a meth addict in the family ."

"I like to accuse others of scaring off good users, because it TOTALLY wasn't already proved that I did exactly that, constantly. I don't like the fact that the mods don't take my alt accounts seriously when they push the same narrative I was pushing!"

"I admit to going to rehab from my own meth addiction. If only my mother would go back to rehab, maybe she could become human instead of something that kinda looks like a human that just needs to DIE."

"Applaud me more, goyim, for running off good users here! I saved the children from being rescued from their rapists! Don't applaud me, I don't want your applause... seriously... don't applaud... not even a little... anyone? Anyone? NOTICE ME, SENPAI."

PrepareForWar ago

Kill yourself.

Crensch ago

Keep up the good salt!

ridleychozo ago

Stop pinging me, retard.

ESOTERICshade ago

whoaaa nellie! This is my favorite meth addled rant so far. Like everybody else I only briefly scanned it and won't waste my time wading through it all but I cherish the fact that you are so butthurt that you waste your time doing it. Got my muddy boots on the coffee table of your mind again. Have you ever considered getting a hobby? Maybe you should start raising bunny rabbits again?

ESOTERICshade ago

and even that doesn't work if they have been marked for targeting, as @argosciv was by ES and his sock puppet brigade.

No bitch, I specifically argued with your ass for trying to make v/pizzagate the new home of Qfullofshitanon. You put v/pizzagate on life support with your bullshit and I pulled v/pizzagate from the building you almost set on fire.

Now you fucking up AGAIN and making you some "new rules." You got your ass kicked in this thread and obviously people don't want your "new rules." You don't learn very fast do you?

And that little blood drinking bastard argosciv does not deserve my respect.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I'm really sick and tired of your bullshit, ES. When that khazarian witch created GA, she took 80% of the PG researchers with her.

She then proceeds to feed them lies and porn to stroke their egos while binding them in a enigma called politics as usual.

They stopped swallowing the red pills and started whorshiping the DEEP STATE in its new form.



well done ES


ESOTERICshade ago

And I will say something else. @think- was the only other person with a godamn brain that cared enough to try to help. I appreciate what you do but nobody fought off their Qanon bullshit as hard as me. They tried to invade pizzagate and I was not not fucking having it. If the dumbasses went to the Qanon side of universe, then good riddance to the stupid mother fuckers. Its too bad @vindicator and @crensch didn't go with them. Oh wait.....@shizie (srayzie) let crensch steal her sub. That bitch, srayzie, is dumber than a box of rocks. She proved that.

Shizie ago

Hahahahaha you senile old fuck still spreading your bullshit and lies I see! You know full well I'm not Srayzie, but you're such a weak little man that you'll lie your ass off if you think it can score you some points and favor with someone who hates Srayzie!

ESOTERICshade ago

Hahahahaha you senile old fuck still spreading your bullshit and lies I see! You know full well I'm not Srayzie, but you're such a weak little man that you'll lie your ass off if you think it can score you some points and favor with someone who hates Srayzie!

In spite of what you did, srayzie, I still don't hate you. In order for me to hate you, It would require me to give an actual fuck. I'm no there yet so maybe I should try harder?

Shizie ago

Oh just stop you old fool!

ESOTERICshade ago

Oh just stop you old fool!

Srayzie, we can go further if you insist.

VoatSecrets ago

You are close @esotericSHADE and she does have access. We know who shizy is and there are others involved. @thewebofslime knows more than they should.

They were all exposed by The Truth. So was Q.

Who is the coward that mentioned @TrustTheTruth early this morning and then deleted the comment?

Why is Srayzie's Soul irredeemable? Who is The Whore of Babylon? Why did Srayzie betray Jenny Moore as Judas betrayed Jesus?

What is The Truth Jenny found in Racine?

Why is Voat closed to the public with no registrations allowed and changing the rules all because of @TrustTheTruth?

Shizie ago

Shit alt! Blocked!

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

So you're not taking credit for helping set up GA anymore? That's funny!!!

You're boring, ES.

ESOTERICshade ago

So you're not taking credit for helping set up GA anymore? That's funny!!!

You're boring, ES.

If you call running Qanon and srayzie the fuck out of v/pizzagate, which I yes absolutely did, "settting up GA" then I guess you never under understood my original intentions. All I wanted was for the Qanon dumbasses to get their dumbasses the fuck out fo pizzagate. Its not my fault that srayzie went and set up a Qanon sub. I had nothing to do with that.

Shizie ago

If you call running Qanon and srayzie the fuck out of v/Pizzagate, which I yes absolutely did

Is that why up until two months ago you were frantically PMing and emailing Srayzie with you "please talk to me baby girl" nonsense, cause you ran her off pizzzagate?

You're a punk and a liar!

ESOTERICshade ago

cause you ran her off pizzzagate?

Actually I didn't run YOU off pizzagate. You left pizzagate on your own. I just wanted Full Of Shit Qanon gone from pizzagate. I understand that you were a believer and I am sorry you got decieved, Suzie, but shit is what it is. I really don't have anything against you, but I trie to teach you. You didn't listen.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I seem to recall @Vindicator and myself having a giggle over how you were all puffed up about how you worked and slaved to help her set that up.

I guess I'm wrong again. Oh well, you're still boring.

ESOTERICshade ago

Oh well, you're still boring.

I agree that I am boring these days. I stay away because of @crensch I'm cool with @vindicator because vindicator is civil and respectful. crensch pretty much destroyed the culture at v/pizzagate and i'm not sure how we can rid of that mother fucker but he is the most hated person on Voat.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I'm done with all three of you.

ESOTERICshade ago

@piscina has this shit figured out. Piscina is a pretty good person to follow. Just sayin.....

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You are hopeless. And @piscina won't answer my questions, just like the thot.

You can both answer the questions I've asked you in the past, or fuck-off. I do not care anymore.

ESOTERICshade ago

I seem to recall @Vindicator and myself having a giggle over how you were all puffed up about how you worked and slaved to help her set that up.

I guess I'm wrong again. Oh well, you're still boring.

I don't remember helping her. If I did it was a huge fuck up on my part. I don't think I did. There was a time when a small group of us were testing the Voat functions to determine how everything works. Its very slightly possible that I gave her instructions on how to set up a sub but I seriously doubt it.

ESOTERICshade ago

When that khazarian witch created GA, she took 80% of the PG researchers with her.

No shit sherlock.

She then proceeds to feed them lies and porn to stroke their egos while binding them in a enigma called politics as usual.

No shit Sherlock.

They stopped swallowing the red pills and started whorshiping the DEEP STATE in its new form.

No shit Sherlock. Why you think I fought against the Qanon bullshit so hard? I fought her and Vindicator every step of the way. I didn't want their fake Qanon bullshit in v/pizzagate. Pizzagate was a cool place to hang out until @vindicator decided to pollute it with his Qanon bullshit.


How exactly did I help that bitch? Explain that? I fought against the Qanon shit from day one because anybody with a mind as big as a grain of salt knew that Qanon is bullshit. That bitch sent her titties to @kevdude, @vindicator, and @crensch, and told them I did it.

Fuck srayzie and the horse she rode in on.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

How exactly did I help that bitch? Explain that?

You mollycoddled and placated, all the while fapping away to her larp. The people who still have scales on their eyes can't help but be blind, you knew better.

You've been nothing but a smooth talking snake, since you first made this alt.

I am wholeheartedly ashamed of you.

Not that you care, but I am.

ESOTERICshade ago

You mollycoddled and placated, all the while fapping away to her larp.

That crazy bitch is just a person I knew on the internet. Nothing more.

You've been nothing but a smooth talking snake, since you first made this alt.

This ain't no damn alt. This is me, speaking for me. You know that.

Not that you care, but I am.

Actually I do care, I care a lot, just like you care. Thats why I keep checking in here from time to time, in spite of @crensch huge asshole little fits.

YogSoggoth ago

You want me to be submissive? I don't think you realize what you are asking for Vinny.

Vindicator ago

I don't think there is a single user in v/pg I would say is "submissive", LOL.

YogSoggoth ago

There is your answer Vin. You seen this?

Vindicator ago

Good Lord. What opera is that? That's insane.

Greta's mom is the proverbial kikeshill, eh? Why am I not surprised.

I also noticed yesterday when I saw part of her "speech" that Greta has a pretty accomplished resting bitch face, too. Very sad.

kestrel9 ago

video at 1:34 tell me that's not a dude's face.

Vindicator ago

Eeew. Dude arms, too.

YogSoggoth ago

There might be more to that, but it is only a suspicion on my part.

Vindicator ago

Did you notice I got two downvotes for replying to you? Yeah...that's totally organic. Uh huh.

YogSoggoth ago

Well, I am a self admitted asshole, but that would only count for one vote, and then Argosciv gets one. Something lurking around here. Sorry for the cursing, but I could not find a better term for self description.

Vindicator ago

So, you are replying to my comments so you can downvote me? I'm confused.

YogSoggoth ago

I was saying that because I just happened to be in the room at the time as you and Arg. Everywhere I go on the internet, trolls awaken. I did not downvote as far as I can remember, which is microwave beep beep time. I rarely downvote. Not that kind of asshole.

Vindicator ago

Ah. :-)

You know, Voat is designed to work against trolls and shills if you downvote then and upvote everything else. Doesn't make you an asshole.

YogSoggoth ago

Not sure I understand, but I am dense as well. Really bad at computery stuff. Anyways, I find it helpful to self analyze, so I don't go on like that forever, like some people do. Daily introspection is good, but minute by minute is better. I doubt I downvoted. If I did, then it what was on my mind at the time, or ... (sometimes rarely,) I get in a hurry and hit the wrong arrow. Usually not here though. If I remember correctly, the only reason I replied at all was to razz you a bit, and see if Sun aging was there.

argosciv ago

They're coming in within minutes, disproportionate to the number of people pinged/replied to lol.

Apparently this submission is still undulating with life and prying eyes.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

work was completely trashed


his meme campaign momentum was lost


He was ultimately forced to delete his post and resubmit it

Iirc, he deleted it and resubmitted because I asked him to. Pretty sure that I secret pinged you to that so you could help pesuade him to stay and resubmit the post.

losing any relevant comments

Those can be added to the submission.

He was downvoted into the negatives by an organized vote brigade, which permanently disabled his account when DK self-deleted.

Check revolting's acct., it was not disabled. He was restricted to 10 comments per day, at that time.

This is an interesting observation. Unfortunately, the only way a submitter can censor comments is to self delete the entire submission (a huge, demoralizing act of self-censorship of real, evidence based content),

I have deleted submissions from PG and PGWE because of the comments. I chose not to repost most of them. So I do know that feeling of loss that you speak of. Who ever told you that defense of free speech wasn't going to be extremely painful? Free speech is ugly, and hurtful and even dangerous.

and even that doesn't work if they have been marked for targeting, as @argosciv was by ES and his sock puppet brigade.

What doesn't work, reposting?

Or maybe being too wordy and wrong in his opinions got him downvoted. I downvoted his dragonballsbullshit too.

Your writing has improved, argos.

Perhaps, as someone who does not contribute content and only participates by commenting in other people's submissions, this seems like a fair sacrifice to you. Try looking at it from the OP's point of view.

Why don't you try looking at it from the point of view of someone who can't communicate in writing very well. I don't know what it feels like for someone as good with words as you are to have to do things over again. For me it is a nightmare, and yet if the post was important enough to me I deleted and did it over, or not. I did not: pitch a fit, cry to the mods, reee about my hurt feewings.

Why can't users who want free speech just make their own submission?

You know why.

If submitters don't believe in free speech, shouldn't they FUCK OFF BACK TO WHENCE THEY CAME.

I thought you supported 1A, I don't expect the canucks or eurotrash to understand, but i really thought you did. I was wrong, I apologize.

Vindicator ago

I think it's sad that you think so little of your writing and time that you are willing to self-censor because someone convinced you it was a noble sacrifice for the First Amendment. I'm now wondering what research I never got to read of yours due to this.

The First Amendment does not guarantee all speech is a right in all places at all times. It recognizes the right of communities to set local standards. College students, for example, can't turn a math classroom into their personal political soapbox. If this community wants to make it possible to protect research from egregious troll and shill attempts to divert discussion and collaboration, that is completely permissable under the First. This is not v/whatever. It's not the public square of Voat.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I think it's sad that you think i did it to be 'noble'. I did it because they had a right to say anything they wanted, and I had the right to delete my own submissions. The most important things I could write about would not pass submission rules, the evidence was never published.

If this community wants to make it possible to protect research from egregious troll and shill attempts to divert discussion and collaboration, that is completely permissable under the First.

This community didn't change the rules, you did.

Are you planning on leaving this sticky up until your friends can trickle enough upvotes to make it appear as though you have support?

Thank you for reminding me what it was that I wanted to tell @nomochomo about how he should post to whatever since the owner of PG isn't interested in anything he has.

I'll remove the rest of my submissions and comments as soon as i get my shit together on this end, it's been slow work, and may take me awhile.


It recognizes the right of communities to set local standards

You Added a Rule. No pizzagater submitted this idea.

We didn't set the local standards.

You did.

Vindicator ago

Is there a sticky up right now, in which everyone, even those who are banned from v/pizzagate can freely discuss it? Yes! Yes there is!

Which do you think would grab people's attention and lead to the most robust debate? A) A sticky proposing a rule change most people won't even bother to read? Or B) a rule change, with an invitation to discuss?

Ding ding ding! Answer B is Correct!

Not sure why you're using the word "we" when you have repeatedly insulted the members of the community and only tried to help darkknight once you were banned.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

The correct answer is C) A sticky proposing a rule change that you then ping users to start the discussion.

Not sure why you're using the word "we" when you have repeatedly insulted the members of the community

I don't recall nomo insulting any members of PG. Unless you mean ES and donqi, I have seen him insult both of them. Why are you accusing without the sources you seem so keen to require everyone else to produce?


Which do you think would grab people's attention and lead to the most robust debate? A) A sticky proposing a rule change most people won't even bother to read? Or B) a rule change, with an invitation to discuss?

R u Sirius.?

What leads to more robust debate? Asking for Permission or Forgiveness?

I got banned helping @darkknight111 establish relevancy. My first comments were prior relevant posts.

I got banned because I insisted @Crensch answer me decisively.

DarkKnight never complained about me, how about you let him speak for himself?

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/whatever comment by @NOMOCHOMO.

Posted automatically (#64517) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@Vindicator: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @NOMOCHOMO)


Adds New Rule: Please share your thoughts!

New Rule: Keep your thoughts "on-topic"

be careful out there goats.


I haven't had time to write up an discussion post yet, due to the same real life responsibilities that have kept me away from the board of late. But this has actually been in place for several months under the Sitewide Rules...

We discussed the matter and agreed there should be a subverse rule that reflected the User Agreement requirement to Respect Other Users, since this has come up now several times recently, and the UA also tells mods "When you receive notice that there is content that violates this user agreement on subverses you moderate, you agree to remove it."


Your banlog link doesn't work.

lol. He gave us the manage link.


2 downvoats. kek. Do ya'll want to read the ban log or not?


"This Debacle"

was the 4th most controversial post that day

NoBS ago

With out rules, regulations and red tape censorship would be unregulated like Twitter.

So regulating censorship is the key. Hat tip.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

Wonder what donkey will do with all his newfound leisure time.

DonKeydich ago

Fucking your mom is a full-time job. SHES INSATIABLE

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

You wouldn't know what to do with a woman if one let her near you.

Roughpatch ago

What part of this protects free speech?

Civil_Warrior ago

The nigger censoring for the jew part apparently.

Vindicator ago

You've obviously never done days worth of research and then had the discussion/collaboration destroyed by something like this or this.

NoBS ago

Pedo-Blackmail demands a tool to silence investigators with censorship. To control the narrative.

At least Twitter is honest about it.

Piscina ago

The Voat User Agreement requires us all to Respect Other Users …

Voat mods call people 'cunts' and post vile abuse. Why haven't you banned them for not adhering to your rules?


The Voat User Agreement requires us all to Respect Other Users, both their privacy and their freedom of speech.

where does it say "comment abuse"?

The first mention of "Comment Abuse" on Voat was when I caught you editing the Rules last night.

I noticed @Vindicator just modified the rules 10 minutes ago @shewhomustbeobeyed. I'm not accusing anybody of anything.

last available archive:

Rules 1 and 5 have been changed

5 was NSFW. It is now "comment abuse"

Donkey and his many alts were banned for comment abuse under that -- at the request of multiple users -- after he impersonated another user to discredit her research. TrustTheTruth was also banned for comment abuse under the Voat UA spam clause

Bullshit. Neither user was ever removed for "comment abuse". It's a NEW TERM and a NEW RULE.

From the VOAT UA:

When you receive notice that there is content that violates this user agreement on subverses you moderate, you agree to remove it.

There has to be content reported for "violating the user agreement" for you to apply UA to remove comments.

I didn't violate the UA. And nobody reported me or my content/comment.


I think you're full of shit and my Ban continues to violate the sub Rules.

IetsdothisI ago

Lol i had to make alts (and never hid them) because of downvoat brigading by this liar faggot mod himself.

He's a liar because he says here I intended to discredit her research, but she herself didn't feel that way:







you are donkey. Most readers can recognize a shill and don't need Mommy and Daddy moderator to remove faggots like you.

Don-Keyhote ago

LOL apparently they cant, since all these submissions are upvoated (each one far better than anything your faggot ass has ever shit out). Or maybe I'm not a shill since e.g. Child Mind Institute, Standard Hotel, and so many other fruitful leads were originally posted by me.

XDDDDDDDD stupid fucking vag-niggers

NoBS ago

The mods must respect pedo-blackmailers. Because Pedo-Blackmail is worth more than gold.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/pizzagatemods comment by @NOMOCHOMO.

Posted automatically (#64432) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@Vindicator: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @NOMOCHOMO)

Fambida ago

This rule is fucking retarded and I can only assume you are acting in bad faith. Did the lessons of Reddit teach you nothing?

Vindicator ago

I wasn't on Reddit long enough to learn anything there.

What is the point of a subverse making a ruleset, Fambida, if all you have to do to avoid honoring the rules is go into someone else's research post and crap all over them instead of making a submission?

From the first month of this subverse three years ago, the community has had a rule that meta stuff belongs in v/pizzagatemods, because the users want to focus on researching sick globalist child rapists. Should any JIDF shill who wants to disrupt a dig into his employer be able to turn the Comment section into a big pissing match with moderators? Why even have a rule about meta submissions, then, if they can just kill two birds with one stone by stirring drama AND polluting someone's investigation?

Fambida ago

A:What is the point of a subverse making a ruleset? Voat does quite well without them everywhere else. We have this little feature called blocking a user.

B: JIDF can be muted and downvoted and their trees collapsed to be hidden. There is no need for a rule when voat already allows users to curate their experience own their own. Don't force your vision on others, allow them the freedom to choose what they do or don't want to see given the tools provided.

C: "Why even have a rule about meta submissions?" Why indeed? That shit is reddit cancer and needs to go back to reddit. The only real effect it has is to silence any dissent by shoving it off in a "free speech" zone. I didn't realize pizzagate was a college campus.

D: The overall response to your shit has been overwhelmingly negative. Ask yourself why,

Vindicator ago

A:What is the point of a subverse making a ruleset? Voat does quite well without them everywhere else. We have this little feature called blocking a user.

You may not realize what we do in this sub, Fambida. We are not like "everywhere else" on Voat. We document corruption among the globalist elite. Voat has been DDoSed repeatedly specifically to shut down our research (Putt even posted the archive link of one of our posts that was the target of the most recent attack on the "Voat is on Fire" page).

When we started three years ago, we were told that in order to be able to remove the massive number of shitposts we were regularly buried with, we had to create a ruleset as outlined by the Voat User Agreement, otherwise it was considered censorship.

Since that time, those paid to suppress our research have shifted to attacking posts (and users) via the Comment section, since our rules didn't explicitly apply to them. They avoid being banned for rule breaking this way, completely negating the ruleset.

Since I learned that non-system subverses can make rules about Comments and/or apply User Agreement requirements to them, and major subverses are doing so to ban off-topic disruptors, it seemed like something pizzagate contributors might want to try.

If they don't want it, I'm okay with that. Based on what I've heard from many over the years, though, they might.


a subverse making a ruleset

3 days ago, you changed Rule 5 From NSFW to "Comment Abuse", and only announced the change afterwards.

No submitters want this rule.

Voatsecrets3 ago

Why did Voat change the rules specifically because of @TrustTheTruth?

Why would the goal posts about comments suddenly change after so many years?


Why did they close the site to public visitors before they begin scrubbing the content?

Who controls Voat and who DIRECTED Crensch to ban The Truth?

What was the trigger?

Why could No One ever dispute or disprove Them?

What was The Truth shared? Why did moderators issue death threats?

Who kept asking about what happened to @Jem777 and @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt?

What if Jeff Epstein and Seth Rich were Knights of Pythias as shared, and neither were dead?

We know more than Everyone here combined.

There are so many more Secrets that None of You know.

What would they be so afraid of the world finding out?

Shizie ago

@vindicator this appears to be a u/TrustTheTruth alt.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

That comment about "never any proof" and repetitive comments was RIGHT ON.

Voatsecrets3 ago

Everything shared is The Truth. The Majestic 12, Committee of 300, Pilgrims Society, Knights of Pythias, Knights of Malta, FLDS, Unitarianism, Sustainability, Smart Cities, Common Core, Brookings Institution, Aspen Institute, Atlantic Council and.Council on Foreign Relations are all tied to Racine.

The DNC Convention is coming up next year in the area. The Foxconn deal is being exposed as a scam. There are trillions of reasons to censor and hide The Truth.

Can you or anyone dispute these, and are you here on behalf of Srayzie who hated, stalked and threatened @TrustTheTruth?

  • SenateAnon was the Anon before Q began and one of the last things they said was "keep digging into Racine"
  • Art in Embassies did begin with companies out of Racine, Wisconsin.
  • Jenny Moore did make her last post about Racine, Wisconsin and was killed - @Jem777
  • @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt was targeted with a long series full of lies and was threatened
  • George Webb Sweigert did go to Racine and claimed to have met Jesus Christ, and got into a fight with Jenny before she died.
  • The moderators did slander Jenny after she died, and banned others who questioned them and knew Jenny personally.
  • Water is one of the most important resources and closely connected to Racine and the past mayors who resigned amid allegations of extreme corruption.
  • Sustainability is the foundation for Agenda 21 and 2030.
  • Sustainable Racine was a model used for the UN Agenda and connected to the Earth Summit.
  • The World Core Curriculum was established at a meeting in Racine, Wisconsin.
  • Racine is a main avenue for trafficking and one of the model Sanctuary cities.
  • The Clintons model for Community Policing is Racine, Wisconsin.
  • The Knights of Pythias are closely connected to Racine and the Boy Scouts.
  • The Rockefellers do own the patent to the Zika virus, and the Johnsons did benefit from the outbreak.
  • The Johnsons are closely connected to Brazil and other areas of the outbreak, exploitation and
  • The Rothschilds are close business partners and connected to Racine and Wisconsin.
  • The NXIVM doctor also practiced close to Racine in addition to New York.
  • There is a young Russian adoptee being groomed as the next mayor.
  • Paul Ryan was alleged to be involved in the Tarmac meeting by the pilot who was allegedly murdered.
  • The Podestas did admit to getting a big break into art and politics in Racine, Wisconsin.
  • Robert Byrd was a member of KKK and a close mentor to Hillary Clinton.
  • The Clintons did appoint Johnson to the President's Council on Sustainable Development.
  • Warren Buffett does control all of the newspapers in the area.
  • The founder of Rotary is from Racine, Wisconsin.
  • Seth Rich did go to camp in Wisconsin and worked with the Emanuels.
  • Trump did make The Deal for the 8th Wonder of the World in Racine, Wisconsin.
  • Racine was listed as one of the worst places in the nation for black Americans, and they are in the midst of another police shooting.
  • Paul Ryan did suddenly resign and the last mayors and other officials also resigned, including one arrested for child sex crimes.
  • The Deal was signed at SC Johnson and Curt did admit to raping and abusing his own daughter and other children.
  • Many other executives at Cargill, DuPont and other partners were involved in Satanic Ritual Abuse.
  • Mitt Romney did partner with Paul Ryan to run for President and was named after the quarterback of Racine's NFL team.
  • Jared Kushner did correct Kanye West about The Deal for the 8th Wonder of the World.
  • There are incredible ancient discoveries unique to Wisconsin.
  • Racine has extremely close connections to the United Nations.

There is so much more None of You Know.

Here are more from @TrustTheTruth

Racine is America's Bellwether - the key predictor for the nation, where the most powerful Boy Scout in Congress reigned.

Paul Ryan is part of a cycle of abuse and global criminal coverups linked through the political and economic engine of America and The World.

Paul Ryan was involved in the Tarmac meeting, and the pilot was also murdered.

I-94 is a major trafficking route, and Racine exposes the real agenda and true definition of Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption.

The Global Chain of Command is Rothschilds > Rockefellers > Johnsons.

They have unlimited resources and will stop at nothing to eliminate any opposition.

They and the other most powerful families in America and around the world meet at Wingspread.

The Clintons, Bushes, Podestas, Emanuels, and even Trump all work for the same Masters with wealth beyond what you can imagine.

Warren Buffett, Epstein, Branson, Ron Burkle, Guy Oseary, Peter Thiel and many others manage various investments in the chain.

Through their networks, they control every industry, and infiltrate every community to know every angle imaginable.

The Hotel and Technology industries in particular are targeted to ensure full surveillance and control across every community.

Education and labor reform are keys to their global programs, as they monitor every aspect of life possible.

Everything is compartmentalized, however some people find out too much.

There was a long series that targeted @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt, and led to many death threats that were ultimately acted upon in real life.

Jenny Moore was also targeted, threatened and killed after finding The Truth in Racine.

Racine, Wisconsin is the Model for Sustainability and Sustainable Development which is the Foundation of Agenda 21 and 2030.

Racine, Wisconsin was the original Chicago, and is the hub for Global Programs linked with the Pilgrims Society, Club of Rome, Council of 13, Majestic 12, Knights of Malta and Pythias, Dutch Brotherhood, Sons of Norway, Bilderberg, United Nations, and so many others involved.

Racine, Wisconsin is the Model for Community Policing, Resilient Communities, and Smart Cities.

Donald Trump made The Deal in Racine for the 8th Wonder of the World, and no one seems to know what it is.

What is 5G+ AI? What is Dark Matter? What is the Sphinx Head (Society)? What is achievable with Quantum Computing?

There was a reason why the Masons were brought in as part of the coverup from the past administrations, and to set the course.

Look at the other partners of the I-94 Project and other clients of Superboss including Tom DeLonge and Penn State University.

What happened with the event center and hockey arena?

Who made illegal campaign contributions for mayoral elections?

Where did John Dickert stay on his secret trip to New York, and why didn't he have the "option" to leave at the end of his term?

How did the new mayor get elected, where is he from, and who violated the Hatch Act in the process?

What did his father do, and who are his other relatives?

What did his grandfather do, and how does that relate to The 8th Wonder of the World?

Why was this article removed?

Who is Kristin Bauer van Straten, what roles does she take, and what religion does she practice?

What was Mayer Amschel Rothschild's real name?

What does Dr. Chris Mason do?

Associate Professor of Computational Genomics, Weill Cornell Medical Center

Dr. Christopher Mason completed his dual B.S. in Genetics and Biochemistry (2001) from University of Wisconsin-Madison, his Ph.D. in Genetics (2006) from Yale University, and then completed post-doctoral training in clinical genetics (2009) at Yale Medical School while jointly a post-doctoral Fellow of Genomics, Ethics, and Law at Yale Law School (2009). He is currently an Associate Professor at Weill Cornell Medicine, with appointments at the Tri-Institutional Program in Computational Biology and Medicine between Cornell, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and Rockefeller University, the Sandra and Edward Meyer Cancer Center, and the Feil Family Brain and Mind Research Institute.

What is the Vallee Foundation?

Who is Linda Mason?

Who is John Wayne Mason?

What is Eugenics?

What is Transhumanism?

What is Singularity?

Who is Samantha Marq and what artists does she work with?

What role did Caron Butler play? Where did he go to prep school and college?

What is Mark Wahlberg working on with Caron Butler? Where was Mark on 9/11?

They use both celebrities and technologies including Cellebrite to forge and enforce their agenda.

Why are FLDS, Knights of Pythias, Knights of Malta, and the Boy Scouts closely linked to NASA?

What did Admiral Byrd take to Antarctica on his missions?

What was discovered in Wisconsin, and what are the giant skeletons?

How were the pyramids built? What happened to the other Sphinx Head.

What happened to the ancient technology developed

What do those involved in Scientology, OTO, Kabbalah and other False Religions believe?

Those involved in the Global Interfaith Alliance are setting the stage for One World Order and One World Religion.

The Agenda will be enforced with the Mark of the Beast, 5G+ AI, Smart Cities and Resilient Communities.

Their network is so vast and pervasive, it can never be fully identified or stopped without the Root being exposed.

Jesus Christ and The Truth are The Only Way.

Jesus Christ and The Truth are All they Fear. This is why they have targeted all organized religions and linked them to the systemic abuse.

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

There is so much more None of You Know.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

Then spit it out and stop copy pasting nonsense. Or shut up about it. 😔

TrustTheTruth ago

We Know more than Everyone here combined. How?

We are The Reason Voat was shut down and is changing the ‘rules’.

@EsotericSHADE and @NOMOCHOMO were never the real targets, nor was @letsdothis3.

Why did Crensch give credence to the 12-part series by @SoberSecondThought when it was clearly full of lies?

Do you know what happened to Jenny Moore and @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt - is Murder nonsense?

We are the reason why 8chan was shut down. What MAP was found before Q stopped posting on public boards? Why was the post deleted by moderators on Voat?

We are the reason why Reddit Pizzagate was shut down. Check the comments in the last post.

We are the reason why the False Prophet Q was created.

The Truth has been Shared since The Beginning.

Why are you here defending Srayzie and attacked The Truth? What was exposed about Srayzie’s manipulation of Voat Pizzagate and Great Awakening?

Do you dispute that SenateAnon was the Anon before Q?

Do you dispute that one of SenateAnon’s last statements was to dig into Racine?

“Keep digging into Racine”

Do you dispute that Jenny Moore was @Jem777?

Do you dispute that Jenny Moore’s last submission was to meet with @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt in Racine, Wisconsin?

Do you dispute that George Webb Sweigert claimed to have met Jesus Christ in Racine, Wisconsin?

Do you dispute that Jenny Moore was targeted and killed?

Do you dispute that Trump made The Deal for the 8th Wonder of the World in Racine, Wisconsin?

Do you dispute that Paul Ryan, Reince Priebus, Scott Walker, and a long list of officials in Racine all either resigned or suddenly left office amid accusations of corruption and abuse?

Do you dispute that The Deal was signed at SCJ HQ and that the family is involved directly in Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption including raping and assaulting their own children?

Do you dispute that Trump closed The Deal from the public suddenly at the last minute?

Do you dispute that Kushner corrected Kanye about The Deal when he misspoke?

Do you dispute that a Russian adoptee named Jung is being groomed as the next mayor of Racine?

Do you dispute that the Rothschilds are directly connected to Racine and Wisconsin?

Do you dispute that Bill Clinton appointed Sam Johnson to the President’s Council of Sustainability?

Do you dispute that Hillary Clinton’s model for Community Policing was created in Racine, and that it resulted in the highest incarceration rate for black men in the world and an extreme infant mortality rate?

Do you dispute that Sustainability is the foundation of UN Agenda 21 and that Racine is the model for Sustainable Development, 5G+ AI, Smart Cities, Resilient Communities and Community Policing?

Do you dispute that the Johnsons directly benefited from the ZIka virus and that the Rockefellers own the patent?

Do you dispute that Racine deployed Cellebrite, and is currently in another scandal involved the District Attorney after she was involved in covering up the former District Attorney’s crimes and corruption?

The Truth cannot be disputed or disproved.

Only The Truth reveals the Root of All Evil, the model for the Agenda in Racine, Wisconsin and the Great Deception of Sustainability (Satan’s Ability) to forge the real Agenda of Eternal Enslavement with the Mark of the Beast enforced by 5G+ AI, Smart Cities, Resilient Communities and Community Policing.

The Root of all Evil is Racine, Wisconsin.

Shine The Light on Racine and witness The Miracle.

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

This is The Parousia.

Vindicator ago

Thank you for demonstrating exactly why I made this submission, Diarrhea Bot.


Funny how that happens.

VoatSecrets ago

There is nothing funny about Murder.

There is nothing funny about global enslavement or the Mark of the Beast.

We dare you to dispute or disprove any of the thousands of comments and questions.

You grovel at the feet of those who openly mocked and celebrated the murder of Jenny Moore and assassination of Wisconsin_is_Corrupt, including the corrupt moderators who partnered with argosciv after he openly admitted to Satan worship and blood drinking. Argosciv"s entire series was to obfuscate connections to Racine. Then there was a 12 part series full of lies by @SoberSecondThought that resulted in death threats carried out iin real life. There is much more none of you know.

When you mock Jesus Christ and The Truth your Soul will die. It is not funny.

Was SenateAnon the Anon before Q?

Was one of their final posts "keep digging into Racine"?

Was Jenny Moore's last submission an attempt to meet Wisconsin_is_Corrupt in Racine?

Do you know what happened and why Voat is targeting @TrustTheTruth? We do.

You Know nothing and now your Soul is lost forever. It is not funny. This is not a game.

Q was created to obfuscate The Truth in Racine.

Now Voat is changing its rules again to silence @TrustTheTruth.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

Not mocking Jesus. YOU are NOT JESUS.

TrustTheTruth ago

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

Only The Truth exposes the Great Deception of Sustainability (Satan’s Ability) and the Model for the Mark of the Beast.

Shine The Light on Racine, the ROOT of All Evil and Model for the Agenda of Eternal Enslavement.

Witness The Miracle.

This is The Parousia.

VoatSecrets ago

This is not a riddle.

This is not a game.

All of the Questions will be Answered.

This is The Parousia.

The Truth is being banned and censored.

The Truth has been shared since The Beginning.

Racine, Wisconsin is the Root of Evil and Model for the Agenda with the Mark of the Beast through The Great Deception of Sustaability (Satan's Ability) and enforced by 5G+ AI, smart cities, resilient communities and Community Policing.

The weak link in the chain of command to Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption is Rothschilds > Rockefellers > Johnsons.

Trump made The Deal to enable The Agenda in Racine, Wisconsin signed with the Johnsons.

Ashton Kutcher, Tom DeLonge, Seth Green, Mark Ruffalo, Susan Sarandon, Sean Combs, John Legend, Caron Butler, Mark Wahlberg, Kristin Bauer van Straten and many others celebrities are all connected to the I-94 project in Racine with Elizabeth Smart as the spokesperson.

Cellebrite is also used in Racine as part of the community policing model enabled by The Deal the Clintons made in Racine.

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

NoBS ago

Ever read animal farm? The mods sure have and are just being pigs about it.

Civil_Warrior ago

Some of us are more equal than others!! 🐖🐽

NoBS ago

Now we have Pigs with God-mod power! Look out world, they eat free speech like a crack whore on pharma grade Cocaine.


He's still trying to justify Crensch going powermod and banning me for repeatedly asking him a question, despite his evasive counterQ's

Angelis_Solaris ago

Well it would be useful for NOMOCHOMO to reply on one of his comment chains which is being wrecked by a New Age priest claiming that Wilhelm Reich was not advocating pedophilia when he clearly was. What does NOMO need to do to be unbanned?


I can't comment (until a Mod grows a pair and unbans me), but plz ping me to the Reich post/chain

Angelis_Solaris ago

Thanks man, I appreciate it :)


@ordotempliinternetis. happy to help search, but I can't comment in pizzagate until I am unbanned.

If you advocate for it. being reversed, I'd appreciate it.

I'll direct message you in the meantime if I find anything relevant.


Rule Violation in v/pizzagate:

1: Relevance; Description: Causing problems with the removal of things that have not been proven to be pizzagate. Using divisive tactics against the mods. Arguing dishonestly, even after being warned that this was not a joke. Constant pattern of disruptive behavior and supporting users like esoteric

provide a single link of me doing any of these things in @darkknight111 's post and I will apologize.

Otherwise. Unban me, because your ban has no basis.

"things that have not been proven to be pizzagate"

Ed Buck has been proven to be Pizzagate.

Crensch ago



-bans user

-refuses to substantiate ban

Crensch ago

Your ban was explained in depth by 2 mods. You're being deliberately obtuse, and I'm looking at amending the unban stipulations based on your continued attempts to Jew the situation.



link the proof of me "arguing", or it's just a narrative.

amending the unban stipulations

like you just "amended rule 5" by adding a new rule? What extra hoops?

(((attempts to Jew the situation.)))

accuse accuse accuse. refuse to link proof of accused behavior.

Crensch ago


Looks like he wants to play games again today. Should we just call it a permanent ban at this point?

I can think of a few more restrictions on his unbanning still, but he seems like he'd rather just start shit.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/pizzagatemods comment by @NOMOCHOMO.

Posted automatically (#65228) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@Crensch: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @NOMOCHOMO)


I'm not apologizing to either of you. Not a single user has spoken in favor of my ban.

Crensch ago

Welcome to Voat.


you sad soul.

Vindicator ago

Happy to unban you, Nomo, just as soon as you are happy to accept Rule 1 and Rule 4 and the authority of mods to enforce them.

PrepareForWar ago

Walk into your laundry room grab the bottle that says bleach and drink up you retarded cunt. You all successfully killed this place months ago you can leave now.


1: Relevance

Posts must be directly relevant to investigation of Pizzagate: the sexual/physical abuse and/or murder of children by elites, child trafficking organized by elites, and/or cover-up of these activities and/or the protection/assistance provided to the people who engage in said activities. See definition of Pizzagate and examples of relevant posts. You must label NSFW posts (“Not safe for work”; for example gore, nudity etc.) as such when submitting.

4: Indirectly Relevant / Meta

Meta submissions and general discussion submissions without sources will be removed. Please submit indirectly relevant posts to /v/pizzagatewhatever and unsourced questions to /v/AskPizzagate. Sourced activism / publicity posts and memes are allowed. Posts about the subverse itself go to /v/pizzagatemods.

Thank you Vin.

Absolutely. I have, and continue to, accept these rules, (as they are currently written) and thereby, Mods authority to enforce them.

Vindicator ago


You insisted on claiming a rule-breaking post was legit when it wasn't (Rule 1), and then got in a fight about it in darkknight's submission instead of making a submission about it v/pizzagatemods (Rule 4). When you were warned to stop, you escalated. Your actions belie your claim.

Crensch laid out what you need to do to be unbanned. It's up to you.


You're deceitful

Provide a single quote from darkknight's post where I:

"insisted on claiming a rule-breaking post was legit"


I asked why the post was removed, if another Mod approved/flaired "Swamp-Takedown". I also asked why prior posts didn't substantiate Ed Buck as a pizzagate figure.

YogSoggoth ago

Here watch this in the meantime. Tales of the Unexpected - Skin ep 011 - YouTube

Search domain

NoBS ago

Please use the unmoderated subs to expose censorship. It will connect the dots and verify the pedo-protectors on this site. The only reason to censor (on the spot) is to remove child porn or doxing a citizen investigator. Doxing a public figure who profits off exposing pedophiles is the only exception to the rule. Yet even child porn can be used to expose the assholes behind the camera through meta data. A powerful citizen investigative tool which has become weaponized to protect organized pedo's.

Civil_Warrior ago

If the info is freely available on the net...that's not doxxing!!!


Please spread the news of this rule change in other subs too.

In addition to the login-only restriction, this rule will make v/pizzagate less and less hospitable for research and dissemination.

Censorship is a SLIPPERY Slope.

NoBS ago

Archiving and touchy feely rules are censorship. Any sub that has this is suspect.

Angelis_Solaris ago

To be honest, pornography and cp are not speech, they are expression. There is freedom of speech in U.S.Constitution but not freedom of expression (since expression can cause harm and speech cannot).

NoBS ago

Right to express one's ideas and opinions freely through speech, writing, and other forms of communication but without deliberately causing harm to others' character and/or reputation by false or misleading statements. Freedom of press is part of freedom of expression.

Read more:

Angelis_Solaris ago

This is an excerpt from historian David Barton's Original Intent: The Courts, The Constitution and Religion book:

"The Constitution protects free speech, but the courts created a new right - a "freedom of expression." They thus subverted a protection for words into a protection for actions and behaviors, judicially enshrining acts formerly forbidden, and still abhorred, by the citizenry...

"Under the "right of privacy" (a right found nowhere in the Constitution), overtly immoral acts against decency and good order that long were illegal are now judicially raised above the reach of the law (pornography, sodomy, etc.)...

"When the Judiciary creates such new rights as these described above (and others), it promptly enshrines them in its case law. Courts then subsequently judge legislation not against the Constitution but rather against other court decisions, thus elevating judicial rulings to the level of the Constitution itself. In fact, the Courts have so thoroughly rewritten the intent of the Constitution that legal scholars now describe the contemporary Supreme Court as a "continuing Constitutional Convention."

“Maintaining Constitutional Integrity.” Original Intent: the Courts, the Constitution & Religion, by David Barton, 6th ed., WallBuilder Press, 2016, pp. 268–269.

NoBS ago

Freedom of speech has always had limits to accountability.

Calling fire in a crowed theater is less dangerous than exploiting a child for perversion.

IMHO, trampled to death can only affect the present generation with death unless a fetus is included. CP can be multi-generational even if sadism is not included. This is my opinion that is subject to interpretation under law. Yet both are harmful and malicious. Expression includes speech and thought.

Thought crimes that include posting far fetched ideas to get feed back for clarification or even mockery to id malcontents and trolls. Sure works to find Pedo-mods.

Like censorship over a formulation of running opinions that do not include proof.

The ultimate goal for verification of opinion is to formulate knowledge and wisdom with feedback. Which pizzagate mods maliciously corrupted and destroyed through altruism disguised as censorship. Out in the bloody open.

So this site does restrict expression due to rules that retard opinion and educated guesses.

Weaponized moderation has controlled information and increased emotional triggers.

Mods have continuously shut down opinion of child abuse while virtue signalling censorship as a needed tool. We really are this stupid.


"Respect Other Users" is being used as a bludgeon to remove discussions Mods and Former Mods deem irrelevant/inappropriate

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/ProtectVoat submission by @AbrahamGoldowitz.

Posted automatically (#64410) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@Vindicator: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @AbrahamGoldowitz)

AbrahamGoldowitz ago

Great. A rule against "Comment Abuse". That sounds like a reasonable rule that won't get abused and used to silence people. Good job. /s


My Response from "the Debacle"...I'm still banned BTW

I asked @Crensch a question. He repeatedly evaded with counter questions.

Ego, bruised from the questioning, He then made my membership dependent on proving another users' post.

Crensch's Unprecedented Whim became a user-specific guideline. A Dangerous Despotic Precedent

Repeating a question to a Mod is "baiting" them?

Different Mods hold different users to different standards?

The reason given for my ban is Rule 1: Relevance.

Even though you edited Rule 1 last night (cut/pasting "NSFW" from Rule 5), you didn't change "relevance" to apply to comments. It is a submission standard.

To ban a user for a comment that doesn't fulfill a submission guideline is comment censorship.

Because Relevance does not apply to comments. You changed Rule 5 from "NSFW" to "Comment Abuse" without notifying the pizzagate community.

I am shining a light on Moderation. Any scrutiny is framed as "drama".

Unban me. I broke no rules.

I wont break your Modified Rule 5, but please announce it

you previously said:

"while I was AFK, users DMed him that we had deleted most previous posts about Buck

this time, it's

@think- who knew I was away from the computer all day, pinged Crensch to change the flair

"users" to "think-". Plural to Singular. Your story is changing. Why would @think private message Crensch to moderate, rather than comment and tag him publically. You are proving that ya'll do hold different users to different standards. Apparently some have back channel influence.

So you think you should have free rein to shit up other people's submissions with your rants about how bad you think moderation is?


your hyperbolic claims of "baiting" have grown into a "rant"

I merely QUESTIONED him







Which of these is a "rant" ?

Putt added the Voat User Agreement to the rule violations list moderators can cite some time ago,

"When you receive notice that there is content that violates this user agreement on subverses you moderate, you agree to remove it."

Cite the user agreement rule I broke.

@Crensch could have done the same in your case

What users have asked for me to be banned? Who have I impersonated?

Unban me.

QualityShitposter ago

comment abuse

Are you planning to ban @crensch?

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Goddamn well should!

Piscina ago
