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'know, I just met you

And This is Creepy

You call me Goyim

I'll call you Heeby

followthemoney ago


There is no point in posting any research on Voat until the lockdown is lifted. At this point Reddit, Poal, Saidit and others are better options because the rest of the world can see it and it can get swept up in SEO so that the information can be found with Google and other search engines. Keep in mind that Reddit is currently not really censoring pizzagate research right now. Top Minds of reddit started a new campaign against Pizzagate a few weeks ago but even they are censoring the topic far less than Voat. Your research will get downvotes in r/conspiracy but it will still get many thousands of more views than in /v/Pizzagate. Twitter also censors Pizzagate material less than Voat. If you join the MAGA crowd, your research will be seen by thousands of more people than on Voat.

I recommend everyone try posting in a variety of places and watch the numbers of views. Voat isn't getting any.


I will likely move on, but I try to keep my username specific to a platform. If I'm banned so be it, but I'd appreciate you spreading news of this on Poal if you have an account

I'm suspect of poal but want people to know if v/pizzagate is dead