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Crensch ago

It would have to have impacted me and/or been accurate for me to have to "recover" from it.

Nice bluff. I see how your lackeys fall all over themselves to protect your supposed 'good name'.

Spoken like a reddit mod.

Better than a PV lackey.

My only regret is not seeing you for what you are sooner.

Oh man, the feeling is mutual.

Crensch ago

HoHO! The downvote here is so SALTY. 13m in. We all know who gave it.

God it feels good.

Crensch ago

Oh, man. It's even more beautiful. FIVE votes called in by THE @kevdude.

Running a little low on support lately, are we?

Rotteuxx ago

The 6th is me...

So let me ask you, who supports your gatekeeping outside of your PG/GA mod group ? Outside of your PG/GA subs ?

Crensch ago

Outside of your PG/GA subs ?

You've almost got it. Just a little further.

I'll take people that matter for $1,000.

Rotteuxx ago

So you're saying that unless users believe in Q they don't matter ?

Crensch ago

That's not what I'm saying. Try again.

Rotteuxx ago

Since you refuse to answer a straight question and want to play games, I'll take it that people outside your subs don't matter in your eyes and that you don't give a shit about freedom of expression unless it serves your interests.

Crensch ago

Since you refuse to answer a straight question

I did answer.

Question: "So you're saying X?"

Answer: "That's not what I'm saying."

Literally the definition of answering your question.

I'll take it that people outside your subs don't matter in your eyes

You got it!

and that you don't give a shit about freedom of expression

You don't give a shit about freedom of association, and you also seem to forget that communists lose their rights in the eyes of US law. If memory serves, there's much more to it than that.

Here's where you find yourself: "Everyone should have to watch my gay pride parade because I have freedom of speech."

unless it serves your interests.

You mean the interests detailed in the sidebar of the sub?

Man, you guys are really just not that good at this.

Rotteuxx ago

You don't give a shit about freedom of association, and you also seem to forget that communists lose their rights in the eyes of US law. If memory serves, there's much more to it than that.

You say that but fail to back it up with anything to make it sound like an intelligent thought.

Here's where you find yourself: "Everyone should have to watch my gay pride parade because I have freedom of speech."

You talk a lot about gays and communists, not surprising coming from a Zionist though.

TrustTheTruth ago

We are the reason why Voat is changing the ‘rules’ to censor and ban.

We are the reason for the Tarmac meeting and why Paul Ryan and many others suddenly resigned.

We are the reason why the False Prophet Q was created.

SenateAnon was the Anon before Q.

One of the last things SenateAnon said before they went dark was:

“Keep digging into Racine”

Jenny Moore (@Jem777) and @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt were original members here since The Beginning who were threatened and targeted, leading to death threats acted up on real life with assassins sent to murder them in real life after the meeting in Racine.

George Webb Sweigert claimed to have met Jesus Christ in Racine, and deleted the end of his video from 11/1/18 where he said he never wanted any help from Jesus Christ or Jenny Moore. Who did George say ‘had the drop on him’? Why is George afraid of The Truth? How did Jenny find The Truth and figure out what really happened to @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt?

Just yesterday George was talking again about Mitt Romney and the FLDS Mormon Mafia that he first spoke of in Racine as well. Racine was also where George began speaking about the Emanuels. We know why. We know much, much more. We know why George suddenly moved out of the hotel. We know why he partnered with JK. We know more than everyone here combined.

Jeff Epstein and Seth Rich were Knights of Pythias with direct connections to Racine. What is the story of Pythias?

Why did the mods lie about and slander Jenny Moore after she was killed?

How were they exposed, and why did they ban anyone who knew what really happened?

You want a Straight Answer?

We are The Straightest Answer.

The Truth is Simple, Honest and Easy for All to Know and Recognize.

That is why it is being Banned and Censored.

Racine, Wisconsin is the Root of All Evil and the Model for the real Agenda of Eternal Enslavement beyond UN Agenda 21 and 2030 forged through the Great Deception of Sustainability (Satan’s Ability) with the Mark of the Beast enforced by 5G+ AI, Smart Cities, Resilient Communities and Community Policing.

Racine is the model for each of these programs. No one can deny it or dispute it.

This is why Jenny Moore and others were murdered.

This is The Parousia.

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

Crensch ago