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cantsleepawink ago

A comment under this Ed Buck article:


This is not a hit piece. I am from Phoenix, Arizona. I first read about this news item at the Advocate yesterday. My first question was why no one had mentioned his involvement with the recall election of then Arizona Governor Evan Mecham. That was a great and glorious achievement that Ed Buck helped initiate in Arizona. And for that, I am forever grateful. The person who responded to me through the Advocate comments section suggested that I search for additional articles regarding this incident. That’s where these lucid details came up. You can read my comments at the Advocate and form your own opinions. But yes, I’ve met Ed Buck. And how I met Ed Buck was also through a “friend”. This was 1987. At the time, he was recovering from oral jaw surgery.

What happens between two consenting adults is their own business. What causes me to pause is the part about injecting these sex workers with drugs. While nothing of that nature happened when I was with Ed Buck, the part about Gemmel Moore introducing him to additional black men sort of makes me want to speak up. Goodness, Ed is 63 years old now. I last saw him in 1991. It’s the same method of operation as how I met him back in 1987. If someone wants to speak to me regarding my dealings with him, I am not hidden. My information is out there. If you’re curious what the name Sniffdar means, just Google it. I rarely post about topics on websites and have only just registered on Queerty so I could respond. I am still here in Phoenix and I do remember those encounters… ….and yes, I have my own story. There are some other details…

All I can say is that there is a lot more here than we can possibly imagine.

What exactly does SNIFFDAR mean?

Edit: New comment from SNIFFDAR


@mrlee2 I’ve been in bit of a shock at this news item. I’ll probably write about this more in depth at some point, but here are the basics: I was introduced to Ed Buck through a guy I met at an adult book store. If you know anything about Phoenix, Arizona, there was once an adult book store across the street from the entrance to the Arizona State Fair. I ended up following the gentleman back to his house. I won’t become explicit here, but afterwards he said that he had a friend who would really love to meet me. I said sure and gave him my number. He told me who his friend was, but I really didn’t think he would actually call me.

Well, just a few short weeks later he did.

At the time, I was working for American Express at 24th Street and Glendale. You can check Google Maps to collaborate what I am saying. That property was later purchased by Charles Schwab. Ed Buck lived not a mile from where I was working on what was once called Squaw Peak (now called Piestewa Peak). The arrangement was that I would come over after work, as my shift was from 4 to 8 PM. Again, I will not get explicit here, but the reason why I couldn’t see Ed Buck after that point was because I was going off to college in Langston, Oklahoma that very weekend.

I ran into Ed Buck again in 1991. I’ll write at length about that second encounter at some point…

Ed Buck once famously stated regarding Evan Mecham that he had slept with more Black men than Evan Mecham had shaken hands with. I do not doubt this, as I can say that I am one of them. No, I am not a sex worker. No I am not a drug addict. And honestly, for all the things that he did for helping get Evan Mecham out of office, I applaud him. However, the death of someone and the thought of recruiting others causes me to pause. And while the original article that I read at the Advocate didn’t mention drug activities , the article here does. And that’s why I feel like I sort of need to speak up. It’s crazy how this things turn up, because it has been almost perfectly 30 years ago that I first met Ed Buck.

And if you haven’t picked up on the age difference between Ed Buck and Gemmel Moore or the fact that 30 ago I “met” Ed Buck before I went off to college, you’re not thinking about this story deep enough.

Again, my information is out there. I am not hard to find.

He seems to be saying that Buck is a pedophile.