ThesaurasaurusKeks ago

I wonder if Arizona Republic columnist E. J. Montini has anything else in common with his good buddy Ed Buck besides knowing gay teenagers dying of AIDS? Democrat and Chronicle Rochester, New York Friday, October 20, 2000 - Page 12

Jon could have been a great candidate E.J. MONTINI

Just before we burst out laughing, I turned to one of the other pallbearers at Jon Fladhammer's funeral and said, "The little so-and-so set us up."

We were sitting in the front row at Jon's memorial service. There were hundreds of people in the room.

Toward the end of the service, the preacher running the show implored all those in attendance to raise their hands if they had prayed for Jon in the past couple of days. In an instant, the room was transformed into a forest of human palms. Each prayerful mourner faced the front of the room, where, in the midst of the worshipful timberland, there was a gap.

Among the pallbearers.

I was sitting there next to Ed Buck, the wildly outspoken activist who was leading the recall effort against then-Gov. Evan Mecham.

I had introduced Jon to Buck, who got to know the teenager during the last months of his life, as I had.

Jon called me out of the blue one morning, a 17-year-old kid who said he had some free time during the day and wanted to know if I could put him in touch with the Mecham Recall Committee. Why would a person who should be in high school have free time during the day? I wanted to know. "Because I'm dying," Jon said.

It was 1987. He'd had cancer for several years by then. He'd lost a leg to it. Now it was in his lungs and he had a few months left.

"One of my philosophies is that, you know, it's happening, so you might as well laugh with it," he told me at the time. And he did.

He had planned to go to law school or to become an actor. He imagined a career in politics.

He loved practical jokes. And in the end, he skunked me and Buck, a couple of less-than-holy loudmouths. He'd made us pallbearers, knowing when the preacher asked those who had prayed to raise their hands, the two of us would stand out like a patch of hedonistic clear-cut in the congregation's worshipful timberland.

He must have been howling in heaven, that kid.

His mother, Dana, wrote to me recently on the 13th anniversary of his passing. I've been thinking about him ever since, particularly during these days when the whole country mourns a group of sailors who died too young.

And because it's election time. Jon Fladhammer would have been 30 by now, perhaps a lawyer, perhaps seeking his first public office.

Imagine, a candidate who makes you want to laugh and still want to vote for him.

E.J. Montini is a columnist for The Arizona Republic. He began working for The Arizona Republic in December 1979 as a news metro columnist. He has worked for The Arizona Republic for over 25 years covering illegal immigrants, the increase in daily temperatures, and the decrease in rainfall. Montini is also an avid baseball fan, often found walking around the office with a wooden baseball bat.

Montini obtained his B.A. in Journalism from Penn State University [Yikes] in 1976.

cantsleepawink ago

the Experiment in International Living, founded in 1932 in Brattleboro, VT, became World Learning

Back Telephone Recordings: Dictation Belt 17A.4. Keeping CIA out of the Peace Corps

Description: Sound recording of part of a telephone conversation held on April 2, 1963, between President John F. Kennedy and Sargent Shriver, Director of the Peace Corps. They discuss the suspicion that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is trying to place people in the Peace Corps

Telephone Recordings: Dictation Belt 17B.1. Keeping CIA out of the Peace Corps (Item 17A.4 Continued)

They discuss speaking to Richard M. Helms about the suspicion that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is trying to place people in the Peace Corps. They also discuss facilitating the movement of members of the Peace Corps into the Foreign Service. Machine noise follows the conversation.

includes internships for the CIA and Council on Foreign Relations

BIGLY17 ago

Just started reading this I to assume your "w" key does not work n you were clever enough to continue on using your "v" key? Or is this some kind of search engine/crawled subversion tactic I'm not aware of?

cantsleepawink ago

It's a copy and paste job from the Gay Rodeo website. You need to ask them that question :)

cantsleepawink ago

The Ed Buck story was broken by Ryan Gierach . Someone commented that he is a friend of Ed Buck.

Seems they have something in common: WeHo News Publisher Ryan Gierach Sentenced to Drug Diversion

Gierach has long been open about his addiction to methamphetamine and his financial struggles.

cantsleepawink ago

A comment under this Ed Buck article:


This is not a hit piece. I am from Phoenix, Arizona. I first read about this news item at the Advocate yesterday. My first question was why no one had mentioned his involvement with the recall election of then Arizona Governor Evan Mecham. That was a great and glorious achievement that Ed Buck helped initiate in Arizona. And for that, I am forever grateful. The person who responded to me through the Advocate comments section suggested that I search for additional articles regarding this incident. That’s where these lucid details came up. You can read my comments at the Advocate and form your own opinions. But yes, I’ve met Ed Buck. And how I met Ed Buck was also through a “friend”. This was 1987. At the time, he was recovering from oral jaw surgery.

What happens between two consenting adults is their own business. What causes me to pause is the part about injecting these sex workers with drugs. While nothing of that nature happened when I was with Ed Buck, the part about Gemmel Moore introducing him to additional black men sort of makes me want to speak up. Goodness, Ed is 63 years old now. I last saw him in 1991. It’s the same method of operation as how I met him back in 1987. If someone wants to speak to me regarding my dealings with him, I am not hidden. My information is out there. If you’re curious what the name Sniffdar means, just Google it. I rarely post about topics on websites and have only just registered on Queerty so I could respond. I am still here in Phoenix and I do remember those encounters… ….and yes, I have my own story. There are some other details…

All I can say is that there is a lot more here than we can possibly imagine.

What exactly does SNIFFDAR mean?

Edit: New comment from SNIFFDAR


@mrlee2 I’ve been in bit of a shock at this news item. I’ll probably write about this more in depth at some point, but here are the basics: I was introduced to Ed Buck through a guy I met at an adult book store. If you know anything about Phoenix, Arizona, there was once an adult book store across the street from the entrance to the Arizona State Fair. I ended up following the gentleman back to his house. I won’t become explicit here, but afterwards he said that he had a friend who would really love to meet me. I said sure and gave him my number. He told me who his friend was, but I really didn’t think he would actually call me.

Well, just a few short weeks later he did.

At the time, I was working for American Express at 24th Street and Glendale. You can check Google Maps to collaborate what I am saying. That property was later purchased by Charles Schwab. Ed Buck lived not a mile from where I was working on what was once called Squaw Peak (now called Piestewa Peak). The arrangement was that I would come over after work, as my shift was from 4 to 8 PM. Again, I will not get explicit here, but the reason why I couldn’t see Ed Buck after that point was because I was going off to college in Langston, Oklahoma that very weekend.

I ran into Ed Buck again in 1991. I’ll write at length about that second encounter at some point…

Ed Buck once famously stated regarding Evan Mecham that he had slept with more Black men than Evan Mecham had shaken hands with. I do not doubt this, as I can say that I am one of them. No, I am not a sex worker. No I am not a drug addict. And honestly, for all the things that he did for helping get Evan Mecham out of office, I applaud him. However, the death of someone and the thought of recruiting others causes me to pause. And while the original article that I read at the Advocate didn’t mention drug activities , the article here does. And that’s why I feel like I sort of need to speak up. It’s crazy how this things turn up, because it has been almost perfectly 30 years ago that I first met Ed Buck.

And if you haven’t picked up on the age difference between Ed Buck and Gemmel Moore or the fact that 30 ago I “met” Ed Buck before I went off to college, you’re not thinking about this story deep enough.

Again, my information is out there. I am not hard to find.

He seems to be saying that Buck is a pedophile.

ThesaurasaurusKeks ago

**As the effort began to catch on, pro-Mecham forces began taking Buck more seriously. They found out about Buck's 1983 arrest for "public sexual indecency." It happened in a Phoenix adult bookstore. As Buck tells it, a police officer saw him "grab the crotch" of a friend. The charge was dismissed after Buck pleaded guilty to disturbing the peace and paid a fine. ** Arizona Republic Phoenix, Arizona Sunday, October 18, 1987 - Page 2

Buck's mother recalls him to crusade

Margaret Buckmelter arrives at her son's house, on a hill near Squaw Peak, just as the sun is going down.

In a large sunken, living room just inside the entrance, the local television news is showing on a big screen. However, no one is in the room, which has only one piece of furniture, a couch. There are few furnishings anywhere in the house, as if whoever lives there has just moved in. But, in fact, Buckmelter's son has lived in the house for a year.

Two T-shirts are nailed on a wall just inside the door. On one is printed, "Mecham for Ex-Governor." The other has a picture of Gov. Evan Mecham with his name and "Governor, 1987-1987" printed on it : Buckmelter walks through the vacant family room, through a pair of sliding doors and onto a patio. Outside, there is a swimming pool, a small yard and, to the south, a spectacular view of Phoenix.

There is a path behind the pool leading to the top of another hill. From below, Buckmelter sees her son standing on a small wall on top of the hill A photographer stands below him, snapping pictures. "Buck, you're such a ham," she says as she climbs up to where her son stands.

"This gentleman is working for the New York Times Magazine, Mom," Ed Buck says to her.

"I'm impressed," she says, rolling her eyes. "No," he answers. "You're just jealous."

Buckmelter smiles and says, "He's always had a smart mouth."

Then the mother and the son kiss.

The Buckmelter family moved to Phoenix from Steubenville, Ohio, when Buck and his brother were boys. They were enrolled in a Catholic elementary school. Edward Bernard Peter Buckmelter, as Ed Buck was then known, was once sent home for arriving at grade school on St. Patrick's Day with his hair dyed green.

"He had his own mind," Margaret Buckmelter says. "Even then."

He went to North High School in Phoenix.

"The dean of boys had a hot line to my phone at work," his mother says. "I'd answer the phone and say, 'All right, what is it this time?'"

It was Buckmelter who had to deal with her troublesome son. Buck said his father is a longtime alcoholic who has suffered some mental incapacity from the illness. By the time Buck was 16, he had told his parents that he was a homosexual and that he would leave home the first chance he got.

"It was tough on her then," Buck says about his mother. "But we've become real close friends."

He enrolled in Phoenix College and won a scholarship to study in Yugoslavia for a year. On a return visit after his year of study, he was offered a part as an extra in a television commercial. Shortly afterward, he decided that fashion modeling would be a way to get by in Europe. He worked in the business for five years, doing everything from movies to magazine covers. Then he got tired of it. He returned to Arizona in 1980, broke and without a job.

"One of the things I did when I got back was work, for a friend of mine as a bicycle courier, picking up his mail," Buck says.

Buck's friend was offered the chance to buy the Arizona franchise of a national business providing driver's license information to insurance companies.

"I told him that if he bought the business for $25,000 and let me work with it, I would buy it from him in a year for $75,000," Buck says. "At the time, I had no idea about money, about business, about anything."

The firm, called Rapid Information Services, was located in a one-bedroom apartment near 17th Avenue and Roosevelt Street Buck became obsessed with it. He had his name legally changed from Buckmelter to Buck "In part to make it easier for business contacts to remember." He taught himself about computers, about salesmanship, about marketing. Eventually, Buck moved into the company office, sleeping on a mattress in the storeroom.

Within a year and a half, he bought out his friend for $250,000. Within five years, he sold the business for what he says was "a million-dollar profit." It was 1986. Ed Buck -- one-time vagabond student, fashion model and businessman -- was suddenly rich, suddenly "retired" at age 32, suddenly looking for something to do.

"It was a tough time," he remembers. "I lost money on a restaurant. I lost money on a pay telephone business." Then, Evan Mecham got elected governor. "There's an interesting parallel between the success of my business and the success of the recall," Buck said.

"When I began the recall, I was totally ignorant of politics. When I began in business, I was totally ignorant of business. In both instances, all the experts said it couldn't be done."

Buck started alone, standing at the state Capitol with a few crudely made bumper stickers. He passed out his telephone number to anyone who wanted to help with the recall and spent his evenings at home, alternating between four phone lines.

**As the effort began to catch on, pro-Mecham forces began taking Buck more seriously. They found out about Buck's 1983 arrest for "public sexual indecency." It happened in a Phoenix adult bookstore. As Buck tells it, a police officer saw him "grab the crotch" of a friend. The charge was dismissed after Buck pleaded guilty to disturbing the peace and paid a fine. **

**Ron Bellus, then Mecham's press secretary, spent one day in January telephoning reporters to ask them if they had heard about a Department of Public Safety investigation into Buck's attempt to falsify a prescription.

"It seems that Buck photocopied an old prescnption for the painkiller Percodan -- his dentist was out of town at the time -- and tried to have it filled. As result, a judge ordered Buck to be tested for drugs once a week for one year, after which the charges may be dismissed. **

Buck's family also became targets.

One Mecham supporter telephoned Buck's father at home and said, "I can understand why you made your boy change his name, him being a faggot and all."

Ironically, the attacks against Buck attracted some of the recall movement's most energetic volunteers. They also illustrate one curious similarity between Ed Buck and Evan Mecham -- as if such a thing were possible.

Each man, it seems, reacts to personal attacks by becoming even more committed to his cause.

"I have a vague memory of personal life and a social life and a sex life," Buck says. "But now it seems that everything is tied to the recall. All the rest have dried up."

Now that the recall movement has gathered more than 300,000 signatures and an election seems ensured, people "ask Buck about his own possible political aspirations.

"I don't believe that I would be happy holding elective office," he says.

"To be real honest with you, I think running for office would be fun. It's just that I don't think I would enjoy the bureaucracy once I got there.

"Besides, I think I'd be more effective as a private citizen. The recall movement has shown how people can get together and change things. I know how to do that now. It may come in handy later."

Margaret Buckmelter has been sitting quietly, listening to her son speak. I ask her what she thinks of all this. "That's easy," she says, "I'm proud of him."

cantsleepawink ago

Brilliant. I did not have access to those newspaper articles. Thank you for posting them here.

The firm, called Rapid Information Services, was located in a one-bedroom apartment near 17th Avenue and Roosevelt Street Buck became obsessed with it. He had his name legally changed from Buckmelter to Buck "In part to make it easier for business contacts to remember." He taught himself about computers, about salesmanship, about marketing. Eventually, Buck moved into the company office, sleeping on a mattress in the storeroom.

Within a year and a half, he bought out his friend for $250,000. Within five years, he sold the business for what he says was "a million-dollar profit." It was 1986. Ed Buck -- one-time vagabond student, fashion model and businessman -- was suddenly rich, suddenly "retired" at age 32, suddenly looking for something to do.

Rapid Information Services : I still can't find any business information on Buck, anywhere. For such a savvy businessman, why can't I find any information ?

ThesaurasaurusKeks ago

I was able to piece together the text from this Googlebook archive of The Advocate June 7, 1988 - Page 46/47

(Ed Buck was the top Wrangler Jeans model in Japan- 1979. 'Experiment in International Living Scholarship' was a US State Dept program)

Bucking The System

On April 4, 1988, Gov. Evan Mecham of Arizona became the seventh governor in U.S. History to be impeached. He was charged with "high crimes, misdemeanors, or malfeasance in office."

Ironically, Mecham was impeached on the 20th anniversary of the assassination of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr; one of the governor's first deeds after taking office in January 1987 was to cancel the holiday commemorating King. That was the first in a series of blunders.

Mecham's downfall was largely the work of Ed Buck, a conservative Republican not unlike the deposed governor. Buck, 33, who was born Edward Bernard Peter Buckmelter (he changed his name to Buck for the "better sound") is millionaire gay businessman who began a watchdog committee to monitor Mecham shortly after the governor took office 15 months ago.

Buck labeled Mecham "dumb and dangerous" and launched a recall campaign against the governor for obvious violations of his office.

At first Mecham shrugged off the recall movement as nothing more than "a bunch of homosexuals and dissident Democrats." Then, suddenly, Buck became an issue. First he was arrested for attempting to use an illegal prescription, and then an older arrest record surfaced; Buck had once been nailed by a vice cop in an adult bookstore.

"Yes, it's true," Buck says with a smile. "A few years ago I did grab a friend's crotch in an adult bookstore in Phoenix. I did get arrested by a vice cop and was charged with public sexual indecency." (Buck eventually pleaded guilty to a lesser charge and paid a small fine.)

"There's something damned wrong with the system," he continues. "A vice cop devoting time [to] arresting people in adult bookstores. A Phoenix couple were recently murdered right in their own home. It took police nearly one hour to respond to the call for help from a neighbor.

"About the prescription drug charge I was arrested for misusing a prescription for a controlled painkiller, Percodan. Well, I [had] just root canal work," Buck says. "I was in pain. It was on a weekend. So I Xeroxed a copy of the prescription just in case I would need more later.

"It cost me six to seven thousand dollars for legal expenses, but I won the case, and my record has been cleared."

Buck's gay life-style and his every move as leader of the recall became news that was published daily in every local newspaper and, later, in major national news magazines. He was even interviewed on the television news program 60 Minutes. Yet Arizona, which is considered a conservative state, did not ostracize Buck. Instead, more and more people joined this handsome, intelligent individual in his recall efforts while the bumbling governor continued attempting to rule like a monarch.

Still, a backlash was inevitable. Right-wingers began calling Buck just another member of the "bathhouse brigade," and he was depicted as just another "faggot starting trouble." A bumper sticker appeared that read, "Queer Ed Buck's recall."

"The bumper stickers bothered me a bit at first," Buck admits, "but I quickly shrugged it off. Donna Carlson, a Mecham aide, was responsible for this. [Carlson was the target of an apparent death threat from another Mecham aide, which remains part of a felony offense the ex-governor will face soon.] But even she eventually quit her position, as most all of Mecham's aides did."

Buck organized the recall movement with just a handful of volunteers, but the numbers soon swelled. The recall movement obtained more than 216,000 signatures - more than needed - to force a recall election of the governor, who had been busy blasting gays, the media, and just about every minority in some way. The recall movement cost Buck a lot. His relationship with a well-known Chippendale's dancer ended because, he says, "I simply didn't have enough time in the day for a relationship. It was so unfair to him. And believe me, I was lonely and missed him."

Buck's lively and varied career began while he was attending Phoenix College some years ago and won a three-month internship in Yugoslavia under the U.S. State department's Experiment in International Living Scholarship program. While there, he made friends and contacts that led Buck into a career in modeling and television commercials.

After extending his stay in Europe to five years, he went to Japan to model for Wrangler jeans. In 1979 Buck became Japan's top male model; his jean-clad body was displayed on billboards and life- size cutouts everywhere in the country. "I was just a glorified coat hanger," says Buck, adding that he "never took modeling too seriously as a way of life - but it was a good way to make some money and tour the world."

After a year, Buck became tired of the business and returned home to Phoenix with most of his money spent and no job to look forward to. In an effort to earn some money, he took a position as a bicycle courier delivering important information to insurance companies, working for a business that turned out to be in financial trouble.

"I saw great potential in this field of providing insurance companies with driver's license information, among other things they needed to know in a hurry," says Buck. "I had no money and knew little about business, but I knew I wanted to own this particular business."

It was then that he changed his name from Buckmelter to Buck and taught himself how to use computers and how to sell. In just a year and a half, he claims, he earned enough money to buy the business out of bankruptcy and changed its name from Rapid Information Service to Gopher Courier. He even lived at his office.

Fellow employees say he ate, slept, and breathed the business. Rarely dating, he devoted all his time to building his courier service. After five years, he sold it and earned $1 million in profits.

"I was living off the interest like a good Republican," Buck says. He lives in a $280,000 home atop a hill in the fashionable Squaw Peak section of north Phoenix. He shares his home with his dog, Sly, and "an occasional guest."

"Mecham had often said a band of homosexuals [was] running the recall movement," Buck says. "I said it was very clear he has a problem with homosexuals, and I think it's time for him to see Dr. Ruth. It's his problem, not mine. I'm completely comfortable with it.

"The sad thing," he continues, "is that Ed Buck is the most well-known gay person in Arizona. Why just Ed Buck? I know several respected community leaders, prominent lawyers, and even judges. They offer an excellent image and should come out and show the public that gay men and women indeed are good citizens and contributors to society."

cantsleepawink ago

Once again, thank you for an invaluable contribution that adds another piece to this particular puzzle.

"I saw great potential in this field of providing insurance companies with driver's license information, among other things they needed to know in a hurry," says Buck. "I had no money and knew little about business, but I knew I wanted to own this particular business."

It was then that he changed his name from Buckmelter to Buck and taught himself how to use computers and how to sell. In just a year and a half, he claims, he earned enough money to buy the business out of bankruptcy and changed its name from Rapid Information Service to Gopher Courier.


taught himself how to use computers and how to sell

I know BS when I see it.

We need to investigate Gopher Courier. Look at the awful website with no real information in terms of real people

I'm calling this now ...FAKE... CIA BS.

ThesaurasaurusKeks ago

Definitely a CIA cutout hired by the State Department. I'm seeing other recipients of the EIL scholarshipsat that time being sent to Europe for "fashion design" and other useless art projects. I think "Ed Buck" was a male prostitute for the spooks under that program.

I found this about "Rapid Info Services". This may be the man Buck sold his business to in the '80s. Michael L. Sankey

Michael Sankey is founder and CEO of BRB Publications, Inc. and is Director of the Public Record Retriever Network, one of the nation's largest membership organization of professionals in the public record industry.

Michael has more than 30 years of experience in research and public record access. He has authored or edited over 75 publications and editions including The Sourcebook to Public Record Information, The Public Record Research TIPS Book, and The MVR Access and Decoder Digest. ** In the 1980s, he was president and CEO of Rapid Info Services, a national vendor of electronic-processed driving records. Rapid Info was the first vendor to offer online access of driving records to their clientele.**

Michael was a member of the Steering Committee that founded the National Association of Professional Background Screeners (NAPBS), a professional trade association for the screening industry. He was also elected to the first Board of Directors in 2004 and served two years.

He is regarded as a leading industry expert in public records, criminal record access, state DMV policies and procedures, as well as knowing who's who in the commercial arena of public information vendors.

cantsleepawink ago

Michael Sankey, author of The Manual to Online Public Records along with Cynthia Hetherington

Cynthia Hetherington

She is also recognized for providing corporate security officials, military intelligence units, and federal, state and local agencies with training on online intelligence practices.

I can see that this case is just going to give and give.


Importance of Monitoring Social Media (with Cynthia Hetherington)

Through this I'm really beginning to understand how the fabric of 'the matrix' is constructed by 'intelligence'.

ThesaurasaurusKeks ago Arizona Republic Phoenix, Arizona Sunday, November 29, 1987 - Page 9 and 10

Buck mirror image of Mecham, critics say

Founder of recall drive looking for the next set of challenges By MARTIN VAN DER WERF The Arizona Republic

[Phoenix millionaire and political activist Ed Buck spends a moment in quiet relaxation at his Squaw Peak home with his golden retriever, Sly.]

The life of Ed Buck moves pretty fast, his interests tossed this way, then that.

His friends can't reach him on the telephone, his business address is constantly changing, and he can be fickle about where he wants to direct his energies.

But one thing is clear. When Buck sets his mind to something, it gets done.

At 33, he has made a million dollars, lives in a mountainside home with a breathtaking view of Phoenix, has had a modeling career and now is basking in the knowledge that he marshaled the most successful grass-roots campaign in Arizona history, the recall movement against Gov. Evan Mecham.

Nothing has slowed Buck's momentum.

Not his admission that he is a homosexual, and not charges against him of tampering with a prescription for a painkiller or of disturbing the peace after he grabbed the crotch of a friend in an adult bookstore.

But, now, even after more than 386,000 signatures of people wanting to dump Mecham from office were filed with the state, people are criticizing Buck's leadership ability.

They say that Buck won't accept advice, is unbending when someone does not agree with his opinions and that his worst enemy is between his nose and his chin.

They say, in effect, that Buck is just like Mecham.

"If there is any difference between Ev Mecham and Ed Buck, it is that Ed Buck does not hold elective office and, like Mecham, does not deserve to," said Mike Morgan, who helped Buck put the recall movement together early this year.

"Both are very negative about the political process and for the state."

Buck laughs derisively at such comments.

"The only thing I can say about my strategy is, 'It worked,' " Buck said. "It's easy to take a shot at Ed Buck. But it's not easy to take a shot at Ed Buck, Garry Smith, Naomi Harward and the rest of the entire recall steering committee."

Most of the people taking shots at Buck, however, are those who worked in the very recall movement that made Buck a household name in Arizona.

Ronni Miller, who worked as the recall's statewide coordinator for a month before quitting, described Buck as being "like a man stuck in the 'terrible 2s.' "

"He is totally self-centered, totally self-consumed, without a shred of human compassion," Miller said. "I disliked him intensely."

Joseph Ditzhazy, who until Nov. 5 was spokesman for the Tucson recall office, said, "It used to be the theme of the recall movement: 'Let Mecham be Mecham. Every time he says something stupid, we'll get 10,000 more signatures.'

"Now we have Buck calling Mecham, who is a veteran, a Nazi, saying in effect that people who don't agree with him must have had a frontal lobotomy. We don't need a leader like that. We don't need a good-looking guy in a clown suit. He's doing the same thing to the recall movement that Mecham did to himself."

The half-dozen former leaders of the recall are nearly unanimous in saying they would never work with Buck again.

But those same leaders are just as unanimous in saying they owe a great debt of gratitude to Buck. And, they contend, so does the state.

It was Buck, after all, who stood alone in front of the Capitol in December passing out crude-looking "Recall Ev" bumper stickers. It was Buck who tried to organize workers who felt the same way he did during the six-month lag period after Mecham took office before a recall could begin. It was Buck who hobnobbed with reporters at the Capitol press room just so they wouldn't forget about him. And it was Buck who, as Miller put it, was willing to "mincemeat his life for public consumption."

The recall movement, only in operation for four months, put together a force of 10,000 volunteers. Only five offices were opened up the state, three of them in the Valley, but recall contacts were signed up in nearly every city and town in Arizona.

In the end, the effort raised about $150,000, but costs were kept down because only eight people were on the payroll.

Buck may have been the center of attention throughout the recall, but he didn't want it that way.

"It wasn't Ed Buck . . . that kept the recall going," he said. "It was Evan Mecham.

"The recall succeeded in spite of Ed Buck. The best person to head the recall would have been a 50-year-old, conservative businessman, married with 2.7 children. I wasn't that man."

Buck was unemployed when the recall movement began. He had just sold the Phoenix company he had been operating, Gopher Courier Inc. He had been dabbling in the workings of a friend's auto-repair shop. A year earlier, he had sold the Phoenix franchise of Rapid Info Services, a company he had purchased in 1980 when it was in bankruptcy and had built into a $1 million operation.

Buck became a self-taught compuiter programmer and threw everything he had into the operation, said Sylvia DeBernardis, who supervised the office. Rapid Info provided information about policy-holders to insurance companies.

Buck slept at the office, which was appropriate, DeBernardis said, because he "ate, slept and breathed Rapid Info."

"As a boss, he was very hard to work for," she said. "He was a perfectionist. But everyone he hired knew that. He made it very, very clear when he hired you."

Before coming back in 1980 to Phoenix, his hometown, Buck had spent five years in Europe, where he had parlayed a friendship he had struck up at an Oktoberfest festival in Munich West Germany, into a modeling and television commercial career.

He met his friends while hiking around Europe, a trip he began after completing a three-month internship in Yugoslavia under the Experiment in International Living Scholarship program, which was sponsored by the U.S. State Department.

All the skills he picked up in business and posing carried over into the recall campaign.

"One thing that was great about the recall movement was I got to use all the qualities I've been developing throughout my life: my camera presence, my speaking ability, my poise, my financial resources," he said. "When the recall movement finished, I was tapped out."

Buck had sunk a lot into the movement; he said he spent an average of four hours a day giving interviews to the press, loaned $5,000 in "seed money" and donated his home computer and a copying machine. He also all but gave up on his personal life.

"I started out with some bumper stickers I had printed myself," Buck said. "The first story came out about it in the papers.

"What amazed me in retrospect was the number of calls I got, people calling directory assistance and getting my number. By about February or March, it really started cooking. I have two lines coming into my home. They were busy constantly. Both have call waiting. Sometimes when I was alone, I would be working four phone calls."

Buck said the decision to have the recall stickers printed was spur of the moment.

"I wanted Evan Mecham to know that I was among the 60 percent of people who had not voted for him and I thought he was doing a miserable job of representing me," Buck said.

"His ideas were scary. His idea of making the sheriffs offices the state's highest law-enforcement agencies was scary. I could see that his personal ideology was getting in his way. We had a far-right-winger who thought too many powers had been usurped by the government, and I thought it appeared scary."

Mecham said only, "I will have no comment whatsoever about Ed Buck."

Now that a recall election appears to be a certainty, Buck says he wants to relax, travel and "try to find out again about leading a normal life."

He is tested every Wednesday for drug use as part of a court-approved program ordered after his arrest on the prescription-tampering charge. If he remains clean until the summer, the charges may be dropped. On the disturbing-the-peace charge, he pleaded guilty and paid a fine.

Other than the location, Buck's Squaw Peak home, which he purchased in 1985 for $280,000, is a typical "bachelor pad": sparsely furnished, totally undecorated, no sheets on his bed, no food in his refrigerator.

"A good way to be rich is to live below your means," said Buck, dressed in blue jeans, black high-top tennis shoes and a plain white T-shirt.

"It's not important to me. I have a car, a '69 Cougar convertible, that I restored. I like it, it's what I want to drive. Clothes -- they're not important to me."

[Continued on next post]

ThesaurasaurusKeks ago

[CONTINUED] Arizona Republic Phoenix, Arizona Sunday, November 29, 1987 - Page 9 and 10

Buck has more important things to worry about, he said, like challenges. During the recall-petition push, his drive and his enthusiasm for what he was doing was insatiable. He said he was spurred on even more by those who said the recall couldn't be done.

"I didn't know about failing," Buck said. "I had nothing to compare it to. I had no reason to believe I would fail."

From the start, Buck courted the media.

"I dealt with the media like I would anyone else -- I was honest, I was open, I was direct," Buck said.

"And one thing I learned: I always, always returned a phone call. ... I think it was refreshing for reporters to be able to always call me and get a comment."

Smith, the president of the recall movement, admitted that Buck's media presence and accessibility were carefully calculated.

"He said things very directly and sometimes humorously and, frankly, he was attractive to the press because he looked good on a 60-second sound bite," Smith said of Buck.

Critics say that Buck is a product of the media.

"I'll tell you -- the press fed this (the recall) from Day 1," said Ron Bellus, Mecham's former press secretary and now director of advertising for the state Office of Tourism.

"Ed Buck was not this movement. He was media-created, media-fed. He used the media very well. Why was it that whenever he said something, he was never challenged?" Shirley Whitlock, chairwoman of the conservative American Eagle Forum, said she thinks Mecham has always gotten a "hatchet job" from the media while Buck has enjoyed consistently positive coverage.

"Ed Buck believes he's king of the world," Whitlock said. "You probably saw him (on Nov. 2) when he was ready to break down the doors of the Capitol and called the black guard a 'baboon.' There's the real racist."

On that day, Buck said, "This baboon won't get out of the way."

He was referring to Lee Limbs, the chief of Capitol security, who had refused to unlock the Capitol's east doors so recall workers could carry their petitions through the Old Capitol to the secretary of state's office.

Buck, who has accused Mecham of being a racist, says the comment was not meant to be derogatory.

"I was asking him a question, and he would not respond," Buck said. "He was acting like a baboon. He was in our way. He was like a big stump in our way."

Buck said he was under great stress that day because his life had been threatened and a group of "terrorists" had threatened to destroy the petitions before they ever reached the Capitol.

Buck delivered the actual petitions several hours before the confrontation with Limbs, however, and was carrying an empty box when he was refused entrance to the Capitol's east side.

The antics embarrassed many workers in the recall movement, particularly those in Tucson, who had always had the most independent-minded office anyway.

"Buck is a very different person behind the scenes," said David Jones, who was co-chairman of the Tucson recall office until he was fired in August.

"He's a bit of a spoiled little boy. He's got some real maturity problems. This is not the Buck you see in front of the camera, with all his finesse and charm."

Jones, along with Co-Chairwoman Helen Morgan, Mike's mother, and Vice Chairman Paul Simonetta, were dismissed when Smith showed up at the recall office in Tucson to have the locks changed on the doors.

Smith said Tucson recall workers were holding on to petitions in order to gain more clout in a power play designed to give the southern Arizona office more autonomy from the Phoenix headquarters.

Simonetta said Tucson workers held on to the petitions because the Phoenix office was giving out inflated estimates of the number of signatures the movement had collected.

"We were livid," Simonetta said. He added that Buck had become convinced two days earlier that heads should roll when Simonetta and Jones gave a statement to the Green Valley News & Sun suggesting that Buck step down as recall leader because he was too controversial.

Jones said offices throughout the state tired quickly of dealing with Buck, who they viewed as inflexible and intolerant of decisions that conflicted with his own. He also said that recall workers grew tired of Buck's insistence on making almost all decisions for the recall with very little input.

Miller, the statewide recall coordinator who quit after a month, said she was asked several times to lead a "hostile takeover" of the recall leadership.

"I was the only person who everyone could vent with about how much they hated dealing with Buck," Miller said.

"But I was not tied emotionally to the recall. I found it very easy to walk away, and I certainly wanted no part in leading it."

Smith acknowledged that some decisions were made by only two or three people because of time constraints. He also acknowledged that Buck could be overbearing.

"Ed is a very bright, very articulate and very fast-thinking person," Smith said. "If you don't keep up with him, I would not say he becomes abrasive, but he becomes very direct. If you are not very secure in your opinion, his tendency would probably be to move right by you."

But even those who dislike Buck admit that he taught them a lot.

Miller said her 31 days working with Buck gave her more experience in dealing with people than the 31 previous years of her life.

"It was probably the most difficult experience of my life," said Miller, a consultant who speaks to businesses about motivational techniques.

"In a very odd way, I am grateful to Ed Buck for what he taught me. I am a better speaker for having met him, I am a much better writer. I am a more complete person for having been so scared of him. He really has helped me in my personal growth."

And almost everyone, friend and enemy, agrees that without Buck, there would have been no recall.

"One thing you can always say about Ed Buck: He will tackle nothing if it is not a challenge," said Mike Morgan, who was an unsuccessful candidate for state treasurer in 1986 and is now the executive director of the West Phoenix Chamber of Commerce. "But give him a challenge, and he will go after it with all his heart. ... No one could have pulled off that recall except Ed Buck."

Buck, who says individualist philosopher Ayn Rand is his inspiration, now is looking for a new challenge.

He said he has been urged several times to run for public office. He thinks campaigning would be fun, but he doesn't believe he would make a good officeholder.

"I am in the same position now as I was a year ago: public citizen," said Buck, a registered Republican.

"I believe I can do the most good in the position I hold. If I was holding elective office, I would be more restricted.

"For example, if I was a legislator, I would only be able to be involved in affairs of state, not municipal issues."

Buck says he is more interested in furthering issues than in holding office. He says he is a "strong supporter" of Mothers Against Drunk Drivers and the Phoenix Mountain Preserve and would "like to see something done about the homeless."

He labeled as "premature" a plan by a group of former Tucson recall workers to screen gubernatorial candidates and distribute their stands on the issues.

But Buck prefers not to think about the future for the recall. The recall drive is over, he says. Now he's thinking about his own future.

Asked about being a political strategist, Buck nodded and said, "Might be fun, might be fun."

He added that in the next several weeks, he wants to try getting his wiry body back into shape and take his golden retriever, Sly, on longer walks. He is considering a vacation in Hawaii, maybe even renting out his house for a couple of years and moving to Australia.

Buck, the youngest of four children who he says are all very different, has never done the expected. He figures, why become predictable now?

He muses about a year he spent after high school being a bum on the California beaches.

"I just spent a year on the beach trying to figure out who I was," Buck said.

"That's where I get my greatest joy, you know, talking with others and learning about myself. I think there's a lot I still don't know about myself." People who know him wonder if he will be comfortable fading into obscurity.

Helen Morgan said Buck stepped aside as the recall's leader in May and appointed Harward as the recall's chairwoman because he thought his sexuality was becoming too much of an issue.

Within a week, Buck re-emerged as the recall's spokesman.

"He promised to get out of the media, but he couldn't, he just couldn't," Morgan said. "I guess it was just the seduction of the star quality that he enjoys now."

Buck wonders, too, if he can relinquish his fame.

He talks about the ball at the Phoenix Hilton kicking off the recall.

"At first, we thought 500 people would come, but it seemed like it might be bigger, so we asked them to push back the walls for 1,000 people. That night, 2,000 people showed up.

"Have you ever been applauded by 2,000 people?" he asked, as if it were a common experience. "When I was introduced, I got a round of applause that was deafening. It was probably the only time in the campaign that I was unable to speak."

ThesaurasaurusKeks ago Arizona Republic Phoenix, Arizona Sunday, June 28, 1987 - Page 10

Bucking the system: Unlikely figure leads challenge to Mecham

Ed Buck, millionaire, self-acknowledged homosexual and registered Republican, is destined to go down in history as one of Arizona's most unlikely political figures.

Buck is the founder and prime mover of an effort aimed at mounting the first recall of an Arizona governor, Republican Evan Mecham.

And Buck, who says he has amassed the support of thousands of Arizonans disenchanted with their new chief of state, honestly believes he can do it.

"For all those people who said it can't be done," Buck said, "I point to the election of Governor Evan Mecham. Everyone said that couldn't be done."

But it happened, and Buck says he is partly to blame. He and about 170,000 others voted for Bill Schulz, whose independent candidacy is blamed by some political analysts for handing the governor's job to Mecham in his fifth bid for the post.

Born Aug. 25, 1954, in Steuhenville, Ohio -- "the same place Dean Martin was born" -- Edward Bernard Peter Buckmelter came late to politics. His parents were middle-class workers who moved to Phoenix when he was 6.

"My childhood was uneventful as hell," Buck said, stating that he graduated from North High School and Phoenix College.

In the middle and late 1970s, Buck began modeling for sportswear ads in Europe.

In 1980, after having appeared in some European television commercials and acted in two foreign films, Buck returned to Arizona. In 1981, he had his name legally changed from Buckmelter.

"I picked up mail for a business on a bicycle," Buck said, stating that he eventually bought the business and sold it for "big bucks."

The big bucks, stemming from the March 1986 sale of Rapid Information Services, which provides driver's license information to insurance companies, made him "barely more than $1 million."

**During his political adolescence, Buck was arrested in an incident that his opponents have seized upon as evidence that he is not fit to condemn the governor.

It was 1983, and he was on East McDowell Road an adult bookstore, when a Phoenix police officer arrested him on a charge of public sexual indecency.

"A friend of mine and I were watching a movie in a booth, and I grabbed his crotch," Buck said. "It was viewed by a police officer, and she deemed that it was public indecency."

The charge later was dismissed after Buck pleaded guilty to disturbing the peace and paid a fine.**

Buck said he decided to do something about Mecham's election after the furor began over the then-governor elect's plans to cancel the paid holiday for state workers honoring the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. So, in December, weeks before the Glendale Pontiac dealer took office, Buck appeared in front of the Capitol in faded blue jeans, a T-shirt and a fistful of crudely lettered "Recall Ev" bumper stickers.

"I was amazed at the responses I was getting," he said.

"People were smiling as they approached me. Then there was a small story in The Republic on it, and people started calling me, saying, 'Are you the Ed Buck who was passing out bumper stickers? what can we do to help?' "

But as the media focused attention on the recall, Buck began to learn about the life of a public figure.

**He was approached in a drugstore by a state Department of Public Safety investigator and asked about a prescription he was filling for the painkiller Percodan. Buck said he had photocopied an old prescription for the drug, because his dentist was out of town. The matter became widely known politically thanks in part to Mecham press secretary, Ron Bellus, who telephoned reporters to ask if they had heard of Buck's arrest. **

"I think it's underhanded and dastardly what he did," Buck said. "He got on the phone and attempted to plant the story with the press."

Bellus has said he was only asking about it out of curiosity. Buck said he believes he was singled out because of his activities.

Buck was indicted by a Maricopa County grand jury on a charge of attempting to obtain a narcotic through fraud or deceit.

A judge put the case on hold while Buck undergoes a program approved by the court that requires him to be tested for drugs every Wednesday for a year. If Buck remains clean for a year, the charges may be dismissed.

Narcissism ago

Most Gays I've met are looking for about 10"...

10139602? ago

On this subject:

Thanks to OP


Verite1 ago

Right on. Taint the whole topic why don't you!

2impendingdoom ago

Regarding the foster dogs, reminds me of the Georgetown Law student selling beanie babies that were cat and dog friendly. This is a recurring theme.

PeaceDogg ago


edbuck ago

How come it says "Bunt" in the headline instead of "Buck"? Any relation to Uncle Buck's restaurant owned by Alefantis?

cantsleepawink ago

aargh..stupid mistake on my part.

hookednosedjoooo ago

Yeah. The entirety of this sub has been compromised since it's inception. The mods are more compromised then the orfices of a 4 year old British girl in a room full of pakis. Fuck you.

quantokitty ago

Great research.

Upvoat for you.

Love these kinds of investigative posts. It takes more effort, but they give such substantial info. This more and more is feeding into the notion of this being a very well-orchestrated cabal. How he got the money is a mystery, but there it is for him to use. Wonder what he was doing in Amsterdam?

There was another part of this that needs looking into. There was a post about an ex Michigan Human Society President. Well, Ed Buck fostered dogs. I'm wondering if this is a coincidence or that this same group is interested in subverting the way the humane system is set up? David Willis did try to change the law governing shelters and put shelters under the Human Society's control.

We need to check this out at some point.

cantsleepawink ago

Thanks. Yes, the fostered dogs story rang a bell with me. I don't have the time to chase that but I seem to remember there was a story related to Brock, Alefantis et al.

quantokitty ago

It's come up a few times. Not sure why the interest, but very suspicious of motivation.

izze ago

nice work

concernedvegan ago

cantsleepawink ago

and furthr down that tweet, we think that's Brock on the right

with Barney Frank, which is interesting because if you read the comments on the article in this link

Ed Buck Buck--You're certainly 25 years older, but you are still a flaming liar--or as Sam Steiger called you--"an unshirted liar." Your whole life has been one of deception and negativism and it appears you haven't changed your stipes. And quoting Barry Goldwater isn't going to help. Quote Barney Frank instead; his liberal leanings more reflect yours than any Republican. And thanks for moving to SoCal; their loss is our gain.

concernedvegan ago

"Barney Frank looked disgusting--nipples protruding--in his blue shirt before Congress. Very very disrespectful." -Donald Trump


hookednosedjoooo ago


concernedvegan ago

i thought it was an interesting picture because their ears seem to match recent pictures

Jobew1 ago

excellent work. Buckmelter might've ended up creepy anyway, but the deep state connections probably explain how he arrives at getting excited over serving hot injections (literally) to gay prostitutes

cantsleepawink ago

Yup...and then used for operations..

Jobew1 ago

yeah could be true, but one thing is hard to figure: if he's "connected" (and even engaging in organ harvesting) how does the body get reported in msm as at buckmelter's home? maybe buckmelter's no longer needed

cantsleepawink ago

there are many people being thrown under the bus at the moment

Jobew1 ago

Idk.... if he's connected, if you're throwing him under the bus you'd have to be sure that a) he's not gonna rat ;b) or you can have him silenced somehow. btw,why not change the tread title to buck(melter)?

cantsleepawink ago

Can't modify titles on here once they're published :)

Jobew1 ago

gotcha....good work all in all

hookednosedjoooo ago

All homos are closet pedophiles. I've seen ppl like honeybee other mods defend faggotry on this sub. You know the place is controlled opposition when you see blantant fag enabling. You can't even make a thread about NAMBLA jews like Alan Ginsberg without the mods shutting it down.

I'm honestly baffled when I see people defend their precious queers on pizzagate of all places. Sodom and Gomorrah in this bitch tbh fam, gays are not welcome in a sub dedicated to exposing pedophilia.

turitelle ago

Isn't it funny how often the biggest homophobes are the ones who are caught in the men's can trying to score a little action. Remember that republican dude who hated the gays and was caught trying to pick up an undercover cop, also a different republican guy who wanted to wear diapers. Sheesh. Give it a rest. Approximately 20 percent of the population is gay. I know several homosexual people and they are no different than anyone else and far preferable to the bigots.

0cto5quid ago

Regardless if you are correct or not, these comments do not win wars. Choose the hill we can die fighting on. LGTBQRSTUVXYZ+ is not one of them for me.

duhiki ago

Too bad a lot of pedos are also hetero.

What happens between two consenting adults is no one's business but their own.

Blanket statements are fucking stupid when they aren't supported by logic.

We're against people raping kids. Doesn't matter their orientation; it's the raping kids part that's utterly fucking wrong.

hookednosedjoooo ago

Do you know the statistics?

duhiki ago

Stats change with the source, but generally speaking, girls are more often abused than boys; something to the tune of 1 in 4 girls are sexually abused by age 18. RAINN's stats state 1 in for girls and 1 in 53 boys (most likely underreported due to cultural shame associated with victimhood, as other sites list boys abused at the rate of 1 in 6.) are abused by age 18.

If a quarter of the females you know in life have been abused, by your logic would mean that the vast majority of abusers are female. While they do exist, statistically, most child abusers are male. The logic that homosexuals are deviate pedos, all of 'em, doesn't hold up to the numbers.

I think men abusing boys falls into the category of those men volunteering in positions of power (little league coaches, Boy Scout leaders, church) where it's expected that they'd be working with boys; most view it as creepy if grown men volunteered to overlook girls. Are there Alter Girls in the Catholic church? No? Well, that'd explain why so many boys are abused by priests.

If it's men overlooking boys, doing "masculine" things like sports and "learning to be a man," it puts them in direct contact with kids trained to obey authority figures. Are those men actually gay, with adult male lovers? Or married men with families of their own, on a power trip to abuse whatever's convenient? From what I've read in various news articles, those men tend to be married with kids of their own; something gay men tend not to do unless buried deep in the closet (generally a conservative background that focuses on shame for not being part of the ideal flock) because all the gay dudes I know think vaginia is seriously gross and wouldn't be able to sire children naturally.

Pedophiles of the child molesting variety are opportunistic predators. They will strike at what's available to them, even if it's children they are mentoring, or children they have fathered, or children they are raising (as a step or foster parent).

If gay men were such rapacious animals, there wouldn't be so many girls molested/raped/impregnated by their fathers, grandfathers, brothers, uncles, or neighbors. By pinning homosexuals, one ignores a hard truth about our society, thus enabling it to continue.

The resources I found which stated gay men were pedophiles tended to be biased by religion; considering the coopting of religion by alphabet agencies as a nest of subversive operations, one can take those sources with a grain of salt since they are actively promoting a lifestyle that jives with their bronze-age era holy book, not fact, since facts hurt their book's image. But then again, considering all the incest within the Bible, one has to give it a hard side-eye because of all the murders and atrocities done in God and Jesus' name.

CashedBowl ago

While I agree a lot of homo's are probably pedos, I don't think it's an accurate blanket generalization.

concernedvegan ago


hookednosedjoooo ago

The mods are alphabet agency pawns. Pizzagate is controlled opp catharsis for bad goyim. I've been saying that this was a honeypot since day 1. I get crucified and downvoated into oblivion for insightful well sourced posts. It's a political blackmail ring, of coarse its gunna be a mine feild of disinformation, I shouldn't get attacked for saying so

cantsleepawink ago

where's your post, let me see what you did. Mine might be deleted too it's only been up for 5 minutes, LOL.

The trick around here, if you think your post is valuable and has been deleted unfairly, is to post again with additional information to adhere to the rules. Or make a new post wiith links to the original post as supplemental information. Once you've posted something, even if it's deleted, it's always there. You just need to point to it. So come on, where's your link?

concernedvegan ago

Reason given: @concernedvegan: Rule 3. title must show relevance to pizzagate

Original Submission

"Sex, Politics, Meth and Death in West Hollywood"

"who the hell is Edward Buck?'", The words of a mother to her son's friend who recently found out about her sons' relationship to a CLINTON donor after SUSPICIOUS circumstances:

"The Los Angeles County Coroner has reported the death of Gemmel Moore, 26, of an accidental meth overdose at 7:22 p.m. on July 27 at the West Hollywood home of high-profile Democratic Party donor and political activist, Ed Buck. The youth’s death reportedly occurred just hours after he left his family in Texas in order to join Buck."

how is this pizzagate related? extenuating circumstances that always seem to have the same type of narrative spun around them when similar tragedies happen and everything is considered investigated and concluded. and some way some how, the name clinton always comes up: "Buck gave $2700 to Hillary Clinton’s campaign in 2015 and another $250 in 2016. He was also influential in the most recent city council races (to which he gave thousands of dollars to support the incumbents), making him one of California’s most prolific and substantial political donors."

other links :

cantsleepawink ago

Okay, so you were nearly there. You had the Clinton connection but not the connection with pedophilia or pedophile rings...because that is the reason for this forum. So, Jerry Brown and his relation to our theme here is an important aspect to the story for us. By the way, the Daily Mail article that I referred to mentions Jerry Brown..and that is no accident by those journalists. Sometimes they imply things without being explicit about it, partly for legal reasons.

Link to your post :

concernedvegan ago

what's the point of posting information that gets deleted right away just because it doesn't read like a news article and the research is unfinished? that's a good way to omit good leads by not having it up for a long enough time for the community to decide. i used the title of the west hollywood times article i linked to. deleting potential leads because of technicalities is going to lead to the community misspelling things on purpose to evade mods and trolling posts. it's not fun to work on something for over an hour to just have it deleted because of a technicality. i agree that the daily mail leaves out certain things, and implies them towards the reader.

cantsleepawink ago

what's the point of posting information that gets deleted right away just because it doesn't read like a news article and the research unfinished? that's a good way to omit good leads by not having it up for a long enough time for the community to decide.

Yes, I agree. We periodically go through the arguments about that with the mods on here but it is a forum with particular rules. We may not always agree with decisions but if we didn't have some sort of moderation there would be much much more dross on this forum than there currently is. The trolls would have a field day. So, I was just suggesting a work around for a situation which isn't perfect but it is tolerable when compared with other online forums (imo).

concernedvegan ago

i am surprised more people havn't seen this story, and posted it themselves on voat, it's almost like the story is being censored across the internet!

2impendingdoom ago

careful pointing to the trash, that's how I got banned. But why hasn't this guy been arrested? For solicitation, at least?

hojuruku ago

Terry Bean - Democrat Fund Bundler mass boy rapist too FYI. Some of Alefantis Facebook friends are employed by Terry Bean gay child rapist's "Gay and lesbain victory fund." (downvoted off the page - by triggered liberals so it must be good - exposing how Austrlaian gay judges say it's a crime to point out Obama is saying he's friends with a pedophile charged with boy Rape Terry Bean and how him and his anal sex partner fellow charged boy rapist are also flying on Air Force One With Obama)

From @NiceFind From @redditsuckz and me - exposing Alefantis' connection to this democrat little boy rapist More on NAMBLA / LGBT connections to the gay lobby. The gay and lesbian victory fund (USA) is linked to LGBTI politician in Australia that works with boylover Garry Burns Jew Alex Greenwich, who has taken some of Terry Bean's interns to do political campaigning for him in Australia - payed with boyrapist cash.

Censored from Pizzagate:

Breitbart talking about podesta covering up gay child rape before he was murdered:

conspiracyprincess ago

I wonder what happened to the other guy? Was he released as well with no charges?

hojuruku ago

is the quora link working? the view count seems to be stuck for me?

hojuruku ago

yes Kyle Lason was released with no charges. This is the first time in American history civil settlement law was used to put a price on a childs arse raped as $250k plus an AIDS test.

Both the boy and the boys mother were disappeared that's why he got off. Murdered by democrat party assassins is a guess. Steve Myers who worked for the local paper was fired and leaked this.

conspiracyprincess ago

That makes this all that much more suspicious ! Thank you for the comment reply 🤗

cantsleepawink ago

Yes, I had a strong feeling that we are only one or two steps away from Brock et al with this. I have an idea where I would go to look for the connection but I haven't got enough hours in the day. :)

hojuruku ago

alefantis is friends with gay and lesbian victory fund operatives who is connected to the oz pedos im after. Hence why he came on my hit list.

2impendingdoom ago

Sounds like he was experimenting with the proper dosing for creating a dead drug addict.

Great research!


10140494? ago

Thinking he could be an adopted or "illegitimate" child of the Rothschild or Rockefeller family?

2impendingdoom ago

I doubt that, well to do families like that pay for mistake girls to get abortions, this guy is probably gay cia who likes drugs to much.

RweSure ago

experimenting with the proper dosing for creating a dead drug addict.

This is a crazy story, but why would you need to do that? Overdoses happen all the time. You would think, this info would be easily available in textbooks. Since street drugs are usually cut to a small percentage of pure dope, you could just increase the purity to kill someone. Or add something like fentanyl that is killing people left and right all over the country.

Fentanyl is 50 to 100 times more potent than morphine, but some fentanyl analogues, which are designed to mimic the pharmacological effects of the original drug, may be as much as 10,000 times more potent than morphine.

In less than 5 minutes, I found this

Some sources say that depending on the mode of administration, the lethal dose for an average 170lbs opiate-naive individual is from 75 mg to 375 mg.

and this A gram of heroin in the US is about $200. And a regular dose of heroin can be as little as $10 A 50 microgram patch of fentanyl is about $20 100 micrograms of fentanyl is considered a strong dose.

Found this on a drug forum about somebody who was very experienced with drugs (not opiate naive) trying fentanyl for the first time through a nasal spray he bought on the dark web. And he took it orally which would work slower than the nasal spray.

HOLY SHIT! LUCKILY I USED 50MCGS AND NOT 100. Very Strong High. Veeeeeeeerrrrrrry Sedating.

Seems like for you can easily assemble a hot shot strong enough to kill someone for less than $100 bucks. 2 bags of dope and 4 patches of fentanyl and thats 80 bucks.

hookednosedjoooo ago

Wrong drug. It was meth, homos are notorious for meth. Some IMF banker in europe got caught giving meth to prostitutes. Bankers, intelligence agencies and drugs are literally ZOGs operating system

2impendingdoom ago

you are retarded, the victim died of METH not fentanyl.

dooob ago

Which is used to cut heroin and not meth, idk what the guys point really was.

2impendingdoom ago

r u sure makes up irrelevant contradictions to slide the conversation when it hits too close to the truth.

RweSure ago

you are retarded, the victim died of METH not fentanyl.

You are the one who came up with ridiculous experiment theory

experimenting with the proper dosing for creating a dead drug addict.

A theory that does not rely on meth, but relies on the person dying. Hence I chose heroin and fentanyl. Because it's known to kill.

r u sure makes up irrelevant contradictions to slide the conversation when it hits too close to the truth.

Dude, your theory is nowhere near the truth. You could repeat the same exercise I just did with meth and figure out how much meth would kill someone without having to experiment on prostitutes. I think this guy got off on getting prostitutes high, as bizarre as that seems, and that is waaaaaaaay more likely to be true than, he was experimenting to find out a fatal dose. You don't need to experiment to find that out. There's tons of info out there.

I also don't think the guy intended to kill anyone. He was inviting people to his home. Not the place you want a dead body to deal with.

2impendingdoom ago

have you ever met a drug addict? they do not think rationally. now, go away.

cantsleepawink ago

Thanks. I just spotted your own thread on this subject just as I was finishing up. Crazy world.

2impendingdoom ago

It was qk's post which is why I pinged! I did try to poke around for more on this guy but the common name was frustrating. I'm so curious how he is able to retire so young from a bike messenger business! Can't really be a lot of profit in that!! And no pics of his modeling? I wonder what his porn name is...

10137751? ago

Yes. Seems to me there is something this.

2impendingdoom ago

what comes to mind is that

bike messenger business = drug and sex delivery service

modeling = pornography

but hey, that's just the obvious choices

10139518? ago

Keep thinking and sharing here.

Good points there.

cantsleepawink ago

Yes, sorry. I thought you were quantokitty, LOL. Right, time to take a break.

2impendingdoom ago


no. sorry, but I do know that qk is working on Ed Buck too. You could pm her.