10130818? ago

If interested also posted in news sub here:


OP @quantokitty

niggerfaggot1488 ago

Rather well adjusted by Democrat standards.

Mbailey63 ago

How charming.

10125321? ago

so creepy.

"Nevertheless, Nixon is steadfast in her accusations about the activist’s alleged fetish for getting young African American men high.

“[He] would supply heroin, meth and other drugs to him to smoke or use with a needle,” Nixon alleges. “Buck would pleasure himself at the sight of my son using drugs…”

She asserted that Gemmel Moore’s friends told her, “the bigger the cloud of smoke,” the bigger the reward from Buck, who “would excitedly encourage [Gemmel] to increase his dosage by saying, ‘more, more, and I’ll give you $500 more."

"... Cameron told WeHo Times Buck asked him if he’d ever “slammed,” a street term for intravenous meth use.

“I told him no, and that would take more money,” Cameron said, describing Buck’s reaction as “excited.”

Cameron said Ed Buck seemed to “get off on getting you higher and higher.”

leahbettsisdead ago

TIL $2,950 makes you a top donor.

Troll ago

Porn industry called it first.

Jews love black cock.

remedy4reality ago


I think it was George Carlin

Truth_in_TX ago

What Hellary will not do for $2,700 or $250!!! All her friends are a reflection of her!

EarlPoncho ago

that's just something they push so they can say "see, he only hates gays cause he is secretly gay himself!!"

just have to pay these prostitutes 10 million of money that they print (valueless) and they will do anything

TheSeer ago

They infiltrated the Church, to discredit it. Same thing with the Republican party, and the Alt Right too, lets not kid ourselves. Voat... So basically this kid is dead, signs of sexual abuse, drug abuse, but they can just say "Oh yeah, he worked as a prostitute and died of a drug overdose", so therefore the bleeding from the..... The.... You know what I'm talking about. And the fact that he was supplied with enough drugs to cause the OD... Its some shit straight out of the movie "se7en", meets "Hostel", meets "Eyes Wide Shut".

edistojim ago

Sounds like the dead faggots crack head mother has it all figured out.

Megacrazy ago

Top donor at 2700$ and 250$ respectively? Come on now haha.

kujda ago

My thought exactly - this is not top donations, this is some little money.

puggy ago

He was also influential in the most recent city council races (to which he gave thousands of dollars to support the incumbents), making him one of California’s most prolific and substantial political donors

ChaoticNeutral ago

Top PUBLIC donor maybe.

TheDude2 ago

That kind of shit sick is rampant in liberal shit holes like SF.

8Ball ago

Gay escort...Meth overdose.......Democrat. Nuff said.

pushthis ago

Southern California and meth is passe af

hypercat ago

I'm going to say politicians in general are not to be trusted. Neither side are sparkling angels. They are all shady as shit.

8Ball ago

Like McCain. The real enemy are the globalist banksters. Republican and Democrat are simply monikers for divide and conquer. Both are full of degeneracy and corruption.