10130783? ago

Same subject.

Has 157 upvote on news sub.

Over 25 comments right now.

OP @GizaDog


quantokitty ago


10129174? ago

exactly. and i'm desperate to get the word out; everyone's been brainwashed by this and i do not want little girls to have to see dong in the fucking bathroom!

10129075? ago

transgenderism itself has become a cult, whose ideological purpose is the erasure of females and their spaces (shelters, bathrooms, etc..) and the sterilization of children. where it once was about basic human rights like equal employment and housing, it's become a rabid cult of thought, mostly comprised of autogynephiles obsessed with the transgression of the boundaries and rights of women.

transgenderism is caused by intense sex dysphoria; if the best course of action in alleviating that dysphoria is taking cross hormones and/or getting SRS, then i believe consenting sane adults should have the option and should be given rights and respect. it becomes a problem, however, when the ideology now claims neither dysphoria nor transition is necessary to be trans, one simply just identifies into the class category of women based on "feels." this erases any clear definition of womanhood, which is a huge blow to the ingrained identity of half the fucking population.

ironically, even while holding this belief that transition isn't necessary, they sure are in a hurry to trans all the kids.

it's normal for children to experience identity confusion because of the distress of not fitting their society's gender roles...but a child just can't consent to life changing sterilization and surgery, the use of hormones that have never been tested for long-term use, a child simply has no understanding of what they're getting into. there are no "trans children" because if you're trans you are not born in the wrong body, you are experiencing sex dysphoria; and for the vast majority of kids feeling this way they just grow out of it eventually. proceeding into adult hood, it's a mental illness and that's just the truth; you wouldn't tell a body dysphoric anorexic that because she identifies as fat, she is fat, and therefore should get liposuction etc.. alternative options to addressing the dysphoria should be explored before someone settles on such drastically life changing and risky solutions as SRS and hormones.

women don't deserve to have their boundaries transgressed because of the 1% of men who experience dysphoria and want to identify into their class category. if woman is just a "feeling" that requires no transition, how is a woman supposed to know if the man in her bathroom is a "safe" transgender "woman" (and the statistics for violence/sexual assault with trans women as the perpetrators are not that different than the statistics for regular ol' men in general so...) or a threat? it used to be if you saw a man you knew to leave. now Little Suzie has to see dick in the bathroom and can't feel uncomfortable or she's a bigot.

(just look at the crazy motherfuckers attracted to the trans movement. i'm sure the elite love people who think this way about subjugating the weak. "TERF" is to the trans movement as "Neo Nazi" is to antifas, and references a branch of feminists who are concerned with preserving female spaces)

my point is....the transgenda goes way beyond the pedo cult. the pedo cult uses LGBT rights as a front, but the transgenda serves a social engineering purpose of its own; the continued subjugation of the socially weak (women and children), normalization of boundary violations, a devastating attack on the core of human identity, and the sterilization of our population. all while pharmaceutical and cosmetic surgery industries make bank on people's mental distress.

quiche ago

https://www.facebook.com/morgan.morgan.75839?fref=pb&hc_location=friends_tab&pnref=friends.all Here is one of Buck's fb friends. Appears to be a young black male prostitute. https://www.facebook.com/edbuck.buck Here is Buck's FB page, which should probably be archived before he deletes it. Lots of interesting friends, like Sandra Fluke and many young black men. Also, the first picture of Buck on his FB shows teddy bears and other children's stuffed animals in the background.

quantokitty ago

Upvoat for you.

Thanks for this.

quantokitty ago

Yup! If you follow who's supporting Krysten Sinema, you'll pick up the trail. Like here:


In the upper right hand corner you'll see a link to a video: Summer Camp for Transgender Kids.

In the video, they ask: "What makes this program different?" Well, according to them, the difference is they service transgender kids SOME AS YOUNG AS FOUR-YEARS-OLD!!!!

This is complete child abuse and a social experimentation that we can't afford!

kestrel9 ago

It's not enough to rape the kids physically, pedos are bored of male/female and need something new. At this rate, one day they'll be sewing tails on babies.

quantokitty ago

True enough. It's hard to imagine people are this venal, but they are. I haven't written about it, but I believe I saw one of the groomed elite transgender kids in this neighborhood I frequent. It's so scary. I wanted to perform an intervention. He's about four and it took me about fifteen minutes before I determined he was a little boy. The way he was dressed, and his hair. It was short, but it was style like a girl's. He was shockingly, alarmingly thin, and wouldn't really eat. Only took one bite of his food and then recoiled into this pretentious shell. He was trying to be so cool at four. That doesn't happen on its own. He's from an uber wealthy family and I feel so sorry for this kid, but there's nothing you can do. Seems the parents have a right to raise a psychological mess that will need massive therapy and massive amounts of drugs to cope.

kestrel9 ago

It's like a mental institution has sprung up around us and the most delusional are the people running it.

quantokitty ago

Unfortunately, what you say is true. We have to vote these people out of office. The insanity should not be allowed to change our laws!

kestrel9 ago

Not just change the laws, but absorb the Country into 'Open Borders' lunacy.

quantokitty ago

Absolutely. Countries have boundaries. Sorry if that makes it more difficult for human traffickers and The Cannibal Elite.

Are_we_sure ago

Where did you get the accused of running a sex cult business?

That's not the accusation at all. The other thread on voat gets this right.

quantokitty ago

So I looked at his campaign donations on OpenSecrets. Here's the advanced search:


It may give us some new leads. Like Krysten Simena. Lots of donations to her way. I do a cursory search and BINGO. A WaPo story no less:


Kyrsten Sinema: A success story like nobody else’s

Really? Another one of those meteoric rises? We know the drill. Somebody that's a puppet/stooge chosen for a reason known only to the Elite Gods. But how about you bet that her lifestyle is the reason?


Sinema, First Openly Bisexual Member Of Congress, Represents 'Changing Arizona'

Arizona's new 9th Congressional District is sending a different type of representative to Washington this week: She's young — 36. She grew up homeless for a time. And she'll be the first openly bisexual member of Congress.

Oh, yeah! I wonder what her real story is. This is a definite lead.

10125460? ago

So good.

Never considered what you are putting out here. 👍

quantokitty ago

Appreciate the good words.

All these stories are giving us glimpses as to what The Cannibal Elite are into and it just gets sicker every day.

10125070? ago

So glad to hear Jerry Brown's name finally mentioned.

EyeOfHorus ago

Jerry Brown, failed Jesuit Priest... Or was he? I'll give you another associate of his soon.

10125272? ago

Quite a few prominent black strong holds in his state of California:

Bohemian Grove

The Presidio.

Michael Aquino

Marin County

Remember Manson..

Hollywood -

Manhattan Beach area..McMartin Pre-School

Scientology (has another presence in Florida.)

Disneyland in Anaheim

EyeOfHorus ago

But you're missing a juicy one. I just need to clean it up first. It's only circumstantial guilt by association, but always comes back to the same people. Over and over.

10126930? ago

Make my day 🏄

You know you say circumstantial...

I like that kind.

.rabbit hole can lead to good 'blow ups'

quantokitty ago

Well, you can't do it without proof, but there's the picture. Most of us sure don't have pictures floating around of us making nice-nice with HRC or Jerry Brown.