Z11Mama ago

Absolutely. And I fully recognize the patterns. Be obvious and leave no witnesses.

FuckReddit69 ago

he needs to make more holohoax movies to hammer the hoax into the goyims' heads.

Monkstar1 ago

I always thought that the underlying theme to that movie was that weed fixes everything. Right after Spacey's character smoked with Ricky, his life got better.

Don-Keyhote ago

Or teen boys if he acts traditionally macho


Spielberg's HOOK - 1991 - peter pan & lost boys has a lot of symbolism and code throughout

dogeminho ago

Yeah, I was reading an article and someone said a bunch of pedophiles love HOOK.

Exern ago

The books Peter Pan has a lot of code and symbolism as well, Spielberg just probably followed that seeing as how he's not an artistic person himself.

survey_girl ago

has anyone looked into Brock Pierce? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brock_Pierce and Marc Collins-Rector? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marc_Collins-Rector

I started digging into Peirce because of his association with Bitcoin... and many people on the dark web use bitcoin as payment for shady things (child porn, etc) since it can't really be traced.
http://arstechnica.com/business/2014/05/some-in-bitcoin-group-resign-over-new-board-members-link-to-sex-abuse/ https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=620267.0



I also wanted to look into the Disney connection to a lot of troubled stars. Britney Spears, Lindsey Lohan, Miley Cirus... to name a few.

And finally, someone really needs to research the Emanuel Brothers! Rahm is the mayor of Chicago with ties to both Obama & Clinton, serving under Bill Clinton in the early 90s. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rahm_Emanuel Ezekiel Emanuel, who helped write Obama Care.... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ezekiel_Emanuel And Ari Emanuel, who runs the biggest talent agency in Hollywood!!! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ari_Emanuel A talent agency would be a great way to find young children!!

Piscina ago

Corey Feldman was adamant that Spielberg is not a pedo: https://twitter.com/corey_feldman/status/360198573251497984

Kristina_Gilliam ago

Victim Dean Henry mentioned being trafficked to Steven Spielberg. His partner talks about it here -: https://youtu.be/c9asXyAdJ-U?t=1h17s

DustyRadio ago

Please, someone who is a great hacker, get into the NAMBLA site and get their member list. It will be much bigger than the Ashley Madison hack, then we will know who belongs to that sick organization.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

I've always wondered how Spielberg got to where he was, and so fast, so young. I don't think he's a genius. I think he was/is helped, did whatever it took, a Jewish insider.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

This purely from memory: Kate Capshaw, Spielberg's wife came on Jay Leno, long after she stopped being known for acting, dressed as a schoolgirl in school uniform. White knee socks, the whole bit. It wasn't Halloween, it wasn't a dare. She refused to explain, but did a lot of squirming and laughing. Leno was like "wtf". I mean she had an older face already, she did not pull it off. There are older ladies who could have pulled it off. She could not. It was just weird. Like somebody dressed her and she didn't know it, til she was already out there. But it was also like she did it on purpose.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Another! Thank you!

uneasyridernc ago

If that's the outfit, there's nothing "schoolgirl" about it other than a plaid skirt.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

I remember Corey saying they were too big to name. Who's that big? Only Spielberg. I've heard it before, that it was mainly Spielberg. Yeah Schumacher, but general public doesn't know his name.

Exern ago

Feldman didn't directly say it, but alluded that it was not Spielberg, and plus he's doing the Goonies 2 movie, don't think he would sign on for that if Spielberg was involved in what he says. I think it was Roland Emmerich that he's referring to.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Well I'll definitely go by what you think. Why me? Like I'm the only one hear saying anything about Spielberg.

ArthurEdens ago

The director of Powder was a found out to have a pedo record, but Coppola hired him for Jeepers Creepers anyway

Exern ago

Victor Salva right?

ArthurEdens ago

That's the one yeah

Exern ago

Also, I found this board that lists the names as well and talks about a few other "interesting" things, oh did I say interesting, what I meant was extremely fucked up. Still though, lots of information to go through tonight. http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message2532766/pg1?disclaimer=1

dogeminho ago

good find! let me/link me to what you get and I'll be sure to add it :)

AreWeSure ago

Corey Feldman has ruled out Spielberg

AreWeSure ago

Hollywood reporter:

Was Goonies producer Steven Spielberg a father figure or mentor to you when you were young?

We were never that close, so I don't know that I would see him as a father figure, but he was certainly a legend and a great man and he was always very kind to me, and we always had a great rapport. Even recently when I've seen him, he is still the same guy. He hasn’t changed. I love Steven, great guy.

quantokitty ago

This doesn't mean anything. He'd be squashed like a bug if he said anything about Spielberg.

AreWeSure ago

He didn't just not speak out. He went out of his way to praise him

ZalesMcMuffin ago

That's obviously an important quote. However, I'm not convinced by it that that's all there is to it. People sometimes suppress what they know and put on a false front to the world, for a variety of reasons. I'm keeping an open mind on this matter.

Exern ago

I don't know if anyone has stated this or not, but the names he uses are the following: * Tony Burnham = Dominick Brascia * Ron Crimson = John Grissom * Ralph Kaufman = Alphy Hoffman * Bill Kaufman = Bobby Hoffman

dogeminho ago

Yeah, he owns/owned.. co-owned Alphy's Soda Pop Club which was an exclusive club for teen stars.

numbat ago

He made the United states of tara which is about someone with split personalities due to sexual abuse. Fits in well with the themes running through this.

quantokitty ago

I don't doubt any of this. He's a very nasty man.

dogeminho ago

anything I should add?

think_whatif ago

Thank you. I'm sure everyone here appreciates your investigative work.

However, lately there are many posts here that are associated to pedophilia in general, yet have no direct relation to Pizzagate.

It's becoming increasingly difficult to focus on Pizzagate info.

A quick Google search and I don't see a Voat sub for general pedophilia. Perhaps some one should create one?

Shitseverewhere ago

These are some kind of 'prostitutes' getting out of a taxi? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1SPcQ_GLYPg

dogeminho ago

You're welcome.

This does fit under the pizzagate definition however. As well he is connected to high ranking politicians.

think_whatif ago

Well, I'll give you that.

Though, until now, I've never looked at the "(Click Here to Read the Pizzagate Definition)" over there on the right side of the page.

While I do absolutely respect your input, now that I've read the "Voat Pizzagate Definition", I'm still of the opinion that some of the threads here are casting too wide of a net.

Something like a photo showing Spielberg with Podesta or Alefantis or an news article mentioning Spielberg and Podesta or Alefantis would make much stronger of an example.

dogeminho ago

If you could find anything relating to that, that'd be great. I did find Spielberg in the Podesta emails. Still gotta look through them.

Z11Mama ago

We have heard too much and seen too much to doubt there is a serious pedophilia problem in Hollywood. It would be impossible to believe Spielberg is unaware of every single detail. With his power, if there was nothing to this, all it would have taken is a single in depth interview. If this problem did not exist, he would have debunked it long ago and powerfully so. Instead, he donates millions to politicians we know are involved. It makes absolute sense to me that he would be a part.

ArthurEdens ago

He co-owned dreamworks with David Geffin, who wasn't he rumored to like young boys?

Bonappetite ago

I had no idea he was so closely linked to the Clintons and Obama. Definitely very shady.

I just made a similar post after reading this about movie director Chris Columbus, who was basically discovered by Spielberg and has directed a VERY suspicious amount of 'victims'. Here's the post

dogeminho ago

Thank you! :)

DriftingDevoid ago

quote from article about info in Corey's book:

"He named their abusers as Ron, Tony, Burnham and Crimson — all pseudonyms."

could these names be coded and be deciphered maybe? I'm haven't seen many big hollywood films.

FriesischShipping ago

I think I solved the code:

Crimson = crimson tide -> Ron= Don Simpson, Burnham=Jerry Bruckheimer and Tony= Tony Scott.

DriftingDevoid ago

can you elaborate a little more, perhaps I'm a little slow.

FriesischShipping ago

Crimson is not the name of a person, but the key to unlock the door to where you find the real perps. Crimson Tide is a movie all three perps worked on. Then you just use similar sounding names for the three perpetrators. Semi-Autobiographical writers like Charles Bukowski and F Scott Fitzgerald also do this in their works so they can't later be sued by the person for smearing them piblicly.

DriftingDevoid ago

wow thanks ! nice

PizzaAccount ago

It sounds kinda like they are coded. He could have used Tom, Dick, Harry, and John, or A, B, C, and D, but he came up with those four. They don't sound like he made all four up at the same time, or they would likely have a pattern like my examples. The fourth one is odd, because unlike the others, its not a typical name. My guess is if he has been using those pseudonyms to refer to them before, then he came up with them during his time around them, and are probably based on things about that person.
Corey might have just made them up for the book, but you might be on to something here, his choice of pseudonyms was very odd.

dogeminho ago

Perhaps! I'll add them, thank you :)

Orange_Circle ago

Don't know if he's a pedo, but Kate sure wears the pants in that relationship!

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

I'll bet the first wife knows plenty.

Orange_Circle ago

He sure paid her a ton of money.

ArthurEdens ago

Big time

bopper ago

Feldman said it was somebody big in the industry and that they were watching his interview right then. Sounds like Spielberg to me, and he's filthy rich, look up his net worth.

ArthurEdens ago

Joel Schumacher also. Directed Feldman in Lost Boys. Is all around creepy.

The_Kuru ago

It was really important to Spielberg that the Boy Scouts have homosexual leaders. I remember that being his big political concern.

dogeminho ago

Yeah.. damn. Send me anything you find and archive it, please. I'll be sure to add it :)

virtuous_pedophobe ago

This stuff seems to be the most important thing he cares about, politically:

He campaigns for gays in the Boy Scouts:

http://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/story?id=106663 http://archive.is/tJy9G

For gay marriage:

http://hollowverse.com/steven-spielberg/ http://archive.is/wZ1Zo