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ESOTERICshade ago

I scanned that. I didn't really read it and think about it. My guess is that you damn sure need rehab. Holy shit. I can't believe you waste that much time. Ashwagandha is good. Its also cheap. Turmeric root is good too.

Crensch ago

"Hi, my name is ESOTERIC, and this is part 1 of my introduction. The following is part 2:"

"I realize I made a HUGE mistake letting you guys know my weak points, but I'll try my best to make it seem like I really don't care about you bringing up my METH problems again and again."

"While we're at it, I claim to have gotten FUCKED IN THE ASS AS A LITTLE KID, and TORTURED for 7 YEARS with MICROWAVES by the deep state! You believe me, don't you? #believe"

"I like to repeat my manipulation tactic of trying to make my real life sound better than yours by telling you to get a job and mentioning "boots" and "coffee table" like a cringe-worthy little faggot. Do you feel shame yet, goyim? Oh yeah, YOU ARE A METH HEAD."

"My comments often seem completely retarded, and don't actually seem to be responding to the parent comment or subverse, like this one. In it, I once again affirm that METH is a huge part of my life, and a very deep, personal thing for me."

ESOTERICshade ago

Stay classy. You are a case for the books. I will not read all that. Get help. You need it.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/GreatAwakening comment by @Crensch.

Posted automatically (#5923) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

Crensch ago

@Vindicator @think- @kevdude @shizy @EricKaliberhall

"Hi, my name is ESOTERIC, and this is part 1 of my introduction. The following is part 2:"

"I realize I made a HUGE mistake letting you guys know my weak points, but I'll try my best to make it seem like I really don't care about you bringing up my METH problems again and again."

"While we're at it, I claim to have gotten FUCKED IN THE ASS AS A LITTLE KID, and TORTURED for 7 YEARS with MICROWAVES by the deep state! You believe me, don't you? #believe"

"I like to repeat my manipulation tactic of trying to make my real life sound better than yours by telling you to get a job and mentioning "boots" and "coffee table" like a cringe-worthy little faggot. Do you feel shame yet, goyim? Oh yeah, YOU ARE A METH HEAD."

"My comments often seem completely retarded, and don't actually seem to be responding to the parent comment or subverse, like this one. In it, I once again affirm that METH is a huge part of my life, and a very deep, personal thing for me."

"If I could ban Crensch, I would; I also think he's the butthole of Voat. I think people care about my opinion, because I claim I was targeted by a witch coven."

"Did I mention METH was a huge part of my JEWISH life? I like presenting snark and projecting onto others how my friend's meth addiction is a case for the books, and how I need to get help to deal with it."

ESOTERICshade ago

@puttitout kill this thing before it fesers.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/GreatAwakening comment by @Crensch.

Posted automatically (#5924) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

Crensch ago

@Vindicator @think- @kevdude @shizy @EricKaliberhall

"Hi, my name is ESOTERIC, and this is part 1 of my introduction. The following is part 2:"

"I realize I made a HUGE mistake letting you guys know my weak points, but I'll try my best to make it seem like I really don't care about you bringing up my METH problems again and again."

"While we're at it, I claim to have gotten FUCKED IN THE ASS AS A LITTLE KID, and TORTURED for 7 YEARS with MICROWAVES by the deep state! You believe me, don't you? #believe"

"I like to repeat my manipulation tactic of trying to make my real life sound better than yours by telling you to get a job and mentioning "boots" and "coffee table" like a cringe-worthy little faggot. Do you feel shame yet, goyim? Oh yeah, YOU ARE A METH HEAD."

"My comments often seem completely retarded, and don't actually seem to be responding to the parent comment or subverse, like this one. In it, I once again affirm that METH is a huge part of my life, and a very deep, personal thing for me."

"If I could ban Crensch, I would; I also think he's the butthole of Voat. I think people care about my opinion, because I claim I was targeted by a witch coven."

"Did I mention METH was a huge part of my JEWISH life? I like presenting snark and projecting onto others how my friend's meth addiction is a case for the books, and how I need to get help to deal with it."

"I like to ping putt and ask him to KILL users I don't like. I once saw a kid get hacked up for his 1.5 MILLION DOLLAR organs, and then he was tossed into a pile with other dead kids, which reminds me: Is anyone else going Trick or Mething with their family for Halloween?"

ESOTERICshade ago

You are one seriously bizarre mother fucker. I don't need all this.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/GreatAwakening comment by @Crensch.

Posted automatically (#5926) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

Crensch ago

@Vindicator @think- @kevdude @shizy @EricKaliberhall

"Hi, my name is ESOTERIC, and this is part 1 of my introduction. The following is part 2:"

"I realize I made a HUGE mistake letting you guys know my weak points, but I'll try my best to make it seem like I really don't care about you bringing up my METH problems again and again."

"While we're at it, I claim to have gotten FUCKED IN THE ASS AS A LITTLE KID, and TORTURED for 7 YEARS with MICROWAVES by the deep state! You believe me, don't you? #believe"

"I like to repeat my manipulation tactic of trying to make my real life sound better than yours by telling you to get a job and mentioning "boots" and "coffee table" like a cringe-worthy little faggot. Do you feel shame yet, goyim? Oh yeah, YOU ARE A METH HEAD."

"My comments often seem completely retarded, and don't actually seem to be responding to the parent comment or subverse, like this one. In it, I once again affirm that METH is a huge part of my life, and a very deep, personal thing for me."

"If I could ban Crensch, I would; I also think he's the butthole of Voat. I think people care about my opinion, because I claim I was targeted by a witch coven."

"Did I mention METH was a huge part of my JEWISH life? I like presenting snark and projecting onto others how my friend's meth addiction is a case for the books, and how I need to get help to deal with it."

"I like to ping putt and ask him to KILL users I don't like. I once saw a kid get hacked up for his 1.5 MILLION DOLLAR organs, and then he was tossed into a pile with other dead kids, which reminds me: Is anyone else going Trick or Mething with their family for Halloween?"

"Occasionally I'll say something like "I'm leaving" or "I'm done here" or "I don't care" or "I don't need all this", but I stick around anyway and continue to respond, proving myself a liar over and over again. It's the meth talking. I'm sure of it."

Vindicator ago

I'm afraid @Crensch is your Ghost of Christmas Future, ES. You may have named yourself after a spook, but WE will haunt YOU with your own words from now, on.

You DO need it.

ESOTERICshade ago

Nobody is my ghost. Look dude, you were on verge of totally destroying v/pizzagate with your Q fantasies. I can't believe you were that dumb. I probably saved this sub with pure tenacity. You better be glad I did because you almost sank the ship. If v/pizzagate would have become a hybrid with Qanon this place would be toast. I think you are a good person but your judgement on the Q thing was pure shit.

Now that reality is setting in, and you realize that Q is pure fakery bullshit, i'm sure you feel a little sheepish. You should. It was obvious that the Q thing was pure bullshit from day one. I did everything I could think of to save this sub from that ignorance.

I saved it. It is still intact. Take care of it and use better discernment. I won't always be here to turn your ass around again in the future. You better be glad I cared enough to do it.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/GreatAwakening comment by @Crensch.

Posted automatically (#5927) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

Crensch ago

@Vindicator @think- @kevdude @shizy @EricKaliberhall

"Hi, my name is ESOTERIC, and I'm a half ass shade tree Talmud scholar. This is part 1 of my introduction. You are now reading part 2:"

"I realize I made a HUGE mistake letting you guys know my weak points, but I'll try my best to make it seem like I really don't care about you bringing up my METH problems again and again."

"While we're at it, I claim to have gotten FUCKED IN THE ASS AS A LITTLE KID, and TORTURED for 7 YEARS with MICROWAVES by the deep state! You believe me, don't you? #believe"

"I like to repeat my manipulation tactic of trying to make my real life sound better than yours by telling you to get a job and mentioning "boots" and "coffee table" like a cringe-worthy little faggot. Do you feel shame yet, goyim? Oh yeah, YOU ARE A METH HEAD."

"My comments often seem completely retarded, and don't actually seem to be responding to the parent comment or subverse, like this one. In it, I once again affirm that METH is a huge part of my life, and a very deep, personal thing for me."

"If I could ban Crensch, I would; I also think he's the butthole of Voat. I think people care about my opinion, because I claim I was targeted by a witch coven."

"Did I mention METH was a huge part of my JEWISH life? I like presenting snark and projecting onto others how my friend's meth addiction is a case for the books, and how I need to get help to deal with it."

"I like to ping putt and ask him to KILL users I don't like. I once saw a kid get hacked up for his 1.5 MILLION DOLLAR organs, and then he was tossed into a pile with other dead kids, which reminds me: Is anyone else going Trick or Mething with their family for Halloween?"

"Occasionally I'll say something like "I'm leaving" or "I'm done here" or "I don't care" or "I don't need all this", but I stick around anyway and continue to respond, proving myself a liar over and over again. It's the meth talking. I'm sure of it."

"Did you know I SAVED /v/pizzagate with my vote manipulation and harassment of legitimate users? I saved it by harassing them until they left. Look at the active user list - aren't you proud of me? No, I still can't get my daddy's approval, and the rest of my family is still addicted to meth. Do I get pity points for that?"

Vindicator ago

Now that reality is setting in, and you realize that Q is pure fakery bullshit, i'm sure you feel a little sheepish. You should. It was obvious that the Q thing was pure bullshit from day one. I did everything I could think of to save this sub from that ignorance.

More attempts to control the narrative and astroturf. You can give up your Jedi Mind Tricks, ES. Your light saber is broken.

I have not changed my position on Q, and in fact have several submissions I'm working on about Q. I am perfectly willing to let goats weight my "judgement" for themselves -- and even better, weigh the evidence I present and make their own judgements. Something you are very frightened of people doing.

ESOTERICshade ago

I have not changed my position on Q, and in fact have several submissions I'm working on about Q.

Knock your head against the wall junior. It should be amusing.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/GreatAwakening comment by @Crensch.

Posted automatically (#5928) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

Crensch ago

@Vindicator @think- @kevdude @shizy @EricKaliberhall

"Hi, my name is ESOTERIC, and I'm a half ass shade tree Talmud scholar. This is part 1 of my introduction. You are now reading part 2:"

"I realize I made a HUGE mistake letting you guys know my weak points, but I'll try my best to make it seem like I really don't care about you bringing up my METH problems again and again."

"While we're at it, I claim to have gotten FUCKED IN THE ASS AS A LITTLE KID, and TORTURED for 7 YEARS with MICROWAVES by the deep state! You believe me, don't you? #believe"

"I like to repeat my manipulation tactic of trying to make my real life sound better than yours by telling you to get a job and mentioning "boots" and "coffee table" like a cringe-worthy little faggot. Do you feel shame yet, goyim? Oh yeah, YOU ARE A METH HEAD."

"My comments often seem completely retarded, and don't actually seem to be responding to the parent comment or subverse, like this one. In it, I once again affirm that METH is a huge part of my life, and a very deep, personal thing for me."

"If I could ban Crensch, I would; I also think he's the butthole of Voat. I think people care about my opinion, because I claim I was targeted by a witch coven."

"Did I mention METH was a huge part of my JEWISH life? I like presenting snark and projecting onto others how my friend's meth addiction is a case for the books, and how I need to get help to deal with it."

"I like to ping putt and ask him to KILL users I don't like. I once saw a kid get hacked up for his 1.5 MILLION DOLLAR organs, and then he was tossed into a pile with other dead kids, which reminds me: Is anyone else going Trick or Mething with their family for Halloween?"

"Occasionally I'll say something like "I'm leaving" or "I'm done here" or "I don't care" or "I don't need all this", but I stick around anyway and continue to respond, proving myself a liar over and over again. It's the meth talking. I'm sure of it."

"Did you know I SAVED /v/pizzagate with my vote manipulation and harassment of legitimate users? I saved it by harassing them until they left. Look at the active user list - aren't you proud of me? No, I still can't get my daddy's approval, and the rest of my family is still addicted to meth. Do I get pity points for that? Did you see how I totally made Q look legitimate by hating on Q?"

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/whateverAnon submission.

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