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ESOTERICshade ago

My internet shit at the houseboat is complicated. I have to use a Yagi antenna mounted on a sixty foot pole and shoot it four miles to a router at my office which is about six miles from my house. I have a desktop at my house, a desktop at the office, a laptop in the motor home, and also a phone. My passwords are cryptic and look similar to this >>> X1z6j0rV6e5

I'm too old to remember that shit and I have a lot of passwords. I created rarepeeks a while back at the houseboat because I couldn't remember the password to ESOTERICshade. I always have to copy and paste passwords because ain't no way I can remember them.

I need to write the ESOTERICshade password down on a piece of paper and tape it to the wall in the houseboat because if I forget the laptop, and it happens, I can't log in as ESOTERICshade because I can't remember the password.

I also supply wifi to 11 rent houses I own. My life is password hell. I shall strive to do better.

drstrangegov ago

I sunk your houseboat. Sorry.

ESOTERICshade ago

I sunk your houseboat. Sorry.

Something got sunk but it wasn't me. My goal was to keep v/pizzagate alive by keeping it and Qanon in two different subs. Mixing them together, as @vindicator wanted to do, would have utterly destroyed the credibility of pizzagate. Somebody had to fight that battle and save pizzagate, so I did it. I hated every minute of it and it ruined pizzagate for me. But, at the end of the day pizzagate is still alive and the Q world has it's own world. I feel VERY good about it all.

jangles ago

This appears to be honest. Thanks for attempting to do right.

think- ago

@Crensch @PuttItOut @Vindicator @EricKaliberhall:

The dog ate @EsotericShade's note, this is why he has to use different alts, and use all of them to brigade.

@EsotericShade is admitting the alt above is him, but blames it on his age - he was 'forced' to use the alt, since he wasn't able to remember the complicated password for his EsotericShade screenname.

Therefore he had to remember another password as complicated as that for the @EsotericShade handle. LMAO

You know Esoteric, even if you used the alt because of muh old age, how come that you upvoat and downvoat brigade with that alt? And that's not your only alt you are brigading with.

a desktop at the office

Impressive. I thought you retired years ago.

I shall strive to do better.

Nobody is interested in what you are planning to do. You fucked up. Completely, and we have proof.

If you have left a rest of dignity, you better delete your account. And while you're at it, the alt accounts as well, and never come back.

Game over.

Vindicator ago

Esoteric's excuse for running alts sounds EXACTLY like EYJP's recent excuses for all of her alts, don't you think? The only difference is, EYJP admits to it, while ES tries to keep them secret until he fucks up. Perhaps EYJP is doing it to help generate a cover story for ES et al to normalize the idea of running alts because "Muh passwords hard".


think- ago

Yep, those damn passwords. User has law degree but claims she can't remember her passwords.

User is able to write endless textwalls but claims he can't remember his passwords.

Must be a kind of a very specific, selective Alzheimer's thing. One that only Pizzagaters.get. /sarc

@EricKaliberhall @Crensch @ben_matlock

EricKaliberhall ago

sounds EXACTLY like EYJP's recent excuses for all of her alts, don't you think?

I was thinking the exact same thing. Their roles are; EYJP is the victim and ES is the savior. They give each other some credibility in their nasty act.

think- ago

@PieceSeeker @kevdude @MadWorld @Camulos: please see parent.

think- ago

@Shizy @MolochHunter: Please come over and look at @Esoteric's shitshow.

Shizy ago

Oh my flipping hell!!! This is highly entertaining!

Vindicator ago

Dude, you really think your excuses are going to do anything but convince anyone of good will on Voat that you are a weasel?

I've been documenting and calling out your dishonest tactics, vote brigading, censorship of fellow researchersand other unvoatsmanlike conduct for MONTHS. You sneak around gaslighting people, hoping Voat's labyrinthine structure and people's innate laziness about digging into stuff will shroud your agenda. Well, your ticket has been punched. You've destroyed your own reputation.