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ESOTERICshade ago

Add me @ESOTERICshade because I am done with this joke of a subverse.

ridleychozo ago

This is exactly why I made this video. Q is a false prophet and getting everybody off-track. No need to do any investigative work when Q is doing it all for us!! Thick skulls, I tells ya.

It's frustrating, I know. If you need a break, take it. Lord knows you've done more than your part, if your story is true. I'm sorry you had such a nightmare of a childhood.

ESOTERICshade ago

Q is a false prophet and getting everybody off-track. No need to do any investigative work when Q is doing it all for us!! Thick skulls, I tells ya.

It's frustrating, I know. If you need a break, take it. Lord knows you've done more than your part, if your story is true. I'm sorry you had such a nightmare of a childhood.

My life was a total and complete nightmare. I made myself into what I am today. The Q tards and Trump Tards have made this sub into a joke. i try, but honestly, I can just go away.............I go to EXTREME risks to keep myself same when I post here. I do this as a service, not as a pleasure.

ridleychozo ago

I've seen you around on here and actually had you filed in my 'cool users' text file. It's awesome that you choose to spend your time here - we need all the intel we can get. Stay safe. Mind if I ask if your abuse was SRA?

ESOTERICshade ago

we need all the intel we can get. Stay safe. Mind if I ask if your abuse was SRA?

Nope. You cant ask me nothing. Im not telling because im not stupid.

ridleychozo ago

I understand. Thanks again.