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banusaur ago

They probably just did it to equate Q with something legitimate like pizzagate. It works against pizzagate when we find out Q is bs. Q has been a distraction from real citizen investigation this whole time.

HillBoulder ago

You could very well be right.

banusaur ago

Of course I'm right and you know it. One of the "Clowns in America" is now secretary of state. The "deep state shadow war" is a complete and utter lie. There was never any evidence whatsoever that it was happening and now Trump put the director of the CIA, the leader of his supposed arch-enemy, as the 4th-in-line person to the presidency of the United States. There is no "deep state" vs the people. It's just "state" vs us. We're on our own. Which means Trump isn't doing jack shit about Pizzagate and never planned on it. Probably has something to do with his trip to pedo island and friendship with Jeffrey Epstein. I'm officially done praising Kek and 72-D chess. It's obvious Trump is one of the pawns of the central banking pedophile elite. If you're still living in that fucking fantasy world at this point, you deserve the hell the elites have in store for you. 4 months ago a bunch of pizzagate researchers were KILLED (users rebelskum, quantokitty, drainingswamps) and many more were silenced. The smartest and most impactful people were all TAKEN OUT. In the meantime we were all distracted with this damn Q nonsense. If you don't see what's going on here it's hopeless. We're doomed. They contained pizzagate and the only shot we'll get this century at ending the crime families that control our world.

think- ago

4 months ago a bunch of pizzagate researchers were KILLED (users rebelskum, quantokitty, drainingswamps)

Quantokitty has a new alt I think, rebelscum resurfaced (but took his website down again, so currently nobody knows) - and do you have proof that the two other people 'were killed'?

Please don't intimidate users.

@cutelobster @looking4truth @ThePuppetShow @Vindicator

ThePuppetShow ago

So far... Crickets from @birthdaysuit11 the apparent source.

GeorgeT ago

As an obsessive researcher of global conspiracy I came to that exact same conclusion. CIA Spook as the head of the State Dep. was the last straw. Jacke Morphonious did an excellent 47 min video on it. We have to unite and expose the evils of big government. There is no left & right. Just now one of the Fox Mockingbird media pundits exclaimed how Chuck Schumer was pleased with Pompeo. Of course he is. Chuck and Trump and Pompeo and the Rothchild Banking cabal and Epstein/JA Brownstone Operation are one and the same. There is no denying it. Brian from Highimpactflix did an interview with David Icke back in March 2016, shedding light on WEE that is known as the presidential (s)election. They had it right all along. But the pizza emails have leaked, and they are terrified. This is the secret that they are guarding at all costs. So as a great boxer or tennid player, we keep jabbing at the exposed weak point. We are going nowhere Trump or no Trump.

s33ker ago

He was only director for 1 year though, and appointed by Trump to that role. Before that I dont think he had any known ties to CIA.

banusaur ago

Morphonious is another distraction. They anticipate our reactions to things like Pompeo and prop up shills like him to make everyone ignore pizzagate AGAIN. He's risking nothing. Unlike the real researchers who are now fucking dead. Reptilian Icke too. You can't blame actual people if the perpetrators are aliens. ETs are the pedo elite's last-ditch effort to shift the blame.

GeorgeT ago

Agree 100% with Icke's reptillians (even if it's an allegory) It makes me mad. Watched Jesse Ventura take Icke apart few years back. Speaking of dead researches, in 2012, Rick Clay was suicided. Rick exposed London Olympics symbology like no other. His blog Cosmic Mind was mind-blowing. Jacke does seem to play the victim card like David Seaman how the assassins are after them and all that 007/Mystery Novel jazz. And of course we should not forget the murder of William Cooper.

ThePuppetShow ago

@rebelskum @quantokitty @drainingswamps

It's weird that RebelSkum started back up and it's gone again. I haven't seen quantokitty in a bit either, but I haven't been around here too much. Killed is a strong word though, do you have any evidence?

banusaur ago

looking4truth ago


cutelobster ago

What do you mean they were "killed"? Is there a thread on this?