YogSoggoth ago

Bob Sauerberg. Conde Nast still owns majority share and makes sure that Huffman does his job of cleaning up unfortunate views

The_Comidiot ago

Like it is that hard to write a blog post, and link to other blogs. The tools are available to avoid censorship, but you all keep using the same tools...

As if...

Digital-Patriot ago

r/ConspiracyUndone hasn't been banned.

Tallest_Skil ago

Good. Fuck your jewish paid shills and their well poisoning.

Digital-Patriot ago

Q should have a voat account.

Tallest_Skil ago

Q-LARP and all of the kike shills behind the account should be executed for treason.

Shizy ago

Do you know how dumb you sound using "kike" every other word? Probably not because you sound like a dim wit mother fucker

Tallest_Skil ago

Kike harder, kike. When your little kike mind is capable of refuting a single thing I said, feel free to kikesplain it to us. Until then, FUCK THE HELL OFF, Q-LARPER. YOUR KIKE PAID SHILLS WERE PROVEN WRONG. TRUMP HIMSELF DESTROYED YOUR FAKE NARRATIVE. IT’S OVER.

Shizy ago

Once again, you ramble on like a mentally ill person so it's really hard to take you seriously! I mean really, all I can do is laugh at your ridiculousness! 😂😂😂😂

Tallest_Skil ago

Thanks for admitting that Q-LARP is a proven jewish shill and nothing it has said is true. Run back to reddit and suck his cock there.

Shizy ago

Is reading comprehension difficult for you? I never said any such shit you liar! I have never been on Reddit, but keep making shit up if you need it to help you cope with your obvious mental issues you stupid fuck!

Tallest_Skil ago

Thanks for admitting you fellate the jew shill Q-LARP. Your hoax was exposed months ago.

Markb63 ago

If they take our guns they will kill us or lock us up as fast as they delete a chat room.

Tallest_Skil ago

They’ve already taken our guns. You’ve done nothing to stop them and you never will.

Shizy ago

I just tucked all my guns in for bed, safe and sound. what the hell you talking about??!

Tallest_Skil ago

So no, you will never do anything to stop them. The genocide is already complete. You did nothing to stop gun confiscation, and when they come for your guns you will willingly give them up. You will never shoot back. You will never stop sending in your taxes. You won’t even park on the fucking curb.

Shizy ago

so what is it? Our guns were already confiscated or not? It's hard to tell from your incoherent and contradictory rambling! Something's wrong with you

Tallest_Skil ago

>I can’t read English

>this is your fault

Back to reddit, Q-LARPer.

Shizy ago

😂😂😂😂 punk! 🖕🏻

looking4truth ago

wow i RARELY visit reddit and that site is even more shitty than it used to be. I regret clicking on the conspiracy sub. How the fuck are you on a conspiracy sub and advocate for censorship ? smells shilly ...or maybe a typical retarddit user.

SebuttYopick ago

the British royals and BBC media connect ? https://www.voat.co/v/politics/2448864/12192323

gentlemanadventurer ago

I don't care what happens there on faggit.

HidiotKojima ago

out of the loop..what is "Q" ?

Tallest_Skil ago

A kike paid shilling campaign designed to make people complacent and never question authority.

GhostOfSwartz ago

Go over to Reddit great awakening. It's the alternate cbts stream. Q is insider White hat.

Kristina_Gilliam ago

A lot of these giant corporations were set up with government assistance. That way, when they indulge in censorship, they can play the "private company" card. This is classic corporatism/fascism/communism. I always wondered how people in the 20th century allowed things to get so bad. Now I know from first-hand experience.

SebuttYopick ago

Facebook Fuckerberg, the BBC, reddit all seem to be one and the same with their fucked up Hollyweird globalist agenda

GeorgeT ago

And who would go along with this monstrocity? A normal morally upstanding citizen? No Way! And that is where PG/Brownstone OP comes in. All to clear now. Every time I turn on CNN or FOX (one and the same) I feel like that protagonist in 'They Live' with magic glasses. I see it exactly what it is ...., yes including the screams of those children in Skippy's dungeons and wondering who else is NOT PART OF IT?!

Diogenes_The_Cynic ago

Active filtering.

Its not crazy to assume that some topics get autofiltered and flagged from keywords. You badmouth Elon Musk on any new subreddit, no matter how small, and you will find yourself getting dogpiled on by his employees. And it isn't even necessarily things you would imagine are controversial. Mosanto probably pays Conde Nast for "reputation management" since criticizing them gets flagged too.

pizzaequalspedo ago

I’ve noticed there is another Reddit Q sub.... r/QAnon but it is far less active

Digital-Patriot ago

r/GreatAwakening is pretty active.

watchout ago

banusaur ago

They probably just did it to equate Q with something legitimate like pizzagate. It works against pizzagate when we find out Q is bs. Q has been a distraction from real citizen investigation this whole time.

twistedmac11 ago

Exactly. It's just another part of the school play to make Q look legitimate.

Dickface808 ago

I was thinking a similar thing..

HillBoulder ago

You could very well be right.

banusaur ago

Of course I'm right and you know it. One of the "Clowns in America" is now secretary of state. The "deep state shadow war" is a complete and utter lie. There was never any evidence whatsoever that it was happening and now Trump put the director of the CIA, the leader of his supposed arch-enemy, as the 4th-in-line person to the presidency of the United States. There is no "deep state" vs the people. It's just "state" vs us. We're on our own. Which means Trump isn't doing jack shit about Pizzagate and never planned on it. Probably has something to do with his trip to pedo island and friendship with Jeffrey Epstein. I'm officially done praising Kek and 72-D chess. It's obvious Trump is one of the pawns of the central banking pedophile elite. If you're still living in that fucking fantasy world at this point, you deserve the hell the elites have in store for you. 4 months ago a bunch of pizzagate researchers were KILLED (users rebelskum, quantokitty, drainingswamps) and many more were silenced. The smartest and most impactful people were all TAKEN OUT. In the meantime we were all distracted with this damn Q nonsense. If you don't see what's going on here it's hopeless. We're doomed. They contained pizzagate and the only shot we'll get this century at ending the crime families that control our world.

think- ago

4 months ago a bunch of pizzagate researchers were KILLED (users rebelskum, quantokitty, drainingswamps)

Quantokitty has a new alt I think, rebelscum resurfaced (but took his website down again, so currently nobody knows) - and do you have proof that the two other people 'were killed'?

Please don't intimidate users.

@cutelobster @looking4truth @ThePuppetShow @Vindicator

ThePuppetShow ago

So far... Crickets from @birthdaysuit11 the apparent source.

GeorgeT ago

As an obsessive researcher of global conspiracy I came to that exact same conclusion. CIA Spook as the head of the State Dep. was the last straw. Jacke Morphonious did an excellent 47 min video on it. We have to unite and expose the evils of big government. There is no left & right. Just now one of the Fox Mockingbird media pundits exclaimed how Chuck Schumer was pleased with Pompeo. Of course he is. Chuck and Trump and Pompeo and the Rothchild Banking cabal and Epstein/JA Brownstone Operation are one and the same. There is no denying it. Brian from Highimpactflix did an interview with David Icke back in March 2016, shedding light on WEE that is known as the presidential (s)election. They had it right all along. But the pizza emails have leaked, and they are terrified. This is the secret that they are guarding at all costs. So as a great boxer or tennid player, we keep jabbing at the exposed weak point. We are going nowhere Trump or no Trump.

s33ker ago

He was only director for 1 year though, and appointed by Trump to that role. Before that I dont think he had any known ties to CIA.

banusaur ago

Morphonious is another distraction. They anticipate our reactions to things like Pompeo and prop up shills like him to make everyone ignore pizzagate AGAIN. He's risking nothing. Unlike the real researchers who are now fucking dead. Reptilian Icke too. You can't blame actual people if the perpetrators are aliens. ETs are the pedo elite's last-ditch effort to shift the blame.

GeorgeT ago

Agree 100% with Icke's reptillians (even if it's an allegory) It makes me mad. Watched Jesse Ventura take Icke apart few years back. Speaking of dead researches, in 2012, Rick Clay was suicided. Rick exposed London Olympics symbology like no other. His blog Cosmic Mind was mind-blowing. Jacke does seem to play the victim card like David Seaman how the assassins are after them and all that 007/Mystery Novel jazz. And of course we should not forget the murder of William Cooper.

ThePuppetShow ago

@rebelskum @quantokitty @drainingswamps

It's weird that RebelSkum started pizzagate.wiki back up and it's gone again. I haven't seen quantokitty in a bit either, but I haven't been around here too much. Killed is a strong word though, do you have any evidence?

banusaur ago

looking4truth ago


cutelobster ago

What do you mean they were "killed"? Is there a thread on this?

pizzaequalspedo ago

This conservative purge is something I honestly didn’t thing was possible in my lifetime. It’s straight out of the Soviet Union.

The genie is out of the bottle. They cannot keep us down for long.

AlphaOmega ago

We're seeing it live. They're making their move right now. If we don't make inroads and progress with uncensorable platforms, this is going to get really bad really quickly.

GeorgeT ago

Pure desperation. Streisand effect to the factor of 10!!!

BKAtheManScout ago

It's not a "Conservative" purge -- it's a TRUTH purge. STOP falling into the false Left/Right Paradigm. It's an Us vs. Them scenario, and THEY don't like it when we scratch the surface of their heinous acts.

THEY can buy off judges and detectives -- but not a hundred thousand pissed-off worker bees.

WE need to investigate just who ordered Reddit to pull the plug on Q discussion/ Free Speech.

Joe10jo ago

But it just so happens that most of the “Truth Movement” consists of conservatives.

Vindicator ago

Yeah, this same shit happened to the Bernie bros. It threatens decent people of every political point of view.

GeorgeT ago

We are here on voat for the very reason! Reddit banned PG following the false flag CPP hard drive assassin & IMDB actor Madison Welch. It was the same time when Alex was told by the shadow players to back off PG.

LightlyToasted ago

And intellectually honest progressives like Tim Black & Jimmy Dore. It's terrifying.

Dickface808 ago

*Somewhat intellectually honest. Jimmy has never ever mentioned the Podesta emails and their contents. Even when railing against the Russian lie he has never brought up the fact that in those emails we find that they were planning to blame the Russians for messing with the election, not to mention the "I'm all for making an example of suspected leaker" or the "Obama/Hot Dogs/Fresh Tortilla" thing. And FYI about Tim Black, I unsubbed from him a while ago when he made a video calling pizzagate fake news and I left a comment detailing Tammy Luzatts blog in a thread where it really could have red pilled some skeptics or at least made them look a bit deeper. That comment was deleted within minutes and I know coz I signed out and looked at the thread and my comment didn't show. Not saying he's a shill but perhaps, or perhaps he's delusional. Most progressives are. They are both still Bernie sycophants.

GeorgeT ago

I believe that Jimmy is a naive useful idiot (far better than that Cenk piece of lard) I saw a video recently where Jimmy was defending his boss, saying how Cenk had quote 'High integrity' - upon hearing that I sprayed coffee all over my keyboard. Cognitive dissonance. Trump supporters aren't much better. Donald had just appointed CIA Spook to head the State Department! At this point I am going to say it - Deep State has Trump in its back pocket. Expect a new big false flag and the culprit - Iran. They would rather perish in Nuclear blaze before revealing the horrors of PG.

BKAtheManScout ago

Actually, I think Jimmy Dore's a bit more redpilled than you think. See his interaction here with Joe Rogan about the 'mysterious' death of Seth Rich

Again -- not a Left/Right fight -- this is a TRUTH fight. A person can have a different opinion on how the government should regulate yet still be able to call out their own Party's misdeeds.

Dickface808 ago

I hear what you're saying but if we're gonna be real about it, too many inconsistencies. Why has he never got his audience to look into the damning Podesta emails? Most damning of all he still works for TYT and to this day claims that Cenk Uygar is not a democratic shill and the 20 million he received from them has no influence on his views. Very dishonest. I like about 70 -90% of what he puts out there but alas, I'm pretty much done with him because he's never gone far enough! I really am not sure what to make of him and I fluctuate on my opinion on him, but he's not redpilled enough if he has never mentioned or given any credence to pizzagate.

BKAtheManScout ago

Sorry for the crap reply -- at work, heading to lunch. Haven't watched myself yet (no time) -- but a quick google search popped this up -- A March 5th 2018 interview of Jimmy Dore being asked about the very $20million to TYT/Cenk & Co. (50minutes)

Also, this Jamarl Thomas fellow looks like he gave a 15-minute commentary on March 8th about that interview.

Feel free to watch and post your thoughts/ synopsis.

My gut reaction having watched him for a while -- Jimmy is at least as pissed off and helpless about the Military-Pharmaceutical-Prison-Media-RevolvingDoor Industrial Complex as the rest of us.

BKAtheManScout ago

Hey @Dickface808, I think Jimmy Dore's a bit more red-pilled than you give him credit for.

pby1000 ago

It is like a Communist/Fascist takeover. I think that it has always been there, but disguised as something else. Perhaps they are making a push now because Trump won.

Tallest_Skil ago

You have no fucking idea what fascism is.

fuckingmockies ago

Lmfao "fascism" isn't synonymous for "bad", and communism and fasism are polar opposites. It's almost like saying, "an authoritarian/libertarian takeover."

Fasism would be amazing for America.

pby1000 ago

When you think of a form of government, maybe it is not accurate to say it applies to all. For example, most people believe that America is a Capitalistic country with Free Enterprise. However, the corporations and banks get the advantages of Socialism. The corporations and banks get bailed out by the taxpayers when they screw up. The little people do not.

Could I mean Fascism/Communism in that sense?

fuckingmockies ago

That is a good point - there's an enormous difference between what we are in principle and what we are in practice. I, however, mostly objected to equating fascism and communism.

I don't really have a name for what we have in America. I'd probably just call it Usury, but I'm sure there is a more accurate nomenclature.

pby1000 ago

I was just thinking that we moved a lot of our manufacturing to China and Mexico. China is Communist, obviously, and Mexico supported the Communists in the Spanish Civil War. A lot of the countries in South America are Communist/Fascist.

I wonder if Communists in the U.S. moved our manufacturing to Communists countries to weaken the American middle class. Interesting.

pby1000 ago

Understood! I was not clear.

I am calling what we have in the U.S. Communism/Fascism (pre-Trump, of course!). It appears to be some sort of mixture of the two, and not in a good way. It is interesting that American companies do business with Communist China, and China is our second largest trading partner. Companies like google, youtube, facebook, etc. seem to expouse degenerate Communist principles- the whole soy boy and green hair girl thing. Anything "normal" is frowned upon.

It is like natural is unnatural, and unnatural is natural. Everything is flipped in the Communist utopia.

The Fascism part comes from how corporations and banks treat us. It is like they want absolute control over us, and they want to censor us.

These are just my thoughts. Either way, I believe it was the Vatican who created Fascism and Communism. Maybe it was the Fabian Society. I have heard different stories.

I don't see how Communism can ever be good because it is not consistent with the U.S. Constitution.

What about Fascism? Not sure... Having an extremely strong leader, like Trump and Putin, is great because they will take care of business and make sure that shit gets down. If Trump keeps this up, then I would not object if he served more than two terms.

However, having a Fascist/Communist leader like Merkel, May, or Macron would be a fucking disaster. In fact, I cannot imagine any form of government that would be successful with one of these bozos in power.

Have you seen videos of Putin? He is a very, very good leader. He is direct and to the point about what he wants and what needs to get done.

People complain about Putin being surrounded by Oligarchs, but he is not afraid to bitch slap them.

Knock Out: Putin vs. oligarchs

Putin vs Oligarchs

PoundSign_999 ago

Nice try, Hitler.

Inquisitioner ago

A fascist takeover would be a fantastic thing for the United States, and it's pobably the best-case scenario going forward, lest we peacefully slide into a South African death because of suicidal moralizing.

pby1000 ago

There already has been a Fascist takeover. They won WW2, and the Fascists in America brought the Fascists from Germany to here and S. America.

The problem is that the United States of America Corporation is owned and controlled by the City of London and the Vatican. They incorporated out towns, cities, states and country. That is where our taxes go to. We pay taxes to the Rothschild controlled Bank of England and the Vatican.

Tallest_Skil ago

There already has been a Fascist takeover. They won WW2

  1. You are mentally ill.
  2. You are obviously a jewish shill.
  3. Kill yourself.

and the Fascists in America brought the Fascists from Germany to here and S. America.

lol no, that’s not what happened.

The problem is that the United States of America Corporation is owned and controlled by the City of London and the Vatican.

CONFIRMED FOR JEWISH PAID SHILL. Take your well poisoning somewhere else.

Shizy ago

Waaahh, I reported you!!!

pby1000 ago

Operation Paperclip.

Look it up.. I bet the city or town you live in is a corporation. Same with the state you live in. I assume you are in the U.S., which is a corporation. Guess who the shareholders are?

Tallest_Skil ago

Operation Paperclip.

And there it is, the kike shills’ favorite talking point.

Look it up

And the kike shill can’t substantiate any of his claims.

Guess who the shareholders are?

The jews who sign your checks, shill. Nothing you have said is legitimate.

pby1000 ago

Could it be the talking point of non-kike shills because it is true?

You post here a lot, so you are capable of researching something this simple.

You have not even looked. How do you know it is not legitimate?

Tallest_Skil ago

Could it be the talking point of non-kike shills because it is true?

No? Because it’s not a talking point therefor?

so you are capable of researching something this simple.

It’s so simple, in fact, that you were proven wrong decades ago.

You have not even looked.

I have, in fact.

How do you know it is not legitimate?

Because nothing you’ve said is true, everything you’ve said is false, there is no evidence that you are telling the truth, and there is irrefutable proof that you are lying.

That’s sort of how it works, see? Kill yourself. Legitimately. End your fucking life. You’re shilling for jews.

pby1000 ago

If the U.S. is not a corporation, then what is it?

Where does our tax money go? Please don't tell me the Federal Reserve, which is part of the U.S. government...

Tallest_Skil ago

If the U.S. is not a corporation, then what is it?


Where does our tax money go?

Straight to the kikes who you refuse to name.

the Federal Reserve, which is part of the U.S. government…



pby1000 ago

You are an idiot. LOL. Hahahaha!

A country? LOL. What a dumbass. Please do not breed. The Africans and Muslims invading Europe could raise the IQ of your family. A country... WHAT THE FUCK IS A COUNTRY?

Tallest_Skil ago

You are an idiot. LOL. Hahahaha! A country? LOL. What a dumbass.

Thanks for admitting that you were wrong and are a jewish paid shill.


Thanks for admitting that you were wrong and are a jewish paid shill.

pby1000 ago

What does it mean for a city/settlement in the States to be incorporated?


Tallest_Skil ago

And yet you’ve still unsubstantiated your claims.

pby1000 ago

You just don't want to learn for some reason. I think you enjoy giving Jews your tax money.

Tallest_Skil ago

You just don’t want to learn for some reason.

Guy spams proven lies, gets told to fuck off, says “you just don’t want to learn my lies!” and acts surprised at this.

What are the odds.

I think you enjoy giving Jews your tax money.

Oops, you named the jew. Your bosses won’t be happy.

pby1000 ago

Keep digging.

The IRS is a U.S. government agency, right?

Tallest_Skil ago

The IRS is a U.S. government agency, right?

As much of one as the Federal Reserve, self admitted jewish shill.

pby1000 ago

What is the IRS then? What is the Federal Reserve? If they are not U.S. government agencies, then what are they? Do I need to give you a hint? They are not states, cities, or countries. LOL.

Tallest_Skil ago

What is the IRS then? What is the Federal Reserve?

This is supposed to be your party, shlomo. Shouldn’t you be telling us?

If they are not U.S. government agencies, then what are they?

Three guesses.


At least you are funny, yeah. Kill yourself for being a paid shill.

pby1000 ago

They are all corporations... Cities, States, Countries- they all have Tax ID numbers. Same with the IRS. I am not sure about the Federal Reserve, though, since they do not pay taxes on the interest payments they receive. They probably have some sort of Tax ID number since they have employees. However, the land that the Federal Reserve banks are on is not part of the U.S. This land has separate legal status.

My understanding is that the United States of America Corporation is incorporated in Delaware as a religious non-profit, and it was incorporated by the Vatican. The Vatican/Rothschilds, etc. are responsible for creating Israel.

It is all the Cult of the Serpent.

Swinging on the Gates of Hades – Remembrance Day Exposed:


Tallest_Skil ago

They are all corporations

Define they, paid shill.

Cities, States, Countries- they all have Tax ID numbers.


I am not sure about the Federal Reserve, though


My understanding is that the United States of America Corporation is incorporated in Delaware as a religious non-profit, and it was incorporated by the Vatican.

Your understanding is wrong.

The... ...Rothschilds, etc. are responsible for creating Israel.

This part of the statement is correct.

It is all the Cult of the Serpent.


fuckingmockies ago

I'm not convinced you know what fascism is lol

pby1000 ago

Sure I do.

Justaddcoffee ago

No, it just goes to the Rothschilds. When anyone says Vatican, they are a Jewish shill.

pby1000 ago

Seriously. The Vatican, too. Look at where the obelisks are- DC, City of London, and the Vatican.

Tallest_Skil ago

Nope, kill yourself.

pby1000 ago

Look it up. They are all corporations, as is the U.S.

Tallest_Skil ago

Nah, eat shit and die. Your zero effort shitposting of kike lies isn’t helping anyone.

pby1000 ago

You disagree with someone and you refuse to research what they are saying? Nice.

Tallest_Skil ago

  1. Truth is not a matter of disagreement.
  2. You have not posted truth.
  3. Burden of proof is on you.
  4. Your claims are already disproven.
  5. Kill yourself before we get our hands on you or you’re going to wish the holocaust had happened.

pby1000 ago

  1. Yes, you are right.
  2. You are fully capable of researching what I said.
  3. Look it up your self, faggot. You are fucking rude so I will give you nothing.
  4. Not true.
  5. LOL. Good luck!!!

Vindicator ago

You go, pb.

Tallest_Skil ago

  1. And yet you STILL post this garbage…
  2. And you are fully capable of proving your claim… OH WAIT, NO YOU’RE NOT, BECAUSE IT’S FALSE.
  3. Thanks for admitting you have no evidence for your claim.
  4. Yep, long ago, in fact.
  5. Thanks for admitting you are, in fact, a kike shill.

pby1000 ago

LOL. You must be bored.

I will throw you a bone because you are so entertaining.


I think you are projecting. Doth thou protest too much?

Tallest_Skil ago

No citations, no evidence, no data, nothing. Thanks for admitting you are a paid jewish shill.

pby1000 ago

Yeah, nothing. You are a genius. Go breed with the Muslims or Africans in Europe. Wait! No, please don't breed. You are an idiot.

Tallest_Skil ago

Thank you for admitting that you were lying and are a jewish paid shill.

pby1000 ago

I actually think that you are the Jew now. LOL. You are protesting too much, like you are afraid that we are onto you.

Search "is the united states is a corporation" and do some reading while you enjoy your matzha balls.

Tallest_Skil ago

oy vey my jewish lies that only jews say are totally not jewish

you are a jew for calling them out


pby1000 ago

Why would the United States of America be a corporation unless it benefited the Jews? It was not done because it benefits you and me, right?

The whole thing is a fucking scam. Too bad you do not see it. I tell you that you are paying taxes to the Jews, and you attack me. Nice.

Tallest_Skil ago

Why would the United States of America be a corporation unless it benefited the Jews?

Talk about circular reasoning.

The whole thing is a fucking scam.

The federal reserve is, yes.

Too bad you do not see it.


pby1000 ago

Washington DC is a separate corporation. Just like the City of London and Vatican City...

The Federal Reserve is a U.S. government agency, right?

Tallest_Skil ago

Washington DC is a separate corporation. Just like the City of London and Vatican City…

There you go again with your mental illness.

The Federal Reserve is a U.S. government agency, right?

As much of one as the IRS, self-admitted jewish shill.

Tzitzimitl ago

all places full of kikes

telleveryoneyouknow ago

the vatican = the jews

pby1000 ago

They are Luciferians/Satanists. It is the Cult of the Serpent.

Tallest_Skil ago

refuses to name the jew

Confirmed for jewish paid shill. Reported.

pby1000 ago

Hahaha! Sabbatean Frankists?

Tallest_Skil ago

Reported for admitting to being a paid shill.

pby1000 ago

Hahaha!!! Reported to the Jewish Shill Police?

derram ago

https://snew.github.io/r/conspiracy/comments/84f1e9/cbts_stream_has_been_banned_for_content_that/ :

CBTS_Stream has been banned for content that encourages or incites violence and the posting of personal and confidential information. : conspiracy

This has been an automated message.

Cara_C ago

I followed this board. It didn't incite violence or post personal or confidential information, except maybe information the cabal would prefer to be confidential.

3891776389 ago

Lol they don't care when CNN black mail doxxes a 16 year old for making a Trump vs fake news wrestling meme, but they do care when a 19 YEAR OLD MAN is called out for being a hack.