watchout ago

Please be careful with this. It's created by MIT Media Lab. MIT Media Lab is funded by Pierre Omidyar - who donated heavily to CF, worked with CGI in several places. donated 250K to #NeverTrump, funded the overthrow in Ukraine, and set up the Intercept, conveniently obtaining the Snowden docs in the process. You've seen his name here before. I'd be very surprised if the emails haven't been selectively curated. Your identity could also be breached.

Yes, this account is new, but I am not. You do great work here. Thank you - and be careful..

Are_we_sure ago

I'd be very surprised if the emails haven't been selectively curated.

This is ridiculous. This is a dataset visualization project. Data visualization is a hot topic these days. In this case the datasets are already public and in fact famous. Futzing with the data would get discovered quite quickly.

It's pure speculation that Omidyar had anything to do with this project.

Srayzie, if you are worried about an identity breach get a VPN,2817,2403388,00.asp

These emails are relevant because Clinton was a person in charge of doing a security job, and anyone working on a security job is not supposed to communicate using an unsecured or unauthorized channel

srayzie ago

I didn’t think about that. Now I’m wondering if I should delete it.

watchout ago

Maybe leave it but put a warning on it? You might save people some trouble.

(((They))) are so sneaky. Very coincidental this comes out so near CBTS going down - Must be worried -:)

Are_we_sure ago

So sneaky this came out in 2016