Mellowmountain ago

all the links you listed are down, any other backups?

quantokitty ago

Yes. they are archived.

I'll update the link.


Madharleyman ago

There is at least one known historical pedo-ring using tunnels to transport children: the McMartin Preschool Case. Tunnels were discovered by a former Hermosa Beach police officer named Paul Bynum, who had been hired by the parents of victims as a private investigator, turned up dead on the eve of his scheduled testimony as well. His death by gunshot was ruled a suicide, though those close to Bynum dispute that finding. Among other things, Bynum may have testified about his examination of the tunnel excavation project conducted at the school site. This was, of course, the object of much derision by the media. The fact that the children repeatedly told stories of tunnels under the property by which they could be secretly transported to and from the school, and in which they were subjected to horrific abuse in a secret room, was frequently cited as ‘proof’ that the children's stories were fabrications. It was universally accepted that the tunnels did not actually exist, that being the consensus view of the media and law enforcement authorities. Nevertheless, while it is true that the investigation commissioned by the District Attorney's office found no evidence of tunnels, another investigation, ignored by the media, certainly did.source

quantokitty ago

All true .. all factual. And tunnels and underground dwellings have been used in numerous serial killings. Son of Sam and The Zodiac definitely used them. Not sure what people aren't getting in why using underground passageways is so effective.

Madharleyman ago

Which begs the question, why is someone trying to derail or criticize your research when there are numerous case histories involving the use of tunnels and nefarious deeds!?

quantokitty ago

Always take it as a compliment. It's usually a pushback that lets you know you're on the right track.

Madharleyman ago

I don't know if you saw the line of investigation into the transportation of children to the Norway pedo ring with high level sickos. I don't have enough 'cred' to start a thread or I would post it. But I noticed the Obama-Norwegian Air International trade deal that allows the airline to employ Bangkok-based flight crews under short-term Singaporean or Thai employment contracts. Obama's Bad Plane Deal With Norway Southeast Asia of course has a huge sex-trade industry, including the prostitution of children for pedophiles. Although Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam have tried to crack down on child sex abuse, kids are still easy prey. In Cambodia's capital Phnom Penh, for instance, the airport is plastered with posters warning against pedophilia....Source: Thailand Catches a Predator-Time Magazine. Is there a high-level Norwegian connection to this? Well, yes there is. This researcher has compiled a list of convicted pedophiles Pattaya, Thailand. This list included Jimmy Seville's chauffeur and Norwegian Mr. Oystein Larsen. Source: The Pattaya Pedophile Problem A quick Google search turns up a Mr. Oystein Larsen, is VP sales & technical support, W. Giertsen Services AS Source: Lankhorst announces Deepwater Tethers Norwegian Sales Agency Agreement Although not connected to the airline and Thailand pilot link at this point, it could be a link to the overseas shipping of children. However, what is even more interesting, there is a Mr. Oystein Larsen who worked at Norwegian Public Roads Administration Centre for Road and Traffic 42 De N-0033 Oslo, Norway. Source: European Cooperation in Science and Technology I'm not sure if it ist he same Mr. Oystein Larsen, but he is also in charge of sales and rentals of ....relocatable buildings. O.B. Wiik Corporate Page "Defence & Military Military hardware needs space. O.B.Wiik has erected a number of large relocatable buildings at various locations, with special fittings tailored to defence requirements."


quantokitty ago

My thoughts is nobody has credibility before they have it. And posters get credibility by posting credible stuff. I definitely think this deserves it's own thread. I don't know if you're copying from someone else, or put this together, but it you are borrowing info, then do some digging and find some more things that round this out. It's more than valid.

Madharleyman ago

I compiled that right myself actually. I thought there might have been a link between the airline transportation stuff based upon Obama's trade deal with Norwegian airlines. I didn't think it would evolve into a high profile Norwegian pedo and his possible links to the pizzagate topic or spin-offs.

quantokitty ago

Well, if it's yours, post it. It's extremely relevant. Just put down what you have and say you've taken it this far, and need help.

You have as much right to participate as anyone else. This is community-driven and I haven't seen this particular angle.

3301 ago

Hi OP. So if I understand all this correctly Harrison G. Dyar first dug a tunnel at 1510/1512 21st St. NW.


Consider that Mr. Dyar’s tunnels were not limited to the area surrounding the property he had owned at 1510 21st Street.


He left behind the scrum-milling at the cave-in near Dupont Circle and headed across town to find the previous owner of 1512 21st St. NW.


Either way if this is correct then this fits in nicely with my recent research on tunnels which led me naturally to the history of Washington DC and Pierre L'Enfant (personally I believe JA is a direct descendant) and the Society of the Cincinnati.

I've written up more of an in depth subverse There is a little back history to begin with but it certainly joins many dots.

The Society of the Cincinnati have their HQ next door to 1510/1512 21st St. NW. I have a sneeking suspicion Harrison G. Dyar was a member of Society of the Cincinnati and knew very well there were tunnels under Washington. I feel more research is needed on Harrison G. Dyar.

They both sit a stones throw from The Pilgrimage (sounds like the're breeding an army of SJWs)

By connecting faith formation to social awareness and action, we are creating people who are invested in making immediate change, as well as young people who will carry a life-long commitment to social justice.

and a place called the Cosmos Club I think the logo speaks for itself.  



There is actually a tunnel that runs from Georgetown Reservoir to McMillan Reservoir. The city water tunnel was planned in 1882 (reference).

It runs directly under Rock Creek and Hillary Clintons House, Whitehaven House.

quantokitty ago

Thanks for the info. I did see your thread and read through it. I don't know about JA and whether he's a descendant, but what I do know is that he's always been close to Chris Lynch. Chris Lynch (along with partner Jim Ball) opened "L'Enfant Cafe". There is a whole story there in regards to them seizing control of another agency giving them problems. It seems to be an MO. As for the Society of Cincinnati residing in the house next door to Dyar, that is super interesting. And I agree. There is no doubt that Dyar had help ... and some of that was information regarding existing tunnels. He may well have dug to connect them into a new pattern. The Rock Creek part again makes my ears perk up and tingle. Definitely think there's a tunnel there. Perhaps Dyar connected everything together. Interesting stuff.

anonentity ago

I suppose its no great leap of the imagination that the hole being dug down through Comet Pingpong was to link up with the tunnels.

I-am-not-James ago what is the metal under the bird?
It's partly covered in dirt, but it could be either a ritual symbol of some type or maybe a type of man-hole covering?

Is the bird, blood death ritual marking the entrance spot?

Marking doors, to either open or close doors, has been an ancient ritual among many groups.

ETA: I posted this before I read the comments and saw intheknow posted about a man-hole cover too. May be something to look into.

JoJoVoat ago

What about a drone and/or ground penetrating radar? Sounds crazy maybe, but all of this is.... I want to know about these tunnels too..
Now, have you ever seen or read anything saying there are tunnels that connect the east and west coast?
Information overload these past three months so I cant tell you where I read or saw it....

Intheknow ago

in the picture of bird, it looks like its laying on a manhole cover or something.

lhunterel ago

You might want to check out a tunnel underneath 2025 Massachusetts Ave. NW There is a vertical entry sort of underneath/at the back steps,easily accessible from Q St (com9ing in from Florida he little parking area behind the second building on the right.

Uh was it Mr. Dyar that was "dismissed from the USDA for conduct unbecoming a government employee" ?

From comments on an article,

quantokitty ago

Thanks. Yeah, Mr. Dyar ... very strange. And I believe the article said one of the tunnels led to the Japanese ambassador's residence? Just happened to end up there?

Haldelos ago

Another Rock Creek Park "event" - Chandra Levy disappeared May 1, 2001. FBI looked at her laptop and the last thing she did on it was search for the location of a "Pierce-Klingle Mansion", a historic house in Rock Creek Her decomposed body was found about one mile (1.6 km) north of the Pierce-Klingle Mansion and about four miles (6 km) from Levy's apartment. Hers shin bone had wire around it

so her last act was to -by coincidence- google the location where her body would be found? seems fishy

Pierce-Kingle Mansion (good spot for an Eyes Wide Shut Party on May 1st)

quantokitty ago

A big thanks! Adding this to the original post, too!!! May 1st -- Beltane. Yup, this is significant.

Haldelos ago

Happy to help!

quantokitty ago

You did ...

Vindicator ago

We need someone to research Dyer's kids and grandkids. Find out where they live. See if they've had any run-ins with the law. What circles they hang in. etc. They would know if he dug any other tunnels. If he was a pedophile himself, they might have been abused and become abusers. He wasn't exactly flying on the straight and narrow.

carmencita ago

There should be investigation into missing children from this park or near it. I have a feeling the tunnels are an important factor. If not then I truly feel there is some connection to Rock Creek Park and some of the residents living nearby.

quantokitty ago

Definitely. They could spirit young kids out of the area with no one being the wiser. Really scary to think about.

JoJoVoat ago

From JA Instagram account. Could be an entrance. I definitely think there are secret tunnels below ground. Great JOB!!

listenandsee ago

That makes me think Stranger Things. Not only does the captive girl "11" escape through a tunnel exactly like that, but there are a lot of references to MKUltra, kidnapping, and even telling the mother her child was stillborn and secretly raising the child themselves. I feel like it's a commentary at this point, since there are so many parallels between this reality in pizzagate and the Netflix show.

iamthepizzanow ago

Looks like a drainage pipe. Wonder what comes out and if some new plumbing connects to it?

anonentity ago

Its a bit high in the ground for drainage but might be a vent.

iamthepizzanow ago

There looks to be sediment deposit at the bottom of the mouth of the pipe. The sediment colour and visual consistency does not match the surroundings, something definitely comes out of here.

iamthepizzanow ago

There is a twitter or IG pic from JA's friends that shows a creepy cement cellar door/entrance that looks old as fuck and could be an entrance to a tunnel system. I can't be the only one who knows the pic I am talking about. Someone find it please.

YingYangMom ago

This photo could be in an underground tunnel. The chains are hinting at something very very disturbing.

KansasJakeBG ago

I just spent over an hour looking at all those photos. This backup is precious but it might get deleted DMCA. What I find annoying is that none of the photos are dated or in order. That sucks.

quantokitty ago

Oh, nice! I wonder if it is an entrance. Wish I lived near there. And, no, I wouldn't go alone. I'd take a few hundred people with me ... all with cameras! But Jabbaroos saying, "Our Place", is also definitely a clue. Must be somewher on P Street they hang around ... or underneath.

Astrid-Galactic ago

This really freaks me out because I use to spend a lot of time hanging out in these very neighborhoods. Honestly, I've personally never heard or witnessed any of these things going on. Not even hints of it. Do not perceive that as me disputing any of these claims. I'm not doing that at all. Just pointing out mostly at how well this stuff is hiding in plain sight.

I knew there were plenty of tunnels in DC as well as other old East Coast cities, as well as all the way up to the hills of West Virginia, but they were always based on the lore of old as well as secret government installation leaks. Guess if this scum has access to any of them, they'll take advantage of them for their own purposes.

quantokitty ago

I know what you mean. There's lots of talk of underground places where I live, too. I think every place has the rumors. I think the most freaked out I got was reading Maury Terry's book about the part they placed in the Son of Sam case. I'd be almost positive they were utilized in the Zodiac Killings as well. I definitely think it's protected info. I mean, most of us don't know about to enter these subterranean places, and don't want to know ... except where it comes to solving what's going on.

anolegion ago

Well leaving evidence of a homicidal crime - committed on or near January 20th 2016 - in a public park, only to be found by one of the perpetrators when the snow melted, and then post the fact on Instagram - that just seems stupid beyond belief even for these people.

I think either Community__Outreach or Artis has a place on Perry Street, Mt Rainier. Seems a more likely place.

quantokitty ago

Really? You think it's stupid? Look at what else they were posting? I'd call it overconfidence. Why would he say #goodtimes? And I think the whole thing of leavng a souvenir away from the place of the actual murder is pretty clever. No dna like you find at the crime scene. Just a hacked off piece of scalp.

crazimal ago

Mm actually that would be the same DNA, in a different place.

quantokitty ago

No, there would be pretty much zero dna ... except for the victim's. I doubt it was a one-on-one killing. If the police found this at the crime scene, there would be footprints, evidence of how many were involved, perhaps blood from where one of the attacker's was clawed or bloodied. Dropping a souvenir of the victim on a sidewalk or in the bushes miles from where it happened? Sorry. If you don't believe me, ask a cop.

JoJoVoat ago

FREAKIN' A!!! How in the heck did you find this article? Did you do a search across the US for such similar strange incidents? Reminds me of how occasionally farmers would find their cattle with all blood drained... cant recall where, saw it on cable...

Vindicator ago

Pretty sure it was an episode of the X-Files.

steve0suprem0 ago

Cattle mutilation was huge in the early 90s. Art Bell used to have Linda Multon Howe on his radio show every Thursday to talk about it.

Haldelos ago

Nah...When I heard the name Rock Creek Park i immediately remembered a bunch of ppl posting about this same article on reddit before it got shut down. So i knew what to look for....just googled rock creek park and sacrifice. No clue if it's related to Pizzagate or what...just remembered a bunch of ppl discussing it/remembered the name of the park

carmencita ago

Rock Creek Park is right behind Kolorama. BO will live there soon two doors down from Tony P. This needs to be looked into. I am not too good at that. I am convinced there is a reason they will both be there. Also I believe there was some news on here about BO extending some tunnel to Camp David. Someone please look into this. Thanks.

JoJoVoat ago

Are you saying Obamas new castle we paid for, is literally 2 doors down from Tony Podestas home??? Holy shit!

thezodiac ago

David Brock and Alefantis were also neighboors of Tony Podesta. I made a thread about that, both bought their houses at the same time. Don't know where Alefantis is living today.

Selnee ago

I was thinking about this the other day that I couldn't remember ever seeing where he lives now. A search on YP shows an address. Is that not right? Not sure if I should list the address on here.

JoJoVoat ago

Probably in the tunnels. lol

carmencita ago

Yes. He and Michelle were still paying off loans (if we can believe them). Now 8 yrs later he can pay 22K per mo. to rent it. Look it up. They will both be living in Kolorama. There is a picture.

JoJoVoat ago

I've seen the picture.. wonder how tall the wall will be? :-) Im just totally blown away of the ability to afford this place AND then to find out who his neighbor is... wow.

Can you imagine how much time and energy these satanic elites have to put into their twisted life ? Its amazing anything gets done (government)

carmencita ago

There was a woman...she was a trafficked child that was beautiful so they kept her as a model and used her for the elites only. She claimed that she and others would be invited to very special WH dinners where only high roller elites were invited and they had to pay a large fee for the girls and the President got to keep this money. She said Presidents could make as much as 100M a yr. That is why they are willing to go through those horrible grueling campaigns. I read this on here but cannot remember her name.

quantokitty ago

Fantastic!!! I'll add this to the original post. Good stuff!

derram ago :

Secret LGBT tunnel in the Tenderloin allegedly found, in peril - Curbed SF :

Inside the tunnels of Washington’s mole man, Harrison G. Dyar - The Washington Post

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quantokitty ago

Awesome. Thanks!