SlackeryTurnBull ago

Another addition to my theory that the "bloody scalp" comment was actually a veiled comment about sacrificing the bird: in the photo, it appears that a section of the bird's "scalp" may have been removed.

Keep in mind that these people love to flaunt their evil deeds in front of the unknowing, which seems to be what all these Instagram accounts are about.

goodguy1367 ago

Definitely looks like the picture has been set Up, the clump of ice, the fresh looking leaf, the feathers missing from the birds chest. Seems similair to the random pics that artist friend of JA puts up, random as fuck to anyone not in the loop.

wokethefkup ago

What's it to you then if you don't believe in pizzagate? You're just here with disbelief to sway the believers? Why tell us it's fake? What compels you to waste your time in this forum if you don't believe? Ah of course, because the truth stings does it not?

diamonddust ago

You know there was a place called "Ping Pong Dim Sum" used to be around DuPont Circle, right?

Commonwombat ago

The person that found the scalp has obviously told this story before and it has jogged a memory. "Good Times" is just sarcasm. I think you're imagining too much.

Pizzalurker15 ago

Im still not sure. Why do you think it has obviously been told before? The story ends with googly eyes like surprise and then the response is


I think if you have heard the story before you dont say wowwwww! after. The other response is "too bad no pics". They are exchanging pics on instagram. Why cant they post a picture of the scalp. The story also doesnt start with "remember when we....".

Commonwombat ago

Well if you are reminded of something that gruesome you might respond by saying "Wowww!" If you found a scalp in a baseball cap would you take pics or call the police? I'm not doubting this group's fascination with the macabre is borderline obsessive and they definately express some questionable statements on all that is morbid and creepy but I just think it's a real stretch to think this is neferious. A dead bird was found and a photo was posted which prompted morbid replies from a group of friends, nothing more in my opinion.

Pizzalurker15 ago

The picture that is posted shows melting snow at the time it was taken. The cap and scalp were found in melting snow also. Coincidence or does this mean it was found at the same time as the bird?

anolegion ago

The snow last year in DC came mostly from a single giant now storm (Snowzilla 1/21) and a couple of afterstorms. So the bird may have been killed by the blizzard, and the baseball cap and piece of scalp were left at 'p street' some time before January 21st.

Commonwombat ago

You are not thinking straight. They are 2 different occurrences that happened in 2 different winters.

archons ago

Reading this and the images below it reminds me about the elite hunting parties where they release kids into the woods and they all hunt them down and rape and kill them. Even that Becki Percy girl had a similar story where they did that to her. I have seen victims on Instagram post artwork that reminds me of this too. Edit for spelling.

salinaslayer ago

That happened in Portugal in 1967, a case called Ballet Rose, some of the people involved even had torture rooms, a young girl died by hanging in one of them. The country was a dictatorship so everything was hushed, except for the foreign press. Some people were purged from politics but nobody went to jail. A brave lawyer took the case for one of the victims but it didn't go very far.

At the time they wouldn't kill them, they were given handkerchiefs matching the kid's, chase them around the gardens, and when they had a match they would rape them right there. So this isn't by any standard a new thing.

archons ago

Well the public doesn't seem to really care either since this is known and no one really has done anything. I'm starting to think unless Trump actually does anything in taking any of these people down, pizza gate will fall into "that" conspiracy theory everyone knows but doesn't care about. Shit, Sandy hook is a really lazy obvious false flag and nothing is done about that.

salinaslayer ago

7 years later Portugal had a revolution

archons ago

Great, so in about ten years and a million children later we can expect change.

salinaslayer ago


anolegion ago

community__outreach sure is in a murderous mood late 2015

zoltan907 ago

The sign talking about hanging, stomping, tattooing, and killing a person is a reference to the biker bar scene in "Pee Wee's Big Adventure." See quote number eight:

StrangeHologram ago

Is this Justin?

From this site:

Lead by one of Yachad’s trusted Construction Managers, Justin Barrows, the group scraped, sanded and painted Ms. Washington’s house,

Yuke ago

I think you're reading way too much into this one. It sounds like an innocent conversation to me. You've also twisted the words suggesting it was their baseball cap when all they say is that they found one.

Commonwombat ago

I agree with you.

Pizzalurker15 ago

Not trying to twist words.if they have nothing to do with the scalp and hat then maybe they called the police? If you only read the first comment, then sure, it could be something they just found and had nothing to do with but,.. there is a response to that comment, from boundless life, it is:

"forgot about that! ewww! wowwwww"

If they forgot about it then it means they knew about it before. That doesnt sound random. Thats sounds like they know about it. What words do you think i have twisted?

Also why tag with #goodol'times if this doesnt bring back a memory for the finder?

How would you interperet this?

Yuke ago

theboundlesslife is artis.

Pizzalurker15 ago

I see that now. The conversation still doesnt quite make sense to me. Finding a bloody scalp with a baseball hat is kind of a big deal.

Yuke ago

Which would explain the reaction.

Pizzalurker15 ago

Why say "wowwww!" if you already know about it?

anolegion ago

P Street is an area near Dupont Circle.

Btw where is nightcheese's original comment?

Pizzalurker15 ago

Hmm i hadnt noticed that. He does post an @workingonmahnightcheese but theres no comment from him. I dont use instagram. Can you delete individual comments like on texts?

anolegion ago

Just remembered woodandsteel4130 is another alias of the same sicko.

salinaslayer ago


Pizzalurker15 ago

Great. Thank you

remedy4reality ago


SlackeryTurnBull ago

I think the bird was probably sacrificed. The band on its leg indicates that it was from a commercial breeder. Perhaps the talk of the scalp and baseball cap was just wink wink nudge nudge about what they did to the bird.

SlackeryTurnBull ago

Also in support of my theory that the "bloody scalp" comment is a veiled reference to killing the bird: it also looks like the feathers have been "skinned" from the bird's breast.

turitelle ago

The bird looks like a robin. Sick and injured wild birds that are rehabbed get banded before they're released. As it looks partially decomposed the photo could have been taken by the sicko who found the poor thing dead on the ground.

SlackeryTurnBull ago

A sick and injured robin that was rehabilltated and released? Or low-level Satanic fuckers trying to fit in with their "cool" cult? Occam's razor may point to the latter, or at least more information pointing to that than the other.

For my money, the bird is light gray with white on it, anyway. I'd just like to put it out there that I do think animal sacrifice is on the program. And birds in pet shops are easy victims. Because birds are cute and harmless and fly, representing the freedom of Nature which Satanism hates, I think is why they like to sacrifice them. Sort of the same reason that they do with children.

turitelle ago

I agree with what you have to say but at this point the photo is no proof of anything other than that somebody with a twisted mind took a sad and disgusting picture.
I despise what these sick creeps do as much as you. Peace.

Pizzalurker15 ago

The bird and the scalp are at two different locations. One person is posting the bird the other person is talking about what they found in the melting snow at P street

SlackeryTurnBull ago

The bird victim is the only one proven at this point. And the picture looks staged. What could that mean in itself? Then take into account the supposed "bloody scalp on p-street", connected by "melting snow".

Also, Jabaroos comment, "sounds horrible...!" is obviously in jest, seeing that he has an interest in gore.

Pizzalurker15 ago

Regarding the picture looking staged, did you notice the patern in the dirt. Like there is a sewer grate or something just under the dirt where the bird is. Circular pattern

Fingersweating ago

Exactly. The birds claws look as if they are placed almost inside the (sewer?)lid, like the circle inside the circle to me.

Edit. Bird's feet. Talons?

Millennial_Falcon ago

NOTE TO OTHER MODS: Do NOT delete this post. (It has been mistakenly deleted a few times apparently. Jabbaroos is connected to Alefantis.) Flairing as new evidence, just to avoid another false-positive deletion.

Edit: Removing flair, as this really isn't exactly groundbreaking.

Fingersweating ago

Are the other mods retarded?

Millennial_Falcon ago

No, lol. This may have been deleted initially because it's just an Alefantis associate talking about finding a scalp. Weird, but kind of a tenuous connection, as at least one other user in this thread has said. Personally, I deleted because my internet is slow and I got impatient waiting for the image to load, so all I saw was "Jabaroos" which I thought rang a bell, but I could not remember for sure, so I deleted provisionally, asking poster to resubmit with link showing who jabaroos is. (At that time I didn't know the post had already been deleted a couple times by another mod.)

Pizzalurker15 ago

This is the 5th time i posted this. Interestingly the mods didnt know who jabbaroos or communityoutreach or boundlesslife were. So this was deleted 4 times for being not part of pizzagate. It was an eye opener for me but i suppose theres alot of information to keep straight and they are busy running this forum. Thankfully milleniumfalcon actually listened to me and responded after my most recent deletion, helped out, and now this is getting some traction. Thank you Millenial_Falcon

yabbadoody ago

that's some carpenter. found a lot of dead animals on job sites, but never a "scalp".

Pizzalurker15 ago

I also have never found a scalp lol. Says they found it at their place on p st. im assuming 'p' street. My guess is it isnt a jobsite but a location that they own or reside at or rent