Limpness ago

Let's look at the male issue..homosexual and heterosexual. Predatory nature coming from American puritan heritage? The bible teaches men are superior in many different ways. It is reinforced in the fraternities, military and business.

Da-Cat ago

Christianity in general promotes chastity until marriage though it's obvious there's a lack of true Christians. But corrupting of youth is violently condemned by quotes of Jesus.

Shizy ago

How do you explain why so many women are either involved or directly molest kids themselves? I'd love to hear this. Not!

Limpness ago

Need some more statistics...male pedophiles who rape girls.

Male homosexuals who rape boys.

Let's begin looking at the American culture of male exceptionalism.

Puritan ancestors who believe in male dominance..superiority.

Votescam ago

Part II --

Heterosexual-apologists are still trying to deny that heterosexuals are our sexual abusers of children.

Studies suggest that pedophiles actually have no sexual orientation but they do obviously have preferences. Our "situational" pedophiles, however, are heterosexual. They are men who prefer sexual relations with adult females, but when an adult female is not available, they will sexually abuse a child -- often a female -- but they will rape any child; even an infant.

Females are sexually abused at the rate of about 82% and Males at about 12%.

However, the statistics clearly show that heterosexuals are majorly involved in sexual abuse of children. While, imo, it is still impossible to determine what the actual percentage of homosexuals in our populations may be because so many still remain in "the closet."
However, the debate seems inane at any rate based in alleged percentages of the population.

And, there are many other reasons which increase homosexuality in our populations -- for one bi-sexuality which is generally still largely unacknowledged and under-discussed.

Not only is bi-sexuality a factor -- but the simple reality that as Kinsey has pointed out on a scale of heterosexuals and homosexuals, the great middle of the scale is varying degrees of hetero and homo sexuality And that vast middle provides an immense area where homosexual activity increases in the population.

For example ... During the AIDS crisis, in Brazil -- a Catholic country where knowledge of human sexuality is limited by the Church .... Heterosexual women in heterosexual marriages were reportedly coming down with the virus though they were neither having affairs nor drug users. Eventually, the Brazilian Doctors discovered that Brazilian males -- 30% of them -- engage in homosexual relations with other males. Something those Doctors and all of Brazilian society had no idea about!

However, homosexuals have also always suggested that they are at the minimum 20% of our populations. When we include the many other possibilities which can increase homosexual behavior by adult males, the numbers are of course much higher.

This is correct: **Men Account for Almost All Sexual Abuse of Children Cases **·

And, this is also an interesting statistic which should be emphasized here ... **Indeed, with 3,000 adult male sex offenders in prison in England and Wales at any one time, the corresponding figure for female sex offenders is 12!”

I agree as it's very clear from all studies that females are NOT our sexual abusers of children .... UNLESS they come under the influence of a heterosexual male

Kee MacFarlane, et al., writing in Sexual Abuse of Young Children: Evaluation and Treatment report:”The large majority of sexual perpetrators appear to be males (Herman and Hirschman, 1981; Lindholm and Willey, 1983).”

·** A report by the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children states: “In both clinical and non-clinical samples, the vast majority of offenders are male.”**·

A study in the Journal of Sex Research states that “pedophilia does not exist, or is extremely rare, in women.”

Since the rise of the right wing here, we have seen increasing sex trafficking in both adult females, young males and children. I don't think we can really say that that information on numbers is really available to those who do research on these questions. I very much imagine that there are larger numbers of male victims, however they are no more "embarrassed" nor reluctant to report sexual abuse than females may be. And, as we can see from the news, probably hundreds of women are reporting sexual abuse going back decades, but only a very small numbers of males are reporting it. Only time will tell what the true numbers may be. In Saudi Arabi, clearly, the sexual abuse of males will exceed that of females. But, then again, do we really know how many females in Saudi Arabia are sexually abused by males there?

**What we do know is that MALES are our sexual abusers of children and studies show that they are heterosexual males.

That's enough for this forum to deal with right now.**

birthdaysuit11 ago

^please stop with the disinfo and bias. Homos clearly abuse boys MORE FREQUENTLY THAN heterosexusls. No denying that. However, because they comprise such a small pop. they abuse fewer but again more frequently.

Votescam ago

Homosexuals seek adult relationships with other adult homosexuals according to studies.

In Hawaii -- long before the "white" man came -- Homosexuals -- gays and lesbians -- were held in high honor and esteem for their care of orphaned children.

Pretty much no lesbian has every been found sexually abusing a child.

Females are not our sexual abusers of children.

However, when they are found to be involved in sexual abuse of children there is usually always a heterosexual MALE she is involved with and who has influence over her.

Da-Cat ago

As already pointed out in this thread, males underreport homosexual molestation because of the stigma of "losing their manhood" & being seen as no longer hetero. It is unnatural sex to "normals".

As far as women molesting underage males, while it doesn't get much publicity in some cultures females fondle young males to get them to sleep, also we see constant stories of female teachers having sex with students, usually revealed by gossip. Well not all get caught as some teens will keep it secret & go along with it. While the latter is a grey area re consent whether male or female molestation of underage males is likely way underreported compared to females, who show loss of virginity in standard physical exams.

Votescam ago

Da-Cat --

It's long time history that females also underreport sexual abuse and sexual harassment. So what's the point?

And you think that rape is somehow "natural" to women? Or that rape and sexual harassment of women isn't humiliating?

You are repeating very old information about female nannies in Victorian times ... And who even knows who taught them to do that to male children?

Actually, if you noticed the COUPLE who were abusing 14 children or so on Yahoo over the last 3-4 days ... you will recall for at least two or three days they ONLY showed a picture of the woman. You had to read FAR DOWN in the article to understand that there was a MALE present/husband in the household looking equally deranged.

For every ONE female teacher who has sex with a young student ... there are hundreds of stories of males abusing females. The Olympic Coach for instance on trial now with at least a hundred victims.

Not all females get caught -- but certainly NOT all males get caught, either. Especially in case of the Olympic Coach there was an intense cover up by the organizations involved with the Olympics.

We should raise the age of consent to 18 ... a little Puritanical but would be interesting to see what happens. Many, many 20-21 year old males will seek relationships with teenaged girls but will not actually get sexually involved with them until they turn 16. Unfortunately, pretty soon afterwards the young girls are pregnant.

There is NO reason to think that males underreport molestation any more often than females underreport it -- They are both subject to the same embarrassment and to the same dangers of retaliation.

May I ask re this comment ...

who show loss of virginity in standard physical exams.

Where do you get this idea that young girls receive "virginity loss" tests in "standard physical exams" .... ????

Da-Cat ago

Re statistics females are typically molested by people known to the family, stepbrothers, mother's boyfriends, family friends, neighbors, older peers among others. In some cases there is grooming & seeming consent. Often in that scenario they don't realize the abuse of power until adulthood & may or may not report it, such as the gymnastics scandal. In some cases there might have been a sense of relationship though illicit, so there can be dozens of different scenarios resulting in whether or not a female comes forward. Nobody denies there's stigma for either sex but it is a different kind of stigma for a male molested by a homosexual since young straight males tend to view it as a disgrace & feel shame for not resisting or being seen as gay. It is common knowledge this is an issue, perhaps there's females feeling the same about lesbian encounters but regardless it is a different kind of shame than heterosexual molestation, which alternatingly might be oppressive or under groomed consent. Some females become sexually active at puberty & sometimes engage with adults or older teens & feel no stigma at the time & possibly not later, it depends on the circumstances, rock stars & groupies for example.

For just about any heterosexual male seduction and/or rape by a homosexual creates a severe stigma if not PTSD practically without exception, because of the biases involved. Again common knowledge whether layman or professional.

Re physicals, more so after puberty, genital exams aren't unheard of, considering STDs among teens, while often abuse of girls is discovered this way, though more likely by a gynecologist.

Votescam ago

Da-Cat --

First of all re this ...

In some cases there is grooming & seeming consent

Children can NOT give consent to sexual abuse...

The age of consent is 16.

You persist in trying to tell us what a "sensitive" issue it is for a boy to be molested by a male. While I agree with you that all molestation and sexual assault is traumatic and lifelong ... it is no more threatening, frightening, or long-lasting as it is for women who are often raped and sodomized and forced to provide oral sex for their abuser.

At the same time, a female is also being secondarily oppressed just for being female. The examples of sexual harassment and rape by women in the entertainment industry are very specific examples of that...

These were often women living independent lives, with children to care for and support...

Do you know that often heterosexual males are having affairs with other heterosexual males?

In Brazil -- as the AIDS epidemic was becoming clear -- Doctors in this Catholic Country finally figured out why so many heterosexual females were coming down with the AIDS virus. They weren't taking drugs and they weren't having affairs.

But their heterosexual husbands were having affairs with other males.

The Brazilian Doctors said they found that: 30% of Brazilian males were having sexual relations with other males.

And there is no reason to think that those males are any different from heterosexual males all over the planet.

Girls who visit Planned Parenthood to get birth control may or may not be examined.

Even for a Sexually Transmitted Disease ... it would be very UNLIKELY that anyone would be doing an examination -- !!! Figure that one out.

Nor should it be any doctor's business whether a female is a virgin or not.

If you are talking about sexual abuse of a child or toddler -- (in your confused way) -- then YES ... a pediatrician might notice something like that. Especially if the child was brought in by the Mother because the is blood from the rectum, or redness or swelling in vaginal area.

Da-Cat ago

Um, age of consent is 18 in many states, Google it "expert" LOL. Pretty much done debating you with poor reading comprehension & untenable grasp of English. "...seeming consent" via grooming is obviously not "consent" while men having sex with men is by definition a homosexual act, even if married in a beard marriage to a female, which might make a subset of homosexual as bisexual. By definition heterosexuals are repulsed by sex between males. Not only are you idiotic in this regard you really sound like a loopy transexual. I'm done with your victim shaming, obfuscation & bigotry towards victims of homosexuals, and there are many more than ever go public.

Votescam ago

Age of Consent varies from 16 to 18 across the US ....

In New York, it used to actually at one time be 16 ... but is now 17.

Pedophiles are thought to have no sexual orientation .... They have "preferences" for males or females and other specifics.

Situational pedophiles are heterosexual males ... INCEST is one of our most common crimes and it is carried on throughout family relationships ... where young females and young males are sexually abused by adult members of their families ... Grandfathers, Fathers, Step-fathers, Brothers, Uncles, Male Cousins ... and male friends of the family.

Infants, toddlers and very young children are the victims.

These are heterosexual males who would prefer a sexual relationship with an adult female ... but when there is not one available ... they will rape a child, often a female child .. but again if one isn't available they will rape of a child or any gender, including infants.

Again... in Catholic Brazil, at the times of the AIDS crisis ... Brazilian doctors discovered that 30% of males there were having sex with other males. These were married men. Their wives were coming down with the virus though they were not drug users and had not had affairs.

30% .... if you think that is an aberration, you're very naïve.

Da-Cat ago

Too bad you're not the moderator to enforce your bias, which is plain as day. Definitely Orwellian Newspeak to say men who molest boys are not homosexual but pedophiles. A base definition of homosexual means a preference for sex with males, while age of consent is law not science. An adult male having sex with a boy or underage teen is a homosexual pedophile, that's a biological & legal fact.

Votescam ago

Da-Cat --

A base definition of pedophilia is that the attraction is based on the AGE of a CHILD ... or TEENAGER... Again - pedophiles do have preferences as to the gender of their victims -- whether a male or female -- but that doesn't make them homosexuals ... it makes them sexual abusers of children.

Try reading this ....

"Focus on the Facts" -- Sean Cahill, PH.D

A 1998 Study in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that 90% of pedophiles are men, and 95% of these individuals are heterosexual.

Research has indicated that gay men and lesbians are less likely than heterosexual to sexually abuse children.**

Perhaps the most egregious and damaging claim promulgated by anti-gay groups is the claim that homosexuality is intrinsically linked to pedophilia and child sexual abuse. The social science research on sexual orientation and child sexual abuse clearly disproves the claim that homosexuals are more likely to molest children.
A 1998 study in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that 90% of pedophiles are men, and 95% of these individuals are heterosexual. One researcher explained this statistic by noting, "Gay men desire consensual sexual relations with other adult men. Pedophiles are usually adult men who are sexually attracted to pre-pubescent children. They are rarely sexually attracted to other adults. In fact, research has indicated that gay men and lesbians are LESS likely than heterosexuals to sexually abuse children. Two studies that examined the sexual orientation of convicted child molesters found that less than 1% in one study and 0% in the other were lesbian or gay. One psychologist reviewed the existing social science literature on the relationship between sexuality and child sexual abuse and found that "a gay man is no more likely than a straight man to perpetrate sexual activity with children." Further, "cases of perpetration of sexual behavior with a pre-pubescent child by an adult lesbian are virtually nonexistent."

Gay rights activists, like all advocates for children's welfare, oppose child sexual abuse and support equitable age of consent laws that help prevent and punish such abuse. At least 110,000 children are waiting to be adopted in the US. Approximately 588,00 children are currently in foster care. Barring gay men and lesbians from adopting or foster parenting decreases the number of potential suitable homes for children in need. Children who remain in foster care for much of their childhood, as do tens of thousands of American children, are more likely to have emotional problems. Some children in foster care live in 20 or more homes by the time they reach the age of 18. Barring gay men and lesbians from adopting or foster parenting is not simply unjust and unethical; it also decreases the number of potential suitable homes for children in need. Research shows that children raised by gay and lesbian parents are not disadvantaged vis-a-vis their peers raised by heterosexual parents. Footnote 65 -- p.123

A review of 352 medical records of children evaluated for sexual abuse during a 12-month period at a Denver children's hospital found that less than 1% had been abused by a gay man or a lesbian. Of 269 adult perpetrators of child abuse identified among the 352 cases of abuse, only two were gay or lesbian. The vast majority of the children in the study (82%) "were suspected of being abused by a man or a woman who was, or had been, in a heterosexual relationship with a relative of the child." And the review concluded that in this sample, " a child's risk of being molested by his or her relative's heterosexual partner is over 100X greater [than the risk of being molested] by someone who might be identifiable as being homosexual, lesbian, or bisexual."
Jenny, C., and Roesler, T.A. (1994) Are children at risk for sexual abuse by homosexuals? Pediatrics. 94(1).p.44.

In an earlier study of convicted male child molesters in Massachusetts, none of the 175 men were found to have an exclusively homosexual adult sexual orientation or to be primarily attracted to other adult men. Groth, A.N., and Birnbaum, H.J. (1978).

Adult sexual orientation and attraction to underage persons.
Archives of Sexual Behavior.7(3).pp.175-181. Also : The right-wing "Family Research Council" notes/confirms findings that "almost all child sexual abuse is committed by m en."

birthdaysuit11 ago

More bullcrap ^^ Homos abuse little boys more frequently. The entire post was about this. Not how many but HOW FREQUENTLY BASED ON POP. Size. Homosexual pedophile apoligists will usually write long walls of text emotionally writing about how heterosexuals rape and abuse more. OF COurse THEY DO IDIOT. They have a much larger pop.

Votescam ago

Males are our sexual abusers of children ....

Everyone agrees with that --

Heterosexuals are 100X MORE likely to sexually abuse a child than a homosexual sexual male would be.

Da-Cat ago

You don't need to repost the same cherry-picked homosexual lobby studies several times in the same thread, while juggling the English language to deny EVERY male minor molested by a male was the result of a homosexual attraction, whether gay or bisexual. Heterosexuals are by definition repulsed by same sex contacts, why there is such animosity among many. You sound like an enabler in denial that homosexual attraction to boys & teens has been around since state-sanctioned pederasty in ancient Greece or Rome, furthermore your above agenda to give gay men boys to adopt will unlikely fly by ANYONE active in Pizzagate, but since you keep reposting the same biased studies try throwing in a link since they are dated & probably discredited.

Votescam ago

That you are naïve enough to believe this is quite telling ...

Heterosexuals are by definition repulsed by same sex contacts<

Only the Vatican is involved in trying to blame homosexuals for sexual abuse of children.

Are you Anita Bryant -- ?

Homosexuals today can adopt children of either gender and make excellent parents.

The Boy Scouts have also given up on the homophobia --

Pederasty was at one time and in various places legal -- or at least not criminal.
As these societies gained enlightenment on the harm done to young boys by this practice these societies changed and the practice was held as abusive ... fortunately.

As I've said before, I really think that the age of consent -- whether you are male or female -- should be 18.

tirejack ago

still sounds like shitdick

Shizy ago

Homosexuals don't reproduce, they recruit by sexually abusing boys

Z11Mama ago

I have followed this same research for some time. I may have missed this but another point is that all pedophiles, in general, are more likely to have been a victim of a 'homosexual' molestation. Whether or not each fact in this is 100% accurate becomes moot once you see the very clear picture that this is a problem. I have no prejudice toward people with any type of gender challenge. I do however feel very strongly, that victims of such gender challenges should be working together to expose this issue with the simple presentation of 'this is who we are NOT'. So it is those who refuse to stand up for this problem and fight it that make 'them all' look bad.

Narcissism ago

Pedos are equal opportunity abusers many abuse both sexes even if they have a preference for one. Jimmy Saville abused 600+ girls but also fitted a few boys in as well. Blame it on the Gays\Jews is a phsyop deflection tactic we have seen used regularly here.

birthdaysuit11 ago

NOBODY IS BLAMMING IT ON JEWS OR HOMOS. Did you even read the fucking post?? All that was said was that homos abuse little boysore frequently than heterosexuals and at an unprecedated rate. These are not amount numbers. This post concluded that there is a SMALL subset of homos in the hosexual pop. of which most are prefectly normal people who rape and abuse little boys frequently.

ttydd... Type that in on instagram. You'll start to see this homosexual pedo group in the open. It's a culture thay gives homosexuals a bad light.

Narcissism ago

Most gays I've met are looking for 10" and a gym body.... :)

Votescam ago

One more attempt here among the homophobic to lie about who it is who is actually sexually abusing children....

The answer is that it is MALES and that they are heterosexual males who are 100X MORE likely to sexually abuse a child than a homosexual male would be.

In order to protect young children from pedophiles and those who are attracted to 11 to 14 year olds, the public has to understand that our sexual abusers of children are MALES -- and that they are heterosexual males.

Heterosexual males are 100X more likely to sexually abuse a child than a homosexual male.

A 1998 Study in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that 90% of pedophiles are men, and 95% of these individuals are heterosexual

Research has indicated that gay men and lesbians are less likely than heterosexual to sexually abuse children

Perhaps the most egregious and damaging claim promulgated by anti-gay groups is the claim that homosexuality is intrinsically linked to pedophilia and child sexual abuse.

The social science research on sexual orientation and child sexual abuse clearly disproves the claim that homosexuals are more likely to molest children. A 1998 study in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that 90% of pedophiles are men, and 95% of these individuals are heterosexual. One researcher explained this statistic by noting, "Gay men desire consensual sexual relations with other adult men. Pedophiles are usually adult men who are sexually attracted to pre-pubescent children. They are rarely sexually attracted to other adults. In fact, research has indicated that gay men and lesbians are LESS likely than heterosexuals to sexually abuse children. Two studies that examined the sexual orientation of convicted child molesters found that less than 1% in one study and 0% in the other were lesbian or gay. One psychologist reviewed the existing social science literature on the relationship between sexuality and child sexual abuse and found that "a gay man is no more likely than a straight man to perpetrate sexual activity with children." Further, "cases of perpetration of sexual behavior with a pre-pubescent child by an adult lesbian are virtually nonexistent."

See: Focus on the Facts" -- Sean Cahill, PH.D, 2004 Also : The right-wing "Family Research Council" notes/confirms findings that "almost all child sexual abuse is committed by men."

birthdaysuit11 ago

Make your own post. Nothing here debunked OP.

Votescam ago

Who could debunk something as convoluted as the Bible?

It contradicts and debunks itself.

The idea that homosexuals are our sexual abusers of children exists mainly in the minds of the Vatican RCC ....

Shizy ago

It's really hard for you to hide your male hatred isn't it?

Votescam ago

Wasn't that YOU in another post making clear your hatred for women - and feminism?

You'd as soon see a woman die due to a pregnancy gone wrong than allow her to have an abortion.

Obvious that you have no women in your life -- but that would mean having an actual relationship with a woman. Don't see it happening.

But then ... what is it that men have to be proud of ... ? Maybe Global Warming ... destruction of animal-life/species ... spreading disease over the globe.

And making sure that we -- unlike every other country -- don't have Medicare for ALL.

US has been taken over by fascists -- neo-Nazis -- taking the nation down.

Shizy ago

I'm a WOMAN you idiot! But since YOU are so brainwashed you can't even comprehend that most women don't bow down at the alter of the feminism cult like you do!

Yes I HATE the feminist agenda that brainwashes women and divides them from men. That tells them they are a victim simply because they are female. That makes them think it's actually a good thing to destroy the most precious gift they will ever have- their own child.

I don't however hate women! I love strong, secure women who are happy in their roles and comfortable with the power that they have. They don't have something to prove to other "feminists" which in the process causes them to be miserable!

I know it's hard since women are bombarded with feminist bullshit from birth. I can admit I even subscribed to it too for a long time. Thankfully I WOKE UP and made changes in my life. Now I couldn't be happier, but sadly too many of the women I associated with that's not the case. They are still miserable, drink too much, have failed marriages, and take psych meds to cope. That's what feminism brainwashing does. It's sad this has been done to women, but even sadder that women keep pushing this on themselves and others. You are part of the problem! Time to wake up

birthdaysuit11 ago

I loveyou shizy. You a cool lady!

Shizy ago

Love you too 😘💜

Votescam ago

Shizy --

What ... you think I memorize who you are - ??

Oh, so it's the female fight for equality that divides them from men? Why? What is it about equality for females that so frightens men?

Geez ... I could have sworn that "Burning at the Stake" made you a victim.
Guess I'm wrong, eh? Women were burned at the stake over hundreds of years here and in Europe by the RCC. Christianity underpins Elite-patriarchy.



You must hate the women in your live as well ... or don't you have any?

Right ... and if their lives don't meet your expectations ... you'll force them to have children, right?

We are the most highly propagandized nation in the world and that has always been true ... the only difference between ourselves and Russia is that the Russians know they're being connected. Until recently most Americans didn't know that. Elites/wealthy/corporations have long controlled our "news" and all of media. See: Operation Mockingbird

So people divorce because of feminism? How does that work?
From what I can see women have been bailing out families by working. Supporting the household and helping put their children thru college. Helping to pay the rent.

Well, how lucky all the women are that you're around to wake them up.

birthdaysuit11 ago

When does life form?

Da-Cat ago

Men were equally burned at the stake, Templars for one example... Oops, they were also labeled as queers.

Votescam ago

Templars were burned at the stake for heresey -- not for being males.

Females were burned at the stake because they were female in a continuing war and oppression of women.

Da-Cat ago

Not that statistics are available but based on dozens of reasons people got burned at the stake I'd wager it was likely 10 to 1 men that were burned, sometimes retards under the "Green Man" sacrifices. But we know the "Elites" throughout history like any excuse to sacrifice men, women & children & with Pizzagate this practice as Satanic or Illuminati ritual is being outed not just in this century but across time. We also know re the Elites their common technique is sowing opposition among their targets, whether race, religion, sex or politics so across millennia it's not unlikely they've engineered much discord including the "battle of the sexes" you try & inject into Pizzagate.

There might be some relevance of patriarchal issues but that is more suited to other group themes unless directly related to a common denominator. There are plenty of evil women in the world too, such as madams involved in trafficking or mothers selling their children. There are good & bad people in any set but just focusing on any one divide, like Jew/Nazi, black/white, Christian/Muslim etc. is the "same old same old" divide & distract not unlike current US politics, we know both sides are corrupt & under Deep State control, well plenty of women are also complicit, try reading up on "Svali Illuminati" for example, or look at a few borderline media figures as poor role models for girls.

Votescam ago

Da - Cat


When women were burned at the stake it was because they were female.

The war on females by the RCC continues on today -- and within all of our patriarchal societies.

Are you actually in denial of patriarchal societies ... or that Christianity underpins Elite-patriarchy?

Again, when women are involved in sexual abuse or any kind of abuse of children you will generally find a heterosexual male in the background.

There are of course females with ill intent -- but males are our sexual abusers of children ... heterosexual males. Males are murdering women every day in our societies -- Males are our serial killers, as well.

This kind of violence against males may be one reason why they are so often violent ...

Shizy ago

You're so full of shit! Women were not killed just for being women! Men and women were both killed after being accused of witchcraft.

Ever hear of Giles Corey? go look it up, I don't have time to play 4th grade teacher with you. You're rabid feminism has completely destroyed any ability to use logic, reason, or common sense! It would be sad if you weren't such a bull headed bitch arguing with EVERYONE all the time!

Votescam ago

Shizy --

Women were burned at the stake for being women .... because the Vatican has always been at war with women --

Try to read something about "The Hammer of Witches" --

The Vatican is still at war on women today.

Patriarchal societies are at war on women.

Patriarchy is a political system just as much as Colonialism was a political system.

birthdaysuit11 ago

MALE HOMOSEXUALS COMMIT A DISPROPORTIONATE NUMBER OF CHILD SEX ABUSE CASES Homosexual apologists admit that some homosexuals sexually molest children, but they deny that homosexuals are more likely to commit such offenses. After all, they argue, the majority of child molestation cases are heterosexual in nature. While this is correct in terms of absolute numbers, this argument ignores the fact that homosexuals comprise only a very small percentage of the population.

The evidence indicates that homosexual men molest boys at rates grossly disproportionate to the rates at which heterosexual men molest girls. To demonstrate this it is necessary to connect several statistics related to the problem of child sex abuse: 1) men are almost always the perpetrator; 2) up to one-third or more of child sex abuse cases are committed against boys; 3) less than three percent of the population are homosexuals. Thus, a tiny percentage of the population (homosexual men), commit one-third or more of the cases of child sexual molestation.

Men Account for Almost All Sexual Abuse of Children Cases · An essay on adult sex offenders in the book Sexual Offending Against Children reported:”It is widely believed that the vast majority of sexual abuse is perpetrated by males and that female sex offenders only account for a tiny proportion of offences. Indeed, with 3,000 adult male sex offenders in prison in England and Wales at any one time, the corresponding figure for female sex offenders is 12!”

· Kee MacFarlane, et al., writing in Sexual Abuse of Young Children: Evaluation and Treatment report:”The large majority of sexual perpetrators appear to be males (Herman and Hirschman, 1981; Lindholm and Willey, 1983).”

· A report by the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children states: “In both clinical and non-clinical samples, the vast majority of offenders are male.”

· A study in the Journal of Sex Research states that “pedophilia does not exist, or is extremely rare, in women.”

A Significant Percentage of Child Sexual Abuse Victims are Boys · According to the Journal of Child Psychiatry: “It was commonly believed fifteen years ago that girls were abused in excess of boys in a ratio of about 9 to 1, but contemporary studies now indicate that the ratio of girls to boys abused has narrowed remarkably. . . . The majority of community studies suggest a . . . ratio . . . in the order of 2 to 4 girls to 1 boy.” Another study found that “some authors now believe that boys may be sexually abused as commonly as girls (Groth, 1978; O’Brien, 1980).”

· A study of 457 male sex offenders against children in Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy found that “approximately one-third of these sexual offenders directed their sexual activity against males.”

Sexual Abuse of Boys is Underreported The actual percentage of child sexual abuse victims who are boys very likely exceeds the above estimates. Many researchers echo the view of the Journal of Child Psychiatry study, which refers to the “under-reporting of the incidence and prevalence of sexual abuse in boys.”

· Dr. Robert Johnson, in Medical Aspects of Human Sexuality, reports: “The vast majority of cases of male sexual molestation is not reported. As a result, these young men keep both the incidents and their feelings to themselves.”

· The Department of Justice report on child sexual exploitation explains why the percentage of boy victims is underestimated: “Adolescent boy victims are highly likely to deny certain types of sexual activity. . . . They are embarrassed and ashamed of their behavior and rightfully believe that society will not understand their victimization. . . . No matter what the investigator does, most adolescent boys will deny they were victims.”

· The Journal of Child Psychiatry adds: “Boys are usually encultured into an ethos where self-reliance, independence and sexual prowess are valued, while showing hurt or homosexuality are denigrated. . . . This may lead to powerful repression or deletion of the experience, with failure to report.”

Homosexuals Comprise Less than 3 Percent of the Population · Relying upon three large data sets: the General Social Survey, the National Health and Social Life Survey, and the U.S. census, a recent study in Demography estimates the number of exclusive male homosexuals in the general population at 2.5 percent, and the number of exclusive lesbians at 1.4 percent.

· A study of the sexual behavior of men in the United States based on the National Survey of Men (a nationally representative sample comprised of 3,321 men aged twenty to thirty-nine, published in Family Planning Perspectives), found that “2 percent of sexually active men aged twenty to thirty-nine . . . had had any same-gender sexual activity during the last ten years. Approximately 1 percent of the men (1.3 percent among whites and 0.2 percent among blacks) reported having had exclusively homosexual activity.

· J. Gordon Muir, writing in The Wall Street Journal, discusses a number of studies that have found that homosexuals comprise between 1 to 3 percent of the population.

· In a survey of studies on homosexuals in different populations, the Archives of Sexual Behavior reported a random sample of Hawaii State residents interviewed by telephone. The study found “just about 3 percent of males and 1.2 percent of females as having engaged in same-sex or bisexual activity.” However, this relatively higher number is attributed to the fact that the study was not limited to exclusive homosexuals, but included all those who at some time in their lives engaged in same-sex activities.

Homosexual Pedophiles are Vastly Overrepresented in Child Sex Abuse Cases Homosexual pedophiles sexually molest children at a far greater rate compared to the percentage of homosexuals in the general population. A study in the Journal of Sex Research found, as we have noted above, that “approximately one-third of had victimized boys and two-thirds had victimized girls.” The authors then make a prescient observation: “Interestingly, this ratio differs substantially from the ratio of gynephiles (men who erotically prefer physically mature females) to androphiles (men who erotically prefer physically mature males), which is at least 20 to 1.”

In other words, although heterosexuals outnumber homosexuals by a ratio of at least 20 to 1, homosexual pedophiles commit about one-third of the total number of child sex offenses. This is all based on frequency not the total amounts, you seemingly failed to understand this...

Votescam ago

birthday --


This is a lie by the Vatican/RCC which succeeded for 2,000 years in oppressing homosexuals ... in fact, they succeeded so well that Catholic parents were actually taught to hate their own children and throw them out of their homes. The Vatican not only taught parents to hate their homosexual children, they also taught our societies under patriarchal control to fear, hate and to spread intolerance for homosexuals. This hatred and intolerance resulted in the beatings and murder of homosexuals on a regular basis. This is basic religious teaching by "Christianity."

Homosexuals were forced to "live in the closet" -- and most if not all actually entered into marriages with women and many had children.

Even today, in America it is doubtful that we have any idea of the true numbers of homosexuals among us. And that doubt exists for many reasons. Many homosexuals in various parts of the US still FEAR coming out to parents and/or the community. It is still very easy to find blatant homophobia being expressed by those who call themselves "Christians." We have a Congress full of Republicans who continue to orate on the dangers of homosexuality. If there is anything common in the behavior of Elite-patriarchy it is to try to project their own sins onto others.

The Vatican has also been overwhelmingly involved in the oppression of females for the benefit of Elites-patriarchy. Over 2,000 years they have engaged in suggesting that females are spiritually "inferior" to males and they have barred females from authority and ritual in the RCC.

Because women studied plants which are our natural medicines and drugs for health and healing, they were a danger to Elite-patriarchy. Women were the healers in our societies/communities. They were also our mid-wives which meant that they had first hand experience with reproduction and child-bearing and with life and death.

The Vatican "Crusades" took the lives of so many males, that women began to inherit the property and wealth of their husbands, increasing their influence within their communities. For a Church which was involved in the oppression of women this was a great concern.

The Vatican also had the power to LABEL others -- their enemies -- and in this case they labelled women as "witches" for their knowledge of nature. Not only did they label women as "witches" but they actually burned females at the stake over centuries, both in Europe and on this land.

Why are females a threat to Elite-patriarchy?
Because they represent knowledge which conflicts with the interests of Elite-patriarchy -- knowledge of ways to control reproduction -- knowledge of means of birth control - and ways to end fertility if a female wished. Knowledge of ways to interrupt conception if a females wished by the use of plants. Subsequently, ALL of the plants were destroyed by patriarchy as well as the knowledge of plants held by females.

Women were also a threat to patriarchy because they are the protectors of children. If women/Mothers are able to protect their children then those children are NOT sexually abused by males.

That was also inconvenient for the Vatican and its pedophile priests who are still with us today. And in hidden inner circles of the RCC there are still claims of sexual abuse and murder of children.

MALES are our sexual abusers of children -- and your comments confirm that reality over and again ---

Men Account for Almost All Sexual Abuse of Children Cases · An essay on adult sex offenders in the book Sexual Offending Against Children reported:”It is widely believed that the vast majority of sexual abuse is perpetrated by males and that female sex offenders only account for a tiny proportion of offences. Indeed, with 3,000 adult male sex offenders in prison in England and Wales at any one time, the corresponding figure for female sex offenders is 12!”

Kee MacFarlane, et al., writing in Sexual Abuse of Young Children: Evaluation and Treatment report:”The large majority of sexual perpetrators appear to be males (Herman and Hirschman, 1981; Lindholm and Willey, 1983).”

·A report by the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children states: “In both clinical and non-clinical samples, the vast majority of offenders are male” · A study in the Journal of Sex Research states that “pedophilia does not exist, or is extremely rare, in women.”

However, heterosexual-apologists are still trying to deny that heterosexuals are the majority of our sexual abusers of children.

(See Part II of this reply)

birthdaysuit11 ago

Dude that wall of text did nothing to debunk anything in OP. You basically just state that thr Vatican lies and women are rarely pedophile and men abuse the most children, also something about reproductive rights. Not one sentence mentioned anything about the OP's argument.

Votescam ago

birth --

Everything in your OP is inane and evidently based in the idea that males who rape other males are homosexual. Sandusky is an excellent example of that misinformation. Still many will continue to suggest that Sandusky was a homosexual and not a pedophile.

And this is more ruse ...

Most people are fine with transgenders, gay people, etc. I am, I have no beef with what they find most natural or what they do in private. However, it seems most gay activists dismiss concerns of child sexual abuse–in part, by strenuously insisting that there is no connection between homosexuality and the sexual abuse of children.

It's a lie that gay activists ... who are families, mothers and fathers and extended family members "dismiss concerns about child sexual abuse."

EVERYONE STANDS AGAINST SEXUAL ABUSE OF CHILDREN... except pedophiles and heterosexual males who sexually abuse children.

The Catholic Church has been trying to tie homosexuals to sexual abuse of children for 2,000 years when in fact it is pedophiles and heterosexual priests in the church who sexually abuse children.

There is no "merely" about what I'm repeating to you from studies.

Your ONLY argument is your evidently lifelong idea that if a male rapes a young boy then that male is a homosexual. It doesn't work that way.

PEDOPHILIA is about the AGE of a child -- not its gender.

Some studies suggest that pedophiles have no actual sexual orientation.

Heterosexuals who are "situational" pedophiles are said to prefer sexual relationships with adult females -- but when one is NOT available, they will rape a child.

In our most common crime -- INCEST -- you see those abusing children are Grandfathers, Fathers, Step-fathers, Uncles, Male Cousins -- and male friends of the family.

Do you really think that those males are homosexual?

Da-Cat ago

Ironically many Republicans sponsoring anti-gay legislation are later outed as gay, the Catholic church has always been a sanctuary for gay priests & continues to cover for them, while all the misogynistic men in history had their initial character formed primarily by their mothers. Not to mention a large proportion of gay men either hate or look down on women & throughout history probably contributed to the patriarchal system.

Votescam ago

How old are you ...?

True, many Republicans are hypocrites not only in regard to homosexuals...

Pedophiles are not homosexuals ... According to studies they are heterosexual males.

It may be true that at one time some homosexuals have hidden in the RCC priesthood where they could find other adult homosexuals to have intimate relationships with.

However, most lived in "the closet" and many actually also married heterosexual women and many had children with them. And presumably relationships with other homosexuals males hidden from their families.

They were forced into the priesthood and into marriage by actual LEGAL restrictions on homosexuality in our patriarchal societies which preached that homosexuality was an "abomination."

Obviously you don't know a lot about homosexuals males who adore straight women like Bette Middler and Barbara Streistand. Granted they haven't always been too friendly with homosexual females but I think they appreciate them a great deal more after homosexual females immediately came to their rescue when the AIDS crisis hit them. Those homosexual women helped them in every way possible with their illnesses.

Do you know how ancient "Mother-blaming" is ... ??? Read some history of it --

Patriarchy is created by males who from what I can see are paranoid -- Certainly they FEAR women, but also HATE women because they stand in the way of their access to children -- from sexual slavery to child labor. Not to mention the "Frankenstein" theory -- jealousy that the power to create new life was given to females by Nature ... and NOT to males.

Nixon was pretty much a closeted homosexuals -- but he was also reportedly a pervert. LBJ was actually evil according to his own description of himself and had during his lifetime a personal murderer who took care of people in his way for him. (See: Malcolm Wallace) All of those men -- and many more -- were involved in the assassination of Pres. Kennedy.

Do you really think that their Mothers trained them to be evil?

Da-Cat ago

Actually I recognize issues with the so-called Patriarchy & issues re equality but using it to justify your distinction & blame of hetero pedophilia while whitewashing & denying homo pedophilia is using it as a red herring. You frequently mention "Elites" in the same context while ignoring the widespread theory the Elites as in Illuminati, Satanism & Babylonian child sacrifices actually go back to Matriarchal goddess cults prior to Judeo Christian religion & these are summarized by many authors as Isis cults.

Overall this is a distraction from the Pizzagate focus because it veers into general NWO conspiracy theory that typically derails the Pizzagate focus which unfortunately from your perspective centers on the homosexual elite in Washington DC and related Deep State connections.

What doesn't fit your narrative is the huge homosexual (or Satanic) presence in most of these stories such as the Franklin Conspiracy, the CIA Finders cult not to mention Podesta, HRC & Alefantis. These all likely link to Bohemian Grove & gay callboys being given midnight tours of the White House besides political blackmail schemes. Your ignorance seems to appear as shilling if not intentional distraction.

Votescam ago

Da --

I made a reply to this which obviously has gone astray somehow ...

What I am telling you is based in studies --

And what do you mean by "so-called Patriarchy" ... ?
Are you in denial of Patriarchy and its control over all of our societies?

Elites can be anything they want -- they are usually organized up ... down ... and sideways ... together. Not for the benefit of the public, but usually to rip off and control the public.

Likely they invented Illuminati, Satanism & child sacrifice -- but suggesting that it has anything to do with Matriarchal-centered societies, or female goddesses is BS.

It's not unusual for patriarchy to pull that one out of their hat whenever they're trying to debase someone -- regularly we see them trying to suggest those things about native peoples, or native people as cannibals -- but in reality they are often projecting their own activities onto others. The corrupting influence in all of our societies is patriarchy -- violent patriarchy.

You're also posting a lot of gibberish ... where have I mentioned homosexual elite in DC? Are you talking about the Franklin Case which spills over into the Reagan/Bush administration?

Again -- this is NOT my narrative ... what I am saying to you is that studies have found that heterosexuals males are our sexual abusers of children. Open the newspapers any day and you will also see that.

What Satanic beliefs may do to anyone, I have no idea -- including turning them into a homosexual abuser of children. Again -- there is no such thing as "Satan" or "Devil" ... however, the violence attributed to groups which assemble themselves under these belief-systems is obviously real.


CHILDREN WHO THEY HAD SEXUALLY ABUSED AND TORTURED.TO PERFORM AS HOMOSEXUAL PROSTITUTES. AND, YES, FINDERS ARE ALSO CIA. CIA EXISTS TO CARRY FORWARD THE MIND CONTROL EXPERIMENTS which the Nazis ran in concentration camps. It's an overall program of Mind Control based in torture and sexual abuse of children. They used the children as drug runners, homosexual prostitutes -- and for espionage/spying for blackmail. They could produce new personalities in these children by torturing and sexually abusing them constantly. The new personalities could be "programmed" to perform as the CIA wished them to. (Ever heard of the Manchurian Candidate?) You're obviously posting about issues you have no in depth knowledge of.

Basically, your posts seem to be pulled from something your reading because the connections often make no sense -- again, because you have no real knowledge of what you're posting.

Again -- how old are you? I'm guess 16-19....

Votescam ago

The Cat --

What do you mean by ..."the so-called Patriarchy" .... ? Again, are you in denial of Elite-Patriarchy? Basically Our Founders created an Elite-Patriarchy here ... endowed them with land grants ...gave them immense influence and control over our "people's" government, the nation's wealth and natural resources. All while proclaiming ... "All are equal."

Additionally, what I am telling you is based on studies -- not something that I personally invented.

Elites/wealthy are into every kind of organization that is useful for their agenda. ... Elites/wealthy are organized up/down and sideways ... in every way possible. The public isn't united -- and Elites understand the need to keep them dis-united. Elite-Patriarchy in organized patriarchal religions invented "Satan" and other boogey-men to frighten members into obedience. That does not mean that the violence THEY attribute to Satan isn't real. Elite-Patriarchy only succeed because they are violent. That's the only way the right wing can rise.

Elite-Patriarchy, oppression of women, trafficking of children -- are all related subjects. "The fish stinks from the head down"

So now you're trying to suggest that homosexuals are "Satanic"...???

The Old World Religions which came thousands and thousands of years BEFORE organized patriarchal religions ... male-supremacist religions -- had NO Devil and NO Satan ... NO Heaven and NO Hell. These are all the inventions of male-supremacist religion.

The Vatican itself -- according to witnesses -- is involved in Satanic activities according to even current reports.

In the Franklin Conspiracy it looks like victims from MKULTRA were used -- and those children were tortured and sexually abused under that program in order that the CIA could use them as homosexual prostitutes, drug runners and for espionage/spying for blackmail. MKULTRA was a Mind Control program which created new personalities in children they tortured and sexually abused. The new personalities could be programed as homosexual prostitutes -- they could be taught foreign languages -- and they could be given photographic memories. Who knows what else? The new personalities would not be known to the host. Evidently children were easier to manipulate than adults.

I've long been posting on all of this information during my time here ....

seemingly you've just arrived and are repeating to me information I well know.

birthdaysuit11 ago

Basically, if we look at thr statistics we can observe that there is indeed a homosexual pedophile culture that abuses little boys at a frequency much greater than heterosexuals.

Votescam ago

Let's see a link to it.

Votescam ago

Where do you see that?

Homosexuals according to studies are 100X LESS likely to sexually abuse a child than a heterosexual male.

birthdaysuit11 ago

What study show's 100x less likely to abuse a child? A boy or girl or both because the studies I've read illustrates a greater frequency of homosexual pedophiles abuse little boys than heterosexuals 1/3 of all child sexual abuse cases. They do not rape or abuse as much because they are a small population. Heterosexuals do sexually abuse more girls.

Votescam ago

birth --

Again, you're hung up on ideas that don't apply. Again, pedophilia is about AGE not gender. But the majority of the sexual abusers of children are adult males who are heterosexual. Among them there are preferences for females -- 82% female vs 12% male. But these men will rape even an infant, a toddler of any gender if that's all that is available to them.

The most common abusers in cases of the CRIME of INCEST, where a child is involved and there cannot be any consent -- are Grandfathers, Fathers, Step-fathers, Brothers, Uncles, Male Cousins. What would make you think that those males are homosexual?

"Focus on the Facts" -- Sean Cahill, PH.D

A 1998 Study in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that 90% of pedophiles are men, and 95% of these individuals are heterosexual

Research has indicated that gay men and lesbians are less likely than heterosexual to sexually abuse children

Perhaps the most egregious and damaging claim promulgated by anti-gay groups is the claim that homosexuality is intrinsically linked to pedophilia and child sexual abuse. The social science research on sexual orientation and child sexual abuse clearly disproves the claim that homosexuals are more likely to molest children.
A 1998 study in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that 90% of pedophiles are men, and 95% of these individuals are heterosexual. One researcher explained this statistic by noting, "Gay men desire consensual sexual relations with other adult men. Pedophiles are usually adult men who are sexually attracted to pre-pubescent children. They are rarely sexually attracted to other adults. In fact, research has indicated that gay men and lesbians are LESS likely than heterosexuals to sexually abuse children. Two studies that examined the sexual orientation of convicted child molesters found that less than 1% in one study and 0% in the other were lesbian or gay. One psychologist reviewed the existing social science literature on the relationship between sexuality and child sexual abuse and found that "a gay man is no more likely than a straight man to perpetrate sexual activity with children." Further, "cases of perpetration of sexual behavior with a pre-pubescent child by an adult lesbian are virtually nonexistent."

Gay rights activists, like all advocates for children's welfare, oppose child sexual abuse and support equitable age of consent laws that help prevent and punish such abuse. At least 110,000 children are waiting to be adopted in the US. Approximately 588,00 children are currently in foster care. Barring gay men and lesbians from adopting or foster parenting decreases the number of potential suitable homes for children in need. Children who remain in foster care for much of their childhood, as do tens of thousands of American children, are more likely to have emotional problems. Some children in foster care live in 20 or more homes by the time they reach the age of 18. Barring gay men and lesbians from adopting or foster parenting is not simply unjust and unethical; it also decreases the number of potential suitable homes for children in need. Research shows that children raised by gay and lesbian parents are not disadvantaged vis-a-vis their peers raised by heterosexual parents.

Footnote 65 -- p.123

A review of 352 medical records of children evaluated for sexual abuse during a 12-month period at a Denver children's hospital found that less than 1% had been abused by a gay man or a lesbian. Of 269 adult perpetrators of child abuse identified among the 352 cases of abuse, only two were gay or lesbian. The vast majority of the children in the study (82%) "were suspected of being abused by a man or a woman who was, or had been, in a heterosexual relationship with a relative of the child." And the review concluded that in this sample, " a child's risk of being molested by his or her relative's heterosexual partner is over 100X greater [than the risk of being molested] by someone who might be identifiable as being homosexual, lesbian, or bisexual."
Jenny, C., and Roesler, T.A. (1994) Are children at risk for sexual abuse by homosexuals? Pediatrics. 94(1).p.44.

In an earlier study of convicted male child molesters in Massachusetts, none of the 175 men were found to have an exclusively homosexual adult sexual orientation or to be primarily attracted to other adult men. Groth, A.N., and Birnbaum, H.J. (1978).

Adult sexual orientation and attraction to underage persons.
Archives of Sexual Behavior.7(3).pp.175-181. Also : The right-wing "Family Research Council" notes/confirms findings that "almost all child sexual abuse is committed by men."

Da-Cat ago

Which OP's post & comments reinforce, besides likely a huge majority of homosexual rapes go unreported, despite one commenter herein that's an apologist & enabler of same. It's one thing to debate Holocaust numbers but to deny homosexuals rape males? As a victim of homosexual sexual harassment I find @Votescam appalling & wonder why they aren't banned for this level of trolling.

Votescam ago

When anyone is dependent upon religious teachings for a belief system... they have ended -- not begun -- all learning.

Votescam ago

Da-Cat ...

What you are spouting in your continuous homophobia is based in religious teachings as spread throughout the world by the Roman Catholic Church ... itself an evil force, itself a protector of pedophile priests in its church ... itself an oppressor of anyone who isn't Elite-patriarchy ...

Take a look at the history of this Vatican/Christianity which they confess to ...

Quote ...

Sweeping apology for attacks on Jews, women and minorities defies theologians' warnings

World news

Pope says sorry for sins of church

Sweeping apology for attacks on Jews, women and minorities defies theologians' warnings.

Rory Carroll in Rome


Monday 13 March 2000 06.37 EST First published on Monday 13 March 2000 06.37 EST

Saving one of his most audacious initiatives for the twilight of his papacy, John Paul II yesterday attempted to purify the soul of the Roman Catholic church by making a sweeping apology for 2,000 years of violence, persecution and blunders.

From the altar of St Peter's Basilica in Rome he led Catholicism into unchartered territory by seeking forgiveness for sins committed against Jews, heretics, women, Gypsies and native peoples


Shizy ago

Cut and paste. Cut and paste. It's soooo boring!

birthdaysuit11 ago


Daniel Tsang, Ed., THE AGE TABOO, Alyson Publications, Boston, MA, 1981, Tom Reeves, p. 96.

Philip Rieff, The Triumph of the Therapeutic, Harper Tourchbooks, New York, 1966, at 81.

The Arizona Republic Phoenix, "Former Gym Teacher Gets 88 Years In Molestation Case," October 21, 1999; The Seattle Post-Intelligence Reporter, February 19, 2000

The Courier-Journal "Youth director convicted of 12 counts of sodomy," March 11, 2000, C-J Extra, Home Page.

The Lexington Herald Leader, May 16, 2000, A6.

Kentucky Citizen Digest, March/April 2000, Editorial page, "Editorial." Reisman & Johnson codified 254 "gay" words in THE QUEENS' VERNACULAR, the homosexual dictionary, describing sex with boys ("chicken: a young recruit: any boy under the age of consent, heterosexual, fair of face and unfamiliar with homosexuality," "rip off a drumstick," "barbecued chicken" etc.) and gay travel guide books explaining where to find "boys," etc.

Palaver 6, for "Paedophile

Awareness & Liberation," Rising Free, London, October 1976, pp. 2,3, 4.

SESAME brochure, 1996, Shakeshaft, Ph.D., Hofstra University Testimony, the New York State Commission on Children and Families, February 2, 1998 at 1. Id.

SESAME, Id., The Kingston Whig-Standard, Ontario, September 13, 1997, at. 1.

Id., David Finkelhor, "Child Sexual Abuse: New Theory and Research," 1984, at 1.

England's Yorkshire television, "SECRETS: Kinsey's Paedophiles," Tim Tate producer, director, interview with Jonathan Gathorne-Hardy, Kinsey biographer, in the author's archive, June 17, 1998, Tape #SP 27 & 28, at. 46.

Karen Harbeck, Ed., COMING OUT OF THE CLASSROOM CLOSET: GAY AND LESBIAN STUDENTS, TEACHERS AND CURRICULA, Harrington Park Press, New York, 1991, at 11. At a Beaverton Oregon conference Uribe said, "When you want to start something with gay and lesbian groups, just do it without asking. Its easier to say "I'm sorry" than "May I." April 23, 1992. The Washington Times, September 21, 1996, A2.

The Alyson Almanac, "People," Alyson Publications, 1994-95 Edition, pp. 118-202.

David Island and Patrick Letellier, MEN WHO BEAT THE MEN WHO LOVE THEM, Harrington Park Press, New York 1991.

Associated Press, August 2, 2000, quote from Dr. Charles B. Nemeroff, chairman of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Emory University School of Medicine and a co-author of the study. March 26, 1992.

Lynch in Herdt, at 175. Id., Herdt at 32. Herdt, GAY CULUTRE, at 44. Id., at 36.

William Holmes and Gail Slap, "Sexual Abuse of Boys," JAMA, December 2, 1998, p. 1855. Id., p. 1856

Statistical Abstract of the United States, 1992, U.S. Department of Commerce Library of Congress No. 4-18089-- data on boys and girls: 33,378,000 boys and 31,767,000 girls under age 18. Id. Id. Id.

Alan Bell and Martin Weinberg , HOMOSEXUALITIES, Simon and Schuster, New York, 1978, at 85. Id.

Murray cites to a report from the Journal of the American Medical Association in Herdt, GAY CULTURE, at 142. Id.

The Advocate, August 23, 1944 at 20.

The full report, Judith Reisman and Charles Johnson, Partner Solicitation Characteristics as a Reflection of Male Sexual Orientation, is available via First Principles Press, Inc., Louisville, KY, 1994

Eugene Abel, et. Al., "Self-Reported Sex Crimes of Nonincarcerated Paraphiliacs," Journal of Interpersonal Violence, Vol. 2, No. 1, March 1987, AT 5-25.

think- ago

Journal of the American Medical Association found that 90% of pedophiles are men, and 95% of these individuals are heterosexual

American Medical Association, huh?

Or is it just a false citation - when 95% of the male population are heterosexual, then of course most perps will be heterosexual as well. This doesn't make heterosexuals '100x more likely' to sexually abuse children.

birthdaysuit11 ago

Exactly, he fails to realize that frequency is not the same as the greatest amount. Of course heterosexuals will abuse more as they represent the majority of the population. Homosexuals are a small subset of the population so they don't abuse as many but with a much greater frequency.

Blacksmith21 ago

Most same sex child molesters identify as heterosexual.

Shizy ago

But that doesn't make it so. A man having sex with another male is homosexual: it's what the word means. If that sex is with a consenting adult or rape of a child it is homosexual

Tyranny-News-Network ago

In the Nag Hammadi scriptures, I found that androgeny was identified as the first illness of man. Not particularly religious, but this possibility does cause me to think.

Cc1914 ago

Never could get this " Gay Manifesto " out of my head ! Am I saying all gays are involved or even know about this thing ? NO , so before I get labeled as a gay people hater read this ..please

birthdaysuit11 ago

This is scary.

Cc1914 ago

It's scary for sure , for me it's easy to spot ones who are part of this gay agenda . They have a real hatred for the " natural" family unit . It boils their blood to see a man , woman and a child living as a Family .

InnocentAngels ago

Wow. Thanks for this as I have never seen it before. Agree that all gays are not involved, know about or believe in this. I have known and been friends with many gay, lesbian and bisexuals over time, so I am really shocked to see this. Maybe the ones who push this are what was referred to as the "gay mafia". The top dogs in different industries, and not just Hollywood.

Cc1914 ago

Your welcome ! That's exactly what I think . There are gays who by no fault of their own were born that way ( not to quote lady bla bla ) my close cousin is lesbian , she knew nothing about this manifesto . The sick sexually depraved ones who don't care what or who they sodomize , are the ones who believe in this and are on an all out last effort to corrupt as many as possible . I think of that disgusting thing on JA IG laying on the floor with chocolate syrup all over itself when I think of those who are living " the gay manifesto " dream . Then I imagine them being destroyed and wiped off the face of this earth and I feel a little better 🙂

vvitches ago

im extremely confused. you say your cousin is an innocent lesbian, but you also say you hate gay relationships? does that mean if your cousin were to enter a relationship, you would hate it, despite believing she was born that way and innocent of perversion? and also may or may not have anal sex with a woman in the future? like i dont get it...

birthdaysuit11 ago

@vvitches Please be smarter

Cc1914 ago

Really?? Did I say I hate any body? I said I don't condone it . The question shouldn't even be about what I think . I posted he gay manifesto . What do YOU think about that? Do you think I posted it because I hate gays ?

birthdaysuit11 ago

It's clear the guy that wrote that manifesto hates all heterosexuals.

InnocentAngels ago

I'm going to use your words here..."the sick sexually depraved ones" whether they be heterosexuals or homosexuals that manipulate and prey on minors, need to have their life destroyed, like they have done to their victims. I too can see JA being one that follows that manifesto. I remember one comment that showed a blog where someone saw Spacey sexually abusing a young male. He mentioned the "gay mafia" in his blog. So it could be a real thing. As for my beliefs on sexual relationships, I really don't care what someone else does in their sex life as long as it doesn't involve a minor. I even once went to a gay bar with a female friend that was Bi. That was interesting, but fun. Haha!

birthdaysuit11 ago

JA is part of a hellenistic, ancient greek gay pedaestry culture. From his friends, to his connections, it's clear he and they are in some club,

migratorypatterns ago

I think you've touched on a valid point and getting some pushback for it.

I just ran into yet another article about a celebrity kid that was transgender. He started his own organization and gave credit to Mr. Harry Hay! Yes, Mr. Man-Boy Love/NAMBLA/pev himself! It was sort of tragic, not only because this kid actually talked about how much he admired Harry Hay, but because there was this humongous hickey on his neck in the pic. The doting celeb mom seemed to take no notice of the blotch on her kid's neck, nor that he was praising a POS.

I'm a prime example of someone that feels that the gay movement was pushed and used to normalize -- and eventually legalize -- pedophilia. I didn't think twice about supporting an adult making his or her own decision about who they wanted to love and/or marry and so I was right there -- voting my little heart out on this concept of being free to choose who you wanted to love and giving rights to gay individuals/couples. It really did open a Pandora's box because the gay population is not adequately separating themselves from pedophilia and predation of minors. Forget about adequately, they're not doing it at all!

So now you have gay pedo couples free to adopt children and abuse them at will, you have grooming going on and having people tell you it's okay, movies made about it, sex toys featuring children hitting the marketplace, and now the emergence of a pedo/gay sex ring in PedoWood -- or as Bill Maher puts it -- a gay mafia:

Notice how TMZ covers this story with the lots of laughs and playful cartoon music in the back. It's all to the normalize the idea and Gaslight Maher while reporting on this at the same time. They treat the subject lightly -- gays in a mafia? What do they force people to color coordinate or something? But there are the stories that emerge. Do you think Michael Egan was taking this as a joke while he was being repeatedly raped and threatened with a gun to his head? Yeah, isn't that just funny guys! No need to cover the story as if it were serious or anything.

I remember from reading the ole Bible that it outlines gays and what was taking place. It made reference to how they'd rape anything, this while being infested with every known disease. I think back to what I read about the AIDs epidemic. Gay men were having sex with hundreds of sexual partners ... hundreds. They also were being treated for multiple sexual diseases that we concurrent and cumulative. The idea broached at the time was that the multiple partners/diiseases had something to do with the breaking down of the immune system, but that was pooh-poohed. Was it dismissed because alter the promiscuity?

Having said that, there are gay men I work with and know that are wonderful people so this is not an indictment. I've stated here that I will NEVER vote for another gay/transgender person because of this forced politicizing of the issue and because of the manor travesties that have occurred because of this broadening of definitions and doing away with needed boundaries of what people could do and what they couldn't do. And, no .... I don't fucking care how many celebrities tell me that children can choose who and how they express love, CHILDREN DON'T HAVE THE RIGHT TO CHOOSE SEXUAL PARTNERS OR ENGAGED IN SEX! Just NO!!!!

So then why am I choosing not to vote for a segment of the population when I just said I do not believe every single gay person is a blight on the planet? Because, and let me use all caps to make this real real clear: BECAUSE THE GAY COMMUNITY ITSELF NEEDS TO SEPARATE ITSELF FROM THE EXTREMIST SICKOS WHO THINK PEDOPHILIA IS OKAY AND WANT IT/ARE WORKING FOR IT BECOMING LEGALIZED!

That's what I need to hear ... see ... it needs to happen. If the gay community wants to continue to embrace all, I continue to withhold my vote and will give that vote to someone more conservative in thought. And that's the way it was going to be. And that's sad. Why? Because I worked with this one gay guy who had an abusive dad. What compounded it was that his dad was a priest. He was just to the point of having recovered memories surface and was undergoing counseling to handle it. He was one of the nicest guys on the planet, and I know damn well he would never -- as in NEVER -- want a kid hurt like he was. NEVER. But on the grand scale of things, do I hear this gay agenda-based community echoing this opinion. Nope, sure don't. Not a peep.

That's what bothers me. Groups have to police and speak out about these things. It's how to weed out the swamp creatures .. or Luciferian creatures in this case. It's funny that it's part of this stereotyping of gays as Suzy homemaker, ineffective, timid drag queens that we don't recognize that the population is polluted with degeneracy -- the same as every other group. You think I think all of my group are Mother Theresas? Hell no! There are wife beaters, murderers, thieves, child rapists, and every other type of shithole the mind can conjure into reality.

But I think this needs to be looked at in an objective way. What exactly are the numbers of the gay community that support pedophilia/violence? It's a fair question because we do have an identified cabal terrorizing PedoWood. So are they the tip of the iceberg? It would seem they're part of a bigger cult that embraces rape, murder, and debauchery. So I would plead for us to keep this real and discuss it objectively rather than lashing out at someone who brings up for discussion.

I also have been meaning to post something on others knowing about this current narrative being run. It will include the subject of homosexuality. Again, the notion of equality/rights for homosexuals was the juggernaut to push the insidious shadow into place. This evil cabal have used social issues quite effectively to mask their true intentions, so let's calm down and find out what's going on and not dismiss something out of hand. Who knows? The gay population that only wanted basic rights and were tired of discrimination may find that they've been victimized, too.

Votescam ago

Homosexuals are NOT our sexual abusers of children -- Heterosexual males are 100X MORE likely to sexually abuse a child than a homosexual male. Homosexual males seek adult relationships with other adult homosexuals.

birthdaysuit11 ago

HOMOS ABUSE LITTLE BOYS MORE FREQUENTLY than heterosexuals. That is a fact.

Votescam ago

Pedophiles abuse "little boys" young boys .... and young girls. 82% females -- 12% males

Except in Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan where it seems obvious that raping young boys seems to have become a sacrament -- !!

Homosexuals are 100X LESS likely to sexually abuse any child than a heterosexual male.

Shizy ago

You're delusional! Homos molest children ALL THE TIME!

No one takes you seriously

Votescam ago

According to studies, HOMOSEXUALS ARE 100X LESS likely to sexually abuse a child.

birthdaysuit11 ago

You fucking idiot. If you take 1 million heterosexuals and 1 million homosexuals. The homosexuals would rape and abuse little boys much more frequently 4-8x than heterosexuals. It would take a larger pop. of heterosexuals to rape the same amount of little boys than the homosexual pop.. But because homosexuals comprise a small pop. of the total (3%) They do not abuse or rape as many but with more frequency.

Votescam ago

Heterosexual males in Brazil -- a Catholic Country -- were discovered during the AIDS epidemic to also be having sexual affairs with other males.

These were married men with wives who were getting AIDS (though they weren't having affairs and they didn't take drugs.... Doctors finally figured it out.

It is heterosexual males who are more likely more often BI-SEXUAL than we realize.

So heterosexual males aren't only the most likely to sexually abuse a child, they are the most likely to also be have affairs with other males.

bopper ago

Bopper: You want answers?!

Votescam: I want the truth!

Bopper: You can't handle the truth!

Votescam we live in a world that has WHITES, and those WHITES have to be guarded by MALES with guns. Who's gonna do it? You faggoty Votescam? You, AreWeSure? I have a greater responsibility than you bleeding hearts can possibly fathom. You weep for Native Americans and Elvis's In The Ghetto, and you curse the Anglo Saxons. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what this ARYAN boy knows -- that Geronimo's death, while tragic, probably saved SCALPS; and my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves WHITE PATRIARCHAL ROMAN CATHOLIC MALE lives!!


Votescam ago

Bopper --

"It's harder to convince someone that they're being fooled than it is to fool them."

Wake up from your right wing driven FEARS of non-whites, Jews and homosexuals, and native Americans.

Guess no "white" man ever stole their land?

And, btw, it was WHITES who were scalping native people here -- cutting their hands off - because these people refused to be enslaved.

And this was all done under "Christianity" and by Papal Edicts that called for "the enslavement or killing" of natives here and Africans enslaved here.

The longer you engage in this paranoia produced by the right wing, the longer you live with hatreds and fears, the sicker you will become.

Stop destroying your life. Get some professional help.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

Elvis in the ghetto?!

srayzie ago

😂 You must have gotten sleep!

bopper ago

I'm just nuts is all. I slept four hours last night. Please upvote, I like upvotes.

srayzie ago

Upvote for ((( You )))

bopper ago

Women should be in the damn kitchen. You know it, and I know it!

Black is beautiful, tan is grand, but white is the color of the BIG BOSS MAN. Okay?


Votescam ago

bopper --

Nature put her total confidence in females in regard to creation of life on this planet. YOU wouldn't be here except for a woman. No one gets to live on this planet without arriving through the body of a woman.

Africa is the birthplace of humanity -- a "black" Eve.

Africa had the first civilizations while Europe was still wallowing in filth and disease.

That is the plight of the "white" man ... to destroy everything that makes him feel inferior.

Everything that is truly beautiful and worthwhile.

Shizy ago

Fire your therapist!

This bitch is NUTS!

birthdaysuit11 ago

I think there's like 15 shills in this post alone. It 's annoying as shit.

srayzie ago

VoatScam is gonna tear you a new one now. I can’t wait LOL 🤣

srayzie ago

Haha you’re crazy lol 👏🏻

srayzie ago

I think you’re a tranny VoatScam!

See? @Shizy

birthdaysuit11 ago

Probably a pedo too.

Votescam ago

scrayzie --

Your obsessions with transsexuals should be professionally treated.

Shizy ago

don't use her therapist scrayzie, that person obviously sucks at managing mental issues!

srayzie ago

No worries lol. I’ll be voat’s resident therapist. 🤓

srayzie ago

I replied to you about this in another comment tranny lover.

migratorypatterns ago

Yeah, that's why Harry Hay was a member of NAMBLA. People join to protest man/boy love.

There is a pedophile ring operating in PedoWood. Numerous victims have said that it's comprised of gay men. If you don't want to acknowledge that gay men are sexual abusers of children, it's your right, but it does nothing to help solve the problem going on.

srayzie ago

Can you believe it? We agree again. 👏🏻

migratorypatterns ago


It's shocking.

srayzie ago

I’m glad you finally realized that srayzie is bestie material 😲

migratorypatterns ago

Hmmmmm .... I don't remember saying that ....

Must have been subliminally communicated.

srayzie ago

Yes 😬

Votescam ago

Many people think that if a man rapes a male child that it's because he's a pedophile. Not true. Pedophiles simply have "preferences" ... some for males and some for females. The females are the majority of those abused -- and murdered. 82% female -- 12% male victims. Saudi Arabia obviously different. And the Saudi's proclaim ... "Women for procreation, Men for fun!"...

Many people still think that Sandusky was a homosexual because he raped young boys. He was simply a pedophile. Pedophilia is about the AGE of the victim, not the gender of the victim.

This website is being harmed by low quality posts and very little investigation of any value.

There used to be some very excellent investigators reporting their findings here.
Not so much anymore.

There are a handful of right wingers here who believe anything the GOP and Trump tell them... They're obsessed with anti-feminism, abortion, homosexuality, Jews, "blacks" .... It's pretty clear that they are out of touch with women -- probably addicted to pornography.

Only perverts SUPPORT Nambla.

Despite the 2,000 year lies by the RCC against homosexuals ... it is heterosexual males who are our sexual abusers of children. The Church is also deeply involved in sexual abuse of children as we see over and again.

Heterosexual males, according to studies, seek adult relationships with other adult homosexuals.

Da-Cat ago

Comparative data of childhood and adolescence molestation in heterosexual and homosexual persons. Tomeo ME, et al. Arch Sex Behav. 2001.


In research with 942 nonclinical adult participants, gay men and lesbian women reported a significantly higher rate of childhood molestation than did heterosexual men and women. Forty-six percent of the homosexual men in contrast to 7% of the heterosexual men reported homosexual molestation. Twenty-two percent of lesbian women in contrast to 1% of heterosexual women reported homosexual molestation. This research is apparently the first survey that has reported substantial homosexual molestation of girls. Suggestions for future research were offered.

Votescam ago

You have some kind of a screw up going on with that "data" ....

And I'm not even sure that you understand that what they are saying is that homosexuals are more often the victims of pedophiles than are heterosexuals. Did you understand that ...

And in your last sentence (and theirs) is screwed up as far as I can see... It should read this way .... "This research is apparently the first survey that has reported substantial molestation of homosexual girls."

Otherwise it reads incorrectly ...

Meanwhile the more impressive data presented allegedly is that HOMOSEXUAL MALES are the most likely to be molested by pedophiles.

I think the source and the data have to be looked at more closely, naturally.

srayzie ago

What @Da-Cat posted is what makes sense. I have a friend that’s a lesbian. She was molested for years by a family member. She told me that she knows that’s why she is a lesbian. Some victims will become an abuser themselves. Some victims will be so damaged that being with someone that is the gender of their rapist is too traumatic.

It makes sense that homosexuals have a higher rate of being molested themselves. It is a fact that someone who was abused as a child has a higher chance of growing up to abuse others. Some victims grow up and become sex addicts. Many times, victims turn to drugs and alcohol to cope.

So your warped view that homosexuals are much less likely than heterosexuals to molest children makes no sense.

Votescam ago

sray --

IF you are familiar with CIA's MKULTRA you will note that torture and sexual abuse has the power to change personalities -- often by creating new personalities. Young children taken over by the CIA who probably at the time didn't even know what their sexual orientation might be one day ... were turned into homosexual prostitutes.

They were also used for drug running and espionage.

And, I believe that male victims have also been tortured by the after-effects of sexual abuse by an adult male. That's the point -- these acts against children have long term effects on them in every way, including confusing them or making them unsure of their own sexuality.

Let's not get carried away in thinking that ALL victims of sexual abuse go on to sexually abuse others. They don't. ... I think estimates are 20% to 40%.... More than half of them do not sexually abuse others. But it's a very good reason to STOP adult males from sexually abusing children -- INCEST.

Did you lesbian friend suggest that she was sexually abusing anyone else? Very likely she has not done anything like that.

And, also true -- many victims of sexual abuse do turn to drugs and alcohol to cope ... but that was also mainly happening at a time when they felt they had to keep the abuse secret. When they were frightened to speak up against priests and celebrities in our societies. Let's hope those times are changing -- that "SURVIVORS" have more options now for better professional care to help them work through the trauma they suffered.

And that these survivors know that NOW ... TODAY ... people are listening to children and listening to adults who are survivors and believing them.

Those are the things which will help these survivors.

migratorypatterns ago

All I hear is yada yada yada. You might as well try to convince me there's a third sex.

I really don't care what pedophiles classify themselves as, but your entire assertion is based on that? These are the same people that contend an eight-year-old girl walking into the bathroom when they're showering is asking for it ... and that an infant in a crib smiled and, therefore, gave consent. You really want to believe what these nut jobs say?

Put succinctly, I don't fucking care what Sandusky thought he was or what excuses he made or rationale he used to rape children. Do not. He's a grown man who raped little boys. If he doesn't want to admit he was a rapist and a homosexual, don't give a shit. If you don't? Don't give a shit either.

Votescam ago

Apologies ... I've had to make two changes to my post which I hope make what I'm saying clearer. I've BOLDED the two references.

It is studies which classify pedophiles -- and it's based on the AGE of the victim ... from infants to teenagers.

You're fixated on NAMBLA ... why? Only perverts agree with NAMBLA.

Why not be concerned that MALES are our sexual abusers of children ... and that they are heterosexual males?

People who rape kids are pedophiles -- not homosexuals.

Read something about it.

birthdaysuit11 ago

homos abuse boys much more frequently.

Votescam ago

Homosexuals are NOT our sexual abusers of children.

Heterosexual males are our sexual abusers of children - 100% MORE likely to sexually abuse a child than a homosexual male.

migratorypatterns ago

Why not be concerned that MALES are our sexual abusers of children ... and that they are heterosexual males?

People who rape kids are pedophiles -- not homosexuals.

Don't involve ad hominem attacks. What I do or don't do is up to debate. After all, there've been no studies to classify my thoughts/actions, and according to you, we can't use our own judgement in making a determination.

The point is that victims have specifically pointed to homosexual pedo ring running PedoWood. That needs to be gotten rid of and those men need to be in jail. I could care less what a study says and a study that goes by age of the victim to classify whether someone is gay or heteorsexual is suspect from the get go.

NAMBLA is something we all need to fixate on. NAMBLA is the juggernaut that is pushing normalization, more just as importantly, LEGALIZATION OF PEDOPHILIA.

You can see that I've returned the favor. I've bolded and capped the agenda going one further than you. This is my last reply to you. I'm not arguing about this. If you want to protect homosexual pedos by using diversionary tactics where the aim is to get me on the defensive, it ain't working.

Good luck protecting the guilty because they are going to jail with or without your support.

srayzie ago

That’s the best argument that needs to get thru VoatScams head.


Votescam ago

mig --

Obviously you don't even know what an "ad hominem" attack is...

What you SAY is at issue here -- and it's everyone's business.

Your judgments are based on what you've been taught -- if you're taught to hate, that's the way you think.

Those followers of the right wing come to the simplistic conclusion that if a male rapes a boy ... then he's a homosexual. That's not the way it works. Pedophilia is about the AGE of the victim ... not their gender. Do yourself a favor and read something about it.

Even in the cases of "situational" pedophilia where heterosexual males who prefer sexual relations with an adult female will rape a child, they might prefer to rape a female child ... however they will rape any child ... including a male or female infant.

There is NO way for anyone to suggest normalization of pedophilia..... Age of consent is still 16 I think and it should probably be 18...

And keep in mind we have many, many relationships where males in their early twenties have relationships with young girls ... and wait for them to turn 16. It's a sign of male immaturity, imo ... but it often happens. Should these males join NAMBLA? Often they also get these young girls pregnant the moment they turn 16.

I'm not protecting anyone ... I'm advising you of studies ....

The "Sandusky Syndrome" of thinking that a male who rapes a young male is a homosexual is still wrong. Sandusky was a pedophile.

birthdaysuit11 ago

wtf. Pedo. Why are you even here?

migratorypatterns ago

Congrats! You've earned yourself a block!

Tyranny-News-Network ago

FYI. As if things weren't upside down enough. Mother Theresa believed that life was suffering. Therefore, all of her orphanages for sick children simply allowed them to die without life saving treatment. She was also dragged around on political campaigns to the benefit of politicians, whether she was aware of it or not. I believe Christopher Hitchens did a great job of uncovering the propaganda. Just saying. Great work recently, BTW. I'm following and digging.

Votescam ago

And all of the money/donations -- immense amounts -- which were donated to her were NEVER used to help the children even attain any comfort whatsoever. Something as simple as a fan, even.

At her death, ALL of "Mother Theresa's" money was turned over to the VATICAN ...!!!


The slum-dwellers built the buildings themselves. It has become a model for the whole of India. But what about Mother Teresa? “I went to her place 3 times,” said Manik. “She did not even listen to what I had to say. Everyone on earth knows that the sisters have a lot of money. But no one knows what they do with it!”

In Calcutta there are about 200 charitable organisations helping the poor. Mother Teresa’s Missionaries of Charity are not amongst the biggest helpers: that contradicts the image of the organisation. The name “Mother Teresa” was and is tied to the city of Calcutta. All over the world admirers and supporters of the Nobel Prize winner believe that it must be there that her organisation is particularly active in the fight against poverty. “All lies,” says Aroup Chatterjee . The doctor who lives in London was born and brought up in Calcutta. Chatterjee who has been working for years on a book on the myth of Mother Teresa, speaks to the poor in the slums of Calcutta, or combs through the speeches of the Nobel Prize winner. “No matter where I search, I only find lies. For example the lies about schools. Mother T has often stated that she runs a school in Calcutta for more than 5000 children. 5000 children! — that would have to be a huge school, one of the biggest in all of India. But where is this school? I have never found it, nor do I know anybody who has seen it!” says Chatterjee.

Values were between $5 and $100.000. Donors often dropped their envelopes filled with money at the door. Before Christmas the flow of donations was often totally out of control. The postman brought sackfuls of letters — cheques for $50000 were no rarity.” Sister Virgin remebers that one year there was about $50 million in a New York bank account. $50 million in one year! — in a predominantly non-Catholic country How much then, were they collecting in Europe or the world? It is estimated that worldwide they collected at least $100 million per year — and that has been going on for many many years.>

Tyranny-News-Network ago

Thanks for the info. I now conclude that MT was probably a fraud, but not the ringleader of the fraud. Which does beg the question, where did all that donation money go?

Votescam ago

Mother Theresa's money/donations ... were turned over to the Vatican.

Sister Virgin remembers that one year there was about $50 million in a New York bank account. $50 million in one year!

And just imagine how much it is now -- !!

PLUS the wealth of the Vatican -- !!

migratorypatterns ago

I hear what you're saying, but never heard anyone claim she hurt people.

If people are human, they have foibles, but it doesn't make them evil.

think- ago

Thank you for your comment. I feel the same. While I think people who love someone of their own sex should have the right to live with that person and be accepted, some developments in the gay community clearly got out of hand.

I even accepted transgender people when transsexuality was still an exception, but this, too, got out of hand.

Votescam ago

think --

I even accepted transgender people when transsexuality was still an exception, but this, too, got out of hand.

Anyone who gives any thought to this (think) will quickly understand that they and likely everyone else would have no desire to be born with mixed identity -- as to their genitals versus what their mind is telling them of their sexual orientation. For whatever reason this is happening -- maybe having to do with the illnesses humans spread as we go along polluting the earth.

Everything that you take in in the way of medication goes into the drinking water which is polluted with all kinds of Big Pharma synthetic hormones, for one. We have no idea why this is happening, but it is no solution to try to suggest that it is the fault of those afflicted by this curse, or to try to suggest that they're enjoying their suffering!

srayzie ago

You drink too much fluoride.

Votescam ago

You do know that Prozac is 95% or more fluoride.

And that the fluoride you get in your toothpaste isn't natural fluoride ...right?

It's a waste product of the manufacture of aluminum.

And aluminum is also what they put into VACCINES and shoot into infant children!

"Americans are really smart about really stupid things."

srayzie ago

Yes and here in California, we have no choice. They make us vaccinate our children by law.

Votescam ago

Glad you picked up on that ---

Everyone needs to start challenging and questioning these vaccines which are doing such harm to children.

You know ... I'm pretty sure that's against human rights ... You have the right to refuse medical treatment -- plus Human Rights Manifesto.

At any rate, obviously, you only have to FORCE people to do something when it's a bad thing.

The peanut epidemic seems to have been put in play when they put peanut oil into the vaccines.

And, the whole Asthma epidemic seems to be related.

This is a Japanese study ... Kobe University Study to study auto-immune reactions...

Nurses have told stories of watching new borns who have died immediately on receiving a vaccine --

And it also makes sense that the vaccines are being connected to "Sudden Infant Death Syndrome"...

Plus the vaccines are now being connected to colic -- which can go on for months. Also connected to projectile spitting -- both of those things gastrointestinal....

Keep in mind that when Wakefield was treating children who had severe bowel dysfunction/ gastrointestinal problems what he found was residue of the MMR/Measles vaccine in the gut.

PLUS, according to an overly long New Yorker Article called "It Runs In The Family" about Schizophrenia there is a parallel/similarities because the two diseases which effect the brain...

In Autism ... there is an under-pruning of the synapses ... In Schizophrenia ... there is an over-pruning of the synapses.

And, of course, the brain runs everything -- nervous system ... whatever.

Of course, Schizophrenia has been around a lot longer than vaccines ... however, men have been digging up harmful metals from the earth for a very long time as well. These metals and other substances should never have been allowed to be in these vaccines ... including aluminum which is still in them -- !!

Doctors who have been working on ridding these children's system of these harmful substances have had a fair amount of success suggesting they are going in right direction. But, a suspicious number of them have died under strange circumstances.

At this point, I think anyone who says, some are harmful but I support the concept are just as dangerous as those who overall support vaccines. They're all harmful as far as I can see.

And I think they've all been faked as "cures." Polio looks like spraying of DDT ... which they spread all over farmlands and cities ... and all over cows, for one.

Chickenpox is another rip off right into "Shingles"

In moving in a Chickenpox vaccine ... they stymied nature's actual method of protecting the population from the disease coming back by adults being exposed to children who were infected with chickenpox. Now that that no longer happens we're seeing rising cases of Shingles ... and now a new vaccine against Shingles.

Shingles can be treated with honey (a bit too messy) or with Tea Tree Oil which is available at the better health food stores. A bit expensive -- maybe $16 for a half pint. But you apply it to the rash with a cotton ball. When the rash dries up and the scabs fall off, it's healed and you won't get it again.

One of the most interesting things that Wakefield points out in VAXXED is in regard to Big Pharma's "herd immunity" .... Actually when we all used to get the natural/wild diseases our nation had herd immunity. But as Wakefield points out, parents cannot pass a vaccine along to their children.

If they can force vaccines on all of us, what else can they force us to take?

srayzie ago

@think- This freak hates men and she defends abortion, even partial birth abortion like nobody I’ve seen. She thinks heterosexual men are violent pedophiles but talks highly of gays. I suggest you not even bring God up if you are a believer.

Voatscam, I’m not interested in your long replies. I’ve dealt with you for days at a time. It’s like talking to a wall. So, at least I can warn others who may not yet know how warped your way of thinking is.

Shizy ago

And aparently she concluded that I am a man, and because of that false assumption I MUST sit in a shack and watch porn all day! WYF? So sad that someone is so blinddd y their hatred of men and love of abortion.

If she hates men so much why does she even concern herself with abortion since she's not gonna screw any of them? Oh, wait a minute, these flimsy feminist types hate men until they want to have sex with them!

birthdaysuit11 ago

And then they kill the baby for fun.

srayzie ago

I’m literally laughing out loud by your first paragraph. 🤣

Shizy ago

Don't laugh too loud, someone might find YOU in a little jack shack on the side of the road since that's what people allegedly do who don't agree wit votescam 😂😂

birthdaysuit11 ago

She's right though. I've been jacking off in this shack for 10 years after my wife left me for another women.

srayzie ago

Omg 😂 Not in a van down by the river? 🤔

Sorry. I’m not laughing about your wife leaving you. Just your comment.

@shizy look what you started lol

srayzie ago

She’s probably like Aileen Wuornos 😮

Shizy ago

Murders her "Johns" and looks like a semi hairless yeti?

srayzie ago

Yes! I’m glad you knew who I meant! 😮

Shizy ago

Yep I know my crazy female hookers!

srayzie ago

Lol yikes

Votescam ago

srayzie --

Males are our sexual abusers of children -- deal with it.

Even right wing women's groups agree with that.

If you're brainwashed by the RCC, you probably do believe the church's lies about homosexuals. Are you careful about who you stand next to on the subway. Do you really think any homosexual would bother with you? I doubt any woman would bother with you either.

This is so rare that it only happens at the rate of about one late term abortion in every county in the US. How many counties in your state -- 20/25 ...? That's how rare it is.

If you are a misogynist you will vote for destruction of a woman's health and even her ability to live -- and/or her ability to have other children. That's how dumb right wing followers are.

srayzie ago

I’m not gonna make this long. It’s like talking to a wall with you. What you said makes no sense. If I were on the subway, no I wouldn’t be freaked out. I have friends that are gay. YOU are the one obsessed. If you stood next to a heterosexual, you would be a crazy #metoo liberal because he looked at you wrong. With your views and obsession about heterosexual men shows me that you need therapy.

I can handle homosexuality a lot better than I can a tranny. It’s just gross and weird. But, what I don’t like is that homosexuality seems praised and is pushed on our children. Our sexual preferences do not need to be talked about at school. We don’t need men dressed like a woman reading to kindergarteners. We don’t need them telling our children that they can choose what gender they are. We don’t need THEM CAUSING SEXUAL CONFUSION. It is not their place.

It’s not bad for men to be men. The traditional family is under attack. You don’t see the New World order plans behind pushing homosexuality and feminism. They want to tame the men so they are little pussies in the future and won’t fight them. They prefer little snowflake men that need their safe spaces when the going gets tough. They want women to be the type that doesn’t need a man. It’s a form of population control. They want to kill the traditional family. They want to destroy morality.

I don’t care that partial birth abortion is rare, I straight up asked you scenarios and you were OK WITH IT! If a baby is viable and needs to be delivered for the safety of the mother, then give the baby a chance to be born. Not murdered and never given a chance! They can be 8 to 9 months along and do a partial birth abortion. No excuse! A baby is a human and just as important as the woman. I’m not gonna debate abortion with you. You have sick views.

Dads can hold their daughters and love on them and not be pervs! Men are not all evil. Men are more likely to be perverts than women. Yes that’s true. But you will never convince me that gay men are less likely to be pedophiles than heterosexual men. Even if you find me some whacked out article or statistic, I won’t believe it because that narrative is pushed on us for a reason. It’s all in their plan and you are one of the blind little sheep following along.

birthdaysuit11 ago

Everything you said I agree with and it gets worst by the day.

srayzie ago

Thank you. I know! I can’t even imagine 5 years from now if things don’t change.

think- ago

Thanks, @srayzie. I already had the pleasure of 'discussing' with her, too. This is why I won't reply to her remarks.

What's most annoying is that she's spreading the disinfo that gay men are '100x less likely' to rape children than heterosexual men.

srayzie ago

I know! That’s nuts. It’s like she pushes that it’s better for men to be gay than straight.

migratorypatterns ago

Yes, young minds are being played with and creating very confused individuals. This cult/Luciferian chapter/Cannibal Elite/whatever you want to call it has learned how to manipulate the mind, and what causes a normal, healthy psyche to shatter. You have the walking wounded being waved like a flag and used as figureheads. It's ridiculous.

This is not gay ... it's evil.

Pablolove ago

I don't accept homosexuality, lgbt whatever you call it. People are kidding themselves on. These things are the first step in creating a society of perverts that view sex solely for the purpose of gratification. This is so dangerous.

think- ago

Thanks OP!

I am gay friendly, however, I have observed with concern that attraction to underage boys seems to be rampant among gays. Remember, James A., and his former lover David Br. are gay and cultivate a 'gender fluid', pedophile lifestyle. Thus, this post is clearly connected to Pizzagate.

The steemit author you cited, whitedeer9217, also wrote another excellent essay, about the architect Frank Lloyd Wright and sexual abuse cases in Bartlesville, Oklahoma.

He/she mentioned that Wright's colleague, Bruce Goff, was charged with 'sexual exploitation of a minor', since he abused a 14 year old boy. But many homosexuals, even gay scholars, claim that Goff was a victim of homophobia, not a perp. That's not acceptable.


Oh_Well_ian ago

JA and Brock are both Luciferians

nameof ago

Except fake...sorry . It's just not true. We have Hillary to simply look at, just looking at her. In the sad boot. The luciferianism is killing it and has been so....women too for sure, are profiting from this much larger SUBCULTURE u attempt but erroneously define.

Clearly the problem is way bigger than your mind can accept.

I'm really sorry for you., This is really dark. And you have to factor in things like devices. Devices are not even people. Harmful anti humanity anti goodness Devices got put in place that we need to dismantle. Basically this is the great awakening.

For one example...Planned Parenthood is not one person, ok. So factor in, harvesting tissue. Ok. This is what they value. Blood sacrifice.

I'm so sorry. We cry the same tears. Ok a device like a CHARITY, an ORPHANAGE an adoption.

THE GREAT AWAKENING IS = WE REALIZE The 800000. Kids that go missing are being most likely sexually exploited abused & harvested..

Way beyond what your talking about . Even in the likely numbers...2% of gays harbor abpederast subculture...More like 10% of the population male and female is psychopath, so that's the problem. Ok. Psychopaths need to be put in check. Stop the focus on sexual orientation, it's just muddying the water, it also keeps fags from participating here. They feel bad when they called a pedophile for being gay... And about gays what I notice is the NAMBLA ( PSYCHOPATHS) really punk out the gays and try to steal the thunder. It's sick. And they do cause we people like u making this post. But please keep it real. The LucIFERIANS are organized. We need to be too.

elsquidwardo ago

Seems to me to be Venn Diagram overlap, or dot connection. OP might be on to a theory

tirejack ago

"Since 100% of homosexual males do not sexually assault boys, and as you and I know, the majority are probably nice people"

get off this board perv

Votescam ago

tire --

Come on ... fess up ... who taught you to hate homosexuals? And how complete was the brainwashing? Do you worry about a man behind you being gay? This is a sickness caused by hatred and fear -

Da-Cat ago

Um actually many males have experienced sexual harassment or molestation from homosexuals & THAT experience tends to bias one, such as groups of fags hanging out in public restrooms, cutting peep holes in toilet partitions or masturbating at urinals when a boy enters the restroom. You. Have. No. Clue.

Votescam ago

Da-Cat --

Quite a strange view of life you have there ...

RCC has been preaching intolerance and hatred for homosexuals -- both gays and lesbians -- for 2,000 years. Preaching which actually created violence against them. Preaching which actually convinced their parents at one time to hate their own children and to drive them out of their homes.
Fortunately, those times have changed.

However, it is homosexuals who have been beaten and sexually abused, murdered by gangs of heterosexual males. That's where the teaching of hatred takes societies -- to murder of victims.

Matthew Shephard was one fairly recent victim -- beaten up by two thugs who were taught to hate homosexuals -- and left to die on a fence where no one would find him until the next morning.

We've seen this hateful attention now turned to trans-gender people who are also often beaten up by thugs.

tirejack ago

pedo fag repeats pedo fag mantra.

what else is knew.

Votescam ago

Homophobic at all?

tirejack ago

listen shitdick, there's nothing natural, or necessary about shitdick.

phobia is not the issue.

Votescam ago

The sickness of homophobia is within "Christianity" and long taught by male-supremacist religion. Common also to the KKK .. "Christians" ... who incite fear in their followers.

tirejack ago

shitdicking isn't natural unless you're so horny and over polarized for sex, you'll stick your dick in a shit hole. subsequently, being too weak to be with a woman because no one else compares to mommy!

no need for phobia.

Votescam ago

How old are you --

Sodomy is regularly practiced in South American countries -- as a way to avoid pregnancy.

Additionally 30% of Brazilian males - heterosexual married males -- engage in sex with other men.

Wake up to the world of men.

tirejack ago

because they were sodomized, faggot.

circle jerking leads to circle jerking.

Votescam ago

"circle jerking leads to circle jerking" ... now that seems to be a subject you're actually familiar with. .

Markb63 ago

Homosexuals are the root.

Votescam ago

"Christianity" is the root of the propaganda which spread hatred and intolerance for homosexuals from their pulpits every Sunday.

They were so good at it, they actually convinced parents to abandon their homosexual children, to hate them and to throw them out of their homes.

That's now over! Deal with it!

fuckingmockies ago

One sexual degeneracy is connected to a other? Oh don't say!

hardrock ago

This the sort of level headed, research based and documented thinking that I would like to see more of. The only missing ingredients ( at this stage ) are the names of individuals and institutions involved in the problem ( as perpetrators) and a more detailed link to specific PizzaGate / Pedogate ongoing lines of investigation. Well done, so far. Hope you carry it forward in the directions I have suggested.

nameof ago

@hardrock Except fake...sorry . It's just not true. We have Hillary to simply look at, just looking at her. In the sad boot. The luciferianism is killing it and has been so....women too for sure, are profiting from this much larger SUBCULTURE this post attempt s tobut erroneously define. Clearly the problem is way bigger than your mind can accept. I'm really sorry for you., This is really dark. And you have to factor in things like devices. Devices are not even people. Planned Parenthood is not one person, ok. So factor in, harvesting tissue. Ok. I'm so sorry. We cry the same tears. Ok a device like a CHARITY, an ORPHANAGE an adoption. THE GREAT AWAKENING IS = WE REALIZE The 800000. Kids that go missing are being most likely sexually exploited abused & harvested.

hardrock ago

Your point is well taken, but my comment wasn't meant to summarize my opinions and understandings about PizzaGate and PedoGate. I was simply admiring birthdaysuit's systematic and documented approach within that specific submission.

Votescam ago

First -- GOP approved the use of fetal tissue -- and costs to be applied for storage and transportation. Experts who looked at what PP was charging said they were barely enough to cover costs.

Republicans Repeatedly Voted To Use Aborted Fetuses For Scientific Research

James O’Keefe Pays $100K Settlement after Deceiving Public about ACORN (and ALEC Helped Take Down ACORN

**Jamie O'Keefe involved with videos that deceive the public **>James O'Keefe, the right-wing activist famous for his undercover and ethically questionable sting operations on prominent liberal organizations, has settled a lawsuit filed against him for $100,000 from a former ACORN employee. O'Keefe's misleading ACORN videos led to the collapse of the organization, which was hugely successful in registering minority and low income voters. Less well known is how the American Legislative Exchange Council helped in the larger campaign to take down ACORN.

ALEC is a Koch Bros./John Birch Society organization used to further NRA interests. CIA's/NRA has been used to target not only liberals in Congress/government but moderates in both parties.

Nature has given all of her trust to females in reproduction, care and nurturing of children -- and protection of children. The oppression of females by Elite-patriarchy and its control over our societies is what has permitted the sexual abuse of children.

Nature also provided many ways for females and families to control reproduction, control pregnancy, interrupt pregnancies and to end fertility if desired through plants which are our natural medicines/drugs.

It was because of women's study and knowledge of plants for health and healing which caused them to be labeled "witches" by the Vatican/RCC which underpins Elite-patriarchy. Not only were women labelled, they were actually burned at the stake over hundreds of years in Europe and here. At the same time, the plants and the knowledge of them were destroyed by Patriarchy. Some of that knowledge and plants continue on today -- RU-486 one example of it.

"Christianity" and male-supremacist organizations which have controlled our societies are responsible for the violence, wars and bloodletting on this planet.

It is responsible for the Crusades against native people, against Africans, against females/women, against Jews, Gypsies and other minorities.

The lies of the right wing and male-supremacists -- as we saw once again in the recruiting of Hitler and the funding of the Nazis by Elites-Patriarchs here in the US and internationally -- resulted in the catastrophe of WWII with tens of millions dead. Russians lost 20 million.

World War II was the deadliest military conflict in history in absolute terms of total casualties. Over 60 million people were killed, which was about 3% of the 1940 world population (est. 2.3 billion).[1] Statistics of military wounded are available for the major combatants. The tables below give a detailed country-by-country count of human losses. World War II fatality statistics vary, with estimates of total deaths ranging from 50 million to more than 80 million.[2] The higher figure of over 80 million includes deaths from war-related disease and famine. Civilians killed totalled 50 to 55 million, including 19 to 28 million from war-related disease and famine. Military deaths from all causes totalled 21 to 25 million, including deaths in captivity of about 5 million prisoners of war. Statistics on the number of military wounded are included whenever available>

RECALL also that the Nazi Party before being taken over by Hitler/Nazis was a liberal organization which supported LABOR and worker's rights, Unions, Health care for all, Reproductive health care, Birth Control and Abortion.

All of that was overturned when Hitler took over the Nazi Party.

Additional recall the Hitler programs to force young women to have children ....

Lebensborn e.V. (literally: "Fount of Life") was an SS-initiated, state-supported, registered association in Nazi Germany with the goal of raising the birth rate of "Aryan" children

and Nazi Program to Breed Master Race;_ylt=AwrBTzic21taB6wAXFxXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTEyOXA2Mm50BGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDQjQ0ODFfMQRzZWMDc2M-?p=Nazis+and+Liebensborn&fr=yfp-t

None of this is unlike the way that fascism has come to power here in the US -- by deception, by control of elections by hack-able computers and by corporate control. By ever increasing lies, racism, sexism and homophobia.

Women wear Handmaid’s Tale red robes to protest abortion laws in Texas

With fascists in power, this oppression and violence will begin again.

Da-Cat ago

If one does much depth research, Hitler & his inner circle; the Catholic church since the Inquisition; and much of European nobility going back to the early Greeks & Romans are loaded with homosexuals & boy-lovers, as common knowledge re history & evidenced by Catholic priest molestations & current flap centered in the UK re politicians & nobility.

It may be true most pederasts are male but many are bi or homosexual & at the top hierarchy of society & it's been that way since the ancient Greeks & Romans idolized the practice.

Not to leave out the Satanic types tracing child sacrifice & rape going back to Moloch worshippers in Babylon. It might be argued that the worst historic debasing of women came from these homosexual or bisexual males in power, though nobody can prove either argument. Not to deny heterosexuals can be bigoted or oppressive to women either, but it's up in the air what factions have controlled the world for millennia, the evil ones seem to have been in control all along.

Another issue with your "statistics" is homosexual rapes in general are widely unreported due to the stigma for males, both minor & adult, while in contrast such behavior is rampant in UK boarding schools & treated as "normal".

There are good & bad people in all segments & generally mothers have the greatest influence on male upbringing for better or worse. Most twisted males probably had a dysfunctional mother though there can be other issues.

Votescam ago

Hitler was beaten viciously by his father and adored his Mother. Seems to be true that he didn't kill himself in a bunker -- and that he protected his Mother and Sisters and got them to safety as well.

It also seems to be true that Hitler was working as a homosexual prostitute at one time before being recruited by Elites here in US and internationally to head up the Third Reich.

I would suggest that the homosexual population is much larger than is commonly thought... especially when you look at the SCALE of heterosexual/homosexual which shows an extreme at only each end of the scale ... but otherwise in the middle a great blending of male/female... including bi-sexuality.

Homosexuals according to studies are 100X LESS likely to sexually abuse a child than a heterosexual male.

Well, "Satan" and the "Devil" are the creation of organized patriarchal religions seemingly to frighten their members into obedience.

The Old World religions which came thousands and thousands of years before male-supremacist religions had no "Devil" and no "Satan" ... and no Heaven or Hell either.

However, it has always been likely that the Biblical references are to alien visitors. And the Vatican has made clear they have no problem with that.

It is "Elites" who have interests in Mind Control and Oppression of groups of people for profit by exploitation. And it is the FEW among us -- about 3% of those who will engage in violence to rise to the top to control others.

If you look at the statistics of males killing women every day ... you will find that it is heterosexual males ... ex-husbands, ex-lovers, and significant others ....

Your figures on molestation of homosexuals may be correct for Afghanistan or Saudi Arabia ... or CIA abuse of prisoners at Abu Graib -- but not sure that they hold up in general.

If you look at your overall argument, you might begin to notice that you are arguing that there are waaaaay more homosexuals in our society than heterosexual males want to admit. :)

Actually -- in our patriarchal societies -- it is FATHERS in heterosexual households who have the most influence on children. These households are changing now but still unequal in status of husband and wife. You have only to look at the fascination with sports among fathers and on TV and in connections to school sports to see that influence.

Sports as used and taught by males do not OBVIOUSLY build character. Quite to the contrary as the competition is intense and harmful.

However, I very much applaud the female entry into sports -- all of them (except boxing) ... which allows females to develop their bodies. And engage in team sports and cooperate together. It is vicious competition which is harmful and sadly often taught to children. Our schools are also exploiting student with much longer schedules at even high school levels, but also true of college level which is harmful to the athletes and their work as students/academics.

Shizy ago

I don't even know where to begin... did you even watch the project veritas videos of ACORN? They were a shady as shit org and needed to be taken down. And abortion kills a human being with its own DNA! There's ZERO justification for murdering an innocent humans! ZERO!!!

Votescam ago

What do you possibly live on a daily basis ... at some ADULT shack watching porn?

ACORN was about registering Democrats to vote -- that's why they were attacked by the fakery of James O'Keefe who paid a large financial penalty for it.

GOP does everything it can to limit the ability of Democrats to vote ... because they know they will vote for democratic values, including reproductive freedom. Right wing likes to fantasize about forcing women to have children.

Most abortions take place in the first few weeks of a pregnancy -- the very earliest stages of pregnancy.

NATURE is pro-choice having given humans the ability to control reproduction through plants which could be used as birth control, and to create infertility if a woman so desired. And ways to interrupt conception. All of the plants and the knowledge of them were destroyed by Elite-Patriarchy. PLUS, you probably missed the little fact that they also BURNED WOMEN AT THE STAKE.

Must be some very interesting relationships you have with women!! Sounds more like you have a relationship with magazine pictures .... or those shacks for ADULTS you see on the side of the road.

No sisters, daughters, nieces ... no one to care about or who cares for you?

Shizy ago

Go back on your meds because your rambling sounds like you are rapidly cycling though a manic episode! Where in hell did you create the fiction in your little mind about me having anything to do with porn? You seriously sound insane!

But just to "trigger" you some more, abortion is WRONG and it kills an innocent human being at whatever stage of development it is done in! Make your "choice" before you get fucked! The women I know who have had abortions have ALL regretted it and have told me so multiple times- all but one woman that is but she's fucking crazy like you!

Votescam ago

You're saying that abortion "kills a human being" ....

That sounds very Randall Terry -- are you planning to go out and kill a doctor or two?

What is wrong is having a ten year old forced to have a baby by her father or step-father.

What's wrong is having a woman with a child she wanted being made ill and losing her life to it or never being able to have another child because she's denied an abortion.

That's a lie about women regretting abortions -- a right wing lie cause they have nothing to support their garbage.

Every day women make the decisions about an unwanted pregnancy -- to either go forward with a pregnancy or to have an abortion. Each decision is an individual decision. And this is true of women all over the world. Even women who have no legal means of abortion. Women who are going to use coat hangers and poisons -- sacrifice their own lives.

Millions of women make these individual decisions every year --


birthdaysuit11 ago

Please find God.

srayzie ago

Look thru her profile. Me and her have fought so many times. She’s WARPED! She’s a big time feminist, hates men, always defends abortion, and tries to say that gay men are less likely to be pedophiles. She blames everything on men and The Vatican. I’ve given up trying to reason with her. To me, she’s in the top 5 most annoying people here.

Shizy ago

I totally agree! She regurgitates the same old bs, it's so transparent and weak. Being hung up on your feminist talking points is a hindrance to finding out the truth regarding these sick pedos. Her preconceived notions cloud her thinking and muddy the waters. I would feel sad for someone so obviously brainwashed if it wasn't so annoying to see her post the same tired shit all the time!

srayzie ago

Oh I know!

bopper ago

Votescam, what should we do?

srayzie ago

Ask her to make you a sandwich. Lol

bopper ago

I only take WHITE bread and that ain't in her vocabulary.

srayzie ago

Omg 😂

bopper ago

Just sayin.

nameof ago

Hard for me to read on my phone. I didn't give merit to those videos bc of all that but did go with someone for her abortion at planned Parenthood 1985 and they made her give them the fetal matter, and it was memorable because it was coming out a clear hose as blood but they said they wanted to keep it. They made her sign something after they gave her Valium afterward she regrettted signing over the fetal tissue.

Oh_Well_ian ago

I've seen your 2 pg submissions in the last 1.2 years

don't lecture, you're far from qualified

birthdaysuit11 ago

Wow what a debunking.

hardrock ago

Ah, well, Ian , now that YOU have graced us with yet another pointless opinion I can rest easy, knowing that such a great and all knowing intellect such as your own has passed judgement on who is and/or is not "qualified."

Oh_Well_ian ago

I believe we are putting too much emphasis on homosexuals and attempting to connect them to Pedophilia.

We need to address Luciferians and their role.

I would suggest that ALL Luciferians are Pedophiles and Bisexuals and the worldwide increase in crimes against children and the rapid erosion of morality is not a social movement rooted in Liberalism, but a massive cloud of Evil that has nearly enveloped the entire planet.

birthdaysuit11 ago

Did you even read OP?

Votescam ago

Let's also remember that CIA MKULTRA were creating pedophiles through their MKULTRA program. Torture and sexual abuse will create new personalities especially in children. These new personalities can be programmed. The CIA used children as homosexual prostitutes, drug runners, and for espionage/spying for blackmail. These new personalities can also be taught new foreign languages. And who knows what else?

CIA also ran a Pedophile Academy to train pedophiles in "grooming" children and setting them up to be molested. How much did this increase the numbers of their victims?

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

From now on......all my replies to Votescam will be ELVIS IN THE GHETTO!

Votescam ago

That's probably the best you can do -- better to not embarrass yourself by showing your ignorance.

Btw, post-Trump's Inauguration last year - and by June 2017 -- Wikipedia was being seriously washed, including the MKULTRA and what was known as Monarch. Helms ordered all records to be destroyed but some survived. Currently, Cathy O'Brien is being described as a "conspiracy theorist" re here sexual abuse by the program. Couldn't sound more like the CIA re-writing and scrubbing the records.

Older versions of Wikipedia reporting on MKULTRA report the abuse of children -- tortured and sexually abused and specifics as to the Mind Control program which created new personalities in these children. PLUS CIA using them as drug runners, homosexual prostitutes and for espionage/ spying for blackmail.


1950s: Origins of the CIA's "Pedophile Academy"

“Oh we do have our stable of weird people working for us. Did I ever tell you about the Pedophile Academy? We actually had one down at Camp Peary, (in Virginia) right near (the CIA’s) Jim Critchfield’s place. I don’t know if you’re aware of it, but we called it ‘The Farm,’ and it was supposed to be a secret training center for young agents. Allen Dulles set up this training center down there for pedophiles. They were in training to seduce, molest, and most especially photograph the young children of targets. Not only, Allen reasoned, would our graduates have a spanking good time but they could get wonderful action photos of the wee ones to blackmail their families with. I understand they broke it up when one of the graduates nailed a (CIA) Deputy Director’s son at a summer camp.” •Robert Crowley, CIA Domestic Contracts Division 1959-1962; Assistant Deputy Director of Operations (ADDO) 1980

Source: 50 years of CIA history with top "Company" man Robert Crowley: JFK, RFK, MLK, guns, drugs, blackmail, coups and all the rest

Here is the author's Wikispooks page:

Shizy ago

Hahahahaha! Elvis in the ghetto is calling someone ignorant??? 😂😂🤣🤣😂🤣!

Tell me again how I'm a man sitting in a porn shack on the side of the road again??😂😂😂

Votescam ago

Shizy --

Maybe you prefer booths?

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

But....Elvis. In the ghetto!

Votescam ago

Good work -- show how nuts you are.

thanks --

Votescam ago

Oh, Well --

You're completely right -- Homosexuals are 100X LESS likely to sexually abuse a child than a homosexual make will be. That's according to studies which I will post below.

In fact, that the word "never" can pretty much be used in regard to Lesbians having found to sexually abuse a child.

In Hawaii -- before the coming of the white man -- Homosexuals were held in high honor and esteem for their care of orphaned children.

It's amazing how right wing propaganda works to blind so many as to what they are actually doing ... their violence and their hatred which is repeating once again what they have done over the history of the world in creating the spilling of blood which soaked the soil of Europe -- and the spilling of blood here to steal this land by killing the native people here -- 112 million of them! And by the enslavement and killing of Africans held here. All to serve the interests of Elites/wealthy around the world.

The goal of Elites/wealthy is total enslavement of humankind, total Mind Control. See: MKULTRA which was brought here by the CIA (which serves Elite interests in warmongering and wars) to continue the Nazis experiments in Mind Control.

You can recognize fascists by their violence and hate-filled propaganda.

Shizy ago

Slightly less than half of child sexual abuse victims are boys. That means the pedo raping a boy is a HOMO! It doesn't matter if he's married or says he's straight. You rape a boy/male/or man and you are GAY! With so many male child sexual abuse victims and gay men being what, 1% of the population- that's a very high percentage of gay men being pedophiles!

Your "stats" are totally flawed and biased towards minimizing the epidemic of homosexual pedophiles. Ask yourself why that is??

Votescam ago

shizy --

You are so brainwashed by the rightwing you can barely see anything else. Pedophilia -- look it up -- is about the AGE of the child. NOT the gender.

Heterosexuals are 100X MORE likely to sexually abuse a child, according to studies.

And MALES are our sexual abusers of children according to studies.

Even right wing women's groups agree with that.

The epidemic as all studies show and as is agreed upon even by right wing women's groups is that MALES are our sexual abusers of children.

Deal with it!

Shizy ago

Take your meds!

And YOU are the brainwashed one who has to keep regurgitating the same feminist bullshit and gay agenda talking points! You sounds like a crazy fool.

Votescam ago

Shizy --

Somehow you never seem to get around to actual debate ...

Votescam ago

You're making an uneducated guess -- and sadly that keeps many believing the lies of the Vatican/RCC in regard to homosexuals over 2,000 years.

The oppression of homosexuals by the Church must be considered -- Males are our sexual abusers of children -- everyone agrees to that reality -- but it is little published in patriarchal societies. Wonder why . . . ?

And heterosexual males are our sexual abusers of children. Heterosexual males are 100X MORE likely to sexually abuse a child than a homosexual would be.

You have a very limited, uninformed understanding of what studies show.

Gays are like 20% or more of the population -- and even more when you consider the Kinsey scale of heterosexuals -- the great middle -- and then homosexuals. In that great middle is a very varied mix of heterosexuality and homosexuality. And don't forget that the very middle is bi-sexuality which is also unacknowledged in our patriarchal societies. And very little discussed.

and further bear in mind that often heterosexual males will also have sex with other heterosexual males and even with infants, toddlers, and young children.

Da-Cat ago

You do realize Pizzagate, which you are posting in, primarily involves several homosexual males (Alefantis & Podesta) & an alleged lesbian Hillary Clinton?

If at a later date these pedophile allegations are legally proven their status as presumed homosexuals remains despite now adding pedophile to their status?

Perhaps you don't believe in Pizzagate?

Votescam ago

Da-Cat ....

If you think that only "several homosexual males" are involved in Pizzagate, you haven't been doing enough reading here.

While I don't think that anyone would deny that Alefantis is a pedophile ... Podesta (both brothers) are married men -- and John has children -- which likely suggests that at least John is bi-sexual or heterosexual.

Pedophilia is a term referring to the AGE of the victim. It has nothing to do with gender of the victim. HOWEVER, pedophiles do have preferences as to the ages of the children they are attracted to and in regard to the gender that they are attracted to. Most victims are females.

Why wouldn't I believe that there is human trafficking of adult women, young males and children for sex? Why would I frequently be posting on the subject if I didn't agree that it exists?

Hillary is "alleged" to be a Lesbian ....but she is also alleged to have had many affairs with powerful men who worked for or with her husband Bill Clinton. Hillary and Bill seem to have been involved with the CIA throughout their lives, beginning at very early ages ... their fathers both seem to have been involved with organized crime. It has always seemed likely to me that both Hillary & Bill may have been victims of MKULTRA. You should look that up.

Da-Cat ago

There's no dispute that minor & child females are typically molested by hetero males though there are numerous accounts of lesbians doing same, it's not unheard of despite possibly flawed & biased statistics.

It also shouldn't be denied that minor & child males are molested by homosexuals or bisexuals, though by definition not by heterosexuals, otherwise you are denying English definitions & apparently victim-shaming boys while holding a different standard for girls.

And actually "pedophile" apparently is no longer applied for minor teenagers though statutory rape does apply, so don't shame victims claiming rape or sexual harassment by homosexuals which is rampant in big cities like L.A. or N.Y. but can happen anywhere.

Votescam ago


There's no dispute that minor & child females are typically molested by hetero males though there are numerous accounts of lesbians doing same, it's not unheard of despite possibly flawed & biased statistics.

Do you have a link to support your idea that there are numerous accounts of lesbians molesting females?

Homosexuals are NOT our sexual abusers of children.

Heterosexual males are our sexual abusers of children. And they are 100X MORE likely to sexually abuse a child than a homosexual male would be.

I haven't seen any studies which mention sexual abuse of children by bi-sexuals.


There are actually different terms for different ages of children preyed on by perverts.

Again, it is heterosexual males who are our sexual abusers of children.

Da-Cat ago

I'd like a valid source for your 100x figure, like a link, also hardly a week goes by without some female teacher getting busted for sex with underage males. My first sex was at about 16 with a 24 y/o teacher & most in that scenario won't report it. While statistically most rapes are by males, along with killing in wars, crimes, etc. it's been that way since cave man days. Women just vent their issues more subtly though many times pitting men against each other or baiting them with mind games, psychological abuse. It goes both ways in the battle of the sexes, women aren't all angels & a dysfunctional mother will likely raise dysfunctional kids. They can be nasty & beat their kids too, passing on the violence. As others point out here, you are too biased to even debate, if not mental issues.

Votescam ago

True -- did you notice in the case where the 13 children were found starving and tortured ... that for three or four days all you saw of the abuser was the face of their Mother ... on about the fourth or fifth day, we finally got to see that there was also a "husband" involved. And of course, police and media knew that immediately.

As I've said before, females will sexually abuse children when they are under the influence of a heterosexual male. That is again ... according to studies. We now also find that this Mother had been kidnapped at the age of 16 by the guy.

So, yes ... true ... stories where a female is involved stays on the pages of Yahoo longer. The stories of males who are our serial killers ... and the stories EVERY DAY of males killing their ex-wife, or their girl friend, or their entire family tend to disappear in a day or so. And since guns are so easily available these days, more and more females are being murdered by men with guns. In the US, females are 11X more likely to be murdered by a male with a gun than in any other high income nation.

Someone is filling your head with hatred of women ... and I'd suggest if you have any hope of living a happy life at all, you remove yourself from that influence ... You're mind is being poisoned and it will poison your entire life.

Here's a study on reporting that Homosexuals are 100X LESS likely to sexually abuse a child.

Quote --

"Focus on the Facts" -- Sean Cahill, PH.D

A 1998 Study in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that 90% of pedophiles are men, and 95% of these individuals are heterosexual

Research has indicated that gay men and lesbians are less likely than heterosexual to sexually abuse children.

Perhaps the most egregious and damaging claim promulgated by anti-gay groups is the claim that homosexuality is intrinsically linked to pedophilia and child sexual abuse. The social science research on sexual orientation and child sexual abuse clearly disproves the claim that homosexuals are more likely to molest children.
A 1998 study in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that 90% of pedophiles are men, and 95% of these individuals are heterosexual. One researcher explained this statistic by noting, "Gay men desire consensual sexual relations with other adult men. Pedophiles are usually adult men who are sexually attracted to pre-pubescent children. They are rarely sexually attracted to other adults. In fact, research has indicated that gay men and lesbians are LESS likely than heterosexuals to sexually abuse children. Two studies that examined the sexual orientation of convicted child molesters found that less than 1% in one study and 0% in the other were lesbian or gay. One psychologist reviewed the existing social science literature on the relationship between sexuality and child sexual abuse and found that "a gay man is no more likely than a straight man to perpetrate sexual activity with children." Further, "cases of perpetration of sexual behavior with a pre-pubescent child by an adult lesbian are virtually nonexistent."

Gay rights activists, like all advocates for children's welfare, oppose child sexual abuse and support equitable age of consent laws that help prevent and punish such abuse. At least 110,000 children are waiting to be adopted in the US. Approximately 588,00 children are currently in foster care. Barring gay men and lesbians from adopting or foster parenting decreases the number of potential suitable homes for children in need. Children who remain in foster care for much of their childhood, as do tens of thousands of American children, are more likely to have emotional problems. Some children in foster care live in 20 or more homes by the time they reach the age of 18. Barring gay men and lesbians from adopting or foster parenting is not simply unjust and unethical; it also decreases the number of potential suitable homes for children in need. Research shows that children raised by gay and lesbian parents are not disadvantaged vis-a-vis their peers raised by heterosexual parents.

Footnote 65 -- p.123

A review of 352 medical records of children evaluated for sexual abuse during a 12-month period at a Denver children's hospital found that less than 1% had been abused by a gay man or a lesbian. Of 269 adult perpetrators of child abuse identified among the 352 cases of abuse, only two were gay or lesbian. The vast majority of the children in the study (82%) "were suspected of being abused by a man or a woman who was, or had been, in a heterosexual relationship with a relative of the child." And the review concluded that in this sample, " a child's risk of being molested by his or her relative's heterosexual partner is over 100X greater [than the risk of being molested] by someone who might be identifiable as being homosexual, lesbian, or bisexual."
Jenny, C., and Roesler, T.A. (1994) Are children at risk for sexual abuse by homosexuals? Pediatrics. 94(1).p.44.

In an earlier study of convicted male child molesters in Massachusetts, none of the 175 men were found to have an exclusively homosexual adult sexual orientation or to be primarily attracted to other adult men. Groth, A.N., and Birnbaum, H.J. (1978).

Adult sexual orientation and attraction to underage persons.
Archives of Sexual Behavior.7(3).pp.175-181. Also : The right-wing "Family Research Council" notes/confirms findings that "almost all child sexual abuse is committed by men."

Da-Cat ago

If a man rapes another male adult, or rapes a 17 y/o, or rapes a 10 y/o, they are all instances of homosexual rape, as contrasted of heterosexual rape whether perpetrated by a male or female. You can't reengineer English language to suit your own prejudice, and in effect you are victim shaming every male victim of homosexual rape. Throughout history this act by a subset of homosexuals is the main cause of hatred of them by straights. I was harassed in all three age ranges above including attempted rape by date-rape drugs, inane persuasion that all men are "bi", being offered shelter when hitchhiking to wake up with a hand in my but. Those were all homosexuals and ones who aggressively harass straights are "faggots" in my book, just like the men gathered in public restrooms leering & masturbating at schoolboys. You are in the wrong forum for your patronizing bullshit.

Votescam ago

No ... if a male rapes a 10 year old (male) ... the likelihood is that he is a pedophile.

As you see in our prisons, if a male rapes another male -- and there are something like 200,000 minimum of those kinds of rapes in our US prisons every year .... the likelihood is that the rapist is a heterosexual male.

And this is the USA today ...

Here's some info on prison rape ...

Male prisoners[edit]

Prison sexuality for males has been studied since the 1930s. Research is lacking on consensual sex because most research done has focused on coercion.[3] Sexual abuse is more common among male inmates. Men sexually abuse others to establish dominance, power and to maintain their masculinity.[6] Men who are physically weaker will offer consensual sex in exchange for protection, security, goods or support.[3]

Heterosexual men in prison view their homosexual acts as being "situation specific" and may not consider themselves bisexual. These men often describe how they imagine being with a woman while taking part in sexual activity with a male inmate. During masturbation, they picture past sexual experiences with women.[9] They take part in homosexual activity due to having no “heterosexual outlets”.[6]

A dominant sexual partner in prison is called "daddy" while their submissive partner is called "kid" or “girl”. The dominant partner has their mate take on the feminine role in order to feel more masculine and powerful.[10]

One response to this in our US prisons seems to be to take females from their prisons and "sell" them as prostitutes for the evening in a male prison.

Rape of a female by a male is done also as power play and for dominance, control.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

b-b-but.......Elvis! In the ghetto!

Votescam ago

Don't know what your fascination with Elvis in the ghetto may be ....

but if you actually have a comment on the subject, try again.

Shizy ago

Let me guess, you're spending daddy's money to sit your unshaven armpits in "women's studies" classes and bitch about the "patriarchy"? 🤣🤣🤣 You do realize that outside of the SJW brainwashed bubble you live in most people laugh at this crap you pussy hat wearers vomit out right?

It's called divide and conquer and it's a staple of the creation of the feminist agenda that you have been blinded by! Look it up and be the actual open minded person you virtue signal to be.

Oh, and being brainwashed into thinking that killing your own child is somehow liberating or empowering is by far the saddest part of the feminist agenda! It damages a woman's psyche forever!

Votescam ago

Shizy --

Wow ... You're just overflowing with right wing propaganda points -- anti-female, anti-human rights -- and probably addicted to pornography because obviously no female would have anything to do with you.

"Divide and Conquer" is one of the major tools in the Elite-patriarchal tool box.

You know who they are -- they're the people who keep you confused and dumb.

It is "pro-life" fanatics who kill -- doctors, nurses and others at women's clinics. They're brain-washed first by Randall Terry to go do his dirty work for him ... 'cause he's not going to do it. Maybe you'll volunteer next for one of his assignments?

Millions of women make individual decisions about abortion -- some to go ahead with the pregnancy ... some not. One day we'll have perfect fool-proof birth control and they'll be no need for abortion.

Shizy ago

There is a fool proof method of birth control! It's called don't spread your legs! Unless you come across Elvis In the Ghetto!! 😂😂🤣😂

birthdaysuit11 ago

Can not feminists get pregnant by male gazing??

Shizy ago

I think they consider that rape

Votescam ago

Maybe you enjoy that -- ????

But most healthy people prefer real relationships based in true intimacy.


You're trying too hard to connect things you're ignorant of. Look at genetics before you look at deities. You have countries full of betas being allowed to prey on gullible minds coddled by states. Luciferians aren't about being faggots and pedos, you just have ugly pieces of human trash using Satan as an excuse and a cover to be the predators they instinctively are, like how I use him to be the guy that dashes these sniveling cunts to pieces like I am. It's instructions for behavior, it's about what these people are okay with, I'm responsible with my actions because my genetic makeup predisposed me to. Trump isn't much different, it's common knowledge he's Jewish, and Judaism isn't far from Luciferianism, are you gonna call Trump a pedophile faggot because of that connection?

Shillaxe ago

There you are Dung_he_haw.

Shizy ago

Was that Donkey? The comment was deleted...

Shillaxe ago

Pretty sure, same message but toned down, who else calls someone a cunt. Props to you for giving him a good ass whoopin, you have more courage than a lot of men on VOAT.

Shizy ago

Thank you! He commented several times that he was going to rape my kid so the gloves are off with that POS! If he had said that to my face it would be the last thing he said!


I wish I knew what you meant.

anomRandom ago

Masonic rituals are also important

tirejack ago

it is faggots. almost thought you were a shill.

and I've never answered the census. so do you expect me to believe some data-points, created by the same fuckers who create politicians datasets?

faggots, everywhere

Oh_Well_ian ago

nah.. I'm pretty sure it's widespread Devil worship

thanks anyway, 5 day account

Shillaxe ago

Its a Dumb_he_ho alt.

tirejack ago

oh my, we've lost another one.

change handles often fagots, otherwise you'll start to believe you're an avatar.

Shizy ago

Donkey boy! How are the moobs hangin??? I thought you were done with us?

Oh_Well_ian ago

you're nobody

you aspire to be an avatar

tirejack ago

i don't know why all the downvotes, wasted air retards. the works isn't bad, just the assertion you added. leave your gay tears out of this.