Votescam ago

Doubt it's what readers want -- or what is being expected here. Is it really deleted?

PeytonM ago

I have a small concern. As much as I want to believe this, as it helps tie the pieces together, the original OP post has a link (first one in post) to the Source, which states:

"There's roughly a 50-50 chance the words in this article were actually spoken by Robert Crowley, with a number of alternatives, ranging from a completely fictional narrative to extensive paraphrasing."


dickface8 ago

Millennial_Falcon, comment? (I don't know how to summon people on voat)

wtf_is_happening ago

Recently I have been trying to get my head around the way paedophilia and blackmail is used in power structures. Listening to an interview of Michael Shrimpton on Richie Allen's show, Shrimpton said the Germans originated the use of paedophilia to control politicians, and this system later spread to Britain (and presumably to the USA). In this system only the perverted, who can be blackmailed and controlled, are selected for power. These politicians become "men in the middle", or puppets. And Kay Griggs, the wife of CIA Colonel George Griggs, mentions in her tell all interview (posted on you tube) that she was asked to host a group of psychiatrists who had been brought from Austria to advise the CIA, psychiatrists who were specifically experts on sexual perversion. (Kay Griggs also observes this strategic use of paedophilia in politics goes back to the case of the German industrialist Krups.)

Turns out sexual perversion is a useful quality in a corrupt power structure :(

PizzaThrowaway327 ago

Holy fuck

Tamara Luzatto called herself "The Farmer L" in the wikileaks email referring to having those children in the pool "for entertainment".

OrwellKnew ago

Or the Obama-bots

contrary_mma_hipster ago

There are more moles on the mod team

sunajAeon ago

Am I seeing this right? Robert Crawley, official CIA agent-aka Aleister Crowley?

ArthurEdens ago

They do this over the dumbest reasons too, "title is misleading" or whatever. Who the hell cares?

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

He could be talking about the Body Farm. Photographed by Sally Mann that I posted about. Corpses. NSFW. Also don't eat before viewing. Although all these TV shows have been desensitizing people to gore death rot

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

What do you mean? MK is a program.

Bolux ago

It really makes you wonder if everyone of any power is corrupted.From what I can see Gowdy is the friend we need in D.C. But if the vetting process is true,and I believe it is, he must have skeletons too.

Vindicator ago

You can always find them in the Removed Submissions area at the bottom of the sidebar.

George_Carlin ago

By us being here we are obviously not the ruling class. But what comes to light with these cases is that there has or rather is a way of being "brought up" and this seems to involve sex with children. It also seems to be global. Jimmy Saville and his ilk are the norm and we are merely pawns in the games they play. Keep your kids close!

Lovethelight ago

Funny. I clicked this and the first thing i saw was something like 'we are a censorship free community'. Um. Maybe not.

Apothecarist ago

Straight from the Washington Post: "The practice of human sacrifices tended to make societies increasingly less egalitarian and eventually gave rise to strict, inherited class systems. In other words, ritual killings helped keep the powerful in power and everyone else in check...This finding supports the “social control hypothesis” of human sacrifice...[which] suggests that ritual killings are a way to terrorize people into submission, allowing the religious and political leaders (and in many cultures, those were one and the same) who ordered the killings to consolidate power unopposed." Makes sense they'd blackmail anyone entering the sector of power.

Votescam ago

All while claiming to be the favorite of the bigger Boogieman -- either "god" or "Satan" -- who was demanding these killings.

Yes -- all Mind Control is based in FEAR --

Orange_Circle ago

8/10/98 Washington Weekly, Marvin Lee

".Speaking of FBI files, GOP political consultant Ed Rollins last week on Larry King Live revealed that he thought an article once written by Sidney Blumenthal on Rollins was based on his FBI file. Rollins said he couldn't prove it, but the implication is interesting. Blumenthal's colleagues frequently accused Blumenthal of writing for the White House. They were vindicated when he gave up writing and actually joined the White House. If the White House used Blumenthal to air dirt collected from FBI files, that would be a prima facie violation of the Privacy Act. No sooner had Blumenthal joined the White House before he sued Clinton critic Matt Drudge, with the knowledge and consent of the President. Blumenthal's lawyer in that endeavor is one William McDaniels, who has an interesting history. He represented two figures of the Iran-Contra affair, Duane Clarridge and Thomas Clines. Both were CIA officials active in the clandestine Nicaraguan Contra resupply effort where Barry Seal also worked. When Seal faced drug charges in Florida he was, in turn, represented by one Richard Ben-Veniste. Ben-Veniste is now acting occasionally as a defense lawyer for Bill Clinton."

Orange_Circle ago

The kids did go to an actual farm owned by one of his friends. He posted a photo of the older sister running down a grassy hill.

That having been said, I love that your post features the real CIA farm and the points by Edmonds.

srayzie ago

Wow. It is so scary to think of the kind of people that run the country that we live in. They look out for themselves. Not us. It's like they own us. They still use mind control on us stil. They brainwash us thru subliminal messages everywhere we go.

The people in training on farm molesting targets families... I can't even fathom! If mind control didn't start until the 40's or 50's, then the ones that started it would have had to be pure evil on their own! I mean, how can you find a whole bunch of people to agree to control minds of others to do evil? To watch someone suffer? I can't even watch shows on tv where animals eat each other or commercials with starving children. I don't know how some seem to not have a soul. Like they are demonic.

I listened to Sibel discussing all of this on a podcast. Shocking. I wish she would investigate this. She would have to have some balls to be a whistle blower knowing you could end up dead. Scalia was supposedly into satanic sexual abuse too. So of course he would have been protecting the others.

Edit: Here are links showing Judge Scalia was also a Satanic sexual predator “Scalia liked to fuck little boys. I know this from personal experience – as he was one of my primary abusers as a child and was one of the HEADS of the cult that abused me. He was a vile man who was such an extreme sadist that I find it hard to give words to his voracious appetites. I hated this man in ways that I can’t begin to explain and he rivaled Aquino in my abuse as a child.” Who really owned Scalia is the Koch Brothers, who have feted him and his silent friend, Clarence Thomas. Other than his cavalier attitude about killing innocent people, something Scalia laughed about continually, finding executions of the innocent not just acceptable but actually amusing. So Clarence Thomas is sick too. He's another Supreme Court Justice

Here is another

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

I'd imagine that among DC people connected to government, and into this shit, the Farm has just become a euphemism for raping and 'training children' and blackmailing useful pedophiles.

Freemasonsrus ago

With the blackmail in mind, it clears up why these people were/are freaked about Trump. They don't have any blackmail evidence on him. That's why Brock put out a cash reward during election for dirt on him. He would have been a target for Epstein bc it may come in handy, but he apparently didn't fall for it.

Gorillion ago

Oh yeah. I don't think Podesta's "Farm" was Camp Peary.

28leinad82 ago

In the "that little baby loved the farm" pic, the date is the same as the pic where he drew the map of the pig farm. I think that is the farm he meant, obviously. See my post from Dec 12 here:

remedy4reality ago

yes... and it's going stronger than ever !

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

What a retarded cover story. They train agents to seduce kids so they can blackmail their families? Sounds like they got it backwards.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Yea sounded backwards to me, 'we raped you children, now we're going to blackmail you.' I think most people would decide at that point on going to extreme lengths to get back at them

Gorillion ago

Okay, from OP's link about a 3rd of the way down the page:

"Oh, we do have our stable of weird people working for us. Did I ever tell you about the Pedophile Academy? We actually had one down at Camp Peary, right near [the CIA's] Jim Critchfield's place. I don't know if you are aware of it, but we called it "The Farm" and it was supposed to be a secret training center for young agents. Anyway, Allen Dulles set up this training center down there for pedophiles. They were in training to seduce, molest and, most especially, photograph the young children of targets. Not only, Allen reasoned, would our graduates have a spanking good time but they could get wonderful action pictures of the wee ones to blackmail their families with. ... I understand they broke it up when one of the graduates nailed a [CIA] Deputy Director's son at a summer camp."

Camp Peary is what I linked to at Wikipedia. And seems to be what Crowley is talking about as the location for the Pedo Training Project. Though the phrasing here makes it sound like "The Farm" was always it's nickname and the Pedo Academy was an incidental operation there.

What's this other "The Farm" as you understand it? Does it have a Wiki page or similar just so we can distinguish the two?

happyme73db ago

I get so sad wondering where the babies in these pictures are is hard to do this research....

mrjdouble ago

It's hard on all of us. The opposition are counting on this fact. Keep pressing on if you can, if not, we'll continue on.

Hang in there, mate.

madmanpg ago

From your source:

There's roughly a 50-50 chance the words in this article were actually spoken by Robert Crowley, with a number of alternatives, ranging from a completely fictional narrative to extensive paraphrasing.

Littleredcorvette ago

1980 article about the farm

Down on 'The Farm': Learning How to Spy for the CIA By Ted Gup February 19, 1980 The courses have leaned to the exotic:

Code work, lock picking (called "Picks and Locks"), opening packages without detection ("Flaps and Seals"), how to evade hostile pursuers ("Defensive Driving") and arranging pick-up of clandestine material ("Drops").

For nearly 25 years, neophyte spies have left Washington to attend what some call Spy U., a training base here operated by the Central Intelligence Agency to prepare its agents for real-life cloak-and-dagger work overseas.

The heavily-forested, 10,000-acre site is secretive, but hardly remote. Known as Camp Peary to outsiders and "The Farm" to CIA insiders, the base is a $37 million complex nestled in deer-filled woods and tidal recesses within minutes of two of Virginia's biggest tourist attractions -- Colonial Williamsburg and Busch Gardens.

awakenaware ago

the Farm was location used for MkUltra drug testing facility back in the day.. and was also called the Farm in movies like Firestarter. The farm is most commonly related to the drugs side of mkultra research and development and testing facility if i remember right.

awakenaware ago

Everyones got dirt on each other and a dog eat dog mindset these psychopathic fucks, to be honest ive fought these pricks in the past in various ways attempted to wake up the masses, did a radio show for a few years which included talking about all this kind of stuff on air.. . it came to pass that we found out all kinds of shit goes on in New zealand and auzzie with the cia involved.. mostly they use New Zealand as a guinea pig country for social engineering through covert electronic means and through control of the media execs on all the commitees .. first it was subliminal messages on tv in the 1980s, then more sophisticated signals piggybacked through the power grid in the city.. we recorded transmissions and collected evidence at the time. Discovered many uncomfortable truths along the way in my corporate jobs over the years. The "baddies" have a worldwide network.. they use blackmail and fear as control mechanisms for their club members and surrogates.

Blacksmith21 ago

Let me set the record straight on a couple of issues:

1) "The Farm", as it is known, is the Agency's "boot camp". It has always been known as "The Farm" since its inception, and is still known as that today. My opinion - and I'm not saying one way or another that "pedotraining" did or didn't happen - is that there are quite a few people through "The Farm". Male and female. Recruits, however, may be subjected to "tests" to determine recruits' predilections and vulnerability to blackmail [theory only]. There may also be some "dalliances" during non-instructional hours, for all we know. But, there are enough people who go through this place on a yearly basis that it would be hard for them to keep a secret of this magnitude.

2) I see a lot of "Alefantis owns a place in McLean" and "the CIA HQ is in McLean/Langley", therefore, "Alefantis and the CIA are in bed together". McLean is not a distinct, separate incorporated zone located out in the middle of nowhere. It abuts the Potomac river and blends into Falls Church, borders DC, Arlington, etc. The whole area is one big metropolis. There is nothing suspicious about suspect entities all being located in McLean, or anywhere else, unless there is something unique about the proximity of locations.

When you are a hammer, the world looks like a nail.

herbsmoke ago

the government has been proven to be able to keep things secret. They use a technique called compartmentalisation. The right hand doesn't know what the left is doing. That's how the manhattan project was successful. So you saying this means very little. You have no proof, and the evidence contradicts your opinion.

Blacksmith21 ago

If the government has "been proven to be able to keep things secret" then why are we talking about Pizzagate, MK Ultra, CIA mind control operations, Area 51, etc.?

In "secret squirrel mode", "The Farm" at Camp Pearly is not-so-secret. It isn't a black site. If the CIA is involved in something like this, "The Farm" wouldn't be the place to do so.

If you want to get a little closer, find out what is under this building:,-77.1814222,986m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x89b7ad662b07c9e9:0xb59156f848cd39bb!8m2!3d38.766411!4d-77.1682579

carmencita ago

OH PLEASE check out the Exceptional Children's Center when map is enlarged. The logo is Highly suspect and they have strange pics of knotted ropes hanging from the ceiling. I don't know what to make of this and need help here. I will continue but am not very good at it.

carmencita ago

What the hell is "Exceptional Children's Center". I enlarged map & that is what I saw. Someone check into this please. I will try but am not too good at it.

herbsmoke ago

it is because they are conditioning the public to accept pedophilia that you are allowed to hear about it

awakenaware ago

"the way they were selecting the ones to appoint were the ones who had the highest number of skeletons. Meaning, the government, the Clinton administration (this is the head of the FBI, this is the OJ), they did not want to appoint any federal judges to the bench, and go through the confirmation process, if the judges, or the candidates, didn't have enough skeletons, meaning they have to be rapists, pedophiles, despicable characters, and that information is collected during the background check, and then they are used against these judges, so the judges rule per government's instruction."

Thats the fuckn nutshell right there.. it explains why so many judges are dodgy as fuck.. thats what im talking about.. and this is happening in many countries in a similar way in the appointment of government and private elite jobs.. the corrupt appoint the corrupt to use as leverage against the corrupt.. a viscous circle of corruption.

Votescam ago

Two years before the end of WWII, the Gestapo was being brought here as the CIA by Allen Dulles. See: Operation Mockingbird — scroll down to “History” — which was being written two years before the end of WWII. See: Operation Paperclip — Wiki’s figures are low — at the minimum 64,000+ which included families but more likely 200,000 according to Kay Griggs/YouTube. See: Operation Gladio — US program to keep right wing governments in place in the countries over which they had control after WWII — Germany, Japan, Italy. In Italy, US actually resurrected the Mafia in order to ensure the plan would be carried out. That's why if you look at the map you see we are headed towards Russia (and maybe also China!) They are not about to leave any nation strong enough to save any other nation this time around

CIA's-MKULTRA and Monarch Program is the program for pizzagate.

MKUltra used numerous methodologies to manipulate people's mental states and alter brain functions, including the surreptitious administration of drugs (especially LSD) and other chemicals, hypnosis,[10] sensory deprivation, isolation, verbal and sexual abuse, as well as other forms of psychological torture.[11][12]

The scope of Project MKUltra was broad, with research undertaken at 80 institutions, including 44 colleges and universities, as well as hospitals, prisons, and pharmaceutical companies.[13] The CIA operated through these institutions using front organizations, although sometimes top officials at these institutions were aware of the CIA's involvement.[14] As the US Supreme Court later noted, MKULTRA was:

Dog only knows how many thousands of programs there were in this Gestapo romping ground we call the CIA.

joeysaperv ago

Yeah, if the farm origin was from the 1950s it sounds about right. You know "pedophile science" has "advanced". It's not hard to imagine that at some point the experiments switched from creating multiples to just getting more kids to fuck.

herbsmoke ago

the finders were operating in the 80s-90s and they were cia child abductors that operated with a government blessing

Votescam ago

If you've ever read Noreen Gosch's article on the disappearance of her son, Johnny, you see that she had to conduct her own investigation. At some fairly early point, one of the police officers talking with her either let slip or intended to let her know that ... "local police were told to stand down during the kidnapping of her son." Much later she also finds out that her husband was also involved in setting up the kidnapping.

Cathy O'Brien who relates that her father was abusing her and also made the deal with the CIA to take her. She also suggests that many of the fathers who did this were financially rewarded.

sheasie ago

Is it possible Alefantis was referring to "The Farm"?

yes, it's possible. but i don't think so. did't podesta mention something about visiting a farmhouse ?

dickface8 ago

You mean the "baby loved the farm" pic? Definitely, I feel you're thinking of a different photo though? Because that's clearly him.

pmichel ago

remember, he said he hates kids

dickface8 ago

I think he more said it in the way that he doesn't like kids sexually, and everyone is equating that to "I hate kids". Anyone got a link to him saying that?

MolochHunter ago

yer, its the successor/evolution of Operation Brownstone. They used to blackmail people with extra-marital affairs or homosexuality. But after the sexual / gay revolutions that tactic lost its sting. So they 'changed up' - or rather, down - to hell.

The reason pizzagate is the biggest news since the 2nd world war is because there is absolutely no going forward for humanity here without confronting and destroying this thing.

While a pedophile mafia rules the world and is growing, there is not only no safety for our children, but there can be no hope for peace (agitate russia to divert from pizzagate, invade countries in part to siphon off their children) , no hope for democracy (as above, only compromised candidates are allowed), no hope for a fair economy (print money at whim and extend credit to fellow pedo mafia members that non-pedo's would never be approved for), and no hope that the best most suitable most talented people will lead our nations/companies/people as their integrity makes them problematic to the pedo mafia

Whatever else you care about in this world, you must drop it for now and confront this evil first

Votescam ago

Whatever else you care about in this world, you must drop it for now and confront this evil first

Too many are trying to save their beautiful minds from having to face this ugliness, but they are going to have to give up those ideas and begin looking into this insanity of those who govern us. Otherwise we are going to see this insane MIC on its way to Russia.

The reason pizzagate is the biggest news since the 2nd world war is because there is absolutely no going forward for humanity here without confronting and destroying this thing.

Bolux ago


Htaed ago

Can we be friends?

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Yes it is time. If they kill Trump or Trump refuses to let this come out.....we must revolt....and old school Pogrom them all.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Yeah, it's all fun and games until your own kid gets pedo-raped, eh?

How can these people possibly have anything to do with "intelligence"?

Hopevoats ago

This sounds like a good cover for "shutting it down". I guarantee they never shut it down. They had to come up with a good story. The people involved in this don't give a damn if their own children are raped.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Well... that is another possibility. Either way, the CIA sucks.

dickface8 ago

Alefantis looks like king pedo in that photo. It's creepy.

Aaanndgo ago

I cannot believe what the hell I just read.

Hopevoats ago

I cannot believe what the hell I just read.

Stay there, because the world of truth is a horrific place.

DustyRadio ago

I think I am seriously ill in seeing that our very own United States government had a not very secret fucking actual "training camp" for child predators as part of a government agency. And people that knew of it speak of it with humor.

We paid for this with our taxes.

This country's government is beyond redemption.

doubletake ago

Maybe in some sort of the same way as, 'God created man, and Colt made them equal," one could say,

"The Government created surveillance, and Hackers made it equal." (almost anyway, esp for P-G)

zzvoat ago

Try to get ready for the really tough stuff befcause beyond pedo "honeypot" extortion operations, these people are all satanists.

Votescam ago

The Old Religion had no Satan -- "No gods above/No gods below" -- simply based in Nature. Much later, Satan was invented by organized patriarchal religion which underpins patriarchy.

Male-supremacist religion invented a "bigger boogieman" who pronounced males superior. It was a FEAR based and a sham, but profitable for those in the know and playing the game. I'm not saying that there wasn't and hasn't been true violence/murder -- these are very violent, sick people.

Our Founders were part of this system if you check the Constitution, you'll find that they actually created an Elite Patriarchy (endowed them with land grants and gave only them the vote) with immense influence and control over our "people's government." Follow that into their protection of the system of slavery for the wealthy, even down to "Runaway Slave Act" and another 100 years of segregation protected by both political parties. Re-read the Constitution.

pizzaequalspedo ago

These off the record operations need to be shut down.

We need more transparency not less and these shadow groups like the CIA have been totally corrupted to go against what the US stands for.

I do not want our government using pedos and wetworks.

BertieMcDuffy ago

I think the surveillance state would be totally fine if it really was equal (IE if anyone could just google obamas internet history)

fetuspizza ago

For Context, I believed "The Farm", was mentioned. The Farm is where young recruits go to train. I don't believe it's the name of the pedo academy, but was just used as a reference for the training camp near it.

Gorillion ago

Yeah, "The Farm" has been name dropped in countless TV shows, spy novels and movies.

Camp Peary is an approximately 9,000 acre military reservation in York County near Williamsburg, Virginia. Officially referred to as an Armed Forces Experimental Training Activity (AFETA) under the auspices of the Department of Defense, Camp Peary hosts a covert CIA training facility known as "The Farm," which is used to train officers of CIA's Directorate of Operations, as well as those of the DIA's Defense Clandestine Service,[1] among other intelligence entities. Camp Peary has a sister facility, "The Point," located in Hertford, North Carolina.

The Farm

Camp Peary is known as "The Farm," a training facility run by the Central Intelligence Agency for the purpose of training CIA's clandestine officers, as well as officers of other organizations specializing in clandestine activities, such as the Defense Intelligence Agency. The existence of this facility is widely known, but has never been formally acknowledged by the U.S. government. Access to Camp Peary is strictly controlled, and all visitors to the installation on official business are escorted at all times. The portion of the original World War II Seabee base that is north of Interstate 64 has remained closed to the public since 1951. However, the roads and many structures of Magruder and Bigler's Mill are still there and many are occupied. An airport with a 5,000-foot (1,500 m) runway was added to the facility near the site of Bigler's Mill. Flight records show that at least 11 aircraft that appear to be owned by CIA front companies, and are believed to have been used as rendition aircraft by the CIA under the guise of charter flights have landed on this runway. [3]

Former CIA officer Bill Wagner attended a three-week interrogation course at The Farm in 1970. He claims that it was the agency's "premier course," and that volunteers played the role of interrogation subjects in order to be guaranteed seats in future classes. Interrogators-in-training practiced techniques such as sleep deprivation, deliberately tainted food, and mock executions. According to Wagner, the course was dropped from the CIA training curriculum after the Watergate scandal, due to increased attention being paid to CIA practices.[4]

Okay, so at least by 1970 everyone was calling it "The Farm".

From OP:

Robert Crowley, CIA Domestic Contracts Division 1959-1962

Possibly these guys nicknamed the Pedo training facility "The Farm" first and the name stuck thereafter, and no-one knew about the pedo shit? It looks like the interview was from 1980 or thereabouts and I'll say that yeah, from memory, mentions of "The Farm" weren't a thing on TV back then. Stuff like Silence of the Lambs made all that stuff popular and Thomas Harris was one of the earlier, if not earliest, writers to use this sort of "investigative craft lore". Psychological Profiling only became known in the popular sense after John Douglas wrote Mindhunter, and Harris based Will Graham in Red Dragon off that. Douglas basically pioneered the science.

Nana66 ago

Someday we will find out what Area 51 really is too.

carmencita ago

According to Wagner, the course was dropped from the CIA training curriculum after the Watergate scandal due to increased attention being paid to COA practices. This is what needs to happen now. They must be called out. Immediately. Evidently they are like roaches. When a light is shined upon them they will run and hide. Then get out the can of Raid.

Vindicator ago

So, you are saying you think Alefantis took the baby to the CIA Pedophile Academy?