ibepokey ago

exactly. there are many ways to gain info, one just has to do it without advertising it.

Pizza-related-sap ago

Anybody willing to take infrared/body heat signature cameras to the pegasus building???? Facebook Live that shit, Periscope, or whatever.

FriesischShipping ago

It's possible infracams are invading their privacy, which can be used as ammo against us.

FriesischShipping ago

Then use the Franklin Coverup and boystown as an example. I'm still confident it's going to be some situation where adopted, boarded, or orphaned kids are herded together and pimped out of some kind of compound, school, or possibly a large half-way looking house with fostercare to Pegasus and CPP.

RottenSausage ago

Here is your stable and some have connected it to this place. The thing to remember is dead bodies can be disposed of by feeding them to pigs.

MattHelm ago

Exactly. Child Protective Service is in all 50 states and they have a lot of money plus they have the police on their side. They can go to any home and demand you give up your kids and the cops will stand there and glare at you instead of protecting you. The cops are paid to enforce whatever CPS demands and they have judges on their payroll too so if you go to court to contest a CPS child snatching, the judge will always side with CPS and declare you "an unfit parent who must have done something wrong you are a danger to your own kids and they are better off outside your loving care" it's corrupt top to bottom. And we know CPS gets bonus money for each kid they put into the system. The system being the pedo network.

FuckPro3000 ago


This is just one website connected to a host of other websites (asrtists, etc. ) ( https://now-age.org/the-concert/panoptic-yes/ , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BAu9WWe4Sfs )

The end credits of the song "NEVER FOREVER (OFFICIAL FILM STARRING PRINCE RAMA)" - CREEPS ME THE FUCK OUT - watch till the end. Who are those girls????!!!???

StrangeHologram ago


FriesischShipping ago

No no, it's ok, it just needs some improvements in the Georgre Webb reference, and change the title to more accurately discribe the content and then I can repost it. I think the mods have been fair.

IceDagger316 ago

Based on history, I'm going predict this is a Waco-like Branch Davidian religious cult compound where the abused children are kept long-term, who are then shuttled out to a distribution center like Pegasus.

You find the new "Finders" and you'll find your compound. Hell, they might still be in the Blue Ridge Mountains in VA.

cubes ago

Close It looks like a kids summer camp in Madison County VA


IceDagger316 ago

I gotta disagree with this line of thought. The compound isn't going to be somewhere that doubles or even poses as a legit children's camp advertising on the internet. It's going to be somewhere more akin to The Finders' setup - secretive, tucked away, unacknowledged until the cover is blown.

ArthurEdens ago

Hahaha nice example

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Defo, if we draw up a profile for probable child donors and foster parents its possible we could find something with some good investigate people on it.

spez_dispenser ago

6. The Pig Farm (Cult Compound)

A voater already did a write up on the pork supplier.


This is where the kids are executed, then fed to the pigs (Robert Pickton style). Pigs are sold back to CPP and served to clients as pork calzones.

Here we see Guy Fieri and Alefantis preparing a pork loin for the calzones (starts at 5:30).


FriesischShipping ago

Fuckin A man, that's harsh, but at least they're recycling? :-(

Htaed ago

That wet noodle patreaus compared himself to Alexander the Great hahahahahahahajajajajajajahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha good one.

FriesischShipping ago

Haha, what a stooge!

FriesischShipping ago

They felt the title violated rule #3

ArthurEdens ago

I know, it's tough. If we really do find real proof who do we take it to? Police have moles, fbi has moles, msm has moles. I can only think that someone would have to hack these home pages and post damning photos and videos.

ArthurEdens ago


steve0suprem0 ago

isn't wesley clark the one who exposed the seven nations plan though?

KansasJakeBG ago

James says he doesn't like children at all and he refers to his taking care of his goddaughter (cuteness is big business photo) as Overtime. Having so many kids around when you don't like kids is work work!

FriesischShipping ago

Occurs Razor = Better to present yourself openly as a drug dealer, you'll get less attention.

FriesischShipping ago

Massacre is a good one.

Mageant ago

I think it might be worth looking into the suppliers of Comet Ping Pong. These could possibly be some nearby farms.

FriesischShipping ago

The stable is probably at the tomato farm he is talking about in one of the old interviews with him. I feel it in my guts, it's there, thanks for the tip.

cubes ago

I think it's related to CCCA kids summer camps You can find the full context here in a pastein https://archive.is/3u06s

FriesischShipping ago

Sorry, no it's not. I clearly remember a photo of a video monitor displaying a cam pointed at the ping pong tables with a child sitting on top of one of the tables.

PizzaGatinOnYa ago

Yea the churches are at the top of the food chain. In mulochkee(MIlwakee) the archdiocese has been involved in sex scandals, and well we all know how dem catholics feel about children. Orphanges, churches, Religious based schools, troubled teen camps are all parts of the organization in my opinion.

save_thechildren ago

Please check out Mt. Weather in VA. It has really strange reviews- one woman saying that they finally gave her baby back.

ibepokey ago

i'm only talking about recording goings-on that happen in public. it is legal to record things that happen in public. I'm not suggesting doing anything overt or illegal. these establishments have a public face, so how hard would it be to discreetly and legally capture some of the traffic surrounding them?

Cbradio ago

So as usual, a subverse deleted. And, the shills that always post that pedogate is fake, knock down research posts are never on that shill list for months, now ( free as birds). And one doing that list, , has not done one research contribution post, which all who do; know requires giving mass hours of research, then compile to post. Wow. I keep hearing that Beastie Boys song in my head, this is another sabotage..)) You hear that song?? For its coming on repeat, a lot here..)))) Interesting how one in that group also works tech for a big corp...)) And friends list on twitter..))

FriesischShipping ago


Bubbha ago

Upgoat for Beastie Boys

Haldelos ago

I say that because there's tons of reviews since this started from local normies who say things like "we bring our kids there all the time" and its great for birthday parties...I would think the elites who might be window shopping there would know exactly whats on the menu and whats not. Here's an example in the Boston Globe....the author wrote the story because it's her "local pizzeria" and she takes her kids there...she may have no clue whats going on... https://www.bostonglobe.com/opinion/2016/12/08/the-shocking-truth-about-pizzagate/kUpm1bqKFVwlVfF49bXDqI/story.html

Nana66 ago

Wow...I just spent a long time typing up a long comment and by the time I finally hit post this post and OP is deleted....

FriesischShipping ago

Hit a nerve I guess...

Nana66 ago

I just tweaked it some and did it as a post and they already deleted it for rule 1, 2 and 3 ....https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1548227 Have you checked out the deleted posts section hiding far down on the right? So much important info thrown in the garbage.

FriesischShipping ago

I have not, will look now.

Cbradio ago

I know its prob not politically correct here ( thielish), but saw kovk bros have really donated a lot to ballet, have been rewarded by elitesscrubs a lot. Michelle Obama did not show up for her honorary award, when kick was awarded. Interesting who the award presenters were.

Crude and bio material energy, I found is a loophole that koch, Enron, others ( both political aides) have looholed in wall street, NASDAQ as there was no law to the new bio crude resources.

Canada is building a electric plant for mbm fuels ( body parts, cows) and some of their engineering research is on www.science direct.com. Tar fields ( koch, Canada, too)./

Look up mbm on wikipedia, connects to bone powder, bone paste, hydroponics and more. Mad cow disease outbreaks began the huge industry use of it, even though was going on prior. Remember when Oprah had to stop her Texas, mad cow, investigation. Mbm fuelis why..))

orbitoll ago

Is this the photo you were looking for showing Comet Ping Pong's video monitor?

Cbradio ago

Yep, and a lot of south american Npo stuff going on. Did you know there are blind ballet dancer group in s america?

Did you know that Ukraine kids can only be adopted now, under age five if have certain medical conditions, included are many eye and ear med issues.. And..boystown research hospital focus on child eye and ear med issues!!

Nana66 ago

Maybe we should look at Romney. We know they are on both sides and I have always believed Daddy Bush got the Clintons involved. After Hillary lost in 08 because they hadn't yet completely taken over the Democrat party, they either compromised or threatened Obama and he agreed to take orders from the shadow government even using secret emails to communicate through Hillary's private server. Does he know what he is helping prop up...I'm not sure, I can go both ways. I think McCain was running as backup though because they have coverage on both sides. They got Reagan elected so he could act like the president and obliviously not recall Bush sr and the shadow government running the country. Then after Bush was president he handed over the keys to the corrupt perv from Arkansas and his master Billary Clinton.

http://www.cbsnews.com/pictures/george-wallace/13/ http://archive.is/MGEdr

Then back to bush Jr and his babysitters Cheney and Rumsfeld....

I don't believe they wanted Obama Because he kept weaseling out of wars and in 2012 they put up mysterious Romney because Hillary was already SOS and doing their bidding around the world while gaining influence to receive the crown in 2016. Romney was just awful as a candidate in the age of massive internet access and too many saw through it and it backfired because now us peons were starting to pay attention. Romney was connected to at least Bush Jr from the Olympics but he also had shady business dealing and people had many theories about him. His 47% incident could have been elite pedo customers but someone also asked him if he would use an incident like the hostage situation that got Reagan elected..

Source http://www.dailykos.com/story/2012/10/18/1146402/-New-Revelation-At-47-Dinner-Romney-Was-Hoping-For-Something-Like-Iran-Hostage-Crisis-VIDEO http://archive.is/YqSWk

I was always suspicious Hillary and the CIA created the whole Benghazi situation including the video to take down Obama...but it failed and backfired

Romney has the Mormon cult thing going on with LOTS of children everywhere and he has unsavory international connections that had people thinking drug money laundering. Romney gave off a forced into it vibe and somehow as a loser his VP pick has made it practically to the top and is probably just a puppet.

I believe Trump is picking his cabinet either because he's involved (IDK they tried hard to stop him on both sides even having Republican big wigs taking Hillary's side) or he ran for president to stop the shadow pedo's in the government. He seemed scared shitless after talking to Obama at the Whitehouse...I sometimes picture Obama telling Bernie he wasn't going to be allowed to win at the end but didn't have the heart to tell him to his face they were going to release his taped Hillary endorsement and he couldn't stop them....but anyway Trump left their meeting and is either in huge crowds or hiding in Trump tower trying to keep up with the media lies and tweeting the truth. I think he picked Bannon as his sidekick first because he KNOWS and they all lost their minds and are still trying to get him out. I believe he chose Pence as VP to pick his cabinet because he is also a pedo with connections and will fill his administration with the guilty....not sure what his plan is...maybe just a big "you're fired!!!" and then expose them. McCain, Graham and McConnell have all been screaming the Russians are coming and I think they are all involved. They chose McConnells wife as transportation secretary and she could not only be a drug smuggler but shipping dock workers talk about shipping containers full of feces and urine.

This article is very enlightening and was forgotten so quick, maybe they omitted part of other illegal cargo. https://www.thenation.com/article/mitch-mcconnells-freighted-ties-shadowy-shipping-company/ http://archive.is/6Gzi5

While Trump did not pick Romney for SOS the media sure did push it and just like when Trump started surprising people with polls and they had Jeb Bush reluctantly run after saying he wouldn't...probably cuz they thought Hillary had it in the bag, they also re-animated Romney to get a stop Trump movement going. So why do they keep trying to bring him back just to stop Trump...well in their bubble they think he is very important. So did anyone ever find out what Bain capital really does to be so wealthy, besides creating slave labor in 3rd world countries with outsourcing?

zzvoat ago

I think the mk-ultras are used publicly, like in Hollywood. The young child actors whose parents give them over to the system for fame and money.

What we are talking about chattel. most of these kids are kept locked rooms and used and used until they die. These people are not like us. They are psychpaths who don't care. And, yes, some are satanists. Those kids and babies are sacrificed.

Cbradio ago

Sponsor fams too..faster..

Cbradio ago

Anyone read that Clinton in NY, doing quick renovation on her home, got caught by zoning board. Started in Oct, 2016, told contractor needs to be done fast.

Sharipie ago

They could also be hiding some of them in church basements or retreat cabins. The Podestas are closely tied to the Jesuits as we know.

ibepokey ago

I'd like to know why one of us that lives near these locations hasn't set up some kind of surveillance on one (or more) of these places to back any of this up. The establishments are in public, and from what I've seen, it wouldn't be too difficult to sit in the park or mosey around the one of the areas at various times.

zzvoat ago

You are going to see my strong bias and anger here. It's because idiots like the asshole selling t shirts contacts Alefantis directly AND blasts the whole thing all over the internet.

I agree with you. It could have been done carefully and quietly.

Im a very kind and loving person. How much I really hate that guy surprises me.

FriesischShipping ago

So fucking amateur it breaks my heart, imagine how the white hat cops feel? Must be face palming so hard they're leaving bruises.

ibepokey ago

it was real easy for those 2 kids (in a vid posted ~a month ago) to wander around the back of cpp and the other restaurant, and then down into some unknown tunnel, but the way they went about it was all wrong. that one was so disorganized it was hard to translate it into anything meaningful, IMO. this, and the example you provide, are great examples of what NOT to do.

Cbradio ago

Anyone aware that cow caracasses from mad cow disease time were milled and turned into fuel? Here is a site running in england: BBBC/NEWS/UK: BSE Carcasses Burned By Electricity.

Also: Retsch has bone mills and a donor site in Antonia. Retsch.com DL PDF file.

Boystown is in San Antonia, TX.


Alefontis friend: Septimbre Webre--- Dr Kuno- Sucampo Pharmaceuticals - Amitizo drug made of PROSTRONES on nasdaq.

Seven ship ports near DC, via area. Small to large ports.

Operation Cross country- send kids to Vista Maria or CP's.

RecycledUser ago

I agree. Thanks for the OP laying it out. I still think the much larger, more pressing issue is the coup that Trump is walking into, going by all the facts that George has laid out. His videos, especially yesterday and today, really need to go viral, and also to everyone in the new administration. Especially since Comey is supposedly testifying this week. HE NEEDS TO RELEASE THOSE 650K EMAILS!

zzvoat ago

The people who need to get Georges info.are getting it.

Millennial_Falcon ago

rule 3: repost with a descriptive title that is not overblown and sensationalized. all of this seems much more like wild guessing than an actual solved case. also, please include a brief summary of the Webb video you linked.

cubes ago

After I made my "Stable" post here https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1547234/7535486

I started looking for youth camps in Madison County Va

Here https://archive.is/Ly2lj

Came across a huge youth camp called shenandoah springs

Strange enough the facebook page seems to be gone


But they have a few websites with a ton of photos



archive.is was giving me errors but I was able to finally archive additional photos



Could be innocent but i'm sure this place would be a pedos dream


This camp is part of the






But looking a little deeper into CCCA member camps I found a pedophile sex scandal @ Camp Good News

Camp Good News to reopen after sex scandal


Camp Good News has camps all over the US and is CCCA member

Camp shenandoah springs is also a CCCA member

This looks like it needs further investigation, is Podesta of the Clinton foundation etc tied to any of these camps or associations?

2nd edit:


Man Accused In Camp Good News Abuse Found Dead- Sandwich, MA



This smells real fishy...


Lawyer: Possible Abuse Cover-up at Camp Good News

More accusations of abuse at a Cape Cod summer camp. More than a dozen people now claim they were abused as children in the 70's and 80's at Camp Good News in Sandwich, Massachusetts. An attorney representing the alleged victims claims the camp was involved in a cover-up. "If thirteen people have contacted me in the last month claiming to have been sexually molested at this camp, than there is something wrong at this camp," said Attorney Mitchell Garabedian of Boston.

The floodgates opened after Senator Scott Brown revealed in his memoir he had been molested at a summer camp on the Cape back in the 70's. Brown never named Camp Good News, but officials there confirmed Brown attended their camp forty years ago.

Full story: https://archive.is/yDjgf

IceDagger316 ago

I gotta disagree with this line of thought on the "stable". This place, if it exists, will not be advertising it's existence on the internet, even under a cover, such as a summer camp. It will be tucked away, hidden from sight, and completely unspoken of, much like The Finders' encampment. You aren't going to find it advertising anything on the net, dark or otherwise. Just because a camp has proximity to DC doesn't mean anything.

MattHelm ago

25 years ago I worked at a YMCA and from time to time they would bus in poor kids from some foster home or youth camp. They were very strange kids and now that I think back on it they could have been kids who were MK-Ultra'd and were part of the pedo network. When I worked there the kids who I thought were strange only came a few times. We mainly had local kids from the town kids who lived in the area and were into the sports our YMCA offered.

itrunshot ago

The abandoned underground areas in DC has to play a part in this. Why would they let all that hidden space go unused?

Edit- Does the tunnel to camp David pass CPP? https://i.sli.mg/h8KkkA.png

MrGodspeed ago

+FriesischShipping - I have been working on putting everything together and posting on Voat, but you beat me to it! Super job, man!

I just want to say that I agree wholeheartedly with your assessment of what COMET PING PONG is. I have always felt that many investigators were making a mistake, by assuming the location of Comet Ping Pong was the actual den of pedo-sin, itself. Rather, I have always assumed that Comet was a showcase venue - a place for people to come into, and see & “place their order.” A place to point out and choose a live child from the back room, or one from the bar’s video screen, or maybe even one from an online resource. I view Alefantis as a carnival barker, who sells tickets to get into the freak show. I see him as the one describing the attractions and emphasizing the variety, novelty, and beauty of the children they have to show (see Wikipedia's definition of a "barker"). But I do NOT see Alefantis as a person conducting live orgies and seances in the backroom of his restaurant. That has always seemed farfetched to me. I see Comet as a showroom den, themed & decorated in such a way (perverted artwork and live shows referencing pizza/sex with children) to let others who are in-the-know feel comfortable that they are in the right place. Anyway, for me, James Alefantis = Carnival Barker


steve0suprem0 ago

just replace pussy with pizza


Haldelos ago

Since the beginning ppl have pointed out how weird it is that Comet PP so often advertises for kids and "all ages"...Any shot the reason Comet is SO OVERLY "kid/fam friendly" is so that its not out of place when the kids being "shown off"are there. In other words, local families really bring their kids in all the time for ping pong and pizza with nothing weird going on as far as they know. Meanwhile 1 or two of the kids there may be a victim....might be a good cover.

FriesischShipping ago

I played music concerts at clubs when I was younger and we always put "all ages" down to signify that it was a non-alcohol serving venue.

Haldelos ago

cool thanks- makes sense...probably more likely

FriesischShipping ago

That's freaking awesome. Any ideas on who the transport/drivers are? Or another purpose for Pegasus if I'm mistaken?

Cbradio ago

Boystown live in teachers, esp couples, get a free van as part of job benefits.

FriesischShipping ago

Boystown still exists? Wtf....

Cbradio ago

Yes, go to wikipedia, their boystown website, boystown research hospital website, boystown in India, all over. Nebraska, then 11 more main locations, all on states with coastal, shipping ports.

The Ireland nuns still exists, good shepard, under vista maria. All over.

Operation cross-country even states in interviews that ones sent to CP's or vista Maria.

Ukraine boystown has kids sent to Israel? Was alefontis or crew on Israel beach lately?/I thought I saw a beach pic with a guy in tighties with a male minor lil boy..??

Boystown, listed as Flanagan on Forbes, number 47 or 48 top profit charities. Boystown gold silver IRA and coins are huge. Web search pulls up many vendors.

That is, both boystown and the nun Npo in Ireland never went away, got bigger worldwide and just changed their format, system.

Also tzdakah.org has mass data on Npo charities.

yabbadoody ago

this is probably all but true, but you're also missing the point. Eyewitness testimony (Paul Bonacci, a survivor, credible, and many others) clearly indicates than MANY of these kids never get out alive. The OFFICIAL statistics say life expectancy for a child sex slave it 2 years, and many others are murdered "on the spot". Again, eyewitness.

The SURVIVORS of actual child slavery are few and far between, while there are many, many more victims who are/were victims of "casual abuse" in family settings, etc. This is much bigger than a Branch Davidian complex, although yes, that type of operation ("The Farm") is definitely part of it. The sheer numbers of kids that go missing AND unaccounted for, every year, suggests upwards of 20,000 in the US alone... that's a SERIOUS amount of mayhem, and it doesn't include figures on refugee kids ("unaccounted for" in the tens of thousands, just during Obama's second term, missing from government camps).

This is a STAGGERING operation, and it feeds a WORLDWIDE CHAIN of paedos, psychos, and Satanists. Saudis and Brits come to mind, as well as US pols and media types. We ARE, and CAN, bring it down. We may never be able to PROSECUTE successfully, since many of the witnesses are deceased, or otherwise have had their mental health so compromised as to not be able to withstand scrutiny under legal examination - but we can expose them for what they are.

Their days on this Earth are numbered, assuming we continue. If we stop, burn out, or allow ourselves to become "distracted", then the child trafficking goes on it's merry way. That said, FREQUENT mental health breaks from pizzagate research are necessary, and healthy because it's all too overwhelming without.

And yes, this sounds very much like "The Finders" scandal - only decades further on, more diversified, more "business like" than even that operation. And with NOC (non-official government cover), something generally reserved for the CIA. Which is on the "logistics" side of the operation. Which is whom is embedded within the Clinton Foundation, but also now the FBI, thanks to Clinton efforts while he was President, due to instituting "inter-agency cooperability" - just another word for having shills on the inside, lack of Operation Security for FBI (which is no saint on its own record).


WHAMMO63 ago

Something to remember is that a LOT of these children never become statistics because their births were never recorded. They were born to 'breeders' in the cult, or through one of the 'adoption agencies'. Also I believe that some late-term abortions are actually induced labor and delivery while the 'mother' is asleep. This is why they are so for allowing late term abortions.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

I don't think anyone believes the Clintons went in there to save the kids, my thought cud be that some of the Clinton's associates were there, as well as abused children, and it had reached the point where the Clintons decided they had to be exterminated.

TheJesusDude ago

No, just curious.

FriesischShipping ago

either way it implicates them. They are consolidating their empire and getting rid of competition, or taking out snitches. That's about the only sense I can make of a razed earth operation.

DirtyDancingRedShoes ago

Along this path of thought, I still am trying to figure out Stratfor and their pizza ordering system. I wonder if selling kids is organized much like a corporate franchise with Tavastock at the top.

Cbradio ago

I went through all the Stratford pizza emails. They use Eloqua software. Each use must have a pizza box, email showed it means another computer..a lot more, posted it yesterday, and mass attachmts are on Vario's pizza emails, some even called pizza billing statements.

FriesischShipping ago

Good point, albeit a little discouraging for the investigation if everything is underground :-(

JohnTitor_0 ago

on 4chan this came up, no idea how the guy got the coordinates and all, but maybe this is the "waco like" compound http://sli.mg/wtwQLo no proof of course, but maybe looking into it lets you find something. but again could be total bullshit

FriesischShipping ago

It's like watching X-Files, right? Oh you found evidence? Yeah, we'll just take that sign down (Besta Pizza).

atheist4thecause ago

I think you could add the SUPPLY to this. The Supply, as far as I can tell, would be the different at-risk organizations that can gain/give custody of children, such as adoption services. This is where people such as Laura Silsby come in.

EDIT: It's possible this is actually what you called the STABLE. The adoption agencies operate as the long-term holding, and when someone wants a child, they can adopt them (or visit/volunteer). Tony Podesta's mother apparently adopted 25 people. (I'm not sure if they were children, adults, or a mix.)

Eastwood350 ago

Those are my same thoughts. What better place to "distribute" children than in the foster/adoption system? And where are all the immigrant children from South America being placed? Most Americans aren't even aware of the fact that children are being removed from a high percentage of impoverished families at an alarming pace in our country and MSM won't touch that subject with a ten foot pole. These families are having their children removed with unsubstantiated reasons and the family courts are only to happy to terminate parental rights. Did you know that less than 19% of the current 427000 children in the system are in the system for reasons of abuse? Parents are screaming from the rooftops that their rights are being terminated after social workers remove children without warrants and they aren't afforded due process in the courts. In Arizona alone an article was published about their adoptions in the month of Nov. Out of 300 adoptions in the state that month 263 were from Maricopa county alone leaving the other 37 adoptions coming from the remaining 14 counties. That in itself should raise a red flag.

Then we have Hillary who boasts about and penned the Adoption and Safe Families Act in 1997 which her husband signed and enacted. ASFA not only incentivized states to increase removals by putting a bounty on every child's head IF and only IF the state increased their adoption numbers over the prior year it also pushed for the states to reduce the time a child is in foster care and move to adoption. Was Hillary really looking out for the "child's best interest" or was their a more nefarious reason for that Act?

Which brings me to Jabbaroos Instagram post. He posted an Instagram pic and video on Nov 22, 2014 which was an event celebrating National Adoption Day AND Jimmycomet liked that screenshot. If Alefantis doesn't like kids like he supposedly just claimed what possessed him to like this screenshot? Could these nefarious characters be happy because states are opening up adoptions to the LGBT community?

I still have both the links downloaded: Jabbaroos video (no longer working because he made it private)


Screenshot where Jimmycomet liked it:


Closeup of National Adoption Day Celebration poster: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=141832292980530&set=a.106676869829406.1073741826.100014612796232&type=3&theater

zzvoat ago

Great deduction

Cbradio ago

Book, let help live, outlines the extensive systemic routing of kids from s America..

Lileee1010 ago

Northeast or southeast?

Infopractical ago

This is still just a theory.

No case is solved until there is enough evidence for conviction. We still don't have an identified victim. I don't mean that like the shills do: I believe there is a chance that one is discovered.

In the meantime, there are plenty of avenues of good evidence to explore, but may be difficult to procure, like bank records. Somehow, some way, there is need to launder all of the money. That might happen through restaurants (if 90% of restaurants fail, why is slinging pizza so popular?) or through any number of simple laundering techniques. But we need a ledger, and even then, we'll need to be able to decrypt the ledger.

And what we really need, no matter how we get to the evidence that would truly make this a solved case, is a turncoat. We need to identify somebody [possibly already in custody for some crime(s)] whom some good guy in LE can leverage.

Cbradio ago

The Staford emails have mass ledgers attached to a number of email sets, including attachments that use word pizza. I DL a bunch, but can't DL until get more memory. I wrote more specs on another subverse yesterday. And they are using software Eloqua to route subscribers vs not, and track ISP. And speaking of good customers in China, elsewhere, still not using a pizza box, Dif computer. One Stanford staff, posts email of gateway computer on sale for another staff to buy as own pizza box.

Another email jokes about their upcoming hotdog party is like Obamas $65 k one on tax dollars, stating, we will use same source.

IDeliverPizza ago

And your never gonna get to the stable because it's the fuvking whitehouse. All subways and paths lead to the White House. Case closed niggah.

Also the kids at Pegasus are there for longer than you think they are. You might find something if you check it out.

TheJesusDude ago

Are your suspected stables east coast?

thelawofone ago

I'm confused. Wouldn't it be entirely possible but that the agents who went in were ambushed and shot by people inside and then the agent outside returned fire at them inside? What am I missing? Did autopsy on the dead agents link a weapon not used by people inside the home but by the agents themselves?

MathPhilo ago

Children on James Alefantis Instagram were said to feature the same eye distinguishing mark. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1458452

Preface The Greek for soul is Psyche. The Psyche can also refer to a butterfly. Whomever possesses your Psyche (Soul), Possesses you.

Descartes called The Pineal Gland "The Seat Of The Soul" Source: https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/pineal-gland/

We could conclusively call the Pineal Gland, the gateway drug, in that it plays a major role within near death experience and day dreaming. source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Near-death_experience

At the age of 12 years old, according to rational wiki, half of the populations pineal glands will have calcified. source: http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Pineal_gland

It would be presumable, the calcified pineal glands are the result of a lack of amino-acid within the diet, or speculatively genetics.


It has been discussed in various various threads that many of the trafficked children carry this particular genetic trait: Coloboma of the eye. Source: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1448346

While many speculate John Podesta & Tony Podesta are responsible for the kidnapping of Madeline McCann, due to their likeness in the photo released of potential suspects. source: http://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/top-news/podesta-brothers-revealed/

The idea of the significance of McCann's Coloboma, is that it is shared with SOROS.

Below is information relating the the genetic origins of

"Snake-in-the-eye" as part of Sigurd's name denoted a physical characteristics. He was born with a mark in his left eye, described as the image of the Ouroboros (a snake biting its own tail) encircling the pupil of his eye. The snake mark had been prophesied by his mother Aslaug, the daughter of the Valkyrie Brynhildr. Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sigurd_Snake-in-the-Eye

In modern times, it has been suggested that the mark in Sigurd's eye was a result of a congenital mutation of the PAX6 gene. Source: http://en.rodovid.org/wk/Person:58462

Okay so where does that bring us folks? That's right, the cloning.

Why have the McCanns lied about Maddie's coloboma for 4 years? http://jillhavern.forumotion.net/t3214-why-have-the-mccanns-lied-about-maddie-s-coloboma-for-4-years

The changing Coloboma of Madeleine http://jillhavern.forumotion.net/t984-the-changing-coloboma-of-madeleine

Clement Freud had the McCanns over for tea http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3643373/PICTURED-sinister-holiday-villa-paedophile-MP-Clement-Freud-hosted-McCanns-weeks-Madeleine-vanished.html

Who is related to Sigmund, father of Anna Freud who forms an institute with Tavistock involved in the snatching of children for secret military programs, discussed here: https://vid.me/GmbX

Cbradio ago

Pizza Leptidoptera is on newer released Turkey wikileaks emails, as did a pizza search. LEPTIDOPTERA means butterfly. That email and others are not translated, so need ones that can translate.

I've wondered if that type of eye has rh- blood or certain blood types? And if the mom had en vitro conception done..

WatcherWatcher ago

The FLDS polygamist cult (Warren Jeffs) was based in Texas before the Feds seized the land and arrested some of the leadership. If you're not familiar, here's an article from Rolling Stone that sums this insane child rape cult scam nicely One relevant paragraph to take note of

According to former members who still have family inside, Jeffs has decreed that only men of a "royal bloodline" can reproduce, and only with women selected to the United Order ... Any children born from these unions are put into hiding, likely at the FLDS network of secret compounds scattered throughout the West. They then become property of the church, with no knowledge of the identity of their parents.

  • compounds scattered throughout the west
  • untraceable children
  • support from certain law enforcement officers, judges, and politicians.

It's like a living fuck-toy manufacturing and supply chain. A few people get rich, while the mind-controlled masses sit back and watch. It's important to note that this is a good supply of white kids, but obviously you're not going to get Haitians kids from this particular supplier. That's why we should think of the business end of this awful subject like restaurants (or PIZZA). There's no one single warehouse. It's a worldwide network, like Walmart except different... more like Smallmart... (I know - I'm sick... it's either dark humor or debilitating sadness at the thought of this...). Anyway, when someone's in the mood for Chinese, they have to call a Chinese supplier. Perhaps the whole pizza metaphor is just a simple way to allow for a wide variety of flavors / toppings to be ordered / advertised.

Bottom line: There's no way any of this cult's leaders would still be getting away with this without at least a little help from powerful political insiders.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Yep, they have serious money and influence. Church of Lies by Flora Jessop illustrates how deep it goes. They run away, flag down the cops, and are promptly raped by the chief of police. She eventually gets out and sets up a charity to help others get out, she eventually finds a load of rapists, some of whom are lawyers have signed up and have been raping the children as well.

YingYangMom ago

Farm. The last piece, the stable, has to be a farm. It was a farm for Dutroux and Nihoul, farm for Picton in Canada and most other Satanic cult members. They need privacy so what better isolated place than a farm? But might also be an underground facility. Check those two.

Cbradio ago

Anyone know location of warehouse in DC that was used in finders? Who was the broker ? A lot of warehouses aroundvthe seven ship ports of Dc and va, and brokers listed on web searches. Some ports are small to large. Yet, Pegasus needs a looking...too..

I posted a lot of multi industries that use bio materials. Retsch is one. Human bone mill, their website PDF, mentions a San Antonia donor lab. There is a boystown in va, Dc, Texas, new mexico, fl, more.

One of top boystown exec is also with huge Conagro, food, pet food, fertilizers.Quite a long violation and bullying history with conagro. They are huge.

Organic fertilizers are made of bone and MBM, blood bone meal.

UK already makes electric from mbm via cattle carcasses. Got big in the mad cow disease times. I posted that above, with news source in this subverse and a Pharm co that uses prostrones( from humans) owned by Dr funo and husband, on NASDAQ. One of their meds ( Amitiza) is highly used in all institutions. Found some connects to Planned Parenthood, stem cell labs etc, but out right now, .

BSE carcasses burned for electricity, 2000 BBC article. The mbm milled, goes in large containers for storage, similiar to FEMA ones, but larger for cattle milled up as mbm fuel us from the dead cows and more, milled up, becomes a dark powder of granules to run entire electric grid in a UK area. Is in BBC article, I posted. Going on OVER 16 Years now.

Why leave evidence when can use body parts for multi new sustainable industries, including under crude ( koch, Enron, ccc, more) and these new bio sustainable were loopholes not regulated on wallstret, nasdaq). The competing new monoplolies for energy power under sustainable. Ones do not realize sustainable included biomaterials, dead life.

. Pretty disgusting, not sure why UK not livid..

Science direct.com full of mbm research, including a electric to be built in Canada, just like the UK one. Also, Mass research of their term sustainable multi bio industries, on science direct.com, including bone as CA, calcium waste catalyst for bio fuels.

I also found a list of USA corps given permission to do Biz in Iraq, Syria, elsewhere.NY times, Dec 24 2010, "Companies given permission to bypass sanctions." Biome, genzyme, CSR, many more companies, and even some attorneys. Bet many will connect to CF direct or covert.

YingYangMom ago

Warehouses in D.C, suburb mansions, isolated spots, small farms. Oh, I remember Alefantis saying that he gets his organic tomatoes from a Pennsylvania fruits and vegetables market. Not sure where I heard that, maybe read it in an article or a yt video...

Cbradio ago

Looks like this subverse full of peoples hard work research is now deleted, too? What going on?

YingYangMom ago

Huh? Really. Looks like we need to archive every post as soon as 5 minutes later?

Cbradio ago

I looked at the 18 subverses that ones found were deleted recently, and at least 12, had a lot of pertinent work by ones.

Cbradio ago

Me too, so who is slaving to grow the tomatoes??

YingYangMom ago

From what I understood he buys them, but I could be wrong. Idk.

Cbradio ago

Hi, buys what?..sorry, been trying to read and post as out in the cold...I think you might have said a possible lead...)).the 20 ft cargo ship containers?

YingYangMom ago

I was talking about the tomatoes from Pennsylvania. What I understood is that he buys them, he doesn't grow them.

Cbradio ago

Oh ya, thx. I'm wondering who is slaving on those tomatoes? In Fl and Calithere is a lot of old news of immigrants working tomato fields in bad conditions, and tent type or bad cabin living. In Apopka, Fl, Rollins College was doing a tour of pestides harming immigrants, lakes, etc.

And I found that organic fertilizer and hydroponics uses MGM waste...blodd bones...if you look up bone powder, bone paste on Wikipedia; mgm is on bottom for further references. Mgm is huge in electric grid fuel in UK location. BBC news, I posted links of it on subverses you are on today...))

Could be a kid location of these tomato farms or adult refugee migrants that come in and are put to work.

YingYangMom ago

Very possible and I wouldn't be surprised that they use MGM blood and bones for organic fertilizer, they would use just about anything to decieve us and save a penny too. Nothing really surprises me anymore after the big awakening I recently had. I might even still be in a state a shock, actually. Haha.

Cbradio ago

Yah, I think I'll never be able to stomach it. Go to the BBC article on the cow carcasses as mbm and even just to wikipedia. Start on bone powder, and on bottom of article is links to bone paste, hydroponics, fertilizer AND MBM..bloodbone.

No wonder, old Oprah show on Texas, mad cow got stopped. Mbm got huge during those mad cow outbreaks, but has been around long. The UK electric utility that uses mbm , is cows that are done milking, no disease. Shipped in tons daily on trains. I can't believe locals to all UK are not protesting. Its so evil. I got to rescue a cow one day..and a goat..

YingYangMom ago

It's really heart-breaking. Cows and farm animals are innofensive creatures and they are being slaughtered everday and sometimes tortured on an industrial scale for nothing more than financial motives. This has nothing to do with basic survival hunting or farming for food. I think everybody should buy their meat from organic farms where the animals are well taken-care-of and die in a respectable fashion. It would also keep the consumer's money flow away from big corporations' pockets and into the good old-fashion, hard-working and genuine farmers' ones.

Cbradio ago

Agree. The BBC article on cattle's ground for mbm fuel for electric for 16 years is disgusting. Animals are on earth, too, and need more sacred to such, in my humble opinion. Hope your doing well..))

YingYangMom ago

Yes... am a bit tired, but hanging in there for the kids. Cheers to you and thanks for asking :)

Sharipie ago

Could they be keeping them at government installations or military bases that are off limits or remote, like Area 51?

save_thechildren ago

Please look at Mt Weather in VA.!!!!

Sharipie ago

Interesting info about Mt. Weather here: Www.globalsecurity.org/wmd/facility/mt_weather.htm

They mention Dennis Hastert being sent there after 9-11. Also interesting, the place has a crematorium...

OrwellKnew ago

Denver Airport too

Sharipie ago

What about Denver airport ?

OrwellKnew ago


Exclusive: Secret underground base beneath Denver International Airport now revealed by whistleblower

Some speculate that a deep underground military facility that is part of the Continuity of Government (COG) program exists on the site. A massive underground city to be used by our government in the event that Washington or our Central Government’s command hub is compromised.

Cbradio ago

Www.stgusa.com>ocean-cfs>stg- facilities. A PDF while looking for warehouses, brokers, at Dif via, Dc area sea ports, and other coastal that have a Boystown.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

I think the common themes are a couple. Kids are derived from foster homes mainly, or similar type set-ups, or blackmailed abusive parents. They are usually kept with their foster homes , or somewhere which doesn't draw attention, and are picked up for the parties. These parties or programming sessions have taken place at farms, in occult, remote settings, like in woods or abandoned houses, and certainly in secretive military bases. Franklin featured all of these in numerous, corroborated witness testimony.

zzvoat ago


smokemirrors ago

Military bases is a good one: the notorious British murderer, Ian Huntley, was framed. Apparently the real pedos/murderers were psycho military guys based at Mildenhall and Lakenheath. Cover up by Bush and Blair to 'keep harmonious British/US relations' in the wake of the early 2000s War on Terror.


chickyrogue ago

george webb deserves the medal of honor

unfortunately our government has none right now

badastrid ago

Wow, great work. This really ties up a lot of loose ends.

YingYangMom ago


I have what you're looking for, you mean the video camera on top of the curtain door to the backroom at CPP. Btw, the comments in here are completely... it's chaotic. I feel like I'm in Babel!

Here it is at minute 1:25. Pause at 1:26. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=YJrkbgiETzs&app=desktop

FriesischShipping ago

Yeah baby! That's it!

Sharipie ago

Remember those "unaccompanied children" that were supposedly getting on trains from Mexico all by themselves and coming here? Where did they stash them? FEMA camps?

FriesischShipping ago

That's the best summary of MK Ultra slaves I've ever read. Thank you.

Blacksmith21 ago

Very interesting parallels. Does anyone else see the 5000 block of Conn Ave NW going up in flame? THIS IS JUST A PREDICTION - NOTHING ELSE!

FriesischShipping ago

Check out Barry Soetoro's YouTube channel. He has a video on it already.

OrwellKnew ago

Been watching that cat for a couple years now. He broke the Sandy Hook Hoax wide open

Sentastixc ago

Misleading title. Good stuff going on here about the DC/American ring but I thought we agreed pizzagate was a global phenomenon.

FriesischShipping ago

Pedogate=global Pizzagate=DC

I thought that was the agreement, no?

Millennial_Falcon ago

Pizzagate includes the global connections, as Clinton Foundation is a global organization.

zzvoat ago

Yes, that's what it said in the mod sticky that recently set the parameters.

YingYangMom ago

Meh. Still unclear.

draegspir ago

I am getting chills. Great work everyone, and thank you for this post.

cubes ago


In the Finders case they speak of a 90 acre farm in rural Madison County, VA.

Customs officials said their links to the DC area led authorities into a far-reaching investigation that includes The Finders -- a group of about 40 people that court documents allege is led by a man named Marion Pettie -- and their various homes, including the duplex apartment in Glover Park, the Northeast Washington warehouse and a 90 acre farm in rural Madison County, VA.


They also speak about the 1950s:Origins of the CIA's "Pedophile Academy" in the thread below...

Alefantis mentions "The Farm". CIA director says their "pedophile academy" in Virginia is known as "The Farm"


Alefantis mentions "The Farm" here


Yuser_Manuel ago

We also need to look into Fairfax County Virginia.

Blacksmith21 ago

FFX is a massive county...what, exactly are you suggesting we "look into"?

Yuser_Manuel ago

Thread mapping missing virginia kids, many from fairfax county. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1460435

Yuser_Manuel ago

There are very serious statistical anomalies associated with the number of children that go missing in Virginia as compared to the rest of the country. For example, Virginia’s missing children are double and triple the rate of missing children, such as Texas which has a population almost four times that of Virginia have less than half the missing children.

crystalclearme ago

Bingo ! Let's find ties with NATO and CF

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

Never heard anyone mention this creepy looking building at 2902 12th st from Alefantis instagram.

bubblebubble ago

From what I know about MKUltra, it is unlikely they're selling kids that didn't break. Because they're death (suicide/murder) or gone insane.

remedy4reality ago

No way... I have lots a problems with practically every aspect of your proof and I will post them shortly.

FriesischShipping ago

I have many problems as well, but I'd be much more interested in reading about how you theorize the flow of business and how the operation works on the BETA side (after the kids are stolen and then prostituted out). Thanks :-)

remedy4reality ago

I will post much more later ( I have been working a very similar avenue as you ) and I do agree with much of what you say about a 'system' with each location serving a purpose. I also agree that Comet was the 'original' showroom.

FriesischShipping ago

Cool can't wait to read it!

TheSpeaker2 ago

I would suggest the possibility that there are likely multiple stables. Diffusing the children and field agents over a wider area may be safer for them, as more traffic/larger facilities would garner more attention and likely wreck the entire operation if discovered.

We have the "farm" already mentioned in the emails and there is also the "hot dog stand in Hawaii"....perhaps these are stables?

IDeliverPizza ago

Watch I bet all the kids are being held in the pentagon. Ship em out whenever like they are just fuvking meat on a fuvking platter. Fuvking disgusting. Pentagon and Cia are pure filth.

TheJesusDude ago

The follow a distribution model, so it can be implemented state to state but I believe OP is spot on.

FriesischShipping ago

I agree, I think I remember Sibel Edmubds saying something to the effect of "It's the Modus Operandi, even Sarah Palin does it in Alaska."

bubblebubble ago

While this is a nice summation, it is based one a LOT of assumptions! An assumption is not the same as a verifiable fact.

PresudentMcCheese ago

Stables? This guy is obviously a disinformation agent. Takes the government line on Waco...WTF. Stables.. where you find horseshit? Nice try, shill.

FriesischShipping ago

If I was a shill I would say "stop investigating, you're all idiots". You are all brilliant and please keep investigating, keep digging, and eventually we will get to the bottom of this.

OrwellKnew ago

Exactly. You will be soon attacked by @armyseer shill extraordinaire. I suspect this is a sock account of compromised shill-Mod @Millennial_Falcon

Great work, btw

FriesischShipping ago

Who is Millennial Falcon? He took the post down. FYI - I like your style Orwellknew - I think you were also one of the people who tipped me off to this being a brownstone operation, no?

OrwellKnew ago

Possibly, but I can't take specific credit on that. It came out really early on.

Stay true mate, we are turning the corner on this rapidly

Millennial_Falcon ago

Shills have been calling mods shills since Day 1, and no, I am not armyseer. I can't be sure whose side armyseer is on. All I know is that he does identify a lot of shitposters, but also has made some false positives.

OrwellKnew ago

Well in some cases, those mods have proven to be shills. It was a big scandal here just recently.

And just for the record, you seem to be the only mod here with more sub downvoats then upvoats. Care to explain why?


Submissions: This user has upvoted 308 and downvoted 489 submissions.

Let's take a look at some others, shall we?

Crensch. Submissions: This user has upvoted 12365 and downvoted 3882 submissions.

DonkeyOatey. Submissions: This user has upvoted 416 and downvoted 113 submissions.

VictorSteinerDavion Submissions: This user has upvoted 584 and downvoted 45 submissions.

kevdude. Submissions: This user has upvoted 11530 and downvoted 6256 submissions.

tjarco. Submissions: This user has upvoted 86 and downvoted 12 submissions

Phobos_Mothership. Submissions: This user has upvoted 259 and downvoted 241 submissions.

FriesischShipping ago

Good point. I'm thinking obvious Occums Razor #1 sex cult, #2 orphanage, but I like where you are going with this, it could be distibuted among the community to limit exposure. Still think it has to be a cult to keep everyone inline.

Devious1 ago

There is more to the Pegasus museum than meets the eye. It almost seems more like a torture place, it's to much of an intricate design to just parade kids / ship them out.

Pizzagate is far from solved.

FriesischShipping ago

Then it could be another Blackmail/SexTorture House like Tony Podesta's and the warehouse/intermediary house is yet to be discovered. I don't expect them to drive the kids straight from a compound to CPP. Too obvious.

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

My guess is that the pig farm is to dispose of the bodies. Also, did u see the reports of that van that was abducting & gang raping men in broad daylight? One of the attacks appened at 14th & Parkwood, just about 5 blocks from Pegasus.

save_thechildren ago

Also, Cargill Meat Solutions used to dispose of bodies

Cbradio ago

Septime webre..friends Dr kuno..sucampo pharma on nasdaq- "prostrones" in medicine

momojaja ago

Just goes to show you the money behind such a secretive yet widespread operation. If only they used this efficiency in running the government.

0xFFF ago

Don't make that mistake, governments are very efficient. Very efficient in robbing you of wealth and freedom... this is not by accident or incompetence but exactly what elite uses them for.

FriesischShipping ago

Agree and upvoated, elites create government and not the other way around.

organic1 ago

Excellent info, but where is the Stable? Might it be the white house with the bars on the 2nd floor window behind Pegasus that has the wall spray painted with the word 'kids'?

JohnTitor_0 ago

on 4chan this came up, no idea how the guy got the coordinates and all, but maybe this is the "waco like" compound http://sli.mg/wtwQLo no proof of course, but maybe looking into it lets you find something. but again could be total bullshit

zzvoat ago

Thank you! I was just thinking of this and knew I'd never be able to locate the info.

I saw it on 8chan.

I think this needs its own dedicated post. Hope you'll create one.

JohnTitor_0 ago

im not really into vote, just created my account 2 days ago or so to ask something about the pegasus video. someone else would be more fitted to do and moderate it. you are free to use that image though as i just stole it from someone else too

organic1 ago

Excellent info! I'm starting to put a whole lot of weight into things mods are deleting, so this is a great catch. While in CA, I doubt it has a direct link to CPP and Pegasus, but this could be a good thing to use as a comparison as to what we're looking for near DC. Is a compound like this near Alexandria, VA? Much more open space going out that way than you would find closer to DC. Then, there's also the Falls Church connection as I think John or Tony Podesta have a house there. A lot of open spaces out that way. It's also very close to Weather Mountain, which has underground facilities.

As an aside, when I look at the pic labeled 'Questionable Logo', it reminds me of the blue swirl in the sky they blamed on a Russian rocket. Remember that? What if this symbol has a dual meaning? It could be a symbol of pedophilia as well as be symbolic of their esoteric practices in regards to opening a portal? I don't want to go too far out on a limb, but seeing as everything is being blamed on Russia as a cover for their email activities, maybe the sky swirl was also a cover? But, like I said, I'm just speculating.

JohnTitor_0 ago

well, the swirls are also meaningfull somehow in japanese folkclore/occult stuff, at least you often find references to those, so it wouldnt suprise me. however i feel like we are better not going down that route for now or else we will look into cern opening alleged portals, aliens and whatever else there is. however its your time and do what you want with it. maybe it will lead to a breakthrough, but i dont know

organic1 ago

I believe it could be loosely related because of the alien playing ping pong in Comet's murals. Also, it's still not too much of a stretch because of the NASA programming Cathy O'Brien mentions in "Trance: Formation of America". She even mentions how they would take her to the NASA facility in Huntsville, AL for programming. She also discusses how they would use holograms of reptilians to make her believe they could change into them and they used a live lizard to make her believe she'd given birth to it. This stuff is so deep it's mind boggling!

JohnTitor_0 ago

Crazy talk incoming: Notice how he said stuff like "its your culture" and such stuff? Now the reasonal explenation would be he means the internet culture he isnt familiar with, or that he doesnt seem himself as part of society since he is a psychopath. However many victims of alien abduction talk about the same stuff as victims of demonic possessions, unableness to move or speak, sense of threat and fright, and violent sexual acts for example, indicating (if you believe those reports of course) that what we think are aliens are actually demons, or what people back then thought are demons are actually aliens. Now there was some pic going around of some childrensbook where the page that was depicted said something along the lines "dont resist when the alien without underpants comes" which apparently was sold in the bookstoor next to CPP.

now what if the kids are not only for podesta and co, but actually for the aliens/demons they worship and as sacrifices. either by proxy through them abusing, raping and killing them, or maybe even directly by whatever those things are What if he means with the "its your culture" that he actually isnt human? What if he, and the others are actually demons possessing them, or alien (shapeshifting reptillian vampires? Was david icke right? After all they do seem to engage canibalism). What if those demons/aliens are "his family" https://i.sli.mg/EMQU4q.jpg https://i.sli.mg/sPJHxH.jpg

organic1 ago

Now you're talking about angles I'm fairly familiar with, and I don't find it crazy talk at all. First, the psychopath topic. This, I can certainly see as him believing he's not part of our culture. In the book, "I, Psychopath", the author even says towards the end that psychopaths and sociopaths aren't accepted in society yet, and she stresses the word "yet". I believe this is also why we're seeing society being turned on its head, so that what's moral and right is being replaced by the macabre. They want us in a confused state believing that up is down and down is up, and as soon as we don't know which way is up and our moral compasses are skewed, they will fit in much easier as everyone is programmed to accept them and start acting like them even though their brains aren't like those of psychopaths.

I do believe in demonic possession, so I don't discount this angle at all. Although, there are so many theories surrounding this idea that I haven't made a decision as to what I believe. I've studied the testimonies of children who have killed and they all say that it was as though they left their bodies and were watching themselves commit the murder(s). Then, if you look at adult killers, there is a Satanic/demonic relation to several of them. Two murderers that I find particularly interesting are Ottis Toole and Gary Gilmore. Toole told the cops that he was part of a Satanic serial killer cult that trained in the Florida everglades. If you want the YouTube series "Programmed to Kill", you'll start to see the evidence that he was telling the truth and there are in fact networks of serial killers. Regarding Gilmore, I actually believe for a number of reasons that he was suffering a form of possession. After he was executed via firing squad, other prisoners and guards have reported to have seen his ghost. I could go on and on about this topic...

About the aliens being demons, or demons being aliens, I haven't made up my mind about this, but I'm always open to research associated with this. I have researched the reptilian and mantis/insectoid angle of things and I must say that it seems possible that these creatures would exist either on our plane hidden in plain sight or on an astral plane where they can enter the material realm at their own free will or when conjured.

These are all fascinating topics and I don't doubt that they will become discussed more often in the years ahead, and not just within the conspiracy community.

steve0suprem0 ago

programmed to kill

david mcgowan also wrote the pedophocracy.


organic1 ago

Yes, good stuff! He's done amazing work.

JohnTitor_0 ago

well, im fairly new to the occult topic, and spent the last 2 months or so realizing that satan quite literally rules this world ( https://i.sli.mg/T3F4xx.jpg ), so at this point i wont say anything is impossible. however we have to be carefull to not go from assuming its possible to automatically being true. but well, consider the impossible and be sceptic of the obvious. thats how i try to go through life. i really just get some feeling of emptiness thinking about how we will possibly never will be able to tell what is reall certainly

organic1 ago

I agree with you 100%. It's just difficult to discount the possibility after researching this stuff. I've always believed in the spirit world and have had some experiences myself that have no other explanation other than a spirit was tampering with the environment or actually helping me at times. Yes, I did say helping me, although I don't want to get into great detail at this time. I do subscribe to the belief that you cannot believe in God without believing in the Devil. Just as we can't have good without bad, it's a mutual existence. One thing is for sure though, those who worship the Devil are always most concerned with themselves and what they can get out of this life.

Yuser_Manuel ago

The "stable" is CPS. They "lose" children all of the time in their "care".

organic1 ago

I won't argue with that! If they are in fact the Stable, the Stable Stalls would be the foster parents.

FriesischShipping ago

I wouldn't expect it to be close by. Seems to risky. Then again, I don't have much experience running child sex rings.

zzvoat ago

There's nothing risky in any of this. Everyone is involved. It is unfathomable to most how deep abd wide this goes. I have heard upwards of 70% are directly involved, enabling it and/or covering it up.

The piece that is missing in all of this, the road no one is going down or is ready to go down, is that these people are satanists of the first order.

TheJesusDude ago

Look at how close Besta, CPP, Bucks, Pegasus, and everything is to eachother.

PresudentMcCheese ago

Hmmm...but you think about it a lot. Shill.

organic1 ago

You may be right, but being too far away could be risky, too. What are the chances that there's a tunnel running from this house to Pegasus? Then, there's the issue with the roll door at Pegasus. They have to be driving them somewhere. Is there anyway to check DMV records to see if there are vans registered to Pegasus, Alefantis, and his associates for business or personal use?

Cbradio ago

I looked up boystown review jobs, as they also have group homes. Teachers running a home are giving a van as a job benefit. Boystown is now in 12 locations on coast states, except for Nebraska, ten clinics, two research hospitals, all over, India included.

I looked up Ukraine adoptions. Can't adopt unless five years; UNLESS, child has medical issues from a list.Sight and hearing is on list.( can post but not now, but was easy find).

Boystown Research hospital FOCUSES on ear and eye child probs!! ( on their website).

organic1 ago

Excellent work! I still find it hard to believe that Boystown is still allowed to operate. Such a shame... I'm hoping undercover operatives are working/volunteering there right now and gathering evidence to blow the lid off of the disgusting organization and shut it down worldwide. You may have certainly found the link to how they have access to the transport vans, and the thought about what goes on at the research hospitals gives me the creeps. As an aside, India wants to be the medical hub of the world, so at least they would have unlimited subjects for their medical tests and experiments. Also, very good find about the adoption lists and age restrictions. As many couples want babies, I'm sure many of the kids spend their life in care homes, and God only knows what happens to them. Babies seem to be the equivalent of gold as they can make money of off legitimately adopting them out, pimping them out, programming them for government activities, and any other number of things such as organ harvesting, rituals, etc.

Cbradio ago

Is this another subverse deleted, after ones again, post their hard work research that takes hours to do?

organic1 ago

No, no subverse. What I'm discussing there is just the info my brain's collected over the years from reading and research into many other topics. Strange how all roads appear to be leading to Pizzagate. I actually feel that all the research I've done for the past 15 years was preparing myself for just this moment. I'm not claiming to know all, but I often wondered why I was drawn to research these dark topics and would get frustrated when I'd tell people about it and they'd brush it off. Not anymore. People are finally listening! :)

Cbradio ago

Oh, I didn't mean to you in subverse..and yah..feel same way..glad you care and help.

organic1 ago

Thank you and I'm glad you care, too. I wish I could help more on the research end of things, but I do a lot of face-to-face discussion about this with people I know. I just hope they go home and research it for themselves. They appear interested when I'm telling them about it by asking questions. But, you know the saying about leading a horse to water...

Cbradio ago

Every way does help. I can't believe all the multi industries that I'm digging up under sustainable that use animal or human body parts. Its HUGE!!! AND so..disgusting!!

Cbradio ago

Thanks, you sum it up well.

I found in past research that kids in Africaxare sent to India a lot, too AND to a Texas hospital for rare heart conditions. Sponsor fans are also a quicker route, even to dally up paperwork w govt agencies.

Sponsor homes are stared a lot in Haiti survivor of refugee, deportee USA system. Pg 215, mentions sponsor homes in va and NY for certain routing of minors. Book mentions boystown a lot, too.

organic1 ago

Thanks, it's amazing, and sickening, how many different branches this rabbit burrow has. Sometimes I wish I hadn't taken the red pill, but alas.

If anyone in a high position gives a shit about any of this, closing off the ability to transport kids out of Africa and Haiti would be a good start. I was hoping they would do this as soon as the Clinton Foundation was placed under investigation, but of course they didn't. It's quite frustrating waiting for the authorities to do something. Although, I believe the fact that they're dragging their feet is making us all dig and fight much harder. Once the authorities do act, I hope investigators won't stop digging because what we're uncovering is bigger and more in depth than any of us can imagine. I often wonder if the internet was available when Boystown was discovered to be a retched place if it would've ever been able to stay active and grow like it has.

Cbradio ago

Yes, I'm trying to find USA, Bosnia, Ukraine, eastern European routes, too; for it appears by their Dc photos that Caucasian type kids are their highest fancy in that elitescrub area, disgustingly...

organic1 ago

You'd think they wouldn't be because these kids would stick out like a sore thumb there, but they probably do everything they can to keep them as hidden as possible. With the influx of immigrants here, it's easier for them to blend in in the US. Don't forget about Cambodia. Thanks for all your hard work, and don't forget about Cambodia. It's a pedo's dream vacation there and it's also where those two men relocated to after they were caught with the babies organs, skin, and heads as they tried to board a plane out of Africa, I believe it was Africa.

Cbradio ago

Thanks, you too. I saw on scienedirect.com that there is a lot of research in Malaysia with bio materials of MGM ( bloodbone waste)for bio electric fuel and Ca/ calcium waste as a catalyst for bio- diesal.

organic1 ago

Yes, absolutely disgusting! It's becoming more and more clear that we're worth more dead than alive to them. I wouldn't put it past them to put human meat into our food supplies. As much as I hate to do it, I should go back and watch Soilent Green to see if there's any hints in that movie. I don't believe this is something new and it could've been going on for decades. If people want to eat meat, it appears that the only "safe" meat would be a whole chicken, so you'd at least be sure that that is what it is. Nope, nope for me! I'm quite happy with my salads, veggie soups, and pasta (not that kind of pasta though).

Cbradio ago

I know..to even find that organic hydroponics and fertilizer is dead bodies, I'm not buying again..boycott boycott!! So evil disgusting. This lack of sacred to life as industry is way beyond sick and people in every country should have been informed and allowed a voice.

That conagro huge corp that a top director from boys town is on, is all over the systems in food, petfoid, fertilizer.

Read conagro on wikipedia. Breaking laws left and right and major bullies for decades about everything. So koch, Clinton, etc..all soo bold in breaking any law, making money off anything..its so elite evil prostitute anything for a dime...out of control mentals not safe for society, environment, world or future..just awful. Monopolize, pyramid scheme tyranny, Clearly creates and enables beyond evil and criminal corrupt.

organic1 ago

Yes, totally disgusting and hard to tell where to begin to clean up this horrid mess. Makes me think a giant meteor is the only way, but I hope not!

Cbradio ago

Yah, overwhelming appalling..)) Need strategy..and unity..big time.

happyme73db ago

very excellent research....

madmanpg ago

Here is a link to the Branch Davidians being a child sex cult.

You're referring to the Branch Davidians that rebuilt their church after the Waco massacre, with the help of Alex Jones. Please...while attempting to decode a massive government deception, please don't make the dumbass mistake of citing other government deception as fact.

FriesischShipping ago

I'm just playing ball with what's out there, George Webb seems like a reasonable fellow too and he hints to this in his videos.

endview ago

In the comment section of the video you referenced : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JvW4k3hDfLQ&t=348s , someone asks about Cibolo Creek and he responds, "1993". In addition, in the comment section they talk about Waco. He says he has been investigating it since 2002. He also mentions that the camp may have been moved an adjacent state. Operation Mockingbird Resurrected wrote to him the following: The neighboring state George is referring to must be New Mexico.

In 1993, Epstein purchased a 7,500-acre ranch in Stanley, New Mexico, from the late former New Mexico governor Bruce King. He named the ranch "Zorro," and proceeded to build a 26,700-square-foot hilltop mansion that was once said to be the largest home in the state, and has been described as a "stone fortress." A 1995 article in The New Mexican said that Epstein's initial plans for the residence described a main house that "will be similar to a Mexican hacienda, with an open-air entry into a courtyard with high-ceiling hallways, stone columns and a central fountain. The living room will measure about 2,100-square-feet, larger than the average house in Santa Fe County. The home will have an elevator, eight bathrooms, four fireplaces and three bedrooms." According to more recent report, Epstein received a county permit to build a small airplane hangar and air strip on the ranch. Epstein has been reported as saying his New Mexico home "makes the town house look like a shack." According to records accessed on Property Shark, the structures on the property were last appraised in 2013 at $18,186,406. In the recent court filing in Florida, Roberts names Zorro Ranch as one of the place she was sexually abused by Epstein, as well as forced to have sex with Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz. The Last time Epstein made news in New Mexico, it was when it was revealed that he attempted to contribute to the reelection campaign of former Attorney General and gubernatorial candidate Gary King in 2006.

GW's response was that they were on the right track. Don't know if this helps but thought I would add.

TheJesusDude ago

So Zorro ranch could potentially be one of the warehouses, but wouldn't it be too far from D.C to be "The Farm"?. This would mean similar cities have been established that fit their distribution model.

endview ago

Exactly! There are probably routes we can eventually follow as they are uncovered. It seems as if these kids flow in and out of the US.

save_thechildren ago

There are camps along the Potomac River- one with tunnels.

FriesischShipping ago

New Mexico is Mexico/Latin America, Sex Slave Island is for Africa and the Carribbean, and DC is for US politicians. It's scale is fXing staggering.

Cbradio ago

Boysrown is in DC, San Antonia Texas and New Mexico.

Retsch German bone mill mentions a San Antonio donorcsite in its website, PDF files.

FriesischShipping ago

New Mexico eh? Close to epsteins compound?

Cbradio ago

Yep, and San Antonio, boystown is near the donor lab, listed on www.retsch , bone mill of human bone for medical procedures. On restch website, a PDF states the San antonio donor place they use. I wrote the place down, about four weeks, ago on a subverse. I'm in cold, about right now, so can't refund source at moment, but retsch website is full of data and their San Antonia donor lab for tissue and bone, on their PDF file. I'll try to look, but its COLD where I am

joeysaperv ago

I think you underestimate the reach of Pizzagate if you consider it solved.

speckledcat ago

I think this just this 1 operation. Remember Heidi Fleiss? How many other madams are there? Hundreds I bet. Not to mention this is just 1 staging are as well.

But it could be the blue print for how these organizations operate and how to spot them and shut them down? maybe?

smokemirrors ago

Sanela Diane Jenkins: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1524304

rickman ago

This makes me think about Sasha Lord. Wasn't she involved in working with vulnerable teens?

ArthurEdens ago

I agree. Also, solved is when we have proof. We only have theories. For instance, what was used for the pickup site before pegasus was a thing?

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Indeed. This could be the end of Act 1 though...

joeysaperv ago

I'm thinking we just walked in the door and picked up our program...

FriesischShipping ago


SpikyAube ago

This all makes a lot of sense! What are your ideas about where the stable could be? In DC, or in another state? How did they do it before, in the Franklin Scandal? Or, we could look into how the Belgians and the Norwegians did it and see if there are any clues, see if there's a pattern. The British too, although theirs is still scanty on details as it's still being covered up.

FriesischShipping ago

I'm originally from the west coast, so I dont know much about eastern geography. Just do a general Internet search on cults in the Appalachians. Could be in North Carolina if that's where they dug up this Welch guy.

KnewAmericanCentury ago

Kids could be held where one would least likely be able to visit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iqAJGXI5l88

Muslim camps in America.

NotOfIt ago

Empty FEMA camps?

ghost_marauder ago

Actually that's a freakier thought then anything I had in mind. Those places are perfect for human smuggling. Throw on a doctor to monitor everything. They have more than enough coffins for spoilage.

twa800 ago

Franklin Scandal had a lot of similartities, including in the way everything was very connected, but also very compartmentalized. In some of his videos David Shurter gives a walking tour showing where things happened and what the overall layout of the operation was, in some ways quite similar to what seems to be going on here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYfPSzwJG04 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLzW4TGhVkA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UmI_1bnOn5I

save_thechildren ago

A FEMA camp was used in Texas- maybe that's where we should look.

Truthplease5 ago

mkultra and SRA definitely are used to silence/compartmentalize the children

LakeOfFire ago


Branch Davidians at Waco knew about the CIA child trafficking and even monitored the activity:

Two of the Branch Davidian village members had been able to hack into the Pentagon/CIA/FBI Black Ops databases and discovered that the CIA with the utilization of the CIA’s Buffalo Airlines, were daily transferring Cocaine, laundered money, special operations agents, kidnapped children for CIA pedophile programs, and arms at the World War Two runway that bordered the Branch Davidian Village.

The entire village knew about the CIA’s Buffalo Airlines activities that tied directly to George Bush Senior and his direct involvement with the CIA, the Mafia, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Colombia, Panama, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Mexico, Peru, and other global locations, that included the global elites intelligence operations, banking operations, drug transfers, arms transfers, child pedophile kidnapping and transfers, aircraft refueling, and global money laundering network.

In all of the Waco documentaries, all of the documentaries reveal that parked in front of the Branch Davidian village main building were observed several high speed go carts that were used by the branch Davidians who were carrying out the surveillance of the government Buffalo Airlines activity at the airport that bordered the Branch Davidian village, in order to identify and to log the Buffalo Airlines schedules with the two Branch Davidian members retrial of the CIA’s Guns for Drugs transfers that were going on daily.

The Branch Davidian village members surveillance of the CIA Guns for Drugs transfers were known to the CIA due the CIA computer security having traced the hacking back to the Branch Davidian Village.

Take note: the main incendiary device that was used by the Special Forces attack on the Branch Davidian Village was brought about where the commanders of the genocide were under the direct orders to take out the computer room first and then kill all of the inhabitants, and then use this genocide as warning to any one else who may want to tamper with the...

...CIA/Mafia/global elites clandestine drugs/money/arms/kidnapping operations.

The whole idea as to why the CIA/Mafia/government needed to burn the Branch Davidian Village down, and kill all of the peaceful inhabitants was to destroy the computer files, and kill the witnesses to the CIA/Mafia/George Bush Senior/elite global banking drugs/arms/money/pedophile programs that were operating at the World War Two runway by the CIA’s Buffalo Airlines.

The Waco siege BATF/FBI/CIA/Military/State Department/Pentagon/Mafia, commanders directives were to burn the village, and murder as many of the Branch Davidian Village members as possible, and destroy all of the evidence.

The Japanese American contract FBI sniper (one of four of the government snipers who were used to kill off the fleeing women and children from the burning Branch Davidian village complex) named Lon Horiuchi was the same sniper who had murdered Weaver’s wife at Ruby Ridge Idaho.

Lon Horiuchi like most FBI/CIA elimination operatives had been psychological profiled by the FBI/CIA for hating white Caucasians due to his having grown up in World War Two internment camp.

It was noted that the very first day of the Waco siege that David Koresh, and two of the other members had appealed to the attacking special military operation that they had the computer discs and they would turn them over to the BATF Special Forces commander and surrender, if the attacking force would cease fire.

The commanders were under orders to kill as many of the inhabitants as possible and destroy the complex for three reasons, So there would be as few witnesses as possible to the CIA/Mafia Buffalo Airlines Guns for Drugs operations To let this be a warning to any one else who may want to mess with the elites global arms, drugs, and money laundering activities The elites are alleged practice Satanic type sacrifices and the murder of the Branch Davidian village was a good opportunity to make a sacrifice.

Take note: Part of this warning was to warn any one else who may be have considered hacking into the government databases, whereas, the two Branch Davidian members had been continually entering into the pentagon/CIA Black Ops databases, and they were able to keep track of the drugs/laundered money/arms/kidnaped children/agents/ transfer that was going on.

The high speed go carts with radio communication were able to stay under the runway radio, and the Branch Davidian village was observing and keeping track of the George Bush CIA/Mafia/elite’s global money laundering operation that was going on. Bob on the Job, Robert E. Lee Lewis served the best interests of the American people for more the twenty seven years as Organized Crime Investigator.

Bob on the Job served on the U.S. Senate JFK Assassination Committee. Bob on the Job is currently interned for life in a government detention facility having been set up by government informant named Vance Beaudreau, and Joe Izen who are alleged run a special CIA/Mafia operation that is disguised as a law firm in Houston Texas.


It is possible Koresh was also part of the CIA pedo ring at one point and went rogue, but in either case he evidently knew too much.

noreturn4me ago

Here are a couple of threads that might link an airport to this theory. Your description of the Branch Davidian village complex being next to Buffalo Airlines reminded me of these posts. Maybe this will fill a couple of gaps in this theory?!

i don't know what to do with this pile of crap, and i want your help. winchester virginia has some odd things going on. (pizzagatewhatever) by @bolus (https://voat.co/v/pizzagatewhatever/1537795))

Winchester Airport (near the paule-carres properties) is designated as an international "landing permissions" airport (pizzagate) by @bolus (https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1532891))

endview ago

George Webb also poses a question to consider: Was the CF and all of its' activities a CIA cutout or a gladio? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9zyaHDfrB0&t=16s Interesting concept.

FriesischShipping ago

Very excellent question, it certainly adds a faint albeit rotten breath of government legitimacy.

speckledcat ago

Fred Whitehurst was the whistleblower who lost his career over this.


Confirms above but the CIA stuff. No wonder they killed everyone and the kids. If you watch the movie redstate (kevin smith) you will get the idea.

ArthurEdens ago


FriesischShipping ago

Thanks for posting. I read the same article a long time ago. What are the chances this article is controlled opposition/disinfo/misinfo?

Womb_Raider ago

It's hard information to verify... could be disinfo, could be the genuine article. Probably their intent.

delivery1 ago

Check out also this well made infographic about the suspicious deaths surrounding the Clintons http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/RANCHO/POLITICS/DEAD/clinton.bodycount.gif

Rusdy ago

Great work! I like the style and arrangement. Saved it.

BeezleyBillyBub ago

I remember back in the day when all you could order from pizza joints was pizza and weed.


I'm sure there are a few brave soldiers still out there.

atheist4thecause ago

This is actually a good point. Drug sales have been done at pizza parlors (and fast food places, restaurants, etc.) in the past (and today I guess) and yet most of the public wouldn't believe that it happens, especially at the prevalence it does.

flyingcuttlefish ago

FYI - a recent interview with a Waco survivor - On Ed Opperman channel

Clive Doyle : Journey to Waco: Autobiography of a Branch Davidian


DogFucksGoat ago

If it doesn't involve Trump, Thiel, Saudis, and Israel; Then your just wanking the meat upwind.

Sinful_Casshern ago

What the fuck are you taking about, gtfo

derram ago

https://archive.is/84oPd :

Growing Up Under Koresh - Cult Children Tell of Abuses - NYTimes.com

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