bolus ago

No. (Not yet?)

He is a winchester attorney, patti paule-carres used him to register at least one business in her building.

It's a weak link, but there are no coincidences.

bolus ago

I've been watching the flight logs daily, and there is almost no reported traffic in or out of the airport. Handful of Cessnas a day at most.

That seems to go against the requirements set forth by the cbp, which is interesting in its own right.

bolus ago

Nice! Source?

2impendingdoom ago

Location of first Masonic Lodge in VA

Winchester Hiram Lodge No. 21, A.F. & A.M. Winchester, Virginia

Although there is tangible evidence of the presence of Masons residing in the Winchester, Virginia, area for some years prior to the establishment of Winchesters first Masonic Lodge, organized Freemasonry did not appear in Winchester until October 1, 1768. That year, the Provincial Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania granted a warrant to a number of local Masons to form Winchester Lodge No 12, �Ancient York Masons.� Thus, Winchester Lodge became the first Masonic Lodge established west of the Blue Ridge Mountains, as well as the first Virginia Lodge to be designated by a number. Moreover, the creation of Winchester Lodge No. 12, Ancient York Masons occurred ten years prior to the formation of the Grand Lodge of Virginia.

During its nine years of existence, the Lodge enjoyed relative prosperity, listing twenty-one Brethren on its roster, and conducting meetings regularly in rented rooms, taverns, and in the homes of local Brethren. The outbreak of the American Revolution, however forced the Lodge to suspend its labors, and remain dark from 1777 to 1785. Even though the Lodge lost seventeen members during this period, including six who perished from wounds or disease while serving with the Continental Army, the four remaining Brethren persevered in revitalizing Freemasonry in Winchester.

After the War, Winchester remained affiliated with the Pennsylvania authority, due primarily to feelings of loyalty and arrearage owed to the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania. On December 16, 1807, however, Winchester Lodge finally voted to surrender its Pennsylvania warrant and accept a charter from the Grand Lodge of Virginia. Thereafter, Winchester Lodge was redesignated as Winchester Hiram Lodge No. 21.

Winchester Hiram Lodge No. 21 flourished until 1862, when the War Between the States began to spillover into the lower Shenandoah Valley. Winchester and its surrounding area was highly coveted by both the Federals and the Confederates, due to its strategic location and the large commercial and agricultural base, and quickly became the center of much military activity, including four major battles. Consequently, Winchester Hiram Lodge was forced to suspend much of its labors during the following two years, and was not allowed to reopen until November of 1864, after the Federal forces had secured the region against Rebel assaults.

After receiving permission from General Philip H. Sherman of the occupation forces, Winchester Hiram Lodge No. 21 resumed labor on November 28, 1864, and soon became a hotbed of Masonic activity. Over the next seven months, the Lodge enjoyed unprecedented prosperity and growth, conferring degrees on 231 petitioners, 207 of whom were Federal soldiers.

Among those members of the occupation army who received degrees at Winchester Hiram Lodge No.21 was Captain William McKinley, who was initiated on May 1, 1865, passed on May 2, 1865, and raised on May 3, 1865. Of course, Brother McKinley later became the 25th President of the United States, and, in 1899 returned to Winchester to pay a visit to his �Mother Lodge.� Although the Lodge was not opened and the secretary made no record of this auspicious occasion, it is known that Brother McKinley climbed the steps to the Lodge room and, during a public reception, stood beside the treasurers desk and shook hands with all who came to greet him. Tragically, President McKinley was assassinated just sixteen months after his Winchester visit.

Following the Civil War, the Lodge found itself in such a sound financial condition that it resolved to construct a Masonic temple. Accordingly, on May 29, 1867, the Lodge laid the cornerstone of the present Masonic temple and on July 22, 1868, the temple was dedicated. During this time, Mr. Ango of the Peabody Institute of Baltimore, Maryland painted the beautiful murals, which adorn the walls of the Lodge room, at a cost of $826.00. These murals have never been retouched.

In the years that have followed the end of the Civil War, Winchester Hiram Lodge has grown considerably, and has been the scene of many notable events, including the raising of United States Senator Harry F. Byrd, Jr., who was made a �Mason-at-sight� on May 9, 1970, and the total renovation of the interior of the building between 1974 and 1976.

It should be noted that Winchester Hiram Lodge No. 21 has produced four Grand Masters of Masons in Virginia. Archibald Magill served as Grand Master from 1817 through 1819. Richard Parker was Grand Master from 1876 through 1877, and is perhaps best remembered as the judge who presided over the trial of John Brown in 1859. Frank T. McFaden served as Grand Master from 1930 through 1931 and C. Vernon Eddy served from 1937 to 1938. In addition, Edmund Pendleton Hunter, who served as Grand Master from 1852 through 1854, once was a member of Winchester Hiram Lodge, but demitted many years previous to his election.

2impendingdoom ago

STARBASE Academy (2012)

WINCHESTER, Va. – The Virginia National Guard hosted a ribbon cutting ceremony for the Winchester STARBASE Academy July 23 at the Cherry-Beasley Readiness Center in Winchester. Students from Frederick Douglass Elementary School of the Winchester Public Schools took part in the first-ever five-day program that ended July 27.

Science and Technology Academies Reinforcing Basic Aviation and Space Exploration, or STARBASE, is a Department of Defense educational program, sponsored by the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs where students participate in challenging activities in science, technology, engineering and math. Students are immersed in a unique classroom experience for five days where all activities are student-centered, hands-on, encourage higher order thinking and incorporate STEM applications in the real world.

“This program is important not only for Winchester, not only for Frederick County, not only for Virginia, but for the entire country,” said Congressman Frank Wolf. “These are our future scientists and astronauts.”

Wolf explained that a study conducted by the National Science Foundation determined that fifth grade was the best time to reach out to kids to get them interested in science and math, so that is why the STARBASE program targets that particular age group. He stressed the importance of developing math and science skills in order to help the United States remain competitive with other nations throughout the world.

Just before the official ribbon cutting, STARBASE Program Director Susan Corrigan introduced her staff of three and explained the Eggbert activity the students would be demonstrating. In the activity, students had to try and construct a safety harness for an egg that would allow it to safely fly down a cable with the goal of protecting the egg at the end of the flight. Students had a budget for how much they could spend on the raw materials for the safety harness.The Winchester STARBASE Academy, sponsored by the Virginia National Guard and based in the Cherry-Beasley Readiness Center, will partner with public and private schools in the region with the goal of working with approximately 800 students in the first year. The full program will begin in late August.

Wolf also acknowledged the important role of the local Air Force Association in bringing the program to Winchester. For more information, contact Susan Corrigan at 540-686-4964.

— To view photos from the event, visit:

2impendingdoom ago

US Army Corps of Engineers is there too.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers activated the Transatlantic Division in Winchester, Virginia, on September 29, 2009, to consolidate engineering requirements and set priorities for Corps of Engineers operations throughout the Middle East and Central Asia. This new division provides unity of command for all Corps of Engineers programs in this region, called the U.S. Central Command area of operations, which includes the 20 countries from Egypt through the Arabian Gulf to Central Asia.

The division is responsible for military construction supporting U.S. forces throughout this region and for Corps of Engineers’ international and interagency engineering missions that support U.S. policy initiatives abroad.

Up until this organizational realignment, Corps of Engineers support in this region was provided by three major organizations:

• Gulf Region Division in Baghdad, Iraq, with three subordinate districts (in October 2009, the Gulf Region Division was inactivated)
• Afghanistan Engineer District, headquartered in Kabul • Transatlantic Programs Center, headquartered in Winchester

Currently, the Transatlantic Division has two districts:

• Transatlantic Afghanistan District • Middle East District, headquartered in Winchester

The Corps of Engineers has had an organizational unit dedicated to supporting this region since 1952 and based in the Winchester, Virginia, area since 1976.

2impendingdoom ago

medical supply place in Winchester that has terrible reviews. Wouldn't you take down your FB site if all your store's reviews were crap??

2impendingdoom ago

long but interesting commentary (2004) from Winchester VA. mentions secret gov.

Vindicator ago

(i'm putting this ONLY in the whatever sub because it's so weird and inconclusive...if it gains traction, or is believed to be important for pg, i'll dupe it)

Just wanted to thank you for trying out the new sub-sub. It's really appreciated. Please do feel free to ping any other pizzagate Voaters you respect whose eyes you would like on this. You can also put together a brief description of what you've found and how it may link to PG and post as a comment with a hyperlink within v/pizzagate threads. Keep up the good work!

bolus ago

yeah, i tried. things in this sub don't get as much traction as even the least meaningful posts in pizzagate.

oh well. if i find any reasonable connection between golden seal/mantech and the paule-carres property, i'll write up another piece and stick it over there.

Vindicator ago

I know they don't. That's why I'm suggesting you reach out over there with a crosspost within comments, or with direct messages.

2impendingdoom ago

History Golden Seal Enterprises, LLC (GSE) was founded in 1992 with a single goal: to provide the most comprehensive, up-to-date, and professional protective security and training services in the business today. The company owner, Mr. Frank Phillips spent the previous 19 years training, teaching, and providing these security services to the U.S. Government, State Department-approved governments, and the private sector. Mr. Phillips’ continued recognized success of providing high quality security services with total focus on “attention to detail” and “complete client satisfaction,” prompted numerous additional requests for expanded security services and training of the same type. As the requests continued to increase, Mr. Phillips expanded GSE to a core team of personally selected, highly qualified and extensively skilled security professionals to manage these new opportunities to further grow Golden Seal Enterprises. GSE’s continued success stems from recognizing the most basic and fundamental requirement of hiring quality, well-trained and experienced personnel with the highest degree of integrity, who are professionally loyal, motivated, skilled and competent. Our business model is designed to maximize our client’s satisfaction by tailoring our solutions to meet their needs while minimizing the impact on their lifestyles. History © 2017 Golden Seal Enterprises | Site Map | Privacy Facebook Twitter YouTube VA Department of Criminal Justice Services #11-5343

bolus ago

oh yeah, and this was the only weak connection i could find...before it was Golden Seal, it was Epic Group LLC (same address) registered by who? JOHN TRUBAN.

aka executive protection services, aka eps. note the awesome write up for their trademark:

GS0351 Providing Business Consultation To Government Agencies And Businesses In The Field Of Protection Against Weapons Of Mass Destruction;

2impendingdoom ago

All of this is very fishy. Are there any of those DUMBs near there? Anyone for a road trip to check it out? The local chamber of commerce must have a listing of local businesses (maybe). I can't see why any of this is normal for such a small and remote town.

bolus ago

that's exactly what got me all fired up about it. way too many assets in the area.

2impendingdoom ago

Langley west?? This is fucking insane.

bolus ago

ex fucking actly.

2impendingdoom ago

I think this needs to be moved to regular pizzagate forum. There is way too much here and this needs eyes.

bolus ago

Can i get a mod ruling?

2impendingdoom ago

You can put it up and they might ask you to take down, that's happened for a few of my posts, no big deal... You can post in multiple places, so leave it here too. But I think this is huge and it stems from my original questioning of actual Podesta emails, so many to and from Patti Paule Carres involving odd extra-curricular activites.

2impendingdoom ago

Has Quantokitty checked in? Qk might be working on this off voat. I haven't seen a QK post lately...

PieInTheEye ago

Probably not, she was having an aneurysm because bolus and I DARED to question her on some of her 'facts' and 'solid' leads. Apparently, when people add constructive criticism to anything Qk posts, they are immediately (and I mean immediately) labelled a 'shill', because anything that attempts to get to the truth, which rains on an intrigue parade, is definitely the result of someone being paid money to do so. Infallibility syndrome ...

SmilingWide ago

I met some people who live right outside of Winchester. Dude works for a construction company. They have to have satellite internet, because that's how low population and sparse services are available in the surrounding area. IDK about the airport, but I recommend the Union Jack for food and beer if you're ever in town.

PieInTheEye ago

Makes sense that an airport being used for smuggling drugs/people would be placed in an area with the least chance of being scrutinized by anyone ... especially one which is so handily close to the national capital.

bolus ago

right next to a wood-fired pizzeria? sounds great.