quantokitty ago

Thanks for the great info. It's amazing how they're all in the childcare business. Such a coincidence.

quantokitty ago

I will take a look. Yes, if a good post gets downvoated and pushback, it contains something important.

PieInTheEye ago

[ @quantokitty I'm posting this here as well as the newer thread, so that this LLC is clarified for every reader]

I found a listing for Gusifer LLC on a Virginia Properties Listings site for Winchester City, so it seems that Gusifer LLC is merely a real estate holding company setup for the Paule-Carres in 2005 to allow a shared ownership over the equity of the office building. This is probably when the Paule-Carres allowed a more senior role for their business partner Joseph Daniel Petruso in their various partnerships operating out of this building.

( http://archive.is/WZ6QF )

TAX MAP: 173-01-D- 21- >

ADDRESS: 120 124 Amherst St

ACRES: 0.2197

VALUE: 487,400

TYPE: Commercial

As you can see from the above link and info, the property Title was passed into the assets of Gusifer LLC, and as we know, the Agent for this corporation was Patti Paule-Carres. This means she is probably the majority owner, or the full owner, having incorporated for tax reasons.

The name of the company is strange, but it only seems strange because 8 years later a hacker using a different spelling Guccifer caused mayhem in the US government, but without this, would any of us find this name particularly weird? Probably not. Just like CONNEB for the Cohen holdings at CONnecticut and NEBraska Avenues in Washington D.C., it is merely an identifier they found appropriate for some reason to apply to their office building or partnership.

QUESTION: In a planet of 7 billion+ people, is it weird that a guy in Nicaragua just happens to use these same 7 letters in this order for an online tag where he blogs about aircraft simulators? Also, Paul Smith wouldn't exactly be an uncommon name.

quantokitty ago

No, no, no! That's not what that means. I posted this before. What that means is that she reported various addresses for the business, including a home address. Please stop with the disinformation. And is it possible that a guy in Nicaragua uses the name Gusifer and talks to a guy named Paul Smith who happens to be an aviation expert on flying a full plane loads from Newark to Zurich, I'd say it's impossible, but then I'm not paid to debunk and act like an idiot.

For everyone truly interested in Pizzagate: The MO of these shills are to first contact you and pretend to be some sort of friend. Then they post garbage and try to obfuscate what you're saying. I guess the logic is that this "friendship" (that's developed over the whole thirty seconds it took you to write a DM back to them) is going to prevent you from calling them out.

PieInTheEye ago

Yes, that's exactly what it means, because searching the same database for ANY OTHER CORPORATION registered at 124 Amherst, does not show up in this database, because this database only shows companies that have real estate Titles registered against their assets. Searching this database for any of the other ~8 corps at 124 Amherst does not return a property value assessment, as does Gusifer LLC.

Please stop with the disinformation.

Yes, please do.

And is it possible that a guy in Nicaragua uses the name Gusifer and talks to a guy named Paul Smith who happens to be an aviation expert on flying a full plane loads from Newark to Zurich, I'd say it's impossible, but then I'm not paid to debunk and act like an idiot.

That is entirely possible, yes. What I am asking for you to do, is provide a link between the Paule-Carres, and/or their Gusifer LLC, and the Paul Smith affiliated with the Nicaraguan Gusifer blogger, OTHER than the single BIZSTANDING scrambled record which is incorrect when checked against proper State based corporation databases. All I am asking is that you find more solid links before assuming that a Gusifer Nicaragua link with a Paul Smith who commented ONCE on a fight simulation blog, is at all connected with a Virginia based firm related to a real estate holding company simply using the same 7 letters as an identifier (Gusifer; on a planet with 7 billion people).

As for assuming that I am not truly interested in Pizzagate or am a shill ... how dare you. I have spent much time here trying to get to the truth, and based on your M.O., you have called anyone who remotely--and even politely--attempts to clarify or correct any of your assumptions, a shill. People who resort to ad hominem attacks in their own defense when even confronted with slight criticisms, are WORSE than shills ... you are a damn disgrace towards the concept of TRUTH. Grow up.

For everyone truly interested in Pizzagate: The MO of these shills are to first contact you and pretend to be some sort of friend. Then they post garbage and try to obfuscate what you're saying. I guess the logic is that this "friendship" (that's developed over the whole thirty seconds it took you to write a DM back to them) is going to prevent you from calling them out.

In reverse, this would mean that anyone who invested time and effort into an investigative lead you have posted, would be unable to criticize it once the lead got to a dead end, otherwise the op would be within their right to label said contributor a shill? Really? Is that where your logic is at?

I didn't bother spending tome here to make friends. I don't need anymore friends. I came here to investigate Pizzagate and get to the TRUTH, no matter where that leads me. I find Comet Ping Pong highly bizarre, and the Podesta's downright disgusting, There is obviously something very wrong with the whole Soros, Clinton Foundation and Frank Giustra enterprise/s, but I'm not going to lead myself along falsely with a conformation bias when 'leads' that looked promising, turn out to be assumptions with thin veneers.

I don't need your friendship ... I need you to be a better investigator.

JoJoVoat ago


Cbradio ago

Oh, that reminds me; I found a 267 page, PDF file of all the FOIA requests from.oldctesesrch and it might be West va!!

It has foia requests from many attorneys, npos of poverty/CP's related ones, immigrant attorneys.

Need help to get it uploaded. Foundbitbon a old hard drive from months, ago that I had found in researching ovamare frauds...!!!

Cbradio ago

Yes, and helps them to see where to systemic route ones.

Cbradio ago

They are being sent all over. Boystown and other npos are now all over USA..Even the book by Haiti deportee survivors, states kids sent to va, NYC, and other boystown, adopt centers, boystown research hospital, " sponsor fanms and more; by a created system to route the kids by age, gender, health and more..

quantokitty ago

Yeah, why not? Just send a message.

Do you mean how? Just click on my name and hit Send Message.

quantokitty ago

Thanks. Yes, it seems like the whole family has a hand in it. And, of course, there's now that Amsterdam connection to explore.

Cbradio ago

Hi. Anyone reading www.charlesortel.com?/ 4 yr investigation of Clinton foundation from both a financials and govt view of their filings and laws.

He stresses as I. Read all laws and contracts of govt, find as many filings in ever level of govt and corp and Npo as able. County to federal to abroad.

His research has many key terms to dig. Lady IRA, a Saudi university, rejat Gupta man, so much more. That web needs archiving. He may not even be alive. He spent four yes investigating Clinton foundation. Did you know the Clinton's never even had IRS permission to collect monies or do other charities, beyond the bill museum archives and related research? Ahem..

2.Boystown is huge, and worldwide; as is the nun organization in Ireland that had numerous abuse/ dad body cases. Did you know that you can even buy Boystown god/ silver bonds and coins? Google it, archive some companies that are registered to sell them.

Forbes, boy town #48 top money make charity under Flanagan on Forbes title. One page article with other fonancials of Boystown listed.

Two female Haitians,from Bush era wrote a book we hat is selling on google. I posted under the subverse of MR. WEBB that is a top subverse on pizzagate. This book CONNECTS that Haitian deportees have children that are even deperated from parents, relatives, siblings and sent to VIRGINIA, NY, BOYSTOWNS all over USA and more. Pg: 215 of the book. The ten pages that you can read for free on Google HAVE much necessary data. I cannot stress to read this book and Charles or tel website and archive.

I cannot stress to look up boystown website and carefully read. They have 12 locations in USA. Va, Dc, Florida, Texas, NY and other COASTal areas, as well as Nebraska. In their website, you can see they go to hundreds of communities to do Community Health Assessments. They also have TWO research hospitals, and see all board and directors on their websites. Boystown is also abroad, in fosters to the research hospitals, India and more Simply google India, Boystown and mass shows up.

Wikipedia Boystown for more links. Wikipedia the nuns organization via Ireland cases to see how they expands worldwide, and to USA. Instead of being shut down, both have expanded into public health care, medical research, refugees, deportees, Mass countries, adopt, fosters, etc.

Key word, used a lot in victims book is SPONSOR families and GROUP FOSTER HOMES (BOYSTOWN). Boystown is also.in Texas, not far from ranch ( scaloa) and not far from victim advocate Budddy, whose home is near abandoned Walmart.

Please read my posts under Webb for more details. I'm chasing more infrastructure leads of the webbed networks and their multi industry infrastructures, and have to keep.on a expanded comprehensive vibe, as further digging into specified details too much, takes my comprehensive intuitive vibe off. Ones good at tech, specs, archive, dig deeper on each lead on every name, phrase, etc are needed. Each area is a piece of the puzzle.

The victims book, "let Haiti live, unjust us policies on their oldest neighbor, also gives a lot more leads.

Asylum seekers sent to Guatoma, then routed to Australia, Venezuela, Gustamaloa. Each Dif type of refugee is ROUTED by Dif DESigned SPECS.

Male and female families seperated. Ages, separated. From motels to Dif intake areas. Krane Service Processing, Broward High Security Prison, Boystown in s Miami and more. Even each motel is key. It is Maas money that motels get from govt. Notice motels all over have Maas USA welfare and out of prison people. Instead of hosing, govt pays WAY HIGH day, week, monthly fees. These motel.owners ( usually asian)/India/Arab) are making millions for these slum motels.

In their book, the very deplorable conditions and federal cade 2002, abuses and discriminations are detailed. Even if sent to motel, can't use phones to call relatives or foia lawyers for their case. Can't even get food brought to them, only can wear flip flops given to them and clothes, kids can't even play outside. A motel prison!!

Destabilize areas to poverty, war, unsanitary, refugees, dasylum type dangers. Illuminati initiate ( all over Facebook, blogs, uribe to the poor) into child sell, oehan, drug push, other crimes.Build industry parks. ( Monica went to Haiti to look at the Clinton industry park.). Create in group and tribal warfare and hates.

Four ROUTE route by secuon of groups. EVEN in the Let Haiti Live book by the victims, a MIAMI area dentist is used to say which boys are minors or not. The older minors are not wanted by boys town, and are sent to Krone, brevard jail, guatamo, research hospitals. Ones are left sick and untreated as packed in jail cells, motel rooms, even elderly AND pregnant, look me cattle industry abuse.

The book highlights various s entities that intervened and did research, yet might be bad guy players by now. Miami commissioner board ( Rubio is on that), Women's Rights Group for Refugees. Have been quite a number of federal and appellate cases, and Bush ACTS, where bush denies fed court proceedings.

This book shows HOW many ate involved from bottom to top in mass govt and corporate contract jobs. Krone, on Facebook, you can find victims of this ongoing. Ecuador people are now having a lot of this, protesting and everything.

ICE, dhs, CPs, aalyum interview guards in USA and Guatom and SO many more contracted players.

Antone live in south Florida to film things and interview refugee/ deportees at all types of locations and relatives. The relatives are blocked from communicating, and are sent the ratmaze of govt corp calls, attorneys, courts. Mass lawyers are listed on Krone on Facebook, that might be interviewed.

Cbradio ago

I cannot stress, all is a route people to various govt corp industries. I bet Bosnia, Sudan, and Allepo were done to destabilize and route life to different govt and corp sectors. As we were asleep, even bones, blood, organs have been HUGE multi govt multicorp.industries and RESEARCH area in USA and worldwide. I have posted sites on other comments this last week. Even calcium CA bone waste is huge in research for bio- diesal fuels. Www.science direct.com has many researches listed. China, Malaysia, USA, universities. Way more sites of research catalogued. Retsch website even says human bone milled for medical appendages. Retsh is a German company in existence, also.in Nazi times. ( paperclip scientists).

Remember Podesta email of a dinner ( maybe in Cali) of discussions on emails of who will bring the meat grinder?/ As IF that is normal dinner plan talks. Go to meat grinder cos and see how even bone mills and bone paste mills are huge products and even portable.

Really think that after all the pedo bones found in different cases, they'd bury bones vs make a multi industry marketfir bones? Even animal shelters send the animal dead bodies to multi industries, including North Caoliners, Mr. Houser, and his huge corporation, WWW.Carolina biological supply.co. Dead bodies sell $92 and up, more for pregnant, average adopt price is only $40. Houser like IBM and retsch, connect to holocaust times of research, industries and profit.

The more you trace the animal industry models, even labs, shelters, and INDUSTRY research of BONES ( used in pharmaceuticals as a filler, bio- diesal research, chemical cos, food products and more), prison/ Juvie/ social welfare/ CP's/ publication healthcare esp bush to.Obamacare AND us-aid ( us- aid is ALL over wikileaks from Clinton, podesta, dignitary cables),/...the more you can see the multi family infrastructural corp and govt infrastructures and network and multi industries of everything. The new money industries.

A must read, the 67 page report that someone sent to Podesta on Podesta and Obama Climate Energy Resource front fraud, done by a top attorney. He also wrote a book, on Simon Schuster, and is on Twitter. Charles ____. You can find by easy google and wikileaks search.

A must read to see the climate energy frauds as fronts, but also use with Geote Is website of his four yr investigation on Clinton Foundation.

Both, utilized govt corp conttact and every law, contract mandate of govts at all levels in USA to abroad and every filing done at any govt level.in.USA and abroad.

Why do you think that Trump is already digging into the Federal Contract Aquiditiin Handbook? Go to politico article, Dec 22, 2016, $Trumps $440 billion weapon.," I cannot stress, must read and learn all the public health laws, contract laws, and access every filings, victims visit later and such; just like this attorney and George did. The govt elirescabs just LOVE LOVE LOVE that both public and victims do not study these pertinent, nor DOCUMENT any level of govt, corp, Npo staff that violate!!

You CANNOT even get investigations going, nor court cases done as will be both thrown out and criminals merely just plead the fifth, like Rick Scott did in that huge Medicaid Medicare hospital scandal!!

Trump will take us more seriouy, if we are documenting all the violations of the state and fed laws and state fed corp violations of GOVT CONTRACTS!!! THATS why politucle article and mass more, DNC, Soros, NY Schneider man are attackingTrump at every level.

Not EVEN for the ongoing Veteran Scandal, nor with Bernie Sanders, head of committee; has the FEDERAL Contract AQUISYION handbook and fed law fed corp contract violations been brought up. There is NO winningcases or stopping root corruption without busying these severe federal vilstions, also done on YOUR TAX DOLLARS.

ASIDE: IRELAND, IRA, 29 killed in fire, farmers and more find buried weapon stocks, are killed, jailed , abused, threatened.

Also, Ireland. Couple is arrested and routed down mental for reporting a rich, male neighbor that solicited their son for sex.

All over: Local females raped, citizens not allowed to speak.up about migrants/ refugees. Projects are unsafe even for EMTs to go too. Sudan organ trade, blackmarkets, and India, Malaysia, China, other African countries.

Surprised more not look into Logisticare, Providence, Igneus corp. Providence owns both, is ON Obamacare contract. Providence on contract is main corp, mass umbrellas of Providence. EVEN, Florida FBI has a investigation on the fl providence one and director who is listed as on the Obama providence one. Fbi found fraud stocks, shell corps in brazil and the island of Guerne (Sp?) right next to Jersey island that connects quuen and saville major pedo death cases. The female journalist was banned from england for two years, as many others exposing, same events as in Franklin case. Obamacare connects, as is the medicaid medicare public healthcare component. DBi anon was assigned to Clinton foundation, not Obamacare. They most certainly connect, as does bush, as does us- aid, as does multicorps on govt contracts and myulti industries, as does events wiwhen bill was president, as does ever rich and expanded boystown and the nuns group run under the pope!!!

Cbradio ago

Also, guarantee corps like Ingredion involved. Fbi annon repeated sibsahara, and CONFERENCES. LOOK at Africa 2009 food summit. Just like bio- diesal includes BONES,Ca, calcium waste; bio material food, ALSO can include ANYTHING..hint hint.

You really think elitescabs will not make emerging marlet industries out of anything and everything they can? Yah right.

They already have, even with bones, blood, organs.

Look up how even gas, solar, wind, etc alternative energy corps have court cases with Obama and epa as middleman; as Obama broke his promises to them!! He let those industries die, stocks fall, mass regulations that were not cost effective. Yet, bio- diseals ( bone included), the industry corp govtvresesrch and grants and universities are THRIVING. HINT HINT. Why you think Trump is trying to bring Exxon exec on his team, and DNC is doing all they can to stop it, trying to force tax returns. How ironic, as Clinton foundation, redcross, boystown, nun corp Npo, and more are allowed to get away with any and everything, AND Obamacare, just like with Bush, medicare/medicaid.

Which bring me full circle to Obama Foundation, that clearly needs digging. And do a comparative analysis of these two things: Schneiderman and DNC on Trump Foundation investigations at full throttle on OUR tax dollars and public time, causing even Eric trump to not be allowed to cont to get cancer donations. And Trump as a trademark brand of products, AS Obama sold his trademarked, Obama products from whitehouse and distributors for EIGHT YEARS, and Noone said anything of these two huge conflicts of interest?

Aside: Sort s Universisl Commercial Code: Noone has noticed that America was founded on home / farm Biz and most USA does not allow Home box ( mix use) AND county/ state/federal home loans, application, clearly state no home Biz operations, even for veterans or rural homes in buttphrick?/Home business WAS millions of jobs. Look up how black Biz, like barbershops and more, the last shut down by stadiums. Orlando, Miami are one of thousands, that easy google search will show the articles, and how cops and code enforcement storm in. Also, many white grandfathered bizes, lose business via same way, and organic farming in aggro procedures. Aside, how many holistic DTS are ending up strangely dead.

I have some victims of the CP's and public healthcare frauds, including in nemt fraud illegal block medical is depopulate, including all ages and infants. ( Dc and Texas infant mortality has made news. Nih, CDC, center rare disease, Harvard school public health has finally had to label it in 2014, publicly as major health disparity/ hralrhcrisis). Once base of all structures done, various victim incidences with the systems can be laced in. They do not want to post on bout. Any that can help me each vr, type their info, and ones that can record, video, but not use their face name, voice and protect sources are needed. Many other victims I have found yo contact, and digging up, we will find more, and need to archive and contact. Yet, ones that protect sources and do not retraumatize are needed.

Native, indigenous, on reservations is huge area, also. Mass data, all over internet with CP's stealing kids.

Poverty, destabilize to welfare, routing, profit jobs and industries In govt, corps, npos are clearly systemic habit utilized and infrastructures. Documenting any doing violations of govt contract, laws, filing, recorded is KEY.

Cbradio ago

Not going to correct typos, as vout keeps shut down, Erasee or refuse topost comment, too many times!!

throwaway345678 ago

Apparently John Paul Carres, is in this email and therefore CONFIRMED PODESTA CONTACT



quantokitty ago

He's definitely on my radar. Thanks.

bolus ago


Alderfer Mary Anne

It lists a mental health and drug rehab clinic at 124 Amherst street, the site of businesses we investigated earlier this week, directly tired to Tony P. This is a business i hadn't found yet, but add it to the list!

earthbalance1 ago

How does he feel about Obama's proven fake birth certificate? Not on the fakenews either...

earthbalance1 ago

Searching "SFI adoption" on dnb.com returns 10 hits:


  1. Sfi Inc 214 W Lee Ave Vinton, VA - 24179
  2. Sfi 3961 Stillman Pkwy Ste E Glen Allen, VA - 23060
  3. Sfi Inc 1600 Wilson Blvd Ste 1200 Arlington, VA - 22209
  4. Adoption Option 541 Luck Ave Sw Ste 118 Roanoke, VA - 24016
  5. Adoption Options 3018 Javier Rd Fairfax, VA - 22031
  6. Sfi Security, Incorporated 3646 Williamson Rd Nw Roanoke, VA - 24012
  7. Sfi Electronics 8972 Quioccasin Rd Richmond, VA - 23229
  8. Adoption Option Commonwealth C 1024 Park Ave Nw Norton, VA - 24273
  9. Shore Adoption Service Center For Adoptive Families Inc 6060 Jefferson Ave Fl 9 Newport News, VA - 23605
  10. Sfi Financial Group, Inc. 7076 Glanamman Way Warrenton, VA - 20187

quantokitty ago

Thanks for this. More leads and more digging to find out if they're all connected, and if they are, how.

earthbalance1 ago

Just a comment that dnb.com lists the following for Gusifer, llc:

Gusifer, L.l.c.400 Glen Lea CtWinchester, VA - 22601

I wonder if we could start a fund to pull the detailed credit reports for these companies? I think $800 or so would fund full investigation of at least five of these companies. It is public information!

quantokitty ago

Not a bad idea. Again, someone would have to put their name out there on a fundme and the people donating would also.

earthbalance1 ago

Or fund it through Bitcoin/Ethereum and convert to cash to wash it. I would suggest a moderator of pizza gate aggregate the funds. In my opinion this thread deserves some funding...this is all way too coincidental.

quantokitty ago

Okay, does anyone else feel strongly this should be funded? If so what specifically should? The business records of Gusifer? Should that be the focus? Or should Friday's Child be included?

earthbalance1 ago

Dnb.com lets you get the full credit report of businesses and I believe you can set up monitoring of each business to note any changes in credit status.

quantokitty ago

Hmmmm ... but what about going through Virginia? I remember the prompt coming up and asking if I wanted to purchase records. Maybe that would be the way to go.

throwaway345678 ago

please tell me people are seriously digging on this. That there are pol and 8ch threads... at least... aagh

Eastwood350 ago

For what it's worth, this could have been a one stop shop. Many adoption agencies also contract with behavioral health agencies and CPS does the same. Parents who are adopting need to attend training classes and usually put in 30 hrs. which could have been provided by one of these businesses. On the other side of the coin they also benefit financially by providing parenting classes if the parents are at risk of losing their child who is in foster care. So classes are provided to both the prospective adopters and to the bio parents. Bio parents are also required to take psychological evaluations to be presented at their court hearing along with periodic drug testing. More often than not these mandated classes for bio parents are just a huge scam to run the clock to the 12 month mark and cover the state's butt for the federal requirement which mandates that the state made reasonable efforts to keep the family intact. The psychologist's office in this complex could have been providing these services to the adopters and or the bio parents.

quantokitty ago

That's exactly what I was thinking. Especially since two of these "unrelated" businesses were registered on the exact same day. Really? Another coincidence? Doubtful.

on_fleek ago

OP, Great post.! Podesta & his ilk have had opportunity. A child could disappear.

Eastwood350 ago

The AFCARS report showing adoptions completed by the states up to the last reported year.


contrary_mma_hipster ago

Information from Reddit user:

This is serious. I just looked up the business registration of Gusifer, LLC. Gusifer, LLC has more than 2 known addresses in Winchester VA. The both look residential.. They're both in proximity to almost 30 pizza restaurants. One of them is called 'Italian Touch' The registering agent of Gusifer has over 2 decades of off shoring experience.. I suspect closely related to Haiti. Not sure, I'm still digging. Gonna deep dive through Frederick County records, trying to find an association. Will report back.


quantokitty ago

The registering agent! Forgot about that. Good call. Yes, there are residential addresses. And the pizza restaurants. Of course! Yes, please, dig, dig, dig!

contrary_mma_hipster ago

Another good comment:

I was talking about Venus in this thread, but check this out, the etymology(origin) of the word Friday: "Old English Frīgedæg ‘day of Frigga,’ named after the Germanic goddess Frigga, wife of the supreme god Odin and goddess of married love; translation of late Latin Veneris dies ‘day of Venus,’ Frigga being equated with the Roman goddess of love, Venus. Compare with Dutch vrijdag and German Freitag" But in this context it means either Child Love, Or Loving a Child. The only thing that makes it suspect is that instead of calling it one thing they hide it behind symbolism calling it 'Fridays Child'. So if their hiding the meaning they are hiding something else, imo.


G_Gordon_Linguini ago

I think pizzagate is actually a giant organized child "adoption" racket. It is done through the players we all know about and babies are traded like art and other valuables.

Traffickers advertise on instagram

They meet potential clients at public places like pizza restaurants and elsewhere to "test" them and make them commit a low level crime to prove they are not law enforcement.

Then the new "members" are "in" the club. With some type of username/password to access the network.

Here's my contribution to this thread: The full list of child adoption agencies that include "SFI Adoption" that the OP references. I think these are good ones to investigate and connect the dots for the network of paid child "adoption" services (aka trafficking?), mostly through Russia.


quantokitty ago

Thanks so much for this. It'll be good to see if some of these are connected. Maybe the same people running them ... or an umbrella corp.

G_Gordon_Linguini ago

Would also explain why James Alefantis became so powerful in DC. He's providing a service to gay men and women who want to buy babies on the black market since the old way in Russia was cut down so much.

The new "parents" are vetted at JA's restaurants and art events, then pay for babies through buying some crap art for an outrageous amount and these agencies in VA then certify the health and adoption records illegally for a fee to give the adoption a clean paper trail. It all makes sense now in this context.

The fact that Tony Podesta is connected here is a HUGE smoking gun.

Great find. this is the missing link in tying it all together now

Godwillwin ago

To pepperonisue:

If it looks like a duck, Walks like a duck and talks like a duck, it's probably a duck!

We want an investigation. Suppose we are right?!! Are you cool with kids being raped by "elites"?

quantokitty ago

You're welcome.

Cbradio ago

Whoa!!!!!!,, don't know if related, but Patty SCC state number is same number for a federal biz number, for a generator under a govt official under contract in VA for a sc office. SCC 04317031(patty) and fbo : 04317301 (fed govt lynn phipps and heather hirshman)Norfolk federal building, Cumin's generator. Lynn (b) Phipps noaa.gov and a heather [email protected] Request for a diesal cumins generator set for a NOAA ship Nancy Foster to set sail in Charleston, SC!!!!! Google search: patty SCC number in my other comment, Virginia Their request date 11/1/2016 for the diesal generator for the ship. Anyone in Charleston to check out NOAA ships at the docks!!!!!!!!!

bolus ago

your digits in the first scc are transposed a bit, and i want to add some clarity to your post.

gusifer scc: S1488487 (http://archive.is/nJ1Qy)) Medical Electronic Data Insurance Claims, Inc scc: 04317301 (http://archive.is/UYIo7))

order for cummins diesel generator: http://archive.is/ebPtA

you're saying that the relation here is the SCC, the state corporate number for medic, inc, is the same as teh SN, the record number on the FBODaily site. I don't see the connection. is the record number tied to the vendor number, or is it arbitrary? a quick look at the four listings today suggests that it's arbitrary, and really means nothing.

Unless i'm missing something, this is a wrong tree to bark up - but do your thing.

Cbradio ago

Hey. The for fixing typos. Could be arbitrary. Buy is a very rare coincidence. And fact, so nearby, too. I saw in dailypress that port of VA volume is up 10 % and 29 tons container TEUas up 8 % exec director, Reinhardt fellow.

This could be no connection, not even correct ports; but the toaa ship does sail coast down to Caribbean that has that fed number. A govt ship would have it easier to transport cargo, on down low.

If no connection between either group, dead end; but as they are so connected on areas, if a connection, would be lucrative.

Also, Patty has a state bill number, but needs a fed one, too. But, don't want to bark anyone up wrong tree, but it is odd. Sorry, not clarify)))

bolus ago

well - do this - go to the FOB daily site, pick the first five rfqs you find, and log the SN numbers - then go to open corporates and see if they all correspond to companies who look like they could fulfill the orders.

i did that, and i had 1/5 hits, and that was for a british company.

Cbradio ago

Thx. So statistical arbitrary or what links. What type of British co and how they get a fed fob number?

I'm trying to find fed numbers of patty, glen, their select biz, or the llc Guccifer, too, and med bill does number as SCC is state one.

DLing PDF files, slowing me down as they are over 200 pages each..))

bolus ago

Point is that those sn strings only mean something to the fobdaily index, i think, and have nothing to do with the original rfq...it's just a string.

Cbradio ago

Yes..I got it..)) I'm going to follow a hunch, but of course, not want mislead anyone. But its bringing me back to some old research, years ago..))

bolus ago

Cheers to moderate discussion. Good luck digging

Cbradio ago

You too..thanks too..))

Cbradio ago

Thx, you too. )))

Cbradio ago

Yes, I'm going to see if connections, but you could be very correct. I do think that a ship under a different role, could be an easy front. I could be so wrong, but esp after reading the Haitian report/book, really wondering)) I upvoted you, so you know that I def am open to arbitrary. )) and appreciate your input/ looking into..))

quantokitty ago

What?!!! Lord this makes no sense. None. Wonder what this is about ...

Cbradio ago

Sorry, I don't know if I wrote that comment wrong, not sure which of my comments that is...this subverse is getting huge..I'm trying to DL a lot as dig, post, keep up with other findings, so hope not typing bad or something))

quantokitty ago

It's fine, right? You come here and you'll find lots of people who think the same way you do. If I bring up the subject and someone gives me resistance, I let it go. I don't even try to convince anyone or anything. Hopefully, through our efforts, we'll either find something, or have a "legitimate" news outlet pick this up and investigate. I keep reminding myself that this is about the children.

Cbradio ago

Cont from my last comment on their med code state license SCC number. Three addresses are on it, a po box, amhurst and a Glenn cove...you google SCC number, Virginia and their medical electronic SCC forms come up on first page search. See my comment prior, for direct related data on SCC filing.

And, someone found that some filing is under Glenn, yet this state SCC code is under patty and last review with system was due 8/31/2016 but can't find this years..This is the state ( not federal) filing to bill under medicare and medicaid. Each biz requires county licensing, too.

quantokitty ago

Yes, I saw the different addresses. Not sure what's going on with that. It could be innocent, in that, she's claiming she works at home on this "business" whatever this "business" is.

Cbradio ago

Except, wikileaks states she lives on farm, rural and Glenn Cove, cove is usually suburban type address. But yah, who knows, but most time, medical types never use home address, even for patient safety issues ( esp psych)..Glenn cove is that a home or warehouse, ship port..going try to look..

Cbradio ago

Wikipedia the Nancy foster foaa ship that has ability to launch remotely operated vehicles, goes on coast of USA to carribean. I find it odd that patty SCC med bill number is same fed number of govt. Maybe a odd coincidence, but foaa Nancy foster ship, leaves from Charleston sc, a lot and odd match of fed and state license numbers. My other comments have more info on this subverse. A navy ship now under foaa, hold mass weight, can.launch remote vehicles would be perfect front to ship in kids.

Cbradio ago

Omg I found patty SCC state number, same as a fed number for gov workers w foaa a paper for a diesel Cumin's generator for a foaa ship to sail out of Charleston sc port. Filed Nov 2016 See my other comment. Don't know if related, but how odd, same number. What is patty's fed number, as her SCC number is same as this fed one!! Filed under dept commerence and NOAA govt atmospheric by two female fed officials!!! Hope not wrong lead, but..very odd!!

quantokitty ago

It's odd, weird, strange and any other word you can think of.

Cbradio ago

Have to see if any connection between those two govt ladies in foaa/atmospheric and patty crew..I could have wrong lead, but its odd, and Patty or Glenn need fed corp and fed medi bill numbers, also. The SCC is her state one. Local biz numbers, too.

quantokitty ago

Is this for the PCS Enterprises? Or for Gusifer?

Cbradio ago

Under Patty... There are filings of things under Glenn, with Patty listed as secretary; but often Gusifer Llc not in the filing. Some things under just Patty. And I'm finding some of Glen numbers to be same or different filing numbers. I wrote numbers I'm finding on the subverse here. Right now, digging under Glenn. Sorry, it's such a maze..)) Do you know if VOUT allows pic upload from cell phone, for I can't find that option, and the pics would let you see, vs me writing it out))

Also saw 120 and 124 Amherst are for sale on Coldwellbankerhomes.com since July 2016.

Oh, forgot to tell you. I'm down loading these over 200 page, Virginia OIG for Child Welfare Yearly Reports; and you were asking about some statistics on children. Stats of various things are in these reports, that you might be interested in, even mortality rates/supposed mortality reasons, etc...

Cbradio ago

Annual report for SCC: 04317301 under Patty for Annual report Medical Electronic Report states due 8/31/2016. Was it done? Google search used: 04317301, virginia Www.sccfile.scc.virginia.gov

quantokitty ago

That's what I'm thinking. There's something here. We just have to connect the pieces. Goddamn mainstream news for not being interested.

quantokitty ago

I did find another property associated with Gusifer. It was just sold so I'm not sure if they sold it or bought it. I'm thinking sold it? This one. Didn't archive it because it's on multiple real estate listings. Could this be it? https://www.redfin.com/VA/Winchester/725-Treys-Dr-22601/home/40612351

quantokitty ago

Yeah, right .... never anything there.

bolus ago

There are 14 businesses associated with this address, that i've found, total. Here's my running list:

1) Gusifer, LLC

2) Paul-Carres, PH.D., P.C., Glenn N.



5) Fridays Child Adoption Services

6) (M.E.D.I.C., INC.)




10) David Adams Counseling LLC (http://archive.is/SKxiq))



13) Silvia Restivo Counseling (http://archive.is/YCtSW and http://archive.is/VJ0M3))

14) PEACE OF MIND: PERSONAL GROWTH AND THERAPEUTIC SERVICES, LLC (http://archive.is/2Xevk and http://archive.is/7pZKd))

Operationally, it's clear to me that 3/4/5 are all one unit, and 6/7/8/9 appear to be as well. 11/12/13 also appear to be a single group.

10 and 14 are odd men out - I only found David Adams Counseling through google maps:


note in the above image that google still thinks that friday's child adoption agency is in this building, while all of the filings which may have previously indicated this association have been purged - this is a definite link between the two, if there had been any doubt.

and while 14 has an entry in bizapedia, it's not easily corroborated by opencorporates. interesting to note the registered agent on the bizapedia page though, is Fhc Engineering. That, I found:


note the address, Tavistock Drive.

Godwillwin ago

Good find --Tavistock dr

quantokitty ago

Great work. The thing is, if these were normal businesses they wouldn't be so hard to find and keep track of. It's not how legitimate businesses do things. And the Tavistock link is pretty shocking. I don't know why I'm surprised, but I am. I did find something about one of businesses PC Enterprises. I guess I'll add it to the original thread. This way all the info is consolidated in one place. Thanks for this!

bolus ago

well, it's a weak link, and just because it's the name of the road, it doesn't really mean anything (yet) but it was strange to see it pop up.

get this though - it's part of a private neighborhood called tavistock estates, and if you want to catch google's street view of it, here's the best they can do:


it's just down that road to the right.

there are two houses for sale in the neighborhood right now: http://archive.is/mGeYP http://archive.is/1dyCf

both were updated this morning, apparently.

FHC engineering is associated with Alan Johnston (in the corp link above) and then the 410 Tavistock address is further associated with Shenandoah Home, Incorporated / Paul Rudolph (http://archive.is/frcjO)) but that shows an incorporated date of 1977, so i don't expect that it's related.

quantokitty ago

The thing is that we don't know. We just have to look at the disparate pieces and investigate until we get a complete picture of what is going on.

bolus ago

so - zillow says the house was sold once, in 2003. rudolph had it first, i'm sure, sold it to Johnston in '03, and then FHC was formed in '04.

now the question is why is an engineering firm the registered agent for a counseling group?

PEACE OF MIND: PERSONAL GROWTH AND THERAPEUTIC SERVICES, LLC / Fhc Engineering, PC. / alt: 4 Weems Lane Winchester VA 22601

bizapedia: http://archive.is/2Xevk

Julie Boston Hickerson: http://archive.is/7pZKd

NPI data: http://archive.is/JeLKr

quantokitty ago

That makes no sense whatsoever. Let's see, Patti Paule-Carres is shipping diesel generators for ships and now this?

rootthemout ago


... to complete a home study with a social worker before adopting, our Virginian adoptive parents had great success working with social worker, Daniel Petruso.

quantokitty ago

Thanks for the link. Everything helps.

2impendingdoom ago

There was definitely emails about an inherited property in Greece. But could be other property elsewhere.

quantokitty ago

It is. Instead of looking out for the best interests of the child, they turn it into a money-making, get-rich-quick scheme. No telling what criteria they're using, but I doubt they let couples that can't pay the exorbitant fee adopt.

quantokitty ago


Im_with_her ago

All of your post is based on words like "possible' and "might be." In other words, you are spreading fake news. Mods, flag this post as we discussed. Mr. Obama is clamping down on you tin foil hatters spreading lies. The next step will be lawsuits and charges against people spreading libel and lies in order to further whatever hair brain theory you think up. Pizzagate is fake news. Grow up. Go back to watching your Scooby Doo shows and pretending that you are a real detective instead of a tin foil hatter living in your parents' basement. Haw haw haw. Pizzagate is false. Chelsea 2020!

earthbalance1 ago

Obama is not going to do squat unless he wants to have a birth certificate discussion in court...

Godwillwin ago

Bring the charges- an investigation will follow and the media will have to cover.

BTW, I'm a married grown educated woman with 6 children living in a beautiful home - not a child in a basement.

quantokitty ago

Nothing is fake and we're investigating the businesses that are registered. Are you telling me that everything you see in the WaPo is accurate? They're the ones that should be held accountable for spreading propaganda. This is a forum devoted to investigating Pizzagate, and that's what everyone is doing. You should be more concerned about what adults are doing in a pool with underage children they're not related to and further why they find it entertainment.

2impendingdoom ago

Please run chelsea on the ticket for 2020. She can be publicly humiliated when another clinton losses to Trump again.

Sharipie ago

There's that poem that goes something like: "Tuesday's child is full of grace...Friday's Child is loving and giving.." We know that "loving and giving" means something else entirely to these pedo criminals.

alliecapone ago

Tis was the first thing that ran through my mind

quantokitty ago

Yes, I looked it up. It should really be the prospective families that should be vetted for those qualities.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Just when I was thinking "wow, the shills are leaving this entire discussion alone!"... along comes you.

ZarkovskyTheHunter ago

Holy smoke! You are a dam MEAN MACHINE! :) ANON & CO., are you reading this? The footsteps are getting closer and closer to the window.

Yuke ago

*Monday's child is fair of face,

Tuesday's child is full of grace,

Wednesday's child is full of woe,

Thursday's child has far to go,

Friday's child is loving and giving,

Saturday's child works hard for a living,

But the child who is born on the Sabbath day,

Is bonnie and blithe and good and gay.*

rodeo13 ago

I remember reading early on about an adoption agency in Utah with ties to a couple that worked on the Clinton campaign who had adopted a child, but the real father of the child was disputing the adoption. I will try to find the article again, but it sounded like the agency was scamming adoptive parents out of money and then giving the babies to other "parents". Definitely shady stuff. I think we're going to see a lot about adoption agency pedo ring activity soon.

quantokitty ago

Yes, and remember all the posts about CPS taking children from parents. This really sounds not good at all.

rodeo13 ago

There is sooo much to look into, we'll all be researching for months. I remembered the name of the Utah agency this morning: Heart to Heart in Sandy, UT. Their website has the heart within a heart logo (from the known pedo symbols list): http://www.hearttoheartadopt.com/

Complaints about Heart to Heart: http://m.ripoffreport.com/r/heart-to-heart-adoption-agency/sandy-utah-84070/heart-to-heart-adoption-agency-sandy-utah-heart-to-heart-adoption-agency-sandy-utah-hor-421620 http://www.adoptionagencyratings.com/adoption-services/heart-to-heart-utah

The case that involved Andy & Melissa Moore, who are involved with the Clintons (still trying to find the article that connected them to the Clintons): http://www.adoptionbirthmothers.com/heart-to-heart-adoptions-andy-and-melissa-moore-the-taking-of-jameka/

rodeo13 ago

Other voaters have posted about Laura Silsby and Heart to Heart/Andy & Melissa Moore: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1485479 https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1445276

quantokitty ago

I know! There's so much here that it's ridiculous and overwhelming. Thanks for helping to look into this. It's massive. The thing about Gusifer is that because of the hacker, it's very difficult to only bring things up about the business. There are fifty million articles that come up about the emails which further obscures things. But Gusifer has supposedly been around for eleven years and the business has left no footprint? How is this possible? I'm trying to come up with a unique way to search for it. I found out something about her other business and maybe it'll trigger something if I post that. I keep adding to the original post so people can see what's been uncovered so we don't keep reinventing the wheel. Thanks again, I'll look through this. Definitely.

rodeo13 ago

Great, great work, quantokitty. I will try and look into Gusifer as well and see what I can find. Every little bit pushes us forward.

quantokitty ago

Thanks so much. Yes, please look into it. I've found a few things that I haven't had time to post. And, yes, every little bit helps. If someone finds something, pls post it. You never know what it will unlock.

tehthu ago

Bear in mind, assume that every piece of evidence presented here is read by fixers involved in this operation. When we shake the right branch, the fixers will most definitely be in contact with any individuals on said branch in order to advise on changes in standard operating procedures.

Look for business moves, people moving, people dying/arrested/etc.

My greatest hope is that the LEOs on the good side of this are also watching and keeping tabs of what we're finding and observing behavior of parties involved.... I hope.

Cbradio ago

Yes, like their building was listed for sale July 2016, interesting timing.))) Wonder why Patty keeps emailing Podesta that Glenn will need supplemental life insurance? Some accident? What life insurance does Gucifer ltd use?

quantokitty ago

I totally agree. It's usually a couple of days before posts appear debunking or floating a theory that covers/explains a new breakthrough. I notice that the pizzagaters on this site just let these shill posts fall right through and disappear. Yeah!!!

Cbradio ago

Yah, they have to groupthink their next, lower branch, Podesta type theory excuse..

Anyone seen the next batch of Soros, moveon emails ? Trump is Hitler and planning next riot protest.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

^^^^^^^^^^ THIS

SpikyAube ago

Oh oh, John W Truban! He's also registered at the 124 Amherst St in Winchester, for a company called Physician Business Solutions, and he is also a lawyer, with a practice not far from the Amherst building. I put the links in another comment on this thread somewhere. So I think we should assume all these people are working together. This is not just a case of separate companies having offices in the same building.

And that address for Friday's Child also has lots of medical/wellbeing type businesses listed there. A dentist, addiction specialists etc.

bolus ago

it's worth noting that John W Truban is the registered agent for hundreds of VA corps. I don't doubt that he's associated with this little cluster, but take a look through some of his other clients. he is the agent for the winchester county bar association.

i've asked it before, do lawyers who act as registered agents have a duty to vet the company they represent, or are they just rubber-stampers, for the most part? what happens to a registered agent in the case of a lawsuit or criminal finding?

(for reference, i asked this when looking through the andrew jon kline connections - he also represents his local bar association)

SpikyAube ago

Good point - these people who are registered agents for everyone are so annoying and really get in the way of finding out stuff.

bolus ago

unless they can be held accountable, which i think they can/should be, especially when they hold several registrations for the same person.

SpikyAube ago

True, but if they really don't have much to do with the actual criminals that are running a particular company, it would still be frustrating!

Hooliganscat ago

This is just a crazy good lead! Dig while they sleep

Ronnilynn31 ago

Good post - thanks and have another upvote!

2impendingdoom ago

Seems that the Paule Carres daughter Larissa is in Charlottesville, is now a lawyer - Larissa Sneathern

quantokitty ago


Cbradio ago

Hi. Yes, they have ability to control, make medical records to some degree. If all children are receiving medical care through the typical public health care systems ( medicaid, medicare if disabled or a disease/ condition). Once medical records are in the system, they are very hard for adults to amend. They only let you add addendum notes, and important to see the medical notes by drs and nurses, for they often, are not correct, can delay care, even less to wrongful mental route, drug accusations.

Drs often look and give credence to the Dr notes, over everything. Yet, are all kids getting medical, and if they are, are those offices just running it like a village clinic, and are stocked up on supplies like vaccines and not keeping records.

"The unhealthy pizzas" always stands out to me. Yet, also, there must be some habitual medical concern of kids with aids, other diseases; unless they go to clients with aids, etc.

One found that a bunch of the missing kids, esp.in VA area, had no pics. Yet, its quite standard at schools and even a visit yo DTS, dentist that they take a picture, esp if benefiary on public health care as part of intake and state ward kids are also supposed to be put through the lengthynintake, upon arrival.

Yet, are similar aged kids, gender being double billed in the billing, or something like that. If you look at the monthly CMS bill statements that are mailed, the over billing, upcoding, added billing are very often.

Those letters and all the govt websites for healthcare, state to report fraud. When you call, they don't act pleased or helpful, try to route ones to Shine ( Medicare) or to other Dept's.

They do not come and help. The recipient, even blind or can't drive is supposed to photocopy and cert mail in, marking what is wrong. Fraud is so easy with Bush and Obamacare.

Look at Rick Scott, Texas, and he pleaded the fifth like 75 times and is governor of FL now; doing the same and more.

With any medicaid HMOs that kids are on or if on stare, straight/open/Sspn special needs; either the directors and other high staff ofvesch dept, state governors, HMO board directors can often be found to be on boards of hospitals, nursing homes, institutions, drug rehab, juvie centers, etc. ( conflict of interest but govt always ignores).

Might be able to find out what HMOs that these offices use the most, for they have to literally sign up with HMO they want to work with, including the state options.

Drs listed on Dr sites,boften say what insurance they take, or calks to the office can be answers by front secretary or billing Dept. Its typical for a patient or parent to call and see if they take their insurance, prior to appt.

So, say at the hospital.institution that Patty's (husband?), the psych is affiliated with; its standard that a hospital institution, refers their in patients to thecdrbor psych that takes their insurance, if have insurance, and by public health law must ,( yet, no public health laws are ever the habit, but..

Finding the HMOs he works with, can then search the boards of those hmos or dept directors and such and see what other corp connections there are...

And, do any of those bigger ones, or parent corps, connect to Clinton foundation?/As it is public health care, already connects to Mr Big O.

From there, whstborher govtbprograms, corps, non profits, religious affiliations in area, USA, Haiti, Africa, etc..connect..how are more children brought in for it clear the typical , historical way to get lost kids through stare ward and orphans are not enough resource of bodies/ kids? And why is demand higher?/

Also, as NY good at Wall street, sticks and bonds, tracings?/That is, is all Iveverote, there is a blueprint infrastructure and follow the money and connections.

Knowing such, how can it be caught,? Or can it, and safely?

Where are kids kept, even standard norm adoption ones? Warehouses around, wards of institutions, basements, false adoptions?

The one psych, with family in title, shows a high, brick building and basement level windows. The area buildings, etc, are interesting.

What drivevroutes to DC and in white vans? Findervkids were known to be at a DC warehouse and a farm. Are they still involved in any way?

What addresses, phones, website, mailing address listed for any Dr, nurse, psych, counselor on state medical license web? Same as that office, and by law must be accurate and up to date.

Any complaints by peers in medical, whistleblower? There is that infamous female whistleblower for govt big corp in DC, cases or attempts could be on web.

Sometimes, decent ones notice things and say something? Any Dr , psych, adiotibe agency, social worker area deaths in last eight or so years?

Where would laundry be sent out to, if not on site?

Sorry typos, I'm going to try dig up contracts, reports, and such.

quantokitty ago

Great suggestions here. The HMO's, yes, find out which ones they use and who's running it. Might give us more of a sense of who's in on this. Thanks for taking the time to write all this out. Tons of good info and ways to dig into this.

Cbradio ago

Thx. Sorry if a lot. Trying to break down the areas of the systemic infrastructure, but a lot of pieces. I'll be out digging)))

Celticgirlonamission ago

I have searched google for "SFI Adoption" with quotes and I keep getting weird listings like this in Asian countries

Earn money from net without investment ** Best way to get money as a ... lecznica.abcdlazwierzat.pl/index.php?www.online-income-from-bangladesh...6... Cards into how make money sfi adoption online sanford maine networks. Jobs midland make mnc) waterlooville resources degree turnkey. Items to home based ...

Probably nothing...just seems weird to me

quantokitty ago

Good observation. Sfi Adoption and Gusifer alone bring up all sorts of weird listings. Especially Gusifer. It's like it doesn't exist, but it does and had office space. Not sure why it doesn't have its own footprint on the web. The only thing that usually doesn't, are things that are deliberately being hidden and suppressed.

Celticgirlonamission ago

Then I read the article about the babies in india that were found...in the article they also mention several of the cities that had these weird ads up...pretty much companies buying babies...Im so sick to my stomach at these horrible people

quantokitty ago

Me, too. A lot of us feel this way hence everyone digging in and trying every which way to get solid evidence of what is going on.

quantokitty ago

Oh, fantastic! Very helpful. Yes, let's make sure these don't disappear down the memory hole.

Eastwood350 ago

Many adoption agencies do both, they are contracted with the state for foster care children and also do private adoptions. When doing a private adoption the adoptive parents do pay and the rates vary from 20k-40k depending on the gender and ethnic background if adopting within the US. Blond haired blue eyed babies are more costly than babies who are not Caucasian. You can find that right on many of the adoption pages. When using the same agency and adopting through foster care the adoption is virtually free. There are sometimes fees up to 2k but normally they are reimbursed.

Psalm100 ago

I'm wondering how it can be known that these 8 companies are run by the same person, if I'm reading this thread right.

The building is apparently in the process of being sold, though:


quantokitty ago

It's what we need to know. The way I read this is that these businesses were connected. There was everything in one spot for a seamless adoption. Even a medical records service that can dig into histories, blood type, etc., if need be. One of the things that needs to be looked at is if there's an umbrella company that legally connects them. Or are there counterparts in different states. I just found out through the Virginia Dept of Social Services that Friday's Child is listed at a different address than Amherst, but that may have to do with them moving out of the building. And why they had SFI and Friday's Child isn't really explained either, but VA Social Services does say that Friday's Child is International. Maybe it used to be domestic and now is taking over the int'l adoptions from the canceled Sfi? We have too many questions and need to resolve this. The main thing is that for a business service to be this shadowy it's crazy ridiculous. Even if you specialize, you need to advertise .... somewhere.

quantokitty ago

Just to let you all know, I'm updating the original post as I find relevant information. Just found a different address listed for Friday's Child Adoption Services through the Virginia Dept. of Social Services so I've tacked it on: The new address is: New address: Friday's Child Adoption Services, Inc. 90 Whitewood Road Suite 4 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22901 (703) 200-9099

Please check the original post for updates.

banenya ago

If we consider all the 8 businesses at this one address, and what they appear to offer, are they not a complete network of what one would need to navigate the adoption/foster care system, legitimately or otherwise? From what I could tell the businesses in the building can provide you with medical professionals, adoption agencies, access to medical data, ability to issue insurance claims, counseling services and an "Institute" where clients could be examined, treated, temporarily housed. Whether any of the businesses are active might be irrelevant. Only one of them (say the "PhD" or counselor) needs to snare the referral and then the PhD in turn can make sure that all the client's subsequent referrals are kept "in the building" so to speak and thereby "disappear" a client out of the Child Protective Services network (or the gov't may be working with this Podesta Virginia ring - I don't dismiss anything).

I don't know what agencies, medical and legal professionals are needed to navigate through the adoption system so I'd love to hear from those who do in order to decide whether this is worth pursuing.

Roughly, here's what I am guessing each of the eight provides or claims to provide:

  • Paule-Carres, Phd P.C., Glenn N. [CHILD PSYCHOLOGIST? - a guess - can't figure out what the hell this PhD does]
  • Medical Electronic Data Insurance Claims Inc [ACCESS TO CLIENT MEDICAL DATA, INSURANCE CLAIMS]
  • Shenandoah Family Institute Inc [FACILITY]
  • Sfi Adoption Services LC [ADOPTION SERVICE, filed for corp by J Daniel Petruso, Acsw]
  • Gusifer LLC, [???????]
  • Pcs Enterprises LLC [???????]
  • Medic, Inc [MEDICAL TREATMENT, PRESCRIPTIONS, CLINIC?] Absolutely nada to be found on them
  • Prisma Counseling Services Plc [COUNSELING]

Patti Paule-Carres (the Podesta cousin) is the name on record for filing for incorporation for a lot of these businesses. Interesting to note that "Paule-Carres, Phd" and "Shenandoah Family Institute" both filed for incorporation on May 10, 1982

quantokitty ago

Nice. Very methodical approach. I don't know what some of these services do either, but isn't that in itself kind of suspicious? When I did the original search for Gusifer, I used keywords that would be expected, namely, Paule-Carres Gusifer LLC. Pretty straightforward and yet nothing came up. NOTHING. Why? Why file for a business service if you don't have a website, aren't listing what you're doing and aren't promoting it. What is the knock three times on the door and only if you know the secret password, we'll let you in? It just seems so bizarre. It was only when I decided to not take no for an answer that I found the stupid business and it wasn't at the home as the registration claimed, but in a building with 7 other business services. Oh, that's the other thing. They were paying for office space and still not advertising it? I'm telling you, for me, this is more than weird. It's as weird as pool time with underage kids, especially when they share building space with international adoption agencies. I almost feel like we should start splitting these businesses up and devote one person to each. If no one is getting anywhere, we'll switch people. This way we can approach these businesses in different ways.

Celticgirlonamission ago

I would be willing to bet money the guys on the plane that verbally attacked Ivanka got a baby this way....seems they would fit into this scenerio well...just my opinion though, just seems to never end for sure!

Cbradio ago

They should be made to pay for Ivanka security and flight now. I would have loved to meet her on a flight, and ask if she had any time to hear citizen issues of corruption, to have trump allow citizen boards, and reinstate home biz RTS across USA in non suburb areas and more.

These outbursts and defense mechanisms, really are similar to crank metg addicts that are coming down or fearing they won't get their next addictive FIX.

AND then the lower class libs that state USA will go down, have they looked at their slum conditions or all the violent crimes that are daily all over, no jobs, crap jobs, etc?/

I found a great website called Propoganda that would have a lot if great memes to counter the false news fraud.

quantokitty ago

Good observation. You're probably right.

bolus ago

Tagging so i can research this week.

quantokitty ago

Thanks! I'll be interested to see what you can find. I'm not sure what direction to go first. Definitely going to parse those emails ... and follow those business leads.

Eastwood350 ago

Daniel Petruso certainly has  his hands in a lot of pots.  I did a little digging on Daniel Petruso who is listed as the Principal and registered  agent for SFI Adoptions 

Daniel Petruso is located at the address 124 Amherst St in Winchester, Virginia 22601. They can be contacted via phone at (540) 667-6272 for pricing, hours and directions. Daniel Petruso specializes in Stress Management, Stroke Care, Cancer Care.

Daniel Petruso has an annual sales volume of 501K - 999,999. .For more information go to www.sfiadopt.org or www.sfiadopt.us 

Which begs the question why is someone who specializes in cancer care, stroke care, stress management linked with an adoption site?  

On another page it states: Daniel Petruso provides Support, In Home Care, Activities to it's customers.

SERVICES In Home Care , Support , Mental Health Services , Medication Management , Errands & Shopping , Resource Center , Education Services , Activities , Prevention Programs , Hourly Care SPECIALTIES Stroke Care , Stress Management , Carpal Tunnel Syndrome , Cancer Care , Social Security


I searched sfiadopt.org which is listed on the first link above and associated with Daniel Petruso and came up with this:

 Friday's Child Adoption Services, Inc. International Adoptions. Parental Placement. Adoptive Home Study. Friday's Child Adoption serves as your liaison with programs in Russia, Kazakhstan, China, Romania ...

http://www.pageglance.com/sfiadopt.us  http://fridayschild.org/

Now the above states It's a Friday's Child Adoption Service and the phone number is 540- 664-6272  and the phone number for his office for stress management etc. is 540- 667-6272.   (The phone number is only 1 number off) 

Daniel Petruso provides Housekeeping, In Home Care, Consultations to it's customers. SERVICES Daniel Petruso has an annual sales volume of 501K - 999,999.

For more information go to www.sfiadopt.org  or www.sfiadopt.us

Daniel Petrusco also specializes in Parkinson's disease: https://www.chamberofcommerce.com/winchester-va/9521146-daniel-petruso

And in addition: Petruso, J Daniel ACSW is a Psychologist office located in Winchester, VA. A psychologist focuses on the evaluation, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of mental, emotional and behavioral health issues. A clinical psychologist uses psychotherapy and other counseling skills to improve emotional and mental health. http://www.wellness.com/dir/3863580/psychologist/va/winchester/petruso-j-daniel-acsw 

It's my understanding that ACSW is a person who has a master's degree in clinical social work.  

I'm not sure how any of this fits together as he seems to be a jack of all trades with social work, specializing in various ailments, diseases and appears to have a hand in the international adoption market if I'm reading this all correctly. 

bolus ago

archive.org has a few captures of the sfiadopt.org and sfiadopt.us pages - it's worth noting that the images of children used on the early pages match what's on the fridayschild.org pages now - and a quick google search indicates that these are unique to the site, erasing any question that it's the same organization.

i am curious if the VA purged business listings connect to anyone interesting.

quantokitty ago

Excellent cybersleuthing!!! This is great and Daniel Petruso moves up to the top of list of people we need to investigate. He's in cancer care, home care, and international adoptions? It makes no sense except that all are lucrative. Sort of reminds me of a JA type in that JA was doing all these things outside the parameters of a restauranteur. Definitely need to dig, dig, dig on this guy, but this is a great start.

Freemasonsrus ago

There doesn't have to necessarily be children being adopted OUT of that place, but rather a place that connects people with slaves and creates the falsified adoption paperwork/ID cards ect. I swear, any time I see psychiatrists closely associated w these people I'm thinking mind control and certainly nothing benevolent involving those "adopted" children. Most people are walking around this world believing evil comes in the form of people like Jeffrey Dahmer or ISIS, yet the truth is there apparently are a bunch of well connected "normal" people who have depths of depravity only seen by most of us in movies like Hostel.

throwaway345678 ago


(^Kitezh russian orphanage, as an eg of this type of thing)

Cbradio ago

I agree. And even a few legit adoptions, creates the FRONT. Black markets are always about fronts. Mafia was always about fronts, from USA or any other country.

And, psychs know which ones from vulnerable populations are vulnerable. Major power tyranny, a Dr or psych has over patients and can abuse. The AMA, APA, ACA Codes of Conducts and Ethics on all three, clearly specify and repeat that.

Can take advantage of vulnerability and know all factors of it, can mental route and psychotropic dose/control/ restraint, drug addict vulnerabilities, family spousee abuse vulnerabilities, poverty vulnerabilies, homeless or crime vulnerabilities, etc.

Control over writing diagnoses and the medical Noyes that drs as a habit, look at first and use, over a patients voice. That has dangerously delayed care and routed patients down mental, a lot with females having heart/stroke attacks. Even is brought up in past by the American Heart and Stroke Associations as anxiety is a symptom more often in females.

Has full control of patients fighting for kid custody, for whatever he writes the medical and govt will abide to, as if he is god.

Gas access to all medical records. If they look for certain bloodtypes (rh-(, diseases for their "research, he will know and can route them.

Can over bull, upcode, fraud bill for services not done if the obamacare coding is done well by a good " accountant/wife."

Can access their other medical records, criminal, anything, by forge signatures, or have patients unknowingly sign for that on blank forms. I've seen that a lot, even with fed funded Disability Rights in each state, which Disability Rights is a DIRECT arm to DEP.

DEP and OIG are supposed to help and protect beneficiary systems, as is Disability Rights. They easy can cover tracks, cover up complaints, know who complained. Was the DEP guy that like a Picture on tweet, found if further connections? DEP and oig go hand in hand to oversight, investigate, charge crimes and violations, protect victims. Disability Rights in each state is their "intake" center. No one ever gets helped by DR, but many have signed the blank consent forms, and have been refused to hand in the release forms if fill them out with what records can be requested.

I've seen some leads that serials are often not arrested, but utilized. I found a site, by one, that has a lot of awful.pics and mentions Obama, Clinton, Spielberg, a navy ship, Mckaine and has pics. ( don't know what to think about it, but he also has a YouTube channel and is with high govt officials on the navy ship in sea and doing high tech flight experiments. He calks the navy boat, the hospital).

Another lead on serials not arrested, are many in Instagram under satanic/Lucifer that post pics of mass animals and human remains, which it is highly felony, illegal to posses human bones and various animal ones and such high quantity.

No arrests, when so easy? I see morticians, cops, security guards, mom of NYPD cops, elite, elite that publicize themselves as satanic/Lucifer/vampires.

Ones digging up #catatombs or burning #burnthebodies, #burnthebodiessavetheskulls. All across the nation. A huge one is in Miami, another in LA, and NYC. Clearly, serial killers and made a market niche biz and have tons of elite and populace followers, comments, likes.

Once you see so many lamps on Instagram, made of skulls and spine, you will lose your appetite for days. But parts are as is, in jars, made into other things, and alcohol tinctures of body fluids.

Yes, I agree with all you wrote and it is a awfully top level dangerous types of people and huge networks. And anything else that can be a business or service and sold, is done.

Even though some good NYPD cops, I'm sure the smart bones on this, know they can't trust all theur coworkers. Remember, somevtears back the cop that was selling dead bodies for sex?/Had them all over his laptop.

Be cool if good cops, private investigators, FBI, drs, psychs, attorneys, teachers, social workers, and such would help. Many, can merely view the kids and babies and children, and then by law, must mandatecreprt on a special form that is provided for those jobs.

If Trump or some good DAs, FBI, judges had a bunch of the mandated report applications by those professionals, and CPS continue to not adhere to law and investigate each report as both welfare check/ location ofpic check--then that is solid, legal violations documented, not by just citizen calls; but by those professionals who must mandate report to keep their state license and adhere to fed laws of their job duties.

Any decent psych would immediately state the children and babies in the photo must be mandate reported and are considered missing, endangered as no parents have come forward in livid anger that their kids are all over puvlic web, posted by WHO started the series of events of pedogate in DC, Mr elephantitus!/

He is accountable. He chose to take and post thosebpics and let his staff and bands and "artists", do all, under the auspices of his biz that is open to the public.

Changing art, the excuse? Ah, a lot of so called art was painted on the wall. He chose to be and advertise as a family friendly biz, not us.

He never had his twitter on private as he and staff kept posting that creepy stuff, that even minors could see!!

It is not false news the actions in series of events that he and his staff and pals did. It is not even appropriate to have a child view playboy, and they cannot buy as a minor. Sex education starts in middle school, and books, materials, words used and what taught is very strict. Teachers have been fired for going ag the strict guidelines. Movies and shows are rated from g to xxx. R and up movies cannot be sold to minors at stores and Id required. Movies are art, just like his " art," is not appropriate for children at his business establishment.

A naked man in a blood bath shot on his business floor, on public twitter.

So yes, I fully agree with your comment and fully think the defense mechanisms are what is to be expected from violent type criminals that fear being exposed, that also have an agenda to normalize and minimize this severe deviance, moral decay, anti life.

And, a lot of effort and money and manipulating our citizen right laws and internet is being utilized by the elite. Never saw so much effort for even the new Orleans hurricane.

Maybe we should incorporate as a "private club," like the rich always do, to keep ones out that don't follow one rule, concern for child rights and safety and attack, call false news.

Private club entities, do have those privileges. It would cost only around $80 bucks to incorporate such in Delaware or another corp friendly state. Member dues, one dollar so all are able to join. Money used for resources, endeavors, equipment needed.

Keep the real roaches out. The harrasment is beyond annoying, selfish, creepy and really, ag our rights, including federal Public Trust Violations. We have a right to access public figures, public health care laws, medical, children rights, missing kids, anything on our tax dollars, etc etc.

Think about it. What does a million put up by craiglists to stop childgate mean?/ I think that it could mean and even be "interpreted" bynones as slactions way more dangerous than a fake psychop actor arriving at a pizza joint and shooting the floor. What a very strange, mafia like "deal," Mr Craigslist is openly suggesting with a million. No elite will care for a measly million, ...get it??? What if he said, I offer a million dollars to whoever stops Planned Parenthood? See what I mean.?..that would be considered a local terror incite threat by Peepee.

As we dig deeper, think about this )))

With all the teens prostituting on fb, insta, craigslist and the viral videos of ones street fighting by punching in the head; come on Clinton, you said female rights and when they go low, we go high; so go get on all their feeds and tell them its false news that selling their bodies for money is not the only way. Tell the headbeaters that no need to sell fight videos, your bringing jobs to the slums!/ Put your money where your mouth is. ( like Humans crotch). Sorry long, but really felt should state such. And if it bothers any "types," consider this fiction. Consider me an artist. The Pedogate Movie Private Club Worldwide ©®™

quantokitty ago

Yes, he may well be a connector and master handler. I'm wondering how best to figure out his role. If anyone has any ideas, please respond.

ConnectALLtheDOTS ago

fyi, I remember this poem:
Monday's child is fair of face, Tuesday's child is full of grace; Wednesday's child is full of woe, Thursday's child has far to go; Friday's child is loving and giving, (just sayin') Saturday's child works hard for its living; But the child that is born on the Sabbath day yadda yadda...

Cbradio ago

Good find. I've been posting on this subverse state to fed numbers found on various registrations and not all match up.

And filing is not always with the llc. Some with Glenn, some with patty. Yet, if a LCC, that's supposed to be listed.

And some Dr reviews for glen, say llc, and some, sole proprietorship. I'm wondering their county filing of business type.

Some stuff say that licensing of a registry number not done or past due.

quantokitty ago

Good catch! You see, why do this? If Fridays Child was at this same address, didn't it have its own number. This is just shady.

Orange_Circle ago

I used to be all about adoption, but now, I'm worried about kids being adopted just to be abused.

Eastwood350 ago

Many of the children currently in the system are actually stolen from good homes with good parents. Please see my post above in the thread.

Cbradio ago

Yes, a lot of victims are posting comments on fb, blogs (CP's ones, esp), and other areas.

Poverty, let kids play in yard, let kids walk alone to.park, not use psychotropics or cancer drugs, Justine Pelletier case and more.

Yet, not only has DC CP's, failed to welfare check all photos by pizzaguy that are reported; many kid cases to look up that CP's knew was dangerous, ignored and kid either died or found so severely beaten/starved/locked up.

Orange_Circle ago

I agree that a lot are. But it seems like a lot of minors go missing at the border and in natural disasters also.

Cbradio ago

War zones, disasters, destabilized, poverty areas are easy prey.

followthebucks ago

The building just sold (sale pending). www.coldwellbankerhomes.com/va/winchester/120-124-amherst-street/pid_13521427/

Apparently, 4 of 8 separate offices are now empty. Strange layout for 8 separate businesses.

Cbradio ago

Yes, by cold well banker homes.com Lusted since July 2016. Can anyone be a prospective buyer and safely take a look, photos?..while its pending?

When are current tenants moving out and to where?

bolus ago

quantokitty ago

Interesting. Well, we know SFI moved out. I wonder if we can track those other businesses. See if they moved as well or were dissolved. I think they like to change names, so maybe they're in another form. We need to get a list of all these business owners to see if they started new businesses and if they're still running in the same circles.

Cbradio ago

Oh wait, interesting they are moving, leaving lease at this fruitful time!!

mrjdouble ago

Dude, you really connected some dots, here.. Mind blown. Again.

Bindlestiff ago

haiti was big on drug trafficking. maybe they're using the children as mules?

Cbradio ago

Someone posted a book, yesterday as a subverse on Haiti in real time reality of what its like for children, as sold as slaves daily.

The book also mentioned that 31 rich families run the island. A list of those fams and any Clinton Foundation, us- aid connections could be fruitful.

Read the book if you have a chance. Best one ever of the rough reality and how locals are involved in trafficking kids as property.

Truly awful. Would be so easy to ship ones out.

They prefer the rural kids that are not street smart. Some parents just sell. Others are lied to that food and school will be provided. School costs much money, only few kids get to go to school.

Not sure why more locals do not just offer to teach the kids. I would. Books, really aren't needed, just creativity.Not sure why ones bought as slaves, do not adore the kids and let them be as family; but instead the abuse, starvation, sleep on dirt, etc. I would, gosh, to have grateful kids around that so appreciate love, food, learning, family. Book shows, not just individual mental depravity, but also the collective as the daily habitual reality.

Makes it even sicker that Chelsea used those donations for her $3 million wedding to another corrupt FAM, that "plays cards."

All the donations, even from the public and simply shelters could have been made, tiny homes of sheds/ship containers/yurts and such and home biz as cottage industries and little schools. I can't stress, how clear the elite, npos, govt do not have intent, but agenda.

Yet, all goes on in USA, but under a different system and guise. A silent holocaust where victims are isolated, called crazy, not believed, fearful of repercussions if advocate further.

Also, why aren't the abjunct poverty, rural areas just turned into minihimes and small biz, so tourists would visit and economic boost?

Its either the one center of Haiti or the rich hotel resorts that income streams are being created.

After reading that book, my detest for the local adults that sell, rape, join the tyranny violence just appalls me.I try to keep good faith, but its just not possible for children and animals, so savagely harmed and no sacred to life is evil done by conscious choice to be savage, and is not modern human, but regression to the max, and no excuse.

Sudan and other areas, same way. Poverty does not have to equate to no ethics, choose evil.

Organizing in unity to demand abroad corporations build mini homes, utilities and let a tourist market be created would allow abjunct poverty and unsanitary disease causing areas to become healthier and thriving.

Its clear the elite do not have the intent, but agenda. I found the some sites that illuminati initiate, yesterday, ones in African countries; based by elite in two USA states. They have to sacrifice a blood relative and chickens, and they believe they will get rich. Tons of males, some females, are begging to join, do, and some wrote up their propoganda of joining to help convince others to join. Males are begging, putting their phone numbers down, to be initiated. So sick.

One wrote about sacrificing mom, stating that she had been fond and kind to him as a child. What they will do for a hot penny, and as IF they will ever be more than ones to do dirty work and be fall guys.

One posts about how he buys stolen stuff. A African female in USA, advertises she initiates to Illuminati, also and has a ritual pic. They think they are so cool. The thought of self proprietorship in ethics, is never considered, just the black markets of evil.

Aside: Question: What IF ever a child or group was found? What to do, who to trust? I think of Harriet Tubman, undergroundRailroad.

I think we need a organized effort to have Trump to let us create Citizen Boards at every level, local, state, regional, federal with equal access and status to the politicians and govt Dept's. We are many citizens that are skilled, have solutions, good intent, do care.

This exclusion of citizens is a reality. Protesting on the street is not inclusion. Inclusion is able to dress up, sit at the round table and be allowed to speak and be heard.

I think a proof of this stuff, plus informed recorded calls to CP's and other Dept's that prove ones failed to adhere to their jobs requirements, laws and contract mandates should be presented to Trump, professionally by as large as a group and signatures on a petition for not just a full, broad investigation at every level and junction, fire, rehire, restructure in transparency the pedogate issue. And NOT in the bs ways that are done with past cases like Bill Clinton, when a black.is shot or dies in cases that are injustice ( some are, some not, but the promised court and investigation by county, state and dept are always a fraud and only done to appease them from rioting).

Trump tweeted about black crime, yet not about elite crime and pedo. Yes, all a prib and more probs; but as its children rights and safety and on tax dollars with us so harrased and discriminated by elite, its way past federal Public Trust Violations.

"To violate the trust responsibility to citizens, beneficiaries, or even students under govt funding and cause unec stress, duress, burden, impact, costs, harm, etc are Public Trust Violations. Even the election was public trust violations, incited riots, libel/slander of citizens by elite, media, political ones.

They are in this reality of they control the nation and world, and its all about serving their gluttony needs. Citizens can ve the worst victims of govt corruption, and have no voice to be heard or justice. The web access is only hope, and ones still can barely be heard, if ever, no matter how much they post.

He promised to clean the swamp and it cannot be, unless bottom to top, all that failed to adhere to law in this issue and any are gone and legally dealt with; and Citizen Inclusion Boards are allowed so a democracy/republic (,whatever) is allowed to be the infrastructure for pyramid schematic, clearly creates tyranny, corruption and swamp with govt and big corp.

Wolftrail7272 ago

If they keep tabs on blood types that could be important...

quantokitty ago

Oh, yes!!! Brilliant!!! The families may be adopting for different reasons other than providing a loving home. Excellent point. That also could be found on the medical records, no?

Cbradio ago

The app contracts on Fridays Children, reveal ALOT. Adoptees must own a home, certain incomes. Is that not discriminating to good parents of low and middle class?

The excessive fees for every step are discriminating, and to me, are like selling a live child. $1095 or $495 etc for an application to be reviewed, $350 for meetups,etc. This is way overinflated for social workers or psychologist hourly pay and medical processing of paperwork.

And, the biggest thing. The app for No Corpeal Punishment Contract. Many might miss this, but carefully look at the legal wording. It is no corpeal punishment, UNTIL adoption is fully finalized.

Corpeal punishment is specified that includes binding, store kids in small spaces, etc. What a legal.loophole in that No corpeal punishment contract!!!!

You all, take a look at it when you can, MAJOR sneaked in, legal loophole!!!

quantokitty ago

Yes, it's crazy. I still digging through things. Lots to get through.

Cbradio ago

Go2Webb thread..found via connection to Haiti and more...))

Cbradio ago

Yes. Remember Podesta email of who will bring the meat grinder? Well, idk but last night I found bones are huge in multi industries and research. Will post sites if you want, but was going to post on dif subverse to keep the local focus of this subverse archeological dig. But, as we all slept, oh my, huge corp govt interest and activities.

Cbradio ago

Is his COA accreditation up to date?, and consistent history?

Also, 1. National Center for Families and Children, Maryland, allows volunteers?? 2. Fairfax Families for Kids, mentor programs. 3. DC family and Youth Initiative- host, mentor, adoptions.

The Haiti adopt place across from Comet? Connect to any agencies or people this subverse listed on top?

What attorney is either agency using?

What hospitals are they affiliated as many adopt agency reviews, list that hospitals are utilized for unwanted pregnancies.

There are more govt, state/fed oversight agencies, then I listed. Be back on that.

Fed/state grants?

Any live in VA, DC area to spy or also look at back of weekly papers for ones advertising for pregnant moms/ paid to conceive?

All the missing VA children. How far from those agencies?

Are kids kept at that building or where? Where are they getting the overseas ones?

Later, ask me another lead as found illuminati direct initiating many in various African countries!!! Yep, with details. Means resources to do their "dirty work, " and need someone archive three areas, of it, I found.

Still looking for OIG contract. Governors are on contracts and a whole list of other state fed agencies. Whose the governor,? Any data on him?

Worth archiving the adopt reviews site, In posted before this as a number of birth moms not happy, some left phone and emails, called it blood money. Some agencies good reviews, some overseas.

Charging $500-$1000 us, just for apps and home checks, as get these kids for free?, and from where? Dhs stare ward, hospitals, mental home pregnant moms, advertising to get moms by papers, overseas how, and stolen kids would "fit," right into orphan homes.

And with Dr, attorney, billing, counselor can create while identity and paperwork, and bill your tax dollars on medicaid Obamacare.

Not sure if connection, but as Google, Friday Children and Oig contract, Chicago area is coming up in search, too. I'll have to dig and see if connected. ,($65k Obama hotdogs?)

We know it's Nationwide, worldwide; but think you all found their center supply. And all in the lovely Podesta FAM that were always known for their "dinners."!!!

Wonder if any of that Podesta old realestate has bones in property.

quantokitty ago

Fantastic stuff!!! I'm going to copy & paste these in original post so people will know what to check for. As for governors:

Terry McAuliffe Assumed office January 11, 2014 Bob McDonnell In office January 16, 2010 – January 11, 2014 TIM KAINE!!!!! Assumed office 2006 - 2010

I mean, TIM KAINE?!!! There has to be something here. If not this, in Virginia. Why else would HRC have picked him except to reward him for a job well done.

Cbradio ago

Ahh..another area to dig. Thx for adding this. Also, notice in Pm desta emails with Patty and crew that these four couple, go way back, even to Knox University in Illinois.

I was even wondering homicide, cold cases and such in those areas. I found a female that had been missing since 80s, found in abandoned brick fire pit in that county, mass destroyed skeletal remains.

Also saw that Tony Podesta, quite connected to Norman Lear ( Hollywood corps/coca cola/politics) that direct connects to Rob Weiner.

Party and husband live on farm in VA. Chicago and Trucker, CA are sites they vacation retreat at and the VA farm. Oddly, a email of part of the couples crew, states drinking from Chicago event to Trucker. Long drive for the elite. Anything to be found if they did do those vacation plans?

Why does Glenn need supplemental insurance at this late time in age? Is he planning an accident?/ What life and medical insurance are they using under Guccifer (sp?) Corp?/

Info under any state insurance regulators as guccifer is a limited liability corp and other data of corps, have to be public or given via public requests. IRS info?

party1981 ago

This is so bizarre. No idea what to make of this.

lilwagon ago

What's that mean?

Cbradio ago

Fridays Child is a Star trek episode of savagery in conflict. Also is a elite London name/book of high society.

Fees are over $10 k, even gas mileage over 50/miles. Surely, a front and the have Dr to counselor in house in building with billing.

Counseling for pregnant. There are surely ads in back of weekly papers for pregnant teens/ get pregnant and paid as one stream of access. Mentions children abroad on one form.

Business contract with all the state and fed entities, needs to be found. OIG/ contract/ integrity report.

quantokitty ago

Awesome! Yeah, that pregnancy counseling. Wonder if they ever counsel mothers with children -- like Catherine Hoggle. Also, I was wondering where they got Fridays Child from.

Aaanndgo ago

Thanks for referencing Catherine Hoggle. Of her FB profiles, this one has just one friend who is a bouncer in D.C., as far as I can tell. It would be brilliant if we could connect her with something/someone questionable. http://archive.is/8HrRz

quantokitty ago

Yes, that's what I'm hoping. If she was getting counseling, or talking to someone who professed to be a counselor, they could have fed into her paranoia and made her think giving up her children was the only way to save them. Lots of way to work it, but we need proof. Thanks for this.

Cbradio ago

Oh wait, if Patty is doing her billing etc, under the LLC limited liability corp, Guccifer, she would HAVE to be on a Oig, HGS , cms contract to do business with medicaid/ medicare, and billing. They have their own billing and coding system in obamacare...)) Sometimes the contracts are called Integrity Reports.

Guccifer and Fridays Children..( look at the Star tech episode called that, aliens, savage)..Podesta loves aliens.

A lot of public , or even beneficiaries, do not realize that publication c health care is fill of contracts with govt departments and all types of corporation contracts. Its a business.

Govt keeps most hospital complainrs/ negligence, not in public transparency. Risk Management is attorneys for hospitals and institutions, but patients told to do complaints through theeir legal Dept's.

Hospitals, institutions, drug addict centers, juvie centers, nursing homes, all have to do contracts and yearly reviews, licensing and more. Areas to possible find things. A lot do not know, but sick or disabled infants or kids, often routed to their state or private nursing homes for bed space reasons.

Drivers, maintainence, maids, laundry on sites or sent out, kitchen, blue collar construction, electrician, plumbing, etc, could find nice ones who talk and know of odd child transports..)))

quantokitty ago

More solid info. How does one go about finding out if she does? Is there a search capability?

Cbradio ago

I saw Fridays Child has some connotations from a Star Strek Episode of savage aliens, and high society in England, so far from searching!!

Yes, pregnancy counselling is a legal mandate that adoption centers, abortion clinics, hospitals to last minute birth mothers have to provide and BILL to medicaid, medicare if dual, sometimes direct to dhs, depending if not signed up for insurance/ drug addict.

Oh wait, drug addict centers/ teens..wonder the state ones around there, where offices located...))))

Yah, think we are finding their ring around Rosie for their region of this.

Great work..)) So much to dig up with all of this..))

quantokitty ago

Thanks for this. Yes, there's tons to go through, but we can do this. Dig, dig, dig!!!

Cbradio ago

You know where I'll be, archeologal digging))) Hope having good holiday and weekend. See you again..)))

quantokitty ago

Yes. Have a great holiday and hopefully we'll both find something interesting.

Cbradio ago

))) you too..))

Cbradio ago

Oh my, Shenandoah family institute comes up as a brick building with some floor levels. Looks like has a basement, if anyone can look it up more on google earthmaps and building plans.

quantokitty ago

I haven't even gotten to Shenandoah, but someone should. The brick building might be 124 Amherst. That's what it looks like.

Cbradio ago

Oh whoa..the one I thought was husband is at the same address and is the PSYCHOLOGIsT listed as office or PSycholigical institution, depending what Dr review site.

So, they must be getting kids, teens with mental issues, abuse drug homes, teen addicts. He works with that one institution hospital, I listed. Very easy for him to know what kids, teens care VULNERABLE, bad/neglect/drug abuse homes, moms pregnant, teen moms!!

Does VA have a mental Baker type act like NY state, Cali, South Carolina, Florida and other states have? For Dr, nurses, case workers, cops, even teachers can baker act any age to mental routed!!! Very, taken advantage of law!!

Sometimes, those states, have some victims or FAM members that comment, BBB review, blog about the abuse in mental route system.

Whoa..much power they have over people with all these medical, psych, billing, adopt center, hospital institution affiliations!! Wonder if cops are helping, teachers, too?

quantokitty ago

Have no idea, but those are all questions we need to answer. I think I'm just going to have to home in on one service and see what I can find.

Cbradio ago

You too!

Oh, forgot to say. When I saw the medical billing company, not surprised. Most violations that the OIG of HHS cares to investigate and penalize/charge; is with billing fraud, so good bookkeeping is a great way to stay unnoticed.

Next violations the oig harbors on, are with ordering unec tests, order tests for patients not needing or even done, and ordering medical equipment not needed or diagnosed for, then procedures.

So makes total sense, medical billing would be included. Also, Patty linknin, comes up as English and French in top engine search.

She does write outsourcing, outshsring for the companies top title on the link in web site.

quantokitty ago

Oh, yeah, the French thing. I didn't mention that, did I? Seems she owns a duplex apartment in Paris that she rents out. Do you know how much a duplex apartment near the Eiffel Tower and the Bristol goes for? It's worth a fortune! So whatever her business Gusifer is, it pays well.


Cbradio ago

Wonder if patty and sister Eugenie get along, for its mentioned in Podesta emails that the Greek family home, that patty and sister do NOT have matching documents.

Cbradio ago

Ahh, interesting for French link in popped up on basic search! France is near Jersey Island and Guernes island (sp?) . Jersey is Quuen Eliz and major pedo case with orphan school? Saville Real estate is odd, esp the applic to get price on selected old mansion properties. Satanic statues at mansions is common. Pedophiles are not listed as such, there. Guernes Island connects to obamacare via Logisticare fed nemt transport- providence- igneus.

June, July, Miami herald, another providence ( many shells), ongoing case with fl FBI. Has shell corps to Brazil and guernes island.

The_Kuru ago

Putin ended adoptions by US about three months before Guccifer was discovered and his hacking was exposed.

quantokitty ago

Interesting timing. Wonder what else was going on. Had to be something. Remember how no one would shake Obama's hand? There had to be something major for that kind of snubbing.

alliecapone ago

Last time they were face to face, Obama gave Putin what I'd call a death stare..like he planned on unleashing hell upon Vlad.

LargePepperoni ago

http://www.connectionnewspapers.com/news/2006/dec/19/special-deliveries-for-the-holidays/ According to this articles, Dan Petruso is connected to SFI adoptions.

quantokitty ago

114,000 children were awaiting placement in 2005? That's a huge number. 350 doesn't seem a lot in ten years, but is that just within the US? Or only internationally? Why is he working with both adoption agencies? Good find.

salinaslayer ago

Goddamn son

SpikyAube ago

AND - also at the new Harrisonburg, VA address for SFI Adoption Services, is another adoption/foster care company called People Places: https://www.peopleplaces.org For some reason archive.is won't let me archive that page??

It is registered to a Michael P. Blinn https://archive.is/W7nbW, who is also director of Giv2Giv, which sounds a bit dodgy to me although I don't know much about tax and fraud and money laundering etc - their web page was archived a year ago as well https://www.giv2giv.org https://archive.is/8hVfd

Giv2Giv incorporated on opencorporates.com: https://opencorporates.com/companies/us_va/07525066 https://archive.is/eY6bm

ZalesMcMuffin ago

If you can't make an archive the normal way, at least make a screen cap of the page and put a link here to a sli.mg posting of that screen cap.

I would do this myself but my skills are fail (page is too big for my screen). I did, however, save the page to my PC in case it entirely goes poof.

SpikyAube ago

Good idea, thanks!

quantokitty ago

Fantastic! Yeah, that name ... sounds odd. It's another really good lead. Lots of info piling up for investigators to dig into.

SpikyAube ago

Also registered at this address is David Adams, Counsellor, and Shenandoah Family Institute, which is a 'Psychological Facility' and also Dr Glenn Paul Carres, a clinical psychologist.

So seems like a building out of which several psychologists/counsellors run their practices?

There is also a Shenandoah University nearby, so I'm guessing they share the building with some pretty rich people if they have a University?

Someone called J Daniel Petruso is listed as the registered agent for SFI Adoption services. The same guy is also listed as a psychologist at that address. https://archive.is/SJit6

Gusifer LLC was also registered at 400 Glen Lea Ct, Winchester at some point and at the same time, Tony Podesta is listed as living there. also used to live at this address along with many of the Carres family and some of the Paul family. Here the activity of Gusifer LLC is listed as 'Business services at non-commercial site': https://homemetry.com/Winchester+VA/GLEN+LEA+CT/400 https://archive.is/eVUM1

Also, it looks like SFI Adoption Services has another address in Harrisonburg, VA.http://www.merchantcircle.com/sfi-adoption-services-lc-harrisonburg-va https://archive.is/yIIw6 It looks like the one at Amherst Road has been cancelled according to this record: https://www.virginiacorp.org/sfi-adoption-services-l-c https://archive.is/fMy3T

PieInTheEye ago

CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS COMMENT ( https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/comments/1517186# ) sometimes appears below.

Eugenia and John Demos of this above email are connected by blood to the Podesta family via a Greek connection explained in the above WikiLeaks email. In this email they explain that Evgenia/Eugenia's mother Irene was a sister of John Podesta's grandmother Thomai. This makes Evgenia Kolovou-Demos a first-cousin-once-removed of John and Tony Podesta, and seemingly still in close familial contact. The Demos family also runs a charity of some sort that I came across not long ago but have not saved the link, so I will research more and reply to this sub with the info.

Their 'long term intern' of the Houlihan name, is very interesting, because one Michael Houlihan was a main member of the Finders cult of Washington D.C., who was arrested in Florida with one Douglas Ammerman and 6 children, sparking the infamous investigation which then got shut down lickitysplit by the DOJ and FBI, because it was most definitely affiliated with the CIA. I know this is a long-shot, as there is only the Houlihan name to go on here, but the Finders were specifically involved in insinuating themselves into government and/or private agencies that involved children or youths, and there seems to be an obsession within the Clinton-Giustra-Podesta-Soros sphere with social workers, psychologists, spooky medical organizations, adoption services, and children's 'charities' all over the globe including the United States (the Frank Giustra affiliated one was blatantly flying the triangle spiral pedo logo). The fact that this 'Jean Houlihan' required a "Thelema (favor)" for her Chicago social worker grandmother seems to suggest to me that she was given her internship for other than casual affiliation ... occult affiliation perhaps?

Thelema is the name of the sex-magick cult that Aleister Crowley created, and I have always had a suspicion that the creepy gay network that Alefantis seems to be a part of is an offshoot of the T.O.T.O (Typhonian O.T.O), or the demonic gay Choronzon Club which was founded and nurtured in Chicago, having spun off of a O.T.O affiliated current seeded by Cecil Frederick Russell. (READ HISTORY AT OWN DISPLEASURE: http://www.parareligion.ch/sunrise/xi.htm -- this particular branch of XI or 11th degree O.T.O., is a simulated 'ordination', where only people who have received anal sex via Thelemic ritual in direct line from Aleister Crowley can achieve the penultimate 11th degree.

Yes, you read that correctly: An 'ordination' lineage determined by anal intercourse received from THE BEAST/Master Therion; Aleister Crowley himself through his sexual surrogates. NOTE: Not all O.T.O., spin-offs practice this (so it is said), as there are actually dozens of active competing Thelemic currents claiming to be OTO ... the Choronzon Club was the most disturbing, and it was anchored in Chicago. It was first solidly founded in 1933 by purely homosexual males. One wonders if Barack Obama and his well known homosexual escapades in Chicago brought about his initiation/ordination perhaps?).

Alefantis had an Instagram post which seems to be straight out of Choronzon Club subculture: Four gay males on it, covered in flowers, and a man with a coiled snake behind him posing in some kind of crown chakra relationship at the bottom, whilst in the background two gay males are kissing under an Egyptian hieroglyphic portal. This image was sourced from an Instagram archive zip file someone posted but it was just the images without the Instagram comments. The image filename within the zip is 11243071_853750404673912_2034871715_n_30538347630_fe4685107b_o_d.jpg ... and the zip file is called jimmycomet_instagram_archive_photos_only_20161220.zip ... @think_whatif posted a link in this archive in sub https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1505466 ... but they seemed to be unsure whether this was Jimmy Comet's entire Instagram account by image only ... It definitely is in my opinion as it has the rest of the well known images (773 in total, I had to go through every image to find it), but it would be sure nice if someone had screen-captured the comments attached to that particular occult image before he made his account private, especially revealing to see who commented.

This Snake & Sexual references is straight out of Matthew Lessner and James Alerfantis' collaborative Automatic At Sea feature film, and associated film short called Chapel Perilous which won an award. Alefantis was awarded the 'Crown' for his $10,000 or more financial contribution to the Kickstarter project for Automatic At Sea post-production work, which is why he was credited as an assistant producer of these two productions which were filmed together. This might explain the $10,000 payment from David Brock's American Bridge 21st Century Super-Pac to Comet Ping Pong; some kind of a gift from Brock to his gay lover Alefantis in order to help out his Washington D.C., based actor friend David Henry Gerson who had teamed up with Matthew Lessner, and who had a lead role in both projects. The snake and decapitation artwork in Comet Ping Pong by Arrington de Dionyso ( LINK ) is a clear example of Alefantis' affiliation with this art which seems to emanate from a Typhonian Order tradition (T.O.T.O., of which the Choronzon Club was affiliated).

I will post back here if further research gleans any connections, as I have a strange finding about the Finders cult to report which seems to be related.

PieInTheEye ago

Sounds creepily like a Tavistock satellite group:

  • Adoption and/or Youth Services of at-risk populations (just like Sasha Lord's prior training before CPP)

  • Medical spooks on hand (organ matching for later harvesting ... keeping stock alive until needed?).

  • Psychological spooks on hand (including access to psychiatric medications).

Get them when they are young and insecure ... meets all the hallmarks of a Tavistock organization ... one of the spooky ones that feed vulnerable young people into shadow government programs to use them as guinea pigs for whatever the hell suits their fancy in any particular year. Finders cult was almost definitely a Tavistock program attached to the CIA.

It was Patti Paule-Carres which is a Greek second cousin of both Tony and John Podesta; all through a maternal Kokoris family grandmother Thomai Kokoris, who emigrated in 1910. The relationship is explained by Patti in a WikiLeaks email as follows:

FW: Review of scanned documents

... First, let me clarify family relationships. The properties (originally a farm and a house on two separate plots) were apparently owned by my great grandmother, who had five children. It is our understanding that the farm was given to one of the daughters, I believe her name was Matina, another daughter, Sophie was given a dowry (I believe one of the documents sent to you was a dowry agreement, and the house was to be given to my grandmother, Thomai, her sister Irene and brother, Kostas. I am not aware of any additional properties. My grandmother, Thomai, left Greece when she was about 13, in 1910, her sister Sophie joined her in the United States as a young adult, followed by Irene. My grandmother, Thomai Kokoris, had three children, Mary Podesta (mother of Tony and John Podesta), Evalyne Carres (my mother) and George Kokoris (no living children), all of whom are deceased. Irene Colovos also had three children, although she transferred her rights to the property to one of her daughters, Evgenia Kolovou-Demos (the parental gift referenced in your email). I believe Evgenia (Eugenia) Demos has registered her rights to the property.many of the documents sent to you were provided by her, as well as the copy of the plat referenced... ( https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/31143 )

Thus, Patti Paule-Carres is a close Greek-American relative of the Podesta brothers, not just a business acquaintance. Mary Kokoris' husband was the Italian-American John Podesta, although John and Tony laud their Greek maternal ancestry over their Italian paternal ancestry for some reason. A longstanding relationship perhaps between the Greek Alefantis family and the Paule-Carres is quite possible, considering that the Greek-American ethnic minority is highly networked, like the Jewish community. It is known that Tony Podesta and James Alefantis share a birthday and party at Comet Ping Pong, but it would be revealing if, perhaps, a longstanding relationship were to be found between these families, within perhaps, a Greek fraternity of some sort. An obituary of one Evalyne Carres in the Chicago Tribune January 18th 2008 clarifies some relationships:

Evalyne "Bunny" Carres, nee Kokoris, 88 years old, beloved wife of Spirro John Carres; loving mother of Patti (Glenn) Paule-Carres and the late Ted Carres; proud grandmother of Larissa (Andrew) Sneathern, Philip and Michael Paule-Carres; great-grandmother of Jackson Sneathern; dear sister of the late Mary Podesta and George Kokoris; fond aunt of Tony and John Podesta... ( http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2008-01-18/news/0801171155_1_philip-women-for-women-international-death-notice -- http://archive.is/KfFh2 )

So her name is Patti (Glenn) Paule-Carres -- Dr. Glenn N. Paule-Carres, PH.D., P.C. (Clinical Psychologist in Winchester, Virginia), is the name of her husband; previously Glenn Paule, no doubt married to a feminist of the Hillaryland archetype. It is interesting that the Carres name and the Greek seems to be the dominant family influence in this milieu. The emigrant family is situated in Chicago where the Podesta's were both raised. Knox College seems to be a common link between these people ( https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/18814 ). This first email above, however, exposes a second familial relationship of interest with the infamous "Thelema" email correspondents; Evgenia/Eugenia Demos and John Demos ( https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1439915 -- https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/39459 ), also of a Greek extraction:

FW: "Thelema" - a Favor

From: john demos [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Sunday, September 28, 2014 11:29 PM

To: [email protected]

Subject: "Thelema" - a Favor

Dear Mary, Hope you and the family are well. Since John is no longer with the email address I have for him, would you please forward this "thelema" (favor) to John ? Our internist, of many years, has a 95 year old mother who is in "Love" with President Barack Obama. In a recent visit, we got to talking politics and she mentioned how her mother would want to meet the President. On hearing of our relationship with John, our internist mentioned that her 95 year old mother would even make the extra effort to come to D.C. to meet with the president. Jean Houlihan, our internist, went on to say she would even make a special trip with her mother to D C. to accomplish this if she could not meet him somewhere in the Chicago area. Edie Houlihan, the mother, was a social worker here in Chicago. She reared 6 children, 2 doctors, 2 lawyers, a nurse, and a successful business man. Edie donates to all requests from the Obama's. We know you are inundated with such requests but feel we had to give it a try. It's not something you can make happen but can you suggest an approach the family can take to help their Mom fulfill her "Bucket List"? The attached is a picture of Edie with a Harvard Hat from her Granddaughter, a recent graduate. I am not good at attaching Edie's picture, so I am sending it with a forward from Dr. Jean Houlihan's email to me. Hope you are understanding and will give me a response -- yes or no.

Hope all is well.

Love, Eugenia & John ( https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1439915 -- https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/39459 )

Now, Eugenia and John Demos sent the above strange email to the Podesta's requesting a THELEMA (favor), because one of their long term interns (a Dr. Jean Houlihan M.D., who graduated Rush University in 1989), had a grandmother Edie Houlihan (social worker in Chicago ... of course she would have to be a social worker to be affiliated with the Podesta constellation) who was in "LOVE" with Barack Obama, the Head Hotdog from Hawai'i. The use of only the words Thelema and Love in this email within double quotes, is highly telling, because Agape/Love and Thelema/Will, in Greek, have the isophephy of 93, which is used by Thelemites to encode dogmatic signatures into their communications ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/93_(Thelema) ); I've studied Thelema for many years -- though I am no a Thelemite -- so I know a subtle occult pun when I see one.

CONTINUED IN NEXT COMMENT ( https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/comments/1517186# ) sometimes appears above

quantokitty ago

Good info. So SFI was canceled, but it's at another address, and I guess Fridays Child is still in Winchester. Found this Sfi on FB. It's an unofficial page with a different address. http://archive.is/JV6qR Okay, this is weird. When I archived it, the address changed to 3875 E Overland Rd, but on the fb page, it's: 601 7th St S. Have no idea. None. Here's a screen grab: http://sli.mg/w9RRDw

lilwagon ago

I think this is huge.

salinaslayer ago

We're onto something, find out if they have any connection to Ireland


Ireland usually has a New York connection.Irish and jewish socialist funding always was derived from new york

LadyMinx ago

Kind of off topic but maybe not... SCJustice John Roberts adopted 2 white Irish girls through Mexico somehow. Word was that this was used as blackmail for his absurd decision in the Obamacare case. Maybe some relevance re: Ireland "adoption" or child selling agencies.

SpikyAube ago

Well, I'm not sure - the New York branch of People Places is listed as a Foreign Business Corporation, but I don't know how to find out what country it is therefore related to: https://opencorporates.com/companies/us_ny/1683243

And this is fairly weak, but I found a People AND Places registered to a Mavis and Terence Dunlop, in Northern Ireland, so not really Ireland and not exactly the same name. Looked further into it and looks like it's a husband and wife who run a bed and breakfast out of their country house in Fortwilliam, County Down. Which happens to be a massive property with lots of land. On the UK companies website, that was the only company registered to those two. BUT, a search on opencorporates.com, found a freight company, called Dunlop Freight Services registered to them both also. Can't find much on that company, but looks like it's been dissolved, but started in 1982. Terence Dunlop also appears to have been appointed to the position of District Judge in 2010 and prior to that in 2004, he was given special thanks in a Foreword by Lord Justice Sir Anthony Campbell. So seems like perhaps a rich and influential person? Which automatically makes him suspicious! But the only connection is the name of their business People AND Places is similar to People Places, but they are different businesses.

Another thing I found is that their house is about 30 minutes drive from Kincora Boy's Home, which was the centre of a huge child abuse scandal involving members of the British establishment including MPs, judges, lawyers etc. One man accused of Pedophilia and abusing boys at the home was a John Dunlop McKeague, who was 9 years younger than Terence Dunlop (John McKeague was killed in 1982). But I can't find a family connection between them online other than that they both have the name Dunlop and that they come from the same area.

More interestingly perhaps, I found that the body of a 9 year old girl, Jennifer Cardy, was found by the road only 6 miles from the Dunlops' country house in 1981. She had been sexually abused. Serial killer and pedophile Robert Black was eventually convicted of her murder in 2011. (Black died of a heart attack in prison in January of this year, aged 68). He was a van driver, and that fact was part of the circumstantial evidence against him, because the detectives had deduced that the killer was likely to be someone who travelled a lot, because of where Cardy's body had been found: near a major arterial road between Belfast and Dublin, which was a traffic route frequented by long-distance delivery drivers. This seems relevant to the Dunlop freight business.

The other interesting thing about the Black case is that his employer was apparently a company called 'Poster, Dispatch and Storage Ltd,' for whom he drove around delivering posters of celebrities and billboard advertisements to locations all over the UK, Ireland, and Europe. However, I cannot find this company anywhere online - the only places it is mentioned is in articles about Black, stating that he worked for them. This is very odd - even if they dissolved/closed down etc they should still be somewhere in the companies database. This goes along with how strange it is that there is nothing online either about Dunlop Freight services other than their registration details on websites like opencorporates.com. company check.co.uk etc. You'd think they would advertise or there would be reviews or a website or details of what their specific services are, but nothing.

Black died of a heart attack in prison in Northern Ireland in January this year (2016). He was 68. Coincidentally, police were only a few weeks away from charging him with another murder, that of missing 13 year old girl Genette Tate, who disappeared while on her paper round in Devon, England, in August 1978. No body or trace of her was ever found. Black had already been ruled out as a suspect decades ago, but for some reason almost 4 decades later Devonshire police decided he must be the one. There has been a citizens' investigation into this case - they have a website and were apparently warned by police to stop their investigation, because they were revealing details about widespread child abuse, including ritual abuse, in that area at that time. (Sound familiar?!!) These investigators provide good evidence that Genette's father, John Tate, was sexually abusing both Genette and her sister Tania. John Tate set up a charity called International Find a Child in 1985, with donations pouring in out of sympathy for him and his lost child. The charity was investigated because Tate was basically stealing all the money for himself. Coincidentally, around the same time in the USA, the mother of a missing child set up a similar charity called Child Find of America Inc, which was investigated by the NY State Attorney General's office but ultimately found to be okay, and it is still active.

Anyway, there is suspicion that John Tate was part of a huge pedophile network operating in the South West of England, headed by William Goad, who was apparently Britain's most evil and prolific pedophile before Jimmy Savile's crimes were discovered. I hadn't heard of him, and don't remember this furore over the lack of investigation into Goad's associates, even though victims insisted there had been a network of abusers and many of them prominent men in British society. A new investigation was apparently started in the South West into these other pedophiles, but I don't remember this being reported widely - here is a report from the local paper where Goad had lived. Apparently, the lead investigator at the time, who helped get him jailed finally, Shirley Thompson, said:

There was a sense that Goad was untouchable and protected by people who had “sold their soul to the Devil”.

I also came across this website, which screams, quite rightly WHERE IS THE OUTRAGE?? and appears to have been thoroughly investigating child abuse, pedophile rings, satanic ritual abuse etc, for some time. I think this could be a treasure trove of information perhaps.

Ugh and I accidentally stumbled upon yet ANOTHER pedophile ring, this time in the Anglican Church in Newcastle, UK. There is too much - every little lead takes you to so many pedos, it's beginning to feel like pedophiles outnumber the rest of us. Why is this happening?!!

This is very long, I got carried away, too much Christmas energy! Maybe I should make it into a post?

salinaslayer ago

Absolutely, reference my post for relevance/Clinton connection. People should be looking into that information, they're only as weak as their weakest link.

Cbradio ago

Ah, lot of work you did. Did you notice in various Ireland cases that are coming out, that children were sent to the USA?? And nuns were running a lot of these instituons for boys, girls, babies AND poor females, pregnant or not that many females spent their entire life in slave labours or kept being told to pay the nuns for their child, that were no longer there or dead???

The nuns group became larger and now has offices and organizations all over the world and AMERICA.

Even the wikipedia states this, and you can connect to the nun organizations, wikipedia page and see how they are now huge and worldwide. Very odd, for mass cases are being exposed in Ireland. It stares that many locals had been aware, or suspicious, but had no idea where to safely say something.

Also, in Ireland or nearby country, a man gas a blog about parents that reported a rich neighbor had trued to get their minor son to have sex. They reported to authorities and both parents were illegally mental routed. Very litmus case, as is cases of bones in Sweden and elsewhere that get in trouble for speaking up about Islamic migrants, even when rapes to local females are going up sky high.

I'll have to refund his blog. He is in London. He has another post on his blog about a mental health art show he went to, after seeing a sign on the street.

He took pics of the art, artists, conference by mental health, art therapists that were encouraging satanic art very blatantly.

Also, Saville was also at the orphan home in Jersey Island, pedo mass bodies found in the fireplace, covered with lime. Horrific case. Saville lied that he had never been there, then pictures came out.

A female journalist was literally banned from England for two years, to stop her book on this case in Jersey Island. Jersey does not register pedophiles, either.

The Queen, literally made people and media, public apologize to her as queen ignored fact that mass charred bodies of the kids found. Ownership afterward, of that property, afterward is quite odd, also, and has become a lot of odd businesses. . As usual, no one punished and pope is quiet or minimizes or dismisses.

Was CPS involved or who, with the Ireland children and babies that were sent to America???

On the gofundme for Comet, one donator in the beginning comments, writes, "don't worry, there are two million of us." Two million of whom?/

Hersey Island is between France and UK, about fifty minutes and Jersey and an island G--- are near each other. The corporation, no tax and other corp benefits, attract elite and corporations.

Florida fbi, began an investigation this year with one of the many Providence corps that have wallatrret/stock, shell corps to Brazil and island G__.

The executive director of the Florida, providence corp under investigation is listed on corporate data sites as being a part of Providence, the one that owns Logisticare, that Obama gave the federal nemt non emergency medical transport for medicare- medicaid. Providence also owns Igneus and also a nursing corp. Igneus is worldwide and their website has a map of all the countries they are in, including UK, Australia, Saudi, USA and more.

Igneus us both disabled back to work, prisoner and juvie back to work, and many other social welfare programs, so under mass govt contracts in USA and many countries.

Miami Herald is one media that covered the Florida providence ongoing FBI investigation.

Epstein lives in West Palm as does the Providence guy, AND on the obamacare corp of Providence; one main board member has a mansion in West Palm, too!

Fl rick Scott, already had a huge medicare medicaid scam in Texas, and got off, by pleading the fifth, seventy five times and has kept being gov in fl. Recent ballot, he even touched ballots, and that illegal bote fraud and nothing is done.

Florida boys institution has been exposed as mass bodies were dig up, then Uzczf or Uzf university, petitioned to dig and found more bodies.

Tallahassee institution and others, years of complaints and deaths and still keeps operating. Two years ago, a female was falsely routed as had become physically Ill with no med insurance. She died giving birth, as staff kept yelling at her and denied she was pregnant. Her parents have tried to do a case ag the machine, as baby is born very sick and deformed from that horrific illegal abuse during the birth. A mere call to welfare about their daughter needing medical, turned into this nightmare for them.

I've been studying all states, but have found so much in Florida, and so many obamacare victims alive and DEAD, so dug and dug further. Each state is riddled in mass stuff, though.

I also found out that Miami area was the main trafficking area, also with animals and abuse; but a case this year of a female and male, divorced drs had a teen missing. She lives in Panama and dad had moved to Arizona.

The teen was finally found, but a very suspicious case, but a kind citizen that found a very pertinent detail was quickly harrased by the mom and pals. Also, a missing children's group was sponsoring the missing teen on their site. Dontnknow if they are good/ legit, but oddly, only one other case was on their page, and that was very suspicious, also.

Details later, if you want. Out of that, the fact that Panama City areas, not far from the capital have become the new, major child trafficking and large amounts of kidnapping.

Remind me a lot of Virginia area, of many missing children. Seaport areas keep on coming up. And in areas that transverse easy to different states.

I think the work of the two that found the data for this subverse are on to the specified locality set up of convenience for that region of USA. But, that it intersects across nation and worldwide and various govt to corp infrastructures and us,- aid and more are utilized.

The Ireland cases were a direct shipping of kids and babies to the USA. Not to just focus on the nuns organization, but the sure did quickly expand worldwide and to the USA, Africa, France and more, under much support, grants and donations.

Idk, but to me, that's odd and not a normal response to such the horrific cases to babies, kids, and poor females in such large numbers of horrific multitudes of things done.

How the pope cuts down pedogate after all this Ireland stuff is coming out of the woodwork, to me is not a man of god sacred to life that is supposed to set an example. Nor the queen and royal family that live free off the taxes of England, as already has enough money to last forever and is one of the top people to own most real estate worldwide.

And why are ones supposed to be bowed down to as so great, and never even.just clean their own toilet and make their own meal, as do one party event after another, for its tradition!/ What have they really done to make positive impact that empowers people to.live in independence and thrive?/

Why is it supposed to matter that if rich or political.if both, that we are to bow down and be fanatic as if they are a god? It seems no difference than the past centuries, except some modern aspects we have, but the slums are still horrid and worse and spreading all over, including USA and that does make children vulnerable to the welfare system in large amounts.

The traits of real t me models of integrity, action, leadership that includes others, real solutions, honesty, etc are not valued.

How did bill gates get away with giving the aids medicines in Africa andbindia that were known to be unsafe, tainted and expired? Yet, at local health Dept's in lines, poor stand without insurance, and not known to many, bad hepatitis medicine is given that lost fda approval.

Why wouldn't ones in high status, money and networks that had deviant cravings, set up their own region model to fit their fancy?

Epstein did. Similisrities in each case, all conbect , yet each group/ area has their own particular set up. And others will emulate set ups they like.

Even with Epstein busted and all that flew there, its called fake news with a tyranny. And his victim is also being intimidated by the attorney, that bigwig one from Harvard.

Podesta and wife are attorneys, too. Tony and his wife, clearly get turned on bynpedo holocaust as pic is even at their bed!/ That is romantic to them.

Tony's group of couple friends, prob holds more of this area infrastructure..,))) and boy has he been connected to Hollywood industry of ones owning the corps. Look at the Wikipedia page, one third connect to Rob Weiner, too.

To wake up everyday and its this, steals American liberty and dreams as its just awful.

Yet, in the name of art, all I write is fiction and consider all others here as fiction, too for beware of accusations of false realities on people, hint hint..))™

Trump really needs to stand for the citizens. He owes it.


yes to new post - AND archive everything here: http://archive.is/

doubletake ago

wow. great stuff.

throwaway345678 ago

holy shit that is amazing research, thank you

rodeo13 ago

Yes, you should make a separate post. You are definitely on to something. Is there anyway to get boots on the ground to take a look at that bed & breakfast, and the surrounding area?

Cbradio ago

Office inspector general OIG of HHS SHOULd/,supposed to have the contract with all the medical you listed on their website, and its carried on governor/ahca/cms/dhs/HHS localstate/regional/fed contract of those departments! I know this system, inside and out. And its all corrupt beyond ur dreams, easy as pie to skirt by, arrests go on lil crimes to distract.

quantokitty ago

You do? Are there public records so we can see exactly the kind of work they're doing? And as for the two adoption servces, is there a way to get stats for how many adoptions, whether they're domestic or international, etc.? Is there anything else you can suggest to pinpoint whether there's anything fraudulent going on?

Cbradio ago

I was going to list a few more oversight agencies with children. Office Inspector General of HHS is supposed to have a contract with each Dr, facility, corporation that takes Medicaid and Medicare.

We need to see if they are licensed corporations, partnership sole proprietorship, npo?, How they are business filed in VA.

Are they receiving any state or fed grants, or nonprofit grants or research grants with universities/ Nih/CDC/center rare disease. Maybe research as Clinton and Bill Gates are into that, esp w aids and malaria. Zika?Medicine trials? Or trials with big pharmaceuticals? ( psychotropics or medical).

Adoptions are confidential. But if they have had a review by oig, HHS, or other state/fed agencies/Dept's they might have stats on adoption, and some sources of where getting children ( even if not all listed, esp if used as a front).

Better business bureau, adoption center reviews, blogs, could have more about them from the conceiving moms or adopters.

Patty has 112 followers on link in, but her listed website, for me, comes up as a domain sale page, which is odd.

Each counselor, psych, Dr has to list their legit address, website, mailing box on stare license sites, though. So if she lists any faulty address or website, on the state licensing, that is a fraud. What is her license in, counsel, accounting?.

Anything of state, fed, npo,research money to follow, anything under what form she is filed as a business with state, any contracts with oig, HHS, cms and any state/fed, universities, npos, etc? Who does she advertise with, web host, servers?

They make SO many related state/fed Dept's, so each one has to be searched.

There are also state/ fed grant websites that show where tax dollars go, ( if any of these people are getting grants or donations).

Big question: where would available kids be staying.

I found a psychologist Glenn N Paul -Carres in Winchester, VA. Is that her husband, relative? Some sites he is listed as a office, another Psychological Institution????

I found one medical institution he is affiliated with: Children Sarah C Medical. Trying to see if he is on contract with other institutions, nursing homes, drug centers, hospitals in the area. Also, to look into Children Sarah C medical, with oig, other govt entities, patient reviews, etc.

A lot of stuff are on websites with state and fed, AND a lot is PDF files with public health care and welfare. I'm waiting for some stuff to download. Adhering to public health care laws and contract, also.

Each entity, like HHS, has local, state, regional and federal. On those, esp state, sometimes you can find case listings of Foia requests, esp if a attorney, media, beneficiary ever made a request for more than.one, a whole PDF long list of pages of them can be found on deep searches.

In fact, Wonder if the one I found few months back was VA or West VA.

So it's on their websites AND by typing govt entity, and various key words on searches that things come up, as its seems purposely hard to find things. But. I have found so much, doing deep searches.

If any in area, could find a welfare, teen, addict, homeless, disabled mom that used their services, could open doors. If find someone, besides interview, CAN do confidential foia requests as beneficiaries have that right to access files via calls to any state fed local office, cert mail, emails, calls ( inform record)

Even though individual foia, the requests can show other entities used, other people, etc.and give more of a inside look, drs used, nurses, supplies, lawyers..

I'll keep digging and think more. But there is still so much to dig in the welfare, public health care Dept's maze from local, state, regional fed.

If any are a medical corporation, they would also have a contract called INTEGRITY report with the oig, and on oig website can see if any yearly reviews or investigations. Yet, I found that oig targets small crimes or good drs that actually DX and treat, and covers up the big crimes.

I actually have that on recordings w oig.

Finding out what hospitals they use, affiliated with to see patients, be on call.

Overseas and international ministries with churches and Jewish foundations, other religions. They are in Haiti, African countries doing visiting ministries, a lot. And a lot of the so called preachers from different countries, are on Facebook. I know a Uganda one with a international.one that is very shady. Not know if connected, but dig up slot when they did not want shipped supplies, only money.

These Facebook sites just have tons of kids with no parents, or very sick parents with Aids.

But back to local focus, digging up each fed stare entity to see if any paperwork with these medical groups, names are key.

Seeing if they are currently licensed with ssre, any violations listed, etc. That can often dig up stiff and open more doors.

Welfare and public health care is a RATMAZE. I'd sit for months every night, researching and researching the rat maze and day calls..

CMS is medicare and medicaid billing. Each month, beneficiaries get the bill statements sent to them from cms. So cms would have files for kids, even just getting vaccinations. Overseas kids would have to be tested a lot, unless they are sneaking them in, around the legit kids.

If any live in area, maybe could see ones transported in. Are they transported on the free, paid transports with Obamacare? If so, that would be using local drivers, local drive companies, and contracted with either Logidticare or MTM.

HMOs..are these kids on HMOs like united, care plus, amerigroup ( easy to find what HMOs in eachbregion.on thecweb) OR are they on straight/ special needs medicaid, which uses no HMO. Then state contracts with MTM or logisticare, also.

Logidticare databases would have all the rides listed !!! ( BTW)

Its easier to dig up on adult beneficiaries vs minors. But its all a rat maze.

Also, various state quality commusion boards can have grievance/ complaints that are found.

The pregnant moms could have had STATE fair hearings with Dept children Family trying to get their rights.

Drug centers and mental institutions could be sources for children, too, in the area, ESp with teens and addicts.

CDC, nih have different statistics on public healthcare beneficiaries.

Sorry so much, but its a maze, easy for ones to be corrupt in, is the infrastructure..))

quantokitty ago

I know. The only website I found for her is the one where she rents her apartment. How odd is that?

Cbradio ago

Very, did you see the post on this so bverse, someone searched the archives of patty website and got a craft co, then a public law2004 link? Often in govt scams, even IRS,real estate, I see the con's use links to some recent govt law, bill etc..

bolus ago

medicbilling.com has an interesting history in the wayback machine.

July 2002: medicbilling.com redirects to http://www.montanacraftsite.com/medicbilling.html

montanacraftsite's wayback archive shows a defunct earthlink site. poke around. sketchy, imo.

april 2004: medicbilling.com redirects to healthcarebill.com 2005, same 2011: served at medicbilling.com (designed by watermark) august 2014 to near present: served as a 403 forbidden

healthcarebill.com is still registered and valid, but it's private.

no web page served, but the mx record is still valid, and operating.

Cbradio ago

Good find, as Patty link in, website leads to domain sale page. Very odfld for they clearly can afford domain and host fees.

What website does she use for Virginia state license of accounting, or counselor? And all the entities under Gucifer? For by law, must be accurate, up to date for state lieicenses, esp any in medical/psych.

Looks like her medical accounting is in house vs for other biz, not advertised.

Guccifer must have work insurance. The podesta emails have Patty writing about Glenn needing supplemental life insurance ( why, is he planning on having an accident and supplemental usually means insurance medical exam to be healthy).

Basic search of Patty and Medic brought up link in in English and French?? Thought was odd.

Montana's craftsite, what is that? Reminds me of the pizza place where the wife sells and makes those coded greeting cards. Also, I'll never get out of my mind the body parts sold in part, in jars, into lamps, etc on Instagram and etsy that are so highly illegal body parts sales/arts that its clear authorities been ignoring satanic crimes that have turned into niches businesses, all over that connect elite to populace via satanic groups, vampirism, cottage industries.

Healthcarebill2005: interesting as public healthcare bills had changes in that year time period with obamacare. Billing and coding have gone through at least, two major overhauls with Obamacare. Even bill, code overhauling is a for profit endeavor for many entities the avg citizen not realize. Govt staff, lobby groups, tech software companies, univ/lobby/npo research grants, printing material & all supplies/software, training, huge fancy conferences they have at resorts. ( even homelessness is a fancy job world for many people and industries, as is prison industrial, animal shelters and where body parts go for sale ( Carolina biologicalsupply, Hauser, gas chambers). I'm going to keep digging all your leads and govt/corp related in this subverse, too. I have a lot of oig PDF files, waiting to DL. There is a child oversight under oig umbrella ( oversight dhs, cps, ahca, all welfare of children) that is four letter acronym that is to oversight/endorse laws and contracts (carry some of the contracts, too).

I'll write that Oig umbrella acronym for children down soon ( forget one letter of the 4). What is interesting in the consistent ignoring of that oversight in CP's/ child welfare, custody cases; just like the Oig for HHS in public healthcare cases AND VA scandal. Even Bernie who heads Veteran affairs, deletes the core base structure that VA medical is under an oig entity with mass related public health care laws to protect the VA beneficiaries and the related corporate contracts of that medical sphere as a business.

For court cases of either corruption or victims justice, without proof of oig not oversight laws and contracts or specified violations at any level of violations done ( local, state, regional, federal), there is no solid case. Prime example, Rick Scott in the huge Texas medicare/medicaid scandal. He simply pleading fifth, seventy five times and able to be governor and move boldly to his next public health care scheme/schematic.

Public healthcare law has base components. One is that beneficiaries ( also called stockholders) must be informed of all related changes, to be involved, to be fully informed of all public healthcare law, contracts AND informed at every level; each violation that is done to them. Its never done, even with recipients/advocates that stae the violations on phone/cert letters.

Aside: On Friday Family, about 8 forms for adoptees to fill out. One is Corpeal Punishment. Very odd for no corpeal punishment is specified with hit, binding, isolation in closets, etc BUT the contract states that after the adoption is finalized, corpeal.punishment is allowed. VERY trick legal wording on that contract, that loops it in and DOES not limit corpeal to acceptable, that is, binding, etc is not specified out of the corpeal entitlement AFTER the legal adopt finalization!

The costs for each application, home visit, gas mileage are very high. Even in animal rescue, its a huge he red flag, the ones or npos that profit off saving life of an animal. At shelter, @$40 for adopting n. With adopt centers and animal rescue npo, donations and grants, plus public health care benefits for kids, pay costs. What are the salaries for these two adoption.places, and one is a foster and other related in that industry ( pregnant mom counseling, etc). Many of those go to hospitals and other institutions. By law, pregnant option counseling must be done to give up child or abort. T

They sure are making pretty penny on their adopt process. Be on $500-1995 averages on application review and home checks and around ,l$350 for ongoing home checks.

Average social worker/psych costs are fully being overcharged, and fact it is lives of children/animals, in these ethics and laws of either, it is considered wrong to profit on life.

Besides pregnant and moms they get babies and children from in multi vulnerable medical/psych/juvie/drug institution industries or off street; where are they getting more babies/infants AND how much do they pay/ or not to get babies/children from any stream of supply?

Compare costs of adopt /foster via doing it throw VA state welfare. Can understand more for some walk through conveniences, yet the listed prices are very profit inflated at levels that are selfishly absurd, as these are live children, not cattle.

Also, have seen how various scams in public health care to any govt program , say like IRS; that ones link to a recent govt bill (Ex : publichealthlaw2004) to try to show legitimacy. Common thing done!

Aside( I have three sites that need archive asap, so I can mention on VOUT before erased). It's with initiation with thirld worlders..

Cbradio ago

That's another obamacare connection there, and why they need medical billing services; which is standard in medicaid/medicare.. Could also come from us-aid kids to here, or USA/state ward ones. The infrastructure that I've been saying a longggg time. Did my homework, years.

The connecting corps to obamacare, Clinton foundation, Obama foundation are key. The blueprint is under medical, welfare, emergency disaster, refugee, poverty, homeless, missing kids, disabled etc..besides kidnapped ones from homes. And question again arises, why are so much more kids as body,,/resources needed? Is it beyond pedo.? ..great work. And already one obamacare/Saudi to many countries corp Is igneus. Look up igneus website and front page map shows you.

G_Gordon_Linguini ago

well, if planned parenthood was suspected of selling fetus body parts for i think stem cell usage, then it isn't too crazy to think that these monsters are trading babies and kids for the same reason and for organ harvesting in the future. ..

Would also explain the "spirit cooking" coverup with blood and cannibalism references.

Could it be that the babies & children are being sold and used for stem cells, organs and cannibalism by this monstrous cult?

Sure looks like that from their instagram posts, artists they hang out with and their satanic worshiping friends they associate with.

Cbradio ago

Go2webbthread found big

Cbradio ago

Yes, it seems like any business niche is a niche to elite with govt, corp and down to their populace in small biz. Have you seen the body parts sold on Instagram, even lamps made of spine and skull! Horrid memory to have, though!!!

I found where Illuminati is initiating one in Sudan, Uganda, Swahili (sp?), other countries, connected direct to two states in USA.

The ones getting initiated are told will get rich, have to kill a blood relative, chickens and more. Some initiated, write about it, even. I need help to archive it as not able to, before I write the links...

And, of course they will always be low level initiated fall guys to do dirty work.

Some decent, on YouTube, posted children bodies, cut up, dead, for organ harvesting in Sudan. Its awful..Done in same tribe, but tensions between tribes are def utilized by elite to violence and crimes, ones easily manipulated, low ethics.

Children soldiers are also demonstrative to how kids there to Haiti are so used for any and everything. Where is blm in all of this?/

Eastwood350 ago

Yes it's beyond pedo. In 1997 Hillary broadened the Adoption and Safe Families Act (ASFA) enacted by Walter Mondale and was signed into law by her husband who was President at the time. Hillary takes credit for this and boasted about it in one of her debates. Before 1997 states received subsidies from the FED IV-E funding (social security trust fund) and other grants for the cost of foster care. What Hillary did was gave the states adoption bonuses if and only if they increased their adoptions over the prior year. No increase = no bonuses. Presently states not only receive the cost per child which averages 85k per child for the cost of their care (which was already being paid through the Mondale Act). Now under Hillary's plan they also receive from $4500-$10000 per child depending on their age if and only if they exceed the prior years adoptions which the states can spend any way they choose fit. ALSO under Hillary's plan adoptive parents receive maintenance subsidies until the child reaches 18 or in some states until the age of 21 if the child goes on to higher education. These maintenance subsidies vary between states and normally equal out to the same that foster parents received and are tax free. States set their own rates and can be as low as $450 per mo per adopted child to $800+ per mo (AZ) and higher if the child is medically complex. On top of that adoptive parents are entitled to a $13400 tax credit per child that can be used to offset taxes due on earned income and they have a period of 6 years to use the credit. States make millions upon millions of dollars with these bonuses and Texas is the only state that has consistently increased their adoptions since this law went into effect in 1997 without ever missing a year of receiving their bonuses.

There are hundreds of FB pages with parents not only in the US but from the UK, AU, Norway, Canada and more who are screaming from the rooftops that their children are being removed from their homes without warrants or justification of any sort yet MSM refuses to cover this issue.

So to answer your question about "why are kids as body/resources needed?" The answer is because the states are padding their coffers with the majority of the funding coming from social security. Medicaid is also paid in full by the FED for foster/adopted children which eases the burden on the states as they no longer have to foot the bill for medical insurance. It's also the reason why families who are receiving any type of state services in the form of subsidized housing, EBT cards, Medicaid or even if a child has an IEP are the ones who are targeted to have their children removed.

There are currently 415000 children in the foster care system and the Casey Foundation has published reports stating that less than 20% of those children were removed for emotional, sexual or physical abuse. The remaining 80% are removed for "neglect" which more often than not constitutes being poor or the family living within the Federal Poverty Guidelines.

Here's an older article and the bonuses have increased since this article was written. http://www.massnews.com/past_issues/2001/dec%202001/12051dss2.htm

And here is the link to what each state has received in adoption bonuses up to 2014 https://www.acf.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/cb/adoption_incentive_history.pdf

Cbradio ago

Yes, yes on all, and so glad you posted all of this.

Add the children in divorce custodynproceedings, too. Just like you said, a lot of web pages of victims; richer, white dads have led the advocacy march and have websites of the bs, never ending, costly, injustice rat maze and intimidations as ones advocate further and boldly , parralel to their legal rights. Native/reservation children, in this, also.

Also, areas of public health care, prison industry, juvie industry and all welfare/social: there are more bills and corp privatization to these pray grams. Bush privatized the long standing federal NEMT program ( non emergency medical transport for recipients for medical/phaemacy/schoool/work rides. Logidticare and MTM have the contracts. Only 3-4 states, dropped and stayed all local jobs and management, versus the unec and very corrupt for profit middleman corps.

Logisticare-Providence-Igneus. This multi one company goes worldwide and connects to all social welfare prison juvie programs. Ones not know, as recipients ignored eight years; that bent rides are often done by fly by night, immigrant and call/staff/drivers. Even physical abuse/sexavlbuse/transport deaths have been covered up, but can find victim, FAM etc statements across web and also complaints/legal cases by legit, local car companies never reimbursed or put out of biz. Even bedbugs, Logisticare searches on webs, bring up a lot, to show how unprofessional. ( lol, www).

Every change in law is supposed to be transparent and furnished to recipients and commentary periods. Its never made ada accessible formats, poverty accessible ( many no internet and on very limited cell minute Safe-access phones), and physical meetings not statewide accessible or advertised, or ada ride assistance. Many state/county courts, such as Fl, no longer even give ada rides to courts!/

ADA right to grievance, title iv without intimidation/harrasment, hippa violations, refusal to give case records upon multiple requests is often, and fees the poor cannot afford.

Switching HMOs on beneficiaries, taking established care away, not even giving the 69-90 day period when state switches, is common. Common HMOs, but there are nation ones and state and county ones: United, care plus, stay well, amerigroup, state open/ straight/special needs.

Each HMO and transport corp on the contracts, as is governors. Each complaint supposed to go to governor, oig, medical state boards, and more; hardly do, even upon beneficiary persistent formal documented requests. Innacurate, destroyed complaints are often, and widened beneficiaries/advocates record calls and photocopy cert mailings.

State attorneys, also involved.

Yes....!! As Alefontitus not cps welfare check and adhere to law, poverty is very often called negligence from very loving homes, or taken for letting kids walk alone, play in their yard alone, not put kids on psychotropics, cancer/drugs, rare disease discriminations ( Justine Pelletier case- mito disease- boston children hospital), and kids taken as states refuse the cheap home medical supplies.

Cbradio ago

But, beyond all the very good reasons you wrote; in system to Haiti and other countries; still is a question of why that already huge population of trafficked/ststeward is not large enough supply ....

That brings to organ harvesting ( Sudan, China and other area utibrs show a lot), labs, research, and I suspect the new coined phrase in the poverty food summit talks 2009 in Africa, bio material food. Ingredion corp is worldwide and also based in subsahara region.

Hr-5 is one of the Obama bills to bring ones in from welfare, refugee, prison/juvie work program visa in USA. Igneus is one of the main player we corps, with offices also in Saudi. There are obamacare recipients on fed transport nemt program that have video of the immigrant drivers and abuses, no shows, strand, fraud billing always allowed, service dog refusals, aggro driving leading to accidents, esp with beneficiaries that stand up and grievance. One case is in Wiscon voice, dialysis man dies as refused dialysis many times and of course, that logically will cause death. His last repeated statements were, I think they are trying to kill me. That is, depopulation also going on. Widened victims/advocates in obamacare and VA scandal call it phase one FEMA not needing camps, rot, die at homes or at the for profit hospitals, institutions, nursing homes.

2impendingdoom ago

Patti Paule Carres has president of M.E.D.I.C. Inc. as her linkedin profile. This is a company that does outsourcing (and maybe billing?) for 21 years.

Cbradio ago

Hmm, went to Patti's Link in and website she listed, I clicked and it goes to a buy domain site!! Anyone else getting that? Lists as 11-50 staff, offsourcing, outshoring is her top page description, 112 followers, trying to see who follows her.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

offsourcing? outshoring? Don't you mean offshoring and outsourcing?

Cbradio ago

Lol, the link in for Pattys, medical account company; using both the words on top.

And yes, you are correct..sorry..was working fast...

Cbradio ago

Looking now ...any way to see kids available and match up with listed missing ones that was done by someone who has been resesching Virginia missing kids and was on Reality Calls Show?? How far are these offices from that area in VA, where highest number children missing?

Anyone find any parents that have kids missing from those areas, on YouTube or something?

Cbradio ago

I'll look. She has to be filed with CMS , And all the welfare and health entity acronym Dept's..

2impendingdoom ago

OOPS, this needed to go on a different thread. Please ignore.

Cbradio ago


Cbradio ago

One adopt form is no corpeal.punishment; and specificied of many types, included binding, BUT, then as allows parents to corpeal punish AFTER full adoption goes through. Odd.

Cbradio ago

Adoptionagencyratings.com Already finding mons livid about being taken advantage to f by these agencies as blood money AND numbers to call the birth mom!!! ( don't want to post their personal here..if ones can archive that website..

quantokitty ago

Thanks. Good info. This appears to have everything it needs under one roof. Yes, I am wondering about the funding. and if someone is milking this system. Damn! This is about the kids -- not adults wanting to be powerful! It gets me sick that something as noble as adoption might be being used.

Orange_Circle ago

Interesting that T. Podesta is also listed. https://homemetry.com/Winchester+VA/GLEN+LEA+CT/400

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Archived here http://archive.is/eVUM1

Cbradio ago

Techies with ethics, so rock. I need one in my life. I'm so left brain.

Orange_Circle ago


quantokitty ago

That's scary. I had a horrifying vision that these poor kids somehow get sent to stay with Uncle Tony. Remember that bedroom with all the toys? Please, dear God, no!

Cbradio ago

Did you see that someone posted on here the Virginia DSS violations found at Fridays Children! Around five violations and only a hand slap!! And VERY ODD violations!!! A very good find. Shows that they are not documenting children correctly, employees or adoptee parents!!

A crime check history was not even done on a staff employee, and then was to be done by a January date, was not done till August. The complaint states that the crime check report of that employee will be put in the files of Friday Children, covering up if there were any crime history found! Hope you see it @quantokitty. You will be LIVID!

ALSO, you'd think that kids even being around that evil art would be called abuse. Aren't movies rated for a reason and ID must be shown to buy Penthouse...))

What is this trend/practice/normalization of exposing children to obvious xxx rared violence that is clearly not healthy for child development and their safety...

Its clear the deviant desire/wants of deviant adults is their only concern. All about me me me, deviant psycho narcissism. And its called fake news to be concerned of healthy environments for children, when it should be not even an arguement/debate. Its insanity.

Psych, social, bio, medical research is ample for ions that healthy environmebtal factors are necessary for healthy and safe child growth and development.

Its like all this research, even by Harvard School of Public Health is being utilized, knowingly to cause unhealthy development.

quantokitty ago

Absolutely. These children are being deliberately broken. Easier to control, ensures another generation of victims become some (a small group) will become the handlers and manipulators of the new victims. Yes, that was an excellent find.

2impendingdoom ago

OH QUANTO KITTY You Rock! I just got back from xmas, I can't believe what you found, I had a hunch based on a deleted post by Egalite who was looking into the McCarthys and you busted this one open. Nice work. Who the hell names an adoption agency after "Gucifer"? that is messed up

Cbradio ago

Yes, she does and the one that gave her a lead. I was prating for this piece. I knew public health care was a major component.

I think us-aid, will be, also and wikileaks Podesta, Clinton, dignisry cables are full of us-aid emails.


lucifer who thinks his god.?

AmishMechWarrior ago

Pretty sure the hacker used that alias as a hint

ZalesMcMuffin ago

I always assumed it was a combination of Gucci and Lucifer. No idea what the significance of Gucci would be though.

Cbradio ago

Me, too. Gucci, fashion world is in same elite world of connections, industries utilized for resources/manufacturing, using different countries for resources and their slave factories.

Which big fashion co makes the purses that the new raging trend are these small ornaments made of leather to look like lil people or faces? The rich are buying these tacky things up like mad, and they cost around $1000 each, and are tiny.

I kept wondering if made from infant skin. I don't know why, but they are so ugly, tacky, overpriced and a bizarre huge trend with elite.

Have you noticed the huge comeback of leather and furs, and wigs? And all, very overpriced. Many big fashion are connected to animal butchery factories, worldwide. Also, chemicals for dyes and processing materials.

There are pictures of poor females and kids that have to touch these dyes in huge vats in horrid conditions in factories and outside, crouched on the dirt. So much of the overpriced fashion had mass evil history attached to it. Many in fashion are gay, tranny, gender fluid. They vacation, resort, yacht in same areas of govt, political, other corp elite. ( nothing ag orientations that do not pedo, harm, beastiality).

They even created blogs to talk, brag about ones they have. So we talk about concerns of society and kids, as the elite females/desperate house wives are blog chatting about these tacky purse attachments.

AmishMechWarrior ago

Cruelty is pretty standard for bourgeois elitists. It infiltrates their ranks throughout the centuries because with wealth and affluence and lots of education, the worst psychopaths among them are able to literally buy respectability in the eyes of the public. The pathetic insecurities that their superficially nice culture of deceit and backstabbing creates in their ranks are normalized and even celebrated. They see it as drama and grand theater, and yet very serious business when their own interests are at stake. They are so rich an indulgent that their lives lack the real sensations of struggle and desperation that most people around the world feel. Many of them see manipulating others as a way to escape the boredom and experience live vicariously. Most of them don't live in a world of petty crimes and violence, so they watch stuff like Law & Order SVU like onlookers at a car crash, but all from the convenience of their living rooms.

Others take it so much further. The real psychopaths among them just blend in and take out most of their dark desires on the poor and desperate. The lost, broken, and poorly accounted-for huddled masses yearning not to be preyed upon by the elites. You know, the reason so many people emigrated here in the first place. We can't keep running. We can't keep getting forced on to new frontiers and suffer through austerity so a handful of people can pile their fortunes on top of the suffering of the weak. If we don't have a system that works for We The People, then The People will be expendable.

Cbradio ago

Go2webb thread

Cbradio ago

I appreciate your expansion on this. Its so habit, expected. So many in populaces, do not realize, even in the USA the royality of elite for money, status is not about integral traits or a collective healthy nation or intents.

Trump did us a favor. Go look up Politico Article, Trumps $440 billion weapon. One of the very few media articles that address federal contracts, yet acts as if Trump.or citizens could not understand them. Which is baloney, it just takes effort to read the thousands upon thousands of govt papers and related factors to each type. A tool used to keep public not involved and no transparency and harder to access.

The Federal Acquisition Regulation book is mentioned and linked. Yah!! For it is not just knowing about fed contracts with corps, or reading the contract; but all the laws to know violations, harms to people, and as article starts to demonstrate ( how to bust corps for violations or the govt staff takes fully documenting violations so contracts can be broken and ones charged).

Rick Scott knew this in his Texas medicare medicaid frauds, as ones did not document violations, nor informing him and requesting he stop/fix, so he pleaded the fifth, *75 times, and simply got away from one large scandal!

Also, politico article, 10/16/2016, Obamas failure to Sudan's Children. Child soldiers as USA giving Sudan billions and weapons. Decent sudanese that can, post the organ trade children and adults that are found Dead and used.

Appreciate your post. The act of masks and roles is all a show. There is definitely a long term history of elite that continue, where its about the world as their stage.

quantokitty ago

Thanks! I was getting nowhere looking for Gusifer when I did a search for something else. The keywords brought up that business site. I was shocked! As for the name, I know! But then this whole thing is messed up.

2impendingdoom ago

It really does just go on and on and on. I still haven't even poked around much with the McCarthy connections that Egalite got me looking into when his/her posts were banned. I was trying to establish the Podesta relatives tree and saw the name Gusifer, it was just too absurd. I am so glad you were able to dig into this, and that you hit gold here, it was more than I was expecting.

Cbradio ago

Thank you, so much. And makes sense of all in FAM and close friends is the specificity of their own "ring." I keep wondering about Podesta kids and their friends /cousins. What are their college/vocational pursuits, their social circles, etc...? Big chance they are also moving toward related endeavors.

I saw a article that Jenna Bush went to Ecuador or Brazil, under the auspices of a conference/charity endeavor, but it was about property her FAM was buying, next to two other interesting properties of a big industry and a property owned by Japan.

World has conveniently forgot about the Bush daughters, after painted as "party chicks."

I posted a list by www.Washington life 2026 Society list in DC. Podesta's, Bush, Clinton, Kennedy's, doctors, Arab Emirate peeps, and much more are on this list. Not only the same people/families of USA elite, but worldwide.

Lovely, how elite abroad are also the pony donkey ribbon show of constant, ego recognition for nothing, but never regular citizens that do a lot of advocacy and charity with no support and funding.

But, this list gives ALOT of people and corporations they have, most probably connected to all of this.

quantokitty ago

I got lucky. Would never even have thought to look for this without you mentioning it. It's crucial for everyone to put down what they find peculiar or important or want to investigate because it might lead to something. Since I didn't read the post, I didn't see the connection, but, yes, if you want to dig into that it might turn up more. What precisely did they say about McCarthy connections?

2impendingdoom ago

www.wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/57562 The attachment shows there are McCarthy brothers. I can't find them.

alliecapone ago

Totally saving that for use later lol

Theupsidedown ago

Dude upvoted you but what's with the caps though

doubletake ago

if rules have their exceptions, given the gravity of the discovery, it's a great exception. party!

Theupsidedown ago

I don't think I need to be told to chill, it's obvious I wasn't mad or rude or anything

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

Selective caps are the voice of the new generation. Its the future of online communication imo

OrwellKnew ago

I don't think it's a big effing deal. Like, caps, who cares?

He communicated. You understood. Leave it at that

Theupsidedown ago

I don't think I made a big effing deal about it.

SpikyAube ago

I couldn't find SFI Adoption in opencorporates.com so I searched for adoption agencies in Virginia to see if I could find any with a similar name in case there was a typo or something. I came across some other Virginia adoption agencies, one of which is The Datz Foundation, which has several branches throughout the US. It's founder is Mark Eckman, and a search of him led to a news article from 2013 about how Russia put a ban on Americans adopting Russian children, after the death of a 3 year old boy who had been adopted from Russia by an American family.

I found this sentence particularly illuminating:

The agitation in Russia against US adoptions has stunned Americans. After all, adoptions are expensive and Russia enjoyed financial benefits stemming from this business. The opinion here is that the losers of this whole conflict are Russian orphans who will not find an American home. http://www.euronews.com/2013/02/22/russian-parliament-demands-orphan-returns-from-us

Hooliganscat ago

I searched up SFI and found some info... 1. Sfi registered agent named Daniel Petruso who founded an adoption agency called Friday's Child.

salinaslayer ago

Hmm Mark Eckman? Think I've read that name before, good lead

quantokitty ago

I believe there was another case that was a driving force. From what I remember, a woman who adopted actually put the Russian child she adopted on a plane -- alone!!! Yes, she sent him back to Russia. And I believe she was a nurse ... or worked in child care. Russian was understandably upset. And this article hints at how much money there is in this. You know what? We don't know if these are tied under a larger umbrella to other adoption agencies. We need to check that out, too. Are there stats available for The Datz Foundation? I'm obsessed with getting stats. We can see if SFI is in that normal range or off the charts. Good stuff. Thanks.

earthbalance1 ago

The "Masha Allen" case involving Russian adoption, child abuse, child porn and the child being assigned by CPS to what she claimed was another abusive foster parent seem like a really good reason to suspend American adoptions:


The article is from Julian Assange back in 2008...this shit has been brewing for a long damn time.

quantokitty ago

Yes, the cases involving CPS were mystifying. Couldn't understand why nothing was being done when there was obvious abuse, but now I understand. CPS was told to "stand down" and that's what they did. Other times, kids were yanked from parents and put into foster homes where they were abused. It's a systematic takeover and orchestration means planning by elites who could implement such a plan. No low level person could get this done, but an army of low level people could if given direction.

dafacts ago

We need to put a callout to anyone who has used that adoption agency to get some info about how the service works.

quantokitty ago

That's a GREAT idea! Do you think there would be business complaints? Or reviews? It might be a source of where to post. I wonder if there's a forum where prospective parents go to talk and to get recommendations. It might be a good place to post to see what steps were needed or to get feedback.

Cbradio ago

I found a adopt review site that I wrote the website on this subverse. Some of the moms that adopted, left contact info. I did not find reviews of these two specific ones or the one nearby that a subverse found, but surely there must be. BBB, Facebook, review sites, etc.

I find a lot of Obamacare victims of transport via BBB, fb, blogs, reviews.

quantokitty ago

Yes, there must be sites families trade info.

Sharipie ago

Haitian children being adopted out perhaps?

salinaslayer ago

Haitian kids have no government to protect them

ZalesMcMuffin ago

just like American kids.

quantokitty ago

Have no idea, but this looks suspicious as hell give what the pizzagate investigation centers on. I mean, in one place, you have everything you need and it all seems to be under one corporation. At least that's how it's listed.

NoBS ago

Only 47 upvotes in a little over an hour? On Christmas day no less. Hat Tip our illustrious Citizen Investigator.

quantokitty ago

Ha! Thank you!

NoBS ago

My most esteemed Investigator, you are doing the work I'm too ignorant to try, let alone do. UpVoating you is required for my sanity and the dignity of our children. Merry Christmas and thank you for the gift.

quantokitty ago

You're way too kind. Thanks and it's always a collaborative effort with a lot of luck thrown in. Merry Christmas to you.

senpaithatignoresyou ago




Things are starting to make terrible sense now. The russian ban on US adoptions a few years ago seemed very odd, and was spun a lot of crazy ways. Yet no one bothered to mention why the russians would do such a drastic move. No one in the main stream bothered to ask questions. The most obvious answer would be a crack down on human trafficking, as organized crime will make money off of anything.

BiglyMAGA ago

The russian ban on US adoptions a few years ago seemed very odd

It all goes back to Soros.

G_Gordon_Linguini ago

I think pizzagate is actually a giant organized child "adoption" racket. It is done through the players we all know about and babies are traded like art and other valuables.


senpaithatignoresyou ago

You know, maybe there are russian journalists who looked into this. perhaps someone should drop a line to the russian times and see what they know about human trafficking in Russia.

doubletake ago

i love hanging out here for these kinds of connections to connections, all referenced. You think Gusifer is where Guccifer first took his name? His name was an el primo hint all along?


Russia is hard line on homosexual.Also Russia screwed the US by turning up in Syria declaring there resolve against ISIS and the US had to stand by and watch Russia fuck 12 months of hard work and monies funded into 20 odd varying terrorist groups.Checkmate.Putin has there game plan.

yabbadoody ago

either of the Podesta brothers having ANYTHING to do with "adoption" just... makes my blood boil.

Cbradio ago

What are Podesta daughters doing or studying and where? On Podesta emails with this group, Podesta was asked if some girl can have his private email. I found she was on the Obama Field team long group. One of their webpages speaks of a four week paid vacation, great med insurance, and how each have high chance to work with Obama in office.

Cbradio ago

Yes, as Ukraine is made unstable and that always makes it easy to prey on vulnerable children. And as usual, its not Putin's fault but them..))

Anyone know what the Podesta daughter does for this is like generational Bush FAM gone trailerpark elite..

party1981 ago

This is good digging.

salinaslayer ago

That explains why they'd want to go to war with the Russians

doubletake ago

why? because we can't get ahold of their babies? we'll go to war over that???

Sui_Juris ago

To keep it from coming out.

Nana66 ago

They need to have conflict with Russia so that can be discredited when they release the copies of hacker Guccifers Hillary server emails from before they were "wiped with a cloth" AKA bleachbit. The narrative is supposed to be Russia is just out to get Hillary so we aren't supposed to trust them.

senpaithatignoresyou ago

We have gone to war for far less. I do think it is a bit of a stretch to say "war" real fast

No i think the main reason why they are afraid of the russians, is because they have a good intelligence gathering operation. As we have seen from the wikileaks, the establishment is technologically retarded. Podesta shared his passwords over emails with interns.

So the scenario here is that they need to discredit russia as much as possible, because they have made too many mistakes over the last few years to keep them covered up. Suddenly their political enemies are now in office, and anyone not caught in the scandal has the potential to rise in power real fast.


Let's just say they don't have the interest of the people of the U.S. at heart. So what do they care about?

Wolftrail7272 ago

Dude. It does.

Stukov ago

I'm going to have to disagree, I remember this news and while it makes deductive (or is it inductive?) sense to say that's why the Russians did it, it was a little different than that. First, Russians have human trafficking as well (not saying this to distract), even if it isn't as nefarious as baby fucking and eating, it still isn't great. Two, the reason they did this was that there were lots of people in the US, especially wealthy people who were wanting to adopt white children. If you are familiar with what happened with Native American children in the US, this can have a huge impact on culture. I just don't think it is the case that what you say is why the Russians stopped adoption, I think its just to keep the ethnic Russians in Russia.

Don-Keyhote ago

Apparently this is a common conspiracy theory among Russians, that Americans steal their babies. For example someone who traveled to eastern Russia told me the passport control fot Americans is tight and he remarked to the security guy he explained that in retrosprct revealing cultural tidbit. At the the time i figurd it was absurd propaganda to explain away the depopulation problrms of their own alcoholic making

throwaway345678 ago

There are UN #NGO groups (Haven, Findhorn, Esalen) linked to Tavist0ck, the clinton foundation through ARK - and they are all part of the centers gathering.org -- point is they have a program going called "kitezh" which is a russian orphanage and "youth exchange" that I think is a thinly veiled cover for trafficking.




related; https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1464850


Cbradio ago

And could be a black market competitive issue..))

quantokitty ago

Exactly. There's always someone willing to make a profit at the expense of the most innocent victims.

Cbradio ago

I wonder about organ trade in this, too; for in Sudan and elsewhetebits awful. Utube has a lot of videos on it. Each of these countries in desolate are also victimizing, pretingnon their own. Very inhumane. Interesting how any type of life's matter movement, ignores the most vulnerable and many prey on their own or ones from a different tribe.

FBO anon kept mentioning subsaharan area, too. I think Bosnia serbia was mentioned, too..and I keep thinking Abromobitch.

fogdryer ago

So they want the children They also want depopulation Wtf

quantokitty ago

Whether it does, I don't know, but it could. Why not? They have medical facilities on site. Self-contained and who knows what they do. Especially Paule-Carres. Did you see what I added to the original post? Her part in this business is listed as "Unclassifiable Establishments"?!!! I mean, WTH does that even mean? I can imagine trying to open a business and giving that explanation for it.

Cbradio ago

Though came last night that they easily can test blood for blood type and more. R- blood.

Justine Pelltier case ( CP's, Boston children hospital) wondered their obsession with rare disease mito.

Nih/CDC/center for rare disease research studies are odd and very pharmaceutical; vs what they advertise as the public health cris need for accurate diagnosis. Most studies, have to already be DX and fit very strict, limit guidelines. Pharmaceutical cos..

Yes, so many areas. Gives us all a chance to build this solid, though))))))

Sharipie ago

Surely if they can't be sold whole (as full babies), they're selling them for parts.

Cbradio ago

I've seen that in some areas.

Instagram/etsy: animal/human body part sales/ black market trade has turned into onlinee stores. Sold as is, in jars, spine/skull made into lamps, skulls for cover entire wall, body fluids sold in tinctured wine jars.

Sellers, mass followers, connect populace to elite society. I wrote hash tags of some on other posts.

Organ trade. YouTube videos in Sudan from victim families/concern decent tribesmen.

And 2009 Food Summit Africa/research/ new corp/ govt used term: Bio material food. That has a very broad, yet unspecified definition. One related, huge, ww corp, Ingredion. Their website front page has a lot. Cookie alert if go further. ( Obamacare corps in public health care, also use cookies, trace ISP ( read Teems of Use/ Privacy before ever go psst first page)).

Bioanthro cultural question: Do families of long term satanic rituals /cannabilism feed their children these materials, and do ones desire the profit and convenience of these product ingredients in prepared foods/drinks/hotspices to be sold at stores? A. How big a market, viable industry? B. Review normalization of satanism/pedo in school, govt rituals (Alaska), and psychological movement that is normalizing as a mental ( w no regards to conscious choice and anti life harm vs labelled correctly as pedo group serial killers) veiled under guise of religion and mental.

alliecapone ago

Explains why these elite often are living to old age despite looking like a basket of barf.

fuckmyreddit ago

Alliecapone, I was crying and you made me laugh. Thank you. If this is all true, it's just so overwhelming. I dont know what to think. Edit: basket of barf is what made me laugh. The rest is insanely awful.

Cbradio ago

I've noticed their skin is a weird plastic texture the light spectrums react different; and face features misaligned, turned in thin lips and more, though..

Human body not designed for human flesh and blood intake. Affects even on blood labs come up, and that disease can happen ..

Bio medical anthro- genetic changes of lactose intolerance as migrate over Bering Sea Straight..

Godwillwin ago

I too have noticed that many powerful dems don't look quite right. They look haggardly and worn out and have misaligned facial features. I'm not referring to "beauty" or lack there of because that's in the eye of the beholder. there's something just creepy about them. I've never publicly proclaimed this because it seems hateful as if I'm criticizing their beauty- but that's not it. There's something creepy, and they don't look healthy. Some look downright evil.

Again, this only pertains to SOME. But many are high up on the totem pole. Here's a few off the top of my head

Jennifer Palmieri - there's something scary - especially when she speaks https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jennifer_Palmieri

James Carville - he's creepy and when speaking even creepier http://www.politico.com/story/2011/09/carville-obama-should-panic-063573

Michael Moore http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2016/11/10/michael-moore-to-democrats-told-trump-was-going-to-win.html

Jay Z is pretty scary looking and looks 10 years older than he really is (not high up dem but seems to be illuminati) http://www.inquisitr.com/3748187/kanye-wests-paranoia-jay-z-beyonces-husband-has-a-scary-past-that-may-be-contributing-to-it/

Podesta- a freakiness about him for sure http://time.com/4308369/hillary-clinton-john-podesta/

Cbradio ago

Lol, don't feel bad, its not a beauty thing; but things are off, even from a movement therapy vantage point and osteopathic alignments of musculature, features. Skin has a odd tone, texture, light even hits it differently. Energy is off, heavy, hits a creepy vibe. Eyes..dif direction, piercing, lids not equal open. A lot of Abromo pics are edited, glossed up. A video of her in France, prior to museum, shows a lot more age.

What is inside really can start to effect outside. One could dare a supermodel, know their inner traits and they become very unnatractive.

So, don't feel bad for being aware, as it is not your intent to be rude, but picking up factors..

Good list..)) We are always supposed to trust our gut instincts..)) Aside, abromos Serbia/childhood history. I haven't seen much, have you? You should see early Podesta. Its a lot like early Hillary. Somewhere, I saw, one Podesta might have done a job stint at a pig butcher factory. I don't know if its true, but if so, odd from the money he came from.

Godwillwin ago

I'll look into abromovich - I've read about her weird upbringing somewhere

I searched podesta pig farm and yes, he most certainly worked on a pig farm and talks about butchering the pig in much detail here. The dude is creepy- really creepy. The article mentions his angry alter ego called "skippy". Maybe he was abused as a child too so has 2 personalities??


Cbradio ago

Hi. Thanks! I thought I saw it somewhere, and I thought about how many serials have animal torture history, get jobs in various industries.

Makes me think of something else. YouTube and Netflix had a bunch of shows on the history of nurse, psych, drs that would even murder at the hospitals, and hospitals would cover it up; even though was happening a lot in baby sections of the hospitals. USA and abroad, long history.

John Podesta seems to hang with three other couple a lot, most from Knox, with his wife Mary.

Who is Tony and wife, closet social pals with. On wikipedia, I read up that he worked politically with a old famous actor that bought Hollywood forms, then sold his for mass coca cola stock. That one guy worked closely with Rob Weiner (Stand By Me).

Boy, are these Podesta's connected. Makes me wonder what Podesta kids are studying, doing, and their social circles.

On Washingtonlist.com 2016 Socialites, has a long list that includes Podesta, Clinton, Bushes, Kennedy, Scalia and so much more; even from Arab Emirates and more.

You might want to see that list.

I find it interesting that Podesta's always were known for dinners, multi generational. What did they serve? I don't think abused, I think raised in that "culture to abuse and expected elite entitlement."

I'd expect from old neighbors, classmates, girlfriends, jobs and such; some might have info and hope they come out.

Sometimes their are two alters for the public charming one is the rile play/ masks, and if group affiliated with ones like them, don't have to exert effort to hide it. Hence, his inner circles with wife would be interesting. Think Ted Bundy. Yet, I do know that Ted Bundy mom was raped from grandfather, from the brother who told someone and the town they live in, many know that info not put in news.

Some fams do not abuse each, but raise in this culture of creepy, have each others backs, hide crimes for each as it benefits them all to cover for each and each can be their deviant traits around each; without having to exert effort to play there public personas/roles/masks. ( usually known as "charming," in public; yet dating/spouses/kids might be abused and see the real creepy). They could have been abused, but I think its like Chelsea, raised where this elite gluttony/control is the habit of expectations. I wonder if he got that job to learn butchering for a reason.

But, I did find on utube, a Rockefeller female, that speaks out, was abused on the Camelot_ Project show. Don't know what to think of it, but possible unexpected ally.

Hope your having good week. Look forward d to see whatever you find. )) ..and will watch the video you linked. Thx for posting it!!

DooDooDoodle ago

This happened in Huntsville too, one of the gay guys was a popular redditor who taught programming named CarlH.

DISTURBING: Gay Couple Grooms And “Systematically Violates” Adopted Baby For Use In Pedophile Ring


Cbradio ago

Read the no corpeal punishment contract on Friday Babies. Very legally, loops in no corpeal, UNTIL final adoptive process done. Look at the definings on corporeal too, lock up small places, binding.

Look at the contracts, eight applications on site. Must own home, and more. Clearly, elite only adoptions. Site also mentions children via overseas, so not just white USA or black.kids. App forms to answer, reveal more of that.

Wondering what is on their other adopt biz, that also includes foster.

quantokitty ago

Disgusting. Turns my stomach.

Cbradio ago

Thanks for linking that. I looked, and posted more info from those emails, on this subverse)). Four couples, knowing from Knox times, biz/political connections, vacation retreat on habitual basis. Core group.

hunk_quark ago

This one shows that they are related. https://i.sli.mg/Vg3j5w.png

senpaithatignoresyou ago


And now we have possible connections to the Catholics.

pitenius ago

Calm down, Senpai. That's a Greek Orthodox church.

senpaithatignoresyou ago

I see that now....

Too much holiday cheer.

Ironically enough, it does tie into her connections with the greek government, that are in other emails on wikileaks.

ThePuppetShow ago

That's not surprising. Afterall, we're just a bunch of shit eaters.

quantokitty ago

Oh, this is great!!!! Let's dig in!!!

ThePuppetShow ago

Her legal first name is Pattimae, she also has a BA in psychology.

Degree MAT, Education (January 1, 1977 - December 31, 1978) School Northwestern University Remove

Degree BA, Psychology (January 1, 1973 - December 31, 1975) School Northeastern Illinois University

This woman could be a programmer too. Have you heard of the Greenbaum speech? If not, read this..


Disclaimer* This is all speculation, of course.

Cbradio ago

So is she state licensed for her practice under psych/counseling or accounting or what, and state license data must be kept accurate, up to date and her listed website, elsewhere is a trail of odd...))

Guccifer corp must adhere to various, including public health care contracts to see patients, and accept various HMO billing.

ThePuppetShow ago


Edit: It seems they are running off of Glenn's license.

Cbradio ago

103T00000x is his taxonomy code at npiprofile.com. Looks expired in 2008. So some state/fed under Glen, Patty, or the llc corp Guccifer. Would that not even mess up accounting? Even if Patty is listed as secretary under Glens filings, the llc is not on a lot of them to show the business relation to the corp and why their did offices would be under same filings, vs different. A medical billing is usually under same Dr office, or contracted to dog name and Patty's is a dif name from his psych practice. Hey, any on cells, know if can upload photos to VOUT? I'm not seeing that option?

ThePuppetShow ago

Use this.. https://sli.mg

Then just add .PNG to the url

Cbradio ago

Thanks!!. Curious, what was the UK co that came up when you compared fed numbers?/

ThePuppetShow ago

Been in and out all day, haven't had much time. What did you come up with?

Cbradio ago

Hey. I'll have to get back to you on a summary for I've been digging since last night and my brain and phone on overload. Lol I have around seven pics uploaded out of 671 screenshots since last night, and hope I can upload as needed on VOUT with no trouble shoot issues.

Been also trying to read what others have found, so can hone down more .

ThePuppetShow ago

I hear ya, I'm burnt too. Had to stop earlier. I plan to get back at it tomorrow haha

Cbradio ago

Yes. I stayed up late, and researched bones. Found that bones are huge in multi ulondustries and research. Retsch, azo site, size reduction of human bones and bioceramics. German co.

Malaysia, China, USA, and more in bio- diesal with bones.

Meat- machinery.com, bone grinder machine, bone paste machine.

Ground bone for many other products. Food, pharmaceutical, and tons of govt corp research.

Politico articles: 12/22/16: Trumps $440 billion weapon article. Focus on anything about federal grants, as CPs, public health care and more are all full of contracts violated. Links to a necessary read, Federal Regulation Acquisition book. Of course, reporter acts as if citizens or Trump could never figure out contracts, but it only takes effort to read that most with decent IQ can learn.A lot to read on all contracts, laws, related factors to contracts but I have done it for years, and it starts to get very easy to know.

What's also important about the article, for its an area I stress, document document all fed violations and advocate specifically to each on contracts to fully document they allow violate and coverup, or not possible to.punish them. Rick Scott ex in Texas medicare medicaid fraud is a huge ex.

Its why I stress, calling CPS and inform record. Document is key of failures and violations.

Also, Politico article, 10/22/16 Obama Failure to Sudan's Children and child soldiers vs billions from.USA and weapon supply.

Fbianon mentions subsahara a lot. Organ trade is huge in Sudan, warring tribes, easy to manipulate. Organ trade victims on YouTube by decent ones in Sudan, pleading for help.

Then, I need someone to archive areas that I found illuminati initiating in multi African countries. ( initiate in to do dirty work/fall guys as promise desperate the money and usually the desperate that already chose aggro/ violence/black markets. Sacrifice of blood relative and chickens required. Boy, mass desperado, even.posting their phone numbers, begging to join like losers vs demand corps build utilities and build up hygiene function villages of small biz to market to tourist economy.

Always never the obvious and efficient and independent paths to thrive in dignity and non violence. The propoganda is blatant in the areas I need to find someone to archive.

But yah, burnt out. TBH, I already was before this all popped. It gets to a point that running on soul and heart, as transmute the neg emotions of appalling circumstances into fuel to research and advocate.

Its like Disney and Epcot are sets. Behind scenes and underground tunnels is inner workings vs the facade.

Have good day. Thanks for reaching out, too!! Love to talk, chat, disseminate more with you.

I found breaks, even short, the subconscious mind brings organization , comprehension, pieces together and leads.

I keep dreaming of bunion cubes. Know it sounds odd, but dreams very vivid and persistent, so looked into bones and found so much. I listed some, but found more.

I'd fare better if lived by a techie partner. I'm too left brain dominant. I uploaded some pics with the site you said, but uploading is going slow and adding .PDF (?) Still did not work to upload on voat for me. I need to see if can archive, but tech limits on a cell and memory is very limited. I'll upload PDF then have to erase, after glean the data and cell works slow.

I'm still processing the VA stuff I found and others, to see where to go on it.

And also, have strong urge to look into codes that Asange dropped. If he is fully legit, don't want to leave him hanging. Bothers me.

Sorry, I always write a lot more than speak, since young...)) But as ya asked for an update, lol...

ThePuppetShow ago

You just ahve to upload to that site and then when you post it to voat add the .pdf and it will allow people to open the image in the thread rather than an outside link.




Sorry haha, first pic I could find.

Cbradio ago

Hi.lol on the pic

.can you explain the part of "how to post it to voat?..do you mean, wrote the full website address down then add .PDF? I learn tech best in person if learn it like a dance ..I kind of hope not for those long web addresses are a hard pain for me to do...I have really bad eyes..

I finally got around seven pics uploaded, took forever, and omg, I have over 671 to utilize in just last two days..

If I'm a ho in anything, and only, its research..lol

ThePuppetShow ago

You're going to post your pics on http://sli.mg/ then when you get the url for that pic you post that in voat with the .png "suffix". Voat doesn't host photos.

Cbradio ago

Thx..think I got it!!

Cbradio ago

Two numbers on what you found 0461/,9250 Last digits. Also a po box and location address.

ThePuppetShow ago

I found an expired license of his under a different number too. https://sli.mg/szHYGE.png

Cbradio ago

On www.topnpi.com Dr Glenn is listed as a sole proprietor, some dif numbers??? NPI: 187150361 Med license number: 0810001007 Taxonomy: 103TA0400X Lists also not just clinical psych/but substance abuse disorder/addictions. Trying to find all hospitals, institutions, drug addict clinics he might be contracted with. Saw one, I listed earlier. The oig yearly reports for Virginia child protective, list what state agencies to route baby, child, teen patients and parents with problems. So far, no Dr review sites are listing all his medical institution affiliations or what HMOs he uses. A patient could call, but trying to find. He is accepting new patients, lol. On ratend.com a male patient wrote a review that the Dr CARRES is not sending papers for a pain procedure to another medical center. Patient leaves his phone and birthdate, from 2012. Dr. Poss, VA Brain and Spine Institute is Dr that patient was begging to have med reports sent for a procedure.

120+124 Amherst street, lindhurt, VA is for sale as commercial property since July 2016 under Coldwell Banker reality website.www.cold well banker homes.com Anyone looking to buy commercial property?? ((((

Cbradio ago

On www.attendingdr.com, glens npo listing is 1518031756 NPI, national provider number for medical that use medicaid/medicare (CMS). Medicare pin :GC1041 not being medicaid numbers. Dr Glenn N Paul Cares, N is for Noel. Was there a majestic song, video called Noel?

Cbradio ago

Good find...))

Cbradio ago

Shows they also take medicare, so expands the client population from not just Medicaid. That can included, all ages federal disabled of physical and mental conditions, drug addicts.

Was assigned billing Id number in 2006, during Obamacare and prior prez.

Not list which medicaid HMOs, or if also state medicaid types that are state HMOs for special needs, open/straight ( chronic I'll for some beneficiaries ).

Their various assignment numbers can bring up data, like contracts, license, review and more...

Aside, on the group of Podesta emails linked on this subverse; anyone see the attachmt pics on vacation.plans? Three of the four females of their crew, are all holding the same hand up in palms as Podesta does.

Also, one couple, lives in suburban, nice neighborhood and has a white sedan. Patty lives in rural, farm VA, as emails show.

How and why would some of thiese couples, ride across USA from Chicago meet up to Trucker? On govt medical insurance and running so many medical and adopt, who runs all, when gone? 11-50 staff mentioned on her bull account co on link in.

Yet, various nurse, psych, medical positions, only allow licensed ones to do various job duties.

The university near by is liberal arts. Does have a nursing program.

Virginia yearly reports with OIG that regulates child welfare/CP's of 2010, 2011, 2016 and others, have a lot of data for ones to read of laws expected to be done, cost effective as mandates, rights of patients to citizen tax payers to investigate and be involved, death stats of kids, rules of adopt agencies, and more!! 2010/is @ 276 pages of details. Head of Oig in 2010 , looking to see if same one, now.

Friday Children.list of costs compared to state ward and other adopt agencies...

Cbradio ago

Good find. So govt/ corp contracts must be off his license???

quantokitty ago

Of course, it's speculation. It's all speculation until something is proven, and nothing has. This is really helpful. Especially the first name. Thanks.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Jesus! Again, right in plain sight! Someone needs to find out if any of those children being adopted are still alive, if so if they have been abused! Pure Evil!

quantokitty ago

I think a telling statistic would be the number of children adopted. If it's wildly out of line with what a private adoption agency handles, I say investigate!

NoBS ago

The same adoption records that are protected by corrupt courts. Just dig into Court records that are hidden in Red Tape and the Bench.

Cbradio ago

Ah..you just reminded me, CP's court records, esp ones with crimes (satani,). I had found a long compiled list, think I wrote about it, one or two weeks ago.

I saw on adoption agency review sites, not only bad reviews, but some carrying moms left phone numbers or emails. I found a lady on fb that wrote to a radio lady that is covering pgate that her child died in CPs.

Finding those moms and more could lead to a lot info.

NoBS ago

The saddest site before PizzaGate: http://medicalkidnap.com/ They are also now censored, so the worst has been whitewashed.

Cbradio ago

Thx for posting. Yikes, they are now censored, too. Timing is everything!!

quantokitty ago

But these are private adoptions. Not sure what they channels they go through.

NoBS ago

You can not adopt a child with out "court" documents. Even third world countries have documentation if done under the guise of Law.

2impendingdoom ago

State Department?

quantokitty ago

You mean to find records of the adoptions? Maybe.

quantokitty ago

Right? I nearly fell off my chair!!!

VieBleu ago

ditto, upvoted

Santa visited.

SpikyAube ago

We've all been very good girls and boys. No prizes for guessing who's been naughty.

VieBleu ago

defininetly no pizza parties.

I want to write a post on "Taking Pizza Back".

2impendingdoom ago

Thank you, I would be all for that.

alliecapone ago

Just browsing the catholic charities :( My mom had to give up a sister of mine, I don't know her, she was adopted out through a Catholic Charities place though. It makes me sick to think people are thinking, ok Adoption is the RIGHT thing to do..someone can't have a baby. A GOOD family will get my child. So many people adopt out to these Catholic ones alone. Fuck. I think this is it. Wonder how long it's been going on??? My sister was born in the late 60's.

Hope this saves children now though...sorry to post twice in your thread, but this lead here totally makes sense. Trump had best make this right. It's hard to contain myself much longer...being civil and all. (read civil disobedience on the car ride to the in-laws, and this is how revolutions start)

Please incoming leaders reading here, spies, don't be inept..We love our country and the children are the country's future. Like my rights, I'll go to the mat for children's rights. How heated IS the atmosphere, how heated will they let it get?

quantokitty ago

No need for unrest. We have laws on the books, we just need a leader strong enough to let our justice system do the work of clearing out all these aberrations. They are just in it for the money and power, and to get those commodities, they glorify evil. Protect our children. They are the most vulnerable, precious commodity. Now let's dig!!!!

alliecapone ago

I trust in them mostly, even though I have seen the justice system needs work.

I already see one of those adoption lawyers is married to a chief judge. This could be why our justice system is a damn mess. We probably will need to make sure that we hold those elected to those promises.


Blacksmith21 ago

Has anyone put these businesses through the following databases (I'd do it but not in front of PC ATM):

  • Better Business Bureau
  • Virginia State Corporation Commission
  • Virginia Comptroller
  • Virginia Court system

Im very familiar with VA and will work some of these leads later today.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Trust? On what basis?

A "strong enough leader"? Yeah, that tends to work out well... NOT!!

lawexaminer ago

The listed address appears to be a building with separate offices: https://www.google.com/maps/place/124+Amherst+St,+Winchester,+VA+22601/@39.1856852,-78.1697568,17z/

quantokitty ago

Yes, and there's even ANOTHER adoption service? Fridays Child Adoption Services Adoption Agency · 124 Amherst St

lawexaminer ago

How does one conclude that Patti Paule-Carres owns these adoption agencies? Being neighbors in the same building doesn't seem to be enough evidence to draw that conclusion.

salinaslayer ago

Great point, could just be confirmation bias Then again, it's been two months of coincidences already

quantokitty ago

Did you skip over the business registration?

lawexaminer ago

It shows that the adoption agency is owned by J Daniel Petruso

Don-Keyhote ago


His agency has unspecified violations for every state inspection

quantokitty ago

Put him on the list. We need to find out ... no get conclusive evidence that they're all working in concert. I think the stats from both adoption agencies are crucial. Find out how many children were placed in Virginia and domestically and how many overseas adoptions took place, and if these figures are in line with what's happening in other adoption services. Since it's private adoptions, don't know if more than this would be reported and publicly available. Not sure even these will be, but we have to try.

tehthu ago

This is precisely what we need for a RICO probable cause. If one of the lower level players is engaging in otherwise legitimate activities but the funds are being used for illicit activity, everyone in connection to the activity is fair game for indictment, as far as I understand the legal language of RICO.

I would say beautiful work, but my spider senses tingle more and more each day. The dots on this board are one giant spider web of hell on earth.

alliecapone ago

Oh sweet baby jesus ...what a find, thank you! Upvoat for you!

Merry Christmas!

quantokitty ago

Yes, thank you, Jesus!

wellington33 ago

upvoat this guys.

thezodiac ago

Yeah, this is probably huge