throwaway345678 ago

I would like to point out that the medical records and drawing posted here by OP no longer work b/c of Slimg being taken down. Hope they repost somehow w/updated versions.

notdivided ago

I think this is a jump. The artist says it references Charcot. Most likely his photo studies. Using the head to represent detachment from the body is one of her hallmarks.That being said obviously headless seems to fit Tony's taste. And the Charcot reference is maybe even more topical than Dahmer. I guess you can make an argument the artist was influence by Dahmer but I haven't seen any evidence of that:


"Under the direction of the medical teacher and clinician Jean-Martin Charcot, the inmates of Salpetriere identified as hysterics were methodically photographed, providing skeptical colleagues with visual proof of hysteria's specific form. These images, many of which appear in this book, provided the materials for the multivolume album Iconographie photographique de la Salpetriere...Charcot did not stop at voyeuristic observation. Through techniques such as hypnosis, electroshock therapy, and genital manipulation, he instigated the hysterical symptoms in his patients, eventually giving rise to hatred and resistance on their part. Didi-Huberman follows this path from complicity to antipathy in one of Charcot's favorite "cases," that of Augustine, whose image crops up again and again in the Iconographie. Augustine's virtuosic performance of hysteria ultimately became one of self-sacrifice, seen in pictures of ecstasy, crucifixion, and silent cries."

The artist says the body is a boy, but emasculated to show no gender by genitalia. As a commentary on Charcot's typical subject- females.

edit: formatting/clarity

hookednosedjoooo ago

Harbin Grateful Dead played for hours and a large crowd of naked hippies took acid that was provided for the event free of charge

Reminder that the Grateful dead used to hangout at bohemian grove. The 1960s MKULTRA wasn't just about mind controlling individuals, it was a massive social engineering operation. The chairman of JP Morgan, R. Gordon Wasson was the firs person to popularize the mushroom in a LIFE magazine article

Intoxikated ago

Replying for future

throwaway345678 ago << Seems to have useful info for this thread

SherlockMcGyver ago

I made some maps of New Age connections years ago. Here:

cosmicmind ago

And, if you attempt to link mkultra with pizzagate shills will shill. The fact is that not all children are used in trafficking/sex/torture. Some children have been used for bio experimentation. Steve Smith recently wrote a book called, The Psychopath Machine, describing child experimentation. I suspect the biological transhumanism experimentation had to do it on some humans to get exact data. I do suspect that Steve Smith is correct and that people have been used for all types of purposes.

umpteenth ago

Accept the fact that we are cattle. Then you get the picture.

cosmicmind ago

That's all they view people as. Something to rule over (dominate) and something to abuse (submission) for their pleasure and profit. It's the non pedo aspect of political bdsm. Add children and it's a pedo-ring cattle ring. There are 2 levels of political bdsm; one aimed at adults and one aimed at children.

nitro169 ago

Could this be the BLUE house????!1s0x89b7c81972c23775:0xe1842809dc04eebd!2m19!2m2!1i80!2i80!3m1!2i20!16m13!1b1!2m2!1m1!1e1!2m2!1m1!1e3!2m2!1m1!1e5!2m2!1m1!1e4!3m1!7e115!4s/maps/place/PEGASUS%2BWashington,%2BDC%2B20010,%2BUSA/@38.9332024,-77.0284998,3a,75y,269.14h,90t/data%3D213m4211e1213m2211s1efNCLB2ioTD3c48Ues2Xg212e0214m2213m1211s0x0:0xe1842809dc04eebd!5sPEGASUS+Washington,+DC+20010,+USA+-+Google+Search&imagekey=!1e2!2s1efNCLB2ioTD3c48Ues2Xg&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi19ZSL0OjQAhUHOyYKHe53AcsQpx8IaDAK

9217 ago


isthisreality ago

I didn't see this post of yours, someone just pointed it out to me. I guess we have been going off the same lead. Keep on this. Is there anything we are missing??

kdude24 ago

Reading these descriptions is infuriating and disturbing. Scum like this shouldn't be allowed to get away with it, and the ultimate tragedy is that what is described is so horrifying and gruesome that people refuse to believe that humans are capable of this kind of stuff. Words are insufficient to describe how disgusting this is.

9217 ago

This post just got the Berestain sub banned


wellington33 ago Ritual Abuse in a ring of UN-Tavistock-Military related Orgs/Foundations. (VOAT)







*Sources (warning: disorganized): [](

*Harbin Hot Springs: [](

*Ecstatic Living: [](

*The Haven: [](

*International Holistic Centers Gathering: [](

*Findhorn Foundation: [](

*GEN/GAIA: [](

*Ark: [](

*RE: Sunday dinner?: [](

*Tavistock, the Best Kept Secret in America: [](



*"Playing field": [](

*Edward Bernays: [](

*"Findhorn" into Wikileaks it brings up this: [](

*Reddit thread (The Beginning): [](

*/pol/ thread: [](

*Zodiac Killer Alive & Killing in Canada for 40 Years?: [](

*ALERT: I found Soros secret weapon (reddit): [](

*Svetlana Bakushina Art Facebook: [](


Intoxikated ago

Why did this get buried???

9217 ago

because it hit a nerve by having medical records attached to tavi and etc

Ocelot ago

Fucking hell that is some disturbing content.

JeremiahSinclair ago

Those videos made it feel like my soul was being assaulted.

Intoxikated ago

Wow wtf

save_thechildren ago

There is someone else on boat that was researching Tavistock...started a few weeks ago.

Jem777 ago

Tavistock is the motherload everyone. Soros, CF, military, Freud, mind Control, secret societies, Nazi Germany, US intelligence. If everyone would focus on this as FBIanon said this would blow open.

Votescam ago

We shouldn't forget Kay Griggs/YouTube who 15 years or so ago began to speak out about sexual abuse in the military as widespread - male on male abuse similar to Skull & Bones, from what I gathered from it. She was reporting from information divulged to her by husband, George, who was involved with NATO. Wives were somehow also involved in being pushed into "spouse swapping" kind of arrangements and some faced danger and perhaps death when they tried to leave or speak out about it. Kay Griggs was taken in and protected by journalist Sarah McClellan/McClatchy News who covered the White House at one time.

umpteenth ago

type tavistock at glp = insta-ban

Godwillwin ago

What is glp? Also what is Bernstein? Theres so many orgsnizations. I've familiarized myself with most of them but have never looked into Bernstein

umpteenth ago

glp=godlike productions, conspiracy theory cesspool, but can be helpful. not sure about berenstain. something on reddit.

Godwillwin ago

How did she get away? Fiona and the other victims never talk about how they escaped

9217 ago

It would be unwise if an anon with this history spoke about that type of thing.

Pizzatemp420 ago Archived @ 2am pst

Intoxikated ago

Someone on 4ch is saying to look into the wikileaks emails about Esalen. Apparently they were founded by Tavistock and hosted Boris Yeltsin in '87. They also said to look at their video catalogue and residential preschool gazebo.

9217 ago

They also had B.F. Skinner visit, he of the famous rat in an electrified cage.

9217 ago

Not just a wikileaks email, a Strat Dinner Email...

wellington33 ago

This is the son of Mike McCuller from Stratfor

ababcb ago

I would like to point out that FBI anon did make mention of Tavistock involvement.

9217 ago

Needs more digging. Huge subject.

9217 ago

Yeah and no one did shit about it

Freemasonsrus ago

Tavistock runs everything and Soros owns Tavistock. If you can link all of those organizations, (great write up here, but long, than you can grasp how large this thing is. Of note in that article, "Tavistock Institute is headquartered in London. Its prophet, Sigmond Freud, settled in Maresfield Gardens when he moved to England. He was given a mansion by Princess Bonaparte. Tavistock's pioneer work in behavioral science along Freudian lines of "controlling" humans established it as the world center of foundation ideology. Its network now extends from the University of Sussex to the U.S. through the Stanford Research Institute, Esalen, MIT, Institute, Foundation, Center of Strategic and International Studies at Georgetown, where State Dept. personal are trained, US Air Force Intelligence, and the Rand and Mitre corporations. The personnel of the corporations are required to undergo indoctrination at one or more of these Tavistock controlled institutions. A network of secret groups, the Mont Pelerin Society, Trilateral Commission, Ditchley Foundation, and the Club of Rome is conduit for instructions to the Tavistock network."

Curious since we've been discussing another Freud.

Votescam ago

Sigmund Freud is very much involved in creating the gigantic lie of "Oedipus Complex" which outrageously suggested that it is young children who are the sexual aggressors against males in their families -- fathers, step-fathers, grandfathers, uncles, male cousins -- and male friends of the family. All as related to Freud by his young male and female patients who confided in him their experiences of sexual abuse by these males. This was an absolute betrayal by Freud of his patients -- but a lie of immense proportions which the world was told was true.

What is happening today can be seen in the violent beginning of this nation -- genocide, slavery, torture, sexual abuse. And organized patriarchal religions -- male-supremacist religions -- which underpin Elite patriarchy. There we have the record and patterns of this kind of behavior and brain washing of the public for the purpose of mind control. All of this is dependent upon destruction of and control over what remains of our free press. This will not end with the attempt to stop the pizzagate investigations.

cover20 ago

I think there is some truth to the Oedipus Complex idea. Most parents will understand that some aggression is expected from adolescents esp. boys, so they are not to be blamed for some aggression. None of this should be an excuse for sexualizing things that do not need to be sexualized. The goal is to help the boy get thru this phase and, I think (I am not a mental health professional) to externalize his attraction to females, to girls around his own age -- and thus to remove the sexual aspect from his feelings for his mother.

It seems to me that we're getting pretty far afield from pizzagate here. I don't know if Freud was into funny stuff with kids, but this doesn't show that at all. He was describing something that's fairly typical in real families.

Votescam ago

Males are our sexual abusers of children (which even right wing women's organizations agree with) and they are heterosexual males. Heterosexual males are 100X more likely to sexually abuse a child than a homosexual male. What we saw in the Sandusky/Penn State attacks on adolescent boys disproves what you are trying to suggest. Many cases that occurred over the last 50 years where Catholic pedophile priests were involved and where we know the stories firsthand also indicate that it is the adult who sexually assaults the adolescent.

Again, what Sigmund Freud did with the Oedipus Complex was lie to the public to hide the reality of adults sexually abusing children. I'd suggest Sigmund Freud purposefully lied to the public in order to hide the reality of males in families sexually assaulting babies and youngsters. It's much as we see today in what pedophiles try to do to blame the children for the sexual assault and/or to blame others for their pedophilia.

While I don't have a link, here is a report on a study which indicates very clearly that males are our sexual abusers of children -- heterosexual males.


"Focus on the Facts" -- Sean Cahill, PH.D

A 1998 Study in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that 90% of pedophiles are men, and 95% of these individuals are heterosexual.

Research has indicated that gay men and lesbians are less likely than heterosexual to sexually abuse children.

Perhaps the most egregious and damaging claim promulgated by anti-gay groups is the claim that homosexuality is intrinsically linked to pedophilia and child sexual abuse. The social science research on sexual orientation and child sexual abuse clearly disproves the claim that homosexuals are more likely to molest children.

A 1998 study in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that 90% of pedophiles are men, and 95% of these individuals are heterosexual. One researcher explained this statistic by noting, "Gay men desire consensual sexual relations with other adult men. Pedophiles are usually adult men who are sexually attracted to pre-pubescent children. They are rarely sexually attracted to other adults. In fact, research has indicated that gay men and lesbians are LESS likely than heterosexuals to sexually abuse children. Two studies that examined the sexual orientation of convicted child molesters found that less than 1% in one study and 0% in the other were lesbian or gay. One psychologist reviewed the existing social science literature on the relationship between sexuality and child sexual abuse and found that "a gay man is no more likely than a straight man to perpetrate sexual activity with children." Further, "cases of perpetration of sexual behavior with a pre-pubescent child by an adult lesbian are virtually nonexistent."

Gay rights activists, like all advocates for children's welfare, oppose child sexual abuse and support equitable age of consent laws that help prevent and punish such abuse.

At least 110,000 children are waiting to be adopted in the US. Approximately 588,00 children are currently in foster care. Barring gay men and lesbians from adopting or foster parenting decreases the number of potential suitable homes for children in need.

Children who remain in foster care for much of their childhood, as do tens of thousands of American children, are more likely to have emotional problems. Some children in foster care live in 20 or more homes by the time they reach the age of 18. Barring gay men and lesbians from adopting or foster parenting is not simply unjust and unethical; it also decreases the number of potential suitable homes for children in need.

Research shows that children raised by gay and lesbian parents are not disadvantaged vis-a-vis their peers raised by heterosexual parents.

Footnote 65 -- p.123

A review of 352 medical records of children evaluated for sexual abuse during a 12-month period at a Denver children's hospital found that less than 1% had been abused by a gay man or a lesbian. Of 269 adult perpetrators of child abuse identified among the 352 cases of abuse, only two were gay or lesbian. The vast majority of the children in the study (82%) "were suspected of being abused by a man or a woman who was, or had been, in a heterosexual relationship with a relative of the child." And the review concluded that in this sample, " a child's risk of being molested by his or her relative's heterosexual partner is over 100X greater [than the risk of being molested] by someone who might be identifiable as being homosexual, lesbian, or bisexual."

Jenny, C., and Roesler, T.A. (1994)

Are children at risk for sexual abuse by homosexuals? Pediatrics. 94(1).p.44.

In an earlier study of convicted male child molesters in Massachusetts, none of the 175 men were found to have an exclusively homosexual adult sexual orientation or to be primarily attracted to other adult men.

Groth, A.N., and Birnbaum, H.J. (1978).

Adult sexual orientation and attraction to underage persons.

Archives of Sexual Behavior.7(3).pp.175-181.

Also : The right-wing "Family Research Council" notes/confirms findings that "almost all child sexual abuse is committed by men." UNQUOTE

That male teenagers are occasionally aggressive had nothing to do with what I've stated and your reply is an attempt to deny that it is adults/pedophiles who sexually abuse youths.

LostandFound ago

The other Freuds we have been discussing are Clement and Metthew, Sigmonds son and grandson to the best of my understanding. If you want to diversify this lead and connections to power search Edward Bernays ( see doc: century of the self ) where Sigmond's nephew Bernays effectively took Sigmond's work over a decade before it was released to the world and used to to found the modern day US domestic propaganda machine which we now refer to as Public Relations.

Bernays was heavily involved with big tobacco and then after the results of his work were seen he was quickly whisked into support government. Once Bernays had made his mark, as a joke nearly, he published all of Freud's works with the line these people are so stupid I will tell them what we are doing and they still wont know.

notdivided ago

I think it's really interesting that the naked boy sculpture Tony Podesta rebuilt his whole house around and displays prominently in his entryway has ties to these guys. It almost seems worshipful now. The "arch of hysteria" sculpture references work and photographs by neurobiologist Jean-Martin Charcot. Charcot is a forefather of modern neuroscience. Among his related interests were hypnosis, hysteria, and demonology. Sigmund Freud studied under Charcot and may have even lived with him for a time. I have read their relationship effected Freud so deeply he named his first son after Charcot- Jean Martin (Martin) Freud.


"the father of public relations"

Century of the Self is an amazing doc ! another red pill I took years ago

Votescam ago

We might say "the father of mind control" --

LostandFound ago

Super, thank you for doing the things I should have done in my original post ;)

ababcb ago

I am afraid to click on this link for some reason..

Freemasonsrus ago

There you go. The playing field.


They will hang.