SaneGoatiSwear ago

please rehost the images OFF of imgur, they censor.

driving traffic to censors is driving traffic to the enemy., it's treason, IMHO.

wellington33 ago

"Barbara got raped, but your homoerotic pederast perverted faggot self will throw stones in a glass house like a son of a bitch when you receive this message because I am on a pr tyrrade to sabotage your unholy career as the worst motherfucking operative (DIG) the White House ever saw while Bush was in office as governor and president."

Operative related to Gray Fuller????

apparatchik1488 ago

Just a crazy lunatic kid tbh

wellington33 ago

look the fb pics.

apparatchik1488 ago

Anyone else getting a website down error from the archive links?

wellington33 ago


apparatchik1488 ago

hmm well I am. do you have direct links?

wellington33 ago


"Weroance shared from Refusing to be a Man: Essays on Social Justice by John Stoltenberg:

Men as a class know that their social and cultural and economic advantage over and against women depends absolutely upon the continuance of involuntary pregnancy, involuntary gestation, involuntary parturition, and involuntary child rearing. Men know that the very continuity of their gender class—the continuity of “masculinity” as a distinct and imperious gender identity and the continuity of “men” as a distinct and imperious power bloc—requires that everyone born without a penis live her whole life palpably circumscribed and controlled by the will of anyone born with a penis."

"Weroance shared from The Illuminatus! Trilogy: The Eye in the Pyramid, The Golden Apple, Leviathan by Robert Shea:

“About this gnosis,” Saul asked, “is it the orthodox theological position that the illuminations or visions were actually coming from the Devil and not from God?” “Yes. That’s where Manicheanism enters the picture,” Father Muldoon said. “The Manicheans made exactly the same charge against the orthodox church. According to their way of looking at it, the God of orthodox Christianity and orthodox Judaism, was the Devil. The god they contacted through their own peculiar rites was the real god. This, of course, is still the teaching of Satanists today."

"Weroance shared from Intercourse by Andrea Dworkin:

In many cultures and tribes, men can be similarly possessed; and the key to the possession—the dreams, the sex, the physical reality of desire, the obsession—is that the woman herself is magical and evil; through wickedness and magic she exerts illegitimate (therefore magical; therefore wicked; therefore originating in Satan) power over men."

"Weroance shared from Servant of the Bones by Anne Rice:

“I recall in Paris a clever satanic magician in a room full of gaslight. The wallpaper was most intriguing to me. A strange black coat hung on a hook. Life almost tempted me. Gaslight and machines; carriages rolling on cobbled streets. But I killed the mysterious man and retreated once more into the bones."

Some of the Books he quotes:

anonymousj ago

The kid is bi-polar (hugely). From the Stratfor email, this "Gray" cc'd his Dad on the rant. Father says "thanks for letting me know, I had such hopes for the new medication." Adding here, if the guy is a little loopy, often there are streaks of truth in the "perception of reality." Any shrinks/psychologists here who can comment?

totesgoats908234 ago

Your old post is 3 hours old, has many upvoats and commentors. Why make a new one?!?!?!?!

Everyone should downvoat behavior like this. It is crap.

wellington33 ago

because of the tittle. and i cleaned some information. this one is better. i understand what you are saying, but i feel this way will be better for the topic.

totesgoats908234 ago

Fair enough.

wellington33 ago


UPVOTE please.