smokemirrors ago

Just copy and paste the URL into a new window if you can't click on it. I didn't make it unclickable.

smokemirrors ago

yep yep! Need to look more closely at George Clooney and DARFUR....noones talked about this yet ;-)

TheGodHead ago

Outstanding research.

smokemirrors ago

Diane's good friend George Clooney (he appeared in her Hooker Catalogue, oh sorry, I mean "Art Book") had a troublesome spot of bother with paparazzi taking photos of a topless 13 year old girl staying with him in his lake Como villa.

Poor George. That had to suck for him. George below, in happier times, with Hillary. The fact that George's wife is Julian Assange's lawyer must have made for some fun dinner table conversation.

George and underage girls AGAIN! Good grief! He's morphing into Jeffrey Ep...oh never mind.

How's George's charity work in Darfur coming along???


Assange's LAWYER??!?!?! oh shit

smokemirrors ago


Amal's fellow lawyer who was also working for Julian Assange, JOHN JONES, died in an apparent **SUICIDE **(riiiiiight) earlier this year.

All of this really needs to be a separate thread.

AgainstPedos ago

Are you sure the young teen wasn't the daughter of long-term friends of his? The couple could have been there as well. for a family vacation. Likely the teen wanted to sun bathe and didn't realize she'd get her picture in the paps along with very lurid and completely false gossip,

smokemirrors ago

Keep telling yourself that dear.

ThrowMeAVoat ago

I sent Enty a link to this thread. Who knows? Maybe it will encourage them to reveal some more info.

smokemirrors ago

WONDERFUL idea. Looking forward to the outcome.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Catherine Zeta Jones said on the Tonight Show, at the height of her career, that she and her family had shown up at Clooney's Italian villa and he turned them away. He said "Someone is here".They had been invited. She was grinning, but still mad. Leno was speechless. After that, they came after her with the crazy rumours. I believe George WAS being groomed for governor or President. Because the Arab bride. Her uncle is big arms dealer. But we all knew that, right?

smokemirrors ago

er, NO, did NOT know that! Links?

ThighHighSwampBoots ago Zaid Takieddin. I had to dig it up on a hunch. No American MSM mentions it. I started with "I wonder who paid for the Venetian part of the wedding?" Because that. Was. Expensive.

smokemirrors ago

Agreed, and holy fuckballs. We really need to have a separate thread on all this. Clooney is known in many circles for ALLEGEDLY liking underage girls (10,12, 13 yrs etc). His 'lothario' image and sham marriage have been carefully cultivated to distract from this. ALLEGEDLY, his villa in Lake Como is to protect him from prying american journo eyes and lets him indulge in his 'passion projects'. Trying to find a link pining him to Epstein.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

I thought Randy Gerber was the love of his life. Married to Cindy Crawford.

smokemirrors ago

Yes, have heard this too. Along with Cindy being gay (which, as I posted before) she tried a little too hard to deny:


Former husband Rgoer Jenkins' brother was an Olympic athlete later convicted for running a steroid ring.

On Diana:

She spoke no English, and had no money and no family but saved enough to enrol at London’s City University. In her time there she launched an investment fund, through which she met her husband. They married in 1999, the same year their son, Innis, was born. Daughter Eneya was born three years later.

When the couple separated Mr Jenkins promised he would be generous when it came to the settlement. Last year he told The Mail on Sunday: ‘Will she take half my money? Of course. And quite rightly so. Without her, I would not have anything like the success I have had.’

Roger Jenkins, the Hollywood-connected Barclays executive who last year helped preserved the bank’s independence by securing a vital investment from the Persian Gulf, is planning to establish a firm to advise sovereign wealth funds.

Mr. Jenkins, who is said to be one of London’s highest-paid bankers, is negotiating departure terms after 25 years with Barclays, a person with direct knowledge of the talks said Monday. The person declined to be identified because no agreement had been reached.

Mr. Jenkins first voiced interest in founding a firm a year ago, but senior executives persuaded him to stay to help Barclays through the worst of the credit crisis, this person said.

According to The Sunday Times Rich List, Mr. Jenkins earned £40 million, or $65 million, last year and has personal wealth of £120 million.

Mr. Jenkins, who is chairman of the investment banking business in the Middle East but is based in London, is said to be eager to move to Los Angeles to spend more time with his family.

In October, he was vital to Barclays’ £5.8 billion, or $8.6 billion, deal with Qatar and Abu Dhabi, which helped the bank avoid having to accept a government bailout, which would have meant surrendering some control to the British government. This year, he worked on the sale of iShares, the business that was eventually acquired by BlackRock as part of its purchase of Barclays Global Investors.

Mr. Jenkins could not be reached for comment Monday.

His wife, Sanela Diana Jenkins, introduced him in 2006 to Sheik Hamad bin Jassim al-Thani, the prime minister of Qatar and director of its sovereign wealth fund. Mrs. Jenkins is a socialite who considers Mick Jagger and Paris Hilton friends. The couple co-hosted an event with George Clooney in December that helped raise £10 million for refugees from Darfur, Reuters reported.

smokemirrors ago

How did she meet her "$40 million" husband "at the gym" if she could "only afford to eat Toblerones"? LOL. Im presuming the gym wasn't a Planet Fitness (or whatever is London's equivalent.) Her biography is such made up bullshit, its breathtaking. She was a prostitute and street hustler. The end.

mrjdouble ago

The mutual objective shared by both parties was to get money and business was good!

smokemirrors ago

Im joining a gym today.


Sean Penn, (Jenkins partner in Haiti) known for beating his wife Madonna, herself known to be something of a Whore of Babylon type, went to the trouble of producing a Hollywood documentary debunking of child ritual sexual abuse:

Stellarjay ago

Trust no one in Hollywood especially an "actor".

ArthurEdens ago

I've been wondering about Sean Penn and why he was really in Haiti. Now that I see he did that documentary, I guess I know. He was friends with Dennis Hopper, even named his son after him. Dennis Hopper had a lot of underage and abuse allegations against him.

strix-varia ago

Snottywood slime he is.....penn


I may need to do a follow up post. There's a lot going on here actually but I've been lazy over the holidays. For instance, the general on her Haiti board was somehow coincidentally in Haiti when the earthquake happened, and there's an account from Penn how their org was in there and just doing shit without anyone really knowing or supervising anything, including moving a lot of people around and out of the country (for "shots and medical treatment"). It's pretty shady but I'll post a follow up. Then there's the profile of Jenkins and how she is actually a split personality; there's Diana and there's Salena, and she has this really weird interview where she talks about them both like two different people. Then there's the fact that no one can figure out how she got to London as a penniless Bosnian refugee but a few years later is introducing Barcalys bank to the Prime Minister of Qatar. She's been asked but she won't say. I haven't found a lot of recent activity, but there's a story here....

Yep, she's the power-broker behind the "face" of Democratic Hollywood. Dennis Hopper produced her website and book I mentioned in the post. She knows everyone in Hollywood, which isn't exactly a ringing endorsement of one's character.

smokemirrors ago

Dude, we need to look more closely at Clooney and his Darfur work (akin to Penn/Haiti bullcrap)....must not let this whole thread die.

ArthurEdens ago

No s*** Dennis Hopper did her website and book? Her split personality ring mkultra of course.


Sorry, I misspoke, he's involved, not sure if he produced. I'll try to see if I can find where (if) I read that.

This artistic exploration depicts a year in the life of a Beverly Hills penthouse suite, featuring 100 celebrities including George Clooney, Cindy Crawford, Sir Elton John, Dennis Hopper, Larry King, Heidi Klum, Kid Rock, Lindsay Lohan, Ludacris, Moby, Hayden Panettiere, Christian Slater and Sharon Stone

ArthurEdens ago

Oh yeah I remember spotting him on the room 23 site, thanks man!



smokemirrors ago


Diana Jenkins got a huge divorce settlement from Roger Jenkins. He claims that she negotiated the bailout from Qatar and was very happy to give her 150 million pounds. How does a refugee from Bosnia negotiate one of the most profitable deals with Qatar for Barclay's resulting in Roger Jenkins being the highest paid banker in London? Hint: Bosnian kids.

RexAxisMundi ago

She was exporting white children for the Shieks. The white children seem to be in high demand so it is no surprise how successful she turned out to be.


How did she in 2006 introduce her husband to the Qatar royal family. That introduction, btw, resulting in Barclays bank not being bailed out by taxpayers in 2008 banking crisis. SHE LEVERAGED THAT DEAL! That was historic and made Roger very wealthy. He says so that she gets the credit. What in her background put her in contact with that kind of social network and why.

smokemirrors ago

pimping out fellow Eastern European whore-lets.

RexAxisMundi ago

Her refugee scenario needs to be looked into. Maybe she started off recruiting other refugees to be trafficked and was smart enough to maneuver her way up the organistion. She's a very interesting person indeed.

goat_cheese_pizza ago

great post +1

goat_cheese_pizza ago

are there any posts detailing the meltdowns? i dont have a twitter. great post btw. +1


My speculative take: she made her fortune in the UK trafficking girls and children from Bosnia. She expanded her enterprise massively after marrying her client / husband, now continues those operations while pimping out the Hollywood kids to the big players (see Hayden P.) especially Arabs and she is the conduit for trafficking for the Clinton Foundation.

mrjdouble ago

I believe this to be true, she's likely one of the lynch pins to the entire operation.


During her marriage, her husband became the highest paid banker in London due in part to a deal she negotiated with Qatar. I would further speculate that these deal involved Eastern European human trafficking, as it continues to do today through the Clinton Foundation. If you want to find a link between the foundation and the trafficking supply chain, she is it.

mrjdouble ago

Yes, instead of just giving them some cash back to settle up the terms, the deal was to include many, many new victims in addition to monies to be paid back.

I can see that.

checksandbalances ago

I found a discussion of her is a discussion of her being an alleged pimp on Lipstick Alley ( and ), which references a separate post saying "All you really need to know is in this thread..." - but I haven't been able to access the referenced thread (and I did create an account).


Looks like that other link has the words "blind item" in the URL. I'm guessing it is referencing what's posted above which is from a "blind item".

smokemirrors ago

i referenced kaia gerber/cindy crawford yesterday and it was deleted.

smokemirrors ago

I always wondered about the baffling Beverly Hills murder of Hollywood agent Ronni Chasen in Nov 2010. Word is she was connected to all of this.


the one gunned down in her SUV - yes that was strange, and no one caught so far?

smokemirrors ago

None. I was so fascinated by that story and read a ton about it. It was hushed up to the point nobody will ever know the who where why.


What was the connection?

smokemirrors ago

pimping out actresses as yacht girls/hookers. Art fraud/laundering. Killed by expert marksmen at close range- random black guy was the patsy for it. I think your thread here might be deleted,but all the info is out there/google.

derram ago :

Diana Jenkins: stinking rich, but not 'one of us' - Telegraph

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