Gothamgirl ago

In this video Kevin Flynn says he is having issues at work and home I wonder if its a hint to what happened.

ridleychozo ago

This is great stuff Gothamgirl. Excellent work. Just finishing listening to it now. This sensitive information must be why he was targetted.

think- ago

OP, RebelSkum resurfaced yesterday - his Twitter is active again, you might want to check it out. He's fine. :-)

think- ago

Hi @ridleychozo, I am very sorry, but I will have to remove the post, as posts about the sub itself go to v/pizzagatemods.

Rule 4. Posts about the subverse itself go to /v/pizzagatemods.

You are invited to repost there. Thank you.

Please see also this comment by our O, who reminded us that posts violating 'Rule 4' need to be deleted, not flaired:

Please keep up the good work!

P.S.: 'quantokitty' is still here, but uses another alt.

GreenDell144 ago

Rebelskum produced a great Epstein video that was posted here about 10 days ago. It’s a must see.

Can we make this a sticky? In hopes that any who are ok can come forward... and maybe we ca get some tips on their unfinished stories etc... this is important to the community here

@vindicator @think

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Never fear death. It comes to all of us. And it isnt going to be your only time around. We are doing a cycle. Once you truly understand the meaning of this. Your fear will go.

janet58 ago

I humbly offer something that has been effective in my life: Submit to God, resist the devil and he must flee.

ridleychozo ago

I got baptized last week ;) Yeshua is Lord.

Strategy ago

Even FBIANON dropped more deep bread crumbs and Webber. Q is as surface, football team divide on superficial and fake for the blind masses propoganda, so easy to do, its disturbing.

Strategy ago

More, observer from start. First day posting. Redberry CBRadio There were more. Took notes, but too busy to be on here as any type of regular.


From a search of twitter, Rebelskum aka @Pizzagatewiki aka Ryan Zimmerman went missing on the 5th of December last year. No tweets retweets or replies since then but looking in his "likes" his account hit the like button on this tweet.

The two preceding tweets which were liked after 5th December are anomalous for his character from what I've learnt so far about him.

I'm pretty worried for his safety and am asking people in conversation if they know of his whereabout.

Strategy ago

Many original posters started to have all types of harrassment affecting their survival.

mooteensy ago

That is quite seems like no one else in this sub knew that? Hoping for the best, but please keep me posted.

BabalonWorking ago

They know who I am & they know what happens to them when they fuck with me and my friends.

mooteensy ago

I miss rebelskum :(

BabalonWorking ago

He said he was busy with stuff.

Gothamgirl ago

Same here he has been missing from Voat since around Christmas.

Gothamgirl ago

One of those individuals worked for a cattle company and the Dept of forestry .

I am just going to say the uranuim flowing under the cows, and the Oregon standoff could be related to what happened to him.

ridleychozo ago

Holy moley. Can you tell me any more?

[email protected]

IShallNotFear ago

Probably shouldn't list contact info in the comment section. Direct messages are out of the public view.

2impendingdoom ago

pretty sure QK simply has new ID. I have been worrying about Drainingswamps and RebelSkum, hope they are okay.

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

Oy vey goyim its a crazy conspiracy theory! These people naturally died of unnatural causes! Dont look into it! Eat your soy! Race mix! FORGET! Forget.


EffYouJohnPodesta ago

The risks are pretty serious... commenting for a friend.

ESOTERICshade ago

The risks are pretty serious... commenting for a friend.

Doing what we do is not a joke as you know.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Yes I know, as you are aware.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Listen, I'm not saying Nothing happened to any of those people.... I Hope they are all ok.

But lets be fucking honest, many of the original researchers have lost all respect for this sub... If Even a Single Original Researcher Is willing to defend This Sub, I will eat my words and admit I have no clue what the fuck I'm talking about.

And by "Original researcher" I mean someone that Has Posted Quality original content...

Strategy ago

One would. I observed from the start. None were protected.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

I tend to think like you.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Alright bro, I'm going to blunt... I think You're a shill, based on the majority of comments I see from you...

But here's the thing, I'm not confident in my assumption. You could be a genuine dude, who in my opinion, Is misguided in their Judgement... But fuck, Maybe I'm the One who is misguided.... If you're Truly not a shill- Hell, even if you are, Would you be willing to conduct an interview with me? Perhaps "Interview" Is the wrong word.... Would You be able to talk to me in real time? Because from that, I think I could Help you resolve certain things, OR you could help me resolve certain things. Fuck, Maybe it will turn out to be a win win and we both walk away feeling resolved. I would prefer a skype....But I would be willing to do An audio only, Or a text only.... I'm willing to do anything that is in live Time. I.e we are engaged in a live exchange with one another.; Video and audio, solely audio, Solely text.

Again, I think you're a shill- You might think I'm a shill. If neither of us are shills, Lets Resolve the situation. Perhaps It will become an example as to how random people Can potentially communicate....That is if you'r open to sharing our conversation. If you don't want me to share our conversation, I won't... I know you have no reason to trust that I wouldn't share it, despite your approval., And Honestly, I have no way of providing assurance that i wouldn't do what I want, regardless OF your feelings or request not to.,

But I'm telling you, I would not share our conversation, If you didn't approve. I don't usually give the assurance to people that I reach out to, But I Feel Like An exchange with you, Would be One of the most benefical Exchanges I've ever had, at least pertaining to this area of my life. .(I guess i should say, "RANDOM exchanges with people that I Don't actually KNOW*)

I guess If i did share it without your consent, you could destroy my character by Revealing this comment....If I was exposed As someone that betrays ANYONE under the circumstances I've presented, I would Be on the losing end. .

So Long story short, I think you're a shill... But I'm not confident that you're a shill.... I'm so skeptical that It bothers me.

tyfdt ago

I wouldn't be so quick to write off Q, if you go to and scroll to the bottom, there are 'answer' links on some of the drops and they are exposing tons of corruption. Q also just dropped the obama/maggie connection. Obama with the bandaide spirit cooking wound. I'm not writing it off.

Tallest_Skil ago

Nothing that Q-LARP has “predicted” has ever come true. Not once.

Tallest_Skil ago

I'll try to give proof instead of anti-Semitic shit.

Reported for not being antisemitic.

8chan is full of cynics like you.

Because we know your paid shilling is paid shilling.

One taunted Q "If you so close to Trump have him tweet these two words. (very random words - like "tomahawk" and "disproportional") 45 minutes later a tweet had both them.

  1. No, the words were not random, as a tomahawk missile attack was being engaged in that timeframe.
  2. No, the question was not honest. Your kike used a VPN to softball himself with a “question.”

Q-Anon proof

Does not exist.

Q-Anon correctly predicted Trump's twitter going down.

No, Q-LARP did not predict such a thing. Q-LARP’s “prediction” was PROVEN FALSE, in fact, as was EVERY SINGLE OTHER “PREDICTION” IT INITIIALLY MADE.

Tallest_Skil ago

So yes, nothing that Q-LARP has “predicted” has ever come true. Not once. Ever. And all of its original claims were PROVEN FALSE.

Fuck the hell off, you goddamn kike paid shill. Your purpose is to cover up the serial rape and murder of children.

ESOTERICshade ago

Nothing that Q-LARP has “predicted” has ever come true. Not once.

I always forget about my upvoat and downvoat button when I read. I just gave you an up vote

Are_we__sure ago

Isnt Flynn Lives the guy wbo shot at the cops? Thread on him the other day. He's in jail.

Gothamgirl ago

Yes according to police that is what happened. Flynn says he didn't.

Omnicopy ago

Yes I think so

Beaucephus ago

I was doxxed but I have never tried to mask my ID. I figure the people I would be hiding my identity from I really don't need to worry about.

I was called out by name (on Chan) and told that I needed to concern myself with only myself and my friend (who was named specifically).

Like I said then, I say again. Fuck you, come get me!

GreenDell144 ago

Bravo. Just be safe.

ridleychozo ago


ESOTERICshade ago

Add me @ESOTERICshade because I am done with this joke of a subverse.

GreenDell144 ago

You make a good point. We can hope that a politician may take action, but we shouldn’t expect it. I had a few close calls when I was that age. As I got older, the memories and neurosis were overwhelming. Nothing really happened to me... I wasn’t touched, but I experienced some grooming and coaching. It messed up my relationships into adulthood.

I can only offer my condolences with regards to what happened to you. I feel like I got to the edge of a cliff and barely avoided falling in. What must it be like for actual physical kid victims? Horrible.

IShallNotFear ago

Sorry to see you go. Please come back after a while. We all need a break now and again. This hobby can be very mentally draining. Just because the current situation of the sub isn't what you like doesn't mean it will stay that way. Too many users left when Millennial Falcon made questionable moding decisions. Now that he is gone, they should come back. I honestly don't think this Q fad will last forever. As for Trump, he is only praised because he is the opposite of Hillary Clinton. If this sub were around in the 90's, people would be routing for anyone against George H.W. Bush. Don't let the little things sidetrack you from the goal to take down pedophiles.

ESOTERICshade ago

Sorry to see you go. Please come back after a while. We all need a break now and again

I am really burned out right now. I am a good warrior for the cause but I need a break.

awakenaware ago

I'm not a big poster on here.. I've been round long enough to know a few things.. shits really really fucked up. After 911 i got heavily involved in informing the public about various things.. I had a website.. and I was using company servers to access secretive information.. during this time list of weird stuff happened.. i met a CIA guy, I met some mk kid.. lots of synchronistic thkngs happened.. in the end my house got robbed and my laptop stolen in broad daylight while I was down the street.. we got bugged and threatened.. I was distributing the first chemtrails doco that had been produced in secret by a hollowwood producer.. this was a big no no.. I watched this video dissapear off hard drives, servers and websites as fast as it went up. I realised AI was been used back in 2003 to scrub the net in real time. We're up against some seriously weird shit going on. Subliminal programming via media is so frigging advanced it's practically science fiction. There are a few reasons why I live alone with no family.. because I can't take that risk anymore if you know what I mean.. I meditate when I'm able to.. it helps.. I also travel the astral planes sometimes.. it's a zoo out there.. This planet is like an enclosed finite playground for anything and everything.. so much is not what were told.. all of it. A good question to ask is where are we? What is this place.. and the answers sadly haven't made it any easier to be here.

3141592653 ago

Even warriors need breaks

Digital-Patriot ago

Even idiots need breaks.

Gothamgirl ago

I am so sorry you went through that lots of hugs.

ESOTERICshade ago


EffYouJohnPodesta ago

@ESOTERICshade I am so sorry to hear about your situation. =( I agree with you about Q.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

I totally understand being done with this sub, But I can't rationalize how Trump supporters are the ones ruining this sub... If you have specific Examples Of trump supports doing whatever it is that lead you to your opinion, I would be interested in seeing that.

I'm almost certain there are more vocal Q CRITICS on this sub, Then Q supporters?

I'm just interested In Some examples of things that lead you Write this comment, Because I've been fed up with this sub for a long time... But for completely different reasons than you've stated.

I'm Sorry for all you've gone through.

Digital-Patriot ago

"70 percent of these Trumpers have no idea what its like to get fucked in the ass as a six year old."

Of course we don't cause we had good parents who protected us from that. Unlike yours.

ESOTERICshade ago

"70 percent of these Trumpers have no idea what its like to get fucked in the ass as a six year old."

Of course we don't cause we had good parents who protected us from that (unlike yours).

My father was a military policeman and a football coach and probably would shoot a pedo at first glance. You know nothing about me DigitalPatriot.

Digital-Patriot ago

Your father was unable to protect you from the person who raped you.

ESOTERICshade ago

Your father was unable to protect you from the person who raped you.

My dad did not know. I was afraid to tell anybody.

Digital-Patriot ago


ridleychozo ago

Doubling down on your attack of an abuse victim? Interesting.

Digital-Patriot ago

He's a victim of stupidity.

ridleychozo ago

Are you sure it's him that's the victim?

Digital-Patriot ago

No, he's not the only victim. #YouToo

awakenaware ago

Your just an arsehole .. I say that for your lack of empathy..

Digital-Patriot ago

You're just an idiot .. I say that for your lack of intelligence.

Digital-Patriot ago

Oh I forgot. You too.

fuckmyreddit ago

@esotericshade I'm sad you've been through that shit. My life was fucked up but not as bad as yours. I would love to take a baseball bat to your father or other perpetrator. Regular people have no idea what it's like to get away from crazies and make your own life. Most people couldn't sleep at night if they knew.

Strategy ago

So agree, and there is no justice or real escape to rebuild. I would buy a island called Soul Island for ones to escape, open shops, grow food, kick out any bullies.

Digital-Patriot ago

Bye, Esoteric Shade. I won't miss you.

ridleychozo ago

This is exactly why I made this video. Q is a false prophet and getting everybody off-track. No need to do any investigative work when Q is doing it all for us!! Thick skulls, I tells ya.

It's frustrating, I know. If you need a break, take it. Lord knows you've done more than your part, if your story is true. I'm sorry you had such a nightmare of a childhood.

Strategy ago

It is so easy ro see Q is misinformation, distract core, no legal strategies in courts, no safety for victims and advocates. When any interest ones fanatic and follow, is where fake resides and apathy, want a hero.

The real heroes are real victims and advocates enduring surviving ongoing problems, and never will sound as calm, as constant purposeful detriments any life.

So, how stressful for Chelsea to twitter war in public advertising, fraud rile, public image last week.

Boo hoo, the fanatics of elite are so empathetic to easy life, full support, wipe their ass, rich, no ethics, felons.

ESOTERICshade ago

This is exactly why I made this video. Q is a false prophet

Q is the biggest false prophet of the internet age

Digital-Patriot ago

You are one of the biggest idiots of the internet age.

Tallest_Skil ago

I really want to say that’s an exaggeration, but my memory is utter shit and I can’t recall some of the earliest big… what would you even call Q-LARP? It’s a hoax, sure, but does it technically classify as an ARG? Perhaps they can just join the ranks of John Titor.

ESOTERICshade ago

I really want to say that’s an exaggeration, but my memory is utter shit and I can’t recall some of the earliest big… what would you even call Q-LARP? It’s a hoax, sure, but does it technically classify as an ARG? Perhaps they can just join the ranks of John Titor.

I am amazed that the Q Larp is even still alive. I am still struggling to understand what it really is. I am also attempting to understand if it is beneficial or destructive to truth. All I know at the moment is that it is one of the most weird things I have seen in the last few years.

Tallest_Skil ago

I am amazed that the Q Larp is even still alive. I am still struggling to understand what it really is.

I just had a thought. It’s a litmus test. A probe. The point of Q-LARP is to test several things.

  1. How much real information can be leaked, hidden alongside fake information, before people start demanding physical action
  2. The amount of time people will continue to follow a narrative that claims physical action is coming before they start to demand said physical action

It’s entirely possible that Q-LARP is simply an advanced probe designed to judge how close we are to civil war by seeing how long it takes the “most radicalized” of us to either demand the promised action or to give up and stop caring. So we’re… three days shy of exactly 6 months since this began. Not only have all of Q-LARP’s initial claims been proven to be lies, some of the claims hinged on legal statements that will begin to expire very shortly. For example, sealed indictments never have to be unsealed unless the person involved testifies in court. BUT, the court case that CAUSED the indictment has to be processed within 180 days, unless they get a public extension. Those earliest dates are coming due very soon.

Prediction: not a single one of Q-LARP’s acolytes will EVER so much as ASK about what happened to the earliest indictments (they’re too stupid to know about the restrictions of our laws), much less for proof that they were extended.

PedoHunter12 ago


FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Show me One Person Who Contributed to Research in the past, That Is no longer contributing Research Because of Q...

Honestly, Show me one fucking example that would make your comment valid. The "Pizzagate" Investigation was On track for about 2 months... TOPS. This Sub has been off the rails far Longer than Q has been around.


Strategy ago

Lol, no crumb finds victims, helps victims or will even county, state, federal charge or court law and contract fraudsters.


Same that believe the #metoo celebs and their attorneys help real victims, as never do calls to those attorney, themselves, to see its a set up and can also suicide homicide, as dominate trauma trigger, on phone! Lordy.

angelafogo ago

Q is a Red Herring. They are feeding us with crumbs to distract us.

ESOTERICshade ago

Q is a false prophet and getting everybody off-track. No need to do any investigative work when Q is doing it all for us!! Thick skulls, I tells ya.

It's frustrating, I know. If you need a break, take it. Lord knows you've done more than your part, if your story is true. I'm sorry you had such a nightmare of a childhood.

My life was a total and complete nightmare. I made myself into what I am today. The Q tards and Trump Tards have made this sub into a joke. i try, but honestly, I can just go away.............I go to EXTREME risks to keep myself same when I post here. I do this as a service, not as a pleasure.

Joe10jo ago

@esotericshade, I’ve always wished to know more of your story.

ESOTERICshade ago

@esotericshade, I’ve always wished to know more of your story.

My last nightmare with this situation was being tortured with microwave technology for 7 years. It also includes infrasound. This stuff is very easy to do and the devices are very small. If you get into big trouble they will send the helos and that is really bad stuff and your walls will make a "popping sound" in your house. Your computers will malfunction and your lights will dim in and out.

This subject is no joke, stay safe :)

ridleychozo ago

I've seen you around on here and actually had you filed in my 'cool users' text file. It's awesome that you choose to spend your time here - we need all the intel we can get. Stay safe. Mind if I ask if your abuse was SRA?

ESOTERICshade ago

we need all the intel we can get. Stay safe. Mind if I ask if your abuse was SRA?

Nope. You cant ask me nothing. Im not telling because im not stupid.

ridleychozo ago

I understand. Thanks again.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Voat is compromised. The mods were placed here by the compromised site. That is why they push Trump and Q. They don't need to take the clue, the need to take a hike.

ESOTERICshade ago

Voat is compromised. The mods were placed here by the compromised site. That is why they push Trump and Q. They don't need to take the clue, the need to take a hike.

Not true. I know some Voat mods and they aint CIA spooks. They are regular people just like me and you with kids and families.

Strategy ago

Many that are normal in life with families are more. I am speaking in general. Look up the California serial killer just arrested. Was a cop, mechanic, married to a outspoken fraud feminst attorney, and daughters in college, ER doctor!!!

Never fall for public image. Always watch actions and how they treat ALL, not just you.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

None of them are spooks. The ones at Voat PG are here for a reason. Vindicator, Abortionburger, MF, who is still here IMO. They just deleted yet another one of my threads and the reasoning was comical. Voat is controlled, they just don't need to control every sub. This one they do.

Digital-Patriot ago

@DeathToMasonsASAP @ ESOTERICshade Go back to /v/pizzagatefree

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Was never there so how can I go back? Either way, it is gone now isn't it?

Digital-Patriot ago

Its gone now? Like your brain?

Paneedleribena22 ago

Most dangerous hobby in the world

ESOTERICshade ago

Most dangerous hobby in the world

You got that right. If there is a "coven" near you, and they ever figure out who you are, they will destroy your life in secret sneaky ways that you will never understand. They will use everything from poison to the Judge they own at the Court House.

GreenDell144 ago

100% true. Pray and be vigilant, and whatever personal security you feel you can handle.

2impendingdoom ago

Can confirm, all of that is true. Sorry that you know this the hard way, Eshade, nobody deserves that shit (except THEM).

ESOTERICshade ago

Can confirm, all of that is true. Sorry that you know this the hard way, Eshade, nobody deserves that shit (except THEM).

We put our self at extreme risk by doing what we do. I hope you are well.

2impendingdoom ago

ty & warm wishes back to you.

waxdino ago

redberries did some invaluable work. Said they were doxxed.

Tazzermalt ago

yeah its disgusting voat has traitors who want stop to freedom of speech, these invaders don't ant criminals exposed and shut down people doing good work

Dfens ago

Yeah, the mods! Wake up!

derram ago :

6 Pizzagate Researchers Who Went Dark - YouTube : suspended :

Ryan Zimmerman (@PizzagateWiki) | Twitter :

Twitter / Account Suspended :


u/NeverHillary33: suspended

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