tendiesonfloor ago

Give me a fucking break. the way you're spamming this doesn't scream 'glow in the dark nigger honeypot dox trap factory'

IDeliverPizza ago

Jew Detected. THe site was made by Eric Hoover. Does that name sound JEWISH to YOu???

thelma ago

Idelvierpizza sounds jewish to me too....

jew-lover, go back to that hole that is redshit

tendiesonfloor ago

(((Fellow Voaters))) I posted this honeypot on 20 different verses in 60 seconds! It's totally pol facebook goys! Totally turn off your VPN and set up an account that matches your voat ID. You're totally protected. You can even link it to your twitter, facebook and google! Please user your real name and email to sign up!

Glow. in. the. dark. nigger.

IDeliverPizza ago

YOU dont have to use your real name in fact many people dont who post in /pol

tendiesonfloor ago



BigMatteson ago

Tendies has a point which isn't making me want to sign up for it. Also, doesn't the jew cry out as he strikes you? You call him a jew as an insult but you seem defensive so are you actually an oven-dodger who's projecting?