Vindicator ago

@NEVERHILLARY33: A triangle logo is not enough evidence to claim a connection to child sex abuse to the global elite. You've been advised of our submission guidelines multiple times, so I am removing this per Rule 1, and also banning this account. v/pizzagate investigators created the rules for this subverse for a reason; you have to respect them, or go elsewhere.

Long_Knife ago

This post has been nominated for cringiest title of 2017.

DonKeyhote ago

OP is a disgrace.

nottfadeaway ago

Link to the /pol/ thread?

nottfadeaway ago

Chicago is probably littered with human trafficking. That's at least a start. Their website and even business cards are amateur era. The guy only has a handful of tweets. It does seem fishy

Pizzalawyer ago

Well, did you at least learn about triangles, geometry and post and beam construction per You are going to find yourself treated like PGisRetarded and PGisStupid which is a shame because you know how to research. Its the critical thinking aspect that needs some beefing up. And that's assuming you are genuine.

Dressage2 ago

There are huge Lithuanian neighborhoods in the city, and in the suburbs. Just like there are huge Polish and Jewish factions. They take pride in the fact that they can still speak the native tongue in their local storefronts and churches of their community. Many ethnic bakeries, deli, butcher, etc., and they always speak the language in their groups. So no big deal about language. Chicago is huge with ethnic neighborhoods.

nottfadeaway ago

Posting this is just going to get him harassed which helps NO ONE.


then tell him to change his logo.

nottfadeaway ago

You're the dumbass posting about glacier (which is not a pedo front in all likelihood)

Seriously this is why pedogate is so easily dismissed. Idiots like you are the people who commented on alefantis' instagram like a fucking dipshit.

People's livelihood is at stake dipshit. This isn't a fucking game

Aloha808 ago

Speaking of JA instagram, this painting reminds me of all his panda pictures and references.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

That makes no sense. You are worse than a shill. Stop this nonsense.

nottfadeaway ago

I'm not a shill I'm just against witch hunts. If there's evidence ok but if people start harassing him and this is legit, then all of this gets covered up.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Agreed... I'm all for it if there is evidence... so far we have a bunch of random businesses that have slightly related logos to certain symbols and that is it... paired with completely ridiculous posts/formatting/grammar... it does nothing but weaken the cause and add noise to an already busy/slightly unfocused effort.

It is an obvious red herring/disinfo effort if I've ever seen one. And if it is not coordinated by the opposition, then it simply needs to stop until actual evidence can be presented to support the minor similarities to the logos/symbols.

nottfadeaway ago

Sorry I came off strong, just on overload with this shit.

There's probably a lot of human trafficking in Chicago, so honestly best bet is to try and find out links to any other organizations or associates of the owner of the company

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Yeah, keep it on the DL though... no names, addresses, profile links, images, etc... until it is all well archived. That is of course assuming you find anything substantial when searching further. We've seen people post links and the content is pulled down before being properly archived.




Pizzalawyer ago

There are currently 2.8 million triangle symbols in use by the graphics design industry according to one of their trade industry journals. IDeliverPizza specializes in finding the ones that pertain to pedophelia. Consulting fees are due within 30 days of completing find.


ya and less than 5000 use a triangle within a triangle lel. Your sooooo bad at your job of trying to debunk this place lol. such a fucking hack. you're not even good at defending with facts LEL AHAHHAHAHHAHH. You choose a fact that cannot be defended. Thats rule number 1 in the court room lol make sure you can defend yourself and attack people in places they cannot defend. YOUR LOSING AT EVERYTHING LOL HAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAH. at least im forcing you to be stuck on voat patrol because you arent allowed inside a court room rn. Your doing such a bad job though I don't know how much longer you'll be on voat patrol LEL LMAO HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHHA. reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. get the fuck outta here man lol hahahahha with your >muh bar examszzzz wurrrrr goooddddddd thooooo LEL HHHEHEHEHEHEEH AHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHHAH DAMN IM FUNNY MAN HAHAHAHAH. thats not even my best you wanna see me in real life in the court rooom??

Pizzalawyer ago

No,you are way too scary, more so than the shackled prisoners coming into court for Monday morning arraignment in Philadelphia. If you were genuine you would have had least several new leads by now on Lindal Cedar Homes and you can't deliver.


LMAO. define genuine. you are about as exciting as the Browns offense. We all know excitement and accuracy get the job done. Two things you are failing miserably at. Only someone like me with creativity energy and accuracy can put 5 posts on top of voat. and now have the attention of thousands on one 1 place. and have two posts be deleted because they shed too much light on the censorship of GLP voat reddit etc... Mods were sleeping and it got out of hand. And you were sleeping frankly. not sure why because your paid to try and defuse this place but you were too late and now 10,000 people are reviewing glacier. way to go. hahahahahahhaha.

also, your a pussy if crooks in chains scare you. dont be a lawyer if you cant handle it fucking pussy. Keep getting better at the voat replies. TRYYYYYY HARDERRRRRRRR LMAO TOP KEK HHAhahhaahahhahahaha.