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ESOTERICshade ago

Add me @ESOTERICshade because I am done with this joke of a subverse.

ridleychozo ago

This is exactly why I made this video. Q is a false prophet and getting everybody off-track. No need to do any investigative work when Q is doing it all for us!! Thick skulls, I tells ya.

It's frustrating, I know. If you need a break, take it. Lord knows you've done more than your part, if your story is true. I'm sorry you had such a nightmare of a childhood.

ESOTERICshade ago

Q is a false prophet and getting everybody off-track. No need to do any investigative work when Q is doing it all for us!! Thick skulls, I tells ya.

It's frustrating, I know. If you need a break, take it. Lord knows you've done more than your part, if your story is true. I'm sorry you had such a nightmare of a childhood.

My life was a total and complete nightmare. I made myself into what I am today. The Q tards and Trump Tards have made this sub into a joke. i try, but honestly, I can just go away.............I go to EXTREME risks to keep myself same when I post here. I do this as a service, not as a pleasure.

Joe10jo ago

@esotericshade, I’ve always wished to know more of your story.

ESOTERICshade ago

@esotericshade, I’ve always wished to know more of your story.

My last nightmare with this situation was being tortured with microwave technology for 7 years. It also includes infrasound. This stuff is very easy to do and the devices are very small. If you get into big trouble they will send the helos and that is really bad stuff and your walls will make a "popping sound" in your house. Your computers will malfunction and your lights will dim in and out.

This subject is no joke, stay safe :)