Gothamgirl ago

@Carmencita @Argosciv @Psychanaut @Silverlining

Can you help me figure out what happened to him?

argosciv ago


I told you not to ping me with carmencita - you know why.

Gothamgirl ago

Wow ok thanks.

argosciv ago

Don't act surprised, I repeatedly told you not to - very simple request.

I have explained in detail, even. Yet you chose to ignore it.

I don't like what happened to your friend, but, not my department and certainly doesn't seem like a smart idea to go outside taunting officers... I don't want to make too many presumptions, but, quite frankly, I saw this thread earlier before it was deleted and wanted no part in it then, even less-so now due to you pinging me with carmencita.

Gothamgirl ago

I didn't ignore it, my closest friend on here was shot and arrested it escaped my thoughts. No need to explain any further I got the message.

argosciv ago

And that's a shitty turn of events, to say the least. All other things aside, though, if the situation escalated to the point where he came outside to fire off 'warning shots', then gotten shot himself, there's nothing I can do for either of you.

If that makes me some cold-blooded boogeyman in your eyes, without any of his actions being questioned, then so be it.

Gothamgirl ago

He said during the court hearing he didn't fire any shots.

argosciv ago

Then someone's telling porkies(lies), or, somehow the cops were tricked into thinking he had fired his gun... did he also say he wasn't armed?

ADaniels ago

Yo mods don’t delete this wtf......!?!?!?

Vindicator ago

@Gothamgirl, unfortunately, I need to remove this post under the Voat-wide rules against doxxing, which state:


These guidelines are intended to keep people safe, protect kids, keep Voat running, and to encourage personal responsibility for what you do on Voat. You must:

Keep Everyone Safe:

You agree to not intentionally jeopardize the health and safety of others or yourself.

Keep Personal Information Off Voat:

You agree to not post anyone's sensitive personal information that relates to that person's real world or online identity.

We do not need to give the authorities in Medford any more ammo against @FLYNNL1VE5 than they already have, and they will most assuredly use his videos and Voat posts against him if they make the connection.

I am not trying to tamp down conversation on this subject, but we need to not make his situation worse. Conversation can continue here in the Removed Submissions area.

Gothamgirl ago

I understand. I wouldn't have posted it if it wasn't already out there, but I get it.

Vindicator ago

I am verifying to you, this is his real name and picture.

Is there any support you can link us to for this, Gothamgirl?

Gothamgirl ago

Just that I wrote him through facebook about a year ago, and one of his friends posted the newspaper article to his youtube. Plus the mug shot is definitely him as you can see his face in the recent videos.

Vindicator ago

Thanks for pointing that out. I'm glad we took this off of immediate visibility, then, though I'm sorry to curb the discussion. We don't want to help them persecute him. Please feel free to ping users to this thread who you think would be helpful in investigating whether the guy was framed.

Gothamgirl ago

Yes, I wasn't thinking clearly when I posted it sorry. I was pretty shook up and should've went about it differently. I think you did the right thing, thanks Vindicator. I will take you up on the pinging recommendation.

Shizy ago

So was he menacing people and children in the home, and then shot a cop? Or is the story bs to justify going after him? If it's the former, well that's kinda what happens when you try to shoot at a cop for no reason. If it's the latter, well then this is scary and I hope he's ok

Are_we__sure ago

So William Shelton Jr. is Kevin Flynn? Kevin Flynn is his online name?

And this does not sound like a swatting. The original caller to 911 later spoke to the grand jury which cleared both officers

On Wednesday, the grand jury heard testimony from police who investigated the shooting, officers on scene at the time of the shooting, the officers directly involved, and the original 911 caller. The case was presented by Chief Deputy District Attorney Jeremy Markiewicz. The jury deliberated for about 10 minutes before deciding the officer was fully justified in using force.

The incident began when 911 dispatch received a call from a man saying he and another person had been threatened by a man with a gun near 1039 Garfield St., an area that is home to several duplexes with addresses ranging from 1039 to 1061, the D.A.’s Office said in a release.

While Medford police responded, the caller told dispatch he heard a gunshot come from the area where he had been threatened. Police tracked the rifle-wielding suspect, later identified as Shelton, to 1057 Garfield St., according to a probable cause affidavit. Officers on scene contacted Shelton, who refused to come outside.

“Mr. Shelton was communicating with dispatch and officers that he would protect his children and wife who were still in the residence and complete the mission given him by God,” the D.A.’s release said.

At 2:09 p.m., Shelton went out the back door, fired a shot and said, “Warning shot ... bitches,” the release said.

Pickens and Bridges were positioned at the rear of the complex. Shelton reportedly saw them and turned toward them with his gun aimed at them. Pickens fired a single round from his rifle and struck Shelton in the upper chest.

“Both officers were wearing body cameras, but the visual recording is blocked due to the cover the officers were taking, however, the audio was unaffected,” the release said.

Shelton then reportedly retreated back inside the home, still holding the gun, yelling something at the officers as he went through the back door. Another shot was fired inside the residence, the D.A.’s release said.

Shelton surrendered at about 2:15 p.m., the affidavit states. He was transported to Asante Rogue Regional Medical Center for treatment. Police lodged him in the Jackson County Jail on April 1. He remains there on $1 million bail, according to jail records. He was arraigned on six counts of attempted first-degree assault and three counts of unlawful use of a weapon, court records show. His next court date is scheduled for April 9.

Gothamgirl ago

On the county clerk website it says 1 million bail.

Are_we__sure ago

I assume this is him and it also confirms my other question.

So William Shelton Jr. is Kevin Flynn? Kevin Flynn is his online name?

Gothamgirl ago

He has many online names but that is one.

duhiki ago

Date of article is April 3; any update?

sore_ass_losers ago

To me YouTube videos like his are propaganda. I'd rather read something, with links.

Gothamgirl ago

It was a puzzle that spanned a few websites that was only one of his channels, plus he does have his research added in the description.

YogSoggoth ago

All my best. He was not tactful from what I could gather. Could happen to anyone here.

YogSoggoth ago

All my best. He was not tactful from what I can gather.

Gothamgirl ago

Check out the 2nd half of this video. He has had conversations with Jimmy Comet:

Gothamgirl ago

This is suspect.

The cop who shot him is named Tim Pickens.

Not sure this is him on the website, but found it strange that Flynn was touching on this very subject in February 2018.

Tim Pickens is an entrepreneur, inventor, innovator, engineer and educator. His business, Pickens Innovations, specializes in commercial space, technical product development and solutions, and business consulting and strategy for space and technical companies. He is known for applying a lean philosophy to develop creative solutions and innovative partnerships to provide responsive, low-cost products and services for government and private industry.

Pickens’ 25+ years of experience in the aerospace industry, specializing in the design, fabrication and testing of propulsion hardware systems, has earned him a reputation as one of the industry’s leaders in these areas.

Early in his career, Pickens served as propulsion lead for Scaled Composites on SpaceShipOne, winner of the $10 million Ansari X Prize. He also worked for small hardware-rich aerospace companies in Huntsville.

A serial entrepreneur, Pickens founded Orion Propulsion, a Huntsville aerospace company, in 2004 and sold it to Dynetics in 2009 after growing it to a 40-employee, $6.4 million business. Within five years, Orion had received multiple Small Business awards and become AS9100-certified to build man-rated flight hardware.

Pickens served as Commercial Space Advisor and Chief Propulsion Engineer for Huntsville-based Dynetics and as Vice President of Propulsion for Moon Express, a privately funded lunar transportation and data services company.

Popular for his inspiring, genuine and humorous speaking style, Pickens is recruited to give presentations at business, space and motivational conferences all over the country. He has also been featured in national media for his inventions and innovative accomplishments...

Flynns post with pdf on antigravity.

Are_we__sure ago

That sounds very unlike a police officer.

crunchyCookie1 ago

I looked it up on the Oregon system and Officer Pickens has been an active police officer since 2006.

Gothamgirl ago

The cop who shot him is on the left here.

Body cams were blocked, they state only audio recordings of incident.

wincraft71 ago

Now I'm mad that I didn't know v/PizzagateNoMod was a thing until now.

darkknight111 ago

Have a feeling he was swatted.

Maybe we should dig into the "skeletons in the closet" of every officer involved in that shooting as a message.

DrPenguin ago

Be careful with the dox.

Gothamgirl ago

I wouldn't have shared this but it was already posted on youtube.

Gothamgirl ago

His last message to me predicted this:

And he shared this with me the same day.

pizza-party-pooper-2 ago

Around the 14:00 mark, the video suggest that Podesta basically has fathered Bennington and this Austin shooter and both were "disposable". Shooter probably MK Ultra'd. THis is incredible! MUST WATCH THIS VIDEO

Gothamgirl ago

Yes his research skills are far advanced then anyone I know or meet thus far.

His bail is a million dollars.

pizza-party-pooper-2 ago

That is shameful. They are using this as a warning I think. Time for heavy prayer.

CowWithBeef ago

Jesus you might get questioned by the police. Don't talk to them without a lawyer, you don't have perfect knowledge of the law.

Chempergrill ago


telleveryoneyouknow ago

Sounds like he follows the bushido code.

CAPTURE is NOT an option!

dooob ago

Did the officers havebodycams?

Gothamgirl ago

I surely don't know.

toutedesuite ago

Prayers are needed very badly by all of us right now.

FortniteBlitzkrieg ago

He seems like he has more than a screw loose based on the incoherent content he produces:

Why are you heartbroken? Are you under the presumption that he was doing nothing wrong and they shot him for no reason?

Warnos44 ago

What in this video indicates he has a screw loose?

dooob ago


Gothamgirl ago

There is nothing incoherent about his work at all. He is one of the best researchers pizzagate has. I only shared a small portion of his work.

He is like my best friend, thats why I care. I didn't presume anything about the situation at all, I wasn't there.

Z11Mama ago

Thanks for standing up for a PG researcher. Only those of us who do this really get it. He deserves support, whatever happened.

Arrvee ago

The next question is, was he actually menacing anybody or did someone swat him?

Are_we__sure ago

The 911 caller testified to a grand jury

On Wednesday, the grand jury heard testimony from police who investigated the shooting, officers on scene at the time of the shooting, the officers directly involved, and the original 911 caller.

Gothamgirl ago

Check his youtube channel he exposed it all.

pizza-party-pooper-2 ago

Holy Crap! True that. Great channel. Needs to be offline archived. Seriously if you haven't watched, you must watch Please listen on his channel. He was SERIOUSLY onto something. They needed him quiet!

Gothamgirl ago

He has a 2nd youtube channel #FAKENEWS JONES

cyberg007 ago

Wow this is too close to home. i live 20 mins from where this happened

Arrvee ago

If you have any friends in the force, ask what happened and get back to us.

Earthbalance2 ago

Followed Kevin on gab. I hope he is ok.

zyklon_b ago

His name was Kevin Flynn.

Lord_Voldevoat ago

He isn't dead and he will survive you faggot. What's wrong with you.

I wish him all the best :(