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quantokitty ago

Great post.

Very depressing, sickening, and, unfortunately, the truth. It's why we're all here, battling to be heard. I will repeat again, "GET INVOLVED"! That means on any level you can. Run for community boards, volunteer for charities, start a petition to strike down proposed legislation that would be detrimental to children being human trafficked.

If all you can do is post here, then so be it, but The Cannibal Elite got to where they are by people working for them at the grassroots level. Think about it and act accordingly.

wakemeupwhenitsover ago

I know of several psychiatrists involved in child trafficking involving CPS. They have private practices and also do work for CPS.

Several are "famous" and appear on television regularly.

mooteensy ago

Couldn't have said it better myself. Of course this is the worst case scenario type of shit I don't want to think about, but that doesn't make it less prevalent. Ugh.

quantokitty ago

Yes, it is the worst case, but the fact it goes on at all is so disturbing. And some of these cases, you have to think it was purposefully done. Otherwise, how would a known pedo even be on the "safe" list of those approved for fostering children?