2impendingdoom ago

If the Russians know who killed SR, what do they have to lose to reveal the truth? If this experienced serial killer assassin is Russian, how did that help Trump win the election? Wasn't SR's murder before the primaries were over and no one knew at that time that Trump would be the RNC candidate. Or even that HRC would be the candidate? (is that timeline right?) Seth Rich must have also known about voting machine tampering. Seems that if the Russians wanted HRC to lose, how would killing SR help them?

I don't for a minute believe that the Russians had anything to do with either killing Seth Rich or tampering with the election. Maybe Russians do know, because of their spying capabilities (a recent wiki revelation) and this is a call out to Putin to tell the truth.

Are_we_sure ago

He was killed in July. Both nominees were selected by then. The DNC went public with details of hack a month before he died.

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

Wrong. He died July 10th -the Democratic Convention wasn't until July 25th.

RweSure ago

Yes, and the primaries were over and we knew who the nominee was going to be. July 10th is a month after Clinton secured the nomination. Trump became the nominee in late May.

Are you making some technical point or did you forget about the primaries.

quantokitty ago

Maybe Russians do know, because of their spying capabilities (a recent wiki revelation) and this is a call out to Putin to tell the truth.

If that's what he's doing, it makes sense. It's the only way it does make sense.

carmencita ago

Whoa What Down Voating. We have hit the nail on the head again! @quantokitty

quantokitty ago

Is it being downVoated? Interesting. Love pushback. :)

carmencita ago

I know. Almost all got down voated.

Gothamgirl ago

Someday it will come out and I think its worse then anyone could've ever thought.

quantokitty ago

To get SR killed it would almost have to be.

WTH was going on that we haven't already heard?

Gothamgirl ago

I have an idea, I believe I tagged you on about the killer, but I am awaiting confirmation from someone in prison, which may take some time. I have made connections, that really seem unbelievable, but after seeing the whole picture of it all maybe not.

BIGLY17 ago

Keep us posted. Many interested lurkers/behind the scene participants who are present here :)

quantokitty ago

Well, you've got one hell of a story if everything is confirmed.

Good luck on your sources coming through.

2impendingdoom ago

Oh, this sounds juicy! please add me to the phone tree!

carmencita ago

“The independent investigation of the Seth Rich murder enters its most important and most probative phase yet. This has become personal and I will get to the bottom of this no matter the cost.” WHAT? Does he have a bottomless pit of money? Who is paying for this? I smell a rat. We know the DNC is behind this, Right? Here we go MUH RUSSIA again. Who is it that is pushing the Russia Narrative? Hmm, I Wonder.

JimmyLionstar1 ago

Here we go MUH RUSSIA again. Who is it that is pushing the Russia Narrative? Hmm, I Wonder

Hillary going to contest the election, CNN will break that Muller investigation has evidence of Russia collusion in the election.

Like that CIA op would work, everyone hates Hillary. They have to go this way now. B/q Collusion is NOT a federal crime. So they can´t impeach Trump on that so..they have to contest the election to win back the white house for the Deep State. It also fit that she is out on a book tour trying to explain "What happened".

carmencita ago

If she does that there will be riots in the streets. I will be the first one.

JimmyLionstar1 ago

Just saw a interview wit Rob Reiner on Tucker talking about the Russia's invasion of our democracy. In this interview Rob say´s this.

  • This is not about Trump. What ever happens to him, is going to happen to him. There is already a investigation, Muller is gong to find what he finds.

  • The weaponizing of E-mail.

He also goes into that the Russians tried to effect the election.

Same narrative...


carmencita ago

Who is Reiner kidding? Not me. He is all about trying to take down Trump. He is a perverted pedo as well. I wonder what his father was up to all those years. He is running his mouth about Russia. He should barrow Bill Clinton's Bull Horn.

JimmyLionstar1 ago

I made a new post on this subject


TippyHome ago

Remember on here in pg, it was revealed about all the horrible things Carl did to rob when rob was growing up? I have always hated meathead, but,it is sad what he was subjected to. But, because he had so much bad happen to him, makes sense he would want to see/have other children tortured, abused and murdered. It's all he has ever known, so, wouldn't think anything of doing it to the subsequent generations. He is one sick creep, just like his father.

quantokitty ago

Yes, yes, and yes!!!

Russia certainly isn't pushing it. Neither are the alt-right. It leaves .... who? Oh, yeah! Alt-lefters and their programmers!

It makes no sense that this would be geared to the Russian community ... none ... zero ... zilch ... if it were a true investigation.

TippyHome ago

Remember Fbianon, said the deep state wants to vilify Russia because they want to get their hooks on all those natural resources. If they can start a war with them, then, bingo, just like the oil in the ME. Plus, trying to cancel out the last white, Christian nation with very low Muslim population. Then they can move them in in a war situation. Win, win, win and win. Sometimes you have to go back and read what he said about Russia and how they play into this story, beyond the Trump narrative.

carmencita ago

Another attempt to vilify another Community so that we can hate them too. Pile it on. I will not fall in line.

quantokitty ago

Me, neither.