R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

She already did. The electoral votes were done not once but twice in an effort to steal the election. It failed with her losing an additional two votes.

Geo_synchronous ago

Hey Wicked Witch of Washington. YOU LOST. Deal with it. The winner gets the Oval Office The loser gets Costco's toilet paper isle. BAM !

EricKaliberhall ago

JimmyLionstar1 ago

HRC is a Deep state puppet. But yes they are desperate. They are getting a lot of light on them now... If they can´t remove Trump they will hang.

Get ready for false flags etc..

"when you corner a wild animal, they will always attack"

Snailracer ago

As much as Democrats hate Trump, I think they would like her to retire from politics, but won't say so. Her book is as far as she will get in trying to stage a coup.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

Agree with this. The high priestess has become a laughingstock. You'd think that would be a good thing, but it's not. She is replaceable. Someone else will be propped up to take her place, only this one won't be near the doddering fool. The left will learn from their mistakes, guys.

LA_Trump ago

Read my thread about this. Trump declaring war on NFL and NBA is because Hillary will cntest election. He’s claiming the moral high ground so HRC can’t turn this into a race war.

JimmyLionstar1 ago

Can´t find your post. Could you add a link.

Thanks @LA_Trump , i really want to read it.

LA_Trump ago

The thread was deleted but I found it. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2134031

Gothamgirl ago

They definitely won the "sore loser" award. I don't think I could ever vote democrat again, after a year of these petty tantrums. Hillary and the Awan situation is continuing to tarnish what little stability the Democrats had left. Why this serial killer still roams the street escapes me.

merica_fk_yeah ago

Contest what?! we already know that the fraud perpetrated by her and the DNC not only existed in almost every state and county but there are seven plus dead lawyers and DNC workers connected to this nasty cunt. Lock her ass up already!!!

JimmyLionstar1 ago

I agree, Lock her the F**k up!

I hope i am wrong, but i think this is the plot that the Deep State is going to use.


roflmao oh is it? They are real characters those deep state agents.

carmencita ago

The longer the time, the harder it seems for them to believe that she and they lost.

derram ago

https://archive.fo/Dg5Hc :

Clinton won't rule out questioning legitimacy of election | TheHill

https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=l87XD5UeUy4YouTube | https://www.hooktube.com/embed/l87XD5UeUy4YouTube :

Tucker v Rob Reiner: Russia's invasion of our democracy - YouTube

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carmencita ago

It is always hard to know WHAT she will do. I would not put it past her. Put nothing past the either one of them.