JimmyLionstar1 ago

The only thing Hillary Clinton will be running for in 2020.

Is for being the lunch lady on cell block 3 :D

SterlingJB ago

Even Hillary can't be this cruel to have the American pop suffer through another muddy the water campaign, well, actually maybe she could.

GhostOfSwartz ago

Lol. Truth.

LA_Trump ago

Trump will be running basically unopposed in 2020, as an independent or a new party.

GhostOfSwartz ago

Yeah but I just don't think it would be as fun as the first time. But I will enjoy seeing the pundits day after day tell us Trump's poll numbers are zero and then watch them melt on election night again. Ooooh that was fun!

cantsleepawink ago

I know right? I never usually gamble but the odds were too good to pass up. It was lovely watching the melt down. Epic TV.

GhostOfSwartz ago

Sorry to keep you waiting folks, complicated business. Epic.

EricKaliberhall ago

Hahaha, Weekend at Bernie's 2...

independenceday ago

I highly doubt she'll be alive by 2020...she could barely stand in 2016.

GumShoe ago

Yes! Puhleeeease let her run again......

Jobew1 ago

she's "shot." can u imagine the head shaking and 'mini stroke'/brain fog stares and zoning out she would be doing campaigning in 4 years? this is just hrc tryin to feed her pride a few more last times.

RweSure ago

People pay attention to what Kimberly Guilfoyle thinks?

It's 2017. 2020 is a long way off.

LA_Trump ago

KG is a huge part of all of this, because she has knowledge of the inner circles on both sides.

RweSure ago

both sides? What inner circles and how does she have this knowledge.

LA_Trump ago

KG is the bridge between San Francisco and New York.

EricKaliberhall ago


EricKaliberhall ago

I pay attention to what Kimberly Guilfoyle thinks. 2020 is a long way off, true. I'm just underlining how out of touch the Clinton crime family is and how fucking insane Hillary truly are...

Are_we_sure ago

out of touch and insane?

and you're basing that on the opinion of Anthony Scaramucci's mistress?

EricKaliberhall ago

No that's from The Mooch himself. He learnt heaps during his 4 days at the White House...

carmencita ago

Well, she may think she is campaigning, but HRC is driving herself deeper into the ground with every appearance. People will hate her even more by the time she decides to run (if that is what she is planning). There is NO way as a Dem that I will be voting for her. NO way. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!!! Hillary!!! We Are So Over You.

GhostOfSwartz ago

I'm not a Dem but curious as to who you are looking at for 2020. If I were a Dem I'd be pushing Tulsi Gabbard. Not that the establishment would let her in. Then again they fought Trump yet here he is.

carmencita ago

I had great hopes for Tulsi, but many months ago I remember her being mentioned on here has involved with the Hawaii end of this whole mess we are researching. Now, there was never anything really verified, but I am holding off until she says she is running. I saw her while she was traveling around for Bernie Sanders and had to travel a piece to see her and she is a powerful speaker. So are many others. I am still holding out for Bernie, and I think he is going to run. There is a huge push forward for him to do so. But who knows what will happen by then. I think there were a couple of people exposed that were on board with Bernie, you know people that were jumping on his Bandwagon but I have always thought they were trying to infiltrate in case he won. But again, I am not bad mouthing any of them unless they are seriously outed. There are many that will try to dump any upcoming candidate for many reasons, one being the Golden Ticket To Global Ownership.

GhostOfSwartz ago

Oh I didn't see the Tulsi link. If you find it please share. Thanks! I'm just particularly fond of her Syria stance and seems like an honest (if any politician can be lol) politician.

carmencita ago

I highly agree, and am, like I said, holding my thoughts and just not making a decision. I have always hoped if he runs he would pick her as VP choice. I agree with your Syria stance.

derram ago

https://hooktube.com/watch?v=i9_ykRRb3ME :

Kimberly Guilfoyle on pricey Hillary Clinton book tour: This is campaigning! Cashola and campaigning - YouTube

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