Ushil ago

The logo definitely looks suspicious:

I can't find the review back, what did it say?

GeorgeT ago

Not if Trey Gowdy gets in, together with Sessions (and their boss - Donald) can actually drain the swamp and the horrible aligators and all the slimy critters in it - a la Ben Garisson cartoon pic posted here (to great applause). But if he appoints say cross dresser Giuliani than we'll know it's all fake.

Breadleaf ago

it is so fucking sad to see so many people being derailed by this unsubstantiated lead. get your heads out if your asses there is not one thing weird about this except one review by an adult so quit speculating so hard about this thread that has a suspicious amount of likes for a pizzagate thread

Hall_of_Cost ago

Man, I searched their entire FB photos' commentors and likers. Found absolutely nothing. This lead was a bust, IMO.

Exern ago

It's pretty messed up that 8chan is one of the last ones to not mass delete everything considering they have a sub-forum called /younglove/.

DeathTooMasons ago

He is not a very good info source. Bill Cooper exposed him as a fraud back at Y2K. You sound foolish and slow on the upkeep. Anybody that has been red pilled know that it is a given that AJ is a shill and a gate keeper.

DeathTooMasons ago

Voat is a joke so you slipping in that Voat is one of the last refuges, is a laugher. Vindicator and Millenial Falcon call 9/11 inside job conspiracy and Sandy Hook Hoax, far out conspiracy theories. When I asked how they could think that when they think there is a satanic establishemnt pedophile ring, one of them answered, "I never said that". This place is a joke and it's not funny. But thumbs up on your thread otherwise. By the way, abortionburger is still gone and can still go to hell.

GeorgeT ago

I was willing to forgive him everything, after all he wants to live (Monica Petersen, Andre Brietbart, Seth Rich ....) but apologizing to that demon is where drew the line. I unsubed him immediately and I never click on his vids. I have been his loyal fan since 2002. He came a long way from his End Game (I have a copy). As Trump would say - sad.

DeathTooMasons ago

You needed this event to dump AJ? You must be a casual thinker.

GeorgeT ago

Or I must be desparate for hope, that even a blatent cointelpro would do!

GeorgeT ago

It bears similarities to Saville and Dutreux case - make an example of a few medium league scapegoats, leave the fat cats alone

GeorgeT ago

PG was a conspiracy that was made for Alex Jones - but he has exposed himself as a shill. With regards to 9-11 he did a complete 180. When he had Trump on his show just before the primaries - Alex humored Trump on his ability to forsee in 2000 how Bin Laden would attack US! When I listened to that interview I sprayed my coffee all over the keyboard, I thought - are we back to this again!!! So we went from inside job (100% inside job - Bldg-7 case closed) back to the Arab terrorists. And now he has publicly apologized to American-pedo-psycho.

remedy4reality ago

will you be fucking off soon ?

pbvrocks ago

STAY ON THIS..just a quick goole search in my town brings up several VERY shady pediatric dentistry groups...a further search adding the key words "catholic charities" brings up the ones that look the shadiest. Free "sedation" dentistry for kids? Isn't this the perfect op to rape or MKUltra kiddos? Well done whoever dug this up! UPVOTE!

HawkeIronsides ago

I don't think the same doctor being listed as staff at multiple offices is too strange. It's common practice for dentists Rio wish for multiple offices if they don't have their own practice.

That comment though......

GeorgeT ago

In Portugal recently Casa Pia scandal concluded after 5 year trial that led to sentencing among other politicians and celebrities - a UNESCO ambassador!

GeorgeT ago

And the luciferians alway like to put out in our face - see Sinfeld Episode where Jerry Gets sexually abused by a pervert Dentist and his assistant. Disturbing episode out of synch with the core of the show.

remedy4reality ago

Watley !!

IsItArt ago

@ArthurEdens Isn't Alaska where the owl abductions took place (mkultra)? It's also the location of HAARP. Tyler tapes hypnotherapy sessions with three patients who have the same experience: every night a white owl stares at them through their windows. Tyler hypnotizes two of them, and both recount similar terrifying stories of creatures attempting to enter their homes. Tommy Fisher (Corey Johnson), her first patient to go under hypnosis, refuses to admit what he sees and returns home. Later that night, Abbey is called by the police to Tommy's house, where she finds him holding his wife and their two children at gunpoint. He insists that he remembers everything and keeps asking what "Zimabu Eter" means. Despite Abbey's attempts to get Tommy to put his gun down, he shoots his family and turns the gun on himself.

After hearing the similarities in the accounts of nightly occurrences, Abbey suspects these patients may have been victims of a non-human kidnapping. There is evidence that she herself may have been abducted, when an Assistant gives her a tape recorder, which plays her voice and the sound of something with a distorted electronic voice entering her home and attacking her. It speaks in an unknown tongue; Abbey, though, has no memory of it. Dr. Abel Campos (Elias Koteas), a colleague from Anchorage, is suspicious of the claims. Later, Tyler calls upon Dr. Awolowa Odusami (Hakeem Kae-Kazim), a specialist in ancient languages who was a contact of her late husband, to identify the mysterious language on the tape. Odusami identifies it as Sumerian.

Phenomenonanon ago

I saw it on new

YingYangMom ago

Now Op has been banned from Voat too...

lorlipone ago

3 locations within five miles of eachother? I can only find the one, on Tudor, which is NOT a Ghetto of Anchorage.

Any info on the other two? I'm assuming if only one shows up on google at this point, the other two were much more likely the sites of anything nefarious.

Devious1 ago

Pharmas and stuff, still don't get it...

Vindicator ago

@IDeliverPizza, it's possible the banning and scrubbing is due to legal action the dental place took after they became a focus previously. Few site owners are willing to undergo a defamation lawsuit.

lorlipone ago

I live in Anchorage, want me to go check it out? I could actually use some dental work too. It'd be funny, if they refused me for whatever reason.

NeoGoat ago

I just popped onto this thread and have only read what is above, but it doesn't sound like a safe place to g o. Are you about to die from other causes?

Devious1 ago

Don't forget epsteins dentist chair in his apartment, also the pic of the kid that was floating around with teeth missing and blood coming out there mouth.

ArthurEdens ago

And you can steer a ship north over the top and make stops at greenland, iceland, eastern canada, east usa, and europe and it's all in international waters, no risk of getting stopped driving cross country

spezSentMe ago

This shit is fucking beyond crazy with this fucking crazy shit. The world has gone completely mental!

Lobotomy ago

Can you try being less fucking cancer, OP? I don't give a shit about anything you're saying, because your autism simply eclipses it.

Schweiz ago

WOW. That fucking police badge. That shit made my blood boil.

FE_Rebekah ago

Remind me again why your username is "IDeliverPizza"?

SecularPenguinist ago

4chan is compromised. You should be using 8chan

Pizzalawyer ago

Please see my comments in response to your moderator setforth in the latest posting by NeverHillary. This deserves further investigation.

Nobody27 ago

Ya i vet instaban on one i found, look up vancouver hooker game. Its about human trafficking celebs polititions involved and many orphanages that are involved exposing children. I get insta ban as soon as i submit link to anything about it. Before it would last an hour on glp then banned after a while they must figure ur ip and insta ban on submit.

Nobody27 ago

RedPillEh ago

new thread up get in here bitchez

DabbaDan ago

I have no idea what... I dunno. If it's a code or something, I'm not that vested in anything here. Casual observer. You're either going to have to solve the puzzle for me or infograph that shit for me to absorb. Especially tonight, ooo wee.

Joe10jo ago

Maybe it's a glitch or something because it's raining where I live and that's when Comcast connection is horrible, but I know for a fact that I've upvoated this and the other posts regarding the Alaska dental office only for my upvoat to be removed, i.e. my upvoat brought the tally to 53; a few seconds to a minute later my blue indicator isn't there and the tally's been brought back down to 51.

carmencita ago*********There is a pic on here with what looks like a black boy and his sister? Is this the one? @YingYangMom

YingYangMom ago

Yes, that's them. The pictures were added later, but fortunately, the original thread was archived before it was taken down and they show up there along with the map. Take a look

P.S. I had pinged you to a couple comments, one which held this archive, but it seems you didn't receive them. I didn't get your ping either, I noticed it while I was reading through the comment section just now. Weird.

carmencita ago

Yeah, I noticed that. I agree very weird.

mooteensy ago

@carmencita @YingYangMom Thanks guys!!! Great work & much appreciated.

YingYangMom ago


carmencita ago


GeorgeT ago

The G is a classic pedo logo - in fact carbon copy of the the template logo as posted on 2007 FBI page - declassified pedo logos. Just inward swirl part has been truncated (short) - nice try - classic Pedophile logo just as it was on Besta Pizza (before being changed) !

fartyshorts ago

Archive of said thread:

We've talked about that place before. Hm.

OldTree ago

In the back of that building there is a "Nova Aesthetic Medicine and SkinSpa" (closed permanently) They have (had)an interesting logo. As does "Nova Eye Care" right down the street.

Littleredcorvette ago

Nova is also a very similar name Novato, ca. Which is in Marin county where the coroner was recently arrested. Close to Napa. I believe that thread was deleted where someone posted the story.

YingYangMom ago

Teeth, skin, eyes... Sounds like they could be harvesting, corneas, DNA, stem cells, etc, from corpses that have been scrubbed of their organs already, (sort of like a terminal station), to then send the remains to their final destination (to be cremated).

GeorgeT ago

I saw a youtube documentary (do not watch, trust me) about a 6 year old boy in China who got blinded by a woman who drugged him and gauged his eyes out - cornea harvesting in Asia is big - and it is global! Very disturbing video - I got sick, literally!

YingYangMom ago

This is absolutely evil :(

GeorgeT ago

That ping-pong Psycho guy is into all of it - including cannibalism. The sickest twisted freak I ever saw. (Fu$& Alex Jones after what he did)

carmencita ago

That whole area is suspect. An eye, a swirl, crematorium, next to a police station. Nah move on along.

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

Nothing to see here ..

redditsuckz ago

So if there is anything here the dentists place would extract all the teeth then take the body to the crematorium.

This place was brought up a few months ago I think on 4chan and the threads on it were also deleted.

carmencita ago

We research a lot of things at the beginning, the point being that is how we arrive at our results. This story certainly pointed towards credible clues to warrant for research. It is up to each person to decide I guess. Some just cannot see the forest through the trees and Some are sticklers when it comes to rules, at the expense of the children. Very unfortunate. There is a reason it was deleted, with speed. Quickly. Twice. Whoever deleted it, is the cause of our suspicion. That is what happens when you pull or scrub something that warrants investigation.

BumbleTummy ago

The Chrome extension "Capture Page" will output the entire length of a webpage as a PNG file.

Save, save, save

rastrodetortuga ago

Use twitter. Use youtube. Use vimeo. etc...

Drive people to the info or drive the info to people.

IDeliverPizza ago

twitter is shutting me down. I cant get this to youtube.

WaterT ago

I hope something comes of this, the quick reaction time makes me think they caught onto something.

Piscina ago

I would give you ten upvotes if I could.

Piscina ago

The rate of people reported missing in Alaska is almost twice the national average. Alaska has the highest percentage of missing people who are never found. So many missing indigenous women and girls that CBC did a special investigation. The cases points to suspicious circumstances and other factors that suggest further investigation is warranted. Many advocates for missing and murdered Indigenous women say these are exactly the kinds of cases requiring further scrutiny in a national inquiry. Police say that there is no foul play, even when evidence suggests otherwise. In every case, families of the women say they do not accept the findings of police. They suggest murder may be involved. Sex trafficking in Alaska is HUGE. People ask fewer questions when the dead and the missing are indigenous.


DeathTooMasons ago

"Investigation is warranted" ...By who? The FBI? haha! The Canadian mounties? Is the establishment covering this up or trying to stop it? Does it not sink in eventually that the entire system is in on it? Yeah, maybe the cops or special investigators will end this.

MolochHunter ago

frozen pizza shudders

YingYangMom ago

Alaska = Wild Wild West.

PGTAway818949 ago

look into fairview elementary. They did an event there for family night on 10/20/2016.

Jem777 ago

Don't want to burst any bubbles but GLP is a government run organization. They purposely allow conspiracy theorists (which is a term that was created) to run so they can steer thought and take hold of any truth being revealed. There are known topics that would get an automatic ban. Known locations most do not know about. If they are banning & scrubbing 4chan & GLP over this you know there is literally no steering room. You are white hot on the target.

DeathTooMasons ago


GeorgeT ago

Topic that gets automatic ban in tweeter is NCMEC - Brian Podesta in the same sentence!

equineluvr ago

Yes. Anyone disclosing how the JEWS are in this up to their eyeballs gets BANNED from GLP.

Hall_of_Cost ago

Sina Sena Ultradent Alaska looks like the person/company supplying their lasers. I've scoured every bit of their photos' likes and comments and haven't found anything out of the ordinary. Other than this blonde lady "Sina Sena Ultradent Alaska" who likes more of their photos than any other person, but that could be because she does business with them. IDK guys I think the photo association search is a bust, but at least we know that avenue has been searched, feel free to double check me, two heads are better than one.

Edit: I'm still searching the photos, just not feeling lucky on this venture. Good luck, stay safe.

WaterT ago

I checked through the FB photos and besides maybe kids looking a bit drugged up (which if it's post operation and they're just taking a picture for FB is reasonable) holding signs with dental puns. They're didn't seem to be anything put of the ordinary. I'll check Instagram next

Edit Dr. Erik Hanson V. Is a surgeon in Mexico that is liking their photos on Instagram. He's posted some pretty graphic images.

carmencita ago

Yes those pics were pretty graphic and I noticed he had a lot of trip photos that involved foreign children. The photos of the operations were pretty gross.

undertheshills ago

Is there a hashtag?

IDeliverPizza ago




Hall_of_Cost ago

How do I screen cap in windows 10? I'm using Opera. I'm sorry, but I just got a computer for the first time since 2011. I've been on mobile this whole time until recently.

I want to point out that I haven't found anything out of the ordinary. Almost nobody comments on their photos and almost nobody likes them. I'm still checking every single person, though. Wish me luck and I did do a search on how to screen cap but it doesn't work. It's an HP notebook.

helpingabit12 ago

Click windows button and type:

snipping tool

Hall_of_Cost ago

Thanks I'll try that when I get back to my laptop.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

There are also methods of "Fast capture" using Photoshop... dump "Print Screen" captures via ctrl + v into a Photoshop PSD that matches your desktop resolution. Or... identify a nice plugin on Chrome to do the screen caps for you.

Keep using Windows. Macs are for leftist hipsters who have reduced their coffee/mustache wax budgets just* enough to wait in line to get their next overpriced piece of disposable hardware.

malaki_titi ago

Use the snipping tool. Also stop using Windows

Hall_of_Cost ago

I'm not good with computers anyway. May as well learn Linux instead of windows at this point.

ThePedoHunter ago

Jesus dude - use Fn + Print Screen, or use the windows snipping tool or downliad snag it

Hall_of_Cost ago

I tried that, maybe it's working and I don't know where to find it. Sorry guys! I wish I was better with computers. I'll watch some YouTube videos, fuck it.

SpaceCpt ago

This is late and I'm sure you've figured it out by now but if you want to use the PrntScreen button on your keyboard you usually don't even have to hit 'fn' first, just click prnt screen button, open windows paint, type ctrl + v (or right click and paste) it will paste your entire desktop, then you can hit the selection tool in paint, highlight what you want, ctrl + c to copy what you selected, open a new paint window, ctrl + v and now you have your print screen without the rest of your desktop in the picture.

I guess my way is really more of a long way :P

Hall_of_Cost ago

This is going to sound retarded, but nothing worked. Not even your way. I've googled and tried so many things now, and it's really irritating because after I got the computer I was like, "Sweet! Now I can share things I find on VOAT!"

But, no, I think I'll have to get that snipping tool some other folks suggested.

SpaceCpt ago

Odd my home PC is Win 10 too, is yours the new "S" version? I would offer to team view you and see if I could make it work but who the hell is going to let a stranger take over their PC.

Do you get any sort of error messages or just nothing at all?

Hall_of_Cost ago

Nothing at all, I'm using Opera as a browser but that shouldn't matter, would it? I'll check to see if it's the new S one.

GokJamal ago

Pedophile fucks must be getting scared.

Tanngrisnir ago

I'm trying to find out who their supposed supplier is for their implants which they talk about on their site. It could potentially tell us a lot.

Hall_of_Cost ago

I'm on their FB right now. Looking through the photos and checking out user profiles who comment. I'll report back if anything catches my eye.

Silverlining ago

Don't forget to archive!

malaki_titi ago

My appointment started at 3pm and i didn't leave until almost 1 in the morning! They INSISTED on doing work I didn't want done until i gave in. At one point I started crying and telling them to call my fiance to pick me up, so they INSISTED I let them put me under so i wouldn't feel anything. I woke up that morning in my bed with blood all over my face and no clue what happened. Turned out, they didn't even let me wake up from anesthesia before having my fiance take me home. THEY DIDN'T EVEN GIVE ME GAUZE! I strongly recommend you find a better dentist to go to

Holy shit! There is absolutely no way that this review isn't code for something else

Hopevoats ago

This is more common than you would think. "dentist arrested for sexual assault:

A lot of doctors are sociopaths. They say that it helps to be one, because of the things they have to do. Combine that with a culture with so little disregard for their fellow humans that they are known for shipping them overseas in containers, and you've got a prescription for evil.

2impendingdoom ago

did they assault her while under anesthesia/sex video? that is my first guess.

kestrel9 ago

Code for 'Check and make sure you still have 2 kidneys'

kazza64 ago

stem cell ? epstein had a dentists chair on his island

GeorgeT ago

My thought too (which I also posted)

RebelSkum ago

Lolwut, that sounds like a bad organ harvest story or something. Really bizarre.

IDeliverPizza ago

10 hour dental appointment??????? HMMMMMM


YingYangMom ago


HawkeIronsides ago

When Alefantis created an account here on voat and started commenting, want his username something about birdeyez?

GeorgeT ago

I am sure I must have been shilled by him or his buddies - I mentioned Jimmy Saville and I got this dossier on Saville that looked way too professional - and desperate.

YingYangMom ago

I thought it was Millenial Falcon's second account because of the bird and the strong eye view of falcons.

HawkeIronsides ago

IIRC, their post and sentence composition didn't seem to match.

YingYangMom ago

You're right. Anyway, it was just a suspicion, with nothing to support it, really.

Truthseeker3000 ago

It was birdzeyeview I think and I thought it was JA because his Pegasus museum has that top lookout point with a view of the playground and surrounding areas like a birds eye view. Meaning he sees everything. Remember that google shot of the guy in the top lookout?! I haven't seen any posts of his for a while though.

YingYangMom ago

So you thought "Eye View" = "Alefantis Pegasus Tower" . I Thought "Bird's Eye" = "Falcon" LOL . Both make sense, really.

jangles ago

Atlantic Pediatric Dentistry Little Silver Excellent Five Star Review @HawkeIronsides your comment above brought me to this...

srayzie ago

How do you know that's him?

HawkeIronsides ago

I don't know it's him. Back when he was posting, there was strong consensus that he was Alefantis based on the way he worded his posts and the timing of his arrival.

srayzie ago

Oh ok

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

Did we see Birdzeye and PGIz in the same room at the same time, so to speak?

NeoGoat ago


HawkeIronsides ago

Published in 2005 with only 9 views and at least 1 of those views cane from you.

It's odd that they choose this comment to make a you tube video and they haven't posted any other videos.

Pizzalawyer ago

Is that crematorium licensed? Be sure to archive everything you find. Great job.

Gorillion ago

Pedos aggressively infiltrate systems that have the purpose of keeping track of and exposing pedos. So I presume that 4chan has some well positioned pedos nixing anything that may have some real value to it, while letting the more wild speculations slip through. Maybe there's more than than this Glacier thing going on up in Alaska? Tip of the iceberg, to use a pun. So, they're not specifically protecting Glacier, but Alaska itself? As we saw with Comet, these places don't exist in a vacuum. There's a whole support system in place around them.

But of course, being a child-targeting dental clinic puts you in primo position to abuse them. Be curious to see what their yearly consumption of happy gas is versus other similarly sized dentists.

Edit: Yep, looking through your 3chan post, it looks like the ideal "one-stop pedo shop" set up. Like HH Holmes Murder Hotel.

redditsuckz ago

Recently deleted thread...still has relevant good info;

4chan, GLP have some of the most advanced IP detection and VPN sifting In the World. I have changed IPs about 15 times it can detect Tor nodes, Vpn services etc...

ThePedoHunter ago

Look at the recent Cernovich tweet (voat thread about it) with a link to an official Dept of State memo saying pedos have been caught trying to adopt kids from Hiati

GeorgeT ago

This was once again never mentioned in the media

pizzaequalspedo ago

This has CIA/major political connections written all over it.

The hard core censorship and quick reaction time is a dead give away.

DeathTooMasons ago

Rock N roll. Somebody aint thick for a change.

Pizzalawyer ago

Folks, I just completed a lengthy response to Millenial Falcon re: post by NeverHillary as to why I thought this matter was a legit line of inquiry. His comments challenging the relevancy of research and my response are a matter of minutes. I'm going to take that to mean he agreed with me?? I raised the serious potential medical/dental malpractice with this facility unless it was properly licensed and staffed to handle 9 hour surgeries. But agreed it needed more evidence re pedophelia or trafficking. I hope there are no problems emerging here as in 8chann but you all have to be VERY careful about smearing a legitimate business. You need some dental expertise contributions here to see if this is a flybynight, or a scam for government benefits and you need more than an artistic "G" to claim pedo relevancy. You're walking a fine line at the moment.

DeathTooMasons ago

MF is in on it as is Vindicator and as was abortionburger. I don't even come here every day anymore because I get it already, but you guys still act like you can reason with the mods? They are corrupted. Good fucking lord people, wake up.

missyshimmy ago

They are the reason why I stopped posting here. I complained about one of them because someone asked why their post was removed and they told that person to fuck off....excuse my language. Then after that Every time I tried to post something it was deleted. And I would get the most messed up response from them as to why. This sub has been infiltrated for a while now. So freaking sad.

DeathTooMasons ago

Nobody is walking a thin line by speculating. You are special to care that somebody might be sued for their train of thought. Thanks for looking out. Now...back to the thread.

ArthurEdens ago

Why is this the only business considered smeared. People post suspected businesses here all the time and they don't catch this much flack

Pizzalawyer ago

I'm suggesting that the harm to the reputation of a business will cause 4chann, 8chan, etc. to delete entire threads. If a business has a low Internet profile, internet communications like these will push the story to the top such that customers will see the alleged controversy when googling for routine business info. Don't underestimate the power of the Chamber of Commerce Org to claim that fake news is harming businesses. You wouldn't want a rumor going around on facebook that your teenage brother has sex with your baby sister, would you, even if not true. Just saying...Otherwise I'm defending this case before the moderators, I'm just urging prudence.

GeorgeT ago

And let's remember that Jeffrey Epstein had a dentist chair fully rigged!???? Not fake news!

peanutz ago

Wanna find dentists involvement, investigate VCU

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

I think Epstein has a dental chair to keep the slaves in very good oral health. Remember these girls are used for the world's Elite. At their age you may have unnoticed decay and wisdom teeth coming in that need to be pulled or just a good cleaning. They can't be sent to a dentist. They might go for help. And there are patient records and guardian records if you are bringing in minors. To me that would be the reason Epstein has a fully rigged dental chair on site.

GeorgeT ago

It's basically Hostel movie - but it's real!

Pizzalawyer ago

No it's not but dental offices can and do have dental chairs. Look I just don't want to see this matter disappear that's why I was urging caution, you had a mod objecting to relevancy and I defended this thread. What I don't understand is how and why our two comments disappeared.. I had lengthy comment on why this operation was weird from a medical/ dental standpoint and didn't want to repeat myself, still dont. VOAT is a business after all and businesses respond to pushback. Don't give a reason for pushback and keep this case moving forward. P.S I've been to half a dozen ski resorts and all their business logos try to incorporate triangular mountain designs just like triangles are used by tent camping advertizers. Graphic designers aren't thinking about pedo symbols.

GeorgeT ago

Speaking of Sensorship I posted on twitter a rather curious article in relation to CPP being real, by posting an aticle around December, It was circa 1896 - about a notorious serial killer known as H. H.Holmes who had built a hotel next to the Chicago Fair - hotel as it turned out was built with trap doors, booby traps, torture chambers and crematorium. He had allegedly lured young tourists for his 'entertainment' he had killed over 200 people, confessed to killing 27. At the time the idea put firward by one detective seemed ludicrous. So I posted the link to the article and a tweet - right around time when PG broke - It got instantly deleted! I was shocked! Think about it guys. This is how desperate they are.

Vindicator ago

Not true. We take down almost all of them, unless there is actual evidence -- beyond a spiral that might or might not be related -- of pedo-friendly shennanigans. Smearing legit business is not what this investigation is about; we don't need to be manipulated into witch hunting by deep state shills on here making disinfo posts.

ArthurEdens ago

I'll say it again: They don't catch THIS MUCH flack

Vindicator ago

That's because they aren't being flogged. Look at how this "lead" was presented. Mega hype going on...very sketchy "evidence" to support it.

ArthurEdens ago

You win. Not sure how anything is supposed to be investigated if no can share what they see.

bahhumbugger ago

I honestly didn't buy it, until the response was so obvious... scary

ArthurEdens ago

The last time a thread got squashed this fast was when someone figured out the saudis own the whole block where comet pizza is

GeorgeT ago

I remembered that very well - it was also the moment when Alex Jones distanced himself from the PG movement! This was a huge revelation that also exposed the nature of $25 mil - donations from the Saudis to the Clinton Foundation. It was a gigantic jigsaw puzzle and got swept under the rug - and here was a dead give away: ever since Alex Jones jumped on the Trump Bandwagon he had been ranting and raving against the wahabists, Saudis & jihadists! Well, here was a chance to expose a true conspiracy involving the SAUDIS - yet, inexplicably he put out a home video saying PG was a diversion!

Vindicator ago

Nah...I think it was Brian Podesta with his top secret security clearance doing IT for the National Center of Missing and Exploited Children. That one is still a hot potato.

ArthurEdens ago

Oh yeah that was a good one

DabbaDan ago

Watch these are actually intelligence assets that "deal" with international problems or whatever, it gets "sniffed" out and thrown around online everywhere saying it's a pedophile ring.

Shoot, you know, just the be careful, I don't think I should post this comment.

DeathTooMasons ago

Only pussies worry about being banned or silenced. Speak up son.

DabbaDan ago

Always do. I like to pepper my stuff with moments of plausible deniability. CYA, ya know?

ArthurEdens ago

It must be a MAJOR hub

jesus_is_lord ago

the shills are in deep

GeorgeT ago

Like I mentioned before, I am being shilled hard by some shady individuals who put out detailed disinfo that seem way too professional for a typical blogger - they are onto us. I got trolled by an actual freemason on tweeter, then by his fellow mason friend who - get this - had a picture of a Goat as his prophile pic!

jesus_is_lord ago

masons are luciferians, so yeah they gonna try to discredit everything pizzagate

Truthseeker3000 ago

Interesting, how did they find you on Twitter, do you go by GeorgeT? Be careful linking anything on here. Fucking Freemasons these psychopaths are everywhere it's easy to spot them and figure them out these days. They're such proud Luciferians, proud of all their ill-gotten achievements, no remorse for all the people they've fucked over to get where they are, their utter and complete lack of empathy for anything including their own family considering the oaths they swear to are over their own family members. Pathetic and sad.

GeorgeT ago

Different name on twitter. He's buddy, also freemason had a goat as his profile photo - talk about sick!

slickleg64 ago

Screenshot and post these. Archive everything

GeorgeT ago

I will from now on.

NoBS ago

Censorship at it's finest. It also tells us just how important your topic is with the pedophile crowd,