carmencita ago

Why does this keep being deleted?

IDeliverPizza ago


carmencita ago

Maybe try posting like a regular post. Some one is being picky just because or maybe on purpose. I feel your pain. This is a hot clue.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

I found some intel while digging in... cross referenced their business via Hoovers profile. Turns out they are reporting $0.17 million in revenue. That seems off for a dentist that can afford panoramic x rays and has an in house lab. I know small biz owners with 4 or 5 employees that pull in 4-5x this amount in revenue, and it IS reported accurately in Hoovers and other business profile links.

Also, while the address matched up, it had a different URL listed: ALASKAIMPLANT.COM

Digging in now.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Couldn't find much, hit a bunch of dead ends. Looked into the DDS that registered the domain, seems legit, opened his own practice... quiet family man, bounced around to a bunch of Dentist offices in AK. Looks like Glacier simply bought the domain, then their new domain and simply redirected it to their site.

IDeliverPizza ago

The five star reviews occur in bundles. 3 reviews a day then skip a couple days then 5 reviews a day. You really think 3 people on the same day after their dental appointment all went home and reviewed the business. With a couple sentence reviews nonetheless. and then all of a sudden the next day the business wasn't getting reviews. I mean maybe if they have a schedule like MAD REVIEW MONDAY. WILD WEDNESDAY REVIEWS AND FREAKY FRIDAY REVIEW DAY. And nothing on tuesday or Thursday cuz muh reviews. HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAH They are all fabricated like all the other reviews on YELP LMAO.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Dude... your comment is extremely over-inflated. The reviews are predominantly good. You isolated one negative review where it seems like the Dentist certainly violated some trust/best practices by apparently keeping the patient there until 1:00 am.

That deserves a 1 star review and a complaint for sure... but let's be careful not to be so inflammatory. The "evidence" surrounding this angle is still pretty darn weak, unless there's an eye witness or a victim that comes forward, or direct evidence of the shipping container/them dealing with children in an inappropriate way.

"PEOPLE ARE CRYING FOR HELP"... come on dude... one person said the experience was so bad that she cried. Don't exaggerate. We don't need to. Just focus on the facts.

IDeliverPizza ago

The five star reviews occur in bundles. 3 reviews a day then skip a couple days then 5 reviews a day. You really think 3 people on the same day after their dental appointment all went home and reviewed the business. With a couple sentence reviews nonetheless. and then all of a sudden the next day the business wasn't getting reviews. I mean maybe if they have a schedule like MAD REVIEW MONDAY. WILD WEDNESDAY REVIEWS AND FREAKY FRIDAY REVIEW DAY. And nothing on tuesday or Thursday cuz muh reviews. HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAH They are all fabricated like all the other reviews on YELP LMAO. get outta here man.

AND YES Crying is not inflated. YOu have no idea they cant openly say they are crying for help. IF they really are in trouble you they can just say they are in trouble. LMAO CIA GET OUTTA HERE. Blue Avians please arrest these reptilians.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

I am suggesting evidence in lieu of exaggeration. That is all. I don't know why that is such a difficult concept to grasp.

Some folks on Chan have offered to investigate it locally... perhaps we can focus on that? I'm not saying this isn't a lead. Just suggesting that we don't jump to conclusions about what could just be a shitty dentist.

I think that is a pretty logical approach. No? Or, perhaps we should just keep typing in all caps and see how that works out?

ArthurEdens ago

Bet they took pedo breaks while patient waited