mudbear ago

Yeah i always seemed to get a ban when i talked about israel or jews, kind of a dead give away.

rastrodetortuga ago


Vindicator ago

IDeliverPizza: You can't just shit on the submission guidelines, not matter how important you think a topic is. Find a way to post according to the guidelines, or post it in v/pizzagatemods or v/pizzagatewhatever and link back to it in the comments of another thread. The reason we have the submission rules -- which were created by the community -- is to prevent disinfo posts that lack evidence, as well as disruption posts that contain nothing but an OP's opinion and feelings about something. These don't help us advance the investigate and they slide research. Removing per Rule 4.

OKythen ago

And you think voat is run by who?

Martel-Sobieski ago

No it's not

This literally comes from the website on Orthodox Judaism

…he shall be avenged (Exodus 21:20)

The second of the four forms of execution is called hereg, in which a condemned criminal is decapitated with a sword. Our verse simply says that the person in question (who, in this case, has killed his servant) shall be executed for what he did; how do we know that the punishment referred to here is beheading? The Talmud in Sanhedrin (52b) clarifies this by analyzing the Torah text. Our verse says “he shall be avenged” (nakom yinakem); Leviticus 26:25, in the Tochacha (the rebuke), says, “I will bring a sword upon you, avenging the covenant” (nokemes nekam). We see from context then that “vengeance” refers to death by the sword. (The Talmud continues by asking how we know it means beheading rather than impaling or some other manner of execution by the sword; such is beyond our scope to cover here.)

The reason capital punishment is imposed in the case of one who beats his slave to death is so that one should not treat his servants’ lives lightly. The master might view them as “property” to do with as he pleases, but they are people with lives of their own.

This mitzvah only applies to courts in the time of a properly-ordained Sanhedrin. It is found in Talmudic tractate of Sanhedrin, page 52b. In the Mishneh Torah, it’s in Hilchos Sanhedrin chapter 14. It is #226 of the 248 positive mitzvos in the Rambam’s Sefer HaMitzvos

If you violate their rules you're beheaded in the name of the covenant. No different than beheading in the name of Islam. Where do you think muslims got it from?

wtf_is_happening ago

Entering the name Donald Marshall also gets you banned there.

GoodGodKirk ago

Try after one hour, then after 24 hours. They may have some system in place to check for proxy ip or tor connections for a certain amount of time after any initial ban.

rastrodetortuga ago

What's with using n#gg#r and f#gg#t? Interesting content, save for that trash IMHO.

Raps1 ago

It's not magic, GLP uses LSO, or Local Shared Object cookies to ban. Changing your IP, flushing your cash, deleting cookies, etc. won't work. You'll have to use a browser add-on that deals with them, or do it manually. I suppose if you're persistent enough they'll block your class C.

Both places are honeypots and I'd stay very far away. Try typing "Tavistock" in your post next time you're on GLP and see what instantly happens.

All the major conspiracy sites are honeypots. From the flat earth nonsense, to the "nobody" threads which resulted in suicides, they're bad news.

numbtoyou ago

When i use to get banned from GayLP, i would clear cookies/cache, ipconfig /flushdns, reconnect under a new ip and usually had no problem getting back on.

redditsuckz ago

Uhhh... be heading is a Saudi thing.

You dont say...

you mean "(((The House of Saud)))"?


jstrotha0975 ago

The fuck man, I posted this about 4 hours ago and only got 10 upvoats. Fucking bullshit.

Littleredcorvette ago

Repost from a different thread:

I have no special skills or tools. But one of my favorite ironies in life is using a bad organization’s own weapon, tool, rule or policy against them. Google, for instance. I know people hate Google. But it’s my tool of choice. So I am sharing the road I traveled. So that you too can travel the same road. And draw your own conclusions. [I don’t have access to the CHANnels, so can someone please pass this information on?]

Glacier Dental- The name is not important. The building and neighborhood is of interest. Glacier Dental is located at 2421 East Tudor Road #101, Anchorage AK. Google map it. (or click the link below).,+Anchorage,+AK+99508/@61.1813429,-149.8392938,17z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x56c89708202192b5:0xd06ca67b0f019f46!8m2!3d61.1813895!4d-149.8354743

Now have you ever wondered why the maps have yellow buildings when you zoom in? Google it later, and see if you are satisfied with the answers.

Look around. What kinds of businesses does Google promote with its labels? Note the Animal Hospital nearby. Note the Deer Park Apt Homes. The UPS Store. Donuts. Fingerprinting. Walgreens. McDonalds. Starbucks. Subway. St Mary’s Episcopal Church. University Park.

Take a street view cruise. Check out the apartment buildings. Notice the vans and buses in the area (depending on the year captured). Any weird Google glitches? Any out-of-place buses, vans or police cars? What about the construction signs? Are the signs a communication tool? How about local speed traps in your hometown? Could it have been a coverup or protection of nefarious activity? (Most local people avoid speed traps because the cops are always sitting there.)

Pretend you are writing a movie script, and you are setting up the backdrop. What safety nets would the criminals need to remain undetected in plain sight? Does this neighborhood fit? (Someone mentioned a crematorium).

Google the address again. Note the result with the suspect name as a General Dentist. Now google (as one word) glacierdentalalaska. Review the results. Notice the Implant specialty for this dentist. Notice the ads for Now Hiring. Lure of a good job as a dental assistant in Alaska?

This page was fun to find: It will take the right people a little closer to the goal. (I’m not that person.)

Google the phone number from one of the ads (907) 677-1212. Skim the page and see if there are other dentist’s names connected to this address or phone number.

Go to page 2 of results. About the third entry down, under medical records, is this string: b75e 0bdebbf8d96b64a1130f61c11a08b312 I don’t know if that means anything but someone might know.

Also review the suggested searches at the bottom of the page. They can take you places too. If you really want to be thorough, follow google search results for several pages, and skip toward the end to see what is contained there also.

Now for the fun part. Go to You do not have to register.

Look up the suspect’s name. Put in AK as the state when you need to filter (birth year 1977). Click on the name to see a history of addresses back to 2000. Map these. How close is the proximity in same towns? Neighborhood level? Does a map reveal a pipeline to anchorage? How close to schools, parks, etc?

Think about all those luxury Alaskan cruises. Any connection to dental practice?

Back to familytreenow. Start clicking on names of relatives and associates. Explore their connections. These are the dots. Connect them. Expose them.

Another site to use with limited free information Best part is the neighbor information and household members.

Now go forth and autist.

nameof ago

Autistic Screaming Noise

garouwarrior ago

I posted an anonymous comment about Fiona Barnett's allegations about Billy Graham on a GLP thread.

It was deleted and I was prevented from posting on that particular thread afterwards.

I've also had posts about Pizzagate deleted in the past too.

Big time censorship there...

fortuitouslyunfallen ago

Are you sure it's IP banning, or could it be browser fingerprinting or something else?

redditsuckz ago


Jews control GLP, 4chan, Reddt, and you talk bad about (((Donald Trump))) you will get threatened with be-headings like the barbaric Jews that they are.

GLP doesnt just ban your IP it bans the ENTIRE ISP...usually for a few days. So everyone who uses your ISP in your city cannot access GLP.

Newfind ago

I don't use GLP anymore. I used to really like it though. Always ended up running me in circles. I like voat much better

equineluvr ago

Or anything about the Jews. :)

ArthurEdens ago

Remember the vault7 leaks said cia can stay in your firmware or ram or something. Even if you wipe your drives or replace them, they're still in there

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Twitter has been shadow banning a lot lately😬

Conde_Nast ago

I dont know if this is a concern troll on government spying on us but let me spell something out for you in case you are being sincere. It doesn't matter if we are all on a "list" anymore, we know the end game is the rape of our women and children with all of us beheaded. If it came down to the government arresting people for being on 4chan our country would be gone by that point anyway. Now is the time to stand up, not to self censor.

DeathTooMasons ago


Martel-Sobieski ago

You're already on a list just for visiting this place. If you can read this then it's pointless to quit because you're scared. Your only option is to push this through to the end

ArthurEdens ago

Why'd you choose that username ?

Conde_Nast ago

Self explanatory. My first or one of my first posts ever on voat explains it well.

I was a Redditor for a very long time. I would like to say I was there the first year it was created but I am not 100% sure. I watched Digg go up in flames and Reddit become the new big thing.

Back about 8-10 years ago there was a topic about US Military actions in the Middle East. I made a comment along the lines of "What most people don't understand is that the US Government is run mostly by foreign interests due to lobbying and they seem to be intentionally weakening the US military".

That post I made got over 300 upvotes, which at that time was a fairly large amount. I still remember the first reply underneath that "wow I never thought about it that way before" which also had a bunch of upvotes. Fast forward to a week later where the original topic I posted in is nowhere near the front page and pretty much gone and forgotten. Being the narcissist that I am I wanted to go back to my biggest upvoted post ever and see if there was any new discussion surrounding it. It went from +300 to -30. I deleted my account and never posted there again.

It is good to see another site like this pop up. I don't think we will ever see Reddit die due to its corporate sponsorship and free advertisements all over the US media (hint: the same types of people controlling the opinions on the TV control Reddit) but hopefully there will be enough of an exodus to at least make voat popular and the creators don't sell this site out.

ArthurEdens ago

Fuckin A 👍

HopeLiesInTheProles ago

Come on, Streisand Effect! The censorship around this topic is OUT OF CONTROL. I can confirm everything OP says is true. Glacier Dental in Alaska is a hot topic! Get in here and dig, people!