/Pol has possibly found pedo distribution center in Alaska. 4chan mods have scrubbed it entirely from the internet. JUST GOT SCRUBBED about 10 minutes ago. (8ch.net)
submitted 7.8 years ago by IDeliverPizza
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YingYangMom 7.8 years ago
@IDeliverPizza @sensitive @carmencita @pizzaequalspedo
The new screenshot is different from the original thread. I saw a picture of 2 black kids instead of the 3 asian girls there. I also saw an image of a map that is now missing... what's up with that?
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YingYangMom ago
@IDeliverPizza @sensitive @carmencita @pizzaequalspedo
The new screenshot is different from the original thread. I saw a picture of 2 black kids instead of the 3 asian girls there. I also saw an image of a map that is now missing... what's up with that?