Fate0011 ago

Seen shills target innocent people trying to discredit the investigation before. Can't let it happen again. Shit has to be pr00fed....and it wasn't in fact, discredited on EVERY forum...and I was on 2 of them.....when it was.

Fate0011 ago

We have Respek yep.....found the black dude.

You also have really really shitty "Teamwork". And a MAJOR shill problem.

And the ONLY reason im on VOAT is because "This" is where the investigation is being head up. The MODS "were" infiltrated HARD over the 4th and destroyed the PG investigation there! But we fixed that too. I'll be nice....not really but tell your faggot ass "1 time" a VERY HIGH MAJORITY of the evidence that's been discovered for PG.....was done on /po/. We relay the shit over here. So it's best you pipe down.....and learn some of that respek you speak of.

Fucking newfags XD

AngB23 ago

Wow, trolls are heavy on this thread and scrubbing?? There's something here for sure. Remember a guy coming here a while back concerned someone he knew investigating this dental place was missing? Some of Those pics posted in that thread were from him.

Also, I posted prior, again can be a coincidence, endontist friend of mine has said there's a major shortage of Nitrous Oxcode right now. Has been for months and he's worried about supply. Supposed a fire at the plant or maybe, lots of it being used for other reasons? http://www.ada.org/en/publications/ada-news/2017-archive/january/fda-issues-shortage-notice-for-nitrous-oxide

And I would bet this chain of dentistry has some in Hawaii. Seems like off the mainland easier to hide shit. Like, I don't know, the famous hotdog stand and major Obama connections there. Great thread OP and thanks

GeorgeT ago

As I mentioned earlier, G - classic pedo logon(And G - Freemasonry emblem)

Breadleaf ago

This is fucking fake disinfo

Breadleaf ago

Havent seen a single piece of compelling evidence in the whole glacier dental thing, wtf the fuck. is this just another disinfo campaign with much more resources to spread it and keep it at the top? fuck you pedo mods

helpingabit12 ago


Yates ago

I can't believe this crap is still here. @Fate0011 is correct, this is an artificially pushed false lead with zero connection to PG. Looks like the mods are in on it too. This should be a warning for everyone what they're planning on doing. And the many shills that are allowed to run rampant here will upvoat it like good little pedophile enablers and retards that should know better follow along.

BlinkAndUMissIt ago

hey...remember this? Alaska flight attendant praised for reportedly saving human trafficking victim Snippet:

An eagle-eyed flight attendant saved a teen girl from human trafficking by leaving a secret message for the victim in a cabin bathroom during a flight.

Alaska Airlines vet Shelia Fedrick swooped into action after noticing the disheveled girl with greasy blonde hair appeared out of place with the well-dressed older man who boarded with her in Seattle in 2011, she told NBC News.

"(The girl) looked like she had been through pure hell," Fedrick said, estimating the girl's age at 14 or 15 years old.

When the 49-year-old cabin crew member tried to engage the duo in conversation, the man acted defensive, she said.

helpingabit12 ago

The blackbloodoftheearth picture vault needs to be released onto 4chan they will find more pics of interest for sure!!!

I don't have access and tried work arounds but they all didnt work, please help to post it there!!!



Already found a hand full of pizzagate related pics! but the website doesn't seem to have any, end thousands of disturbing pictures!!!! Also makes archiving everything difficult


Example: Picture: Baby doll head next to vegetables in a supermarket. Spiral logo Price-tag: "Organic Delicata Squash" http://imgur.com/a/TK1TB

Can someone make a quick post on 4chan they could help with sorting out

more pics and background info: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1851748


PrivateJoker ago

A lot of pizzagate ties to dentists, which is disturbing. I guess it's an easy way to get gas, which can be used to knock these kids out. Maybe also a way to dispose of teeth....

AngB23 ago

Just posted above but ironically, maybe they use so much gas lately there's actually a shortage http://www.ada.org/en/publications/ada-news/2017-archive/january/fda-issues-shortage-notice-for-nitrous-oxide

twistedmac11 ago

I've got to say, I'm with @Fate0011 on this. The Glacier Dental push seems a little odd to me. Other than the G and R in the logo (which, considering the name "Glacier" and the fact that it's in Alaska, doesn't seem quite so odd), I don't see anything here that makes me think something shady is going on. Yes, dentists have dental chairs. Nothing shady about that. Plenty of dental offices go to elementary schools; I've had family in that line of work who have done the same thing. Some offices have contracts with local schools to go in every now and then and show kids how to brush their teeth and do checkups. Especially in poor areas, many parents don't take their kids to the dentist. Going directly to schools and doing checkups there for free helps kids get what they need. So, like I said, I don't see anything here, and I don't get the big push over it. There have been four or five DIFFERENT threads posted just here on Voat. You guys, if we want to be taken seriously, we've got to have more to go on than a maybe suspect logo. I've said it before and I'll say it again: throwing around names & companies and saying they're involved in illegal activity without actual evidence is NOT getting us anywhere. Confirmation bias is so easy to fall for...we need to be vetting these leads more thoroughly before jumping on the bandwagon.

We as investigators have gotten so thirsty for progress in Pizzagate that we have started jumping on everything we see without truly vetting it ahead of time. Have we forgotten who we're up against? We're battling propaganda professionals, yet many of us continue to fall victim to the false flags and lies that they spin. Wake up. Ask yourself, is there really something to see here, or is this just another case of confirmation bias? Could it be the threads are being scrubbed bc we're linking a business to a serious crime without any proof? Stop looking for the answers you want to find, and start looking at all of the possibilities. THIS - us, our own bias, our want to bring this to an end - will be our downfall. We have to play our cards better than this.

Waiting to be attacked and called a shill.....

Fate0011 ago

I couldn't have stated this better. Well done. Spoken like a true investigator.

Fate0011 ago

You mad bro?

hojuruku ago

Luke here from vid.me / ozzieslovepedos https://vid.me/atYD as someone else who puts threads on /pol/ fighting pedos ....

this looks like there isn't proof of anything.

This needs a discussion post - no I'm serious. How does it prove these people are pedophiles? http://8ch.net/pol/res/9888527.html I've been here a long time, had decent threads censored, exposed a dutch pizzagate scandal (my best post) - but... tell me what I'm missing here people?

If you want to fuck these pedos you find a gang of locals in the area to put eyes on the cunts and catch them in the act. Just putting it here gives them heads up to clean up shop and move somewhere else to rape more kids, assuming it's a real thread. How did this get upvoted so much? Please guys.. take the satanic bastards down first, and talk to trusted mates to do passive survailance on these guys, and get veterans or bikers against child abuse (bacaworld.org) or other trusted professionals to infiltrate etc and bring them down operation veritas style. These sperg posts depress me, and the fact it got so highly upvoted depresses me more.

Fate0011 ago

Btw.....its /pol/ not /Pol....we don't do that. 2 forward slashes and it's a lowercase p, newfag. And no this was shills that got BTFO and are now crying their internal attack to discredit.....failed.

YingYangMom ago

Op has been banned.

Fate0011 ago

Zero contribution points. Theres nothing to archive....we don't save "Fake Shit" especially when shills are attempting an internal attack. Fail Harder for daddy :)


Your Patchup posts are not worthy of $10 an hour lol. Explain the Pedo symbolism and the 10 hour appointment review CIA NSA.



old thread b4 404. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1852412

My appointment started at 3pm and i didn't leave until almost 1 in the morning! They INSISTED on doing work I didn't want done until i gave in. At one point I started crying and telling them to call my fiance to pick me up, so they INSISTED I let them put me under so i wouldn't feel anything. I woke up that morning in my bed with blood all over my face and no clue what happened. Turned out, they didn't even let me wake up from anesthesia before having my fiance take me home. THEY DIDN'T EVEN GIVE ME GAUZE! I strongly recommend you find a better dentist to go to.

Oh wait you can't. LEL AHHAHAHAHAHHAHHA.

Fate0011 ago

CIA NSA.....no but I am a PI :)

God is reddit pathetic....this is why we make fun of ALL OF YOU over /pol/ your a bunch of faggots who cant ANYTHING right. Then grasp on to our successes, and fanboy for us. (Which I do gotta give it to you, you are 4-8chans biggest fanboy faggots) Please littler poser.....just sit down and let the big boys handle it. You can't do anything right. And only get in the way niggerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr XD

Fate0011 ago

So this is what you think (Influences online communities) huh? A 1 hour old profile and blasting shit about a dentist office? God I live for destroying you cucks. I really does make me smile BIG 8D

There is zero evidence aside from a dentist office being a dentist office.Fail Harder...

1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile 1 hour old shill profile


Fate0011 ago


Funny, did you just get on shift???

Your going to have a bad night....just giving you a heads up.

Fate0011 ago

"Larpers form there"

Bitch we are the most "Authentic" people there are

You fear that....we can smell it through the net.

We bring more truth than any website on the internet PERIOD! And you wanna talk shit? Best pipe the fuck down and learn a thing or 2 there "Well Behaved Woman"! With zero contribution points and just comments.

tl;dr Watch who the fuck you disrespect

Fate0011 ago

So this is how your think your going to try to discredit the investigation now huh? Trying to attack innocents to implicate and discredit us hmmm?

Bitch im FROM the chans!

Lets get this strait people.....this is a dentist clinic in the city.....being a dentist clinic! This faggot @IDeliverPizza wants you to attack innocents to try to discredit this investigation. You think your going to try to influence these kids here because they look up to us @IDeliverPizza? Think your going to go start a fake thread.....making it look to be true or make these people think its true because you put it on /our platform/ and they value that?? You got another thing coming shill...

The shit was dropped for a reason....because /our mods/ are well versed in what infiltration looks like and what an "Inside Assault" looks like.

There is ZERO credence to any of your wild theories about a dentist office in the city with a more compressed and dense population, marketing to children....who goto the dentist much more than adults.

Your a faggot OP. And you will fail....we are going to make sure of it :)


Votescam ago

Could someone who knows the story sort of sum it up - Seems to involve Glacier Dental care and torture and possibly more? Alaska missing children All locations are within minutes of catholic charities and international adoption centers. Does it connect anywhere to anything that has been previously researched?

OK -- This post above helped ... by ListenUp Page was archived luckily at http://archive.is/l7OZX

And will continue to watch thread for more info.

Fate0011 ago

No, it's bullshit trying to get us to attack innocents.



old thread b4 404. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1852412

My appointment started at 3pm and i didn't leave until almost 1 in the morning! They INSISTED on doing work I didn't want done until i gave in. At one point I started crying and telling them to call my fiance to pick me up, so they INSISTED I let them put me under so i wouldn't feel anything. I woke up that morning in my bed with blood all over my face and no clue what happened. Turned out, they didn't even let me wake up from anesthesia before having my fiance take me home. THEY DIDN'T EVEN GIVE ME GAUZE! I strongly recommend you find a better dentist to go to.

Fate0011 ago

I already responded to that.....you cherry picked the "1" negative comment out of the entire fucking page! Which NO GAMES I go out and fuck with shit just for the lulz....or did you NOT see what we did to the "Bikelock Attacker"?


Btw...im the 1st comment you see in this video.

Yes, people do go wright Dumb Shit. Does "1 Comment" of 30.....give credence to anything? FUCK NO! And your either retarded for seeing shit where there isn't anything....or are being payed! The later is what I suspect from your last comment about being the OP of this thread....@IDeliverPizza but operating under a different sudo.

eongoat ago

Did your recon guy in Alaska find out anything definitive since you lost contact 20 days ago and then he didn't check in for a few days?

Also did he get any of the drone photos?

dookiehowzer ago

tell him to scrub the cargo container for dna

SoldierofLight ago

This. Yes.

eongoat ago

a blanked out sign, buildings in close proximity, ads targeting children, Facebook school photo, none of this really stands out and says AH HA! to me. I mean it is questionable, needs more research and recon I suppose.

Wheres the drone photos?

SoldierofLight ago

Exactly. At the moment, it's empty calories.

Fate0011 ago

Because it's bullshit trying to discredit the investigation to get people to attack innocents.

SoldierofLight ago

Or at best, a young 'un drama queen trying to get a bunch of attention. Either way, not okay.

Cheesebooger ago

It all leads back to Isisrael and the kosher ones

Littleredcorvette ago

I have no special skills or tools. But one of my favorite ironies in life is using a bad organization’s own weapon, tool, rule or policy against them. Google, for instance. I know people hate Google. But it’s my tool of choice. So I am sharing the road I traveled. So that you too can travel the same road. And draw your own conclusions. [I don’t have access to the CHANnels, so can someone please pass this information on?]

Glacier Dental- The name is not important. The building and neighborhood is of interest. Glacier Dental is located at 2421 East Tudor Road #101, Anchorage AK. Google map it. (or click the link below).


Now have you ever wondered why the maps have yellow buildings when you zoom in? Google it later, and see if you are satisfied with the answers.

Look around. What kinds of businesses does Google promote with its labels? Note the Animal Hospital nearby. Note the Deer Park Apt Homes. The UPS Store. Donuts. Fingerprinting. Walgreens. McDonalds. Starbucks. Subway. St Mary’s Episcopal Church. University Park.

Take a street view cruise. Check out the apartment buildings. Notice the vans and buses in the area (depending on the year captured). Any weird Google glitches? Any out-of-place buses, vans or police cars? What about the construction signs? Are the signs a communication tool? How about local speed traps in your hometown? Could it have been a coverup or protection of nefarious activity? (Most local people avoid speed traps because the cops are always sitting there.)

Pretend you are writing a movie script, and you are setting up the backdrop. What safety nets would the criminals need to remain undetected in plain sight? Does this neighborhood fit? (Someone mentioned a crematorium).

Google the address again. Note the result with the suspect name as a General Dentist. Now google (as one word) glacierdentalalaska. Review the results. Notice the Implant specialty for this dentist. Notice the ads for Now Hiring. Lure of a good job as a dental assistant in Alaska?

This page was fun to find: http://www.theeinfo.org/d/glacierdentalalaska.com/4821f666c7yi29.html It will take the right people a little closer to the goal. (I’m not that person.)

Google the phone number from one of the ads (907) 677-1212. Skim the page and see if there are other dentist’s names connected to this address or phone number.

Go to page 2 of results. About the third entry down, under medical records, is this string: b75e 0bdebbf8d96b64a1130f61c11a08b312 I don’t know if that means anything but someone might know.

Also review the suggested searches at the bottom of the page. They can take you places too. If you really want to be thorough, follow google search results for several pages, and skip toward the end to see what is contained there also.

Now for the fun part. Go to familytreenow.com You do not have to register.

Look up the suspect’s name. Put in AK as the state when you need to filter (birth year 1977). Click on the name to see a history of addresses back to 2000. Map these. How close is the proximity in same towns? Neighborhood level? Does a map reveal a pipeline to anchorage? How close to schools, parks, etc?

Think about all those luxury Alaskan cruises. Any connection to dental practice?

Back to familytreenow. Start clicking on names of relatives and associates. Explore their connections. These are the dots. Connect them. Expose them.

Another site to use with limited free information https://nuwber.com/ Best part is the neighbor information and household members.

Now go forth and autist.

WaterT ago

I checked through the FB photos and besides maybe kids looking a bit drugged up there didn't seem to be anything put of the ordinary. They do some community events but I can't tell much from photos. I'll check Instagram next

Dr. Erik Hanson V. Is a surgeon in Mexico that is liking their photos on Instagram. He's posted some pretty graphic images. Maybe he's worth looking into?

ThePedoHunter ago

Holy fck....4chan killing it. Just read the archived link - briiliant citizen invetigative journalism. The place reeks of pedoism.

Fate0011 ago

Oh it does? Nigger, we are responsible for over 9,000 arrest! We put more work in on the net to destroy ped0's than any of these other wannabe poser sites. 4-8chan and Reddit are killing it because they know its bullshit and an attempt at an internal attack. To get us to attack innocents to discredit Pizzagate, the sites, and investigators.

Don't bite the bait. This is a dentist office, being a dentist office.

Awoke_AF ago

Any pros attempt to connect Glacier Dental to Sig Hansen from Deadliest Catch? Estranged daughter recently accused him of abuse when she was a child. It's a stretch, but the connection is obviously there is a problem in Hollywood. Someone who is connected to a "distribution center" might get the nod for the lead part in a new TV series.

Azagthoth ago

Dont tell me those norsecunts are peds

Awoke_AF ago

No clue. Just interesting; this place has come up before, article came out in MSM, being brought up again.. it's just coincidental timing maybe.

StopPizza2k17 ago

Glacier Dental came up several months ago. I'm sure not much info is left to be gathered unless you could activate the /pol/ hivemind, which apparently isn't possible if they are banning talk of Glacier Dental again. But for the record, this isn't a new discovery.

ArtsyLiberationz ago

strange events, so this 'pizzgate' thing is just a 'conspiracy' or real?

IDeliverPizza ago

It got zero traction last time and we have already generated 2 leads. The owner has settled back in the 90s to avoid criminal charges it looks like.

jabba ago

I never knew Alaska had so many hispanics

JamesHowardCrow ago


The place tries to hire "spanish speaking staff" to make the latino community feel more at ease. Not evidence but could be something if a statistically significant number of immigrants dropped off the face of the earth around anchorage

Fate0011 ago

4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile 4 hour old shill profile

Trying to get you to attack innocents and discredit this investigation and Pizzgate @Millenail_Falcon "Damn You" and the rest of the cuck MODS that can't read this one.....it's fucking sad and gives credence that the MOD team here in fact IS infiltrated! And thats without all the shareblue and CTR leaks we have to prove it.



Fate0011 ago

You such a fucking retarded nigger. You are making shit up to try (and fail again) fuck this investigation up.


No innocents are getting attacked. Were not hired by the CIA like you to detract credible leads. They have a pedophile symbol on their business.It's not like we go around massacring people who take care of children. We just keep a close eye on people who use KNOWN PEDOPHILE SYMBOLS ACCORDING TO THE FBI.

Fate0011 ago

Funny you mention that.....then look at my research, compared to yours. Like I said your a fucking wanna be. And no, yet again your seeing shit that isn't there on this one. And I get it, I do. Im desperate for a BIG break as well. Im digging like a mother fucker through the podesta emails.......EVERY FUCKING DAY! What have you done desu? Hmmmm.....

https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/54272 From:[email protected] states "Statement looks good - so long as the lawyers approve.

I would reach out to Obama supporters. Let me nominate Jamal Simmons. He's young (to me) Af-Am and way smart. He worked in the Clinton White House and now does commentary with me on CNN. Other prominent African-Americans should be courted, like Donna Brazile. (Rayciss, putting people in boxes again...)

Does commentary with me on CNN Commentary on CNN WITH me Is a journalist....and so is the author of this email...

How 'bout Dee Dee Myers? Not African-American, but rumored to be a woman. Knows the media as well as anyone.

Rumored to be a woman Rumored SEXIST!

Hispanics, anyone? Can we ask Maria Echaveste but not Chris Edley? (I'm kinda pissed at Chris for telling the NY Times that the Clinton Admin had a mixed record on civil rights. Funny, he didn't say that when he was in the Clinton Admin).

Hispanics anyone? Hispanics... Rayciss, putting people in boxes again...

Progressive Media will serve as a communications and messaging nerve center for the progressive movement. We will create a robust echo chamber with messaging that spans from independent groups, to progressive partisans, to grassroots organizers, to the netroots.

Founders List (sample--need people outside the campaigns)

https://twitter.com/paulbegala https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Begala (Works for CNN)

https://twitter.com/tommatzzie?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor (Moveon.org)

http://www.message-global.com/who/susan-mccue Susan McCue - She is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and Vice Chair of Humanity United, a philanthropy of eBay founders Pam and Pierre Omidyar building peace and advancing human freedom globally. (CFR) (CFR) (CFR) (CFR)

Stan Greenberg - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stan_Greenberg (#Fake Pollster and democratic advisor to WJC)

John Podesta - Needs NO introduction

Anna Greenberg - http://www.gqrr.com/anna-greenberg/ (#Fake pollster)

Wes Boys - Ties to SOROS also co-founder of moveon.org and Berkeley Systems https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wes_Boyd

Brad Woodhouse - Brad Woodhouse is the president of the liberal/progressive advocacy group Americans United for Change and the Democratic super PAC American Bridge 21st Century. He is the former communications director of the United States Democratic National Committee https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brad_Woodhouse

Eli Pariser - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eli_Pariser Eli Pariser (born December 17, 1980) is the chief executive of Upworthy, a website for "meaningful" viral content.[1] He is a left-wing political and internet activist, the board president of MoveOn.org and a co-founder of Avaaz.org.

David Brock - Needs no introduction

Jon Soltz - A fucking soldier...https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jon_Soltz

Rand Beers - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rand_Beers is an American government official who served as Deputy Homeland Security Advisor to the President of the United States during the Barack Obama administration.[1] He also served as acting Secretary of Homeland Security[2] following the resignation of Secretary Janet Napolitano on September 6, 2013 until Jeh Johnson assumed that office on December 23, 2013

Arianna Huffington - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arianna_Huffington Co-founder and editor-in-chief for Huffington Post (Now owned by AOL)(HUFFPO EDITOR IN CHIEF)!!!

Will Robinson - http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2016/09/thats-weird-huffington-post-takes-hillary-clinton-parkinsons-article-collapse-ground-zero/ http://www.huffingtonpost.com/author/billrobinson (Huff Po Writer)

David Bennehaum - http://www.bloomberg.com/research/stocks/private/person.asp?personId=713405&privcapId=434190&previousCapId=434190&previousTitle=New%20Things David S. Bennahum is a Partner at New Things. He is a Venture Advisor at Alpha Venture Partners

Larry Mishel - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lawrence_Mishel is president of the Economic Policy Institute in Washington, D.C., a pro-labor think-tank that seeks to advance the interests of American workers

Robert Borosage - http://www.truth-out.org/author/itemlist/user/44816 Founder of "Campaign for America's Future" (CAF) is an American nonprofit progressive political advocacy organization. Founded in 1996, the organization bills itself as "the strategy center for the progressive movement

---------------------That was a BIG one------------------------------

You wanna "Play Anon"?

I'll show you "Real Anon" you fucking poser

You mad bro?

JamesHowardCrow ago

If only people like yourself and Hillary clinton could recognize the difference between legitimate criticism and personal attacks.....

Also this is not a shill profile. Back before the election I was explaining the Knupp story and offering actual evidence of a military industrial complex mogul being a pizza eater back in 1902....

I'm sure the still frames from family guy and sons of anarchy are equally valuable research tho. You should be proud!

Fate0011 ago

Lmfaoooooo you retarded cuck! Im part of the reason "The God King" got elected

You mad bro?

2, I could give 2 squirts of piss about your false bullshit.

3, I don't watch TV period , all I do is str8 net research, I find the truth for myself. I don't rely on others to tell me what is true or false.

Family guy - Kike

Sons of Anarchy - Project harder faggot

Hey, next time you fail.....please do it flat on your face :)


JamesHowardCrow ago

I also voted for donald trump and offered a donut/ride to the polls to every white man I saw..... However, unlike yourself I recognize the value in having 2 candidates who haven't been bribed to the point that they think of themselves as utterly beyond criticism.

Answer me honestly pede do you believe this untalented/unmarketable women was "promoting pedophilia" on behalf of an international cabal of business and political leaders?

If so why?

Is it her gargantuan budget? That video definitely cost literally HUNDREDS of dollars. SOROS had to pay for it!

Fate0011 ago

Btw nigger, you didn't spell "doughnut" right

JamesHowardCrow ago

Not in michigan, ohio, indiana or wisconsin did not know it was spelled like that outside the rust belt.


Edit: thanks for the fun fact I am a big fan of Bill Bryson and can't believe that wasn't one of the curios he listed in The Mother Tongue

Fate0011 ago

Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Or Wisconsin....Whats it like living in a red state now???

Awwww look ma. A democratic operative trying to influence online communities. How does defeat taste? Who president is trump? Were crushing you ALL and there is NOTHING you can do to stop it. We want you to see us coming. We want you to know exactly what were going to do. So you know there is nothing you can do to stop it. I thrive on letting shills know how powerless.....they really are.

JamesHowardCrow ago

Again I am glad trump won. My parents even donated enough money to the campaign that they each got a signed copy of AotD (one of which currently graces my mantle) I voted for Rand Paul in the primary and am a registered conservative. I interned for the head of the house intelligence committee while I was going to MSU, my conservative street cred is just as good as yours.

I doubt I would've voted for a republican besides Paul or Trump since everyone else seemed to be advocating a theocracy but I would've thrown some lukewarm support behind Gary and in all likelihood slept in on election day.

If you don't believe me google reddit jamescrow/jameshowardcrow our (but specifically(you can tell by the elipses) my) arguments are far too convincing for me to be a shill.

Fate0011 ago

This comment.....scares me

JamesHowardCrow ago

The extent of my political affiliation is sending unsolicited jokes to former bosses, colleagues, and current uncles if that is what scares you. Never worked in DC but I have worked in Lansing and Columbus. The friends who still work there say at least 3/4 of the republicans their age are at least open to the idea of pizzagate.

I take that with a grain of salt however since I know each and every one of them has at some point or another been to a fundraiser hosted by someone whom they consider to be the creepiest most assuredly guilty of something horrible person they've ever met.

Not saying I've met any pizza eaters just that the combination of enough disposable income to host a fundraiser and the rabid desire to force your political will on others tends to make for a monster of a human being.

Fate0011 ago

I can respect that. But just saying as far as this post being legit. It's not. Im from /pol/ both 4th and 8th. Have been for almost 6 years over the 4th 10 years total, and since 2014 on the 8th after anita sarkessian and the MOD blackout. And im telling you, I was in these threads.....they were debunked. On ALL sides of the 4th and 8th. They cherry picked "1 archive" (They made btw) of the same 3 people (Shills) talking to make it appear as legit. And spammed it. They know were close. And are trying to discredit us. They have been since December here, and October on the 4th-8th and Reddit (Fan boys). You need to trust me, I know what im talking about.

JamesHowardCrow ago

Do you remember anything specific about how/when it first appeared or an argument someone made after it had been debunked that set off your shill alarm?

It would be good to list anything you think might help us spot the next trap while it is still fresh in your mind.

Fate0011 ago

Yeah....the 1st thread.

Fate0011 ago

Your pathetic and projecting too hard nigger.

Offered a donut/ride to every white man I saw

Can you be anymore see through???


Fucking niggers lmfaooooooo

JamesHowardCrow ago

That isn't racist. It is simply shrewd politics combined with a basic understanding of statistics and demographics. Also a love of donuts that rivals homer simpsons ha.


About a half dozen frat brothers and I share the jamescrowxxx handle on reddit (the xxxx being dependant on how recently r/hillary_clinton bans). If you need a laugh read over the posts. You will not find a more base group of twentysomething professionals.

Fate0011 ago

I don't do "Reddit" please don't ever pass "Cuck Reddit Links" to me again....it's an insult. They can't do anything right. They are in competition for "Internet Points and Popularity" wayyyyyyyyyy to much and there is zero teamwork. And they are a bunch of whiny little bitches. "Eeeeeeeeee im mad he said nigger, cunt, cuck, spic, cracker, whore hoe, slut, landwhale, faggot. "This" is why 4-8chan are soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much more successful in EVERYTHING that we do!

Please keep that faggotry the fuck away.

Here give this to the reddit posers....

https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/54327 https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/54323 https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/54261 (Why is robbie mook soooo afraid of hillary going to morocco after she said no more foreign bribes.....to accept foreign donatiions)??? https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/54259 (Bribing blacks with gibs) https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/54215 (Want to edit stories because white people are shown to have a hard life as well)

I CAN CONTINUE.....let me know if you ever want a spanking again, redditfag

JamesHowardCrow ago

I know you said no reddit links but the donald trump reddit really seems right up your alley.

In the last week I remember seeing

  1. An article with a dozen clearly latino men with last names like Estevez and Garcia being listed as "white" in police databases

  2. A thread for jokes about whether Robby Mook had any skills or qualifications besides being the first openly gay campaign manager

  3. A story about a 16 year old german girl who had her teeth knocked out and was raped in harlem by blacks. A story that was mysteriously missing from national news broadcasts

Fate0011 ago

No its not.....were MILES ahead of you kids. Your fucking spectators in a contact sport right now, and in a distant last place. Why would I want to go get dumber?

Here poserboy.....you've been putting that research in, yet can't tell me why hillary has seizures??? And want me to "Learn" from you????

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Fucking joking right?

Here let me hold your hand again little reddit cuck and do everything for you

https://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/9457 (Why hillary has seizures)! (She killed another seal in the process) Here go take this.....an go get you some internet points....oh btw....claim it was (((Yourself))) that put the work in while at it

JamesHowardCrow ago

I don't know a whole lot about Hillary's mystery illness. Way too many competing theories for me to hazard a guess.

I do like knowing Hillary is suffering physically as well as psychologically tho. Have you come up with anything definitive for this


Fate0011 ago


Nuff said

Why hasn't the media reported on this??? What does this mean???

JamesHowardCrow ago

I post as the crow on 4chan too (not especially proud of some of those posts tho)

I like reddit because it reaches sooooooooooo many more americans and the salt mine we have owned at r/hillary_clinton has been producing like gangbusters since she collapsed on 9/11 and had to get chucked in a van like a slab of beef

Fate0011 ago

And stay the fuck off of 4chan! Faggots like yourself....ARE THE CANCER! Stay the fuck on reddit. VOAT is a "Good Medium" for us to converse.....other that that, were oil and water in the way we go about shit.

JamesHowardCrow ago

I get the allure of preaching to the choir here and do enjoy it but this site is seen as a joke/hoax by 99% of the country. Especially for the last couple months.

Fate0011 ago

Good! That keeps them away! I'd rather NOBODY knew about 4chan! But we can't have that b/c our little reddit fan club keeps popularizing everything we do! Breaking rules one and two! That's why we don't want you goys around. You fuck up too much! We don't want popularity. Popularity draws minors and shills. I'd much rather be unknown.

And wrong again

Actually alot of channers view VOAT as the beginning of the Un-Cuckining or Reddit

I respect @VOAT for respecting "Free Speech" but that's only one step to becoming us or free. You had to get that "Taken away from you" to respect it. We fight for it. Now your trying out your new metaphorical called "Sea-legs" with free-speech. But it doesn't put us on the same level. You have a ways to go. And the bastardization of VOAT came from salty Reddit left cucks, as far as my research led me on that topic as well. FTW let them stay away! It's better that way. There is ALOT to be learned. And not much time left.

JamesHowardCrow ago

"Good! That keeps them away! I'd rather NOBODY knew about 4chan! But we can't have that b/c our little reddit fan club keeps popularizing everything we do! Breaking rules one and two! That's why we don't want you goys around. You fuck up too much! We don't want popularity. Popularity draws minors and shills. I'd much rather be unknown."

I would be agreeing with you if we didn't need to be a lot more popular to keep the democrats from winning in 2020 and fulfilling hillary's dream of moving 200k savage refugees into detroit and punishing my home state for voting against her 3 times

Fate0011 ago

It's not....it's the media spamming it in an MK Ultra technique. If you convince people to think they are winning...more will come out....and less opposition with contribute.

Ummmm.....didn't you just see the last election????

The polls turned out to be super accurate.....Hillary 98% chance of winning.....Trump 2%......Trump wins in a landslide. Riiiiiggggghhhhhtttttt

Oh btw.....the media is run and paid off by the democrats


Subject: Re: CNN <------------------- @CNN

Ok, this has gone too far. The email below is from Craig to Nick to me where someone knows a n interview with Andrea was on the table. Seperately, Andrea just sent Nick this: "we are hearing news conference tomorrow?"

‎>The Andrea part especially should only have been known to 10-12 people, 3 of whom are John, Cheryl & me.

On 3/9/15, 3:59 PM, "Craig Minassian" craig@minassianmedia.com wrote:

This is just for you Nick but our favorite CNN source says that Brianna (who is filling in for Erin this week) and Dan have been speculating that HRC lined up an interview with Andrea Mitchell about emails. Now she obviously shouldn't be telling me this so please don't burn the source or Madre may pay the price. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrea_Mitchell

https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/54272 From:[email protected] states "Statement looks good - so long as the lawyers approve.

I would reach out to Obama supporters. Let me nominate Jamal Simmons. He's young (to me) Af-Am and way smart. He worked in the Clinton White House and now does commentary with me on CNN. Other prominent African-Americans should be courted, like Donna Brazile. (Rayciss, putting people in boxes again...)

Does commentary with me on CNN Commentary on CNN WITH me Is a journalist....and so is the author of this email...


In the House CBC Chairman Butterfield along with four other CBC members signed a letter to the Senate saying that if they attach TAA to African Growth Opportunity Act they can't count on their votes for it in the House. (Rayciss)

Why is the chairman of CBS in podesta's house for a private off the records conversation, while he's running Hillary's campaign? What does this mean???


JamesHowardCrow ago

Trump has a good chance come 2020 but it is not going to be another landslide unless pizzagate breaks

Pennsylvania - 20

By 2020 the democrats will have registered so many illegal, dead, and non-existant voters in philidelphia that I am writing it off already. Also there is no guarantee the amish will come out in as great of numbers as they did this time. They seem to be getting more organized with a bigger superPac but at the end of the day Trump could lose a huge chunk of it with a single misstatement or graphic cheating scandal dredged up from the 70's whether it is phony or not.

Michigan - 16

Won michigan by 12k votes on a cold and rainy tuesday. Blacks being (statistically(not racially) speaking) less likely to vote in poor weather do to their laziness, nappy hair and poor work ethic. It is safe to assume 95+% of those votes will go to the democrat.

Furthermore, because of hillary's own arrogance and total inability to grasp basic strategy she never came to michigan and barely advertised since Obama carried the state by 450k votes only 4 years previously.

Obviously no one besides obama is going to pull those kind of numbers with blacks, and I genuinely believe the blue collar auto workers who swung the state to reagan, obama, then trump are his now once and for all. But they are not making as many white blue collar voters as they used to and I worry that if the democrats nominate someone the blacks can trust to keep the freebies coming (another darkie) we will lose michigan by 6 figures again.

Arizona 11

Trump won by a comfortable 85k votes but that stiff Mitt Romney won it by 200k just 4 years ago. I know trump has secured the border and has started deporting but the demographics still don't work for us in 2020. Too many illegals crossed under Obama while the conservative whites are getting older and fewer. Adding to this problem is the fact that less and less whites want to move/retire to arizona the more and more Illegals flood the streets with gangs and drugs.

That is 47 electoral votes resulting in a 259/279 loss for trump unless he can flip

Minnisota's 10 electoral votes which he lost by just 44k thanks to the unwashed horde of Somali refugee Barry deposited in the twin cities to keep the state from turning red. Supposedly they hate it here and want to go back. Trump needs to get the ball rolling on that.

He also has to flip the New Hampshire's 4 which he can and probably will do since he only lost by 3k.

That would give him the win with exactly 270.

Fate0011 ago

Bad news bro....we don't have until 2020.

Fate0011 ago

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ya-DhFdR6Jk - Father Malachi Martin on how bad it is in the Vatican. He's an exorcist. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WsUf4FQJyno - 8:47 in....the throne of satan in the vatican

JamesHowardCrow ago

I am well aware of Malachi Martin calling himself an exorcist and using that claim to make 45-55 year old devout catholic women wetter than the egyptians when moses gavve them the slip

I also totally believe a number of cardinals practice satanism taboo and mass hysteria has a tendency to wreak havoc on small, secluded, mostly homogeneus groups. Especially when said groups are forced to do things like wear identical clothes, interact almost entirely amongst themselves and deny basic biological urges.

Fate0011 ago

Dude....after you realize what is really going on, your going to realize that pizzagate is just a very small portion of it. It gets so much worse than you can even imagine. And we are almost out of time. I don't know why their stalling.....it's starting to look suspect as fuck . And we don't have a year left, they know this. "The Pope" is the fucking "false profit"....he has declared "Lucifer"....."God".


Those kids smh....it's not just the elites. It's the fucking catholic church as well. What they do.....is beyond comprehension. They are the most evil fucks in the world. It's bad man....it's bad.

JamesHowardCrow ago

Went to catholic school k-12 and had a pastor defrocked 2 years after I graduated.I 100% believe the catholic church was behind a pedo cult that included Joan of Arc's general Gilles de Rais.

I just don't believe magic is real...Since there isn't any evidence.....

Fate0011 ago

Do you redditfags.....know why she collapses yet? Or are you 6 months behind on that as well???

Wanna peek?

Awoke_AF ago

Immigrants who don't speak English are cleaner for criminal activity. Not about immigrant kids dropping off the face of the earth, more about imported "staff" and not setting off alarms IMO.

JamesHowardCrow ago

Plugged the doctors last names in here


Nothing came up but conveniently there is no national registry so no way of knowing if any of them are involved in family pedo business

ListenUp ago

Page was archived luckily at http://archive.is/l7OZX

YingYangMom ago

Thank you. That's what I was looking for. The new thread was missing pics and images.

@carmencita @LostandFound

Silencio ago

I dont see much evidence, how did they rule it out as a regular dental office? They have a symbol, but it's also a glacier so it may be unintentional, usually need a lot of evidence... every dental office treats kids, did I miss something? Please advise... did employees have past arrests or any other red flags besides the logo?


yes the owner was sued back in the 90s if you read the thread.

Silencio ago

Oh I missed that, should have been easier to see that since it's more key than somr of the photos that don't look especially weird. I will revisit thr whole thing

Yates ago

This. It seems like this is being artificially pushed. Can someone please spell out the evidence or pedo signs. The 8chan thread is similar, just everyone agreeing but on what. Everything that's described in the OP is true for all urban dental clinics. And that logo isn't quite the pedo symbol, it looks like, gasp, a fucking glacier of ice. In Alaska.

Fate0011 ago

Fucking pathetic the MODS allow this one. This is an obvious attack on innocents and draws zero correlation to the assumptions that were made. It's a fucking dentist office and that's it.


THEN WHY HAVE PEDO SYMBOLISM, THE CREMATORIUM, THE OBSESSIVE MARKETING WITH KIDS, THE DOWNRIGHT SCARY REVIEWS ON THEIR WEBSITE DETAILING THEY WERE DRUGGED FOR 10 HOURS!!!! EXPLAIN THAT ONE. IT happened before I apparently tried to divide and shill over this forum. Better get that review taken down before all you patchup the problem posts look very obvious @Fate0011


old thread b4 404. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1852412

My appointment started at 3pm and i didn't leave until almost 1 in the morning! They INSISTED on doing work I didn't want done until i gave in. At one point I started crying and telling them to call my fiance to pick me up, so they INSISTED I let them put me under so i wouldn't feel anything. I woke up that morning in my bed with blood all over my face and no clue what happened. Turned out, they didn't even let me wake up from anesthesia before having my fiance take me home. THEY DIDN'T EVEN GIVE ME GAUZE! I strongly recommend you find a better dentist to go to.

Fate0011 ago

https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/54389 From: "Yoon, Robert" Robert.Yoon@turner.com Date: February 2, 2016 at 5:43:21 PM EST Subject: Iowa Caucuses - Coin Flips EXPLAINED! [sent to: *CNN Political Plus (TBS)]

From CNN Director of Political Research Robert Yoon (Director of political research from CNN communicating and proofing shit with the clinton campaign)

https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/54393 Director of Morgan Stanley invitation to his friends book reveal (Pic)

https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/54394 Glenn Thrush Chief Political Correspondent, POLITICO Senior Staff Writer, POLITICO Magazine Cell (call first): 202-731-4974 Desk: 703-647-8543 @glennthrush Alternative email: [email protected] http://www.politico.com/reporters/GlennThrush.html

CNN journofag Asking if Ped0sta is coming (Assumed Party) Whatever shin dig you have happening people are talking

https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/54396 Phillipe Reines tells truth about using fake email addresses while in the gov....they observe

https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/54404 Vice Journofag Daniel Oberhaus writes Ped0sta about UFOs

https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/44844 Robby Mook said "Morocco: No matter what happens, she will be in Morocco hosting CGI on May 5-7, 2015. Her presence was a condition for the Moroccans to proceed so there is no going back on this. Important that you know background".

Her presence was a condition for the Moroccans to proceed so there is no going back on this. Her presence was a condition for the Moroccans to proceed Her presence was a condition Pay for play... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OCP_Group The group that "Hillary" couldn't bail on too much $$$

https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/54412 Clinton Foundation Event Hosted by OCP in Morocco as the Clinton Foundation is facing continued questions on foreign donations.

https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/54427 Pollster on how people who poll, what he thinks they mean...and how to modify them. http://www.algpolling.com/

https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/54429 Meeting with developers at home with Marguerite Thompson, The Menkiti Group http://www.menkitigroup.com/about/ Urban developer

https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/54436 Podestas NSA buddy...talking about how people think they are all getting hacked....then, podesta gets hacked lolololololol

and he has his fingers on the pulse and talks to many of the key German leaders What does this mean???

https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/54439 Breakfast with Congressman Mike Honda and Special Guest Rep. Zoe Lofgren from Silicone Valley Cali for the low low price of $1,000 $2,500 or $5,000....I bet that "Breakfast" blows you

https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/54449 Thomas Nides from Morgan Stanley Asking for a quick chat...

https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/54451 WJC can't take off til noon (HRC uses her plane in the morn to avoid crew rest issues) but if YOU want fly with them, they'd love to have you.

https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/54470 Ilana Drimmer Leadership® Profile Contributing Producer Meet The Press, NBC News wants podesta for meet the press

Podesta's House 3743 Brandywine St NW. Podestas house

Act up again....and I DUMP the rest of what I found :)


Fate0011 ago

  1. the symbol is getting played and NOT the one from the FBI doclist. The shills (Which I Suspect You Are) are trying to Exploit anything that appears to look the same in an act to discredit it! 2. The crematorium doesn't belong to them. 3. They market to kids because kids goto the dentist way more than adults (Baby teeth faggot don't forget) also, they are in a CITY with a more dense population in more compacted spaces. (There are more kids and doctors take care of children 1st). 4. on the comments....I read them, ALL of them. And you found "1 comment" to try to give your pathetic attempt at interference some type of credibility. FAIL AGAIN GO READ THE REST OF THE COMMENTS NIGGER :)

So there you go darkie.....that's the definition of BTFO enjoy your tight face, subhuman


WTF its a triangle inside of a Triangle SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU FUCKING PUNKASS NIGGER BITCH. AHHAHAHAHHAHAHAH i can say tough werds tooooooooooooooooooooooo IM BIG TOUGH GUY. THATS MEEEEEEE MY NAME IS @Fate00111 HAHAHAHAHHAHAhAHA. My fate is die when I do such a bad job shilling i blow the CIA's cover and they kill me. I actually feel sorry for you m8 but I have a job to do and show everyone who the CIA nuts on this board are.

  1. It is the fucking symbol. It is a Big triangle on the outside of a little triangle. Meaning Big adult like little kid. i think we all know that one. It's almost funny too that you tried to defend that because when they were trying to build the business they were like No one will ever GET IT! were so fucking clever well just flip the pedo symbol and create a G with it arent we so FUCKING SMART LMAO.... YOU ARE SO FUCKING RETARTED MAN IT MAKES ME WONDER WHY YOU GUYS STILL OPERATE LOL

  2. CREMATORIUMS don't need to be owned to be used WTF. You pay a service fee to burn something. But YEAH are research is just beginning on Glacier dental and all its holding partners. Wouldn't be surprised if the same guy/organization all own the crematorium and shipping industry nearby. LEL. the autists will figure it out soon. This will not go away for months so you better start knitting up all the shell companies and all your holdings.

  3. They market to kids BECUZ kids really pay the bills. LMAO. Who FUCKING MARKETS TO KIDS YOU DUMB FUCK. ADULTS PAY THE FUCKING BILLS.

  4. don't even know what to say LOL HAHAH other than you don't sound like a pollack even though you say you've been around since 2010 and you speak like a degenerate nigger yourself.

we dun goofed muh voat thread dindu nuffins are getting quite funny lel.

@fate0011 is definitely a nigger. I thought you guys are all Nazis and hate niggers in the CIA NSA FBI etc... lel ahahahahahha didn't know you went against yourselves now you're hiring niggers to shill on social media. LEL TOP KEKS HAHAHAHHAHHAHAH

Fate0011 ago

Oh and im white....from the east coast USA. And in my 30's....anything else you want to fail at? I mean other than your theory on this subject or any of your assumptions on me? But again like i've made clear....faggots like yourself project way too hard. You can get away with that faggotry over reddit....but you cant with ANYONE from the chans....we just laugh at you. Then photoshop cocks in your mouths....and laugh some more.

Fate0011 ago

Not cia....or nsa....but am a private investigator. You were saying???

IDeliverPizza ago

Reddit threads are getting deleted as well. Banned from GLP. Had one that was about 473 upvotes then Poof GONE! Thread was on GLP then Poof Gone! WTF IS GOING ON!!!!! Banned from 4chan for this Thread. Poof GOne.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Do you have any proof of these deletions and bans? Also, can you please explain what exactly the evidence is that this is a pedo distribution center, and not just dentist's offices?

@sensitive @Vindicator @nnfx @horse-with-a-name @wecanhelp

Silverlining ago

Please consider reinstating ideliverpizza and nana66

This thread has 2393 views and 273 upvoats IN A DAY!! This is massive for a submission. Let voaters make up their own minds. You think there is nothing to see and it brings pizagate into "disrepute."

Perhaps a little advice on respect for moderators and how to channel enthusiasm might be helpful. I don't know all the ins and outs of the bans, but I had favourable vies of both ideliver and nana before this - and still have.

Your game, your rules, your culture!!

@sensitive @Vindicator @nnfx @horse-with-a-name @wecanhelp

Fate0011 ago

@Millenial_Falcon they are deleting them because they know it's bullshit! This is a blatant attempt at an internal attack. And VOAT is the "Only One" falling for it! WISE THE FUCK UP!!!!!!

They have zero evidence of squat, aside from the fact that they are attacking a "Dentist Office". READ IT FOR WHAT IT IS! SOMETIMES THE SIMPLEST ANSWER IS THE RIGHT ONE! NOT EVERYTHING IS A MYSTERY!

My question....after what you read.....do you see ANY EVIDENCE at all???? No, Millennial....they are trying to get you to play yourself. Don't take the bait.



Fate0011 ago

-23 comment contribution points (Very Reliable.....let me tell ya)

Tell me where you see evidence of pedo related activity in this ANYWHERE? I'lil wait...

I know understand why the FBI doesn't let us do more. It's because of cucks like you.


Actually if you add all my other contribution points from my regular account @ideliverpizza I have about 400 Contribution points. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo

Fate0011 ago

Yep, You are the shill! Nigger, I pointed out your account earlier! Fucking fake poster lmaooooooooooo! At least on this one!

ThePedoHunter ago

I see what you did there......that's some nice subtle shilling.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Anyone who says that someone demanding evidence is a shill, must be a shill.

Fate0011 ago

Wrong! This is an easy one for anyone NOT from reddit to read....and the sad part is even they did it right on this one.

IDeliverPizza ago

Crematorium. Pedo symbol logo. Storage container. The list goes on and on.

GeorgeT ago

Pedo logo is straight out of declassified FBI document - just a truncated version, the swirl is short. But in all - pedo logo just like on Besta Pizza (before it was changed)

Millennial_Falcon ago

Crematorium. Pedo symbol logo. Storage container.

Sort-of almost pedo-symbol logo. Storage container = not evidence of anything. It's normal for businesses to use storage containers. Crematorium is potentially odd. Is there a source for that?

The list goes on and on.

You were only able to list 3 things, none of which are very compelling. Not trying to shut you down, but don't put the cart before the horse. The most damaging thing for us is false positives, because it destroys our credibility.

IDeliverPizza ago

What do you mean sort of almost pedo-symbol? It is the symbol. Second the storage container is not a storage container. It is a shipping container. Your not gonna get that down at your local 1800 storage place.

THIRD. the crematorium is being researched rn. im fighting about 5 websites rn. and have 2 on my side.

Fate0011 ago

Because your making shit up faggot! Im from the fucking chans bitch! Have been since 2010'! There is zero evidence of any of your assertions. We see through your bullshit. And im going to teach the MODS how to sniff your bullshit out.

You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro? You mad bro?

Millennial_Falcon ago

What do you mean sort of almost pedo-symbol? It is the symbol.

No, it clearly isn't. The actual boylover symbol makes two complete triangles, in a "spiral" form.

Second the storage container is not a storage container. It is a shipping container. Your not gonna get that down at your local 1800 storage place.

Semantics. I know people who have a shipping container for storage. It's not uncommon at all.

THIRD. the crematorium is being researched rn

That's fine. I just had to remove the flair on this post for now. The evidence at this point is not strong enough for a flair, IMO. Getting verifiable proof of the scrubbing would be great.

IDeliverPizza ago

YES IT CLEARLY IS. That shortened version is used everyhwere.



Millennial_Falcon ago

That shortened version is used everyhwere.

Unless there's an example of it being used by known pedos, we can't assume it's a "shortened version." Just like a spiral is not always a pedo symbol.

Millennial_Falcon ago

That's the full (actual) symbol.

IDeliverPizza ago

IT's just flipped horizonally man. thats my point. its the same symbol.

fartyshorts ago

I see what you mean. https://imgoat.com/uploads/74d97b01ea/15958.jpg

Not an exact match, but it could be a little wink-wink, nudge-nudge.

Millennial_Falcon ago

The direction isn't the issue.


The dentist office symbol is just a G stylized too look like a glacier/mountain.

IDeliverPizza ago

Fate0011 ago

Yeah because it's fucking fake and your trying to get people to attack "Innocents" in an act to discredit the sites and people you Fear the most! Your NOT icing shit! And I personally went through an additional 1,000 pages of the podesta emails.... EVERYONE ELSE ALREADY SNIFFED THIS OUT BUT @VOAT!

You mad hoe?You mad hoe?You mad hoe?You mad hoe?You mad hoe?You mad hoe?You mad hoe?You mad hoe?You mad hoe?You mad hoe?You mad hoe?You mad hoe?You mad hoe?You mad hoe?You mad hoe?You mad hoe?You mad hoe?You mad hoe?You mad hoe?You mad hoe?You mad hoe?You mad hoe?You mad hoe?You mad hoe?You mad hoe?You mad hoe?You mad hoe?You mad hoe?You mad hoe?You mad hoe?You mad hoe?You mad hoe?You mad hoe?You mad hoe?You mad hoe?You mad hoe?You mad hoe?You mad hoe?You mad hoe?You mad hoe?You mad hoe?You mad hoe?You mad hoe?You mad hoe?You mad hoe?You mad hoe?You mad hoe?You mad hoe?You mad hoe?You mad hoe?You mad hoe?You mad hoe?You mad hoe?You mad hoe?

Why is the media soo corrupt???

https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/54327 (New Shit) https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/42312 (New Shit) (Tamera Lozzotto/Podesta) https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/54323 (New Shit) (Tamera Lozzotta/Podesta) https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/44773 (New Shit one HuffPo/Podesta/massive media DNC cooperation) https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/54272 (NEW SHIT BIG) (You'll see...)

Keep playing your games....and your going to see what else I have...

YingYangMom ago

I don't fear anything or anyone but God.

Fate0011 ago

Oh? Here is your pope declaring "Lucifer" the god you worship.....on video.


t. Agnostic

YingYangMom ago

First of all, he isn't MY pope. That 'creature' is no better than anybody else and he only speaks for the RCC and Vatican. It's corruption and NWO at its best. Fuck him. This has nothing to do with me or God.

Fate0011 ago

There is hope for you afterall

YingYangMom ago

There always was and there always will be.

Fate0011 ago

So you come come at me with your best, hoe. But as of now....I have a 100% win ratio. I know my shit and don't play games 8)

YingYangMom ago

Not coming at anyone with anything. Just trying to help the kids like everyone else here but you, it seems.

Fate0011 ago

No boo, I am too. Click my name, goto my page, and look at the research I put in. I promise you it's more than 80% of the people commenting right now can say. And my shit is legit.

But am more aware of what the people trying to disrupt this investigation are doing than annnnnnnyyyyybody on voat. We had mad shit leaked to us over /pol/ there are spam teams in full force right now....what you are witnessing is an act to discredit by attacking innocents. To make us, the investigation, and sites conducted on.....look bad. And your taking the bait they set...

YingYangMom ago

what you are witnessing is an act to discredit by attacking innocents. To make us, the investigation, and sites conducted on.....look bad. And your taking the bait they set...

It's your word against theirs. But just FYI I'm no autist, so I have no idea how to get info and look into this stuff. I help the best way I can, by reading the threads, through the comment section and connecting dots if there are any to be connected at all, providing links whenever there are any that are available, etc. This is the best that I can do to help the children.

Fate0011 ago

Best role boo. Get up on your OSINT. "Open Sourced Intel".....means learn how to do good searches through numerous search browsers. Duckduckgo.com is an alternative to google. Also learn how to refine your searches using the filters. (Little button under the magnifying glass) To modify the years searched. Try to set search terms 1960-2011 After those dates....the internet is polluted. You will be surprised in what you find....just filtering your searches the right way....using the right "Keywords".

YingYangMom ago

Hey you! Out there in the cold, getting lonely getting old, Can you feel me?

Hey you, Standing in the aisle, with itchy feet and fading smiles, Can you feel me?

Hey you, Don't help them to bury the light, Don't give in without a fight!

Hey you, Out there on your own, sitting naked by the phone, Will you touch me?

Hey you, With your ear against the Wall, Waiting for someone to call out, Would you touch me?

Hey you, Would you help me to carry the stone? Open your heart, I'm coming home.

(Cue epic guitar solos)

But it was only a fantasy, The Wall was too high as you can see, No matter how he tried, he could not break free, And the Worms ate into his brains...

Hey you! Out there on the road, always doing what you're told, can you help me?

Hey you! Out there beyond the Wall, breaking bottles in the hall, can you help me?

Hey you, Don't tell me there's no hope at all! Together we stand, Divided we fall...

  • Pink Floyd


Fate0011 ago

Your god is fake, and you should, if not you WILL learn the hard way :)

Which one are you?


IsItArt ago

God isn't fake.

ToMuchBS2 ago


Fate0011 ago

Tell that to your pope....the false profit.


IsItArt ago

Are you human @Fate0011?

Fate0011 ago

I sexually identify as a piece of sheetrock. Is that what you are asking?

No, im from a time far far awayyyyyy in the future.

Thats a dumb question bro....yeah im human.

IsItArt ago

If you say so.

YingYangMom ago

All the links I provided are posted on the 3 threads relating to this subject. I think you should stop panicking, because you'll be making the people here even more suspicious by the way you're acting, like a total freaked out nut.

Fate0011 ago

Lulz welcome to /pol/ bitch! This is how WE ALL ARE! You don't like it pipe the fuck down like I told you, and learn a thing or two. Your seeing shit where there isn't anything! And your going to embarrass this investigation in the process!

"Freaked out nut"

Lmao Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Yet, we get more shit done then the rest of the internet combined??? And were the Crazy Ones. The ones that are impervious to attack that EVERY media source hates because we've seen it alllll and been trough it allllll already. We are well versed in this bullshit!

Greetz from /pol/

YingYangMom ago

You, you, you. You accuse me but, really, I'm not the only one that "sees things" then, am I? This thread was about a place and its investigation which started because of a suspicious logo found on your damn platform, not here. If IDeliverPizza wouldn't have brought it up here, how the fuck would I know anything about it? Furthermore, if there is nothing to be found there, then that would be that. But then again, why the banning and the rapid take down? That in itself is a red flag. Anyone with common sense would think so. However, no smoking gun was found, so it was all suppositions and suspicions so far. Why all the drama and panic? Chill baby, chill.

Millennial_Falcon ago

I'm not calling you a liar, but that's a link to a 404'd thread which could be anything. We need screenshots of threads from before they were deleted. If we can't find any, fair enough, but it would be very helpful to the case to have proof.

IDeliverPizza ago

You can find the the archive link in the thread. you've been here a while NSA why don't you know that haha.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Where? The thread 404's and goes to the /pol homepage. So do I find the archive link? I've never been on 4-chan much.

IDeliverPizza ago

How are you modding without that experience?

You have been a mod for a while you dont know. NSA you run 4chan come on hahah

You can find the archive link like a said earlier its all over voat.

Millennial_Falcon ago

How are you modding without that experience? You have been a mod for a while you dont know. NSA you run 4chan come on hahah

Now you're just being obnoxious.

You can find the archive link like a said earlier its all over voat.

Ah, OK. I didn't realize you were linking to the same thread we've seen already. If you have proof of other threads being scrubbed, that would be very helpful.

YingYangMom ago

@IDeliverPizza @sensitive @carmencita @pizzaequalspedo

The new screenshot is different from the original thread. I saw a picture of 2 black kids instead of the 3 asian girls there. I also saw an image of a map that is now missing... what's up with that?

sensitive ago

Flairing this as "important" since site seems to get scrubbed.

Silverlining ago

I don't see the flare "important"

M_F Removing flair for now. The linked 4chan thread is grasping at straws. I suppose the logo (even though it's not the actual boylover logo) is sufficient to leave the post up, but not enough for a flair. As for the scrubbing of reddit and 4chan posts, that's what I would expect from reddit, since they deleted /r/pizzagate for being a "witch hunt," not to mention no proof of scrubbing has been provided.


sensitive ago

Silverlining ago

Other threads getting traction https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1850434 Comey 169 voats 1700 views https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1850253 Julian Assange tweets 171 voats 1800 views https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1851331 Rachel Bloom 122 voats 1800 views

Not sure if you want to know all this!

Silverlining ago

I saw when I read a bit further.

Not entirely happy about the modding of this thread. It has 282 net upvoats in two days, 2,600 views, it doesn't appear in the top or hot buttons [as far as I can see] and is now top of page 2 of new. And lots more submissions have come in since then.

We may well be hounding "innocents" but no one seems to be hounding the "guilty".

And a crematorium IS mighty handy for disposing of children's corpses. All we need is a Masonic Temple on the same block and we have pizzagate bingo!

Sacrifices seem to be happening somewhere!

Sorry to dump on you - perhaps M_F should retire from modding. Perhaps it is time for the caravan to move on - maybe to v/pizzagateawareness ?

Perhaps the owners should get involved in this one. There is beginning to look like a chasm between the mods and the users, having different objectives for v/pizzagate Best wishes.

I notice his [presumably spammed in the eyes of M_F] other related posts also got massive upvoats

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1852247 251 upvoats and near 5000!!! views https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1852007 202 upvoats 1800 views

anonOpenPress ago

I can't see any flair given, did you @sensitive

lorlipone ago

OK, I'm an Anchorage resident. I'll go check it out soon.

Fate0011 ago

Cool story braaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, Im from 4 and 8chan :)

This shit is a weak ass attempt at discrediting PG, and your playing into it. I fucking warned you faggots that they were going after innocents in a manner to try to discredit this investigation.

Can you NOT realize that "Kids go to the dentist"? Especially in cities....where the population density is more dense and compact? Either (((You))) are incompetent or just a complete fucking retard for not doing basic research....I popped these faggots on this shit 2 months ago (Numerous Times). Even reported it to your MODS, and they concurred....I know my shit.

And a message for the shills...if you think "I" or any other users of the chan's is going to sit back and watch you try to impersonate us, to discredit the investigation or us....you got another thing coming. Ask CTR, Shareblue, CREW, and American Bridge, and the entire fake stream media :)

You haven't been paying attention lately and that WILL cost you....

I was "IN THAT THREAD" there were 2-3 fakers in there trying to impersonate (Remember anyone can post)...and anons debunked the fuck out of everything. And @ (You) MOD.....it's pretty fucking pathetic you would buy into this....which gives even more credence that the MODS here are infiltrated. That's without the "Real Leaks" that got dropped /our way/ about what really IS happening. With emails as pr00fs and strait tutorials on how to "Influence/Assault Online Communities" from them, Fucking p053r5....


Millennial_Falcon ago

Removing flair for now. The linked 4chan thread is grasping at straws. I suppose the logo (even though it's not the actual boylover logo) is sufficient to leave the post up, but not enough for a flair. As for the scrubbing of reddit and 4chan posts, that's what I would expect from reddit, since they deleted /r/pizzagate for being a "witch hunt," not to mention no proof of scrubbing has been provided.

Fate0011 ago

@Millenial_Falcon of ALLLLLLL of the arguments we've been in and I know and so do you..... "We don't like each other" this gains respect. Thank you for being observant. This is an attempt to attack from the inside as to have us implicate innocents. I popped these faggots trying to pull this shit 2 months ago "Vin" knows....they want us to attack innocents to discredit us and the investigation.

Im from the chans! And was in that thread. Same deal as here they work in teams of 2-3 (We have leaked docs "2" people you know have them) they try to make it appear that an "Idea" is authentic to rope others in, and have them do their dirty work and destroy themselves from within.

We sniffed that shit out a mile away. The MODS here are not well versed in what that looks like yet. But it appears you are learning.

Ty for being observant on this one.


bunklunk ago

This is an attempt to attack from the inside as to have us implicate innocents. I popped these faggots trying to pull this shit 2 months ago "Vin" knows....they want us to attack innocents to discredit us and the investigation.

This is exactly how I feel about this, there are two posts on the frontpage of this Glacier Dental shit.

You should really make a post warning about it, I'd do it myself but you seem to have extra context for why it's fake (or likely fake) and have a better established post history than I do.

Fate0011 ago

Oh yeah, on M_F's post.

@sensitive your a fucking newfag for buying into it!

And this is an embarrassment to the MOD team here, to not be able to "Read this one" but Ty M_F for having to ability to see through the "smoke" you got a lot to learn.....but are on your way.

sensitive ago

When your workload is high, things like this can happen. Apologies. Good thing Millennial_Falcon saw through it.

YingYangMom ago

I upvoated your comment 5 minutes ago, but the count is still at 0 even after refreshing the page.

sensitive ago

Vindicator told me: There was a post in v/announcements by PuttItOut last week saying they were facing a DDoS extortion attack. It's my understanding that lagging upvoats is one of the measures they sometimes take to resist DDoS attacks attempting to overload the system w/vote bots.

Cheesebooger ago

I just joined and cant upvote. How long before I can? Thanks

YingYangMom ago

You'll need to gather contribution points by either posting submissions to receive points or commenting and receiving points there so you can start giving them yourself. Here's an upvoat.

Cheesebooger ago

Thank you, Ma'am

YingYangMom ago

Welcome :)

ultrathat ago

upvoat #42 and got a screencap

can't say Im surprised to see it get scrubbed so fast seems like the empires built on this shit eh.

YingYangMom ago

Seems so, yes. Here's an archive from the original post: http://archive.is/l7OZX

sensitive ago

Weird indeed. I upvoated yours, and it showed instantly!

YingYangMom ago

Some other users also noticed this. This week, one reported to me that their upvoat of my comment wasn't showing on the counter either. At first I thought it was a glitch, but it seems like it's happening quite a lot lately.

DerivaUK ago

It is happening all of the time. I upvoat and refresh; upvoat gone.

YingYangMom ago

Thank you for voicing your view/experience on this. Upvoated.

Gumbatron ago

AFAIK, the counters for upvoats/downvoats are calculated using a separate process in the database.

They are updated approximately every 30 seconds, although at times of heavy load, this may be delayed or less frequent. Don't get too worried if your voat is not reflected immediately, it'll get updated soon enough.

YingYangMom ago

I'm grateful for the information and for your concern. I'll keep that in mind. Thank you :)

sensitive ago

This is not good. Could you collect some data?

YingYangMom ago

This is what I could collect besides this instance today. I received some PM, but those unfortunately, I already deleted...



pizzaequalspedo ago

Wtf? 4chan scrubs threads like that?

Fate0011 ago

Yeah, because it's fake and an attempt to try to get us to attack innocents. 8 chan sniffed it out too. So did Reddit. @VOAT MODS are fucking falling for it.

crashing_this_thread ago

Shills gonna shill. If its fake its no reason to censor it.

Fate0011 ago

Unless your slandering "innocent people" by accusing them of being pedos with zero proof.....which can/does lead to trouble.

And there isn't anything here.....we laid this shit to rest over the 8th and 4th already. Debunked.

crashing_this_thread ago

Oh, there isn't anything here and it's debunked? Gee, when you say it like that it's much more convincing. Impressive how anyone have managed to dig through such enormous amounts of leaked information for us to digest it all so that we know it's debunked.

Must take a lot of manpower to do it that fast considering the largest public investigation in history hasn't been able to do it in over 7 months.

spezkiller ago

i was in the thread, refreshed and it 404'd.

YingYangMom ago

Did you notice the difference between the original thread and the screenshot? Take another look.

Fate0011 ago

Stop trying to spam your shit bitch. Were here too!

jesus_is_lord ago

the symbology is there