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sensitive ago

Flairing this as "important" since site seems to get scrubbed.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Removing flair for now. The linked 4chan thread is grasping at straws. I suppose the logo (even though it's not the actual boylover logo) is sufficient to leave the post up, but not enough for a flair. As for the scrubbing of reddit and 4chan posts, that's what I would expect from reddit, since they deleted /r/pizzagate for being a "witch hunt," not to mention no proof of scrubbing has been provided.

Fate0011 ago

@Millenial_Falcon of ALLLLLLL of the arguments we've been in and I know and so do you..... "We don't like each other" this gains respect. Thank you for being observant. This is an attempt to attack from the inside as to have us implicate innocents. I popped these faggots trying to pull this shit 2 months ago "Vin" knows....they want us to attack innocents to discredit us and the investigation.

Im from the chans! And was in that thread. Same deal as here they work in teams of 2-3 (We have leaked docs "2" people you know have them) they try to make it appear that an "Idea" is authentic to rope others in, and have them do their dirty work and destroy themselves from within.

We sniffed that shit out a mile away. The MODS here are not well versed in what that looks like yet. But it appears you are learning.

Ty for being observant on this one.


bunklunk ago

This is an attempt to attack from the inside as to have us implicate innocents. I popped these faggots trying to pull this shit 2 months ago "Vin" knows....they want us to attack innocents to discredit us and the investigation.

This is exactly how I feel about this, there are two posts on the frontpage of this Glacier Dental shit.

You should really make a post warning about it, I'd do it myself but you seem to have extra context for why it's fake (or likely fake) and have a better established post history than I do.

Fate0011 ago

Oh yeah, on M_F's post.

@sensitive your a fucking newfag for buying into it!

And this is an embarrassment to the MOD team here, to not be able to "Read this one" but Ty M_F for having to ability to see through the "smoke" you got a lot to learn.....but are on your way.

sensitive ago

When your workload is high, things like this can happen. Apologies. Good thing Millennial_Falcon saw through it.