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Votescam ago

Could someone who knows the story sort of sum it up - Seems to involve Glacier Dental care and torture and possibly more? Alaska missing children All locations are within minutes of catholic charities and international adoption centers. Does it connect anywhere to anything that has been previously researched?

OK -- This post above helped ... by ListenUp Page was archived luckily at

And will continue to watch thread for more info.

Fate0011 ago

No, it's bullshit trying to get us to attack innocents.


old thread b4 404.

My appointment started at 3pm and i didn't leave until almost 1 in the morning! They INSISTED on doing work I didn't want done until i gave in. At one point I started crying and telling them to call my fiance to pick me up, so they INSISTED I let them put me under so i wouldn't feel anything. I woke up that morning in my bed with blood all over my face and no clue what happened. Turned out, they didn't even let me wake up from anesthesia before having my fiance take me home. THEY DIDN'T EVEN GIVE ME GAUZE! I strongly recommend you find a better dentist to go to.

Fate0011 ago

I already responded to cherry picked the "1" negative comment out of the entire fucking page! Which NO GAMES I go out and fuck with shit just for the lulz....or did you NOT see what we did to the "Bikelock Attacker"? the 1st comment you see in this video.

Yes, people do go wright Dumb Shit. Does "1 Comment" of 30.....give credence to anything? FUCK NO! And your either retarded for seeing shit where there isn't anything....or are being payed! The later is what I suspect from your last comment about being the OP of this thread....@IDeliverPizza but operating under a different sudo.