wokethefkup ago

Damn it I missed it

LostandFound ago

No idea at all, just asked for a resource

YingYangMom ago

op banned here.

NeverGiveUp ago

Awesome work guys. Big up Rorschachs!!

The police badget is some heavy stuff. https://media.giphy.com/media/mRwpS7MtuWffO/giphy.gif

SwampAintDrained ago

I thought 4chan was deleting all pizzagate threads since forever ago? What makes this one special in that aspect?

EDIT: ALso just read through https://8ch.net/pol/res/9891932.html and there seems to be no proof of anything? Where is the substance?

IDeliverPizza ago

no not recently check this out there's one up RN they are not scrubbing.


jstrotha0975 ago

A customer review. There's a more button that wont open to read the rest. My appointment started at 3pm and i didn't leave until almost 1 in the morning! They INSISTED on doing work I didn't want done until i gave in. At one point I started crying and telling them…

sunshinepines83 ago

If you search glacier dental on Google, you can see the full review there. The young lady woke up at home with blood on her face and said they didn't even bother to wake her up after the dental procedure and just had her fiance take her home while she was still sedated. Plus she says they didn't put any gauze in her mouth. Pretty messed up

Shillary ago

404 not found?

Winter_Folger ago

4chan posts keep getting 404'd

Tanngrisnir ago

This does indeed look huge. I'm archiving the crap out of their site right now. They do sedation dentisty and implants as well.

ArthurEdens ago

It got deleted last time they looked into them too

Edit: i've been wondering about gracie for a while. Saw a sticker on a car and then another

YingYangMom ago

@IDeliverPizza @Vindicator

This screenshot has been edited. It's not the original one. I see changes, one picture has been replaced. I can guarantee 100% that its not the same. I saw 2 black kids instead of the 3 asian girls. There also was a map of the place. Now it's gone.

Edit: Archive found with missing images : http://archive.is/l7OZX

sensitive ago

EDIT: I flaired this "important" since it seems sites are being scrubbed.

Breadleaf ago

So what is the evidence here? please reply with a list of actionable evidence. i read all the threads and there is only an artsy G, and a creepy review by one adult. nothing else is telling without further investigation, so why the FUCK are there more likes per hour than i have literally ever seen on a pizzagate thread. this smells like 'like farming' and shilling.

sensitive ago

It has been deflaired by another mod. I acted too fast. Mistakes can happen.

VieBleu ago

Is there anyone that can be asked to give an official reason as to why this thread is deleted?

HopeLiesInTheProles ago

Here's the archived version of today's 4Chan thread: http://archive.is/aWzQY Edit: sorry, it's the 8Chan thread

YingYangMom ago

Sorry but NO. NO. NO. NO. The picture of the kids in the clinic was not this one originally. There were 2 black children, one teenage boy and a younger girl next to him. Where did this go?

@carmencita @pizzaequalspedo @HopeLiesInTheProles @Vindicator @IDeliverPizza

YingYangMom ago

So the new thread is not a screenshot..? It's the same dudes reposting their shit?

YingYangMom ago

Yes! Thanks. That's the one. Why was it taken out and replaced? Also where is the missing map? What's this all about?


carmencita ago

Evidently the person that posted them was really on to something hot.

YingYangMom ago

That's not the one that was posted. It was about a dental clinic next to a police station and cremation ground. Churches in the vicinity as well.

ReyaPhemhurth ago

I have knowledge regarding the dental field, if anyone needs any assistance.

YingYangMom ago

What can be collected from teeth? Meaning what can they be used for (besides eating food, of course)...

jstrotha0975 ago

You going to break into a business or cargo container near a police station? Teeth contain DNA. They are telling parents to save kids teeth because they will be able to grow new ones for them in the future.

YingYangMom ago

Lol no, just curious. Thanks for the info, appreciated.

rastrodetortuga ago

404 Not Found

equineluvr ago

Not found.

JusticeWarriorNow ago

This literally just got deleted off 4chan. This means this is a HUGE deal. I took a screenshot of the post. It got deleted as I was reading it.

jabba ago

does that mean the alien picture was real too?

Riva ago


carmencita ago

I saw the whole thing, right after posting. I am awful at archive. Is there anyway you can post the screen shot in here? This is VIP clue @Vindicator.

HopeLiesInTheProles ago

Holy shit, you're right. I was just reading it 5 minutes ago, and now the link is 404'd. This is HUGE!

carmencita ago

Sorry just noticed someone posted it. Thanks.

kneo24 ago

Yup, I came here to post the same thing. It just 404'd.

pizzaequalspedo ago

Very strange coincidences that would not normally make sense for retail Dental practices.

This is a good lead IMO.

Pipebomb ago

Epstein's bathroom had a fully equipped dental cart/chair with drills etc. Also one of those pedo Youtube channels was giving young girls free dental work. Odd coincidence that dental work keeps coming up with pedo handlers, probably to make them more attractive.

jabba ago

because poor people are desperate for dental work

carmencita ago

Yes, Dental Chairs.

YingYangMom ago

Oh yeah... those chairs, shit! Collecting stem cells before cremating the bodies. Goddamn it!

carmencita ago

Yes, bringing them on shipping containers? Sex and then organs and maybe sometimes snuff for more profit? O God it is sickening.

YingYangMom ago

That screenshot has been edited. Please, tell me you checked out the picture of the 2 black kids on there. Now there is a picture of 3 asian girls and the image of the map of the place is also missing.

carmencita ago

I saw the map but just barely looked at the girls. Oh no.

YingYangMom ago

Yeah, the map is missing and the black kids were a teenage boy and a younger girl (between 6 and 8). Looked like brother & sister.

carmencita ago

Evidently imo, they may have been for sale?What a horrible thought. Otherwise, Why would they replace them? Darn.

YingYangMom ago

Oh God.

YingYangMom ago

Is this the same guy from last time, the one that said he was going to physically go check the container out?

carmencita ago

Do you remember the post on Shipping Containers? C2C I think they were located somewhere in Minnesota.

YingYangMom ago

carmencita ago

Thanks, Yes. I have a feeling these are used for shipping and as A/C cooled offices, and places trafficked kids are left or places where they do damage to victims. They are versatile and can be whatever they need. While looking at the first link it reminded me I promised to look someone up too, thanks.

YingYangMom ago

Glad to help :)

carmencita ago

He had better have a crew with him, this looks like a dangerous place. The police will not be of any help. 4chan also had a pic of one of those police badges with the boy love symbols on it. There is also a version of the symbol on the place.

carmencita ago

Everyone please get on this. All locations are within minutes of catholic charities and international adoption centers. There is a crematorium in the same location next to the police station. Storage container right next to it that is not for rent.

ArtsyLiberationz ago

wtf is this 'pizzagate' stuff real?

DeathTooMasons ago

wtf, is this poster serious?

carmencita ago

Yes. Take my word for it it is real. I have been on here for about 5 mos. and on Reddit before that. Don't walk away, but take it one step at a time. This is rough stuff more most. If you have any questions ask me anything.