micha_ ago

Where administrations have broken down, and/or are corrupt to the bones, it's easier to harvest organs and children.

rodeo13 ago

Some really interesting dots are starting to connect. Why, indeed.

rodeo13 ago

Awesome, thank you!

srayzie ago

Now that you opened this up, we'll sure find out. You just added another branch to our tree


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4bIFymzkKL4 Berkeley Patriot Day #Antifagirl #MoldyLocks gets REKT & BTFO No gender assumptions made zero fucks given. Equality?? Here you go ..


agreed, still felt it was worth mentioning always these contacts with elites.. yes the guy is a catholic and had a bit of a fallout over this.


AmeriCares Foundation Robert McCauley (founder, chair), Zbigniew Brzezinski(honorary chair), Peter L. Keating (exec vice pres) Bert Schwarz (vice pres), William S. Post(comptroller), Leila McCauley (sec). Advisory Committee: J. Peter Grace (chair; chair, W.R. Grace &Co.), Louis F. Bantle (chair UST), Prescott S. Bush, Jr. (Prescott Bush & Co. Inc, brother to Vice President George Bush), Sol M.Linowitz (Coudert Brothers), William E. Simon (Treasury Secretary under Richard Nixon), Gen. Richard G. Stilwell (USA ret.).(1)

AmeriCares is a high profile organization. Often a prominent political figure in the 1980s, frequently a member of the Bush family, was on board to deliver the shipment, and the U.S. ambassador to the recipient nation was at the airport to receive the delivery. (2) Of course Bush Sr. was a leader of the Council of Foreign Relations, working toward bringing in the NWO under the guise of a mild mannered Christian. He was also the ex-director of the CIA, and who better to trust than his family to oversee his and their agenda? The activities of AmeriCares appear to echo U.S. foreign policy, so much so that investigative reporter Russ Baker wrote that "AmeriCares resembles a private foreign-policy operation of the U.S. government."(2)

The organization received significant contributions from the Moon founded Nicaraguan Freedom Fund (NFF) during its brief existence. Hal Eberle, a board member of the NFF, was quoted in the New York Times as saying the Nicaraguan Freedom Fund contributed $300,000 to Americares. (3, 4) The Nicaraguan Freedom Fund's 990 tax return shows the contribution to AmeriCares to be $165,648.

In l985 and l986, AmeriCares shipped more than $l00,000 worth of "newsprint" to the opposition daily, La Prensa, in Managua, Nicaragua. This included delivery of 200 tons of newsprint to the newspaper in l986. (5, 6) Of course we can see the need to send a member of the Bush family, and involve the U.S. Diplomat delivering such volatile material as "newsprint". It is no wonder that this was seen as a national security matter.

The Knights of Malta handled the local arrangements in Nicaragua. (7) It's l985 tax return indicated that AmeriCares delivered $73,136 worth of food and medical supplies to La Prensa, but Jim Schaffer, a former official in the organization, says that only newsprint was sent. (6) An attempted shipment of another l5 tons of "newsprint" from AmeriCares to La Prensa in April l988 was blocked by the Sandinista government which accused AmeriCares of being a CIA front and part of the secret network of private groups used by Lt. Col. Oliver North to deliver aid to the Contras. (5) The Sandinista claim they received corroboration from the organization's own tax records which indicate that AmeriCares is financially linked to a number of other individuals and organizations that supplied the Contras or were working with the CIA in Central America. (6)

When you see the Bush Family there is more often than not a link to the Moon Family (Sth Korean Cult/Unification Church) and of course US intelligence. And what do you know - bingo they are all linked in with 'Americares'. The book, Hot Money and the Politics of Debt explains some of their goings on...as does Rense.com ... http://www.rense.com/general33/nwoo.htm http://www.rense.com/general95/mopup.html

Laskar ago

You are welcome.

GeorgeT ago

Alifantis and Hillary sure do like to hang around Haitian children.

Micheal84 ago

Interesting post, upvoted!

GeorgeT ago

Super lead! Great post. Another Jigsaw puzzle piece found.

rodeo13 ago

Really excellent post, @Battle_of_Evermore!

I did some digging last night and came across something interesting. I think this NGO called Americares may be the even bigger global picture:

From the C2C website: “C2C’s partner in Haiti, AmeriCares, was instrumental in the founding of the Haiti Adolescent Girls Network.” Notice that this statement is just above the video with Bill Clinton. (https://care2communities.org/2012/02/28/haiti-adolescent-girls-network-2/))

Who is behind Americares? “AmeriCares guidance includes Honorary Chairman Zbigniew Brzezinski, Ambassador at Large Barbara Bush, and Prescott Sheldon Bush, Jr.“ (https://web.archive.org/web/20170419055700/http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php/AmeriCares))

“The timing of the recent planeload of supplies to Iraq is hardly the first controversy over a shipment from AmeriCares. Sandinista officials accused AmeriCares of being a CIA front and part of the secret network of private groups used by Marine Corps Lt. Col. Oliver North to deliver aid to the Contras. In 1988 the embattled Sandinista government in Nicaragua rejected an airlift of newsprint donated by AmeriCares to the right-wing opposition daily newspaper, La Prensa. It had been timed to arrive just before the elections. The newspapers that supported the Sandinista government were unable to buy newsprint at that time because of a U.S.-imposed embargo on newsprint, but Vice President George Bush's staff called the Nicaraguan Embassy to try to expedite the shipment to La Prensa. Two years earlier, AmeriCares had delivered 200 tons of newsprint to La Prensa during another crisis created by the U.S.

AmeriCares has also delivered supplies to contra terrorists based in Honduras. AmeriCares' tax returns revealed donations of cash and materials to the brother of contra leader Adolfo Calero. The Nicaraguan Freedom Fund, a front organization of Rev. Sun Myung Moon's Unification Church, channeled $350,000 to AmeriCares.

The AmeriCares website shows that its shipments seem to find their way to wherever the CIA is most active. Special "humanitarian supplies" have been shipped to contra forces in Afghanistan and their rear bases in Pakistan. An airlift was organized for U.S.-supported forces in Eritrea and Tigre during the war in Ethiopia. During the civil war raging in the Balkans, aid was sent to Croatia, Bosnia, and Kosovo.

AmeriCares often acts as an arm of U.S. foreign and domestic policy by reinforcing and supplying the most reactionary organizations. It controls the distribution network to millions of people in desperate need. This strengthens the infrastructure and influence of groups with a political agenda supportive of U.S. corporate goals. Millions of dollars of supplies flooding into a region during a war crisis or famine can exert enormous political influence. As Forbes, the magazine that calls itself the "capitalist tool," enthused, "AmeriCares is a splendid example of what a free-enterprise approach can accomplish in charity."

A look at AmeriCares' advisory board shows links to both the U.S. government and right-wing organizations in the United States. Besides its links to the former CIA director, AmeriCares' board includes his brother Prescott Bush, former U.S. Treasury Secretary William Simon, former U.S. Secretary of State Zbigniew Brzezinski, General Colin Powell, and former U.S. Secretary of State Lawrence Eagleburger. If asked what word best characterized this group of people, would anyone say "humanitarians"?” (https://web.archive.org/web/20170419060521/http://truedemocracy.net/td2_2/68dyk.html))

AngB23 ago

Awesome research. Do you know how the money was channeled from Unification Church to AmeriCares? I was looking at a few donation sites and wondering if there's a way to follow or dig deeper into these money trails. I haven't researched yet who owns these donation sites, but, here's a few I found


If you use the drop down for Recipient- a TON of NGOs https://donate.charity.org/




rodeo13 ago

Wow - didn't know there was a connection between the Unification Church and AmeriCares. I'll do some digging as well and see what comes up.

srayzie ago

@Yuke isn't a shill. If I remember right, he's the one who figured out where the kill room was. He's contributed a lot. You've been here for 3 days and all you have is a comment downvote. Be careful who you judge or immediately label as a shill. You've already made yourself less credible.

The_Roman_Numeral ago

James. As for the Rothschild thing, only if we can prove it beyond any doubt. As that would be a big discovery since many are wise to how the Rothschild's operate.

srayzie ago

Yeah you opened up a can of worms! Good job 👍🏻

The_Roman_Numeral ago

That's fantastic sleuthing! great post and great job. He's a much bigger player than I originally thought.

BerksResident ago

very good post, well done - upvote from me

Yuke ago

The link to the half-shell has been established. I think we'd also be wise to consider the time frame at play here. Alefantis took joint ownership of Buck's in 2003 and says himself in that interview that he was at the half-shell in his early twenties. A lot of time has passed between when he was there and where we are now. I'm not saying there is no link whatsoever, there could well be, but we're talking about 20 years here, that's quite some time. I'd be inclined to lean much more heavily towards this being a loose link at best.


One of the businesses listed at the 711 address is Evergreens came up on a George Webb video so I did a little mapping - takes us here near the Burlington Northeastern Uni Campus. Also listed at the same address is a Google-like Street Scan business which is now gone. https://www.google.com.au/maps/place/Evergreens,+LLC/@42.479847,-71.1890669,219m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x89e375863985cebb:0x2e7f9610dc462c8!8m2!3d42.479847!4d-71.1885184


fogdryer ago

Who is the shipping company. Where is the American port

Verite1 ago

The format for Voat is compromised. I cannot read the post. Is anyone else experiencing trouble?

Dressage2 ago



For more information about C2C, please contact Allison Howard-Berry, Executive Director.

Our mailing address is: Care 2 Communities 711 Atlantic Avenue Lower Level Boston, MA 02111

Which takes us to precisely this location using cut and paste with Google Maps. Have a close look at 2nd sphere photo of a truck carrying a covered container. https://www.google.com.au/maps/place/Workbar+Boston/@42.351019,-71.058698,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x89e37a78b9e1844f:0xed1be26907c4ff1f!8m2!3d42.351019!4d-71.056504!6m1!1e1 https://www.google.com.au/maps/place/Workbar+Boston/@42.3509505,-71.0563052,3a,75y,295h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s1Cd_dXdMkwghJhVGfoiuZg!2e0!6s%2F%2Fgeo0.ggpht.com%2Fcbk%3Fpanoid%3D1Cd_dXdMkwghJhVGfoiuZg%26output%3Dthumbnail%26cb_client%3Dsearch.TACTILE.gps%26thumb%3D2%26w%3D129%26h%3D106%26yaw%3D295.6489%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x89e37a78b9e1844f:0xed1be26907c4ff1f!8m2!3d42.351019!4d-71.056504!6m1!1e1

Here's a screen shot of the covered container on the back of the truck pinned at the 711 address. http://imgur.com/a/yoaWK


Trans Axle is a big container gig located at the end of Park St at the intersection of Sycamore.


Can't get into Transaxle site. Access Denied > http://www.transaxle.com

Micheal84 ago

Found this:

TransAxle is owned by Graham Partners.

Graham Partners is a privately held investment firm, based in suburban Philadelphia, which focuses on acquiring and investing in middle-market industrial and manufacturing-related companies with revenues between $30 million and $500 million. Since its founding in 1988, Graham Partners has established a tradition of partnering with exceptional middle market manufacturing companies, with the objective of maximizing their growth potential and professionalizing their organizations.

Today, Graham Partners manages over $1.5 billion in equity capital, which has been entrusted to them by a number of the most highly regarded university endowments, charitable foundations, financial institutions and private investors in the world.

Collectively, Graham Partners and other Graham Group-sponsored investment entities manage approximately $3 billion in investment capital.

For more information, including up to date information about Graham Partners’ current and previous investments, visit the firm’s website at www.grahampartners.net

To read the complete press release announcing Graham Partners’ acquisition of TransAxle in August 2006, please click HERE.

AngB23 ago

Appears Graham Partners is a very powerful- companies in food, cold storage and aircraft parts partenering with Boeing and Raytheon http://www.grahampartners.net/portfolio/


I followed the entire length of the street to find a large container outfit called Trans Axle. Again Google Maps is deleting fast. https://www.google.com.au/maps/@44.9648011,-93.1035788,3a,75y,140.45h,66.51t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s18e5eyiO6DGSBfmFrurDpw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656


You've hit a nerve centre.


Not working!!!!


I cannot be sure exactly but the addresses are now gone. MIT linkage was listed. It's now gone. I do note that the sole staff member listed for Containers - Jessica Thompson Somol works at CRSchool as its Director of Development and Partnerships and the school has an affiliation with MIT and the UN.


Containers2Clinics - Listed as an NGO. Office HQ's Dover MA USA. Staff Listed - Jessica Thompson Somol. LinkedIn Page says she works at the Charles River School.

CRS is a costly PreKindergarten through Grade 8 independent school - likes MIT and the UN.

CRS Students Recognized at Int'l. Model UN Conference


That's odd. Just as refreshed the Google Maps page the addresses were deleted. This 'container business' WAS linked on Google Maps to medical and university set ups in Saint Paul.

IShallNotFear ago

Thank you! It's always a good reminder to me whenever I read pizzagate.


Location as shown on Google Maps! "213 4th Street East, 4th Floor #437 • St. Paul, MN 55101https://www.google.com.au/maps/place/213+4th+St+E+%23437,+St+Paul,+MN+55101,+USA/@44.9483916,-93.0892828,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x87f7d5455bb3c477:0x7e19bee63f744806!8m2!3d44.9483916!4d-93.0870941!6m1!1e1?hl=en

Dressage2 ago

Great post!! I had read that article awhile back and never caught that. This a perfect point as to why the traffickers are worried. All these minds, all of the world, pouring over the internet. Sheehan. Going back to my research notes. I know she was involved in something I found. Not saying evil just some other article.

IShallNotFear ago

I backed up the video on vid.me https://vid.me/qYzM

anonOpenPress ago

Would be worth editing into the post, to include the board into search

blablah ago

Aweseome. Thank you for that potential lead I will join u digging deeper. I have contactsto a container shipping business that may have access to more detailed data.

TrishaUK ago

Great find! very relevant.

DonKeyhote ago

Has anyone noticed addresses? This is the second time I see 213, which adds to six. 213 in Jewish gematria is apparently Nimrod ",the first Mason"


Also it abuts train tracks but not subway

carmencita ago

Yes. Young Adolescent Girls. I am sure he has his pick of the crop. He is one disgusting perverted pedo.


another coincidence?. photo on Care 2 Communities fb with Jack Connors; multimilionair with strong ties to the abortion industry. https://i.imgjar.co/jar/mPcI0qbVAUqPR5L0kCCXxQ.JPG


interesting photo on the fb page of Care 2 Communities with Jack Connors; multimilionair with strong ties to the abortion industry. https://i.imgjar.co/jar/mPcI0qbVAUqPR5L0kCCXxQ.JPG heres an article about him: https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/boston-catholics-call-on-archdiocese-to-end-relationship-with-obama-backing

ArizerSolo ago

Excellent work.

wecanhelp ago

A+, the sources check out, I'm flairing this as Potential Lead. Thank you, @Battle_of_Evermore.

Make sure to give OP some much-needed CCP, guys.

Pizzalawyer ago

There is only wild coincidence here and that is the link of Sheehan to a restaurant which was one of several employing Alefantis which I can assure you would go nowhere in a court of law. The rest of the links are rational. A liberal donates money to the DNC like thousands and thousands and also goes to Haiti like hundreds and hundreds to assist those most vulnerable, women and children, by providing desperately needed medical services in a converted shipping container. Read the article I cited and tell me if you feel any different about Sheehan. Please don't be thin skinned, I upvoted you after all. I am just cautioning you and others about large leaps of faith. Alefantis didn't become big cheese until his association with David Brock and his fortuitous acquisition of Bucks and CPP in 2009. By the way, Robert Sheehan provided the DNC with his occupation - lawyer - and his address in Central West Village NYC. I am rarely snarky in my comments, I just try to be helpful and thanks again for your focus on Alefantis.

nomorepepperoni ago

It helps to see where they got the idea to look at this org. I agree the connection to Alefantis is tangential, at best, but the orgs in question still deserve further digging, especially since shipping containers would be a good way to traffick with the right connections.

carmencita ago

Found another tidbit.https://care2communities.org/2012/02/28/haiti-adolescent-girls-network-2/ *** I was looking up a Dr. Carvair and found Haiti Adolescent Girls Network. On the front page is none other than a video with Bill Cllinton ready to extol the wonders of the Org. There are many girls and they are all adorable. So another connection is Americares and the Population Council. Take a look. I am going to check on the Dr.

srayzie ago

They want to give the girls a place to let their guard down. Wow, if they only knew. It makes me SICK how Bill Clinton looks like some great person who cares about these poor people when it's the exact opposite! These people always appear great behind these charities. Outrageous.

carmencita ago

PSYCOPATHS It is the Ted Bundy Syndrome. They are so very deceiving.

srayzie ago

I was just thinking about Ted Buddy the other day when someone mentioned how these creeps look like just regular people. Looks can be so deceiving. It's more natural to think of them looking evil

carmencita ago

I think things will happen, but it will take time. If Trump does not do it, I believe we can get those in LE that just can't stomach this stuff either. The stuff I just read about in Racine and Oklahoma is shocking and can't continue. It just can't. We have to find a way to blow this up.

AngB23 ago

Great find

carmencita ago

TY There are gold mines out there. We just have to find them and dig. This was a great post too. I have a feeling that if we had enough people on this and enough time, we could find plenty more in there. Dr. Jean Eric Calvaire is Manager of the Clinic Coq. Coq in French is Chicken. CLINIC CHICKEN???

wecanhelp ago

I would flair this comment if I could flair a comment. @Battle_of_Evermore, this is very much worth an update of the post. Great job, @carmencita.

GeorgeT ago

Like I have suspected, Alifantis has been groomed to be a trafficker, probably has been doing it since he was a late teen.


George Webb said as much about 3 months ago, CP&PP was a trafficking front and Alefantis was a failed Yale student so he was relegated to a NOC job in child trafficking for DC elites and running a blackmailing brownstone operation thru CP&PP, his stature rose to 49th most influential person because of the exponential growth rate of child porn pedophilia and Satanism in the corridors of power. The art scene is used to launder the money. The art get togethers feature after event pizza parties where the willing are initiated, the not so willing are drugged the photos or footage are staged with naked Monarch trauma based mind controlled programmed sex slave kids performing sex acts on scopalamine or roofied politicians or people in positions of power or authority. They are then "owned" by the bankster backed Rothschild Cabal and voluntold to contribute to the Clinton Foundation, or to do the bidding of these fucks as it pertains to arms sales to PedoNations in the Middle East, voting on war resolutions or pro-war NDAA bills in congress and/or in anything that enriches the web of ultra crooks known as the ruling elites.

GeorgeT ago

That pretty much sums it up

carmencita ago

TY:-) Anything for Our Children

mooteensy ago

Beyond relevant!!!!! Well done!

carmencita ago

https://www.facebook.com/Care2Communities ***** On their facebook page there is the cutest bunch of children but in there you will find one with a panda shirt on. That is on their front page. I also found a type of logo of a hand making the shape of a heart, well inside that heart was another heart, making it a double heart symbol. There is an event also from the past with Harry Bader of USAID as guest speaker. We know USAID is compromised. There are quite a few pics of little darling children pictured by themselves which I think, as we know can be used to sell the children. Also at the very beginning was a video of a crate being driven to be shipped. It said Clinic Shipment To Nimibia. Maybe this is the Shipping Container? Check this out maybe your eyes can find more?

srayzie ago

Wow. It's really odd to show that carrier. What would be the point of showing that video other than some alternative motive. It's chilling to think that people go in these things. How scary! Think of the noise, being bounced around, being hot, hungry, thirsty and have no clue what awaits you. On top of that, being ripped from their families. People that work there have to be hearing the screams. They probably hire people that could care less. How can people be so heartless.

Dressage2 ago

Traffickers love these containers as it helps get rid of the weak and sick while enroute to the US. When they open container and see the ones that die because of what you just described, they write that off as spoilage. Nothing to see here move on.

srayzie ago

Yes! That's what I was just telling someone this morning. I read an article like a month ago about one of those where a lot of people died. Then, the ones who did survive were thrown out roughly and got injured. People had broken limbs. One kid got their arm broke 🙁

It tears me up just to use a mouse trap. I couldn't even be mean to an animal. I have to turn my head if I see a dead animal on the side of the road. So, it's shocking to me that there are so many people out there willing to treat humans this way. Especially children. There is no amount of money that would make me do what these people do. Next time we think life sucks or we had a bad day, we need to remember how much worse it could be. I have changed so much since all of this has come out.

carmencita ago

I know. My stomach sank as I watched it being lowered, probably onto a ship. There is no food in there or water either I am sure.

srayzie ago

Or water. Or toilets. Can't imagine 😔

carmencita ago

A while back I wrote about how they were shipped, and someone attacked me. I believe it was a shill. I have seen many reports on here verifying it. It is beyond thinkable. This should be what they are subjected to if found guilty. If they are lucky enough to survive, we keep doing it until they don't.

srayzie ago

Oh doesn't that just sound great? Round up all these sick bastards and just leave them in one of those until they are all gone. That's a good death penalty for them.

quantokitty ago

Good catches. Saw the crate headed to Nimbia. Reminiscent of the Instagram post . It's the one of the little girl and the comment was something like, "She needs a crate."

quantokitty ago

They're rolling in now ... :) Enjoy the spoils of war ...

AngB23 ago

Is this the same Sheehans? If so...they are seem pretty rich and in other forms of distribution.


V____Z ago

This seems huge. Fantastic work, regardless.

AngB23 ago

Video-Containers to Clinic. They are actually converted shipping containers https://www.thegrommet.com/309-containers-to-clinics-creating-health-clinics-for-underserved-communities

I got to thinking, NOT saying this is what is going on with this company, but does anyone know who are Planned Parenthood "partners" worldwide? I wonder if it could be clinics like these


Dressage2 ago

There are so many of these places in Haiti and South Africa and there is even a place in DC that teaches people in these countries how to abort babies even though not medically trained so they can "plan their families." They are rabid for these stem cells and fetuses. Also, no fuss or muss in obtaining these from poor women and minor aged girls where birth certificates and govt regulation is non-existant.

redditsuckz ago

They are rabid for these stem cells and fetuses.

Thats because this whole earth is "The Farm" which you were born into...and "the Farm" might be more than 100 thousand years old...

You are the Harvest...

You are the the Food...

You are the Cattle...

You are the Goyim...

Everything the elites do is centered around acquiring the resource that is human meat...

srayzie ago

You got that right

GeorgeT ago

They think Goyim are cattle to be harvested. Talmudic teachings.

AngB23 ago

That makes me so sick and sad. In countries like these, it would be so easy for the Elites to create all kinds of organ harvesting and human tissue farms. We'd never hear about it or hear about how many women don't survive do to unsanitary conditions.

redditsuckz ago

it would be so easy for the Elites to create all kinds of organ harvesting and human tissue farms.

You just described the worldwide "abortion business"...

Planned Parenthood is an Abortion Business


Planned Parenthood, accused of systematically selling baby parts, is funded by Soros, Buffet, Zuckerberg ; Hillary protects accusers ; PP Leading Woman March on 20th ; Ben Carson: PP are targeting black communities to do Eugenics.


AngB23 ago

Truly disturbing. Thank you for those links. I never saw Clinton's "Foundations" directly connected to PP until I saw that PP Global website. And how many damn Orgs does Clintons have? CGI was closed yet I saw a couple different ones mentioned. If you go to Clinton's Foundation website, of course, I didn't see PP mentioned at all.

I went back and looked again at the PP Global and see the partners names missing now?? WTH? Found this article tho http://www.lifenews.com/2016/09/21/planned-parenthood-partners-with-hillary-clinton-to-push-sex-on-kids-to-create-market-for-abortion/

GHC-Global Health Corp- partners http://ghcorps.org/partners/placement-organizations/

Board Members-includes Barbara Bush http://ghcorps.org/why-were-here/board-members/

AngB23 ago

Ok...doesn't relate to this directly, but was searching the PP Global angle. Am I the only one that didn't know Clintons are "partners" with Planned Parenthood Global? And some have an asterisk next to it meaning " *Denotes partner for the 2017-2018 fellowship year". So http://www.clintonhealthaccess.org/ just signed for 2017-2018? I don't see on Clintons website any mention of Planned Parenthood. This is very sketchy


Planned Parenthood Global/GHC- "urban planning" #urbanplanning http://ghcorps.org/partners/placement-organizations/planned-parenthood-global/

Pizzalawyer ago

Appreciate your efforts..love when there's research on the DC scene. But I'm with "are we sure" on this one. There's a good chance that Sheehan is a genuine do-gooder. She is a physician's assistant who actually throws herself into the healing arts. There is a movement to convert surplus shipping containers into low cost housing like "tiny houses" so her idea to convert them into clinics was great http://magazine/holycross.edu.issue_45_1005_haiti^feature. We always need to remind ourselves to do a thorough Google search when we zero in on a person or organization to avoid the risk of erroneous conclusions. You got my upvote for effort and for searching out Alefantis connections. I don't regard your post as 100% inaccurate..I'm just urging to proceed with caution. When we make a post on an individual it stays on the Internet forever.

DonKeyhote ago

If your idea is that people like alfeantis affiliate with a few legit orgs for cover, just say so. Googling them will never prove much. Persoannly I think you're naive.

2b1ask1 ago

Tiny houses is Agenda 21... now called Agenda 2030.

That is nefarious as hell.

Dressage2 ago

Otherwise known as New World Order and we are all slaves pushed into urban areas. Think Hunger Games.

Are_we_sure ago

So yes he know the restaurant owner. The owner knew this woman in college years before Alefantis worked at the restaurant. She now lives in Massachusetts and runs this NGO.

That's not a link, that's a leap. Unless you're playing six degrees of Kevin Bacon, this is not a link whatsoever. Even if he knows this woman, it's still a giant leap to say he is linked to her organization.

Are you really surprised that a restaurant in DC has representatives or senators as customers? I like the quotes around "serves" by the way.

micha_ ago

LOL. Moron or evil?

Are_we_sure ago

Personally if I was going to smear a humantarian as evil, I would want a damn sight more evidence than she knew someone in college who used to work with a guy.

Because I think witchhunting people like this is is a form of evil.

micha_ ago

Yeah chickenlovers are so humanitarian. You're a POS.

AngB23 ago

Don't worry, keep digging. When the shills come out, you've hit a nerve

Are_we_sure ago

Their model is the containers go from Massachusetts to Haiti, then they sit there.

You think they are trafficking Bostonians into Haiti?

kestrel9 ago

Awesome post thanks!

AngB23 ago

Seems to be another one in newton, Mass. Allison Howard-Berry

http://us13.campaign-archive1.com/?u=6ea196c601a3be4c3e1e34751&id=83b8981ea9 https://govtribe.com/vendor/containers-2-clinics-inc-newton-ma

Board of Directors: Peter Urbanczyk, Chair, Sberbank CIB; Elizabeth Sheehan, Founder & President; Dave Adams, AFC Urgent Care; Miriam Christof, JustJump Marketing; Contance A. Eagan; Mona Eliassen, Eliassen Group; Milton Millman, Goldman Sachs; Sally Ourieff MD, Translational Consulting; Nicole Sahin, Globalization Partners; Marie Marthe Saint Cyr, Lambi Fund; Gerald Sheehan, Board Emeritus, Sheehan Family Companies

Chatman ago

Good work, it's about time we started to focus on the networks

Are_we_sure ago

So the restaurant that Alefantis managed is linked to a maternal / child organization, that operates in Haiti and deals with shipping containers.

Where's your evidence Alefantis knows this woman or has ever heard about this organization?

The guy from Johnny's Half Shell is 14 years older than Alefantis, so they didn't know each other when this guy was in college? So what are the chance Alefantis know the college crush of his old boss?

You're grasping at straws.

quantokitty ago


I was wondering how you were going to tie it together, but you did -- neatly, logically, and precisely. Why this doesn't have more upvoats I don't know. Definitely, an upvoat from me.

hels ago

The problem is the people who came from reddit are slowly trickling away. Let's pretend we have evidence that is 99% certain it is hillary clinton molesting a child. Other than showing the world I don't know what would happen. We keep getting closer but at the moment there is no end game. When we can have an end game and work towards it then people will come trickling back.

AngB23 ago

Elizabeth Sheehan Wikileaks $2000.00 contribution https://wikileaks.org/dnc-emails/emailid/1808 https://wikileaks.org/dnc-emails/emailid/21101

Married to Robert Sheehan. I think she's been researched before right?

horse-with-a-name ago

No. I used https://searchvoat.co and her name did not pop up

AngB23 ago

Ok, that search thing never works for me. She looks super familiar so wondering where I have read about her before.

horse-with-a-name ago

Maybe you tried Voat's own search button? That one doesn't work, you are right. Try the link I gave.

Laskar ago

This is great post, thanks.

horse-with-a-name ago

Care2Communities partners: https://care2communities.org/our-work/partnerships/

One of them is Direct Relief. Am still new here, so bear with me, but I remember "suspicious" logos contain some kind of butterfly and spiral? If yes, this one does.

nomorepepperoni ago

Looks like a nod to this common medical symbol with Greek roots (of course):


The "swirl" in this case is a nod to the snake. It could be a double entendre, of course, but let's see what we can find on this org besides sketchy symbols.

blablah ago

That symbol is very well spread in europe and stands for medical health shops / drug stores. That symbols taking place for a very long time in europe, look different in every country and are absolutely not related to pizzagate!

remedy4reality ago

with a spiral around it

DerivaUK ago

Looks like the butterfly and a couple of '6's to me

srayzie ago

You're right. There's the pedo logo plus 3 sixes.

DonKeyhote ago

What a gem. Hope this lead bears fruit, make sure to check those threads where the govt employee claimed to be shipping furniture or something to/from DR or Haiti, can't remember

fogdryer ago

In order to keep checking the ambassadors you would have to show me some guilt. I mean if there is no history or question able behavior
why look at them.