I was reading the Metro Weekly article https://archive.is/hu5jg#selection-1175.88-1175.348 and came across:
"But Alefantis, who turns 40 this year, has worked in restaurants since high school, including a stint in New York working at a Bobby Flay location. Prior to opening Buck’s, he had served two years as the general manager of Johnny’s Half Shell in Dupont Circle."
When I looked up Johnny's Half Shell website https://archive.is/OzwA6 there was a recent facebook link:
"DOING THE THINGS WE WANT TO..' My college crush Elizabeth Sheehan #care2communities has been saving women in Haiti one day at a time, this week she visits the Half Shell!"
The Care 2 Communities website https://archive.is/8PiGg shows the following on their page, at bottom:
"213 4th Street East, 4th Floor #437 • St. Paul, MN 55101 • 617-559-1032 Copyright 2017 Care 2 Communities, formerly Containers 2 Clinics. All Rights Reserved."
I searched Containers 2 Clinics https://archive.is/v76V4 and found:
"Containers 2 Clinics (C2C) seeks to reduce maternal and child morbidity and mortality rates in the developing world by providing access to high-quality primary healthcare for women and children. We deploy shipping containers converted into clinics to areas with inadequate facilities and collaborate with local organizations and governments to provide clinical, laboratory, pharmacy, and health education services."
So the restaurant that Alefantis managed is linked to a maternal / child organization, that operates in Haiti and deals with shipping containers.
Also see: https://archive.is/5065V https://archive.is/Bl8O4 https://archive.is/JPUIf
Edit: Comments from carmencita:
Found another tidbit. https://care2communities.org/2012/02/28/haiti-adolescent-girls-network-2/ *** I was looking up a Dr. Carvair and found Haiti Adolescent Girls Network. On the front page is none other than a video with Bill Cllinton ready to extol the wonders of the Org. There are many girls and they are all adorable. So another connection is Americares and the Population Council. Take a look. I am going to check on the Dr.
AngB23 comments:
Elizabeth Sheehan Wikileaks $2000.00 contribution https://wikileaks.org/dnc-emails/emailid/1808 https://wikileaks.org/dnc-emails/emailid/21101
Seems to be another one in newton, Mass. Allison Howard-Berry
http://us13.campaign-archive1.com/?u=6ea196c601a3be4c3e1e34751&id=83b8981ea9 https://govtribe.com/vendor/containers-2-clinics-inc-newton-ma
Board of Directors: Peter Urbanczyk, Chair, Sberbank CIB; Elizabeth Sheehan, Founder & President; Dave Adams, AFC Urgent Care; Miriam Christof, JustJump Marketing; Contance A. Eagan; Mona Eliassen, Eliassen Group; Milton Millman, Goldman Sachs; Sally Ourieff MD, Translational Consulting; Nicole Sahin, Globalization Partners; Marie Marthe Saint Cyr, Lambi Fund; Gerald Sheehan, Board Emeritus, Sheehan Family Companies
Is this the same Sheehans? If so...they are seem pretty rich and in other forms of distribution.
(This checks out because in this article https://archive.is/JPUIf she states "grew up in a small town in Massachusetts as one of eight children. My father, who owned and operated a beer distribution company," The company is in Massachusetts.)
ACHILLES_HEEL comment and truck screenshot (can anyone make out what's on the side of it?) :
For more information about C2C, please contact Allison Howard-Berry, Executive Director.
Our mailing address is: Care 2 Communities 711 Atlantic Avenue Lower Level Boston, MA 02111
Which takes us to precisely this location using cut and paste with Google Maps. Have a close look at 2nd sphere photo of a truck carrying a covered container. https://www.google.com.au/maps/place/Workbar+Boston/@42.351019,-71.058698,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x89e37a78b9e1844f:0xed1be26907c4ff1f!8m2!3d42.351019!4d-71.056504!6m1!1e1 https://www.google.com.au/maps/place/Workbar+Boston/@42.3509505,-71.0563052,3a,75y,295h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s1Cd_dXdMkwghJhVGfoiuZg!2e0!6s%2F%2Fgeo0.ggpht.com%2Fcbk%3Fpanoid%3D1Cd_dXdMkwghJhVGfoiuZg%26output%3Dthumbnail%26cb_client%3Dsearch.TACTILE.gps%26thumb%3D2%26w%3D129%26h%3D106%26yaw%3D295.6489%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x89e37a78b9e1844f:0xed1be26907c4ff1f!8m2!3d42.351019!4d-71.056504!6m1!1e1
Here's a screen shot of the covered container on the back of the truck pinned at the 711 address. http://imgur.com/a/yoaWK
AnonOpenPress found:
rodeo13 comment:
I did some digging last night and came across something interesting. I think this NGO called Americares may be the even bigger global picture:
From the C2C website: “C2C’s partner in Haiti, AmeriCares, was instrumental in the founding of the Haiti Adolescent Girls Network.” Notice that this statement is just above the video with Bill Clinton. (https://care2communities.org/2012/02/28/haiti-adolescent-girls-network-2/))))
Who is behind Americares? “AmeriCares guidance includes Honorary Chairman Zbigniew Brzezinski, Ambassador at Large Barbara Bush, and Prescott Sheldon Bush, Jr.“ (https://web.archive.org/web/20170419055700/http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php/AmeriCares)))) ...
A look at AmeriCares' advisory board shows links to both the U.S. government and right-wing organizations in the United States. Besides its links to the former CIA director, AmeriCares' board includes his brother Prescott Bush, former U.S. Treasury Secretary William Simon, former U.S. Secretary of State Zbigniew Brzezinski, General Colin Powell, and former U.S. Secretary of State Lawrence Eagleburger. If asked what word best characterized this group of people, would anyone say "humanitarians"?” (https://web.archive.org/web/20170419060521/http://truedemocracy.net/td2_2/68dyk.html))))
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DonKeyhote ago
What a gem. Hope this lead bears fruit, make sure to check those threads where the govt employee claimed to be shipping furniture or something to/from DR or Haiti, can't remember
fogdryer ago
In order to keep checking the ambassadors you would have to show me some guilt. I mean if there is no history or question able behavior
why look at them.