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ESOTERICshade ago

down voted it

Digital-Patriot ago


ESOTERICshade ago

Saudia Arabia princes being arrested have no link to pizzagate. That is a lie that was spread by Q, like pretty much everything Q says. Q insinuated that Soros was being held at Camp David and meanwhile Soros is harassing Trump at Davos. Q is a liar running a Zionist psyop.

Digital-Patriot ago

You have no link to intelligence.

ESOTERICshade ago

You have no link to intelligence.

I have a link to observable reality and common sense. It works great.

Digital-Patriot ago

The only thing you have a link to is idiocy.

ESOTERICshade ago

The only thing you have a link to is idiocy.

You can believe that Q locked up Soros at Camp David and I will stay in reality, because it didn't happen. There is no "war on the deep state" and there never was.

Digital-Patriot ago

We'll see. Here's a link for ya you stupid idiot.

ESOTERICshade ago

We'll see. Here's a link for ya you stupid idiot.

Cute. But, I try to deal in information instead of emotions. The truth is right under everybody's nose. All they have to do is examine the people Trump has surrounded himself with. This is just his Chabad Kingpin son in law for starters. From there people can take their pick of the slimey Goldman Sach's bankers, etc....the list is endless.

The fanatical Chabad cult Jared Kushner and Ivanka belong to.

Destructive Cabalist Dogma Dooms Humanity

Wayne Madsen: Jared Kushner – Chabad in the White House

Digital-Patriot ago

Cute. But I'll try to give proof instead of anti-Semitic shit. The list is endless.

Voat is full of cynics like you. One taunted Q "If you so close to Trump have him tweet these two words. (very random words - like "tomahawk" and "disproportional") 45 minutes later a tweet had both them.

Q-Anon proof

Q-Anon correctly predicted Trump's twitter going down.

On November 6th Q posted "Nothing is random everything has a meaning+++" Seven minutes later Trump tweeted "My trip to Japan and my visit with PM abe. Massive military & energy orders happening+++"

ESOTERICshade ago

But I'll try to give proof instead of anti-Semitic shit.

I see. You are so desperate to have a savior that you will defend Zionism, which is also globalism, even while you guys pretend to fight against deep state globalism. Q has you cheering for a man that wants to waterboard innocent people from the countries he is bombing for the same reasons Obama did. Zionists pulled off 911. Trump works for those guys, obviously. And, Chabad has nothing to do with a religion. Kushner's Chabad is a cult so evil that even the jews hate Chabad. The Jews wrote the following. This next link is jews talking about Chabad kidnapping and raping children.

8chan is full of cynics like you.

The truth community outside of the Q bubble. Yep that is us. Most of us are probably old timers that have been doing this for decades. I have. I have seen this fake left right game many times. I can also simply look at REAL news headlines and see that King Zionist Trump is carrying on as usual. Hopefully you will grow out of it.

Digital-Patriot ago

If the Jews control everything then why have they been without a nation-state for the last 6,000 years?

ESOTERICshade ago

This is a Jewish man named Benjamin Freedman. He tells you the truth about Zionism and what it really is, and its not Judiasm. I have just given you enough information in the last few links, that should you choose to read it, will carry you far. Good luck :)

Benjamin Freedman Speaks on Zionism

1961 speech given in Washington, D.C. at the Willard Hotel by Benjamin H. Freedman

ESOTERICshade ago

If the Jews control everything then why have they been without a nation-state for the last 6,000 years?

I spoke of a specific cult named Chabad, not 6000 years of "jewish" history.

Israeli Minister "We always use the anti-Semitism trick

I gave you specific information about Chabad written by Jews themselves. If you don't want to accept it that is your choice. At least I delivered the information.

Digital-Patriot ago

You spoke of Globalism.

ESOTERICshade ago

You spoke of Globalism.

That too. Zionism is not Judiasm. For all practical purposes the Zionists are the Globalists. In the 1940's the Balfour Declaration was signed in Great Britain. This was Rothschild's way of declaring war on the Middle East. Rothschild threw all the Jews and everybody else in the Middle East under the bus when he did that and it has been hell and war in the Middle East every since. Zionism is not a religion, nor really even a political movement, it is a criminal globalist movement and the exact same one Q pretends that Trump is fighting. Once a person gains a certain amount of facts together this is pretty easy to see.

Digital-Patriot ago

Once a person gains a certain amount of facts together its pretty easy to see that Q is real.

ESOTERICshade ago

Once a person gains a certain amount of facts together its pretty easy to see that Q is real.

Lets assume Q is part of the Republican apparatus in some form. What is he promoting really? Zionism thats what. The two party system is really one big party, and they are both having a huge party at our expense. If you look at the link from Benjamin Freedman, and you compare it to the people Trump is working with, it demonstrates that the answer to our slavery is to say "neither one" when it comes to Democrats and Republicans. The game they play with us is known as the Hegelian Dialectic which is a game of false choices that they control.

Both political parties exist on Rothschild money so the bankers win and we lose with either party. Q, whoever that is, is a person that has learned a lot about real conspiracies and is turning that knowledge into a trivia game.

Dialectic Manipulation

Digital-Patriot ago

You exist on stupidity.

Digital-Patriot ago

What are you promoting really? Stupidity that's what.